My diary (Martti Koski)

The purpose of  this diary is to make the world to know what happened to me and the other victims of  the electronic mind-control. Just in case on future we are not able to speak anymore, and people as a whole would not know the truth of these electronic concentration camps. Idea is to also tell, how we did try to defend ourselves, and how our torturers work, and  how different institutions, police and justice system just turned their deaf ear into our complaints


15th.  of November 2015.  I wrote on my previous piece of diary, that Eleanor White was dead after heart attacks. Since then Peaceping (victims of electronic torture web- site)  had a conversation this  subject. If John Allman speaks true, she is still alive.

There was a Covert Harassment Conference on 1-2 of October. On conference Dr. John Hall, Prof. Olle Johansson, Dr Nick Benigh , and several other had a lecture about electronic harassment. It is really absurd that in spite of thousand of suffering victims, police does not want arrange any kind of proper investigation for these crimes. Actually there are a group of crimes which police does not want to investigate at all - Bush family  involvement for organized crimes , and illegal drug smuggling and other crimes which CIA has participated  , just as example.

United States is a country where main newspapers do not print the most important news at all. Instead on some roadside there are  billboards that have information about these news, which newspapers do not want to print. Usually these billboards  have  an internet address where   curious individual  would  have more precise information about  these news.


This billboard leads to address where one can find information  that mind-reading machine is invented, and  the  small elite  is making cruel experiments with innocent people to further  develop this  machine  to  a tool which helps  to control all kind of thinking  which  individual possibly  has - and this way helps  to enslave the whole nation.









This billboard leads to internet  address which tells that nearly three thousand people in New York was killed, to get Americans accept a war on Iraq and Afganistan. This war,  in turn killed over half million people in these countries.

The war was a misery for  people in those countries, but it was very profitable for some American companies, and people who owned these companies. Example Halliburton received 39,5 billion dollars   taxpayer money from Iraq war.









This billboard has address , which proves that airplanes are spraying aluminum, barium and other toxic chemicals without people knowledge.  These chemicals are slowly destroying the environment we live.





24th. of September 2015. The pain on my right eye, started after wakeup and eased after half hour.

25th. of September 2015. After eleven a.m. , they started a pain on side of my right eye. Around two p.m. they caused some strong shooting pains on my right temple of  head.  Again after four p.m. they started a strong pain on side of my right eye. The pain continued about hour or so.

29th. of September 2015. On night they let me first sleep,about hour – after they kept me awake. I tried to stay in bed until three on afternoon – but they kept me awake, with pains on side which I was sleeping , and also other pains. I believe that I got about one hour of sleep.

1-3.  October 2015. The last four days have been very similar. First they let me sleep about hour – after they  awakened me ant start to torture. They did not like me sleeping on right side , so they cause pains on right side on body. The pain is very similar like sleeping on bad bed, but the difference is that they control it. When they want, there are no pains at all. After sleeping there are  no pain on side. I believe that they control the pain with blood circulation on side that is down. Couple of day I had to sleep on afternoon to get enough sleep. One night they told me, that pain will disappear after hour, and I will get sleep – and this happened.

4th. of October 2015. They caused a pain on right shoulder on night. I got some sleep sometimes in the  morning, and awakened on afternoon around four p.m.  After awakening they caused some pain on back of my head.

5th. of October 2015. While I was on evening school class, they blurred my vision, so that I had great difficulties to read. After school my vision returned normal.

6th. of October 2015.  On night they kept me awake with pains, but  I got sleep by sleeping long in the afternoon. About half past two p.m. they started shooting pains on my left temple of head.

7th. of October 2015. I got sleep only a couple of hours.

8th. of October 2015. They caused a pain on side which I was sleeping.  I feel that they do it by disturbing the  blood circulation on leg that is toward the earth.  Also my head was feeling like it was full of ants, on place they found that was without shielding.

9th. of October 2015. They caused several fast sleeps  on evening.

10th. of October 2015. They disturbed my eyesight after midnight. They also disturbed my sleep, and I had to sleep in afternoon, to get enough sleep. After wakeup, they started a pain on my right eye.

11th. of October 2015. The pain on right eye, that started yesterday afternoon, continued over night .

13th. of October 2015. Last night they caused a pain on my right eye, and side of my right eye. I got some  sleep in the morning, and I slept long in the afternoon. After eight p.m. they started again pain on side of my right eye.

14th. of October 2015.  I got sleep about four hours. They caused pain on right eye, and area around my right eye.  In the morning, they started a pain on back of my head, and afternoon started again pain on the right temple  of my head.

15th. of October 2015. Again they started a strong pain on right temple of my head around three a.m. on night. On evening when I went to practice  English conversation on evening class, they caused a strong pain on right temple of my head, which made my staying on classroom  difficult.

16th. of October 2015. In the morning, they caused a strong pain on right eye, and side of right eye.  The pain disappeared after wakeup.

17th. of October 2015. They caused a pain at right eye on night. I had to sleep long in the afternoon, to get sufficient sleep. After wakeup, the left side of my head  felt different than the right one.

18th. of October 2015. On night, they teased the left side of my head. It actually started before midnight. I slept until afternoon.

25th. of October 2015.  On night, they caused a pain on side which I was sleeping. I did not get proper sleep.

26th. of October 2015. Around half past one on night they started a strong stomach ache.  After seven p.m. They started a strong pain on side of my right eye. That continued whole night.

27th. of October 2015  The pain on side of my right eye went a bit weaker after midnight but did not stop,

28th. of October 2015.  They caused a pain on my right eye after I went to bed. I massaged the side of right eye, and got some sleep. When I awakened in afternoon, the pain started again, but it came  weaker after wakeup.  On evening after six p.m. the pain started – this time unusually on left eye .It  continued for a while.

29th. of October 2015. On night, they tortured mostly my right eye, but there were more or less permanent pains here and there on my head. They tried to control which side I sleep, with pains. I am not sure how much I got sleep, but I believe that I was asleep for a while. Before midnight the pain on  my right eye started again.

31st.  of October  2015.  On night, they caused a pain on my right eye. I got some sleep, by sleeping four p.m. on the afternoon.  On evening they put me into fast sleep, and later they start again  causing a pain on side of my right eye.

1st. of November 2015.  After wakeup they started a strong pain on my right eye, that continued long in the afternoon.

2nd. of November 2015. They caused a pain on back of my head on night, and it continued on afternoon. On afternoon , they tried to manipulate me -  sweep out my memory,  and cause a false memory from my credit-card numbers.

7th. of November 2015. They made my sleep difficult in the morning by causing pain on side which I was sleeping. That pain was, because they wanted me to  turn other side, when other side of my head is up. Because I did not turn to sleeping on other side, they stopped the pain for a moment. They started to threaten me, that I have too strong legs, and they will weaken them. This because they caused pain by disturbing the blood circulation on leg which they wanted to cause pain.  

9th . of November 2015. On night there were continuous pain on side of my right eye. It started about two a.m. and went fast strong and continued for a whole night, among other pains. I am not sure if I got sleep at all. If I was asleep, it was hour or two. I was on the bed until two p.m. in the afternoon.

10th. of November 2015. I was not sure, if I slept this night at all. They caused some pains on back of my neck, that prevented me to get sleep. So they were able to do verbal manipulation for a whole night. Because I was tired, they were able to get me into fast sleep on afternoon.

12th. of November 2015. Again pain on right eye, and on neck, this night. I got perhaps three- or four hours of sleep. 


Just now There are special newscasts on new terror attack in Paris, where about 130 people were killed. On social media, are full of  all kinds of conspiracy theories. I am not sure what to believe, mainstream press or some social media  conspiracy theories.

 There are reasons why I do not trust to mainstream media . Over 50 years ago, 1961 there was also a massacre in Paris. The difference was that death toll was about twice  of people from  this recent massacre. Thousands of Parisians witnessed this massacre in 1961.  Still  the mainstream media did not tell what happened . Instead they told  the official  story that Paris Police Prefect Maurice  Papon told them. In this story that there were  two deaths, who resisted police.  Murdered people were Algerian muslims, and  people who killed them were from Paris police force . They shot Algerians  to death, or simply drop them Seine from bridges.

This  crime - that thousands of people knew – was  kept out of public knowledge  over fifty years, so  that Maurice Papon, and other guilty for atrocities and other crimes were deceased, and  not got prosecuted from crimes they committed. In October 2012  president  Francois Hollande told the real truth this crime  for media. I feel that this was honorable  act.  Instead those who prevented these crimes became public, and other way obstructed the course of justice did not act  very honourable way. The mainstream media  is among of them. 

In my opinion quality of mainstream media, is not any better from those  days – rather opposite. The media  does rather tell us what  civil servants - like Police Prefect Maurice Papon -  asks them to tell , than truth,  what really happened, even if they know what really happened.

There are news that people are burning refugees camps in Calais.  I do not believe that it is very honorable act  either . The most probably those people whose camps people are burning, do not have anything to do with Paris  murders.



23rd.  of September 2015. My previous piece of diary  ended on 27th. of July. There is  another Finnish victim  Heikki Lääkkö , which website    on that time was closed. This website   is now   open again.

There are persistent rumors that   Elisabeth White  from Canada  is dead after heart-attacks. This is her website. I am not sure what role her perpetrators have about her death. Heart attacks are possible to arrange with these equipments. CIA has also developed a special  heart-attack gun for assassinations.  I feel that it is extremely important that police investigate - beside the reason of her death, also torture and  other crimes she had to suffer before her death. Criminals should not get without punishment even  if the  victim of crimes pass away.

                Canada has similar problems in democracy than Indonesia  and  United States, which  I have mentioned in previous writings.  All the crimes are not investigated, and people guilty of these  crimes are not prosecuted. Beside genocides of natives, which was a clever way to destroy Canada’s original population -  there are other similar crimes. One  example of these is the case of Duplessis orphans, where defenseless orphan children were abused and killed in human experiments, because they had not parents to protect them.   If this kind of crimes happen in democratic country,  these crimes would be  individually investigated and all criminals are prosecuted, and those who  survive alive , would get compensation according what has happened for them.

                Canada is not this kind of democracy. Criminals of these crimes  were not prosecuted, and those orphans which saved their lives got - after a long battle -   a lump sum $15 000 and $1000 for every year they were closed  in mental institutions. 

Also  Canadian victims of MKULTRA project, found that Canadian civil servants did nearly everything possible  to prevent these tortured and wounded people to get justice . If Canada had been democracy the police and law  enforcement had contacted every victim, and helped them to get compensation, and helped also prosecution of criminals who committed these crimes against them.

                    My mind control attacks started also in Canada. This is my story from 1982. which I delivered around seven thousand pieces in Ottawa and Edmonton, including all the members of parliament.  I believe that I was chosen for these experiments similar reason than Duplessis orphans. I went Canada alone, and English is my second language.  One of  underlying reasons  could be also, that my mother was a  union shop steward in a Finnish textile factory.

30th. of July 2015.  They have kept me awake on couple of nights before this night.  On first night I did not do anything, but woke up on noon. The second night I  decided , that I will stay on bed until I get some sleep. So I got some sleep and awakened around, six p.m.  Now my sleep pattern has moved so that I am not very sleepy, although it is around four a.m. on night.

31st. of July 2015. They tortured me for a most of the night.  I believe that I slept two or three hours.They caused a strong pain on right eye, that was still continuing strong on noon.

2nd. of August 2015. They tortured me on night. I did not get any good sleep. Afternoon there were some pains on right eye. Evening  they put me a couple of times into fast sleep.  After nine p.m. they started a pain on  my right eye.

4th. of August 2015. The night was very similar than the night before. They tortured me on night for a very long time, mostly by causing pain on my right eye, and verbal manipulation.  I got some  hours of sleep, by sleeping long in the afternoon.

5th. of August 2015.  They tortured me long during the  night  on my right eye. I believe that what they try to do is control my eye, so that they can cause a blurring vision. They have done on me something  like that, by manipulating  my ability to watch on particular distance. 

I got some sleep on morning , and slept until afternoon.  After wakeup they caused some pains on my forehead and here and there on my head. I did a couple of new hyperlinks on my internet page  about Canadian Genocide . After that they started a very aggressive manipulation as a revenge.  They caused  pains here and there mostly on head, and in particular side of the right eye.

6th. of August 2015.  They tortured my right eye on night and were very aggressive. I got sleep perhaps a hour or two. On evening they started a strong backache and nausea, that continued on midnight.

7th. of August 2015.They let me sleep, perhaps hour or so. After that they caused a pain on my right eye, for all the night. I did some massaging the painful area, but it did not help much. In the morning – because I did not had much sleep – I decided to stay in bed, until I get some sleep more. The pain on my right eye stopped, so I turned to sleep left  side.  Later they started to cause similar pain on left side, that they usually do on right side. to get me back sleep on right side.   I did not turn because I did not have a pain on my right eye. The pain went more intense, and they asked me to turn right side because they “ wanted to measure adrenaline” .  I did not turn.

Later in the afternoon, I started to think, that they would have easily get me turn on right side, simply by starting the pain on my right eye.  Perhaps “measuring adrenaline” was simply measuring my will power , how much I stand the pain.

11th. of August 2015. This night was similar, than night before. They tortured me until morning, but after that I got some sleep by sleeping until afternoon. I do not like that about eight hours of my sleeping time , I has to stay awake on bed, while they torture me with pains and verbal manipulation.

After I woke up in the afternoon, they caused some very dangerous feeling shooting pains on  forehead and side of my left eye.

17th. of August 2015. They kept me awake, for a whole night. If I was asleep for a while, I do not remember it. They caused a pain on my right hand and my right shoulder.  It was a bit sore naturally, but they made the pain enormous. Later in the morning the pain disappeared, but they  caused some way, that I simply did not feel sleepy.  I was on bed until three p.m. but I did not get sleep. Whole the time that I was on bed, they kept on very aggressive verbal manipulation.

23th. of August 2015. They made a wound on left temple of my head before I woke up.

25th. of  August 2015.  This was perhaps the worst torture for a while. I was in bed for 12 hours, but I  am not  sure if I was on sleep at all. Last days they have tortured my left shoulder, which they can cause enough pain, that I do not fall asleep. This what they did on this night. They also caused some itching on head, and kept a whole time verbal manipulation.

26th. of August 2015. They made a wound for my head after awakening. It was on left side center of my head.

28th. of August 2015.  The night was similar than usually.  They caused some pain on my right shoulder and right side. After they let me sleep a while before they awakened me and started verbal manipulation. I have found that vibrating my throat mechanically, makes their verbal manipulation less effective.  I hear their voice,  but it a kind of means less.  I do this vibrating with vibrating pillow. This helped also this time and I  fell asleep. They awakened me ant this time made my sleeping painful , by causing pain on side I was sleeping.  However I got some sleep by sleeping until noon.

29th. of August 2015. They disturbed my sleeping, by making sleeping uncomfortable,  with pains, and verbal manipulation. They caused some pains on side which I was sleeping. I had to sleep long in the afternoon, to get some sleep. In the morning they made a wound on left side of front head. The  wound was different than wounds are usually.   It was a numb area on head, that has some itching on sides.  It was also other side than usually – usually they made wounds on right side.

1st.  of September 2015. I think, that I got sleep about one hour.  They first let me fell asleep, and after awakened me, and started my manipulation.  They wanted me  to turn one side, or other depending on which side of head, they wanted to manipulate.  They did try to force me tó turn on side by causing pain on side that I was sleeping.

                I  made decision not to turn, according their wishes, and so I was on bed until afternoon, even thought I did not get sleep, because of pains.

3rd. of September 2015. They tortured my right eye, and area around my right eye on night. I got sleep around three hours. The pain ended on afternoon, but on evening, I had some  occasional ear-ache.

4th. of September 2015. They tortured me on night, but I got enough sleep by sleeping about four p.m. After awakening they made a wound on left side of head. Their night torture was something, that they spoke  pleasant things, and the same time they irritated brain pleasure centers, to get even stronger signal. This prevented me to get sleep. I believe that if person is not aware of this, he will become a kind of junkie of electrical stimulation.

 6th. of September 2015. After midninght they started to cause a continuous pain on side of my right eye. There was some time pain on right eye, and later in the morning the pain moved back on side of right eye, and continued for a whole day and evening.

7th. of September 2015. The pain on right eye, went worse on midnight. Pain has continued several days , and disturbed my sleep badly on night. They also caused a kind of burning feeling on large area center of head.  They had caused a burning feeling before , but this  was a the first time, they caused a burning feeling on that large area.

                On evening they got me into fast sleep.  After they started a pain on side of my right eye.

8th. of September 2015.  They caused a pain on right eye on night.  I got perhaps four hours of sleep.

9th. of September 2015. This night was perhaps the worst torture for a while. They caused a very strong pain  on the side of my right eye. They also caused a pain on left side of body. Similar pain that person who sleeps on hard surface would have. The difference was that I was sleeping on right side of body, and my left side  was up. They mimic this kind of pains every day and night, but this time they made a mistake and caused a pain on wrong side of body.   

                I slept around three p.m.  on afternoon to get some sleep. After waking up they started a pain on side of right eye again.

10th. of September 2015. I got sleep perhaps hour or two.  This time I did not sleep on afternoon, but woke up at ten a.m.

15th. of September 2015. Last night they let me fall asleep perhaps hour or less. After they started torture and manipulation.  Among other things they caused a burning feeling between my toes.  I was able to get some sleep in the morning, after massaging my chinbone hour or so.  Around seven p.m. they were able to put me into fast sleep

19th. of September 2015. Around four a.m. there were shooting pains on left eye. Later started a pain on right eye, that continued most of the night and daytime it went even worse, and continued very painful  until midnight. Later I started to see  moving black dots, on left eye.

20th. of September 2015. After midnight I had a strong pain on side of right eye. It disappeared sometimes on night, but they  used pains on side I sleep, to make my sleeping uncomfortable.  On evening they did some strong shooting pains on side of left eye. Also a moving black dot is in my view. I have found that it is on my left eye – if I close my left eye it disappears. There were a couple of times also a strong headache on forehead, that lasted some seconds.

There are fourteen years from  9/11 terror-attack.  Professor  Daniele Gancer,  from  Basel University of Switzerland,  has studied the accident. This is his lecture about  9/11.

From his lecture, one can find the same   problems of United States law-enforcement, that I have mentioned. Certain cases - where the politic is involved -  do not get honest investigation.  Some  cases like electronic harassment cases ,  are not investigated properly at all. There are several thousands victim of electronic harassment.There are lot of of evidences for mind control implants,. Still police will not do even simple electronic measurement of victims. Without   media control, - which  I have made a page also – this kind of dishonestly would not have been possible.



27th. of July 2015. Since my last update in 31st. of May, there are some alarming news. Heikki Lääkkö, another Finnish victims website    has disappeared. Even worse I found Facebook censorship on some mind-control websites. Their blocking system is explained in this Infowar youtube piece.

The only difference from website of Youtube is, that the website blocked which I am concerned , is not about GMO-legislation news, but electrical mind-control website.  I cannot write it address here, because if I do so I can  not share this diary on Facebook.  For those interested in this web site can get  this  web-site address from  my Peaceping status .

 I do not know what information on this website – which is a well made one –  cause this censorship. Perhaps it is scalar wave detector drawings, or some similar piece of  generally unknown information.

1st. of June 2015.  Pain on my right eye started after two a.m. They caused also pain for a large  area on right side of back of my head. This continued nearly whole night, and even afternoon the back of my head  was  sore, and pain continues strong. On night they told that “army” is planning a world wide military “exercise”  , that would kill all the victims of electrical manipulation. I doubt this information – we are few thousand and we know many of each other. It would cause some concern if FFCHS and some other organizations suddenly stop to exist , because all members are dead.. On technically I believe  is possible to  murder all of us, in certain kind of electromagnetic wave , that is transmitted around the globe.

4th. of June 2015. They started a continuous pain on right side of my head. The exact place is about five centimeters above of  my right eye. Later on the pain moved on right eye, and it continued for a whole night. It was accompanied with pain on toes, and other pains that made nearly impossible to sleep. According my active wrist band, I was two and half hours without moving my body – which could mean that I was asleep.  So I continued sleeping long in the afternoon, and got perhaps hour more sleep. On the evening they started a pains again – this time left side of my head.

5th. of  June 2015. They tortured me very long and badly on night. They caused some strong pains on my right side of head, and my right eye. I slept until afternoon, but still, I believe, that I slept only about three hours. After  wakeup, they stopped torture for a while, and tried to wipe out from my memory for what was happened to me, on night. Pain on right temple started again about 11 p.m. before midnight.

6th of June 2015.  They tortured my right eye nearly whole night. I had to sleep right side towards earth, and they made it painful. I got some sleep in the morning, and slept until 2 p.m. After wakeup pain on the right temple continued.

7th. of June 2015. They tortured my right eye, nearly a whole night.  The torture eased and became occasional pains on here and there on daytime.

8th. of June 2015. The whole night they tortured me. They started with a pain on right temple of head, before I went to bed. I put my right side towards earth to ease torture. This caused that they made my sleeping painful by causing pains on right side of my body. They tried to get me to turn my body   on other side, so that they would better torture my right eye. I stayed my right side of face, towards the ground, until morning, when I turned to other side. Right away after that, they caused a very strong pain on my right temple – so I had to turn back. After wakeup the pain slowly eased after shower. I believe that I slept about two-  or three hours

9th. of June 2015.  I am not sure , if I slept at all,  on this night.  I  was on bed long – until five p.m. – but they kept me awake. Actually I did not feel sleepy – just a kind of odd tight feeling. They used pains and verbal manipulation for all night, and always the side of head  that was upside, started to feel different and a kind of itchy  after twenty minutes or so.

16th. of June 2015. I got perhaps three or four hours of sleep. They tried to control with pain on which side I was sleeping and were very angry because I refused to co-operate with them.

17th. of June 2015. Again they disturbed my sleeping with opains.  I believe that they disturbed blood circulation on my right leg, which was the cause of pain. Pain was this time on right side, and not depended on which side I was sleeping.

19th. of June 2015. Midnight-Summer- Day eve. They let me sleep on last night only two or three hours. On Afternoon they caused a pain on back, and tried to get me into fast sleep.

20th. of June 2015.  They made a wound  on left side of my front head, around half  past nine  p.m. They also tried to get me into  fast sleep, for several times. After awakening from fast sleep, there was a shaking feeling on wakeup.

23rd. of June 2015. Daytime they practiced blocking words from my memory. They did disable me from recalling my mother address from my memory. Similarly they did disable recalling word “Chromecast” as an example.  Words that were “disabled” did stay out from memory about twenty minutes or more.

24th. of June 2015.  I did not get enough sleep on night, so they were able to put me into fast sleep while I was sitting outside. Later they started a strong continuous pain , on right side above my right eye.  The pain continued for night.

26th. of June 2015. There were some  very strong pains  on right temple of head about ten p.m. Later they eased temporarily.

27th. of June 2015.  The continuous pain on right eye, started after one a.m.  It continued for a whole night , and spread also area around my right eye. Their  story for this night was that  this is “spring gathering” and a group of perpetrators have gathered there to watching my torture.

                             -In the morning they started also tinnitus on right ear that continued over noon. Pain on the  right temple of head continued for all day and evening very strong.

28th. of June 2015. They caused pains on my right eye, and area around my right eye for most of the night. They told that reason of pain is to affect my reading. On same night they told that they have destroyed the brain areas that cause feelings – so I do not have strong feelings any more.

29th. of June 2015. Again they caused a strong pain on my right eye for a most of the night. I got sleep perhaps three hours.  

                I found that extremist people   are now subject of government witch-hunt  in United States. When I analyzed my perpetrators speech and compared it to this definition of extremist, I found that most of them  - if not all - are extremists.  Calling names and all the other signs of extreme personality fit the communication , that my perpetrators have with me.

30th. of June 2015. They started in the morning, a pain on right eye, and area around my right eye. The pain disappeared before noon.  On evening around seven p.m.  they made a wound  They irritated this wound for rest of the evening.

1st. of July 2015. In the morning , they started a very strong pain  on  the side of my right eye. The pain ended before noon, and later they started to irritate the  center of  my head.

2nd. of July  2015.  They opened a wound above my left eye, on evening , and irritated it until midnight.

9th. of July 2015.  They tortured me long on last  night.  I got all kinds of temporary pains here and there. I got some sleep in the morning and slept until   afternoon. Daytime they used verbal manipulation as usual. On evening they started itching  on my head again.

12th. of July 2015. My shielding over my head was slipped away while I as asleep.  This means that  that left side of my head  felt different than the right one several hours after wakeup, before it slowly disappeared. In the afternoon I got occasional pains on right eye, and around right eye. On evening  after eight p.m. these pains became continuous.

13th. of July 2015.   After midnight, the pain on my right eye, and side of the  right eye became strong. When I went to sleep, I went to right side, so that the right side of my head was towards the ground. They did not like it so they arranged strong pains on right side, which made my sleeping painful. I did not turn other side, because I was sure that if I turn into other side, they would continue to torture my right eye because it is upside. I felt that I did not sleep much, but it is difficult to say, how long time I was asleep.  After wakeup the torture on my right eye ended.

14th.  of July 2015. Pain on the right eye started  again, like last night – this time a bit later, after three a.m.

15th. of July 2015.  I had a shower after awakening. After shower, my left side of head felt different than  the  right one. This feeling fade away during the day.

16th. of July  2015.   On night, they disturbed my sleep badly. They caused some sharp pains on my forehead, and here and there on my head. I slept long in the afternoon, and got perhaps some three hours of sleep.

                             Before five p.m. they started torture on my right eye, and area around my right eye.

18th. of July 2015.  They started a pan on my right eye, and aroud the right eye before wakeup. The pain eased slowly in the afternoon.

19th. of july 2015.  They caused a strong pain on my right eye, during the night. I got some sleep by sleeping long in the afternoon.

20th. of July 2015. They tortured me for a whole night. I was on bed about ten hours, but I was asleep perhaps three hours or less. There was a very strong pain on my right eye. I was able to stop it by massaging the right temple  of my head, but they started it again a couple of hours later.   They used also pain on side, to control which side up I was sleeping, among some other pains.

21st. of July 2015. This was a night, which I believe that I did not sleep at all. I was not in my home, and I did not have possibility to shield my head, and I did not have my c-pap machine.  Because I did not get sleep on night, I went to sleep on afternoon, and  I was asleep about three hours. On wakeup I had a headache on my forehead, that  later fade away.

22nd. of July 2015. I got about three hours of sleep.  They  experimented a kind of removing  and changing  names from  my memory on their  exercise. First they arranged Warren Buffet name  on place of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. I wrote his name on Facebook comment, but found  the mistake before putting it out. After that they made impossible to recall Donald Trump name, and always, I tried to recall it , they blocked my memory, and “secretary ” whispered  Andy Warhol. Finally I had to take the name with Google-search with sentence "You are fired" and word "president".

23rd. of July 2015.  They got me into fast sleep for a couple of times in the evening.

26th. of July 2015.  Before night, they warned me that they will put me into  a “smoke sauna” , that is their own idiomatic  expression,  which meaning is unclear.  However I slept better for usually on night, and did not find anything special on wakeup. Daytime instead they had a very aggressive verbal manipulation.

My opinion about  United Kingdom changed a bid after I reading  this article about  British death-squads that killed over a hundred people in Northern Ireland. What happened, was actually the  similar that happened in Indonesia 1965, only the scale was different.  In Northern Ireland was assassinated over a hundred people, whereas in Indonesia the same amount was over a million people.

                Similarity  was  also that people who  commit the murders -which ruling political party has arranged.  They were never prosecuted.  This has some  similarity for United States where t CIA  drug smuggling and other crimes , were never investigated and those quilty of crimes are  not prosecuted, although both of the political parties know the crimes.

I do not call these countries - which have not the  rule of law - democracies, but rather totalitarian countries.. Criminal investigation of crime  depends who has committed the crime, and who are victims of the crimes.

I found that also the former United States President Jimmy Carter  believes that  USA is not a democratic country  any more

                             Actually United Kingdom is perhaps a bit nearer democracy than USA and Indonesia. There was a Stevens Inguiry that tried to defend law and order although it was  obstructed.

                             I wonder who are British Death Squads hunting  and now?  In my opinion they are assassinating  extremist.  Perhaps after 50 years or so we will know partly what assassination and other crimes are committed in United Kingdom.  Fifty years   is about the time it takes  that  crimes that  ruling political  party is arranged ,  would partly come public . Some crimes will never come public, and disappeart   in the black hole of  history for forever.

31st.  of May 2015.  I got feedback on my last diary piece on 13th. of April, that the evidence  of bank transfer documents that I provided,  was not enough to prove that Bush family is a part of organized crime. So I made a page of internet links about Bush family and Organized crime connections.

 As I told  my previous  piece of diary, if organized crime gets control of country,  it opens  them enormous possibilities to get money.  After end of Bush time of presidency  2009, there were  missing  nine  trillion dollars  on  Federal reserve.  Before that  2001 United States Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld found that there were 2.3 trillion missing in Pentagon. To understand how much money is trillion one could compare it 12 billion of money that was  transferred to Iraq after war – where it vanished. It was  truckloads of  money .  All this mess  would have not been possible in any country , without  control of mainstream  media.

There are some lack of confidence for United States Federal Reserve after Germany was not able to repatriate their  gold reserve. Now even State of Texas want to repatriate their gold from Federal Reserve.

Libyan leader,  General  Mohammed Gaddafi told in his last formal speech to people of Libya - before he was murdered - that United States  “is a country of thieves”.  Now Libyan refugees are crossing in thousands  meditarranean sea to Europe , because they have lost free, education and free healthcare , they had  Libya, in time of Gaddafi.  Instead  of lost free education, and free health-care they got western “freedom” , which they do not know , how to utilize it, in ruined  country. where is no rule of law.

 In my opinion all  those countries that participated  Libya bombing, have a moral obligation to take all the refugees that are escaping from   the  present misery in  Libya.

  On my previous piece of diary,  had also  a link for  youtube radio program about chemtrails, that was made by three scientist ( Eugene Franklin Mallove, Juventina Villa Mojica and Dorothy Stang) who were killed shortly after their interview  went out to air.

 After I made the link on this my torture diary, also this particular   youtube  was taken out from internet. So I made internet- page of chemtrails, Haarp, and Morgellons. Mainstream media easily mix chemtrails, with contrails  -  purposely, or just by ignorance

15th. of April 2015. After midnight started a pain on the right temple of my head.  The pain eased on daytime, but started again  after nine p.m. and continued  for night.

17th.  of April 2015. Like day before, they caused  pain on my right eye and the right temple of my head. The pain continued with some breaks for a whole day. There was only small ease of pain after wakeup.

18th. of April 2015. They caused a strong pain on my right eye, and right temple for a whole night and morning, except short ease on wakeup. I was able to sleep only about three hours, so they were able to put me into fast sleep for a couple of times of the day. After that I got some trembling for a whole my  body.

19th. of April 2015. Again, they are causing pain on my right eye. This is the fourth day in a row. This time the pain did not disappear after wakeup, as it usually do, but it startd to spread for a whole right side of my head.

21st. of April 2015. I added a block about organized crime inside of United States government on my diary. After that they did not let me sleep. I was on bed until afternoon, but I am not sure that I slept at all. On night they told me that they have a kind of sold my body  on parts for different  groups according their interest. One has bought liver, other lungs etc.  They themselves have kept my eyes.

25th. of April 2015. Around midnight they made a wound on left side of my front head – and started teasing it. Later they made my right ear sensitive for voices. This a kind of means that their voice feels like a physical pain. Usually they have made this with a female voice, but on this time they used a whistle. I had to sleep for a whole night my right ear towards ground, and listen loud music, to cover their voices that causes pain. I was on bed until two p.m. on afternoon, but I am not sure that I slept at all. After waking up my right ear was still sore. Later they told that they just “cut my tusks out”.

26th. of April 2015. They caused  a pain on right eye for a whole night, and most of the day. There was also a pain on my right upper jawbone.

27th. of April 2015. They started a pain on right temple of my head after nine p.m. It eased after hour or two.

29th. of April 2015. They tortured me most of the night. I tried to sleep until afternoon, but similarly as night before, I believe, that I did not get sufficient sleep.  Before I woke up, they made a wound this time on left temple of my head. Later they started irritate the wound. On the evening they got me a couple of times for a fast sleep. They also did some  sticks under nails torture, and caused pains here and there.

30th. of April 2015. Before midnight, they arranged pains on heart. I was afraid, that they will cause a heart attack for me.

1st. of May 2015. I remember  on night that they told me that “simultaneous interpreting” is becoming obsolete manipulation technique.  I wonder what is the new technique, they use to manipulate people.  Afternoon , they started to manipulate left side of my head – large area back of the head, that started to feel different than rest of  my head.

     3rd. of May 2015.  They disturbed my sleep badly, last night. Whichever side I slept they irritated the side of my body that was up. They told me that they “throw boiling water on my head”. I believe that this was a hidden threat to “boil” my brains. This talk about boiling water continued on afternoon.

6th. of May 2015. They disturbed my sleep for a whole night, because they knew that I have an appointment in the morning, and cannot sleep long. I am not sure, if I slept at all. but it is possible that I was asleep for hour or two.

7th. of May 2015. Again they disturbed my sleep. Always the side which was up, started to feel sore and itchy.  Because I was able to sleep on afternoon, I got a better sleep than night before. Before wakeup, they made a wound on left side of my head, which they teased during the day.

10th. of May 2015. Pain on right eye, started on afternoon, and continued for a whole day and night. They were very aggressive, and told that some new person will come, and I will not like it.

11th. of May 2015. They had earlier threaded to  boil my head, and I believe they did try something like that. Although   temperature on the room was rather cold, my head felt very hot. After hour or so, the heating of my head ended, and pain on my right temple started. Later I found that it was perhaps the worst torture for some months – they used a sharp pointing pain about center of my skull, that I felt like burning. The pain was impossible to shield. They have used a bit similar sharp pointing pain before, but this time the pain was a magnitude worst than it has never been before. The pain continued for a long time and even next day, there was a point on head which was sore. Later started also a pain  on my right eye, and around my right eye.

13th. of May 2015. The pain on right temple of my head started about quarter after two a.m. I had to massage long for my right temple , to get some sleep. I believe that I slept about three-  or four hours.  On evening after seven p.m. they started again consistent pain on my right temple of head. Of course they told me that the purpose of the pain was to decrease my intelligence, and ability for independent thinking.

14th. of May 2015. They tortured me nearly whole night with a pain on right temple of head. I got about three hours of sleep, but because I did not get sufficient sleep , I stayed in bed for three p.m on  afternoon, and this way I got some sleep more. Even after waking up, there were a rather strong pain on side of my right eye. They told that somebody has permitted them to finish their work concerning this area of my brain. 

15th. of May 2015. Similarly as day earlier the pain on my right temple started after two a.m. and continued nearly whole night.  I believe that for a while I was unconscious, but I am not sure how much I slept. The pain ended for a while in the wakeup but started soon again. The whole right side of my head, felt different than left side. The feeling was like blood flow was suppressed.

17th. of May 2015. After awakening me they made a very large wound on right temple  of my head. I tried to massage it out, but it continued feeling.

18th. of May 2015.  Last night was perhaps the worst torture for a while. They used a very strong pain on my right  temple. They caused also many other pains elsewhere on my body, to make sure that I did not sleep at all. I stayed on bed until three p.m. to get even some sleep. After awakening left side of my head feels different than the right one.

24th. of May 2015. While I was bicycling, and I had no possibility to shield or massage my head, they started to cause sharp pointing pain on the center of my head.

25th of May 2015. They disturbed my sleep. I got sleep perhaps four hours. On the afternoon, I went outside of house, and after a while, I found they manipulated me, also ringing on ears started.

29th. of May 2015. They disturbed my sleep at night. Always the  side of head, that was up felt like ants was crawling  on there. I slept until afternoon to get enough sleep. They made a wound, this time on fronthead , left side.  They  teased this wound for rest of the day.


I got a couple of years ago Raymond Taylor notebook photos, about nanobots. There are some more of them, on Peacepink area. On my comment on same area are links some Raymond Taylor handwritten documents conserning drawings.

I was not sure, if his information is . However there are now public successful experiments with nanobots on cockroaches

I also  found that Google is developing  similar inside blood vessels traveling  nanobots  to fight cancer. This  made me believe that also Raymond Taylor information is true.  




13th.  of April 2015.  My previous piece of diary was on the end of  February. Since then, some news for successful mind reading experiments, have started show in science related magazines. Some T.I. have invented , that perhaps a stud scanner can show implants in the body of the mind control victim.

 Actually it is a shame for world that  in crimes  which  government is involved - like  these illegal human experimenting cases - are not investigated by police. There are lot of of evidences for mind control implants, that were put on  people body,  while they were unconscious. All the institutions are so  depended for government money, that they do not want  to make any physical measurements for victims -  so people are using stud  scanners, and other inexpensive devices, to make checks , that actually police and universities should make with  proper instruments.

 The few studies that universities and investigators are done, are all done without  physical examination of victims, that would find implants or other clues of mind control. This study done by Somoza State University is perhaps one of the the best, that  I have found.

In my previous piece of diary, on 28th. of February,  I told about Richard Cain family, that had their illegally inserted mind control implants removed in hospital. On that  time the pictures of implants were removed for internet on  legal reason. Here  they are published again.

There are lots of writings that thousands of  tortured victims have made on internet. There are even database of collected electrical mind manipulation articles.

1st. of  March 2015.  I got sleep about three or four hours at night. After they awakened me, and did not let me sleep. Daytime there were some itching on my head, and afternoon they put me into fast sleep.

7th. of March 2015. They disturbed my sleep at night. After awakening they started a pain on my right eye. that continued until noon.

13th. of March 2015. They got me into fast sleep after ten p.m. and I returned conscious after eleven. I am happy, that I had a shield on my head. There was a pain on head , but it diminished after I put my shield other way, and started to massage my head.

16th. of March 2015.  They disturbed my sleep by making my sleeping painful.  Always the pain started on the side I was sleeping. I slept long , until two p.m. in the afternoon.

18th. of March 2015. Pain on my right eye, and side of my right eye, started after midnight. They continued for a whole night and next morning. I was asleep about three hours.

19th. of March 2015. I did not sleep at all on night. on evening, I was so tired , that they were able to put me several times in fast sleep.

20th. of March 2015. I got sleep, perhaps five hours. In the morning, they started a pain on right eye, and around of my right eye. It eased for a while , but in the afternoon started a pain on right temple of my head.

21st. of March 2015. Before I went to sleep, they were able to put me into fast sleep, and after I went conscious there was this usual shaky feeling on body. On night before three a.m. , they started a heavy pain on right temple of head. Later it became a pain on right eye. The pain continued  for a whole night, but eased after wakeup

22nd. of March 2015. Pain on right eye and side of my right eye, started after four a.m. Later they told me that I will travel “moon” on this night. This is example of their typical “code speech” , that encourage the listener imagine a new meaning for words. So “travel” does not mean travel and “moon” does not mean moon but they have some code meaning, and they want victims guess what the real meaning  of sentence is.  Apparently they want to  study brain this way.  I was unconscious for a long time, and awakened after three p.m.  After awakening they started a strong headache on the whole right side of my head, that continued for the next night.

23rd. of March 2015. They started a very strong pain about five centimeter wide point, on right side of my head. Pain continued even after I massaged it. They told that they had to dry a part of meningitis to get a better access on my brain.  The pain continued for a whole night, but I was able to sleep about three hours, by sleeping into afternoon. On afternoon started a pain on right temple, but it is not same  pain I had on night.

24th. of March 2015.  They tortured my right eye for several hours, last night. I got a proper sleep by sleeping on the afternoon. On afternoon started a pain on right temple of my head.

25th. of March 2015.  They tortured me on side of my right eye starting three a.m. I got about three hours of sleep.  The pain on right temple eased  a while on wakeup, but appeared again a bit later as a different type of pain.

28th. of March  2015.  Pain on right eye, started on afternoon before three p.m. and later widened on right side of my head. Later after five p.m.  started a pain on right side of my neck.

29th. of March 2015. They caused a shrinking feeling on my neck after six on the afternoon.

30th. of March 2015. They let me sleep about two hours on last night.

31st. of March 2015. They started verbal torture in the morning, and left side of head felt sore when waking up. On afternoon started a pain on right eye, that continued for some hours.

1st of April 2015. About two a.m. Started a pain on above the right eye. Later  the pain moved on right eye, and continued for a whole night and morning. I got sleep about two or three hours. I went to language-class, where I had no possibility to shielding my head, they took advantage for it, and started a very strong pain on right eye, that continued about hour.

4th. of April 2015. On night they tried to control with pain on  which side I was sleeping. In the morning theyu caused a new type of shooting pain, on right temple of my head. Later the pain changed for a strong itching on whole right side of head.

5th. of April 2015. Pain on side of my right eye started after midnight, and continued in the morning.

6-7th. of April 2015.  A kind of shrinking feeling and pain on back of my head  started afternoon on sixth of April and continued strong for the  next day afternoon.

11th. of April 2015. A kind of “pull” on left side front of head starting half past nine.  Later  the “hot spot” started to feel like  a wound.

12th. of April 2015. In the morning they told, that they will  stop torturing and manipulating me, because they do not get results they want. Later they told that “nobody has escaped us alive”.  This is a their typical morning awakening, which purpose is to create strong feelings on me, to get me awake. Later on afternoon started a pain on right eye, that continued for a late night.

Princeton University has found on their study,  what most of the people who follow world  knew - United States is not democratic country any more.   Although  United States has a  front of democracy, some rich and powerful men are running the country, and walking over the rule of law.

Former Canadian  Deputy Prime  Minister, Paul Hellyer, has opinion that organized crime  is controlling America.  Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff has opinion, that America and a large part of  world is controlled by organized crime cabal.  I also believe that organized crime is controlling both of the leading political parties in United States.

 People  understand that mafia can take control of trade union, but have difficulties to think, that organized crime can take  control of political party -   even that nominating leaders on both organizations are very similar. Possibility of gains are enormous, if party that govern United States   go into hands of criminals.

When organized  crime gets  control of the ruling party, the first thing is to  get their own men in the control  of  top of the law  enforcement. After that selected crimes are not investigated and some  criminals are not prosecuted. Some members of Congress believe, that they have right to make decision which crimes are prosecuted.

 Also election results are possible  to fix when the law enforcement is in hands of organized crime.  Individuals who start to  investigate “wrong”  crimes run into trouble.  People  that have started to investigate 9/11 case, have started to die one after another. Also several scientists that have come public with chemtrails agenda are murdered.

After organized crime  has taken control of  law enforcement of country, and get some judges loyal to them, they can control which of the crimes,  are investigated, and who are prosecuted. This makes easy to get enormous amount of money, with all kinds of crimes. CIA participation for drug trade free them from  government  money. and free them also   from government  control of that money.

Mass-media is kept  silent, so that people do not find anything alarming. Some members of Senate have also started to seek  ways to control social media. FBI was arranged some  bomb-making guides into Internet via third party. These FBI-originated explosive recipes  gave Senator Dianne Feinstein a good reason to demand on-line censorship on Internet.

The electronic mind control gives organized crime some tools, that  people do not know -do not understand, and do  not believe. That would perhaps even open  them a possibility to dominate the whole world in some  future.



28th.  of  February 2015. My previous piece of diary ended on 11th. of  January. Since then Heikki Lääkkö from Finland has re-opened his English language mindcontrol  website  . Also there is a new  finnish  language mind-control blog  There were very interesting photos from chips femoved Richard Cains body, but because of legal proceeding , the pictures were taken out from internet. I wish that Richard Cain does not make a kind of  out of court settlement that prohibits him to release the pictures of implants for  public.

One of the victims, John Finch has made a lot of petitions, to stop this electromagnetic mind control. These are some answers he  has got.  

Our problem  is that we do not get any proper investigation about these crimes.   In this video   Robert Duncan, a former CIA insider, who has participated for building these weapons, talks with one of the victims of electrical mind manipulation, Tyrone Dew. There were mind reading experiments in Utah prisons as early as 1988.

 There is absolutely enough evidence, to start investigation. The decision of not investigate these crimes,  is a political one, and as long as political leaders want so,  no evidence  would be  enough to start  any investigation, noteven simply electrical measuring people, who claims they are victims..

We are not the  only group that does not get justice in America.   Rethink911 organisation is also suffering the fact, that when there are crimes, which  both political parties agree, not to properly investigate (and prosecute those of quilty these crimes) –   these  crimes are not investigated, whatever evidences people are able  show for law enforcement to start criminal investigation. Instead  example those whistleblowers’ and reporters who started  investigate 9/11 building demolition, have  started to  to die, one way or other. There are nearly twenty suspicious deaths of 9/11 investigators that far.

 Senate Watergate hearings were done with much weaker  evidences than there is for electrical mind control, or WTC demolition scandal.  The difference  between these incidents is, that the Watergate Burglary  was made to powerful Democratic Party headquarter. I am sure if there had been Democratic party headquarter in WTC towers in time of demolition, we would have  a proper investigation and prosecution of people for guilty of crimes..

12th. of January 2015. They tortured my right eye, for a whole night.  They told me that I will not lose my sharpness of sight, that much than I will lose my ability to find details on low light, because “filming”  destroys cells for that purpose. Perhaps later I will lose a whole of my eyesight. from right eye.

13th. of January 2015. They kept me awake for a whole night, and long in the morning , by causing pain on my right eye. This does not fit their explanation of “fundus cleaning” , but there must be a other purpose for this.  I was on bed until two  p.m.  and got perhaps two or three hours of sleep, difficult to say. Couple of hours after wakeup they started a pain on forehead, that continued for night.   

15th. of January 2015. I was not sure, that I slept at all on night. They used all the possible tricks to keep me awake. They used even  sticks under nails torture, that they have not used for weeks. However – because in the morning, I was not very tired – I must have slept hour or two. On other hand, I know that they can make person to feel not tired, even if he had  not slept for days.  On night, I remember  a sharp point of pain, on back of my head. They did it for several times.

Daytime I had an appointment for eye-doctor, who told me that I have a macular degeneration, in both eyes. and I have to go to hospital, where they will find if they are dry or wet macular degeneration. Now I got idea what means “cleaning fundus” that they have told me. Perhaps they have tried to do it electrically, because they are able to cause burns too.

On evening about half past eight, they put me into fast sleep. After ten p.m. they started a pain on center of my head, that I was able to end  by massage.

23th. of January 2015.  Pain on the right eye started about ten p.m.

24th. of January 2015. Perhaps the worst torture on this year. The pain on right eye became very strong on night, and continued for a whole night. There was not much relieve on it. I got sleep sometimes in the morning, and I slept until two. p.m.  The pain on right eye continued also after wakeup, but weaker.

26th. of January 2015. They disturbed my sleep on night. They caused a pain on right eye, and area around of my right eye.  I slept on afternoon about two p.m. to get enough  sleep.  After wakeup. the pain on side of  right eye continued, but later it changed occasional itching on head, that continued for night.

27th. of January 2015. After two a.m. they started a very strong pain on right side front of my head. It continued several hours , before it was eased by massage. After I went to bed.

In the morning , they started a pain on my right eye, and side of my right eye. It eased around noon. On quarter to eight p.m. they started a heavy headache on front of my head. It continued midnight.

28th. of January 2015. I got sleep three or four hours. Early in the morning they started a heavy pain on right eye. Around three p.m. in the afternoon, there were strong pains on my right eye.

29th. of  January 2015.  They kept me awake several hours on night. Sometimes in the morning, they started a  strong pain on my right eye, that lasted several hours. I got perhaps three hours of sleep in the morning.  On daytime, they put me several times on fast sleep, and caused itching on my head most of the day.

30th. of January 2015. In  the morning there were again a pain on my right eye, that ended after wakeup.

31st. of January 2015. Before midnight started a pain and itching on left side, near  the center of my head. There were some  tries for fast sleep on daytime. On evening after nine p.m. they started again itching, mostly on back of my head.

3rd. of February 2015. They manipulated my heart-beat on night. I had sleep under four hours.

4th. of February 2015. They let me sleep only three hours, because they knew that I have to go out downtown in the morning, and I was  not able to sleep until afternoon. Daytime and on evening . they made advantage that I was tired, and put me into fast sleep , for several times.

5th. of February 2015. Sudden strong pain on my right temple started about quarter to two a.m.

6th. of February 2015. They made a  wound  on left side of my forehead, and they teased it for all the evening. until night.

8th. of February 2015. On night, they caused a burning feeling on my right heel. They also gave a threat that “black budding will be prepared soon”.  On afternoon they started a heavy pain on side of my right eye. It continued strong on night, even that I massaged area around it. Before midnight the pain moved on right eye,  and continued very strong. Another “fundus cleaning” perhaps.

9th. of February 2015. Perhaps the worst torture on this year. The continuous pain on my  right eye, that started previous evening, had spread also area around the right eye. The pain was that strong, that it was nearly impossible to stand. Around five a.m. they started heart manipulation, and pain on my heart. I believe they tried to murder me. However massaging the area around the right eye started to ease the pain a bit. I went up and wrote a note on the table “ murder attempt five a.m.”. After that the pain continued, but it was more like their normal nighttime torture. They told that the  reason for their torture was something I had put on my  facebook . I believe that the real reason for the eye torture was that they knew, that I was going  into funduscopy  examination in hospital for a next day, and they perhaps tried to cover all the things they had done to my eye. This explanation however, does not explain their heart manipulation, and heart pains.

11th. of February 2015. They kept me awake for most of the night. I do not remember, that I slept at all, but if I slept it was a hour or two.

12th. of February  2015. I slept for very long. I awakened at two p.m.  on the afternoon.

18th. of February 2015. They did twice a very strong shooting pain on my head in the morning.

20th. of February 2015. They caused occasional shooting pains, mostly on back of my head. They did several   fast sleeps,  on daytime. Before midnight, they started a continuous pain on right side back of my head.  It accompanied occasional pain on right eye too.

22nd. of February 2015. Again they caused strong pains on my right eye for  a whole night. I slept perhaps four hours.Later the eye chervil for a long time.

23rd. of February 2015. They let me sleep about  three hours, and after they started  verbal manipulation, and did not let me sleep any more.

24th. of February  2015. I got sleep perhaps three hours on night. This is the way they want to do sleep deprivation, they keep person several days in a row without sleep, or with minimal sleep.Sometimes  they do not let person to get any deep sleep at all.

They caused a pain on right eye, and the same time they teased a spot on back of my head, which made me impossible to sleep. Later they told me that they have to “furnish” my head once more, even it is difficult. In the morning I had a pain on right side of my head, on my right ear, and around my right ear. In the evening they threaded  “You had too long nails, and we had to cut them off”.

25th. of February 2015. After midnight they attacked again on my right eye. I got sleep perhaps three hours.

26th. of February 2015. They started a pain on right eye, in the night. In the morning, the pain felt for a whole right side of forehead. I am not sure, how many hours I slept.

27th. of February 2015. Before three a.m. they started a strong pain  above the right eye. While massaged my neck around four a.m.  I suddenly felt a gas pouring into room, and making breathing difficult. It was feeling a bit like  fumes  of acids from  stomach. Actually I remember that this  same happened in Edmonton  around 1980, and I told it in my booklet My life depends on you.

 In Edmonton I believed it was actual attack, because it happened in high-rise with ,mechanical ventilation. Here in Finland I know it was not possible.   They may  have got fumes into my house  some way , but because the whole effect  was over after five minutes, there is no way remove fumes from air that fast, in a house without mechanical ventilation.

 I believe in both cases -in Edmonton 1980, and now - it was a some kind of medical trick. Still I believe, that something real happened for  my oxygen intake, and if they have not stopped it , I would have lost my life. I slept in the afternoon, to get enough sleep.

Stories of Guantanamo prisoners show that microwaves are used as a tool of torture and interrogation, in Guantanamo prison camp. The practice,that only those crimes are investigated which political , party that has  the power wants to be investigated is not the way republic should work.  Unfortunately this seems to be the way  that  GOP chairman Richard Burr wants United States  law enforcement work.  By not prosecuting people who commit torture United States also violates also International agreement that prohibits torture – which another republican Ronald Reagan signed 2009.  That means that if United States signs some agreement, we still can not trust, that United States comply with agreement it has signed.

11th.   of January 2015. Since my last update on November, the most important event was that Senate intelligence Committee CIA-torture report that came public.  I was following  Senate Intelligence committee work , since the first leaks from report, because I wished that there is some information about electronic torture. This is the discussion I started on Peacepink-network. It is interesting compare, what different media comments on  reports the report.. This youtube piece is about  FOX  comments , and this from Russian television  RT.

There are some signs that torture has not ended on US-army , and intelligence organizations. English is my second language , so I am not sure what means this article  expression “letting the dog rape the prisoner” . Perhaps it means that the torturers let the dogs bite victim’s genitals..

24th. of November 2014. I haded a pain on the right eye, that started a day earlier. It continues  stronger than ever.

26th. of November 2014. This was a very similar night than a night before. Their torture caused a pain mostly on right eye, and area around my right eye. I massaged the area around eye, to get some relieve for pain. I was asleep around three or four hours.

27th. of November 2014. On afternoon after three p.m. , they caused a strong dangerous feeling pain on right temple of my head. on side of right eye. I felt it had nothing to do with eyesight, but has some other purpose. The pain continued over hour.

28th. of November 2014.  On night there was a pain on right eye. Also on afternoon there was similar strong pain on side of the right eye, than day before. The pain on night was possible to ease by massaging the sore area,  but daytime it was more difficult.

29th. of November 2014.  Again they tortured my right eye, and area around my right eye on night eye. Later they showed some drawings. Perhaps they studied how to send picture into brain.

30th. of November 2014. After midnight they started torture on area around my right eye, that continued  long for the morning.

1st. of December 2014. They disturbed my sleep badly on night.  They caused a pain on side , that I was sleeping, and did all kinds of things to prevent me to catch sleep. Finally in the morning, I got some sleep, and I slept long in the afternoon. On evening, they put me several times into fast sleep, and caused shaking on hands and body, after I awakened from

5th. of  December 2014.  They did their usual torture on night. This means, that they kept me awake for three or four hours, and later let me sleep about same amount in the morning. So I slept in the afternoon, to get some sleep. In addition of their usual night torture  and manipulation, they also caused some pain on my heart, and manipulated my heartbeat. On evening they told me several coded  threats, which means that they threaded for “sauna”,” haircut”, “shaving beard” etc. that all waits me on  the weekend.

7th. of December 2014. It was very normal torture, and manipulation on night, but in the morning they caused a sharp, a kind of cold pain  on left side of my front head. It feld like somebody had turned an icepick on my head. The wound  was sore for  a whole day, and they were occasionally teasing it. On afternoon after two p.m. they caused a fast sleep.

8th. of December 2014.  I had an appointment with optician, to get new classes.  He did not give me new classes, but instead arranged an appointment with eye-specialist, because my left eye is nearly blind.  I believe that they have purposely made my left eye blind, because it is easier for them to study my reading, if I have only one eye that can recognize the text.

10th. of December 2014. I got about two hours of sleep last night.  On evening they did several tries to put me into fast sleep.

11th. of December 2014. On night I had some ideas , what to write on Senate Intelligence report . In the morning they started a pain on right eye that continued on afternoon. The ideas what to write about Senate Intelligence CIA torture report, were wiped out from my memory in the morning. The pain on the right eye had continued for a whole day and evening.

12th. of December 2014.  Pain on my right eye, continued for a whole night, but eased after wakeup.

14th. of December 2014.  On night, they started several times a pain on right eye, or right temple of my head.  It usually eased after about half of hour massage or so. Daytime they did occasional shooting pains on right side of my head. They also did several times fast sleeps, and tried to make forced speech nearly all the times.

15th. of December 2014.  Again they tried to start pain on right eye, and theright temple of head. Again I got pain eased by massaging the sore point.  They did not let me sleep before morning, so I slept until afternoon until two p.m.   Daytime I had to suffer the usual pains and verbal manipulation.  On their speech they usually start with giving some hope for ending their torture and manipulation. Then in some point they turn it that they will torture me until my death. This is the way, they try to get maximum  amount of affection on my mind.

16th. of December 2014. On night was a worst torture for a while. They started with verbal manipulation,  but after I stopped to respond their speech, they started a strong pain on my right eye. I started to massage area around my eye, but the pain continued, and they started a new pain on neck, right side. Finally after many hours, I got some sleep and slept until noon.

17th. of December 2014. Even worst torture than night before. I slept about hour or less. In the  morning, they started a pain on right side of my head. After wakeup they told their own indirect speech idiomatic code language that they did some permanent damage for me. On evening , they again put me into fast sleep.

20th. of  December 2014. On night, they caused a pain on heart, while sleeping on right side. I turned to lay on my back, and the pain stopped. Later I turned back to sleep on right side, but the pain did not start again.  Otherwise similar night than usually – they tortured me several hours, before I was able to get sleep.

Daytime they put me into fast sleep at least three times. I was happy, that I was shielded , so that usual shaking of body, and other after effects did not occur after awakening.

24th. of December 2014. Christmas eve. On night they again caused a pain on heart. Daytime they  did verbal manipulation, and caused some itching on my head.

25th of December 2014. They caused a pain on the side of my right eye. It started about seven p.m.

26th. of December  2014. Perhaps the worst torture on month or so. They caused strong pain on my right eye all the night. They called it fundus “cleaning” that has to do once a while, because their  fundus filming is not possible if the fundus is “dirty”.   I believe that “dirt” is something else than dirt, and also what they call cleaning is something else than taking “dirt” out of  fundus. I tried to get new classes from optician couple of  weeks ago, but she found that my eye are kind of bad condition, that I had to go to eye-doctor appointment , to get new classes.

28th. of December 2014.  They caused a continuous pain  on right side  of my head, on night. It was not eyes, but above the right eye.

29th. of December 2014. In the morning they started a pain on side of right eye, that ended after wakeup, when I  massaged it.

30th. of  December 2014. Very similar torture on  night,  than usually. They awakened me on night , and kept awake long time. Only difference for previous night was, that usually they cause pain on the right side of head, but this time they caused pain on left side of head. However they made my sleeping right side more painful, and forced me to wake up in the morning with pain on right side.

31st- of December 2014. They caused a mild heart attack on new years eve, about ten minutes before new year. I did not had to go to hospital..

1st. of January 2015. They caused Strong occasional shooting pains on right temple of my head, started  about hour before midnight.

2nd. fo January 2015. Occasional pain on right temple of my head continued whole night and morning. On night they made sleeping painful by causing pains on side I slept.

5th. of January 2015. They let me sleep first perhaps hour or two, and later succeeded to keep me awake rest of the  night and morning.  I wake up in the morning, even that I was too  tired, to keep my circadian rhythm synchronized with time. On evening around six p.m- they put me several times on fast sleep.

7th.  of January 2015. A continuing pain on side of  myright eye which  started about seven p.m. when I was on town , and not able to defend myself.

8th. of January 2015. The pain on right side of eye, continued strong nearly whole night. I got sleep perhaps three hours.  On evening the pain started again after seven p.m. , but I was able to ease the pain by massaging area around my right eye.

10th. of January 2014. Again they started to cause a pain on my right eye after midnight. I massaged area around the eye, but the pain eased only a bit.  The pain continued for morning.. I got some sleep by sleeping on afternoon two p.m.

11th. of January 2014. The  pain on right eye started after midnight , and continued for a whole night and also next day and evening. Their explanation for pain was  again that their has to clean fundus from dirt once a week. I do not know what is the “dirt” and how they are able to remove it electrically from my eye.

Equality before law is  an article  in Universal Declaration of Human rights, and  it is included on nearly every constitution . The implementation of this law is much less frequent. In North America, I have found three classes of people that in real life,  all have different equality before law  - even thought  formally, their rights are equal.

First  class  of people which   do not have full protection of law. In this group belong homeless, orphans, racial minorities, prisoners, people who have illness, foreign people and immigrants. This case of orphans that were used human guinea pigs for aids-drugs experiments show why they do not have protection of law. These children do not have parents ,which protects them from organizations that want to profit for their lives. This means  that  governmental and commercial organizations would use them ,whatever way they want, to make profit for their expense . Dupless orphans is  a similar case in Canada. In both cases, people  guilty  of these  crimes, were not prosecuted.

 Examples of illegal profit making for poor and blacks are St. Louis  experimental spraying bacteria to cause illness, and CIA sale of crack cocaine to black people, to make money for  contra rebels in Nicaraqua. As a rule of thumbs, if there is a (criminal) way to profit  for causing damages for  people who have difficulties to defend themselves, it is very likely, that sooner or later this happen in USA and Canada.  The organizations that commit the crimes  are often connected to army, or intelligence agencies, which   can arrange that these crimes are not prosecuted.

The second class is people who have basic protection of law.  This is a group of white middleclass. They live is usually safe, exemption when their rights and big corporations or government  profits are in conflict.

Then is a group that are not prosecuted even if they commit crimes. This is a group of police, army, different intelligence services, top political leaders and very rich people.  Besides legal system, these groups have also a control of the main media, as my page about censorship shows. On this same page, the TWA flight 800 airplane accident, and Robert Bales mass-murder case, are  also  examples how army – as other this group people and organizations - can manipulate  the  legal system.

My friend has an opinion that United States is a fascist country, that has some clothes of democracy. My opinion is  that United States represent a new kind of corrupted totalitarian  country. It is now much based on effective electrical monitoring of people communications and connections.

In future, the control and manipulation of people  will come even more effective, and  possibilities to produce people with limited abilities will  expand. If people do not find where their country is heading, United States will became of a kind of hybrid of Aldous Huxley “Brave new world”, and George Orwell “1984”.

23rd.  of November 2014. On previous piece on 29th. of September, I was on danger to loose  my web domain. Now,  I have got back my domain

 When my perpetrators tortured me  in Alberta, Canada,  around 1980, and I realized that I  did not get any help from police, and that Edmonton  newspapers did not publish my story. So decided to try to get public aware what is happening  by delivering chain-letters of my problem  to houses in Edmonton, and by asking them give it to their neighbors after they have read it. So started my first  chain letter  READ THIS .  My hope was that when enough people come concerned,  police has to start investigation of these crimes.  This did not happen. Many  Edmonton people did not believe my story,  and most of the people put my  paper into garbage  and did not even bother to read it.

 I realized that because English is my second language, and I had language errors in my writing,  people  did not believe my story. Of course this has not much logic, but this is the way Edmonton people minds work.   So I went to Ottawa and hired a professional writer to do my leaflet.  So he did My life depends on  You.   I delivered it by mail  in 7000 pieces in Ottawa and Edmonton. I also delivered it for all members of the  house of Commons in 1981. I got a bit more done with this publication. M.P Bill Domm made a written question for   Solicitor General  Robert Kaplan. Unfortunately Robert Kaplan never answered this question.

If people in Edmonton had  passed this READ THIS  letter on next house , until police had done the proper and honest investigation of my case -  these crimes had gone to daylight and  hundreds or even thousands of  lifes had saved, and even more people lifes had not destroyed by torture,  and  electrical manipulation.  Similarly  if  Solicitor General Robert Kaplan had answered Bill Domm letter, and both had honestly done their  duties,  and fulfilled  their responsibilities  as a civil servants - similarly   hundreds or even thousands of  lifes had saved, and even more people life had not destroyed for torture,  and manipulation.

This all happened 1980 over thirty years ago. We have now thousands, perhaps over ten thousand victims of electronic manipulation. There are tenths of organizations against electrical mind manipulation   like FFCHS, Peacepink, ICAACT, Eucach, etc.

So I try to do it now  again. I have now compiled a new parcel of Information, and send it to twitter ,  wishing  that it would spread as a chain letter, similarly as I wished  thirty years ago with READ THIS chain-letter.This time  It is actually a permalink of my  Facebook , and has 33 collections of youtube film, and some articles that explains this new form of electronic  torture.  I believe that if one really study  the information , he would believe us.

  Even that, I had not good results on my try to spread  message on Edmonton 1980, I hope you too spread this permalink among your friends , or even better  try to improve it contents, so that larger amount of people would  believe us. If we would get this contents so interesting, that it spreads in the  social  media, we are a step nearer to reveal these crimes against humanity, that are continued over thirty years. If we do not get these crimes stopped  there is a  very dark future for humanity.

Many would ask,  If this electrical torture and manipulation is true, why does not  mainstream media reveal these  crimes. To explain this, I have , made a collection of articles, that show the news blackout on mainstream media, which causes that we do not get objective article for electronic harassment on mainstream  media.

Actually, there are a lots of  important and interesting news, that are censored in mainstream media .  We should get  people to  understand that we do not get all  the important news from media, and it  is mainly a  tool to manipulate our attitude.

There is another reason that cause that victims of mind control do not get justice .The reason is that it is simply next to impossible to get honest investigation for crimes that are organized  by army,police or some intelligence agencies like  CIA. Classical example of this is in Indonesia, where  a group of government supporting paramilitary organization  butchered over million communist and trade-union activist. They openly told genocides which  they have done, in this Aljazeera news- article, and they are still walking free.

This  story from  United States, shows the same problem for  implementation of law, that made Indonesian  genocide possible. CIA did not get from government  the  money  they wanted for  cover war against Nicaragua. So they  smuggled cocaine from South-America to United States , and distributed it to   mostly poor black  communities  of the  country.  Actually people in these poor communities had to pay  the guerrilla war of Nicaragua. 

 If United states had been democratic country, with working legal institutions, these who organized the crimes  had been prosecuted, and these communities, where CIA delivered  cocaine, would have  got a  some kind of compensation .  United States and Indonesia are not his kind of countries, which   have   properly working legal institutions - so nothing actually happened, and criminals  who pushed the crack-cocaine for  black communities , are still free. If all the cost, that crack-cocaine causes in these communities ,are counted , it would have been much cheaper for the country if Congress had given the money for CIA. Now black communities and USA as a whole has to pay high penalty  of  CIA- caused  cocaine  addiction. Actually, the CIA is a much larger story. I have made a page of it  

There is a  well made documentary Shadows of liberty, that explains history of news suppression on mainstream press, as well as some details of CIA cocaine trade. It is possible to watch this film free of charge for people outside North America.

1st.  of October 2014. A strong pain on my right eye started after awakening, and continued afternoon.

4th. of October 2014. They disturbed my sleep for  several hours. Later in the morning they let me sleep, and I slept long in the afternoon, about three p.m.  About  everything that I had planned for this day had to cancel.  On night they had “burned” the sole of my right foot. and it is still sore. later they did some itching on the head and some aggressive verbal manipulation.

9th. of October 2014. The night was very bad. They did not let me to sleep. They caused pains on back of head, and other pains that kept me awake for a whole night. I slept on day until three p.m. on afternoon, but got perhaps only three hours of sleep. although it is difficult to say. On evening around nine p.m. they put me into fast sleep , which was easy because I did not have enough sleep and I was tired already.

10th. of October 2014. Again, they disturbed my sleep badly. I believe that I slept about three hours. On evening they caused  a pain on side of my right eye.

12th. of October 2014. Again on afternoon they started a pain on side of my right eye.

13th. of October 2014. The pain on the side of right eye continued for  a whole night and next day. On evening they disturbed my sleep, and tried to control the side I was sleeping, by causing pain on other side, if I moved on this side. I believe that they make other side of body sore, simply by making the blood circulation weaker on side that they do  not want me to sleep.

14th. of October 2014. Pain on side of right eye, started in the morning. but disappeared after some hours.

15th. of October 2014. Pain on right eye, started again after midnight, this time very strong. It continued through the night, and I had to sleep long in the afternoon, to get sufficient sleep.

16th. of October 2014. Pain on right eye, started on night around three a.m. However, I was able to get into sleep.  On sleep I turned the side so that my right eye was upside, without shielding. In the morning the whole right side of head was sore, but especially sore was area about five centimeters to side, and a couple of centimeters up from my right eye. Massage eased the pain a bit.

17th.  of October 2014. This  was perhaps the worst torture for a couple of months. on night they started a continuing strong pain on right side of head, about five centimeters above the right eye.  The pain was impossible to shield, and it continued about two hours.  Later they started again a strong pain , this time on right   eye.  it also lasted very long.  I slept until three p.m. but I am  not sure, how much sleep I got.

18th. of October 2014.  These was very similar night. They let me sleep some time, but then caused a need to go to toilet, and after that they started to manipulate and torture me. Besides usual verbal manipulation and  pains on head – they used occasional burning feeling on right toe. I got hour or two sleep, by sleeping until afternoon.  B wakeup, they caused a headache on wide area on right side of head. After wakeup the headache diminished , but I got a mild nausea instead.  

20th. of October 2014. I am not sure if I slept at all on night. Perhaps I was asleep hour or so. They used all the possible means to keep me awake. Backache, pains on head, sticks on fingers torture etc.  There were also different  threats to kill me. Namely they told that their torture was  a revenge for what I wrote in Organ harvesting in Kosovo, Palestine, and Ukraine  on my Facebook.In reality,  I  believe that they  showed different forms of how to irritate their victims for somebody.

21st. of October 2014. Again they disturbed my sleep.  In the morning they caused some pain on my face, purpose to get me out of ped. I purposely stayed on bed long on the  afternoon.  On wakeup, they made a  wound – this time left side of my head. It was sore nearly rest of the day.

22nd. of October 2014. I believe that I did not sleep at all on night. If I slept, it was hour or two. This was perhaps their revenge, that I called them monkeys. I referred their way to speech as monkey speech, and their tninking I called monkey-thinking.  I also told them that I hope that Finland does not became a monkey-country, where monkeys could rampage free. Also I told them that they should put into cage where they belong.

Just later I realized , that they perhaps purposely artificially  got me exited  some way to keep me awake, and perhaps take advantage for my excitement for some other way that I do not know.

25th. of October 2014. On night they had again “seminar”, and they kept me awake around three hours.. They tried to put me into sleeping position that they wanted, by causing earache and pain on other side. This was an addition of other pains they caused. I slept long in the afternoon, and got perhaps five hours of sleep.

26th. of  October 2014. On night they wanted me to recall  some painful memories that they had caused on my past. This  has happened several times for me lately. I asked  why they want to speak these torture moments again. They told me that they wanted me to recall these moments.  I know I remember these moments,  so the only reason they want me to recall these moments is that they wan wipe out these memories from my memory. I told them this suspicion, and they told that they have wiped out these memories already, but the problem is that memories change their place on my brains. I told  them that they have caused me brain-damage on that way. They did not feel that way,  and told me, that my life is happier without these memories. 

I slept long in the afternoon.

28th. of  October 2014.  I got about three hours of sleep. After they kept me awake with pains on head , and verbal attacks.

29th. – 31st. of October 2014. These were very similar nights. They let me sleep for a while, and after kept me awake around four hours with pains and verbal manipulation. After that I got hour or two sleep , by sleeping  in the afternoon. I estimate that sleep for a whole night was between three and five hours. Often they put me into fast sleep in the evening, that was easy because I had not got enough sleep on night.

2nd. of November  2014. Pain on side of my right eye started around seven p.m.  and continued some hours.

3rd. of November  2014.  The pain on my right eye continued a whole night, without a small pause, when they let me sleep perhaps half hour or so. They started also aggressive verbal manipulation where I remember that “We will ride all our horses to their end”.

I put a battery operated massager on side that was sore, and after a while got some sleep. In the morning they started to tease all the right side of my head.  I turned my head towards the earth, and tried to sleep some more.  I also massaged my neck to get some ease the pain. This continued until afternoon.

5th. of November 2014.  I was a bit afraid to go to sleep, so I went to sleep later than usually. They caused some very dangerous feeling pains on side of my right eye. it felt a bit like pressing the face with some kind of sharp object. Perhaps they did it by cutting the blood flow some way. This continued some hours. After I went to bed , I put a small battery operated massager on place it was hurting.  I was able to catch the sleep this way. In the morning they started the pain again, and I had to massage it out. I believe I slept about four hours on this night.

6th. of November 2014. On evening they started a strong pain on side of right eye.  It continued for a whole evening, although I tried to ease the pain by massaging.

7th. – 8th- of November 2014.  These were very similar nights. Both night they tortured me about four hours, and after I got some sleep, by sleeping in the  afternoon. On both nights they tried to torture my right eye, and area around my right eye. I massaged the area around right eye, and after abour half hour, they gave up. Then they started sticks under nails torture.  and other forms of pain, to keep me awake. In the morning , they tried again to start pain on right eye, and I had to massage it again, to get some easing the pain.

9th. of November 2014. They told me that, I was very near  to get killed last night

11th.  of November. They used all the means to keep me awake.  As a kind of new form of torture on night they used shooting pains, and tickle on the nose, to keep me awake. Daytime around noon they caused similar dangerous feeling shooting pain on head.

13th. of November 2014. Again they caused some dangerous feeling shooting pains on head, during the night. They kept me awake several hours.  In the morning, I had a feeling that my memory is wiped out something that happened on night.

14th.  of November 2014. They let me sleep for a while on night, but then awakened me , and started torture. This time they did sharp pains on back of my head.  I slept on the afternoon, to get sufficient sleep.

18th.  of November 2014. They kept me awake four or five hours at night by pains and verbal manipulation.  So I got perhaps four hours of sleep by sleeping into afternoon.

20th. of November 2014. I slept perhaps three hours. In the afternoon, and evening, they got me several times into fast sleep.

23rd. of November..Very strong pain on right eye, that started on afternoon.  I had to put this update internet  again in a hurry, and finish  it later, when I feel that I am rest well and  not manipulated.

There are perhaps over ten thousand victims of electrical harassment around the world, most of them in United States. We had 1st Annual Covert Harassment Conference. Brussels, Belgium. These are recordings of  couple of lectures. Henning Witte gave a lecture about scalar waves, and  Dr. Daniel Lepowitz gave a lecture about cover harassment.

29th. of September 2014.  The significant changes since my previous blog of diary in Finland is that we have lost of two mindcontrol web sites. Heikki Lääkkö removed his  English website Soulcatcher after some threats. Marjut Kivimäki   had to stop her website also . My web service provider send me the letter that he will not continue forwarding my domain name after October 2014. The situation is unclear now, but because I own domain name  I try to continue in this address . In any case my web-site is possible to find from my Twitter.

 These and some other reasons, I feel that , perhaps there is  a controlled  try, to silence us, but I cannot prove that everything that has  happened, is not just a simply coincident.

As positive developments There is a new Finnish language mind-control blog, and Also Teemu  Vehkala made a Finnish language mindcontrol-related writing, for his NWO-oriented series of stories.

15th.  of August 2014.  I am not sure if I got sleep at all. On night, they did ordinary manipulation, but in the morning they caused a backache that made my sleeping impossible. They also caused burning feeling on the forehead and a kind of mild ”heart-attack” style pain , although it was on right side of my chest. After wakeup, they tried to put me into  fast sleep.

18-19th. of August 2014. In both days they kept me awake until morning.  I got sufficient sleep by sleeping long in the afternoon.

20th. of August 2014. About hour after midnight , they started a pain on my right eye, and area around the right eye.  I tried to resist the pain by massaging those areas that were sore,  but they kept me awake most of the night. They also used a burning feeling on sole of the foot to keep me awake.  Actually  the pain on right eye, continued until noon. After the pain moved  more towards  to the center of my  head.  Daytime they also caused some pains on heart that I felt very dangerous.

23rd. of August 2014. They tortured  me long time until morning. After I slept long to the afternoon.

24th. of  August 2014. After midnight they started to cause a pain on back of my head. They tortured me until morning. Again I had to sleep until afternoon, to get some sleep.

25th. of August 2014. Very similar night, than a couple of nights before.  I was bed on ten hours, but got sleep only about three hours. They caused a back pain, and a pain on side that I was sleeping, to keep me awake. Again I had to sleep long, just to get some sleep.

27th. of August 2014. I got perhaps three hours of sleep. They kept me awake with verbal manipulation and pains. They used occasional sticks under nails torture,  and later in the  morning , they used a strong back pains to keep me awake.

28th. of August 2014. Occasional pain on back on night.

31st. of August 2014. They disturbed my sleep, by causing pains on side that I was sleeping.  Again I had to sleep on afternoon, to get some sleep.  In the morning they caused occasional dangerous feeling pains on right side of of my right eye. It felt like doing something that involves physical stress. On evening the occasional pain on right eye, became a strong permanent pain.

2nd. of September. 2014. They disturbed my sleep on night. Around four a.m. they  caused a small heart attack, and  told that they will cause me a wound in heart. Some hours later they also caused a pains on chest left side. I got some sleep, by sleeping in the afternoon.

3rd. of September 2014. I got sleep perhaps hour or so. They kept me awake with pains and talking rest of the night.  In the morning they made a  wound on right side of head, near the right eye

6th. of September 2014. Start of the night was very normal. They used pain to keep me sleeping in position that they wanted and used pain and verbal manipulation to keep me awake. In the morning I got some sleep, but they awakened me  and started a very strong pain on the right eye. I started to massage area around the right eye, to ease the pain. Pain however stayed strong.  I went unconscious and after I awakened the pain was gone.

7th. of September 2014. This was very similar night than 6th.  of September. Again some pain to trying control my sleeping position. Again after awakening, they started a strong pain  on right eye, that  eased after waking up.

9th.  of September  2014.  They tortured me for a whole night. They used pain on back of the head, that was impossible to shield. At.the  same time,  there was a NATO naval exercise in the coast of Finland. I am speculating that my heavier torture is some way connected to this. On naval vessels there are possibilities much bigger electronic manipulation equipment  than my torturers usually have. There is perhaps a  correlation with NATO exercise and my stronger torture, but  I cannot prove the causality.

I got sleep sometimes in the morning, and slept until three p.m. on the afternoon.

10-12th. of September.  Very similar torture all these days.  The difference for these days  from days earlier, is a  pain on back of the head that continues daytime also, but more on night. They speak about “ironing” my head.

15th. of September 2014.  I did not remember that I was slept at all. However it is possible , that I was asleep hour or two. They did very ordinary manipulation at night, but they were somehow able to prevent me to fall asleep.

18th. of September 2014. They start a strong pain on right eye, and area around right eye after one p.m.   The pain started to ease after ten p.m.

19th. of September 2014. They awakened me at night, then started a strong pain on right eye , which I was able to ease, by massaging area around the right eye, with a small battery-operated massager. Later they caused a very strong pain on  left ear, which I had earplugs. I understood that their purpose was,  that I take earplugs off, because my ear is sore.  I did not take my earplugs off. I slept until afternoon.  When I awakened I realized that  my suspicion was true.  My left ear was not sore at all – but this pain was just one of their bag  of tricks to get victim to behave way they want –  in this time take the earplugs off.

20th. of  September 2014.  Very similar night, than night before. They let me sleep about hour, and after started a  strong pain on right eye, that continued several hours. They caused also some  pains of back of my head,  and several pains on side, I was sleeping in purpose to get me sleep on position that they wanted.  I had to sleep  until afternoon, to get some sleep.

21st. of September 2014. Pains on center of my head started after midnight and continued rather long on night.

22nd. of September 2014. They made a painful wound  about seven centimeters above the right eye after three a.m.   Later they started manipulating  also heart. There were several pains on chest left side.  It was very strong torture for a whole night.  I believe I was asleep for a while, but I am not sure how long I slept. Also daytime I had pain on right side of head, and some nausea.

23rd. of September  2014.  They caused a very strong pain on the right eye, and side of  the right eye, for a  whole night. They also used occasional burning pains to keep me awake.  Their comments on their torture was that “ We have to finish the job, whatever happen".

24th . of September 2014.  Perhaps the worst torture for a  couple of months. Everything started very normal way ,  they caused a pain on side I was sleeping, in purpose to get me sleep on other side. I did not turn, but started to sleep  on my tummy.  I also used a pillow that has vibration to ease the pain. So they ended  the pain on side I was sleeping, but as a revenge, they first started burning feelings on back of my head, and later a strong ice pick type pain on left side of head.  This pain was impossible to resist,  and I had no other possibility than wake up. I got perhaps hour of so sleep on this night.

25th. of  September 2014.  They did a very strong torture on this night too.   I did not have proper sleep on previous night , and they tried to keep me a whole night awake on this night too.  I do not know , what they gain on keeping  person awake  fifty or sixty hours, but they do it for other victims also. In the morning  when  they had kept me awake for several hours, they told me that they can do what ever they want to me, and this night torture was to show it. I got some sleep on morning  - I believe for two or three hours. however, when I awakened , I did not feel myself very sleepy, they can also some way take feeling of tired away.  I composed my diary on condition that in case of emergency I can put it to net half-finish.  This just in case that their keeping me awake on several night,was something connected to this  new block of diary coming out.

26th. of September. I  slept in the afternoon.  After wakeup they started with a pain on forehead. Later it disappeared but started a new burning like feeling near the  center of my head.

I have continued to collect stories of Ukraine war, and other stories, which mainstream media does not want to print in my  facebook. I found that there are stories that  Russian media prints , and other stories that western media prints, but what is most interesting is that there are some interesting stories , that both countries mainstream media does not want toput out out  - perhaps for different reasons. I mean shale gas deposits in Eastern  Ukraine. Russia perhaps does not want to put out information that Ukraine could have enough shale gas for its  own energy needs in  future. Western media perhaps does not want to make public the  connections between shale gas deposits and   Billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky - person  who lives in Switzerland  but  has a private army in Ukraine. Ihor Kolomoisky connects  US. Vice-President Joe Biden through  his son Hunter Biden, who works for Ihor Kolomoisky. Also Devon Archer, co-chairman of the finance committee for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign is  a  board member of Ihor Kolomoisky gas-holding company. The best article these connections  between people near the White House and billionaire Ihor kolomoisky is on the Boiling Frogs Post.

There is a  Nato geopolitical interest to get Ukraine into the  western group of nations, but there is also a strong private interest in people near the White House to get their hands in the  Eastern Ukraine Shale gas deposits, which Western   mainstream media does not want to expose public.  

 Media behavior on MH17  accident is well pictured in Pepe Escobar article on Asia Times. The speed- and the way that the  western  news media reacted to   the accident, makes me think  that it  was a similar false  flag operation than 9/11, or  operation Gladio mass-murders. It is sad to find that millions of people in Ukraine have to suffer, because of few people greed to power and money.

Finally - for  those people who still believe the myth of  uncensored  “free” news media -  I suggest to read Julian C. Holmes open letter to the Washington Post: How  the Washington post Censors the news.

11th. of August 2014. My previous piece of diary ended July 21st. The most important news from since is that there is a kind of  another court victory for electronic harassment  victim Kathleen Watterson  ( the first one was James Walbert case).Full transcript  for court case is possible to find webside Knowing is half of the battle.It is nice to find that some local courts in United States are quite honest. The problem of mindcontrol these kind of  cases is usually police, which does not want to make any honest investigation on these crimes.Technically it is perhpas possible to accuse police negligence for not investigating these kind of crimes, but even if person wins this kind of case, the investigation police makes is not very honest. Question is political, there are lot of developing corrupt countries that has similar problem with police that does not investigate some crimes , than United States has.

25- 28 of June 2014. Very similar days. I have got about four hours of sleep. There were  verbal manipulation, and some pains on daytime, and usually also couple of fast sleeps. There were often ticking sound on left ear, and tinnitus on right ear.

30th. of June 2014. Pain on my right eye started after midnight, and continued for the next day afternoon. It is very difficult to say how many hours  I got real sleep.

1st. of July 2014.  In the morning , they made a wound on  left side  of my head.

2nd. of July 2014. I got sufficient  sleep, by sleeping over noon.  In the morning they made a wound on side of my right eye.

4th. of July 2014. In the morning, they caused some pain on my right eye. Actually same happened yesterday morning. After wakeup they started  a pain on neck and later they started  heavy verbal  manipulation.

6th. of July 2014. They tortured me long time on night. I got some sleep by sleeping until afternoon.  They also made a kind of wound on the right side of back of my head.

7th. of July 2014. They caused shooting pains on back of my head after midnight. On night they caused pain and manipulated my neck for some hours. After I got some sleep. In the morning they made a kind of weak wound on left side back of  my head.   On noon there were again shooting pains on back of my head.

8-9th. of July 2014. Very similar nights. They tortured me at night. I got sleep about three hours. There was  a sore point on left side of my head in the morning.

11th. of July 2014. They disturbed my sleep and tried to get me sleep in certain position. – this time on left side.  Sleeping ein all the  other positions, they caused pain on back or side that  touching the bed. I kept staying  on other positions, even it was painful . Finally  I got sleep, and slept long in the afternoon. When I awakened , I was laying on left side position that I tried to avoid.

In the evening , after ten p.m. they caused a fast sleep. After I awakened , I had a shaky feeling.

12th. of July 2014. They kept me awake until morning.  In addition of usual pains of head, and verbal manipulation, they used  back pain and other pains on my body, that made my sleeping impossible  and I was awake until nine a.m.  Later I got perhaps three hours of sleep, by sleeping  long in the afternoon.

14th. of July 2014. I got sleep hour or two, before they awakened me.  After I did not catch sleep anymore and they kept me awake with pains and verbal manipulation. On night they told me that when I became old, getting justice is not that important for me anymore,  but more  important will be te to ll the world what has happened to me. I believe they are  planning similar formal apology as British after Kenya Genocide, or Canadians after genocide of natives, or putting Japan origin people  in concentration camp. All apologies happened after  decades of crimes, and people guilty were not prosecuted, and  majority of victims did not get compensation of damages . This kind of “honestly” is typical for British type of majority parliament, and I do not value this kind of   “democracy”  very high.

15th. of  July 2014.  They let me sleep  about hour. After they awakened me and kept me awake four hours.  I did not start any conversation with them, and it got them angry. After I got sleep about two hours.

16th. of July 2014. They disturbed my sleep again. However, I felt that I got more sleep than previous night. On night they started a pain on right side of my head.  A whole right side of head felt different than left one. Later on day they started pain on right eye, and area around of my right eye.

19th. of July 2014. In the morning they made a wound on side of right eye.  Later on day , the pain eased a bit , when they started pinching me  on center of my head. Later afternoon, they attacked again on my right eye. It feels very bad, when speaking or eating or doing something else with muscles around the eye.

22nd. of July 2014. This was very similar night than night before 21st. of  July. After going to bed, they started a pain on my right eye. I massaged the area around right eye with battery massager, and I was able to catch sleep. In the morning pain continued. Daytime the pain continued, and there were  shooting pains on my right eye.

23rd. of July 2014. They caused a very strong pain on my right eye, and area around my right eye. It diminished after I had a shower.  Later on evening they caused some itching on left side above my forehead, and whole day they did verbal manipulation – as usual.

24th of July 2014. They tortured me on night.  Between two and three a.m. they warned me that if I do not stop , they will kill me by heart attack.  To demonstrate their ability, they caused  me a kind of heart attack. However it was not that strong that it would have killed me. However the day was quite normal. occasional shooting pains on left side of my head, on evening.

27th. of July 2014. They tortured me at night and morning.  Sometimes around eight a.m.  they caused a burning feeling on center of my head.  It did not stop even I shielded my head with water bags, but after I got my head to vibrating movement by massager, the burning eased a bit. Their story about burning  was , that they did something on my brains, that causes  liver problems, and they told that it is very interesting to watch , how sickness goes ahead.  I am not sure how they could cause liver problems by heating my brain.  What ever happened , I cannot do anything it, so it is better not to worry about it.

28th. of July 2014. On afternoon, they caused some occasional burning feeling on my head, mostly on left side. There were some  burning  feeling on evening too , in addition of a couple of short fast sleeps, and headache on evening.

29th. of July 2014. They let me sleep about three hours. After they started pains and verbal manipulation, and kept it so intense that I was not able to catch sleep anymore. Because I was tired on daytime, they  were able to put me into fast sleep., while I was reading the  newspaper outside  of house, without any kind of shield.  I awakened on very shaky feeling. I believe , that sleep prevention was planned, because they know, that I like to read newspaper in outside of house in summer.

1st. of August 2014. I do not remember, that I slept at all on night, but it was possible, that I was asleep, for a while.  Usually when they do not want me to get sleep, they make a sore point on side which I am sleeping, so that it gives feeling of “natural” pain.  This time they did not bother to make impression of natural pain, but kept the sore point of pain whole time on right side, whichever side I was sleeping. I slept until afternoon, to get some sleep more.

3rd. of August 2014.  They tortured me for a whole night and morning. I slept until four p.m. on afternoon, to get some sleep.  On wake up, they caused  a headache on back of my head. Later they started a pain  on right eye, that lasted a whole day and evening.

7th. of August 2014. I slept perhaps two hours. After they got me awake, and tried to start pain on right eye. I started to massage area around of my right eye, so long time they got tired and stopped trying. However they did not let me sleep anymore on this night.

8th. of August 2014. They did torture me on night. However I got more sleep than night before. Daytime occasional burning feelings here and there on head.

9th. of August 2014. After one a.m.  started a very strong pain on side of right eye. I tried to ease pain by massaging it, but succeed only partially. They kept strong pain on night and morning , when I awakened it started it again, but stopped after I woke up.

10TH. of August 2014. Very strong pain on right eye, and area around right eye a whole night. I will put my next piece of diary out again half complete, so that they do not have reason to torture me , in purpose that I cannot get this piece for public.

On end of my previous piece of diary, I told that Ukraine war  is a good subject to observe, how news-blackout and manipulation works in western media.    For those who have a facebook account, I have made in my facebook a collection of articles that have different  view than  mainstream newspaper have.   Most of them deal  with MH17 accident and Ukraine war, but not all, and because purpose is to built this to news archive for myself , there are also some Finnish language news.

 What I have learned from  reporting of  MH17 accident, is use of authority for the  purpose of manipulation of the public opinion.  In Finland too, there were many influential people, who had opinion that separatist were behind the MH17 airplane accident. For some reason,  they wanted also to express their opinion in news media,  which gave a lot of space for it

.  There are many of similar airplane accidents happened before this one,  in the world, and by comparing and analyzing media reporting all of these accidents , one can get idea, what was really  behind this particular accident, and what was behind  the  way mainstream media reported it.This William Engdahl article helps us to link some dots, as well MH17 accident, as situation in Ukraine general.

On the end, I started a discussion in Peacepink-website about CIA torture memo and Senate Intelligence committee, that may interest some people.

21st.  of June 2014. My previous  piece of diary ended on  23rd. of  April. The only improvement since then, is that in some local areas of United States, police has started to archive mindcontrol victims reports of torture.This could be improvement for old system where people who complaint electronic torture, are simply concidered just having mental problems, and no record is made.If all the local police of Unites States would do same , and record are put together, everybody would find out that this is something else than new epidemic of a  kind of mental illness.Targeted Individuals Canada has made a list of active victims.This list  is actually a small portion of all  victims - mostly all those activist that have made their own website.

24th. of April 2014. I got about five hours of sleep on night. In the morning , they started a very strong pain on the right side of my head. I massaged my neck and got rid of the pain. On afternoon they got me into fast sleep. Fortunately I had shielded my head , before I went unconscious, so I did not get this usual shaking feeling – very similar as hangover – after I awakened about hour later.

26th. of April 2014. This was a very painful night.  The pains were much more severe than usually.  Still I got some sleep.  On wakeup they started a different kind of pain , than usually, on side of my right eye. The pain felt for  every movement or other vibration of body.  On walking or doing something,  there was a pain on every step and movement ,on the side of  my right eye.

27th. of April 2014. In the wakeup they started a strong pain on my right temple.  On evening, there were some pains on the right side of  the center of my head.

28th. of April 2014. They did a massive attack on the right temple of my head around four a.m. I felt that they tried to stop flow of blood on that area. On afternoon they did some pain on left of my head.

2nd. of May 2014. They made a small wound on front of head, left side , in the morning. They  also  gave indirect  threat “there are only some heart experiments left, for you”.

3rd.  of May 2014. After two a.m. they started heavy shooting pains on left side center of head.  I did try to shield it with necklace vibrator, but I was not very successful. They tortured me many hours, and tried to start repetitive voices , first on left ear, and after I put it toward the  ground, they started same on my right ear. I was able to partly defend my ear by putting a neodymium magnet over it, and vibrating the side of head, where the ear they tortured was.

On afternoon there were some dangerous feeling pains on left side of my head.

6th. of May 2014. In the morning they caused a same type of pain as was my heart pain, but it was right side of chest, so it was not heart but some other part of body. Later they did similar pain on left side, where my heart was.

7th. of May 2014. After midnight , they started sticks under nails torture.

8th. of May 2014. Strong , nearly continuous shooting pains on side of right eye, started before nine p.m.

10th. of May 2014. They started a strong pain on side of my right eye, about half past eleven p.m.¨

11th. of May 2014. Pain on  right temple of my head, started about quarter to two p.m.

13th. of May 2014. A strong pain on right temple of my head started around  half past two a.m.

14th. of May 2014. A repetitive voices  attack that started twenty to seven p.m. This because I  forgot my phone and headphones for home, and I was unable defend myself with loud noise, as I usually do with repetitive voices  attacks.

15th. of May 2014. I got about three hours of sleep on night. They caused a normal pain on right temple of head, but in addition they caused sharp pointing burning pains around my head – mostly on back of my head. On evening they got me into fast sleep around ten p.m.

16th. of May 2014. Again they disturbed my sleep. I slept until noon, and got perhaps hour or two more sleep than night before. in the morning they started a pain on right eye, as they have done nearly every morning lately.  I have started to believe, that purpose of the pain on right eye, in the morning is same as their “morning opening talk”  , which  they do also on every time I awake  - the purpose is to  calibrate their equipment’s after my awakening.

17th. of May 2014. They disturbed my sleep with sticks under nails torture..

18th. of May 2014. Pains here and there on night, with heavy verbal manipulation. In the morning, they made a small wound on left side of head, front.

19th. of May 2014. After midnight , they caused a strong burning feeling  on left side, about center of my head.

21st. of May 2014. They disturbed my sleep on night. There was a some kind of sore area in the head in the morning. They told me among other things that “ there are so many death people, that we will never go out of jail, if this on someday  became public.

23rd. of May 2014. They disturbed my sleep on night. I slept over noon, but I am not sure how many hours of sleep I got. On daytime there were some very dangerous feeling shooting pains on side of my left eye, and later also pain on front left side of head .

24th.  of May 2014. I did take out my shielding around my head and  I went out  for sun  in the  afternoon.  The first twenty minutes were fine, except their verbal manipulation. Then they started manipulation of my head, that felt as strong itching on my  head. After a while they started a pain that felt very much  like I had stayed too long on sunshine , even that I used a cap to cover my head. So about twenty minutes, if I  was not shielded, they did take advantage it, and attacked.

25th. of May 2014.  Pain on the right eye, started about half past two a.m.

27th. of May 2014. They disturbed my sleep on night by causing very strong shooting pains mostly on neck and back of my head. It felt like  something between electric shock and turning ice pick on neck. Similar occasional pains occurred on daytime also.

31st. of May 2014. They tortured me very badly, and kept me awake whole last night. I got perhaps three hours of sleep  by sleeping over noon. On afternoon there was a pain on head, that felt very bad on  every movement of my body, especially while walking.

3rd. of June 2014. They let me sleep about three hours, and after started torture.  Piece of conversation I remember for that  night. The perpetrator told to me “ I would have not believed that old carpenter would have go to jail, for this kind of thing” . I answered for him “ I thought  that you are a doctor at least.”  He answered that doctors do not talk to me they are “on background”. In the morning he complained for me “You do not go even dentist, there are some fillings, that you should  replace”. Perhaps idea behind this talk, was to get me believe that I have implants on my teeth fillings.  Later they told that they will use laughing gas , when they come in to house, and that  I cannot defend myself and they would even murder me.

4th. of June 2014. The pain on right eye continued a whole night, and in the morning it spread a wider area around the right eye and neck.

5th. of June 2014.  They awakened me after about three hours of sleep. They told that “after they end” their victims life, they always have a party. Their attitude of human life is very similar than professional killers, in this document from Indonesia.

Perhaps in Operation Paperclip - which  smuggled thousands of Nazi-scientist in America - was also a born in a new kind of American fascism, that  is now spreading. Where Italian fascist put their victims to drink castor oil as an instrument of torture – American fascist have now much more efficient and versatile electrical mind-control equipment’s.- that is kept out of public knowledge.

Similarities between American fascism, Italian Fascism and also Fascism in Indonesia - is that legal system is not working properly. In Indonesia, genocide of over million people would have not been possible, if Indonesia  had a working legal system.The police would have caught the killers, and  prosecuted them for their crimes. In Mussolini Italy too, people who forced  person to drink castor oil, had faced prosecution for attempted poisoning, if fascist had not got their own people to control law-enforcement.

Fascism also requires that their crimes are kept out of mainstream mass-media. - This was  arranged as well Mussolini Italy, Nazi-Germany, Indonesia, and United  States.too.

 There are several facts that prove, that in United States implementation of laws is not working properly. As an example I would mention CIA drug-smuggling that is kept out of any legal investigation.

In the morning , they made a wound on left side of forehead and teased this wound all day, and even evening. I found that vibrating my throat with massager does not stop their speech, but cause that their speech does not have same manipulative effect, than speech when I am  not vibrating my throat.

On the evening, they made my feeling very difficult. They caused a backache and moving was painful.

7th. of June 2014. They let me sleep, about hour or two. After they started pains on various points of head.  In the morning  started the usual  pain on right temple of my  head.

8th. of June 2014. Pain on the right eye, started on night, and continued the whole night and morning until afternoon.

9th. of June 2014. Before I went to sleep, they started a very strong pains on the  right temple of my head. It felt like something had broken inside of head. I started to vibrate the sore site with my massager-belt. It helped a bit and so I went asleep with my massager belt vibrating on side of my right eye.

In the morning they started a same pain again, but it went weaker after wakeup. They told me that they were very angry from my last comment on Peacepink-site.  They like to give “reason” for every strong torture -  when in reality it is planned  beforehand and what I do or not does not much affect it.

My comment on Peacepink site was  about the  purpose of structure on my website, It was on Peacepink Finland-area on Finnish language, so I give it here in  English too. My problem is same as other Peacepink members - electromagnetic harassment , but I have also included some  other items on my website reasons that they are something, that make our harassment  possible.

One of the reasons, that electrical harassment can continue, is that we cannot get honest story what is happening in the mainstream media (In Mussolini Italy, people who were forced to drink castor oil, did not get their story on mainstream media too). So I have made a page about  censorship on western media.

  There are some less- honest stories of Electrical mind control in mainstream media.  An example these stories is  Atlanta-CBS  story. It  used actually same technique  than stories  I  put   as an example on my censorship-page.  Usually they use  authority of some professional  (This case, Laura Miller), and  facts that does not fit the picture that writer wants to make, are simply left out (This case example James Walbert implants, and Isaact measurements). I do not close out possibility that Laura Miller is sincere individual, a victim of matha mitchell effect, who is simply trying to interpret reality outside of her professional knowledge.

Another reason we cannot stop these crimes  is that law is not implemented in certain cases. This  means that police does not investigate all crimes, and sometimes police is even participating committing crimes - similarly as Hitler Germany and Mussolini Italy. Page  about operation cointelpro is an example  of the pages that show this kind of government participation for criminal  activity. Actually nearly all of my Alternative history pages deal  state terror against individuals in one form or other.

I have done also some pages about illegal human experimenting, to show that nearly none, of those who have commit these  crimes, are prosecuted. This is Steven Hale excellent page about subject.

10th. of June 2014. There was very similar torture on night, than night before. They caused pain on side of right eye. I tried to ease the pain by massaging the sore point, but the pain continued for nearly whole night. I got some sleep, by sleeping on side, where the right eye was towardsthe  earth. This is opposite of my usual sleeping position.  I had to sleep over noon to get some sleep.

11th. of June 2014. They disturbed my sleep on night, and in the morning they made a wound on left side of head which they teased until next night.

12th. of June 2014. I got sleep about three hours. There were also some manipulation on daytime. I was very tired on evening.

13th.  of June 2014. I got sleep about three hours, partly because I had to wake up early  to catch train.

14th. of June 2014. I got sleep perhaps two hours because I was not home, and I did not have my usual shielding.  My head felt like full of ants in the morning.

15th. of June 2014. I slept on my home with shielding, and got a normal sleep.

16th. of June 2014.  I got about three hours of sleep, because I had to wake up early. In the evening, they got me couple of times into fast sleep.

19th. of June 2014. They awakened me after about three hours of sleep, and started torture and manipulation. I believe, they had “seminar” again. I stayed on bed and after about three hours, they let me sleep again.  I got sufficient sleep by sleeping into noon. In the morning they made a  wound on left side of forehead.

20th. of June 2014. Very similar night, than the night before. Again they awakened me, after about three hours of sleep. Again they  started torture and manipulation. I stayed on bed and after about three hours, and they let me sleep again.  I got sufficient sleep by sleeping into noon. Again  In the morning they made a  wound on left side of forehead, but this time the wound was more severe than night before.

21st. of June 2014. After midnight started a very strong pain on right eye. I was not able to shield it any ways. I was even afraid that I do not make it in the morning alive. On the previous evening I was making my torture diary from notes. I am not sure this pain in connected for this, but I am putting this piece on net even it is half finish. On night they told that they have a  strong organization behind them, and this electromagnetic manipulation is connected for organ thefts. It could be true, or then it is just a story to keep my interest for their talk alive.

Ongoing Ukraine crisis, gives one an excellent opportunity to find what news are published in major western media houses. By watching news such internet-television stations like Aljazeera ,Press-tv, and Russia Today, one finds  the news that are leaved out in mainstream news. I have found that with  set top-box like Apple-tv the quality of picture is nearly as good as ordinary television picture. A word of warning on those who live in United States. NSA can find what you are watching.  They can find from your ip-number and cookies, that Russia Today is watched in your house with your computer. Perhaps now they are only interested how many people are watching Russia Today. If situation escalates to a full war between west and Russia, their attitude would be different, and they will dig from their archives, who were watching this station, to find out the possible security risk that  these people would cause. In worst case these unlucky people would be closed in jail, or moved into  concentration camps like Japan origin people  on second world war. Of course these people are not accused for watching Russia Today, but they are framed for crimes they did not commit. This  has happened before, in United States history, example in Cointelpro-program.

To be on safe-side in United States , it is best to watch questionable tv-stations with  computer that cannot be identified, on library or other public place that has Internet connection.

Couple of examples of rejected  news that I have found on  crisis of Ukraine . The biggest German newspaper Der Spiegel says Academy (Blacwater) mercenaries are fighting on Ukraine.  Maidan leaders  were behind of massacre that killed 80 people on Maidan square, which means that it was a bit similar false flag operation than Gladio arranged  on Europe around 1970 - 1980.

 Veterans Today article of large convoy of armored military vehicles coming Lugansk,  could have connection of English  Pravda story that separatist have taken 280 tanks from Ukrainian army.

 From these news , Der Spiegel story is the  most interesting. Does it mean, that Germany has different attitude for  Ukraine crisis  than United States ?  Mainstream media in other western countries does not share these news, but - similarly as Watergate scandal  - try to simple kill these news by staying silent. Actually without senate Watergate committee, Watergate scandal would be among  9/11 , and other conspiracy theories.

23rd . of April 2014.  Since my previous piece, of diary, we have got some small improvement here and there ,in  our movement, but nothing really big. FFCHS, has improved their website. I feel their documents section is very valuable.

 Peacepink web-site is a very valuable hub of information. If something important happen in the  area of electronic harassment, there is document on Peacepink too. However due the fact  that people who write there, are controlled and manipulated, and there are all kinds of “Agent provocateurs” on the  site - the signal noise ratio of talks is not always  very good.  Still there are very important pieces of information for  a person who has the time and  patience to read it all . A typical example of  Peacepink discussion is rf-scanning , which has in it’s  hyperlinks, and some talks, a lot of useful information -  if one has patience to dig it out. For those read this rf-scanning but are who are not familiar with ning-network mechanics,  Big AL  got very much critic on his comments on  this- , and some other  conversations. So he changed his name and personality for “David of Tomorrow” , and  according of mechanics of ning-network ,the software changed all he has written on Peacepink to name “David of Tomorrow”.  Big ALL and David of Tomorrow are the very same person.

10th.  of March.  I did not get many hours of sleep on that night. In the morning they made a wound on left side of my head - because there were an area left accidentally without shielding, while I was asleep. Daytime I had all kinds of pain on my head, and also  sticks under nails torture. On evening they put me into fast sleep, which I awakened about half hour before midnight. This aggressive attack was a kind of revenge, I put my previous piece of diary on Internet day before.

11th. of March 2014. I got sleep about four hours. In the morning they made a wound on left side of my front head, which they irritated a whole morning

14th. of March 2014. They caused a strong pitching and shrinking feeling on my head on evening. I tried to shield it with water bags on head and massaging my head.

15th. of March 2014. The shrinking and drying feeling on forehead, continued long after midnight.  I am not sure how long I slept – it was not normal sleeping, they tried to talk to me for a whole time, and caused many kinds of pains.  In the morning they made a wound  on my  forehead, left side. They teased and irritated this wound for a whole day long. They also caused some ffast sleeps for me. It was easy because I was tired.

16th. of March 2014. They started a strong pain on right eye in the morning, that continued for a whole day. I tried to ease the pain by massaging areas around my right eye

17th. of March 2014. The strong pain on right eye that continued whole yesterday, continued also whole night, Again I tried to ease the pain by massaging, this time I massaged my neck, and got the pain weaker. Later they caused many types of pain. As a new type of pain, they caused a feeling like somebody was sticking with sharp object around my body. On evening they started to cause a pain on head.

18th. of March 2014. The pain on head, started to locate on right temple of my head after midnight. The pain that was previous night feeling like sticking with sharp objects - became feeling of burning, like somebody was putting hot needle on different parts of body. On  heel of my right foot, they caused a larger burning feeling. It was sore the whole next day, so I believe they did something real on my right heel.  Before I woke up they made a large wound on left side of my head.

19th. of March 2014. I got sleep about two hours on night. On evening after nine p.m. they got me very sleepy. I went to sleep. After about half hour, the feeling was over, and I woke up. Whole time the strong pain on my  right temple continued.

24th. of March 2014. I got sleep perhaps four hours. They caused excessive burn  feeling on the heel  of my right foot again. If I had not been so tired, I would have tried to measure the temperature of right heel, and then same measurement on other foot also.  They did other torture for me also. On daytime, they caused some pain on fingers.

27th. of March 2014. They tried to control my sleeping position with pains, and disturbed my sleep badly. I started to think a theory that pain on buttock - that starts nearly every night a couple of hours before I suppose to go to sleep – is some way connected that they try to get me to sleep on on certain position, by using pains on other positions.

28th. of March 2014. I got sleep perhaps hour or two on night.  I was tired , so on evening they put me a couple of times on  fast sleep.

29-30 th. of March 2014. On daytime, they did occasional shooting pains on right temple of my head. On evening they started a continuous strong pain on side of right eye that continued a whole night and next day until afternoon. I slept about three hours.

1st. of April 2014. I got about four hours of sleep, when I slept until afternoon.  The pain on side of right eye, has gone occasional, and pulsing.

2nd. of April 2014. Very similar night than, the night before. They kept me awake for a whole night. I got sleep sometimes in the morning, and I slept until afternoon. I got some very heavy shooting pains on my head, something between pain and electric shock.

4th. of April 2014. They burned the heel of my right foot. After I touched the heel with hand, it was not feeling hot, but it was not only feeling of burning, because it was sore on next day, and my walking was a bit painful.

9th. of April 2014. The day was peaceful, forced speech and verbal manipulation. Around nine p.m. they started shooting pains on neck left side, and later, other parts of my head. I put a vibrating belt around my neck, which gave some results after a while.

10th. of April 2014. They disturbed my sleep, and I got sleep only three hours. Sometime on night they tried attack with repetitive voices on left ear. I started to shield ear by massaging it, and they got the ear only mildly sensitive for voices.

11th. of April 2014.  They started occasional pains on left side back of my head in afternoon.

16th. of April 2014. When I went to sleeping, they started to manipulate my heartbeat.  They disturbed my sleep very badly, and I got only about three hours of sleep.

20th. of April 2014.  I got about five hours of sleep, but in the morning they made a wound above my left eye, which they teased most of the day. On evening they made several attempts of  fast sleep, which partly succeeded.

21st. of April 2014. The pain on about center of my head started on the afternoon. Pain felt partly a kind of odd shrinking feeling. On evening they got me into fast sleep, and later they started a pain on side of my right eye.

22nd. of April 2014. Last night was perhaps the worst torture for a couple of months. They caused a strong pain on side of my right eye, and I did not sleep at all, even that I stayed on bed until three p.m. It is possible that I was asleep on sometime, but I do not remember it.  I tried to ease the pain by massaging area, but sometimes in the morning, the machine broke, and only thing, I  was able to do, was try to cover the sore area with hand. I believe that reason of their attack was that I had nearly finished compiling a new piece of diary, from my daily notes. Now I do not sleep before I got my diary on net, whatever condition it is. I decided to   correct the spelling and other language errors, later after I have got a proper sleep.

Marjut Kivimäki ,a Finnish electronic harassment victim , has build her own Finnish language website. This is perhaps the first Finnish language Electronic harassment website. On her website Marjut writes –among other things - how her genitals are heated and teased. This is very common, although most of the victims are too shy to go public and complain for this kind of torture.. Actually it is also dangerous to go public with this kind of story, It would easily lead person to mental hospital, where person has no possibility for resisitance and  very little understanding of her real problems

Another woman told me, that she is routinely, a kind of  raped, several times a week  by teasing her genitals with electromagnetic waves. I believe this is a rather the rule than exception with victims of electronic harassment. Heating and teasing genitals, is not more complicated than heating and  teasing other parts of body. Heating genitals is a very easy way to get person near panic, and this kind of heavy feelings, are what our perpetrators want to cause for us. I know another victim who is also tortured by burning her skin Ashlii from Houston -Texas these are pictures of her burns.


9th. of March  2014. My previous blog of diary was on 18th. of January. Since then I had some trouble of getting information. I ordered John Hall book A NEW BREED – SATELLITE TERRORISM IN AMERICA from Amazon. I got a book where covers from John Hall book, but inside was   a book how to make small wooden toys. I saw some other. signs of suppressing information too.There were some disappearing pages on Internet. I made a a more detaljed  explanation on my blog in Peacepink  For these experiences, I became worried censorship suppression in western world. I had some  lessons how to build a web page. This is the page I build about censorship in United States during these lessons.

19th. of January 2014. There was some shooting pains on night, that continued in morning.  In the morning, they made a wound on left side of my head. On evening they made several attempts of fast sleep. Some of their fast sleep attempts, were successful and caused a dizzy feeling afterwards. Later on night they threaded that they would put me on   “bastu” (sauna) and caused some nausea.

21st. of January 2014. They kept me awake for a long time, by causing a  pain on my right eye. I tried to defend myself by massaging the area around my right eye. Sometimes in the morning I fell asleep and slept until  the afternoon three p.m. Pain on right eye continued after wakeup.

23rd. of January 2014.  Last night was worse than night before. They kept me awake for several hours with pain on right eye. I got sleep on late morning, and I slept on afternoon over two p.m.

24th. of January 2014. Again on night they did a very heavy torture for me. They caused a pain on my right eye, whichever position I tried to sleep. I got sleep perhaps two hours, by sleeping until noon. On afternoon, they started a very strong headache on forehead, which continued until night.

26th. of January 2014.    They made a strong pain around my right eye. It started after midnight, and relieved after three a.m.  On evening the pain around my right eye started after seven p.m. and ended after ten p.m.

27th. of January 2014. They tortured me very badly. Finally I got some sleep in the morning by putting my handheld vibrator between wall and my head, so that my head started to continuously vibrate.. After  I  got some sleep. In the morning they started a strong sharp pain about two centimeters from right eye, that continued in the afternoon.

They did a whole day  forced speech, They also got me into fast sleep,  after six p.m. I awakened about twenty to seven p.m. and got dizzy feeling for a while, so they had done something bad on my head while I was unconscious.

3rd. of February 2014. After nine p.m. they got me into fast sleepWhen I became conscious again, head felt dizzy.

4th. of February 2014. In the morning the left side of my head felt different than the right side.  Later they started to make very low, pulsing voice accompanied with a pain on right side of chest.

8th. of February 2014. On a couple of previous night, I have got a fairly good sleep – only morning they have always started  very aggressive verbal manipulation. On evenings every night they have also put me  into fast sleep for  a while. Last night was different. They started a very heavy verbal manipulation on the middle of the night. I was able to catch sleep again only by putting my handheld massager between wall and my head, so that my head vibrated, and made their “filming” difficult.

9th. of February 2014. In the morning they made a woundon the left side, front of my head, and teased the wound for a whole day.

10th. of February 2014. They kept me awake a whole night. I got some sleep in the morning, and slept in the afternoon. I believe I got about three hours of sleep as a whole.

11th. of February 2014. After midnight, there were some sharp, shooting pains on right side of head. In the morning my left side of head felt different than the right one. This was, because I slept on side, and while I was asleep, they “shoot” on side which was upside – in this case the right side. Daytime they got me  fast sleep  for some times, and about half past seven p.m. they started again shooting pains on left side of my head.

12th. of February 2014. They disturbed my sleep in many ways. I slept perhaps two hours.

13th. of February 2014.  I believe that I slept about four hours. They kept me awake by making my sleeping painful. This is the same technique, they used before for trying to me stay in bed on certain position. Now they are making my staying bed painful on every position. After five minutes on same position the area of body that touches the bed comes sore.

14th. of February 2014. They kept me awake about four or five hours last night, by causing pain on side I was sleeping, but also with sticks under nails torture and other pains.

15th. of February 2014. Night was similar than night before. By staying twelve hours on bed, I got perhaps five hours of sleep. After awakening they made a wound on left side of head, and teased it for all the evening, with a strong verbal manipulation.

16th.  of February 2014.  Very similar night, than a couple of nights before. They kept me awake with pains and talking. I got sleep in the morning – perhaps there was another shift of people, who let me sleep. I slept on afternoon, and got about five hours of sleep. After wakeup, they started a pain on right side front of my head, that later became a pain on right eye. It continued strong on next day and evening.

On evening they put me several times for fast sleep . I have bought a new hat, that covers also ears. wearing the hat started tinnitus on both ears while this hat is on my head.

17th. of February 2014. The night was perhaps the worst torture on this year. The pain on right eye, that has started day before, continued strong in morning.  On their manipulation they told that their purpose is not to make my eyesight worse, but to make understanding words and sentences more difficult than before. I am not sure, if they spoke truth or not.  I got sleep sometimes in the morning, and slept until three o’clock in the afternoon. After I had been  awake on some hours, and the pain on right eye started again, but this time weaker.

18th. of February 2014. They caused strong shooting pains on left side, center of my head, and  on front of head. They altered my heartbeat on evening, before I started bicycling. They have done it sometimes before, and I do not know the full purpose of this.

19th. of February 2014.  After midnight they started a pain on buttock. They do this nearly each other day, a couple of hours before, I plan to go to sleep. On night they caused very dangerous feeling shooting pains. I believe that I slept only hour or two. In the morning they made a wound  on right temple of my head, and teased it whole day and evening on very aggressive manner.

20th. of February 2014.  I got sleep perhaps three hours. After they started torture, and very aggressive verbal manipulation. I felt that it is best to wake up, thought they have suppressed my sleep on two night in row.

On evening after five p.m. they started a pain on right temple , that felt especially on facial movements, eating, speaking etc.

21st. of February 2014. The night started like night before. They let me sleep for a while, and after awakened me , and started torture and manipulation. They told that they have “peeled” my brain totally, and that they have used so much time with my brain that they won’t let me alone,

They caused a pain on right eye, and area around my right eye. I resisted their manipulation by massaging, and later vibrating my head. After a while, I got some sleep more. I believe that the total time that I slept was something between three and five hours.  On evening, they caused a pain , first in both eyes, later on right eye.  They also started a pain on buttock about couple of hours before, that they think I go to bed.

23rd. of February 2014. I am not sure, how long I slept. After awakening in the morning, they started a pain on right eye. I tried to stop  the pain by massaging the area around my right eye, about hour or two. The pain did not stop, before I woke up.

26th. of February 2014.  I slept about two hours. After that , they awakened me , and I did not get sleep any more. They put me into fast sleep after ten p.m.

28th. of February 2014. I got about two hours of sleep. After eight p.m. they started a very aggressive verbal manipulation that was accompanied with shooting pains on head. I put a kind of vibrating belt around my neck, which eased the pain for a while.

2nd. of March 2014. I got perhaps two hours of sleep. They kept very aggressive verbal manipulation for a whole night. On evening ten to eight p.m.  they started a very dangerous feeling pain on side of my  left eye.

4th. of March 2014. There was a very bad torture on night. I had a starting flu, and this made them to torture even more aggressive way than usually. They caused pain on my right eye for a whole night. I slept hour or two, and in the morning I had a fever.

5th. of March 2014. I had pain on right temple of my head on afternoon, and evening.  On Evening I had also a kind of shrinking or drying feeling on center of my head.

6th. of March 2014.  There were very dangerous feeling shooting pains on center of my head. The pain  comes suddenly, it is very strong,  and last second or two, and disappear. I put a kind of massaging belt on my neck, and after these pains disappeared.

Another Finnish victim of electronic harassment, Heikki Lääkkö has build  his own Internet website: Mind has no firewall. On the page there are some results from measurements he has made for electric fields  close his body

18th..January 2014 .  Since  my previous piece of diary,  the biggest improvement of my situation is that I have found  more information sources about electronic mind control and harassment of people.

Now Google owned Motorola has gone public with a mind reading e-tattoo.Extremetech story has an explanation  and a picture for this  device. This device, and technology behind it gives us some light, how our minds are perhaps  read. Device also would  help us to prove for other people that mindreading -  synthetic telepathy - is reality and not a myth.

Article says “ It has been known for decades that when you speak to yourself in your inner voice, your brain still sends neural spike volleys to your vocal apparatus”.

 What is this “speaking to yourself with inner voice”. I would call it another name verbal thinking. It is something you plan to say your friend, your sister etc. Those who vocalize their reading,  speak the contest of  what they are reading  with “inner voice”. So the device is able for verbal mind reading. There is Robert G. Malech Patent US# 3951134 from year 1976 “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves”, which makes another sectence “It has been known for decades” easier to understand. My electronic torture  started perhaps year or two after Robert G. Malech patent.

This e-tattoo has to put outside of throat, but if one wants to listen somebody without his knowledge, he has to put implant inside of victims  neck. This kind of implant is easy to put person throat through his  mouth when he is unconscious.  Next morning the only feeling person has  for his new implant, is perhaps a sore throat.

I have found a legal case in United States , where a person who was implanted without his knowledge  has won his trial. This happened on   December 30 2008. Name of the man is James Walbert, and he is an  inventor. This five minute youtube has James Walbert  interview after his  legal  victory.

In this interview has  a piece, that started to interest me very much. It is about  a doctor comment when the victim went with x-rays to ask doctor to take out his implant. “ This is a government chip. I will not take it out, and I don’t believe that you find any other doctor in United States who will take it out”.

 The comment gets a kind of explanation on another interview, dr. John Hall half of hour interview. Dr. John Hall is author of book Satellite terrorism which is  about gangstalking and  electronic harassment  in United States.

Doctor Hall tells that electronic harassment is known in some top doctors in national level, and there are a large group people in academics who know these illegal human experiments.  Mind manipulating-devices and  illegal electronic human experimenting, is a kind of a public secret in   some University circles in United States.

 Another interesting thing in this John Hall interview was  way that CIA has contracted out all the testing of these electronic mind control technologies. Subcontractors are some kind of gloves that keep CIA hands clean, whatever crimes subcontractors commit. It also explains use of these technologies for private purposes, like  for patent dispute in James Walter case.

26th. of November 2013. There were very strong. dangerous  pains that started after midnight. In the morning I had a “hard head feeling” for a long time. This make one's  head feeling like full of sand. Male perpetrator repeated hundreds of times word measuring in different sentences. I believe that because they wanted to map word measuring  on brain, from my feedback. On afternoon pain moved above the right eye.

27th. of  November.  I got about four hours of sleep. I had  a strong pain on right temple of head, that kept me awake  part of the night.

28th. of  November.  Very similar pains on night than 27th. of November. There were some pain occasionally also on left temple of head. Because I did not remember that all my head should had  shielded  (with water) ,they made very sore  this part of head which was open while I was on sleep. However I slept longer than night before.

On evening, they caused many fast sleeps, that some continued over half hour, and made my head feel dizzy.

29th. of November 2013.  They caused some  pain and itching on head on afternoon.

2nd. of December 2013.  They kept me awake for several hours. I got sufficient sleep by sleeping long in the afternoon. I woke up around four p.m.

3rd. of December 2013. They told that they do not like my writings on human experiment history in Internet. On same time they were causing pain on my heart (chest on left side). I guess this was a some kind of warning, that they would cause a heart attack, if I write something they do not like.

4th. of December 2013.  They disturbed my sleep as they usually do. They kept me awake for several hours, and made a wound , this time on left side back of my head. Later they let me sleep, and I slept on afternoon. After I awakened, they made a new wound on left side, front of my head, which they teased a whole afternoon.

5th. of December 2013. They kept me awake until nine a.m. After that, I slept at two p.m.

6th. of December 2013. They disturbed my sleep, by causing sharp shooting pains on back of my head. After I had  awakened, they made a wound on left side front of my head. It was still feeling sore on afternoon.  Twenty past six p.m. they started a pain on right temple of my head.

7th. of December 2013. This was perhaps the  worst torture in this year. The pain was on right eye, and the  side of right eye, and it  was nearly impossible to stand. Finally I solved the problem, by massaging the side  of right eye with a small battery powered massager.

    -On  afternoon they started  shooting pains on front of my head . Pains continued until night.

8th. of December 2013. Pain on my right temple, that started after six p.m.

9th. of December 2013. I did not get sleep for a whole night.  Shooting pains on forehead continued.

10th. of December 2013. I got perhaps three hours of sleep. They caused some pain on my side, which made me difficult to sleep.

11th. of December 2013.  I got perhaps three hours of sleep. They had an indirect mention on their speech that they have killed their previous victims “Ei ole kukaan ole jäänyt kitisemään”.  On evening they caused several fast sleeps.

12th. of  December 2013. I got better sleep than night before, but in the morning left side of my head felt different than the right one.

18th. of December 2013. They kept me awake until nine a.m.  After I woke up, did a link more on my internet site. After I took  a couple of pills, of melatonin and went back to sleep. I slept until three p.m.  Rest of the day was a normal verbal manipulation.

20th. of December 2013. I got about two hours of sleep. They kept me awake with pains on back. In the morning, they started a pain on back of my head. On the afternoon and evening, they got me several times into  fast sleep, because I was tired.

22nd. of December 2013.  They kept me awake for many hours. It did takeIn the morning before they finally let me sleep. I believe it was because the shift for people that tortured me was end. I slept for the afternoon. On wakeup they started a pain on right eye that continued for a whole night.

23rd. of December 2013.  I did not sleep at all. I believe it was a revenge that I put James Walter interview on my web site. They caused a pain on right eye, and area around right eye, so that I was not able to sleep.

24th. of December 2013.  I did not get any normal sleep, but I slept perhaps four hours. After ten p.m. they did several tries for fast sleep.

25th. of December 2013. I cannot remember if I slept at all, but perhaps I was asleep at time. I was on bed until three p.m. on afternoon. After I went up, even that I did not remember any sleep simply because I did not feel tired. On night they tried to start a very painful pain on right eye, but I put a small battery operated massager on site of my eye, and after some time of vibrating my face, I was able to get them stop the pain. As revenge they caused a severe pain on back, for a long time, in addition their usual shooting pains on my head.

26th. of December 2013. Again on night they tried to start a pain on right eye. I tried first to shield my eye with hand, but it did not help. After that I started a massager on right temple of my head. After a half of hour massage – or so – they stopped the pain. They told me that they had stopped the flow of blood on some parts of brain, by heating the small veins there, and now they tried to take off blood cloths.

After a while I got sleep, and I slept until four p.m. on afternoon.

27th. of December 2013.  Again they tried to start pain on right eye, after I went to sleep. I started to massage my right eye, and after a while, I got them to stop it. They kept me long awake with different pains on back and head, and gave me a mystic death threat “You will meet your God after some days” .  

I believe that I slept about four hours. After wakeup, they started a strong pain on right temple and right eye, which continued for a whole day. On afternoon they caused some fast sleeps, and later about quarter to ten they started strong shooting pains on left side, front of my head.

28th. of  December 2013. They disturbed my sleep during the  night, but I got about four hours of sleep. After ten p.m. they started a very strong pain on right temple of my head.

29th. of December 2013. After midnight they started a very strong pain on my right temple of head. Actually pain had started last evening, but after midnight it went much stronger. I massaged my neck, and also my right temple  which was sore. I got a bit sleep, but after they awakened me and started to talk. After they started pain on right temple again.  I put small battery operated massager on place that hurt most. They kept causing pain, but after a while I got sleep. I slept long in the afternoon. On awakening they told that they wanted to do inspection filming on my head , because I am one, they have used contrast agent. For now they do not use contrast agent anymore.

1st. of January 2014. They disturbed my sleep. I got sleep about three hours.

2nd. of January 2014. They disturbed my sleep again, but I got more sleep by sleeping long in the afternoon.

6th. of January 2014. On evening after five p.m. They started a pain on right eye.

7th. of January 2014. On night, they kept me awake many hours causing backache and other pains. In the morning I got some sleep, and I slept in afternoon. The pains on left side of neck and back of the head continued after I woke up.

9th. of January 2014.  On night I did not sleep at all. Actually I do not remember, that I slept at all. They caused a cold feeling on neck, and kept me awake. In the morning I did not feel myself very tired, but they caused me several  fast sleeps on afternoon, so I have to actually be tired, because they cannot get me into fast sleep so easily, if I have slept well.

11th. of January 2014. On night they told that they are doing  “terminal experimenting” with me , and offered to give me some money, to comfort rest of my life. I asked them to send money in my bank-account, but hey insisted that they want to give their money in cash. They did not accept sending money bank account because  “money can be traced”. I did  not accept cash, because of many dangers in process.

I do not know, what was the trick behind their offer, but I am sure that there was something else than just pure empathy.  They could not send money in  money transfer, means also that there was some kind of dirty trick behind this offer.

15th. of January 2014.  Occasional shooting pains on back of my head, mostly in afternoon. Later on evening my left forehead started to feel different than right one.

17th. of January 2014. They disturbed my sleep, and on evening they started a pain on my right eye.

18th. of January they disturbed my sleep bad. In the evening they caused me several fast sleeps. I believe that it is because this  new block of my diary is coming to net, and they are very aggressive to make it finishing as possibly. So I have to put it out next night, whatever condition it is. I will check the grammar and spelling later, after  I have got a good sleep.

I have added on my webside a page about Duplessis Orphans. Duplessis orphans were about 100 000 foster children in Quebec, Canada. Many Duplessis Orphans were inproperly subjected brain-damaging electrosohock,  human experimentation, sexual abuse, beatings etc. The abuse resulted many deaths, estimates range into thousands.

This Duplessis Orphans case make me think that there are two types of nations on countries that call themselves “democratic republic”. The difference lays on implementation- and execution of  law.

On the other type of republic people are equal before the law, and law is implemented how it is written. 

On other type of countries, people are not equal before the law, and law is implemented depending the status of people involved. To make difference for  these countries to ordinary republic, I call those countries on name ?republic.I give some examples what I mean  ?republic.

Indonesia is ?republic. In 1963 local organized death squads killed over million trade-union activist- and other people who were labeled as “communist”. In this Alajzeera article they tell, how they did these murders. Indonesian law did not permit murder of these people, but still people who did the murders are free, and police is not after them. On Indonesia law is implemented depending  person status, “communist or trade-unionist” have no human rights, and members of death squads are above the law, can do anything for these communist, who have  human rights and protection of law only  in theory in Indonesia..

Canada is also ?republic. Example in this Duplessis Orphan case I mentioned earlier.These children did not get proper police investigation of crimes that were occurred for them, and those of guilty of crimes were not prosecuted. Later those who survived alive for adulthood, got some bulk compensation.   In my opinion those who did not survive, but were killed in human experiments, or other way, have also right to get people who murdered them to prosecuted for their crimes.

Quebec where these crimes happened, is not only province  in Canada, where implementing and executing law is deficient on some groups of people.. In British Columbia there were found 30 children skeletons in Native Residential school, and I am sure that much more skeletons will be found if all these dark  secrets which Canada has , will  some day come public.  

When I went to Canada, I believed that Canada is normal honest democracy. I did not know that Canada is ?republic, and so they started to use me as human guinea pig in electronic mind control experiments. Apparently natives, foster childs  and immigrants do not have equal human rights.  Later I learned that  Army, Police and Church is above the law and crimes of these institutions are not usually investigated.  Also other immigrants have not known true nature of Canada. Quija Cheng is just one of these immigrants that Canada is using as human guinea pig on electronic mind control experiments.

United States is ?republic too. People in United States are not equal before the law. Basically problem is same as Indonesia and Canada.  James Walter case above is one example, that laws are implemented depending the status of people involved.  Police was not willing to investigate who put implants for James Walter’s body. Instead police rather did try obstruct the course of justice on James Walter case.  There are all kinds of crimes that  members  CIA and FBI have committed without getting  prosecuted.

Actually USA has also a problem on interpretation of law, which makes it ?republic. Just a few American know that USA is on state of National Emergency. United States has been on State of National Emergency since 2001 after 9/11  accident. Among other things, declaration of National Emergency gives US. president power to suspend constitution of United States , whatever opinion Congress has.

There is another example of redefinition of words: Vietnam war was not actually a war – this because of only Congress has powers to declare war.

In real republic, if there is a need to to take some powers that Congress has, and give these powers to President, this should done by changing law , and not by redefining words “war” and “National Emergency” so that powers to start war  or suspend constitution  is possible for president.

 Third example of redefinition of words:President Bush time, United States dept. of Justice, John C. Yoo, and Jay S. Bybee did also redefine word “torture”  so that waterboarding is not torture anymore. In real republic, if nation needs use of  waterboarding torture in interrogation - the Congress had passed the law that permits waterboarding torture, and voters had given their own opinion of their actions  in next election.

 Another author of “torture memo” John C. Yoo is now university of California, Berkeley   law professor. That means that  United  States will have clever legal professionals, who are able to define that apples are oranges, also in future.

These are just few examples why United States is rather ?republic than real republic.

In republic things are done legal way , and this is the difference between republic and  ?republic. If Indonesia had wanted to let death squads kill all trade union activists and other “possible communist” they would have passed law that had given death squads such powers, and no crimes had happened. People in next election would make decision, should their let these representatives continue, or should their chose other people to represent them in Parliament. Similarly Canadian Parliament would have passed law that permits foster childs, and native children, and immigrants to be used in human experimenting, and again people of Canada would have decided have  they chosen right representatives  on their parliament. On republic things are done open and legally. instead Indonesia, Canada, United States and other ?republic-countries commit their crimes in  secret, and usually people will get no  information what kinds of horrible crimes are committed by army, police and several other more or less   secret agencies.


25th. of  of November 2013. Since for  my last piece of diary, the most important thing was perhaps Magnus Olsen’s suspicious   attack of illness while he was sleeping, after meeting with World association against torture International secretariat on Geneva. My perpetrators comments  for incident were ugly,  “Magnus Olsen was near not  get “Nobel Prize”  but did not succeed  like  Sean Stin did on last year.  This sentence is  a good example of their typical Orwellian “newspeak” where Nobel prize does not mean Nobel prize , but just something else. On the highest principle on my perpetrators “newspeak” seems to be , that most of the things should not  call on their own name.

The dream experiment with “Dr. Suzuki from Japan”  which I told on 28th. of August on my diary, got a kind of explanation, with a help of a member for our Finnish mind control victims group. Japan scientist have developed a machine that can record human dreams. If I understand right this youtube video shows a recording a piece  of actual dream. Now several people of our group have reported of dream experiments, where they have had manipulated dreams.

30th. of September 2013. I got sleep about three hours. They kept very aggressive verbal manipulation, most of the night. Perhaps this was their revenge, that I had put a new piece of diary on Internet.

4th. of October 2013.  They disturbed my sleep, , but I was able to get some more sleep, by sleeping until afternoon. Daytime they did forced speech, and their try to speak on my voice, continued on evening.  In addition,  there were also some shrinking feeling- and pain on center of my head on afternoon.

6th. of October 2013.  They made a wound  on the side of left eye, on night.  They teased the wound until afternoon. Pain on right eye continued until night. They did also verbal manipulation and forced speech, and tried to  cut my thinking about matters on Peacepink-web-site.

7th. of October 2013. Pain on right eye, continued a whole night, and next afternoon. On night it  even went worse than before. To make my sleeping even more difficult they kept verbal manipulation for a whole night.

8th. of October 2013. They did very aggressive manipulation. On night there were again “seminar”. They kept very aggressive talk with some pains, mostly on head.  Daytime they did  forced speech,  similarly as yesterday, and nearly every day.

I was planning a trip to ISAACT measurement event on Brussel, where I could have some kind of evidence that I emit rf-energy, and so prove I am implanted. Because of rest of the victims of Finnish group wanted to wait until ISAACT measurement event comes nearer-  Stockholm or even Helsinki , I desided to wait this later event near Finland also.

Some of our group have talked with Finnish authorities about frequency scanning ISAACT does, and found that authorities  have suspicions for reliability of measurements.:"camera that records the  scannig would emit rf-energy etc," However on ISAACT  test situation there is  a  control person who is also measured. If on measurement of  control person, the meter shows zero, and only difference in test situation is that mindcontrol victim go to place of control person and the meter shows rf-frequency - there is very difficult to make other conclusion, that this person has something in his body that cause this rf-energy which  meter shows.

There are some voices , that doubt that ISAACT test is a "hoax" because "these results  are  not possible" .In science, if there is some doubt for reliability of some experiments, these  test are duplicated.. Then it is possible to find reason,  that causes the difference of results. How ever none of the authorities want to duplicate these  tests, but rather stay  quiet for the whole thing, and hope results of tests would be buried in silence.

I have not found that police has done any measurements for people who believe that are victims of electronic mind control. I have not get news that they have done something investigation about person who has got  positive results for ISAACT- test. On Finland police usually suggest  person to go to "mental health professional", and if person has children, the social worker would start the prosess, to take children away from her. I have got also some signs that police put person also some "unstable people register" and takes  his gun away,  if he has gun  etc. I believe that police has order to do so, in these  kind of cases.

Mental health professional in his  turn, does not  understand anything about rf-energy measurements. Instead he has learned from  his textbook that "hearing voices" is a clear symptom of schizophrenia. He makes his diagnose that patient has schizophrenia. My friend has an opinion that  in future, mental hospitals perhaps will meter all their patients with rf-counter, and  if person emits rf-energy, this would be added his  record  as  a new symptom - patient  is emitting "schizophrenia-waves".

10th. of October 2013. Pain on right temple , that actually started yesterday evening continued a whole night. Actually they disturbed my sleep for several hours, by causing strong pain on right eye, other pains on head, and occasional  back pain, in addition of verbal manipulation that continued whole time.  I believe that I slept three hours, or perhaps even more. The pain on right eye continued very strong for a whole day and evening, this caused that eating and speaking , were painful, because  I had move shinbones.  Pain eased a bit after eleven p.m.

11th. of October 2013. They kept me awake with a pain on right side of head,  and right eye. The pain was very strong in the morning, and felt nearly  whole head. I massaged my neck to get relief. The pain felt on every step I made. I went to shower, and pain disappeared temporarily.

12th. of October 2013. Again whole night they caused a pain on my  right eye, and area around my right eye. I was still able to sleep about five hours, because I was tired, and because I was able to cover  my right eye by hand, and sleep so that my sore eye was towards the ground. In the morning pain continued, but ended , after I massaged my neck, that was very sore. I have found also before this night , that sore neck, and pains on head have very strong correlation.

13th. of October 2013. I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning they started a very strong pain on right eye, that continued for long on  afternoon.

14th. of October 2013. They disturbed my sleep on night. I believe that I slept something between three and five hours. They also told me that “death circus” will come will come to town and will kill me. In the morning I awakened a very strong pain on right eye that eased after I massaged my neck and went to shower.

15th. of October 2013. They let me sleep couple of hours. After they disturbed my sleep with pains and talking. After that, I got couple of hours more sleep

16th. of October 2013. Night was very similar than previous night, first sleep a couple of hours, after about four hours pain and talking – perhaps this was seminar again. And then I got some sleep more. There was a new kind of pain on back of my head and for this was connected their threat to “cooking” my  head. On evening they caused an uneasy feeling on back, like mild electricity going on there. They got me fast sleep on half past seven, and after that, they started a mild pain on both eyes.

17th. of October 2013. Again they awakened me on night, and started talking. They used a pain on my back to keep me awake. After about three hours or so -perhaps after their “seminar” was over - they let me to sleep again. I slept in the afternoon, and I got about five hours, or more sleep.

18th. of October 2013.  Again similar night. They let me sleep about three hours, after they kept me awake four hours, and after their  “seminar” they let me sleep hour or two.

19th. of October 2013. Once more they let me sleep for a while, and after they kept me awake three or four hours. This time they caused a very dangerous feeling pain on back of my head. I was not able to stop the pain  even I had about 30 centimeters of water over it. Similarly which ever position I moved, this pain followed me on couple of seconds after. The pain stopped sometime on day, and I was able to sleep a bit more.

20th. of October 2013. Very similarly as previous night - they let me sleep about hour, and after started “seminar” . I wonder why they keep these seminars on Saturday  night also.  They kept me awake with different pains and talking. After I slept long in the afternoon.  So in about 12 hours in bed, I got about five or six hours of  sleep.

21st. of October 2013. On night they teased on left side of head. Later about three a.m. they did forced speech. They kept me awake about five six hours with pains and talking. I got some hours of sleep, when I slept into afternoon. The rest of day and night went with verbal manipulation, itching on head, and forced speech that they tried continuously.

22nd. of October 2013. Again they kept me awake for a long time, but I got sleep perhaps three hours. Daytime was usual verbal manipulation, forced speech,  and some sharp pain on back of my head.

23rd. of October 2013. They let me sleep about hour on night, and after started torture and manipulation. Many hours later I was able to catch some sleep in short pieces. Putting the pieces together, I got perhaps three or four hours of sleep. On evening , they did tens of very aggressive forced speech tries, and also caused some fast sleeps, in addition of normal itching and pains here and there and verbal manipulation.

24th. of October 2013. They did not let me sleep at all, on night. I  was still awake at eight a.m.  later I got some sleep, because I stayed on bed until afternoon. I believe total amount of sleep was between three and five hours.

26th. of October 2013. They kept me awake night with pains, talking, and simply caused that I did not feel sleepy.  After nine a.m. I massaged my neck and got sleep about four hours. Their talking caused  me a very dangerous feeling , they threaded to “dry” my brains, and make me blind and deaf.

27th. of October 2013. Again they kept me awake on night for several hours.  This night they also broadcast a voice of handsaw . This put my mind old memories for Edmonton days before I had to leave the down . These   perpetrators used a voice of handsaw and hammer as their “trademark” and they called themselves   “coffin makers” . I believe that  their purpose on also this time  was to make me scare. They made a wound on above the right eye, and the pain continued very strong  a whole day and night.

28th. of October 2013. The pain on right eye continued a whole night.  They also started a pain on back of my head. I did not let them speak very much, but I listened music loud on my earphones and did morse code practising   for all the time, I was awake on night. I believe that I slept about three hours.

29th. of October 2013.  I got sleep about four hours on night, after they started verbal manipulation with some dangerous feeling shooting pains on head, and I did not get sleep any more. On evening they made my reading difficult by making letters unclear and difficult to recognize. If I moved my head horizontally, the text was clear for a moment, but if I kept my head still, the text went unclear. Otherwise there were normal forced speech, itching, and shooting pains here and there on my head, and some tries for  fast sleep .

30th. of October 2013. After midnight they started with strong pain on my forehead. Later they gave strong shooting pains, mostly center and back of my head.  I got over five hours of sleep. In the morning I found that they have done a rather painful wound on side of my right eye. The wound felt always when smiling, or eating – every time I used muscles around the right eye.

1st. of November 2013. My sleep was disturbed with a pain on my right eye. Daytime pain felt  on side of right eye. It had gone stronger, and was feeling  all on  the right side of my  face.

2nd. of November 2013. Again they disturbed my sleep on night. In the morning I awakened   with a strong pain on my right eye, and around of right eye. Because I had not good sleep I continued sleep and slept until  afternoon. This way I got perhaps even five hours of sleep. When I got up from bed, they started a strong continuous pain on back of my head. It later  eased for a while and then continued strong again.

3rd. of November 2013. They kept me awake until morning. After I got perhaps three hours of sleep. Around one p.m. while I was bicycling on road, they started a very strong sharp pain on back of my head. Pain eased  when I got home, and shielded my head with water pack over sore point.

4th. of November 2013. I got sleep about five hours. In the morning, they made a wound  on left side, about five centimeters above the left ear. There was forced speech and occasional back pain on daytime.  After seven p.m. they did several tries for  fast sleep .  Later they started a pain on both eyes, that continued about hour.

5th. of November 2013. On evening they caused that my sight went unclear. I had difficulties to read with my eyes.  They told me that they have developed a technique to stop temporarily  person  ability to read .

6th. of November 2013.  I got perhaps five hours of sleep. In the morning they made a gain a wound about five centimeters up from left eye, and they teased the wound whole morning.

7th. of November 2013. They let me sleep about an hour on night. After they started a sharp pain on left side of my head. I was unable to shield this pain.The  pain was accompanied with verbal manipulation.  I stayed in bed listening loud music on earphones until four p.m. on afternoon,  when  I was able to get some more sleep, I am not sure but I believe so. I lost a day , but they did not get me in very tired condition that they perhaps wanted to put me.

8th. of November 2013. They kept me awake until nine  a.m. After I massaged my neck, and I was able to get perhaps one or two hours of  sleep. They made me also a  wound on left side of my head, about five centimeters above my left ear. The wound was feeling for long afternoon, and occasionally they causes strong sharp pains on wound.

11th. of November 2013.  They did not let me sleep at all, on night, but instead they caused a strong pain on my right eye that continued whole morning. On night they also caused a pain on my toes, that made my sleeping impossible.

14th. of November 2013. I got about three hours of sleep. After they awakened me with a strong electric shock on the  sole of my foot. They kept me awake for  a whole night. In the morning they told me that they did not want me to sleep, because they had to “curl my hair” on this night  - whatever it really means.

18th. of November 2013. They kept me awake whole night. At nine a.m. , I had not  slept at all. So I stayed on bed until three p.m. on afternoon, and got some sleep – perhaps three hours, I am not sure.

19th. of November 2013. Again they kept me awake until eight a.m. with pains and itching here and there – my toes legs fingers, and also head.  After nine a.m. I took a couple  pills of melatonin, massaged my neck. I  continued staying on bed, until two p.m.  Again I got perhaps three hours of sleep.

22nd. of November 2013. I slept perhaps four hours, They caused a very strong pain on my right eye whole night. The pain continued on the whole day and did not end before the evening.

23rd. of November 2013. I got a pretty good sleep, but daytime there were occasional, very dangerous feeling shooting pains on my right temple. They also made forced speech, which was different than before. Usually my part of conversation is silent, but their part they try get out for me loudly. This time it was just opposite, their part was silent, but my part they played out loudly from my mouth.

24th. of November 2013. Occasional shooting pains on right temple continued after midnight.  In the evening, I got some fast sleeps and dangerous feeling pain on right temple. I have to put this piece of diary on net without finishing,  and correcting errors, because I feel they make my feeling very difficult otherwise. It seems that correcting errors, after the diary is on net, is rather rule than exception on this writing.

I have made a new link on my mindcontrol page. It is Sophia Smalstrom about one hour lecture for   synthetic biology, Chemtrails and Morgellons disease.

 We live now in  world a bit like  George Orwell  described in his book  1984 , although it is many way different than Orwell imagined it. Orwell did not imagine telescreens, that can be used also for listening people  thinking, remove parts of memory,  change personality, and many other things.

Sophia Smalstrom  gives a hint ,  on her lecture, what our world would look in future. It has some similarities  of   Aldous Huxley book “Brave new world”, with industry needs based  production of Alpha ,Beeta, gamma  and epsilon humans. Of course - similarly as George Orwell book  - in reality  future would have much  differences for world that  Aldous Huxley imagined.



30th.  of September2013.  The biggest thing that has happened since my previous piece of diary 13th. of August 2013, was that I  found a group of Finnish victims of mind control. There are about  10 people in  this group , but I believe that perhaps half of the victims of Finland  have not found our group, and so  Finland has  at least 20 victims of electrical mind-control. We communicate in Peacepink  web site, which has also many other  mind control victims groups, all around the world. The Peacepink -web site was founded by  SoleilMavis, who had  very much similarities in her story to  what happened for me, except that her had to leave Australia after electromagnetic torture, whereas I had to leave Canada, after  similar mind control torture. Also similarly as my case, the torture continued, when she leaved the country.

 Actually I found that from  Peacepink-web site that there are several mind-control victims who have similar history – many of them  come from  “Five eyes  “ countries.  This means that these countries want  to make their criminal human experimenting   in another country, and people with other nationality. The other reason could be that mind reading and manipulation, is very language dependent, and they want to have people with other language, to train people in other languages  who are able to use mindcontrol equipments.

Our group had once a meeting in Tampere , where we talked our experiences, with each other.  This meeting was eye-opening and explained some terms, my perpetrators had used while speaking with me.   One example is term   “theatre-ship” .  In our discussion  we found that more than one person had similar kind of CB-radio “frame-environment” , where they were tortured. This is perhaps what they use for  younger  people. Other possible frames would be “religion frame” where victims can speak with “God , angels” etc.  Also  there is perhaps “UFO” frame were “beings from another planet” experiments  with them. However still many person believes, that some of their known person or group tortures him.

Nearly every of us - including myself - has complained police for their electronic harassment. I personally have  even made a written complaint for the chief of police, which “did not find reasonable ground” to start investigation. From Police-chief answer I took to Finnish ombudsman, which also gave negative answer. The ombudsman answer is possible to read (those who understand Finnish language)  in this newspaper clip. I wrote to  newspaper to complaint ombudsman way to handle  peoples  complaints from  civil servants. Actually I complained - in my newspaper article - that our ombudsman does not give reason why some particular complaint is turned down, but instead gives a list of possible reasons why  it is rejected.

After our  group physical meeting  in Tampere. one of us made decision to complain  right to Finnish minister of Interior Päivi Räsänen. The person who made the complaint, did not tell only her torture,  but also told  similar manipulation problems that our whole group had, and also gave sources and links for foreign groups that have similar problems.

 Minister of InteriorPäivi Räsänen answered through her secretary, that person should go to doctor because  she had mental problems. Päivi Räsänen did not count rest of us, who also suffer for electric mind manipulation.

 If Päivi Räsänen had investigated case she had found that that there are over hundred organization of victims of electronic mind-control and manipulation all over the world, and their membership is over thousand people. Päivi Räsänen would have also found that victims have not had  proper scientific investigation that exludes electronic harassments and proves that these over thousand people are mentally ill..  She would have also found that  the opinions that victims complaints are just  symptoms of mental illness, are  just mostly policemen made  guesses, without any scientific  evidence. I have not found any police made investigation,  that proves that these people are not harassed by electromagnetic waves, instead  research has found that at least some of them emit   radiofrquencies on their body, which proves that they have implats and so most likely they are victims of electromagnetic harassment.

With good luck  Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen would have found that these equipment that  would  put anybody to “hear voices”  were on sale at at  prize 390 dollars for three  years ago. With this kind of device people  living near, can get anybody to believe he is mentally sick. Of course, equipment for military use are much more sophisticated.

Rather than simply stupidity, and lack of knowledge on Finnish authorities, I have couple of other possibilities what would have caused that police does not want investigate electronic harassment:

 It is possible that police does not stop our torture and manipulation, because they want to gain knowledge, of equipment of mind control used , and how they are used.  The other possibility goes even  further, some organization inside government  ( army ?) is doing these criminal experiments with Finnish citizen, possible with co-operation on some foreign organizations.

15th. of August 2013. They awakened me after I had a couple of hours of sleep. They kept me awake for several hours, but let me sleep after  “seminar” had ended.  I slept in the  afternoon. After I awakened, they were very aggressive to trying for forced speech,

16th. of August 2013. They kept very aggressive verbal manipulation, and forced speech, for a whole day. After four p.m. they caused a heart pain, while I was bicycling. They try often  to do their dirty experiments on situation which look like natural. I was bicycling a normal speed, and I should have not heart pain.

The pain on heart eased after ten p.m.  They kept very aggressive manipulation, and did very much work trying to get me angry.  On night they threaded to “iron” my head for a bit.  Their "human farming" speech which  they used earlier, have changed, and now they call themselves “service dog training association” . I guess we victims of their torture are their “dogs”.

The pain on left side of my chest  stopped for some hours, but started again, after I stopped their verbal manipulation on loud music.

19th. of August 2013.  When I went to bed, they caused shaking of my body, and alarming noise. Later they started a repetitive voice attack .. I was on my left ear up, and they got this ear partly sensitive. In the morning when I came conscious around eight a.m.  – they started a repetitive voice attack again on my left ear. The left ear was a whole day sensitive, and they tortured it with repetitive voices. They also caused a backache, fast sleep, and a pain on buttock.

21st. of August 2013. In the morning they caused a wound on left side front of my head.  The wound was feeling  a whole day.  They also caused a problems with eyesight, when they tried to make my reading difficult, and they also tried  fast sleep.

22nd. of August 2013.  After I went to sleep, they made a wound , this time back of my head. They also threatened me, and also caused me some nausea. Still I got some sleep, and I had even a dream. I am suspicious, perhaps it was artificial dream. In the morning , they behaved as usually, and made a wound  - this time on side of left eye - as they often do in the morning.

23rd. of August 2013. On night, they did very aggressive  verbal manipulation. About four a.m. I started to disturb their verbal manipulation, with morse code practising . Their revenge was a shrinking feeling  on center of the head. They also tried repetitive voice attack, but I was able to disturb it so bad  that they ended it.

24th. of August 2013.  They kept me awake for a whole night. In the morning I got perhaps three hours of sleep. After they told me that they made a big “surgery” on my head , and my head has to heel , before they can do the next one.   Did they told something truth, or not – The wound  they made on left side of my eye – felt different than usually, although it was on same place. This time there were rather “freezing” feeling on wound, and all the left side of my head. Pain on the eye ended after ten p.m.

25th. of August 2013. I got about normal sleep. In the morning they did several  aggressive tries for verbal manipulation. After wakeup, they started a pain – this time on right eye.  The pain on right eye has different feeling  than  pain on left eye. It feels like somebody is pressing the side of eye with stick, or some other sharp object. I found later that my eyesight has gone worse. Actually other eye, disturbs the picture of other one . This is a trick they have done me sometimes before. If I press the sore place on side of eye, the eyesight goes normal. The problem is actually that they cause me to see two pictures, which makes my reading difficult.

27th. of August 2013. I had pain on right temple on my head, and some itching on the head, which both started on evening. Before there  was some normal verbal manipulation.

28th. of August 2013. This was perhaps the  worst torture, for a couple of months. Their story (which is not necessary true)  was that they have a visiting group from Japan to show their talents with dr. Suzuki. I do not trust their story, but this really would be a visiting group, they were able to make a wound  from place that was shielded, that my "own"  perpetrators do not usually do. They also caused itching on my nose which was very harmful, because I have a sleep-apnea and I use  cpap-machine and nose mask while I sleep. I believe that sleep-apnea is a result of their experimenting. They did let me get some sleep, and s s perhaps artificial dream, or they were able to cause just normal dreams. I kept doing  morse code practising  a whole night, to disturb their manipulation, and I also listened music loud on my earphones.

I slept in the afternoon, when I really got some more natural sleep.  The wound on the side of right eye was a whole day painful.

29th. of August 2013. They caused a very heavy pulsing pain on right temple, which  started about quarter to ten p.m.

30th. of August 2013. I got sleep perhaps three hours on this night. First I got about hour sleep. Then they started a heavy pain on right eye that they call "fundus filming". They kept me awake, for a whole night. I decided that I do not go out from bed, before I get more sleep.

I was awake, until afternoon, and finally after four p.m. they let me sleep some hours more. After wakeup, they started a heavy headache, which ended when I massaged my neck, that was very sore. They were very angry about “filling” which they were not able to complete.

31st. of August. I did not get sleepat all on last night. In the morning  they started a heavy pain on the  right temple of my head.

4th. of September 2013. I got sleep about two hours.  I got a repetitive voice attack on left ear, and some pain here and there, which kept me awake nearly a whole night.

5th. of September 2013. I got about four hours of sleep. After they started talking and manipulation, and I could not sleep anymore. In the afternoon they warned that  “coastal artillery begins to fire you” . But I did not find anything very different from other days.

9th. of September 2013. They caused a long toothache on night on right side of upper teeth. I thought that perhaps my implants are on teeth, and they try to cover it someway.  In the morning the toothache was gone, and did not come back.

10th. of September 2013. They caused some burning feeling pain on  my head ,on evening. They did also some forced speech,,  and also caused usual pain on buttock before I went to sleep.

11th. of September 2013.  Again they did several  forced speech,  tries, Some of them were successful, although I cut them out after sentence or two.

13th. of September 2013. They disturbed my sleep. I believe that I got sleep perhaps four hours.  In the morning they started a pain on my  right eye, that continued a whole day and evening, although it eased a bit after ten p.m.

15th. of  September 2013.  They  let me sleep hour or two. After they kept me awake with pains and talking. They were using a pain on right eye, among other pains. I got some more sleep on daytime, by staying on bed until afternoon.

16th. of September , 2013. Night went similarly as last night. They let me first sleep hour or two, and kept me awake rest of the night with pains and talking. Mostly the pain was on center-  or back of my head. I felt very tired for a whole day.

17th. of September 2013. I got sleep about three hours. Then they kept me awake about three hours. After I got sleep about hour more. Apparently they tried to keep me insufficient sleep continuously. There was rather a strong pain on side of right eye on afternoon.                                                                                                                                                

-About half past six p.m.  they caused  problems on my  heart beating. I was even a bit afraid for my death. The problems ended before seven  p.m.  I felt that they actually tried to stop my heart for beating, there was a strong pain on left side of my chest.

18th. of September 2013. In the morning, about half past eight, they awakened me, by causing a very strong pain on my right eye. This continued with pains on back, and I was not able to defend myself, whatever I did.  I turned into other side to get my right eye on site of ground, where I was able to cover it easier.

This was perhaps, what they wanted me to do – I slept about five hours more, and awakened on afternoon.

24th. of September 2013. I slept in the afternoon.  On afternoon, I found that they have wiped out some of my memory. It was  what I wanted to write on end of this piece of diary. However I had written skeleton, of my thinking on paper – so everything was not lost, even I did not remember  anything,  I had planned.

25th. of September 2013. I got sleep about three hours, After they kept me awake with pains and talking. As a new type of pain, they introduced while I was on bed, was a kind of pain on foot.

26th. of September.   on night they let me sleep three hours, then they started “seminar” . They kept talking and pains about three hours, after I massaged my neck and I was able to sleep three hours more, when I slept in the afternoon.

On September 16th. in the  Naval facility on  Washington D.C. Aaron Alexis killed 12 people , before he got himself  killed by security guards. Before his attack Aaron Alexis was carved in his Remington tactical shotgun “MY ELF WEAPON”. He has told police that he was bombarded  by microwave signals that send vibration on his body to kept him awake. This detail makes me believe that he was really a victim of electromagnetic harassment. I have also experienced same, and most of the other victims too. It is our perpetrators basic tricks. Instead mentally sick people very seldom have such “symptom”.

Aaron Alexis believed,  he would not get justice from United States legal system, So he did take a gun and killed twelve people for revenge, before got killed himself.

Aaron Alexis attack had some similarities for United States Army drone attacks – most of the killed were innocent people. I do not feel that  Aaron Alexis was responsible what he did. Man who has not get sleep for a long time, and who is harassed with secret weapons, cannot think and act clearly. Instead guilty are those who harassed him with these weapons, and even more those who are keeping these weapons secret. People  who are tortured with  these weapons cannot get understanding for law enforcement officials.

When I read news about Aaron Alexis, I think what evil things  would have  not happened If Canadian  Solicitor General Robert Kaplan had honestly answered M.P.  Bill Domm:s question about me  in 1981.

  I got very similar electronic harassment in Canada, as Aaron Alexis did have on this year . After I found that police did not take my problem seriously, I made a letter to complaint my harassment for ambassador of Finland. My ambassador did not answer my letter, so I translated this letter to English, and compiled it, with some articles about human experiments, and so I made my first leaflet that had name READ THIS. I distributed this leaflet around Edmonton, in hope that my perpetrators would got so afraid  that they would end my torturing. Happened just opposite, my torture went more severe. I found that I did  not get my message through people, because English is my second language, and because my writing was not perfect. This is the  way people logic works, I had to  accept it, even it does not have much sense  - I write very good Finnish language.

I went to Ottawa, I hired a professional journalist to write my story so we made booklet “My life depends on you” January 1981.This booklet  is possible to get also in  electronic version my vebsite. I delivered it by mail in Ottawa 7000 pieces, and Edmonton 2000 pieces. In addition I delivered   the booklet also  for  all the members of Canadian parliament.

One M.P. Conservative Bill Domm, wrote a letter for Solicitor General Robert Kaplan, and asked him response for accusations I had made. Robert Kaplan never answered this question.

If Robert Kaplan had gone RCMP secret files, and  honestly answered this question, much of evil things that has happened in world, after 1981 , would   not have happened.

 If  Solicitor General Robert Kaplan had honestly answered my question, electronic harassment has become known and Aaron Alexis would have gone to police, who had understood him. They would have seeked  and   found out where, and who  are the perpetrators who harassed him with electromagnetic weapons. Those  12 people who  Aaron Alexis killed - because he would not get justice in United States legal system - would still be alive.

Also Darrim Daouth in London would have gone to police, and get help, and  would still be alive.

Turkish authorities would have suspect electronic mind control for Aselsan engineers “mental problems and four engineers that were manipulated to make suicide, would still be alive.

These are only the tiny portion of crimes, that are made with electromagnetic mind control weapons, and which would have avoided, if electronic mind-reading and manipulation equipments and techniques had gone public in 1981. Some idea of amount of victims one can get from participants of mind control victims organizations such as Peacepink, and FFCHS.

This technology is developed  in secret,  over thirty years, and they are now capable of verbal mindreading. So these equipment would be useful   for solving serious crimes. The problem is that this  technology is now in   hands of people, who do not want to use these equipment for solving crimes. Instead they are using these equipments  for committing crimes. The technology itself is a kind of neutral, it could be used for good or evil, but in hands of evil people it is used for evil purposes.

I am sure that longer the electromagnetic mind manipulation technology is kept in secret, that more-  and more serious evil things will happen in the world.

In May 2012 piece of my diary I told about United States army mass-murder in Afganistan. Now it has had its  trial. Robert Bales was saved from death penalty after pleading guilty.

 I just wonder what happened from witnesses which told that there were several soldiers killing villagers, and not just Robert Bales. Associated Press story published in Australian, as well child-witnesses story by NBC suggest that Robert Bales was not alone. Perhaps these witnessed “disappeared” in  Latin American way. Other possibility is, that Army simply did not pay their airline-ticket to trial.

I also wonder why does not New York Times and other news-media wonder same .Actually I found only one magazine in United States, that honestly wrote, what perhaps  happened in Afganistan, in this night of mass-murder of  villagers.

13th.  August 2013. Since of my previous piece of diary, on 22nd. of June,  the torture on  my right eye, has become  less frequent , and forced speech, has come more aggressive than before. They have also started a pain on buttock, usually couple of hours before, I am planning to go to sleep.

 I wrote on  my previous piece of diary  on   27th . of April , that I did  believe  that  gains of illegal brain research will come public fast, after President Obama started a hundred million dollar public brain-mapping program. This neural dust is perhaps the first important result, after Obama announcement.

Besides neural dust, in the article, there are  several other  weak signals, that   electronic mind control victims have something  special on  their blood, which  makes the  electronic  mind control possible.  Example  "Blood filming" - the term my perpetrators use their monitoring and manipulation - is an another "weak signal".There are   also some   other similar  "weak signals" which supports theory that perhaps we have something special on our blood.

I am planning a kind of blood test for myself  when I next time cut my finger, and start bleeding, or perhaps even before that. This test  could possibly show  if I  have   Morgellons syndrome  type, or other  foreign nanoparticles in my blood.  I also hope at least few of the victims get interested enough, to take similar tests for themselves.

 I admit , there is rather tiny  possibility that we find anything, but test is inexpensive, and rather easy to do. If we found some foreign particles on our blood, and if foreign particles on blood is the  common denominator ,that separates all electronic mind control victims from other people, this would help a lot  to prove  our case.

 Ordinary blood-tests  find how much we have cholesterol  on our blood or similar things,  but they are not  designed to find foreign nanoparticles on blood. This test would possibly do it.

So I need my blood, perhaps  amount of beer bottle. Taking more blood, could make  feeling weak. Of course the bottle should be extremely clean. If  I study  blood on microscope, finding nanoparticles from it,is more difficult than finding  needle on haystack.  To increase my possibility to find  nanoparticles  in blood,  I have to fractionate  the blood. The idea fracrinating is, that nanoparticles have different weight than any natural components of blood, and centrifuging puts all the component on blood  on "pile"  according their weight.   Centrifuge does not have to be laboratory centrifuge, but any device that can make  necessary centrifugal force on blood sample  can do.

If any victim finds foreign particles on his blood,it is not wise to go to police right away. Police would contact  for the chief of the police, who in turn would find that investigation belongs to  some of the country's  secret services.  All this would in - worst case -  end so, that individual who found something odd on his blood, will be guarded to  some closed institution for "further investigation". Later he would find that he cannot come out of building, but   have to live guarded, on this  - more or less secret closed institution - for  rest of his life. 

 Better way  is, to get many people to verify the particle, make picture of it- and good documentation  too , and after make contact FFCHS- or other mind control  victims organization. If several people contact police, and have good documented  evidence of crime,  and legal help with them , the  attitude of  police is much more helpful.

25-27th. of June 2013. Similar things have happened on last three days. They have awakened me two, or three times for night. Still I have got about  five hours of sleep, because I do not have to wake up early anymore.  They have made a  wound on new way, so that it is not so easy to find it, when they make it. They have done it every day on side of left eye. The wound is feeling usually a whole day. They have also started occasional shooting pains on day. The feeling is similar , than person who has been long  time in sun, without a hat. There are also occasional forced speech,  itching, and sometimes they try fast sleep.

29th. of June 2013. They made a wound above my left eye before the morning wakeup. Their message in this morning was mystic “In the future you cannot do anything, because you will eat on same table with us”. I have learned to not think what their coded message means, because I know this is the thing,  what they want me to do.

Their teasing on wound they made in  the morning, continued whole day. I massaged my neck couple of times, but it gave only temporary ease. They got me into fast sleep,  around nine p.m. Later I had dizzy feeling and got white noise on my ears.

First of July 2013. This night was a worst torture for month or two. They let me sleep about two hours, then awakened. They caused a pain on left side back of my head. It felt very much like stubbing the head with sharp knife. Their torture lasted about two hours. After it ended, I was  too afraid to wake up  my bed, because  they did a wound on left side of  my head.  I was on bed until afternoon. When I woke up, the left side of head felt like freezing on side of the left eye. The  wound  was sore for a  whole afternoon.

2nd. of July 2013. Again I was awakened after two hours of sleep. They caused a feeling of odd smell of flowers. The smell  made me difficult to breath.  I massaged my neck , started loud music on earphones, and started morse code practice, to disturb their verbal manipulation. I got a couple of hours more sleep. In the morning the smell of flowers was gone, or actually the smell existed, but it did not bother me, and it did not disturb my breathing at all. So I believe that they had actually some way magnified the feeling of smell on my brain on night. I got  perhaps four hours of sleep this night. On evening about nine p.m. they got me into fast sleep, and when I awakened , I had a dizzy feeling.

3rd. of  July 2013. I had about normal sleep, but in the wakeup , they caused a pain  on side of right eye, that continued whole morning. On evening  they got me into fast sleep.  After I massaged my neck , and found there were  much sore points. I have found that  sore points on neck, correlates how aggressive their manipulation is. Massage someway resets  their manipulation, perhaps my head vibration  causes temporary interference  on their equipment’s.

5th. of July 2013. They awakened me around five a.m. I tried to catch sleep again, but they gave me very dangerous  feeling  shocks on left side back of my head, which were sore whole  afternoon. They also caused some backache, and other pains, to keep me awake. This continued about three hours. After they told “seminar  went well” and I got some sleep more.

I believe, that the purpose for their torture while I am in bed, is more than just prevention of  sleep. On bed their victims are more still, and do not move that much than out of bed.  Other possibility is, that actual “seminar” is transmitted through internet, and is other time zone  than I. So I am in sleeping when they have afternoon, or so.

I am a bit afraid that they caused permanent damage on my brains left back of the head.

6th of July 2013. I got sleep about three hours. After they kept me awake. They made a wound on head , on side of right eye.

7th. of July 2013.  They tortured my right eye on night. I tried to ease the pain, by massaging my eye.  I also shielded my eye with hand , while in bed. They kept verbal manipulation on night, but I was able to sleep , by playing loud music on earphones, because I was very tired.  The pain on right eye continued on afternoon.

9th. of July 2013. I got nearly five hours of sleep. They told me a story, on their morning opening. After they started a heavy pain on right eye, which made me impossible to sleep. Actually a similar pain started on yesterday on same time, so this pain , is on their schedule.

12th. of July 2013. They awakened me around five, and tried to start talking. I was able to catch some sleep more, by starting listening music on earphones, and doing morse code practising on same time.  This disturbs their verbal manipulation, and make their monitoring of brain less interesting.  Before wakeup they made a wound  on left side above my left eye it lasted on next evening. Daytime they did , I believe over a hundred start for forced speech. They have been very aggressive for it on last weeks, beside of words, they try to control color of speech and facial movements. I believe that the idea is to someway act through the victims body.

13th. of July 2013. Day was very usual. Some itching on head, some tries for fast sleep. About 20-100 tries to start speaking  about sex. Perhaps they try to map  these areas from my brain for manipulation.  There were about  as many tries for  forced speech.  The forced speech feels most dangerous, they can partly control my color of voice, and my facial movements, before I interrupt them, by closing my mouth.

The threats and promises, are things they speak very often. The threats are usually coded someway . One example ,they spoke today was that they will give me “red socks” on next night. This was rather rare threat. Usually they will threat that they will take my “teeth off” , or something similar.

14th. of July 2013. They got me into  fast sleep outside about six p.m.  After I got a bit dizzy feeling, even that I did not sleep on sun. The feeling was  felt expecially back of my head.  Otherwise  they did normal manipulation, some itching on tenth of tries for forced speech.

15th. of July 2013.  They threated put me into “sauna” also they told me that they will rise my blood pressure. After nine p.m. they caused fast sleep.

16th. of July 2013. They awakened me after two hours of sleep, and kept me awake about three hours. Finally I got hour or two more sleep by listening loud music on earphones, and doing  morse code practising. Again they threatened me with “sauna” and told that they will “cut my teeth”. They gave also some indirect threats of killing me. Daytime they did hundreds of tries for forced speech. After half past seven on evening, they got me into fast sleep. When I awakened, about half hour later. I felt dizzy. I had some difficulties to stay up, expecially back of the head felt odd.

17th. of July 2013. They awakened me on night after about two hours of sleeping, and started talking. I shielded  myself from their manipulation with loud music on earphones.  There was a odd incident on night, a new voice started to shout “baby is born, baby is born”. My regular perpetrators told “we will get them”. My theory was that somebody outside had found a way to listen me, and tested their manipulation ability. From my echo, he would have found his equipment worked properly.

Their morning story was that they will slowly ruin my brains. Of course they also told that they will “take my teeth off”.  On awakening they started a pain on center of the head, that eased on afternoon, but started again  on evening. They called it “ironing the head”  and whole day they did several tries for forced speech.

On evening they got me also  fast sleep, and after I awakened , my head felt dizzy

19th. – 20th. of July 2013. These days were very similar, except that I slept about three hours on 20th. day, and on evening they made a wound on evening, this time left nearly center of my head.

On both days were occasional strong shooting pains on head, and several tries for forced speech.

23rd. of July 2013. On previous evening, they warned about “sharpshooters” that will come on next night. On night they started a pain on left side, middle of my head. The pain felt strong, even when I put a water back on my head over the sore point. After three hours the pain eased, but there was still a wound on the head which was very painful and  itching whole the next day. They told me that they caused only “minor permanent brain damage” and that they will make similar “surgeries” on future.

The reason that my perpetrators are not afraid to make permanent damage to my brain, lays on the history of illegal human experimenting. Here are some examples  that show what  I mean:

This picture is taken  from Brett Leonard’s documentary, “Hole in the Head: A Life Revealed , the man in the picture is Vertus  Hardiman, one of the victims of 1927 illegal radiation experiments on black children at Lyles Station, Indiana. Even this time , when black people were considered less human than white people, it was illegal to melt their skulls with x-rays. Still none of the people who planned, funded, and committed the actual crimes, were never prosecuted.

United States had  also some  co-operation with other nations on illegal human experimenting. After first nuclear weapon, United States army started to get interested on , how ionizing radiation effects for people . Perhaps that caused an  agreement  on 1951, with Dr. Chaim Sheba in this time new Israel State health ministry. United States gave x-ray machines for   Ringworm Project that started 1951. Results was 6000 killed jew children , and other about 30000 , more or less permanently wounded.

 Israel government got money - they  badly needed on  this time -  as compensation.( 300 million Israeli liras for a year).  The idea to  kill  scalpel ringworms from  children heads with x-ray, is a bit  similar than  idea for kill pests from Jews with Zyklon B pesticide. That makes me think that perhaps  that Ringworm project was planned by some of the Nazi scientist in United States, who got immunity from   their crimes by Project Paperclip.

United States interest for ionizing radiation continued. They wanted to know how  long time a person could live after a hight doze of radiation. So  77 patients were irradiated with high radiation in Cincinnaty Medical Centre between 1961-1971.  Most of them died in two months. On my opinion the scientists who did this , should have got  prosecuted for serial murders. They are still now walking free, with no criminal charges. Relatives of killed patients, got some compensation.

These are just some picks for United States Illegal human experimentation, where usually none of the people , who planned, funded, or committed the  actual crimes, were prosecuted. Actually I believe that documented crimes, are just a tip of a huge  iceberg for secret criminal human experimentation.

So this is the reason that “sharpshooter” was not afraid to cause me “minor permanent brain-damage”  , on 23rd. of July.2013.

Now, United States and Canada  civil servants  are hiding documents for their  illegal mind-control  experiments, and people in organizations of mindcontrol victims , cannot stop on them.

 Perhaps – as usually  in  countries like  United States and Canada – some part of the crimes come in  daylight, after most of the criminals-  as well their victims have passed  away.

Actually criminal human experiments are part of the larger problem.  The problem is  that  of the crimes, which  are planned by controlling elite,  and which  controlling elite  does not want to be  investigated , are not  investigated. Actually United States department of Justice has asked President Bush, and his senior cabinet members for immunity Iraq war crime

. This problem is not unique in United States and Canada,  but is also  common in countries we used sometimes  call banana Rebublics. Now the quality of  government institutions  in banana producing countries has mostly improved, whereas quality of United states government institutions   has slowly deteriorated.

25th. of July 2013. They  awakened me around five a.m.  for a “seminar” , but let me sleep some more after about three hours of verbal manipulation.  I got sleep about four or five hours. On wakeup they made a  wound on side of right eye. This wound they irritated nearly whole day. They also did several tries for  forced speech,  and tried to get feeling of their speech manipulation. They feeling they tried to express was mostly anger. The pain on right eye, eased about midnight.

27th. of July 2013.  On night, they caused a pain on side of right eye, and a kind of freezing  feeling on center of my head. About seven a.m. they caused a heavy pain on right side of my chest.  The pain lasted nearly hour. I first thought they tried to  cause a heart attack, but then I remembered  that  heart is on left side. I do not know, if it was a real try to murder me, or just some kind of warning, or other experiment.

On evening around nine p.m. they caused occasional short shooting pains on side of right eye.

28th. of July 2013. Again about seven a.m. they caused  a heavy pain on right side of my chest. I believe that pains, what they did for me on  day before, were just a practice for what they did this day. My whole right lung went sore, and it was painful to breath.

On their explanation they just gave me  “a medal of honor” on my right lung. I guess what they call a “medal  of honor” means some kind of rupture on lung.  They had perhaps done even bigger rupture, if I had not moved other side, when the pain started. The lung was sore for a whole day, but I was able to breath.  I am not sure if they tried to cause my death, by making a hole in lung, or if they just wanted  to experiment by causing a wound on my lung,

Before midnight, they started a pain on right temple.

29th. of July 2013. Really bad night. I believe I did not sleep at all. They used back pain,  among other things to keep me awake. I used loud music on earphones, to interfere their manipulation. They threaded that because I do not co-operate with them, they will use “needle” , but they do not use it this night.  I did not ask what the “needle” means, because I knew that this was , what  they wanted me to ask them.

30th. of July 2013. On night they let me sleep under hour. After they started a similar torture than they used day before - pains on head and back. Only difference was that this time they had   sticks under nails torture too. expecially they  tried  to torture my right eye.  I tried to defend, and shield my eye, even that it caused , that I would not sleep in best position. I started to listen loud music . Perhaps there were times when I was asleep, however under three hours.

Around eight p.m. while I was bicycling to home, they manipulated my heart. I felt a kind of limitation, getting oxygen, and there was a different feeling on left side of chest than usually. I would have believed, that it was just caused for physical stress, but they started the pain right away when I started bicycling.

31st. of July 2013. They disturbed my sleep,  and tried to control my sleeping position with pains, but , I got about five hours of sleep. The morning and day were quite peaceful, on evening they started pains and itching on head.

2nd. of August 2013. I got about three hours of sleep. After they started verbal manipulation with some pains, to keep me awake. I stayed in bed for ten hours, but they did not let me sleep, and  kept aggressive manipulation, so I had to finally wake up.

3rd. of August 2013. I got about three hours of sleep. After they started different pains and verbal manipulation, just like day before. They caused pain on fingers and toes. When I was sleeping on my back, they caused back pain. Again I stayed on bed about  ten hours, but did not get any more sleep. When I awakened, I did not feel sleepy at all, I believe that they caused that too.

4th. of  August 2013. Again they awakened me on  middle of the night, and started talking. This time they had planned what will happen to me in future.  They kept me awake for several hours, but finally I was able to catch sleep again, by putting music very loud, on my earphones.  I am able to sleep even in loud noise, if I have not slept well in several days.

Usually they tell “haircut” that they have done me on night. This time their variation of “haircut” was that they have “cleaned” my head with lawnmover.

5th. of August 2013. Around one a.m. they started sharp pains down right side of my chest. In the morning they made a wound, but  - for some reason -  they did not tease it later. Instead they caused nausea in the morning.

6th. of August 2013. Again they disturbed my sleep.  They awakened me around three a.m. Idid not catch  sleep after. It is possible , that I got some short sleeps after, but it is difficult to say.  In the morning they told that “peeling” my brain went well on night.

8th. of August 2013. They let me sleep about three hours. After  that, they started pains and talking, to keep me awake.  However  I got hour or two more sleep by staying  on bed for ten hours.  Before noon they started a pain on right eye, that continued nearly midnight.

9th. of August 2013.  They let me sleep about three hours, and after kept me awake until I woke up. They caused a small wound on left temple,  after ten p.m.

I have added my internet site on  bits and pieces page a link on   Darrim Daouth truth campaign. Darrim Daoud partly  Iraqi origin, and lived in United Kingdom, where he experienced heavy electronic harassment. He  was kept without sleep over 130 hours before his death. He was also tortured, and on  youtube video - which he made before his death  -    he shows burns on his face. I remember, when  my perpetrators kept me without sleep over eighty hours on Edmonton Canada.  After long time without  sleep, person ability to make judgement and control himself diminish. It was only good luck that I did not drown myself on water, while walking on dark golfcourse, trying to get place I could sleep.

The jury made decision that  Darrim Dauth had made suicide   “due to a disturbed state of mind”.  Everybody who has been without sleep over 130 hours, and whose face is burned has “disturbed state of mind”

United Kingdom government law administration organizations are not known from their honestly  -especially in cases where they had task to investigate if army, police, or people in other comparable organizations ,which people   have committed  crimes. on their duty.  Actually United Kingdom has similar problems on government   than  United States has.   I described these problems  on my diary of 23rd. of July. Two examples of problems  from United Kingdom:

On 30th. January 1972, in Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland, British Army shot 26 of unarmed civil rights protesters.  Some of the protesters were fired for  on their back. Lord Chief Justice John Passmore Widgery  was conducted inquiry on these events . Chief Justice John Widgery made a report , on  which he had conclusion -  mostly by soldiers given evidence -  that protesters were armed, and were shooting soldiers.

Perhaps  because of  Republic of Ireland, and catholic church pressure,  Tony Blair ordered  another inquiry for the   same incident not less than 26 years later. This was done by Lord Saville. Lord Saville started work on 1998, and  twelve years later  he  published the report,  known as  Saville report. In his report  he  had just opposite conclusions. The soldiers started shooting unarmed civilians, they shot and killed one man that was already wounded  and , also  fired civilians which were trying to help wounded  protesters.

Kenya, did not have same influence for United Kingdom government, as  Catholic Church had. Between 1950-and 1960 British army killed over 50 thousand Kenyan people. They did very similar crimes than they were executing  for nazi-Germany  officers ,  on some years earlier. It did take over 60 years, before three tortured Kenyans - who still happen to be  alive - win their legal claims against United Kingdom government in October 2012.

Knowing    British civil servants slow way to find finally truth, in certain politically sensitive  cases, I believe that it is very possibly  - perhaps  after  year 2090     -  world will get more accurate and honest report  for  who caused  Darrim  Daouth  death, and how it was done .

22nd.  of June 2013 .  I put out the previous piece of my diary on 27th.  of April.   Since then, my life has become a bit easier, because I do not work anymore, so I don’t have to go up on particular time . On other hand , their manipulation on daytime has become more aggressive. 

I am now reading James C. Turner essay ANATOMY OF PUBLIC INTEREST CASE AGAINST  THE CIA .  It deals with United States and Canadian brainwashing experiments around 1960-1970 - and their legal processing in  Canadian courts. I believe that it is worthwhile for every victim of electronic mind control  to read this James C Turner  essay, since it deals the problems we all would  have , when  we someday will get the public recognition for our cases.

It is interesting to find, that none of the people, that planned, funded, and  committed the actual crimes - LSD and electroshocks - were prosecuted from  their crimes. People in Canadian government and justice system did very much work  to delay and other way disable  tortured victims possibility  to get any justice.

 I believe that if one of the victims had not  happened to be wife of MP. David Orlikow, the victims would not  have got any compensation for their damages.

 Actually  all those people  who commited  the crime did not have any harm. The compensation was not  paid from  money of people who planned and did   actual crimes. Instead it was paid from  money of  American taxpayers.

TWA 800 airplane crash  1996, is  another case that gives some insight, how United States legal system works, when army, or intelligence agencies are involved in crime or cause  an  accident. Even that 736 people saw the missile hit the TWA 800  plane, the main  media told that fuel tank crash caused the accident. People were not able to get their story public other way that  paid advertisement in  New York Times

First of May 2013. Some minutes after six a.m. I felt, that they tried to cause my death.  I was awakened for a lack of oxygen, but I was unable to breath, before I understand to move my position. I felt that if they could have kept me unconscious, I had gone death for a lack of oxygen.  About hour after I was able to breathe again, they caused a pain on chest, left side.  Otherwise the day went normal way, they caused some itching and did aggressive verbal manipulation where they tried to cause me strong feelings, get happy, or get angry.

2nd. of May 2013.  They awakened me several times during the night. There was also an interesting experiment, where voice of my adolescence favorite artist -. who has been death for several years – sang a song about death. What was interesting was that the name was not told to me, but came my knowledge without words. I am not sure if she has ever sang this particular song. Later, when I awakened, and my brains started function fully, I realized that it was experiment. They tried later to wipe out my memory of this experiment, but I was able to write it down.

On evening after seven p.m. they caused a  fast sleep.

3rd. of May 2013. They caused  a sudden strong pain on right side front of my head about twenty past six p.m.

4th. of May 2013. In the morning about quarter past four a.m. they caused a sharp pain on heart. I believe that they tried to cause a heart attack, or at least they wanted to get me believe so. On daytime they did usual occasional itching on head, and verbal manipulation, and forced speech.  I have started to pay attention their forced speech. I believe that, what they try, is to speak through my head, without that I find it.  Forced speech is easy to stop, simply by closing mouth, when there is just some vibration on throat. On evening about ten past seven they made a wound above the left eye.

5th. of May 2013. They kept the wound they made last night  open a whole day by irritating it. On evening after seven p.m. they caused me a fast sleep, which lasted about twenty to eight p.m.

6-7th. of May 2013. They started again on night a pain above right eye. it continued next day noon. They disturbed my sleep, but because I did not have to awake in the morning, I got about five hours of sleep. Eleven p.m. They got me into fast sleep,  and when I awakened it they caused a kind of sticks under nails torture, but this time they caused more pain on joint of fingers.

8th. of May 2013. They disturbed my sleep whole the night. I believe that got sleep first time after seven a.m. I tried to stay silent, without responding their talk. During the night, they did something on my breathing, the air felt different than usually, and in the morning my lungs were sore. I believe that I slept about three or four hours.

Because I was tired they caused a fast sleep on evening. Daytime they used their ability to wipe out a word from memory. The word they prevented from recalling was bottle. Because I did not remember word bottle , I had to speak container, when I meant bottle. I knew the bottle, but I could not remember the name.

9th. of May 2013. This was a very usual day, itching on head, and verbal manipulation. On evening they started a pain on buttock,  as usually.

10th. of May 2013. A very dangerous feeling shooting pain started about twenty past eleven a.m. After noon there were some  itching and tingling sensations on back of my head. On evening about quarter past seven I had again a very strong shooting pain on left side back of my head. I was afraid that they tried to cause some kind of damage for me.

14th. of May 2013.  On night they caused occasionally a strong pain back of my head. I had no means to shield from it. Daytime was itching and aggressive verbal manipulation, and some try to substitute my verbal thinking with another words.  They also did try some occasional forced speech.

15th. of May 2013. On evening around seven they caused some headache on my  forehead, and  a dizzy feeling. I got it over by massaging my neck.  Later they caused several fast sleeps, that also left me with dizzy feeling.

16th. of May 2013. They did  rather strong torture on that  night.  My shielding over my head did not help very much. They were able to cause some itching and pain through it. They kept me awake whole night, and in the morning they caused a wound , on left side front of head. On their verbal manipulation they told that “they will tie my eyes, so that I cannot see anything, and swing me to death” . This is their symbolic  language, and I do not know what it means on real life. There was also a time on night they caused a dry throat.

On evening they caused a fast sleep and kind a pulled my head on left side where the wound was made. I was able to weaken the feeling by massaging my neck.

17th. of May 2013. There was a very dangerous feeling shooting pain  on left side front of my head twenty to eleven a.m.  The other times were normal itching, this time center of my head. They did also some  forced speech.

18th. of May 2013. I believe I got only four hours of sleep.  In the morning, they tried to force me out from my shielded bed, by causing pain on back of my head. I knew that the only way to stop pain was to get the back of my head towards the ground. I sleep on floor and I have a pillow filled with water under my head.  Their response for my new sleeping position, was to cause a rather strong pain on my back, to get me sleep on my side again , when they would continue to torture way they did before.  So I turned my body to side, but I kept my head on same position, that I had while on on sleeping on my back. This twisted position was rather uncomfortable, so I could not get sleep; instead I started to do  morse code practicing to disturb their verbal manipulation. 

 I stayed on bed rather long, about noon. This got hem angry, because they had planned for me something, that requires that I am out of bed, and my head is not shielded.  On daytime they did several try for forced speech, that they are doing very aggressive way every day.

23rd. of May 2013.  I slept about four hours. I went to sleep about two a.m. and they awakened me after six a.m.  later they did sticks under nails torture, and caused a pain on back to keep me awake. After wakeup they started a pain on right temple of my head, and right eye. This pain continued until evening, when I massaged my neck, that helped temporarily.

There was an interesting piece of talk,  on  their verbal manipulation. On one occasion they told  that “every end is different” . Does this mean that my “end” is near ? Does the “end” mean that they would kill me ? There have been also other “ends” have they murdered these victims, or what has happened to them?

26th. of May 2013. In got sleep about five hours. On wakeup I had a strong pain on right temple behind my right eye. I found also that they had erased part of my memory. Later I found that it was mostly temporary. Actually they had disabled my ability to recall some things. During the day they did usual verbal manipulation, occasional forced speech, and itching on my head. On evening started pain on buttock, as very often. on these days.

27th. of May 2013. When I went to sleep pain on right temple of my head started. Pain on buttock continued. I got pretty good sleep, but when I awakened, pain on right temple of my head continued.

28th.  of May 2013. They kept me awake from three to six  a.m.  Around five a.m. they caused me some very dangerous feeling shooting pains on my head. I found that I had lost some of my memory, I was not able to recall some things on my past, I was able before. I stopped the shooting pains, by massaging my neck. I also found that I had a wound   on left side above my eye. They started morning with some try to forced speech that they had done nearly every day on last months.

30th. of  May 2013. On afternoon  about half past one they had again shooting pains on back of my head. Around nine p.m. while I was going to home with bicycle, they caused strong pain on genitals. This was very similar trick than  after sauna torture. They cause pain on occasion, one would think it is a natural pain. Usually when I drive with bicycle even longer distance, I do not feel any pain.

1st. of June 2013.  A whole day they did very aggressive verbal manipulation, and I had to cool them down by massaging my neck. They did several tries for forced speech and were often successful. After half past nine p.m. they got me fast sleep, which I awakened with dizzy feeling about half an hour later.

2nd.  of June 2013. In the morning, they told that I will get ten million for compensation, for damages that they have done for me. After they tried to get me imagine, how I will live after I have got this ten million. On the same time they did a wound left side front of head. Later they called this “imagination exercise”, and told they will end a certain behavior on me.  I am afraid that they simply try to destroy these parts of brain,which are active, when this certain behavior exist.

4th. of June 2013.  I got about five hours of sleep. After they awakened me, and kept awake with talking. Later they made a wound  , again left side front of my head. After wakeup they tried they tried to do forced speech  as they usually do after wakeup. They teased the wound  on left side whole morning , to keep it sore. On their verbal manipulation, they told that they will make me invalid, so that I have to use wheelchair to move place to other. I am not sure if they just try to cause fear, or are they really planning to invalidate me some way. I am optimist, so I believe and hope they just try to cause fear on me.

12th. of June 2013.  They caused a pain on heart on ten past seven a.m. I am not sure, if they tried to cause a real heart-attack, or did they just to get me afraid.  On afternoon they caused some back pain, and on night they did sticks under nails torture.  And of course they did usual itching on head, forced speech try, and continuous verbal manipulation, that they do every day.

13th. of June 2013. They awakened me around four a.m., but I was able to get some sleep after that. In the morning before wakeup, they made a wound  on left side front of head. After wakeup they made several tries for forced speech. They kept the  wound open all day, by teasing it. On seven p.m. they tried fast sleeps.   

14th. of June 2013. Daytime was normal manipulation, itching, forced speech and verbal manipulation. On evening they tried m. they tried fast sleep,  and succeeded it for  some minutes.

15th. of June 2013.  They did some forced speech itching and tries for  m. they tried fast sleeps during the day. There was days in past some weeks ago they tried to turn talking for sex related things, I counted over hundred tries for one day. When I wrote it on my diary, the talk ended. Now the talk has come back, I counted over twenty tries to turn talk to sex today. What has changed , is that they have improved their language, that was very rough on previous time.

16th. of June 2013.On afternoon they caused  some occasional very dangerous feeling shooting pains on my head.

17th. of June 2013. In the morning there was a talk about “certain behavior” they promised to cut out from me. I was on my mind making a explanation  about e-learning. First secretary tried to replace term Stanford University, with Princeton university, and e-learning with term e-book. Later they told that this is the “certain behavior ” they will remove with me. Later talk I found that they do not know term e-learning.  On their imagination, I was making professional feeling speech  for things I do not know, so they tried to make all kind of little funny mistakes for my thinking , that would show I do not know subject. Actually these funny mistakes, is perhaps what they do with politicians and other they will manipulate with these equipment’s.  This subject  of e-learning is one  example “certain behavior” they think I do not  “need”.  Perhaps they will later practice how to remove this subject from my brain.

I did not feel actual wound in morning, but later I found that they are “pulling” the head  left side on side of left eye, like there is a wound. They call this wound with boxing term “open eyebrow”.

21st. of June 2013. They manipulated my heartbeat at quarter to nine p.m . It felt very dangerous. I try to put this piece of diary internet fast, and fix possible  language errors  later.

I have added a new YouTube link on  my documentary films, and bits and pieces page. It is a history channel electronic mind control documentary film.  This is more general than Jesse Ventura’s Brain Invaders which deals with  FFCHS-mind-control victims organisation and Gwen towers . What is new in the history channel film, is that there is shown a  measuring equipment, that can detect electromagnetic transmission from mind control victim’s head. In the film,  antenna or probe is turned towards the victims nose.

27th.  of April 2013. I had previous piece of diary on 18th. of February. What has changed since , is that pain in buttock has became daily. It starts usually hour or two, before I go to bed. I believe that they experiment someway with my digestive system, while I am on bed, and pain in buttock is someway connected for that.

President Obama is planning to put a hundred million dollars for brain mapping. When vieving which institutions will get the money (Defence advanced project Agency etc. ) my opinion is that these are the very same institutions, that are behind criminal mind control experiments on last twenty years. So , I believe they using all the knowledge they have gained with brutal illegal human experimenting - that has let countless amount of victims - to make inventions to  look like they have  made legal way.

19th. of February 2013. Last night I did not sleep at all. I have stayed now over fifty hours with only about one hour of sleep, but still I did not feel sleepy. On seven p.m. news , they put me on  fast sleep.

20th. of February 2013. I went to sleep before nine p.m. and I was awakened at two a.m. After that, they did not let me sleep. I got sleep about four hours.

21st. of February 2013.  I went to sleep after nine p.m. and got awakened at two a.m. After they did not let me sleep.  I got sleep about three hours.

   -On afternoon at five p.m. started a pain on right temple. Before I went to sleep there were several dangerous feeling pain on chest.

22nd. of February 2013. I was awakened several times during the night. I got sleep perhaps three hours. On evening twenty past nine p.m. there were very dangerous feeling pain on right temple, that continued about hour.

23rd. of February 2013. They awakened me several times, and caused a very dangerous feeling of   pain, on the right center of my head. It made my sleeping painful, and they awakened me several times, always when I got asleep. Pain was out for a while, after wakeup, but came back and was present for a whole morning, even that I tried to ease the pain, by shielding my head with  a freezer bag.

24th. of February 2013. After I had finished bathing in sauna over midnight, they started a very heavy pain on left temple.  Later they got me unconscious. I was about hour unconscious, lying on chair. I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning they started a strong pain on right eye.

25th. of February 2013. Start of the week torture.  I got sleep about three hours.

26th. of February. I did not sleep at all. They kept me awake a whole night. Still I did not feel sleepy for daytime. I am sure, they did it some way artificially.

27th. of February. They awakened me several times during the night. I got perhaps three hours of sleep. Actually I am not sure , I got even that sleep. I know only that I was unconscious for a while. On “conversations” with them, they told that “army” likes sometimes to take a sample of people, for experimentation purpose, and I was chosen on one of these samples for mind control experiments. I questioned legality of this practice.

28th. of February. I got a better sleep than before, but in the morning, they started a very aggressive verbal manipulation, after seven a.m. Later I had occasional itching and burning sensations on head.

2nd. of March 2013. I got sleep about two hours on night.

3rd.  of March 2013. I got about seven hours of sleep. There were some itching on daytime, and on evening started a pain on buttock as usually.

4th. of March 2013. Start of the week torture. I was awakened several times. I believe that I got about three hours of sleep. Daytime was occasional sharp pains on chest right side.

5th. of March 2013. Last night they awakened me before two a.m. , and tried to start talking. However I was able to catch sleep, by listening loud music and sleeping on my back. This time they did not cause backache as they usually do when I try to sleep on back. Again on daytime I had occasional sharp pains on chest on right side.

6th. of March 2013. I believe that I got sleep about three hours this night.  They awakened me after half past one a.m., and after that I am not sure, if I slept at all. On their verbal manipulation on this night they told that they will “return my honor” but it will happen after my death. Apparently this means that they will archive what they did for me, and this archive will open after fifty years or so, when they also are past  away.

7th. of March 2013. Last night I was awakened before two a.m. Before awakening was a long period, I was a kind of half sleep, and I was talked what will happen on future.  When I became fully conscious, I massaged my neck and started to listen loud music on earphones, to disturb their manipulation.

I got perhaps hour or two more sleep. I believe that I slept four or five hours on this night. Daytime they did normal verbal manipulation, except around nine a.m. they caused a long pain on left ear, that lasted about minute.

8th. of March  2013.  I was awakened after one a.m.  In the morning they caused a  wound  on left side front of my head.  They  wound was feeling also in morning, and they teased it to keep it open.

9th. of March 2013. I was awakened around three a.m. I started a loud music on earphones, and I was able to get some sleep more, because I did not have to go to work early. I believe that I got sleep about five hours. About seven a.m., we talked what will happen when these mindcontrol equipment and their use will come public. Their opinion was that only their superiors are responsible for all crimes. They had only followed orders that their superiors have given, and if somebody have to go to jail, it is their superiors, and not them. I told them, that their superiors had to do their crimes, if there is no their kind of people, who blindly follow all the orders.

This made them angry, and they threaded indirecty for death, and gave s strong sharp pain on heart (chest left side)  at seven a.m.  Actually I believe that they stopped my heart for a moment.

Pain on buttock continued nearly  whole day.

10th. of March 2013. The pain on right eye continued a whole night.  On morning started a pain on right eye, that continued a whole day and evening, rather strong.

11th. of March 2013. On evening pain on buttock started as usually. On same time started a pain on middle of my head.

12th. of march 2013. On night I was awakened several times. After four a.m. they did not let me sleep anymore. I believe that I slept three hours. They started occasional pain on right temple, that continued once a while whole day.

13th . of March 2013. I got about three hours of sleep. In the morning, I was that sleepy, that I considered not to go to work al all. I stayed on bed, and got some sleep, and went to work late. In the morning was started again a pain on right temple, that felt expecially when eating. Later day, I found that they have wiped out a part of m memory, I did not remember my passwords. Besides my computer password I had  temporarily lost my credit card numeric password.

14th. of March 2013. On night I was awakened several times. I believe. that I got about three hours or less sleep. They tried to control my sleeping position with pains. On their verbal manipulation, they had some death threats. On lunch time they got me into fast sleep, that ended for dizzy feeling. I got also pains on right temple of my head. This pain ended after two p.m.

15th. of March 2013. Again they awakened me several times. Apparently they had their "seminars" , because after two a.m. they did not let me sleep. I got sleep perhaps three hours. After four a.m. they started a pain on right eye, that continued until I woke up, at six a.m.

16th. of March 2013. I got sleep about three hours. In addition of verbal torture, they made a  wound , first on right side of head – and later, when I turned my head on other side, to protect sore side – they made a  wound also on  left side of  head.   They also gave threats like “Your mother will have to bury you” , “after a while , your blood will not flow in your head”  etc. In the morning they teased the left side wound to keep it open.

17th. of March 2013. On night about midnight, they gave very dangerous feeling shocks on left temple of my head. It continued after one a.m. with more schoks , and pains on chest left side. Later started a pain on buttock.

18th. of March 2013. Start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. Much of the time they were silent, but they did not let me sleep. After three a.m. their silence ended , and they started very aggressive verbal manipulation. On afternoon, there was a pain on left side back of my head. The “secretary” tried to put my mouth positive sectences about death.

19th. of March 2013. I believe that I got about three hours of sleep.  They tried to control my sleeping position with pain. They called it “electric whip” . Actually they do try very often to control my sleeping position, but usually they do not use term “electric whip” , so I do not know what difference is “electric whip” and “normal” pain when they try to get me turn to other side, or not to sleep on my back. Pain on buttock has started nearly every night before going to sleep. I believe it is not simple made to cause pain, but rather a side effect for something they do for me while I am on bed. Perhaps they are doing some experiments with my digestive system, while I am on bed.

20th. of March 2013. I got sleep perhaps a little more than two hours. They awakened me before two a.m. , and after that, I did not get sleep for this night. On night they told stories, how “mad” their previous victims were. I asked where they are now ? Have they killed them ? They did not answer the question. Again they tried to control my sleeping position with pains. They do not like when I sleep on back. I have theory that it is because my neck is down, and their transmitting my body signals,  go from neck, where is somekind of antenna, or similar structure..

On afternoon about twenty past four, they caused a sharp pain on head, that was folloved a sharp  pain on chest left side.

21st. of March 2013.  I got perhaps three hours of sleep.  I was awakened on midnight, but I was able to get about hour sleep after that. This time there were group that made everything  to get me angry, torturing me. They had even made a kind of visual “movie” where they were urinating over me.

Otherwise night went like previous nights. They tried to control my position with pains, and there were verbal manipulation for a whole night.

23rd. of March 2013. I was awakened during the night. After five a.m. I did not get sleep. I believe that I slept about five hours. On afternoon about one p.m. they got me fast sleep. After I awakened, my hands were shaking. So unlike normal sleep fast sleep is not good for brains and nervous system.

25th. of March 2013.  I had about three hours of sleep. In the morning there was very strong manipulation around eight a.m. I felt them kind of pulling my head for a long time.

26th. of March 2013. I slept perhaps little more than two hours. They gave some indirect threads for “short life” and  “dark future”.

28th. of March 2013. Last couple of days I have got sleep about five hours.  Last night after five a.m. they did not let me sleep any more, but kept talking, and tried to control my sleeping position, and caused some itching on head.  On last days every night pain on buttocks starts a couple of hours before going to sleep. This night it started after six p.m.

Daytime they try to manipulate my reading and listening and thinking, with various success.  Their technique is to talk me, and get me answer them, when “secretary ”  gets between my thinking and output, and replace my words.  They can also similar way replace words I read, but because it is rather fast process, usually I found their manipulation for reason that the sentence which they have manipulated  is not meaningful.

29th. of March 2013. I believe, that I got about five hours of sleep, although it is difficult to say exactly. This is because I did not have to go to work, but I was able to sleep long.  They awakened me after one a.m. and kept me awake long in the morning, they also made a  wound on left side front of head, that was long open and itching. They have explained  wound that there is liquid around brains, to protect it , and wound means that they  dry this liquid for small area, to get brains better manipulated. I am not sure that they speak truth, Perhaps they just make this area someway more conductive for type of electromagnetic radiation that they use. The feeling is, like skin is cut open on the area of  wound.

30th. of March 2013. I got about four hours of sleep. They caused a kind of pain on centre of my head, that felt like stubbing the knife or icepick on deep centre on head. Later, when I woke up, I got some nausea. They also  did very threatening verbal manipulation, and told that they did something on my brains, that will stop certain behavior they do not like. I am a bit afraid of death or brain damage , that would invalidate me seriously.

On evening, I had a visit to my mother, and I was not able to shield my head. They made advantage for it,  and I had several occasions similar stabbing feeling than in morning, mostly on left side of head.

31st. of March 2013. I got sleep about five hours. After they started a strong verbal manipulation,  and also made a  wound , this time left back of my head. They kept constant verbal manipulation, and tried to cut my thinking, if I thought something they do not like. On last days they have kept very aggressive sexual talking, for some reason. They perhaps feel that rude sexual language is more effective to cut my thinking.

1st. of April 2013. They started a heavy itching on my head. I had a heavy water bag over my head, but itching continue through the water bag. I believe, that they want to show, that no shield will stop them.

3rd. of April 2013. This morning they awakened me around eight a.m. , so I got perhaps five hours of sleep. They started very aggressive sex-talking, and later they did a  wound on left side back of my head.  On evening after eight they started a sudden pain on center left of my head.

Usually they do wound on front of head. The sex-talk, and  wound left side  back of my head, is some way connected. So my theory is that purpose of sex talk is navigate on my brains, by pinpointing area of response, and the purpose  of  wound is perhaps try to alter or destroy something on this area.

This is a new type of series of experiments from them. Their experiments on eyes have become seldom, or stopped at least temporary. Pain on buttocks has continued several weeks nearly every night , before going to sleep. I believe that this is just a side effect for something, they are doing on my digestive system.

4th. of April 2013.  I got about five hours of sleep. After that they started heavy itching on back of head.  I had  to make a presentation on next day on work, and they threatened disturb that presentation. Later they gave other threads like that  my life will end. etc. Finally they tried to start repetitive voices, but I used loud music on earphones, and they stopped the voices.

5th. of April 2013. On noon or half hour after they started a sudden strong attack on head.

6th. of April 2013.  I got about three hours of sleep. I tried to more sleep by lying in bed long, but they did not let me sleep. Instead they caused me a backache, made a  wound  on left side of head, and made my staying on bed very uncomfortable.  They gave also some death threats. I got out of bed about noon. The  wound on left side front of head, felt still open in afternoon.

7th. of April 2013. A strong pain on left side  front of head started after seven p.m.  It feels a bit like  wound, but feels also like blood is not circulating on this side of head. Later the pain felt more like a  wound and it continued a whole night . I have an  idea that they have altered eye sight of my left eye, so that I cannot read with it, and I have to read with my right eye, which they try to monitor, or perhaps even control all   information that I read.

8th. of April 2013. Pain on right eye has continued a whole night, and is still continuing. When I read my yesterday diary notes, I found that I spoke yesterday on left eye. Perhaps my “secretary” was able to change these words, or I was that much in panic, that I confused the right and left with my mind. They told that information from right eye, goes through “secretary” so that they can alter it. I am suspicious, this was something, I thought yesterday – now they just feed my own thinking as true.

There was also a pain on throat, during the night.

9th. of April 2013. I believe, that I slept last night only four hours. I was able to get sleep, only by listening continuous loud music on my headphones. This made my sleeping not very good. They also controlled my sleeping position with pains. When I woke up they started a headache on fronthead.

10th. of April 2013. On night I had a pain on right side front of my head. In the morning they started a general headache on front of my head, and also caused a pain on both eyes. During the daytime, they caused several  fast sleeps  and kept me nearly unconscious for a long time. here was also a feeling of heat present, even that temperature was not very high (21 celsius). Later started a pain on right temple.

12th. of April 2013. I got sleep perhaps three hours, although it is difficult to say exactly. When I woke up, I got a very strong pain on right temple of head. I tried to ease the pain by massaging my neck, with poor results. Later a whole right side of head, felt different than left one.

13th. of April 2013. Before I went to sleep, they caused some attacks with pain on right side of head.  I was able to ease pain by massaging my neck. It seems that vibration on neck stops the pain for a while. When I went to bed, they started a pain on right eye. I tried to shield the eye with my hand,  and by keeping the right side of  my face downside.

I got about five hours, or more sleep. After wakeup,   the pain on the right side of my head started to feel again, and again my left side of head felt different than the  right one.

14th. of April 2013. They tortured a whole night on right eye. I got sleep about four hours, I believe. The pain on right eye continued in the morning.

15th. of April 2013. The night was very much just torture. I stayed on bed over 12 hours, because I was afraid to go out, where I had even less possibility to shield myself. Still I got sleep only perhaps three hours. They used something they called “electric whip” to cause pain. I found that there is no way to shield my head effectively, even I stayed in bed. After a wakeup in morning, their torture continued even more painfull before it eased before noon.

16th. of April 2013. I got nearly normal sleep, but in the morning I woke a strong pain on my right eye. They were doing their series of exercise, that they for some unknown reason, call name “branch walking” . I tried to stop the pain with neodymium magnets of the right temple of my head, but it did not work. So I woke up and started massaging the right side of my head.  This worked, and they were very angry, because I disturbed their experiments. I reminded them, that they are criminals, and I am a victim of their crimes. I suggested, that if they want to continue such experiments, they do it for each other, or try to get some voluntary person for their human guinea pig.

17th. of April 2013. They got me into fast sleep before nine p.m. I got conscious about about half hour later, and all my muscles were trembling.

18th. of April 2013. I got a fast sleep after six p.m. After started a pain on buttock.

22nd. of April 2013. I got about five hours of sleep. But on night and morning, they heightened their verbal manipulation, with a very dangerous feeling pain on chest. I even thought for a while, that they tried to cause a heart attack on me.

23rd.  of April 2013. They awakened me, a couple of times during the night.  Still I got perhaps five hours of sleep, because I did not have to go to work. In the morning they caused a wound on left side front of head. It was open a whole morning, and they irritated it along with very strong verbal manipulation. Their explanation of wound is, that around skull is a liquid that shields brain for damage, and wound means that dry this liquid  for some small area, to get better into brains on this area.  I do not really believe, that they are able to dry liquid on head. Instead they are perhaps able to get some small area of liquid more conductive for their transmission.

25th of April 2013. They made a  wound on left side front of my head, in the morning.  My sleep was disturbed during the night, and I believe that I got sleep perhaps a little more than three hours. They tortured the  wound for a whole day. In evening they got me into fast sleep for several hours. When I became conscious, I had a very shaky feeling.

26th. of April 2013. I was awakened  during the night, but because I did not have to go to work, I believe that I got about five hours of sleep. Before seven p.m. they started a occasional very dangerous feeling pains on right temple of head. Later the pain became continuing, and very strong, I was not able to stop pain with massage, or other ways. This was perhaps the worst torture on this year. I felt that they wanted to delay putting my diary on net. So I made a decision to put this piece of diary on net, even unfinished, even if it is  my last move, and hope that I will get some sleep after.

On world news, the most interesting  news was Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez death. Venezuela has founded a scientific commission to find if CIA, or other comparable American Intelligence agency caused the cancer that killed their leader. Most of the mainstream media published the news about investigating commission without telling the background of the story, which gave impression of a bit  “paranoid” commission.

The background that mainstream media was silent, is that besides Hugo Chavez, also seven  other Latin American leftist leaders have also got cancer recently , former Argentine president, Nestor Kirchner (colon cancer) Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff (lymphoma cancer), her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (throat cancer), Bolivian president, Evo Morales (nasal cancer) and Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo (lymphoma cancer). 

For other leftist leaders near USA,   who have killed by cancer recently, I would like to mention  Canada’s New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton, who  died of an undisclosed form of cancer in 2011.

There was a bit similar series of deaths of 40 microbiologist on time of Bush presidency, after antrax attack to Congress..

Yasser Arafat was killed by radioactive substance. However I believe that on Latin American killed politicians, do not have radioactive substance on their body. Rather the assassination was done example by special hand held dart-gun, that shoots very small frozen liquid darts, that melt in the blood of victim, without making any trace.

There is another piece of news, that could have a connection for these cancer deaths. On wikileaks documents  was found that United States Paraquay embassy was asked to provide DNA for all presidential canditates. Later Paraquay president Fernando Lugo got lymphoma cancer.

I do not believe that Venezuelan investigative commission finds any evidence whicht proves that  cancer was induced in Hugo Chaves.  Perhaps the  only way to find this kind of  assassinations  afterwards are statistical methods.

18th. of February  2013. They have tried to stop my writing, by keeping me in very tired condition.  What is new  from my last writing, is that Jesse Ventura has made a documentary about  mindcontrol victims , and a copy of it is on youtube.  The length of  documentary is over forty minutes. Some comments about it.

 - I had some correspondence with one of the victims, Harlan Girard, some years ago. His fight is nearly  as long as mine. I really hope  that criminals who torture him  get caught , and prosecuted,  in his lifetime.

    - In the documentary, one of the victims,  Ken Baker had "blackout" , lost his words from memory. This is a effect they can do. They do it for me, usually several times of day. There is also a more sophisticated technique, where whisperer "secretary" try to substitute the lost words with other expression.

    - In the documentary Jesse Ventura proved that location of victims is connected to location of Gwen towers. The answer of what type of transmission is used to torture these people, lies in the top of towers, where are government controlled equipments. In the future, the equipments are not only Gwen towers, but everywhere, which this short piece of film shows

    - In the documentary one of the insiders that  leaked , told a gryptic sectence "Everything old is new again". Io  would interpret it to point Nikolai Tesla's scalar transmission  technology

7th. of December 2012.  I put a new piece of diary on net. They did let me sleep perhaps hour on this night. The  new effect was a kind of shrinking feeling on head, that I could not shield, on which ever position I put my head.

13th. of December 2012.  Three or four last night have gone similar manner. They have awakened me several times, during the night, and tried to start talking. I have got something between three and five hours of sleep these nights, depending how aggressive they were , and how tired I had been. Daytime I they have tortured me mostly verbally, and sometimes they have blocked my memory so that I cannot remember some words, when I should say them, or doin ong some other similar “practical jokes”. which they have lot on their repertoire.

14th. of December 2012. It is difficult to say, how much I got sleep, on this night. I believe that  I slept about three hours. They caused a pain on right eye for a whole night, and much of the next day.

15th. of December 2012.  They awakened me several times during the night.  After five a.m., they did not let me  sleep. They used all kinds of pains  on back, -side, and back of my head, to  keep me awake. How ever , I believe that I got perhaps five hours of sleep, on eleven hours on bed.

17th. of December 2012.  I was awakened several times during the night.  I got sleep about two or three hours. Before I had shower in the morning, they started a pain on right temple, somewhere between right ear and right eye. The place was sore, even after the actual pain had diminished.

18th. of December 2012.  They awakened me at two a.m. , as often before. Apparently they had their “seminar” again. After awakening, they made sure, I would  not fall asleep again.    They kept me awake by  causing a strong itching on back of my head.  Later in the morning around five a.m. , they started a strong pain on right temple of head. The  verbal manipulation style for this “graveyard shift” is different than verbal manipulation style on group that works on daytime.   The strong pain on right side of head, continued over noon, and felt especially pad, when eating.

19th. of December 2012. Very unclear night. After I went to bed, half past nine p.m. , they caused a pain on left sole on my foot. They awakened me several times, I listened loud music for a whole night , to disturb their manipulation.  I got sleep about three hours. On next evening, 9.30 p.m. they started a strong pain on right temple of head. Actually pain was similar, than day before, except that it was stronger.

20th. of December 2012. I was awakened after one a.m. , and their style I found that they had planned to keep me awake rest of the night. I started to do with my computer some busy tasks I have to do my work. For unknown reason, they caused that I got a lot of odd smelling saliva, on my mouth.

I did my computer work until four a.m. After I went to sleep again. It is possible that I got sleep half our or so, so my sleep together on this night was something between two and three hours. I was very tired a whole day on work. Pain on my right temple of my head, started about quarter to nine p.m.

22nd. of December 2012.  I got away from pain on the right temple of head, by putting a strong neodymium magnet in the place that hurts.  Their revenge was verbal manipulation, pain on fingers, and occasional itching of head.

27th. of December 2012. Night was similar than  night before. They kept me awake, most of the night. I do not know how many hours I slept, but because I had holidays, I was able to sleep that long, that I do not feel sleepy myself. Itching on head started on evening, after six p.m. I was able to weaken it by putting liquid-filled refrigerator bag on my head. I had some difficulties, to stay on head while moving. Later they started also sticks under nails torture on left forefinger.

29th of December 2012. I cannot say how much I slept last night. My sleep was disturbed several times, and they tried to control my position, by causing pain, if I slept on position that they do not like my sleeping. However, because I did not have to go to work, I got some sleep. Daytime they did normal verbal manipulation, and some itching on head for me.

2nd. of January, 2013. My sleep was disturbed. They had again “seminar” last night.  They also threaded to kill me, and they did not let me sleep. Especially they were angry, because I put two neodymium magnets on side of my right eye, to disturb their “filming” of eye. I have developed technique where I can put two neodymium magnets easily over any place of my head. I use hood over my head and put another magnet under  fabric , and I fasten  it on place with second magnet  on other side of cloth. I got sleep about three hours, after wakeup the pain on right eye started. Pain continued a whole day and evening. On evening the pain was stronger than in morning. I also have a fatigue, although the room temperature is rather low.

4th. of January 2013. They tortured me nearly whole night. I believe that I was sometime asleep, but it is unclear how much  I got sleep. I used loud music on earphones, to resist their manipulation. This time they gave a new kind of deah threat: “Van will come and kill you”. On their speech I got an Idea, that they have a van equipped with some kind of electromagnetic weapon inside, that can cause a heart attack for person it is pointed. It is unclear if this works only with mind control victims, or is it a weapon that could be used to kill anybody.

During the night, they used a new kind of pain on neck. I believe that they manipulated some organs that I have on neck.

5th. of January 2013.  On last night  I had a worst torture for a while. They caused all kinds of pains, even a pain on sole of my foot. Absolutely worst was a pain on back, that kept me awake. These pains accompanied with verbal manipulation kept me awake. I believe that I slept two or three hours, although it is difficult to say exact amount. In daytime I had a mild pain on right eye.

6th. of January 2013.  I had a very strong pain on right eye, nearly whole night. It ended  little after, I put neodymium magnets over it. My sleep was disturbed, and they tried to control my sleeping position with pains. I do not know how much I slept. . On  evening, they caused a burning feel sole of my right foot. I believe that they got this  idea from another victims Lisa Beckers, torture  from Jesse Ventura documentary Lisa Becker  can get sleep just two hours, that is less than I get usually sleep.  We both use very similar settings on bed, to shield ourselves .

13th. of January 2013.  The last three or four night have gone about same way. They have awakened me several times, during the night.  Every time they had tried to start talking. I have got something between three and five  hours of sleep during the night. Daytime I have mostly got verbal manipulation. Often they have prevented me to recall some names from my memory, and some other practical jokes. Sometimes they start a headache, that I  usually try to shield with a cooler pack on my head.

14th. of January 2013. It is difficult to say, how much I got sleep that night, I believe it was about three hours. They awakened me five or six times, and there was a pain on right eye for a whole night. In the morning the pain on right eye continued, although weaker than night time.

15th. of January 2013. They awakened me several times, during the night. After five a.m. they did not let me sleep, but used all kinds of pains on side, and back and back of my head – to keep me awake. However I believe that I got about hour sleep after five a.m. So when I stayed on bed eleven hours, I got perhaps five hours of sleep together.

16th. of January 2013. They did  let me sleep about hour. After they awakened me, and did not let me sleep anymore. I was too tired to go to work, so I was home. They caused a very painful back pain as their revenge. After I  did not go out of bed, I got some sleep more. Perhaps all together I slept about three hours. Daytime I had some itching, that I shielded with a cooler pack on my head.

17th. January 2013. They kept me awake for most of the night, with backache, talk, and pains. I found that some peculiar way of speech, I heard about a year ago had gone. This means they change the perpetrators all the time. I imagine that they use me to train more new Finnish speaking people, to use their mind-reading- and manipulation equipment’s.

There were some itching on head on daytime, that I tried to shield with cooling bag on my head. On evening started a pain on buttock.

18th. of January 2013. They awakened me around one a.m. After they did not let me sleep. I got sleep about two hours. They used pain on back-, verbal manipulation- , and itching on head to keep me awake.

19th. of January 2013.  After nine p.m. they caused a strong pain on head, that I tried to get down with a cooling bag on my head, about hour later started a pain on buttock.

20th. of January 2013. A very strong pain on fight eye, started about six p.m. and continued even stronger   until next morning.

21st. of January. Start of the week torture.  I got sleep about two hours. After one a.m. I was not able to sleep. Pain on the right eye, continued until long in the morning.  When I massaged my neck, before I went to sleep, I found it was full of sore points. I believe that pain on the right eye, is some way connected these sore points on neck. Similarly I have a theory that pain on buttock is some way connected that they manipulate my bowel movement.

There was sticks under nails torture between  six and eight p.m.

22nd. of January 2013.  I was again awakened several times during the night. Similarly as earlier nights, they used pains to get me out of sleep. After four a.m. I did not get sleep at all. I believe that I slept about three hours. In the morning there were some  sticks under nails torture, and evening they caused itching on head, that I tried to shield with a freezer  gel pack. Pain on buttock started after nine p.m. as usually.

23rd. of January 2013. The night was very difficult. I believe that I slept two hours, or less. They used a kind of  electrical irritaation . I felt like a small current going through the backbone. This and other pains, were accompanied verbal manipulation, and manipulation of some body functions.

I tried to do this time a kind of mental shielding. I imagined, that I was feeding somebody with spoon. I got perhaps hour or two sleep, between four and six a.m.

I did not feel very tired whole day. I believe, that they caused this artificially.  On evening  about nine p.m. started itching on head , and pain on buttock, similarly as previous days.

24th. of January 2013. They kept me awake whole night. I was perhaps, a kind of half-asleep for a while, but I cannot remember, that I slept at all.  I was pretty sleepy, but I had to go to work.

25th. of January 2013. I went to sleep around ten p.m. I was awakened first time at half past eleven. After that, they awakened me several times, and kept awake, with pains, and other tricks. I believe that I got about hour sleep after three a.m. After four a.m. I did not get sleep. So if I count together sleep before midnight, and sleep after three,  I got sleep about two hours on this night.

27th. of January 2013.  I believe, that I got about five hours of continuous sleep.  In the morning they started verbal manipulation, that made me impossible to sleep. Daytime I got pains on different sides of body, mostly on afternoon. Between four and six they got me unconscious (fast sleep). When I awakened it, my head felt dizzy. On evening they caused itching, that I tried to calm down with elastic  refrigerator pag on my head.

28th. of January 2013. Start of the week torture. I was awakened several times, during the night. In together I got sleep perhaps two hours of this night. This time the pain on buttock started  in the morning, when it is usually starts on night, before I go to sleep. I believe that pain on buttock is just a side effect of something they do for me. There was also a ne w kind of repetitive voice attack, after nine a.m. on left ear. They use high frequency voices, and I did  not get meaning of the words.

29th. of January 2013.  Again I was awakened several times during the night. I believe that I got sleep three hours or less, during the night. In the morning again, there were a pain on buttock. This time pain on buttock started also before I went to bed. There were also pains here and there on head, in the evening. I tried to shield the pains with refrigerator packs and neodymium magnets, over the sore place.

30th. of January 2013. Again they awakened me several times during the night. They also used pains to get me awake. I slept about two or three hours, although it is difficult to say exact time.

1st. of February 2013. I got perhaps a little more that hour of sleep this night. After one a.m. , I did not sleep at all. I knew I would survive, because this is last workday on this week, and tomorrow I would stay on bed, until I  have slept.

3rd. of February 2013. I got about five hours of sleep. In their morning opening. we talked about brain damage.  They insisted that they cause only “chemical changes” on the brain.  And we talked is a permanent “chemical change” of brain, that is caused by outside forces, a brain damage.

9th. of February 2013. Strong itching on left side front of my head, after ten p.m.

11th. of February 2013. I got sleep about one hour. They caused all kinds of pains, to keep me awake. They have found sole of foot torture, from Jesse Ventura document, and they repeated it this night.  Sometimes after four a.m. they let me sleep a bit, but because I had to go to work, the amount of sleep was hour or so.

-On lunchtime ,they caused a fast sleep on library.

12th. of February . I was awakened several times, and always they tried to start verbal manipulation. I believe that I slept about three hours.

                             -twenty past seven Finnish time, I got morse code on my ears, strong and clear letters  CQ. This was repeated three times. This same was repeated five minutes later.  I tried to answer with my name (by thinking morse code) about ten minutes later.  No answer.

This is the second time , I get communication that is meaned  for somebody else. The previous was about fifteen years ago,  English speaking boat to land communication, father speaking on his relatives on somewhere.

There are several possibilities of cause this signal, one is simply my perpetrators joke. Other is someway broken radio equipments. I leave all the possibilities open.

13th. of February 2013. I got perhaps three hours of sleep. They awakened me several times and used pains to control my sleeping position. In the morning I found that they had opened a wound . on left side , front of my head.

14th of February 2013. They kept me awake for a whole night.  In the morning, I made a decision that I do not go to work, before I get some sleep. They let me sleep about hour. I went late to work.

17th. of February. Pain on right eye, however not that painful as before, because I have neodymium magnets around the eye.  I got about four or five hours of sleep. I have to put this writing out today, and correct it later, because I am afraid, they do not let me sleep otherwise.

There is a new story about  scalar waves. . For this story I found ,. iteresting is the readers contribution  about finding, after actual story.  Some people thing, that because some of the material  found on Internet about scalar waves, is not reliable, the whole scalar waves do not exist.


Sixth .of December 2012.  I wrote my previous piece of diary  in 19th. of September. Since then I have added on my criminal human experiments links page , a new link about spraying radioactive substance in St. Louis . The testing caused cancer and several deaths.  Causing death is  a crime that never became old. So there are people who planned the crime, people who  made possible funding of  the crime, and people who did the actual spraying the poison.

On better quality democratic countries than United States, the  government would investigate these kind of crimes, and start legal actions to prosecute those people responsible planning and executing poisoning of people, with radioactive substance. Army would  compensate for those that have relatives killed, and wounded.

These victims of nuclear experiment were mostly low income people. They belong this 47 % who – According Mitt Romney - do not pay taxes, and so  he , will not worry their lives.  Mitt Romney is not the only person in Congress and Senate who thinks this way. Army is only tool that execute policy of governing parties.  Because politicians do not worry low income and colored people rights or lives , army was able  to  commit  criminal (sometimes  terminal)  experiments with them, without getting prosecuted for crimes.

 Actually these  dangerous nuclear substance spraying  experiment that army did with low income people  would have done for monkeys, or other primates.  but (as one  perpetrators  explained army attitude) ”Monkeys are expensive, and difficult to get. People do not cost anything, and are easy to get”. He is right, army did not pay compensation anybody who got cancer.after experiments.

These experiments became public by accident, after over 50 years. What is happening now, one would find example from  pages of Freedom of Covert Harassment and Surveillance organization . These people have done everything possible, to get Congressmen, President, and Senate to investigate the electronic harassment.

What perhaps will happen, is that sometimes around 2050 -  when  most of the victims of these crimes are death, and cannot claim anything -  somewhere will  pop up documents, that show that Army, CIA, or other comparable organization, had done experiments for electronic manipulation and harassment with civil population.

Hard of hearing problem of United States congress and senate is not new. It did take 38 years for United States gongress to find that closing Japan origin United States citizen  for  concentration camps in 1942  was wrong and illegal. Interesting is ,that also majority of United States media, found this crime only  after 38 years, when most of people whose citizen rights were violated were not alive anymore.

Army and CIA experiments have not stayed  inside the borders  of United States, but secret experiments are sprayed around the world.  One of my perpetrators put it “whole world is our zoo”. This link is about CIA LSD experiment in France. 


21st. of September. I got about three hours of sleep. I did  not sleep after three a.m. They started their verbal manipulation, and later pain on right eye, that kept me awake.

22nd. of September. I got awakened several times, first  time around  one a.m.   Around six a.m. they started a  very strong pain on right eye.  I had to wake up. The pain ended in the morning about ten a.m. Rest of the day was normal itching and verbal manipulation.

23rd. of September.  I got about five hours of sleep.  After they started a strong pain on right eye, with verbal manipulation, and I could not sleep anymore.  Pain on the right eye continued for afternoon, although it was not that strong  on end.

24th. of September.  I was awakened first time around one a. m. and later about three a.m. After they did not let me sleep. Again they caused a pain on right eye, to keep me awake.

25th. of September. They awakened me first time around one a.m. They caused a need to go to toaled.  They did a same trick day before, and I believed it was a false alarm, so I did nothing.  Because of their trick did not work, they started all kind of pains and verbal manipulation, and also caused that I did not feel sleepy. sometime between two and three a.m. thy started a heavy pain on right eye, which continued in morning.

26th of September.  I went to sleep early, after eight p.m.  I was first awakened after ten p.m., and after that one a.m. and three a.m. Every the time they awakened me , they tried to start talking, but this time there were less itching and pains than before.   After three a.m. I did not get sleep. anymore. I slept about four hours.

27th. of September.  I was awakened perhaps five or six times at night. Every time they tried to start talking, while I was partly asleep. I got about three hours of sleep.

28th. of September. I was awakened on midnight, after two hours of sleep. I did not get sleep after.  On afternoon, I had a weak pain on right eye, and sticks under nails torture on left forefinger. I also had continuous hissing sound  on my ears.

30th. of September. I got about five hours of sleep, by staying eight hours in bed. They started talk every time, they awakened me. Daytime was  mostly verbal manipulation. On evening they started to cause itching on my head, that forced to me shield my head  with refrigeration back.  Later started a pain on buttock.

1st.  of October.  They kept me awake whole night until seven a.m. However, because I had holidays, I was able to sleep long. I awakened after noon, and got about normal sleep.

4th.  of October.  Night was similar than couple of nights before. I was awakened several times and every time they tried to start talking, with variable success. Because I had not have to go to work, I was able to sleep about five hours, although it is difficult to say exact hours. Day went with some itching on head, and with more or less aggressive verbal manipulation. Evening after eight p.m. they  started a pain on right temple of my head, that continued  long on night.

5th. of October. Pain on the right temple, became pain on right eye after midnight. Pain continued rather strong whole night and morning, and ended on afternoon.  However I got about five hours of sleep.

6th. of October. Before I went to sleep, they warned that they “will burn some fat from me” . Night started with itching on both side of head. Later they caused all kinds of burning sensations, around my body. I felt also, that my breath went different than usual. I was afraid that they damaged my lungs, or other organs.

The burning sensations continued several hours, but I stayed on bed, because there my head was someway shielded there, and I did not expose it for perpetrators. It is very difficult to say how much I slept, perhaps three hours, but I stayed on bed eleven hours. This was perhaps worst torture for a couple of months.

8th. of November.  Start of the week torture.  I did not get sleep at all. If I got any sleep, I was a kind of half-sleep, perhaps hour.  In the  morning around nine a.m they started  a very dangerous feeling pain on right temple of my head. Pain ended before noon.

9th. of October.   I was awakened  several times on night. However, because I went to sleep early, I got about five hours of  sleep. In the morning they caused some dangerous feeling pains on right temple or my head. These pain ended after a couple of hours.

10th. of October.   I was awakened around two o’clock a.m. After  I did not get sleep. They used a pain on left foot, among other things, to keep me awake. I got sleep about three hours or less on that night.  On evening  after eight p.m.  they started again a pain on right temple of my head. The pain continued several hours.

11th. of  October.  I got sleep about two hours. They awakened me after midnight, and did not let me sleep after that. On noon they  started a pain on right temple of my head. The pain continued for long on evening.

12th. of October.  I went to bed early. They let me sleep, about hour or two, and then awakened me, and started manipulation. They manipulated me about three hours, so that I did not get sleep. After that I started to listen music very loud, and put neodymium magnets over all the places they started itching. Normally person could not sleep for that loud music, but I have learned that , when I am very tired condition, because of their sleep deprivation, listening loud music from earphones helps to get sleep.  It someway disturbs their sleep deprivation, and makes me possible to catch sleep, when I am very tired. Covering with Neodymium magnets, the  place that is itching, helps after a while - usually after ten minutes. I got couple of hours more sleep on this night, so I slept about three hours for a whole night.

14th. of October. This night they awakened me around one a.m. and kept awake until four a.m. However with help of  music, I was able to sleep after six about eight a.m. and got about five hours of sleep. On daytime they used strong itching on head, and I had to massage my  neck. The evening was more peaceful, they did mostly verbal manipulation.

15th. of October.  Start of the week torture. I got sleep about half hour. After they kept me awake rest of the night. On afternoon quarter to five p.m. they caused a continuous whistling sound on right ear, that continued about thirty seconds.

16th. of October. They kept me awake whole night until four or five a.m. and then let me sleep about hour. Because the night went unclear, there is a possibility, that I had short sleeps before. I had a kind of dry throat after this one hour sleep. Later started itching on head.

17th. of October. I was awakened first time before midnight, and they kept me awake until about five a.m. After I got about hour sleep, before I had to go to work.  I got about three hours of sleep a whole night.

18th. of October. I went to sleep half past nine. I was awakened several times, and after four a.m. I did not get  sleep at all. I believe, that I got about three hours of sleep.

19th. of October. I was awakened two or three times on night. Every time they made more or less aggressive try to start talking. Also after second piece of sleep, they caused me a dry throat. Actually I got several, more than hour periods of sleep, so I believe that I slept about five hours. On daytime, they mostly did verbal manipulation, with  some itching on head. There was also a pain on back, and pain on buttock for once a while.

20th. of October. Night was similar than night before.  After five, they did  not let me sleep. In the morning they did very aggressive verbal manipulation, before I got up from bed, around ten a.m.  Daytime was normal itching and verbal manipulation. On  evening around six p.m. they started a new kind of pain on both eye. After I shielded my head, it eased a bit, but their revenge was a pain on buttock.

21st. of October. Pain that started last night on both eyes, continued on right eye until morning. After two a.m. they also started a pain on buttock. Before I went to sleep, they threaded  “Barber will come on next night and shave your head bald”. I got about five hours of sleep, on ten hours I was on bed. In the morning they caused also a new kind of pain on right temple of head. It was a kind of sharp pain, when pain on right temple is usually dull. This was accompanied with verbal manipulation. I believe that manipulation was used to check my condition from my feedback. In the morning I found that many small things, that do not usually disturb my mind, got me angry. So I believe that they can control my emotions, and they did something that got me angry mood. Pain on the right temple continued rather strong until next night.

22nd. of October. I slept about three hours. Pain on right eye, continued for a whole night. I had also a sore  neck in the morning, that I tried to massage out. In the morning, pain on right temple continued, and felt especially when eating something. After noon, they tried to start repetitive voices . On evening was strong itching on left side on  front of my head, and also a pain on buttock started after nine p.m.

23rd. of October. I slept perhaps two hours. It is very difficult to say exact amount. They awakened me several times, and a whole night went unclear. Daytime , they caused that I can not remember one person name.  Later on they told me that name. So they can prevent me to recalling something from my memory. They can receive my recalling , but they can block it before it comes to me.

24th. of October. Last night, they awakened me around one a.m. and kept me awake several hours. In the morning they let me sleep perhaps one hour more. Together about four hours.

25th. of October. I went to sleep about ten p.m. I was first time awakened half past eleven. Rest of the night went unclear. After four a.m.  I did not sleep at all. In the morning started also a pain on right temple of my head. I believe I got sleep about four hours, although it is difficult to say. They are continuously interfering my thinking, and giving their own opinion about it. Later in the morning  around half past seven, started a pain on left side for back of my head.

29th. of October. I was awakened after three a.m. After I did not get sleep. Their “seminar” as they call them, was hour late. I am thinking, that seminars do not usually start three a.m. so my theory is that actual control centre is somewhere in the American soil, and it is transmitted here in Europe, perhaps via internet or or similar way, and actual transmitters and receivers, that are used to torture me , are somewhere near. On their speech I have got picture that it is a boat on sea, in  International waters, and sometimes on island.

I got sleep about four hours. So I am perhaps just a human guinea pig they used to teach torture and manipulation with these new equipment somewhere in School of Americas type military institution.

School of Americas used homeless people as human  guinea pigs  to teach torture. Some better quality democratic country, police had arrested teachers who used homeless as guinea pigs for torture demonstrations. This did not happen in School of Americas . Instead local police supplied the school for homeless people, to use for school torture demonstration for electric shocks and other torture techniques.  Homeless  people did not get  compensation for their suffering, and teachers of torture were not prosecuted, for  their crimes against humanity.

Because  I am  on other side of world it is easier for teacher  to demonstrate use of this new machine without fear that their student on some day will meet me on street.

30th. of October. I got about four hours of sleep last night.  They awakened me after two a.m. They are continuing their “seminars” , this time their usual time. I used loud music to resist their manipulation, and I tried to also concentrate visual pictures on my mind. It is possible that I slept one hour sometime after two a.m. , but I am not sure.

31st. of October. I believe that I did not sleep at all.  If I slept, is was about hour or so. Beside on verbal manipulation and itching on head, they used a pain on left foot, to keep me awake. In the morning was a dangerous feeling pain on front, left side of head.

1st. of November. They kept me awake until three a.m.  I listened loud music for a whole night, to shield from their verbal manipulation, so the night went unclear and I do not know exactly, how much I slept. I believe it was about two hours.

3rd. of November.  I was awakened several times. I believe that after four a.m. I did not get sleep. I got perhaps three hours of sleep on night. In the evening was some itching on head, and pain on buttock. I shielded my ears, with neodymium magnets on ear-channel. This caused continuous tinning on ears.

4th. of November. Night went well, I got about five hours of sleep, and no pain on right eye, that is usual on Saturday night after sauna.  In the evening , after half past seven p.m. they started pain on right eye, and pain on buttock. These became perhaps stronger than ever. They also started a hissing sound on ears.  Later after ten p.m. There were also pain on neck, and feeling hot, although the room temperature is under 21 celcius. I found also that I made a lot of typing errors when typing notes.

5th. of November. This night I had perhaps the worst torture on  this year. They caused a very strong pain on my right eye.  They called it for “fundus-filming”, that they demonstrate on “seminar”, that their  must keep, whatever happens. This happened same time as “seminars” start, usually after two o’clock a.m.

They threaded that when I am not useful for them anymore, they will give me “cancer medicine” that cause a cancer which will end my life. This was a  first their this kind of threat to kill me. Usually they threat me with heart attack.

6th. of November.  I got about two hours of sleep. I had to wake up early, because I went to Helsinki. On Helsinki I got a kind of shrinking feeling on my head, that ended after a while. Verbal manipulation continued for a whole day. After eleven p.m. I got a sharp shooting pain on right temple, and later a pain on buttock.

8th. of November. I got sleep until three a.m. After they wake me up, they did not let me to fall asleep.´They caused itching on head, and in the morning, pain on right temple of my head. The pain was different than usual, a kind of sore wound like feeling. Actually my head was sore  until afternoon. They threaded to kill me , if I continue my diary publishing.

12th. of November. They awakened me after one a.m. After they did not let me sleep. I slept about two hours.

13th. of November. I got about one hour of sleep. Actually it is difficult to say exact amount. They caused all kinds of pains, to keep me awake for a  whole night.  In the morning, they got me in condition, which I could not sleep, even that I did not have any pains. In their talk they told, that sleepiness is important to get out old sruff that brains have, and fill it with new information. This would be true, or then it is not. Being sleepy invalidate victims ability to defend himself from manipulation.

15th. of November.  I was awakened about three o’clock a.m. After they started a very heavy verbal manipulation, that continued long in the morning. I got about four hours of sleep.

17th. of November. I was awakened several times, they kept me nearly whole night without sleep. Because I was able to sleep long in the morning, I got about three hours of sleep. The morning was quite peacefull, but in the afternoon they started strong itching on head.

19th. of November.  Start of the week torture . I got about two hours of sleep. I was awakened after two a.m. This was when their “seminar” started..  This time I decided to disturb their seminar different way  –  I wake up instead that I had tried to sleep. I had to wake up any way five a.m.  to work a , and I was sure they do not let me sleep for a couple of hours,

20th. of November. I was awakened several times during the night.  I had very dangerous feeling sharp pains on head at sometimes on night. After three a.m. they did not let me sleep.  I got sleep about three hours.

21st. – 23rd.  of November. These were very similar nights than 20th. of  November, exception of sharp pain. I was awakened several times during the night, and I got about three hours of sleep.

25th. of November. Whole night they caused a pain on right eye. It was weaker when going to bed , but very strong in morning. However I was able to sleep nearly normal amount. On afternoon the pain spread for entire right side of my head.  The pain continued for night, although weak. On evening started also a pain on buttock.

26th. of November. Start of the week torture I believe that I got sleep for about two hours. They had some interesting details on their talk, although I have to count also a possibility, that they  made  these details just on purpose to mislead me. The other detail is that everybody is manipulated until they are in condition, that they can not represent themselves, but need somebody to represent their interest.

The Oher interesting detail was that hovercraft will take them out, after their work-period ends. This points that they are on island, or similar place, where is difficult to get.

Twenty to ten a.m.  a heavy pain on right temple of my head, started again.

27th. of November. I got sleep about two hours for this night. After two a.m.  they awakened me because of “seminar” where they apparently demonstrated their equipment’s, with my head. I tried to not give any feedback for their actions. Their response was an aggressive itching on  my head, and thread that they will “iron” my head tomorrow. I did not get any sleep after two a.m.

On the afternoon,  there were some occasional, very dangerous feeling pains, on left temple of my head.

28th. of November. Last night they apparently did this “ironing” of my head. They kept me awake for a whole night, and caused all kinds of pain, and kept aggressive talking. The room temperature was under 20 celcius, but still I felt hot. At two a.m. , they did something that caused a fuzzy feeling for a while. They told that they have partly  invalidated my voice box (larynx), and I will have some trouble to recall words and memories for a while.

After six a.m. I got about hour sleep. On daytime I had some general headache, pain on right eye, and pain about two centimeter back of right eye. There was a kind of pain on both eye, but it could be just cause, that I was very tired.

29th. of November. They kept me awake whole night, until around five  a.m.  After they let me sleep about two hours. In the morning I had a pain on right eye, that eased for a while.

On the whole week, I have slept under ten hours. I remember Eleanor White who has substituted sleep for  lying  flat wide awake but relaxed .  She has done it for years, and is still alive. I have also found that even  they have kept me several days with minimal sleep so that I do not feel extremely sleepy.  I believe that they are developing a new  electronic “fast” version for  sleep. It would be a great advantage for military and business, if eight hours natural sleep could be substituted example for ten minutes “electronic sleep”.

Very strong pain, on my right temple on my head started after nine p.m.

30th. of November. Pain on right temple on my head started on afternoon ten to four, and lasted several hours.

1st. of December. I believe that I slept about five hours on last night. I did not feel very sleepy, but I knew they would cause it. They used sharp pains that felt like burning, for sole of feet and hands. This in addition of their usual  things to keep me awake. The verbal talk went one side to other. I believe that they simply tried to do big  “play” to keep me awake. They promised me for ten million dollar for compensation.  Couple of hours later they threaded to torture me until my death and bring some flowers on my grave.

2nd. of December. Before I went to sleep yesterday, they caused a really heavy pain on buttock. It was so painful, I had difficulties to seat.  I got about normal sleep. In the morning started a strong pain on right eye. It continued about hour after wakeup. On afternoon started again pain on buttock.

3rd. of December. I was bed on 12 hours. How much I got sleep is difficult to say. I was asleep sometime. I even wakeup from dream, and I do not feel sleepy now. They disturbed my sleep for a long time, and I had to start listen music loud to get sleep. They caused a burning effect on other foot. If I moved the leg, the burning effect followed, exactly same place as before. When I put other to cover the place where the burning feeling was, the effect went milder. So they can someway stick  the burning feeling on specific place on foot, and moving foot only cause couple of seconds break for burning. 

6th of December. They kept me awake whole night. I was on my left side, and they wanted to turn me on right side, so that right side of my head is up. They caused pains on left side of body, similar than  pain on buttock, but this time on side. I believe they did it by controlling  blood circulation. I did not change my position, although it was painful to lay on left side. They told me that they do not go away before I change to sleep other side, and caused all kind of itching on head. I kept my position, and started loud music on earphones. I do not know how long they waited, but I slept until noon. It was possible because it was  Finnish independence day, and I did not have to go to work.

I am planning to put a new piece of diary on Internet. I know that when  a new output it is near, they go very aggressive, and I do not get sleep.  So I will again put it in half finish, and check spelling mistakes and other faults later,  after I have had a  proper sleep.

I expressed  in diary 22  of July, 2012  ,  my opinion that the electrical  signal transmission used to manipulate me and other victims, is  a type of  scalar wave transmission. I have found that some people do not believe, that there are such things as scalar waves, because of physics textbooks do not mention scalar waves.

Konstantin Meyl sells kit for experimenters, that makes possible  for everybody personally find out, that scalar waves  indeed exist also on reality, and is not pseudoscience. After all it is not what  in  textbooks  is written  -  but  possibility to repeat experiments and get similar results,  that  count  in physics , what is real  and what is not.

Perhaps reason that textbook do  not speak scalar waves is   is similar blackout  in media than was  before the first atomic bomb explosion  in nuclear physics.  . I am sure that also this “mind control  atomic bomb” will come  to  public knowledge sooner or later, and  our view of  world is a bit different  after that explosion.

19th.  of September 2012.   I wrote  my previous piece of diary on 22nd. of  July. Since that, I have added a couple of links in my Alternative history pages on page about  CIA and Illegal drug trafficking .The links  are  about CIA and Mexican drug rate. One  link is for  Aljazeera article, that speaks about Mexican officer who claims that CIA manages Mexican drug trade. The other is operation Fast and Furious Smuggling firearms and ammunition for criminals in Mexico. One of these guns were used to kill Customs and Border Protection agent Brian Terry.

One cannot be sure if CIA is an  intelligence organization, that has also some organized crime functions - or part of organized crime, which has also some intelligence functions. Operations like Operation Gladio, which includes several False Flag operation massacres, show that organization has no moral dimension on its acts.  Edward Schooling open letter shows the same thing.

I have added also link for Operation midnight  Climax , where CIA gave people LSD without their knowledge, and observed their behaviour after.

 Operation midnight  Climax  , and Bush  ordered waterboard-torture cases have some similarities.  For both cases public prosecutor did not  prosecute people who were quilty  these crimes

 Some more civilized country than USA,  those who gave LSD for people without their knowledge, would have prosecuted  for poisoning  , and police would have tracked the victims of their crime to find if they had any  possible permanent  damage for LSD- poisoning, and to make them able to claim compensation. Similarly  waterboarding case  Bush and people who did waterboarding , would have prosecuted .

CIA is not legally permitted, to commit such crimes as poisoning people with LSD, but  the legal machinery from  police to public prosecutor,  refuse to prosecute CIA for these crimes. Similarly former president Bush violated law and international agreements by permitting  torture of people who were suspected  terrorist. President is not permitted for ordering torture but , legal machinery from  police to public prosecutor refuse to prosecute president Bush  for these crimes.

Operation Midnight Climax ended 1965.  President Bush who permitted waterboarding ,  torture, left  his seat 2009.  Between these two  public documented crimes -that I mentioned as an example -  there  is a large pile, less publicized crimes,and  human  rights violations which United States security forces have committed. Police usually  refuses to investigate, and  public prosecutor  refuses to prosecute these crimes. Actually most of  investigations  - where party which  has  majority of seats, do not want to get prosecuted – are   simply stopped.

This is not a proper civilized way to govern democratic  country.  People are not equal before the law.  People who were poisoned with LSD, did not get protection of law, and people who poisoned them did not get punishment for their crimes.

My opinion is that,  if Congress and senate  want to give president  right  to order torture of people by waterboarding , it should make law that permits  president to order torture. Now  law is simply ignored without punishment.

Similarly if Congress and senate    want to give CIA right to poison people with LSD, or commit other comparable illegal human experiments  - they should make law that  gives CIA such rights. People would give their representative their opinion these  decisions, on the  election day.

24th. of July. I got sleep about two hours. The whole night went unclear. I had to listen music  with high volume, before I got sleep.

On afternoon, while I was driving home, they started a very heavy verbal manipulation. “You are target on next day shooting practices” they threatened. After my body started trembling, and continued trembling on evening.

25th. of July. They awakened me during the night, at least five times. I believe that I got sleep perhaps three hours. After they started their “shooting” practices. It was about piercing  repetitive voice on left ear. I tried to block the voice with neodymium magnets on ear channel. It has worked before in similar situations, but this time it did not work as well as before. I believe that they have developed their machine so that it can pierce trough the magnet. On the end I had a tinning left ear.  They started a pain on right temple of my head. Pain continued  long on afternoon.

26th. of July. I was awakened several times at night. After three a.m. I did not get sleep at all. In the morning started again in right temple of head. It continued on noon, and later became pain on right eye.

27th. of July. I went to sleep with strong pain on right eye. Because I was tired ,  I got about four hours of sleep, and was awakened after three a.m. Pain on right eye continued.  In the morning , quarter to eleven, they caused a fast sleep. I had a little shaking  and trembling after I   awakened. In the afternoon they tried a couple of times repetitive voices.

28th. of July. I got about two or three hours of sleep, last night. I was awakened after midnight. After they started verbal manipulation, and later a very strong pain on right eye, that continued until morning. On daytime there was normal verbal manipulation, and a weak pain on right eye.

31st. of July. I was awakened at least three times last night. Because I had slept only three hours on night before, I was able to catch sleep again, and I believe I slept five hours. After awakening I had a dry throat.

On evening they cause pain on buttock, and made my sitting painful.

1st. of  August. I got sleep about three hours. I was awakened first time after midnight, and then several  times. After four a.m. I did not get sleep. When I went to work, they caused several  fast sleeps  before lunch, and a mild continuing pain on right eye.

2nd. of August. Very similar night than night before. I was awakened first time before midnight, and then several times after that.  After four a.m. they did not let me asleep.  I got sleep about three or four hours. Daytime was normal verbal manipulation, one try for repetitive voice , and a couple of sudden sharp pains on middle of my head.

4th. of August. Again, last night they awakened me after four a.m. After I did not get really sleep, althought I stayed on bed until nine, because I did not have to go to work. Daytime I had normal verbal manipulation, and some fast sleeps,  on afternoon, which after I has dizzy feeling.  On evening they started pain on right eye, because they know I had sauna, and  they some  way benefit  for hight temperature. Actually  this is my theory why they start pain on right eye hour before I have to go  to sauna. 

5th. of August.  I got sleep about five hours. The pain on right was continuing on morning. On wakeup I found a piercing pain  on left ear, that was upside while I was sleeping, because of some reason, I did not sleep on position I have used to. I turned the ear down. and it started tinning, that continued for noon. They started a very aggressive try for verbal manipulation, that I shielded with Morse code . The perpetrators told that they are leaving, and there is a new group coming. This made me think that I am a person they use to train their people to manipulate more important Finnish-speaking people. In the morning they told me also, that my blood has radioactive thorium as marking chemical. This would be even true, but this and other similar situation, I always ask for myself, why they try to get me to believe, that I have radioactive thorium on my blood. I also ask, if I really had thorium on my blood, why they tell me that,secret. It is not impossible to check if this is true.  So I believe that the true purpose of story was to get me look paranoid, and try to get my blood tested, for possible thorium. Other  possible purpose was to get me out of sleeping state, by getting me afraid.

6th.  of August. I slept bad last night. I was awake for long times, and after four a.m. I did not sleep at all. I believe I slept about three hours. On afternoon and evening there were numerous occasions stick under nails torture on left hand fingers. Other ways I  there were ordinary verbal manipulations,  with some pain and itching here and there, and also pain on buttock starting  on evening. 

7th. of August. I was again awakened several times last night. They used pains on similar way than night before, to prevent me get asleep again. However  I got short piece of sleep on start, and another short piece,  after five a.m.  So on eleven hours on bed, I got perhaps four hours of sleep. In the morning, I had normal itching on the head, with aggressive verbal manipulation. Later on afternoon they caused a pain on right side front of my head, that later became rather strong  pain on right eye. Quarter to two p.m. I got also sticks under nails torture. 

9th. of August.  On twelve hours of bed, I got perhaps five hours of sleep. On start when I went ot bed, they caused a strong pain on right eye. I covered it with my hand and a waterback. Later they awakened me, and started verbal manipulation and caused a lso coughing and all kinds of pains. I shielded myself as well as I could, and perhaps I was a kind of half-sleep for a while, but  I did not feel that I was fully unconscious..

Before I got c-pap machine, their work was easy because I was tired condition naturally. I believe that they purposely invalidated me way  that I got sleep-apnea. My  sleep-apnea made their work, to keep me sleepy easier. After I got -cpap machine, they have to keep me sleepy condition artificially.

10th. of August.  They awakened me several times. After five a.m. They started very strong repetitive voices on left ear. I shielded it with white noise. The white noise was not very good shield, and the repetitive voice went also through the waterbacks , I used shielding.  Finally I got the voice weaker, by putting my head down, so that my left ear was toward the ground. I slept between four and five hours this  night.

I have found that my ability to recall some things, are sometimes wiped out. The perpetrators speak “libraries”  which they can disconnect, when they want. They have told that my working memory is put for minimum. They try to find where in memory is human sense what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, by disabling different part of memory. For them this sense is problematic for many ways, althought they themselves do not seem to have problem with this sense.

In the evening half past nine I had pain on buttock and some itching, in addition of verbal manipulation. 

11th. of August. When I went to bed, pain on the buttock continued, but I got about five hours of sleep. After they started a very aggressive verbal manipulation that continued  afternoon. On their verbal manipulation, their usual subject is to forecast if I “win” or if I “loose”   and they “win”. I try to change their subject  on form if I get them jail for crimes against humanity, or not.  They do not like very much on this form. They prefer handle their crimes as some kind of game, where they can win or lose.

About seven p.m.  they started a strong attack on left temple. I felt they had some way disturbed my bloodflow on there. I got it end, by massaging my neck and putting more shield on side of left eye, where the  pain felt.

12th. of August. I got five or six hours of sleep, although I was awakened several times. In the morning they threaded  that  “Your life would end also”. This was accompanied with a sudden pain on heart (chest left side).  

13th. of August. I got about three hours of sleep. I was awakened several times. I remember that I was awakened after two a.m.  and after three a.m. which after I did not get sleep.  In the morning I got several try for repetitive voices on left ear, and later when I woke up several try for forced speech, which I cut fast, when I found it.

15th. of August. Day was very similar than day before. I I was awakened a couple of times, but I got about five hours of sleep.  14th. of August , I had some fast sleeps, but no  15th. Instead some pain on head,  back on left side. Some try for forced speech I had for both days .

16th. of August.  I was awakened for several times on night. They tried to start conversation, and verbal manipulation.  I started loud music on earphones, and I was able to catch sleep again. After four a.m. I did not get sleep. I got sleep about four hours.

17th. of August. I was awakened several times on night. Fist time half past eleven. I got sleep about three hours. In the afternoon they verbally disturbed my working. They threaded that they have got a new “cannon”, and will try it next night.

18th. of August.  Apparently they tested their new “cannon”. I am not sure, how much I slept – perhaps two hours. Their new device can  cause a pain on neck, even if there is about thirty centimeters water below the neck, and neck shows down. In the morning and noon, there were occasional sharp pains on left side of head, and whole time left side of head felt different  than the right one. The pain on left temple started new time on afternoon, and continued several hours. pain helps for a while , while eating, I believe this has something to do with muscle movements.

I have  found that my coordination of movements, has gone worse last months. I broke a glass again on quarter to eight this evening.

19th. of August. last night they started a pain on right eye. I got sleep about three hours, and woke up, when my whole right side of head felt painful. I had slept right side up.  I turned other side, and started white noise on my earphones, to resist their manipulation. They started repetitive voices on left ear, and this way tried to get me turn on other side. I did not turn other side but instead I put neodymium magnet  over ear, as a shield. I went asleep, and when I awakened , a couple of hours later, right side of head felt even more painful. I turned other side asleep, and they used it to “shoot” right side.  On afternoon, the pain on right eye is eased, but still right side of head felt different that left one.

20th. of August.  Start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all.  In addition of verbal manipulation, they used all kinds of pains, repetitive voices, and their trick, that some unknown way cause that I did not feel tired. They threaded that in next night I will learn what is the real torture, and suggested, that if I keep my head calm, I will survive with only some wounds.

On afternoon ten to five p.m., they caused a sharp pain on center of the head. later on twenty past six p.m.  they caused , a strong pain on stomach, after I  thought publicizing a link for CIA-old midnight climax operation. later around nine p.m.  came some itching on center on the head. I have a theory that itching is side-effect  when they try to read my mind.

21st. of August.  I went to sleep before ten p.m. There were some fighting with sleeping  position, but  I got sleep. I was awakened around two a.m., and after I did not get sleep. I slept about  three or four hours.22nd. of August. I was awakened first time around midnight. After I was awakened several times, and they tried to start talking after every time I was awakened. I believe, that I got sleep about four hours. There was a pain on right eye, that continued in morning. They told me at night, that next experiments my liver is in danger.

23rd. of August. Until three a.m. I did not get sleep. They kept verbal manipulation, and caused that I did not feel sleepy. After three a.m. I got some sleep, and also  dream , that I am not sure, if it was natural dream, or something they had engineered. In the dream three men came my house, and did not go out, even that I asked them to go out. After I awakened , they told me that they continue my manipulation for security reasons, and suggested that I buy security camera, just to make sure, this kind of problems do not occur in reality, and also that “ghost” do not go roof on nighttime. So even if my dream perhaps was “natural” , they knew what my dream was.

In the morning started pain on right eye, and continued  next evening.

24th. of August.  I was awakened before midnight, and after midnight for several times. After four a.m. they did not let me sleep. I got sleep about three hours. In the morning  they started pain on right eye. On café, before nine a.m. they caused forced speech and they got couple of sentences out, before I understand to stop it. Actually they cause forced speech daily, but usually only when I am alone. I  can stop it after sentence or two. 

25th. of August. Last night they caused me extreme tiredness after seven p.m. I was too tired to massage my neck, that I usually do before going sleep. I went to sleep.  After going to sleep, they tried to turn fast my tiredness off, but I got some sleep after eight.  After midnight they awakened me first time, but I got a couple of hours more sleep, and wake up half past  three a.m. I slept perhaps five hours.

In the night pain on right eye started before I went to sauna. They someway benefit for hot temperature on sauna with their eye experiment. Actually  this my theory , other possibility is that sauna is a danger for their eye experiments.

26th. of August. Pain on right eye continued after sauna, but ended sometime on night, but started again in the morning, and ended sometime daytime.  I got sleep about four hour. Daytime I had normal itching on head, and verbal manipulation, as usual. Evening I had a pain on buttock, that also happen, if not every day, at least each other day.

27th. of August. I got about normal sleep. Daytime was normal verbal manipulation, forced speech and some itching on head.  In addition of this they caused  couple of fast sleeps.

28th of August.  I got sleep about three hours. After one a.m. they started torture with verbal manipulation, and itching on head. Later started repetitive voices on right ear, and when I turned to sleep other side they started repetitive voices on left ear. I did not get sleep after one  a.m.

29th. of August.  On last night I was awakened first time half hour before midnight. Later I was awakened several times, and all times they tried to start talking. After four a.m.  I did not get sleep. I slept about four hours.  On addition of usual daytime torture, I got pain on center of my head on half past five p.m.

1st. of September.  I was awakened a couple of times at night, but I was able to get about five hours of sleep. After five a.m. they did not let me sleep, but used pains itching and verbal manipulation, to keep me awake. In the morning and evening, they caused a pain on right eye. It was different than usual this time.  The pain was outside corner of eye, and did not feel that hard than earlier. They told me that they do not have that much pain for me than before, and called my “treatment” for terminal care. So I have to all times be afraid, that they will kill me , one  way or other.

In the evening ten to six, pain on the right eye started. Half past seven pain on right eye, became ordinary strong pain, I started to feel hot, although room temperature had not risen (19,5 Celsius). Later the hot feeling came to neck, and also pain on buttock started.

2nd. of September.  On night, I had strongest pain on right eye, for  a long time. The pain continued  whole night, but I was able to get some sleep on morning. I believe I slept five hours, although it si difficult to say. They talk very much on some points on my next piece of diary. I am afraid they try to pinpoint these point from my memory, and later erase my memory from  points  that I  am planning to write. 

3rd. of September.  They kept me awake  whole night, until morning. However, in the morning , I got about five hours of sleep, because I had a  week off from work, and I was able to sleep long. sometime in the morning, there was a short period of time on right eye.  After morning , they caused ordinary itching on head, in addition of verbal manipulation.

After seven p.m. They caused a fast sleep. After I got conscious from it, I found that my hands were shaking. Also my head felt different than before fast sleep.

4th. of September. After midnight, pain on right eye started. The pain continued in morning.  However I was able to get five hours of sleep.

6th. of September. I got about three hours of sleep.  After that they started same time, verbal manipulation, and a strong pain on right eye. Apparently they wanted me to stay awake, while they do their eye torture, which they use name “fundus filming” .  In the morning they did some forced speech and verbal manipulation.  The pain on right eye ended after seven p.m.  Forced speech  and itching on head continued. 

7th. of September.  They awakened me before four a.m.  After they caused a pain on toes, among verbal manipulation, and other things, to keep me awake. They told that they have a world wide organization,  and that I should stop writing my diary,  if I want to stay alive.  It is possible, that I got about hour sleep, after their manipulation – so I believe, that I slept four hours this night. In the morning, they started a strong pain on right eye.

8th. of September.  I got about five hours of sleep, and they started a pain on my right eye, when I awakened.

10th. of September. I got about three hours of sleep. I got about hour sleep, and after they awakened me and caused all kinds of pains, but especially sticks under nails torture. However after three a.m. I got a couple of more hours sleep, and I also had a dream.  In the morning started a pain on right side of chest, and it continued couple of hours, and after started a pain on right eye.

11th.  of September.  I got perhaps a little more than two hours of sleep. After hour they awakened me and kept me awake with different pains and verbal manipulation. They also caused that I did not feel tired. I got a short sleep after five a.m.  Again I had a dream. I am not sure if it was artificial or not. Around seven p.m. they caused a very strong ear-ache, that lasted about minute.

12th. of September.  They let me sleep about hour. After they started a repetitive voice attack on left ear. I t continued for many hours, and they caused a kind of piercing pain on my ear, whatever I did. Rest of the night , they kept me awake with different pains, itching on head, and verbal manipulation. They promised that my end will come suddenly, and I do not suffer long.

14th. of September. I was awakened several times on night. After three a.m. they did not let me sleep. Again I got about three hours of sleep. In the morning, they put out some  forced speech , which is easier when I am tired. I cut if out after sentence or so.

16th. of September. I got about normal  five hours of sleep. In the morning, they started very aggressive manipulation, that continued a whole afternoon.  It accompanied a headache on forehead, that was sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

17th. of September.  They started verbal manipulation with some pain on left foot, and itching on head, when I went to bed. However I got some sleep. I awakened d after four  a.m. and did not get sleep after. I believe that  I slept four hours.

18th. of September.  I was awakened  several times. I believe that I slept three hours.  On afternoon , half past three, I got a very dangerous pain on right temple of my head. It was not ordinary pain, but felt like there is something  sore on right side of eye. Pain continued several hours.

19th. of September.  I got only two hours of sleep.  They started a very  strong pain on right eye. I believe that pain on previous afternoon, was preparation of this.  I was not able to stop pain, whatever shield I used.  Perhaps one reason, that they start this very painful experiment just now, was that I was  compiling my this piece of my diary on Internet.

  I believe that my diary does not cause very much interest on general public, but on the circle of people, who know these criminal experiments, my diary  is more interesting. I decided to put this piece out fast on net, and read it again, and correct it, when I have got a proper sleep.

The Freedom of Cover Harassment  current newsletter , has  a mention that Japan victims have found further evidence for use of scalar wave transmission on mind control.

22  July, 2012 . The previous piece of  diary  was written on 28th. of  May. Since then, there has not come much difference, for their torture and manipulation.  My theory, how the mind-reading  works, is  now  clearer. I am not sure, but I believe that the type of the radio  transmission , is a kind of  scalar wave transmission. There are several small signs,  that make me think that way. These are just couple of them.

a.       I met once  the perpetrators physically, or people who were someway connected for them.  This happened saturday night,  about thirty years ago   on Switchboard restaurant  ( Alberta-government telephone tower, Edmonton, Alberta , Canada),  They knew who I am, and some things about my past, I had not told anybody on Canada.. They also asked , which invention has caused most deaths on developing stage. I suggested nuclear weapons, but  man  answered, it is a kind of radio. They spoke also among other things about this new kind of fm-radio” and old invention that was forgotten.

b.             Alan You "Thoughts Detecting Machine" fits definitions that  Tom Bearden explained in his mind control article series. Alan You has article that says, that “American University” has invented thoughts detecting machine. However the perpetrators on Switchboard restaurant told, that it was actually a Russian invention on first place.

Still there are also implants, example implants that  professor Huang Si-Mingh  found on his teeth .Professor Huang “symptoms”  were very similar to  mine, and other mind-control victims.

 It seems that every foreigner that comes to North-America to work or as student, is in danger to get mind-reading device implanted - especially if he comes from “risky” nation. When person returns his own country the implant on his head makes possible industrial and political espionage.


29th. of May. I was awakened several times on night. After four a.m. I did not get sleep. I believe that I slept about three hours.

30th. of May. I was awakened about once a hour whole night. However, because they let me sleep again, I believe that I got about three hours of sleep. In the morning, they started heavy verbal manipulation and a pain on right eye, which continued for next night.

31st. of May. I was firs awakened about half past eleven p.m. and after that again, about once an hour. After three a.m. I did not get sleep. I believe that I slept about three hours.  Pain on right eye continued very strong.

1st. of June. I was awakened several times during the night, but because they let me fall asleep again, I believe I got sleep three hours or more. In the morning they started a pain on right eye that continued until ten a.m.

3rd. of June. I went to sauna after midnight. On sauna, they caused a very heavy headache on right side of head. Later the pain was a whole head. In spite of pain, I got about normal sleep. In the morning, they caused again a horrible headache on forehead, right side, so I went back to bed, where I can shield my head better. I was on bed until noon, before I woke up again. Now pain was disappeared, but they started some itching on head, and verbal manipulation. After eleven p.m. they started again pain on forehead right side.

4th. of June. After three a.m. , a very strong pain on right eye started . Actually I had whole night very strong pain on right side of head, mostly on right eye. It is difficult to say how much I really slept, but I estimate four hours. The pain on right eye continued for a  whole day.

5th. of June. Pain on the right eye continued, when I went to sleep. Still I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning when I awakened, the pain was disappeared, but started again rather strong. Pain continued, but after noon it went weaker, and later disappeared. In the morning, they caused also couple of fast sleeps  for me.

6th. of June. I was awakened sometime at night. However I was able to catch sleep again. On morning, they started again very strong pain on right temple of head. Pain lasted  for afternoon; later I had  only some itching and verbal manipulation.

7th. of June. I was not able to sleep on night at all. However because I had holiday, I slept about nine a.m. to two o’clock p.m.

8th. of June. I got about normal sleep, but some itching on my head on daytime.

9th. of June. I got about normal sleep. Like earlier days, there were some verbal manipulations on daytime, and in the morning secretary  tried to take my voice, meaning, that he tried to control my verbal thinking. There were some itching on head on afternoon.

11th. of June. I slept perhaps two hours. They caused a kind of shrinking feeling on my neck. To shield my neck, I had to sleep on my back. Perhaps they caused, that I did not feel sleepy, perhaps sleeping on back did not feel  comfortable. I believe that there was connection on shrinking feeling on neck, and that I did not feel sleepy.

12th. of June. I got sleep about two or three hours. They did usual pains and itching, and verbal manipulation, to keep me awake. As a new trick, they caused tingling on my soles.

13th. of June. I was awakened on couple of times for night, but because I went to sleep early, I got about five hours of sleep. On afternoon after one o’clock p.m. , they started a pain on right temple that continued until night , and went worse, and more painful whole time.

14th. of June. I had to go to sleep; even I had pain on right eye. I tried to protect my eye with hand. The pain started to feel also on my teeth on right side. The perpetrators told that, if I had not written public diary on my torture, they would have let me alone, but because I keep diary, they will continue torture until my death.

I feel just opposite. They would not use me as human guinea pig, if I am death, or in very bad condition, so they try to keep me alive. When the experiments end (without revealing to   public   for the mind control  project I am subject) I have a good reason to be afraid, that they simply kill me, just to get away for criminal charges, and possible compensation of wounds.

15th. of June. I was awakened after three a.m. After I believe that I did not get sleep, I remember they did me sticks under nails torture  to keep me awake. I guess I slept perhaps even five hours, because I went to sleep early.

18th. of June. I was awakened first time after two a.m. and second time before four a.m.  I believe I got sleep about four hours. Afternoon they caused a headache on forehead. On evening they started heavy itching on head, which I tried to shield with water backs, with only partial success.

19th. of June. I was awakened after two a.m. Later they did not let me sleep. They caused a sharp pain on  the back of my head. I slept about three hours. In the morning started sticks under nails torture. On evening there were some itching on my  head.

20th. of June. I was awakened first time around two a.m.  Second time I was awakened around four a.m. and I did not get sleep after that. My water back shielding around my head, is made from several water backs, and they used holes between the bags, to cause itching on my  head. Later , when I slept on my back, they used backache, to try to get me change for  my sleeping position. I got sleep about four hours.

On afternoon, they caused some sharp pains  on my head.

21st of June. I was awakened around two a.m. I believe that this is the time one group of perpetrators start their work.  After that they did not let me sleep whole night. I believe I slept three hours. In the morning they caused a fast sleep.  Daytime was usual itching on head, and verbal manipulation.

22nd of June. I was awakened first time after two a.m. , and second time after four a.m. I was able to sleep long, because it was Midsummer Eve, and I did not have to go to work. Daytime were usual itching here and there, and verbal manipulation. Itching went more aggressive on afternoon.

After six p.m. they caused a fast sleep. After that, itching went worse, and I had to shield my head, with water filled backs.

24th. of June.  On sauna they caused a pain on left side of stomach. Later on night they started a strong pain on right eye. It continued for the  whole night. However I got sleep full night, when on previous night, they have awakened me at least once. I believe that they wanted me unconscious whole night. Perhaps they did something for me that required that I do not change my sleeping position. The pain on right eye continued whole morning.

25th. of June.  They awakened me at least three times.  I slept about three hours. They tried repetitive voices , , and I had a pain on left ear for a while. The Repetitive voices ended when I woke up,  in the morning.  Later they started a pain on the  left  temple of my head.

26th. of June. Again they awakened me at least three times. Besides verbal interfere, they caused a pain on back of my head, for a while. After every awakening, I was however able to catch sleep again. I got perhaps four hours of sleep. In the morning they started a pain on right temple, that eased before noon.

28th. of June. I was awakened around midnight. After I did not get sleep. They caused that my right side of head felt different than left one. They did an odd pain on right temple of my head.  I got sleep about two hours for this night. Rest was a kind of half sleep, where I was part of unconscious, but still awake.

30th. of June. I got about six hours of sleep. In the morning was a similar odd pain on right temple, than three nights before. I remember the pain from years, I was tortured in Edmonton, Canada, but I do not know the exact purpose of manipulation, that causes this pain. I believe that pain is not purpose, but side effect from something they cause.

1st. of July 2012. On evening they got me into fast sleep.  I awakened from three o’clock a.m. I went to bed, and slept about seven hours. In the morning, there were again pains on right temple of my head.  I believe that the long sleep was result that they wanted me to stay unconscious long, for some reason. Pain  on the right temple of head, was different than usual.  It was a kind of pinching. Pain diminished after a while. Daytime was usual verbal manipulation, forced speech, etc. In the evening started a pain on right eye, while I was reading. I believe that they wanted to make reading a unpleasant experience for me.

2nd. of July. I believe, that I slept six hours or more. In the morning, they started a rather strong  verbal manipulation that included  forced speech.  They wanted me to plan, what do I do when their torture and manipulation is public. I believe that the real purpose was to get me a kind of excitement mood, so that they could easily check their equipments connections on my brain. So it was kind of morning opening, they do every morning.

3rd. of July. Last night they awakened me sometime at night. They told how sorry they are , that they have to watch my death. They also told that it will happen slowly, and reason is “injection”. They kept me awake, by talking, and causing some pains. I am not sure, but I believe, I got sleep about three hours.  I got different death threats about once a month, so I cannot take them very seriously, even thought perhaps I should take them seriously.  I believe that idea behind this death-threat was to get me fast awake.

5th. of july. I got about normal sleep. In the morning they started odd, a  kind of shrinking feeling on back of my head. The feeling continued until afternoon. On evening they started a heavy itching on head, that forced me to shield my head with cooling water bags. About same time, they started also pain on buttock, and back pain. All this comes  in addition of normal nearly continuous verbal manipulation.

6th. of July. They let me sleep about three hours. They knew I have to work in the morning, so they use this to prevent my sleep. If I had holidays, I would have stayed on bed until I had slept.

7th. of July.  They awakened me several times during the night, and when they found holes between waterbags, that I use as a shield my head while sleeping -they caused pain or itching through  the hole. However because I had a change to sleep long, I got about five hours of sleep.

On afternoon they tried several times to get me fast sleep . However I was able to move my head, before I went unconscious, so I was able to prevent knock out. On evening they  started a pain on buttock.

10th. of July. My sleeping time has moved. I slept yesterday in the afternoon. Otherwise I got normal verbal manipulation, addition   some pains on buttock.

11th. of July. Last night, they let me sleep about hour, and then awakened, and started verbal manipulation. This is their normal technique, and they also cause feeling that I had slept whole night, and I am not tired at all. Beside verbal manipulation, they use pains, to keep me awake.

For a piece of their verbal manipulation, I remember: They told that, after my body is cremated, there is no danger, that I could get them prosecuted from their crimes. I should not have answered for them, because conversation is,  what they want. Actually they like most conversation where is high emotions.  I could not keep my emotions, but, I reminded them from   Ratco  Mladic , and told them, that  killed people too,  have right, to get their murders prosecuted.

They are partly right, Joseph Mengele was saved from execution, only by his good luck, but people who committed Cincinnati Medical Centre, radiation experiments -where all of the "patients" were killed - are still walking free.

In my opinion this radiation experiment, was actually a planned mass-murder, all the victims were planned to kill. United States has a long history this kind of criminal human experiments where victims are mentally sick, prisoners, poor people or blacks.These deadly experiments will not stop, if United States  government does not prosecute scientist and other people who are involved in this kind of  crimes.

After six a.m. I started to listen white noise on high volume, and got some sleep, perhaps five hours. This happened because I had my summer vacation, and I did not have to go to work.

12th. of July. I was awakened after three a.m.  However after that I got sleep about hour. On next wakeup, they started  very aggressive verbal manipulation. I got repetitive voices on my  left ear, and they got my ear  sensitive for voices. I had to turn sleep on other side, when my left ear is down, and stay  bed for  long, to get my  ear normal. I got it better after some hours, but on same time, they got my right ear sensitive. I believe they now have better equipment that before. If  ear is up -  not any water back or white noise, or other shield stop making ear sensitive- on volume they used in morning. The best way to shield ears on repetitive voices while lying on bed,  is to keep ears on vertical position. This means sleeping  on back, which they usually try stop by causing backache. My both ears went sensitive for certain frequency noise, for this morning.

On afternoon, I got feeling on back of my head, that someway felt like, I had too much sun. This was caused artificially, because I was inside the building whole afternoon.

13th. of July. I was awakened after couple of hours sleep. They started by manipulating some body functions. Later they used a kind of piercing pain on my right ear. I started a white noise  on earphones. Later I put neodymium  magnet on right ear channel. It was able to stop the pain. They used some sharp pains and, itching here and there, but I believe that on eleven hours on bed,  I was able to get five or six hours of sleep. They were very angry about white noise, which actually comes from radio-receiver between stations.

They told me that  on my later life, I will became a hermit, and they will cause me a “soft dead”.

Later on next evening they caused a kind of pulling feeling on left side on my face.

14th. of July. Very similar night, than was night before. I was awakened , and got sleep again, after I started listen white noise on earphones. In the morning they told that they did cut my “fangs” on night, and so they do not have to be afraid from me anymore. I got sleep about six hours.

16th of July. I got about two or three hours of sleep. For a long time, I did not get sleep at all, but then I was able to sleep lying on my back. Usually  this is not possible, becauste make lying on back painful by causing backache.

In the morning, the perpetrator told, that there were inspection in night, and “doctors” lied for inspection team, that my sleeping difficulties were from natural causes, and he told inspectors the truth, and showed , which kind of techniques they use to prevent person to fall asleep. It was their morning opening , which is not usually true. For my sleep this night was this way different for usual, also that I had a dry throat in the morning.

17th.  of July. I got sleep about two hours.  After one a.m. they awakened me and started verbal manipulation. I started to listen white noise, and the rest of the night, I was a kind of half sleep, listening white noise.

18th. of July. This night was perhaps worst torture on this year. First they let me sleep about hour. After that they caused feeling, that I had slept whole  night. I started a white noise to stop their verbal manipulation. Apparently they were prepared for that, and started a very strong  repetitive voices  on left ear. They repeated words “Lounais-Suomen sähkö” (Southwest electric) for thousands times on high volume on my left ear. The voice felt as a kind of pain on ear. After some hours, I was able to silent the voice, by putting a neodymium-magnet, on my left ear channel. However I did not get sleep after torture a whole night.

Next day they caused several fast sleeps, on afternoon and evening.

19th. of July. They kept me awake until about one a.m. After I started to listen white noise, and used neodymium-magnet on left ear-channel to eliminate repetitive voices. I believe that white noise also disturbs their monitoring, and perhaps  even their mind-reading.  I got about five hours of sleep.

21st. of July. I got about five hours of sleep. They awakened me around six a.m. and used repetitive voices and other tricks to keep me awake. I stayed on bed until nine a.m. but I did not get sleep, after six.

Daytime I got usual verbal manipulation, with some itching. On evening was incident that someway gives picture of their mindreading ability. I thought that I should empty dishwasher. They translated my nonverbal thought to verbal.  (This is their way to check, if their verbalization is correct)  Their translation was “I should empty fridge”. Later they found from  my feeling, that their verbalization was not correct, they added their translation “ and get dishes out from sink” . So the mind reading is not always working correct on nonverbal thinking, but they are not very far from it.

Half past eleven p.m. they started pain on right eye. Their present explanation of purpose of pain, is that they cannot properly read my mind, while I am reading.

22nd. of July. Pain on right eye, continued whole night and most of the next day.  Because every Saturday, I have such pain, I believe it someway is connected to sauna. Pain starts hour or two before sauna, and continues about twelve hours after sauna. Perhaps the high temperature on sauna, someway helps what they are doing.

I got about five hours or less  of sleep last night.

There are several Human rights organizations,that  have asked President Obama, to prosecute former President George Bush, and his administration. However Obama administration failed to act.  . According this source, Obama, and his team feared military coup.

  There are several  nations in the world, with  some  tension between elected leaders , and  commanders of military. It is not  always clear who are  the real leaders of nation. These  kind of nations are example Pakistan , Egypt, Turkey, Thailand  - just for mention few. Now it seems, that USA is also becoming one of these kind of nations. After all,  Barack Obama and senators and congressmen have only their bare hands, if Army -and other national  security institutions, do not  respect their command.

George Bush is not in  danger to get prosecuted  for human rights violations as long he stays in United States.. Outside of United States, he is in danger to get arrested and prosecuted for human rights violations.

28. May 2012. My previous writing  was on 12th.  of March.  For this writing,  I have now a correction, concerning reasons that caused Ernest Hemingway’s death. The FBI Cointelpro  started on 1956. So it is very possible, that FBI interest for  Hemingway life  was a part of  Cointelpro program .

 FBI work-ethics has not much improved from these days.  College student Mohamed Osman Mohamud case is typical for  FBI counter-terrorism activity.  Federal Government is now keen for hunt terrorist on United States, and for this purpose men and money is easily available. The   problem is, that real terrorist are rare and difficult to find, so FBI have started to build a fake terrorist organization themselves, and  then try to recruit  religious Islamist to participate this organization terrorist  Mohamed Osman Mohamed arrest was result of this kind of hunt. 

If FBI starts to find and prosecute also other potential criminals  – people who in some circumstances would commit crime – the possibilities are endless. FBI  would example start false drug-smuggling team, and recruit people who are holidays on Mexico smuggle “drugs”  to other side of border for substantial sum of money.  I am sure this way police would catch considerable amount of potential drug-smugglers before they have commit any real  crime . With  this and other comparable techniques they would double United States prison population, and get USA prison business booming.   

13th. of March.  I believe, that I slept about two hours. I went to sleep around eleven p.m. and I was awakened after one a.m.  After I did not get sleep. They did sticks under nails torture, among other things, to keep me awake. Pain on fingers, could ease by rubbing fingers against something, but I cannot rub my fingers on blanket, and sleep same time.

14th.  of March. They kept me awake whole night. Again they used sticks under nails torture among other things to keep me awake. It is possible, that I slept hour, or two between three a.m. and five a.m.

15th. of March. I went to sleep about ten p.m. and   I was awakened after two a. m. After I did not get sleep. I got sleep about four hours or less.

16th. of March. I  was awakened after one o’clock a.m. After I did not get sleep. I got sleep perhaps three hours.  They used pain on head, among verbal manipulation to keep me awake.  They also caused that I did not feel sleepy, even I had slept only about ten hours for whole week.

17th. of March. I was awakened around four o’clock a.m. , but I was able to get some sleep after. I slept about five or six hours. Daytime manipulation    was mostly itching on head, here and there, and verbal manipulation.

19th. of March. I went to sleep around eleven p.m. and I was awakened after two a.m. I got sleep under three hours.

20th. of March. The night went unclear. I was awakened several times. They used sticks under nails torture to keep me awake. The pain of sticks under nails torture, is possible to ease, by rubbing fingers on blanket or something else.  The problem is that I cannot sleep and rub my fingers to blanket on same time.

On next evening they put me on “fast sleep” , and I got also some sticks under nails torture,  and pains on head, that forced me to try to shield it, and above all ,pain on right eye started on afternoon, about five p.m. and continued late night.

21st. of March. I was awakened around three a.m. After I did not get sleep. I believe I slept about four hours. In the morning started a pain on buttock, and sticks under nails torture ..

25th. of March. I got some fast sleeps on afternoon. Also their talk, became more aggressive. On late evening, before eleven o’clock p.m., they started sudden sharp shooting pains on left side of my head.

26th. of March. I got about two hours of sleep, between eleven p.m. and one o’clock a.m. On night they started to make a wound  on side of left eye, but in the morning, I found no wound. There were also some sharp pains on head during the night. In the morning started a pain on right eye. On  afternoon about four p.m. started a rather strong headache on forehead, that later on evening  moved into my right eye. On evening started also pain on buttock.

27th. of March. I was awakened several times on night, I believe that I slept about three hours, but it is difficult to say the exact amount.  In the morning there were a mild try for repetitive voice attack, and also started a pain on buttock.

30th. of March. I went to sleep half past nine p.m.  I was awakened first time half past eleven p.m.  After that I believe I did not get sleep, although I am not sure.

I massaged my neck several times, and did morse code practicing to reset their manipulation. They made my throat dry and thinking verbally morse code very painful. I felt that I had to use muscles, to verbalize any thinking.

The effect disappeared, after I moved my head, and my sleeping position. After that they caused some pinching on my stomach, nausea and similar effects. I believe I got two hours of sleep this night.

31st. of March. I was awakened several times on night.  It is difficult to say, how much sleep I got, but I believe, that I slept four hours. They used their usual tricks including backache, to keep me awake. In daytime there were normal itching, and pain on buttock, once a while.

2nd. of April. They awakened me several times during the night, and used all their tricks to keep me awake. I got still some pieces or sleep, and I estimate that I slept about three hours. They threaded me, that they will keep me about half years on short of sleep, and after will come “heart-doctors” and will stop my heart. This is just another threat to kill me, and I do not know if I have to take it seriously or not.

Daytime there were pain on buttock once a while, and normal verbal manipulation.

3rd. of April. I believe that yesterday death-threats were perhaps a manipulation experiment.  They tried to wipe out this incident from my memory, but did not succeed. Later I got interesting a kind of non verbal transition – a scene from  Orpheus movie. On this transition man checks car mirror, and after get killed. On my transition, for looking the  mirror had a  meaning, for looking the past time or history.

I slept last night perhaps hour. Actually I was not sure, if I sleep at all. They caused a sharp pointed pain on my neck, left side. This continued a whole night. I could have shielded myself better on neck, but they kind of tied my thinking, so that I did not understand to do so. In the morning I did not feel myself that sleepy, compared that I had slept only four hours of last 48 hours. I believe, that they someway artificially caused , that I did not feel very tired.

4th. of April. I went to sleep half past nine p.m. and I was awakened half past eleven p.m. and I had feeling like it was morning, and I had slept all night. After I found what time it was, I tried to catch sleep again. I got a kind of half sleep, where I was not really in sleep, but I was so tired, that I was unable to do anything.

After four a.m.  I massaged my neck, and started to do morse-code exercise. They threaded me that I will soon get “nickel poisoning” .

I got two hours of sleep this night, and perhaps three hours of kind of half-sleep, when I was part of conscious.

5th. of April. I was awakened last night six or seven times, first time before midnight. I believe I got about two hours of sleep and I was very tired whole day. Whole night they kept indirect speech that they will kill me. Daytime they told that torture will end soon.

6th. of April.  Before I went to sleep there were pain on my right eye, and it continued, when I went to bed. I was awakened a couple of times, but I felt I got about normal sleep. This night they did not tell me, that they will kill me, instead they told that on their next series of experiments make me invalid. They spoke about liver problems, I would have, and that it is possible that I will come in condition that I have to feed with liquid  alimentation.

7th. of April. I got about normal sleep. Daytime they caused itching on head once a while, among the verbal manipulation.  On evening half past eight p.m. they caused fast sleep. Later I got pain on buttock.

8th.  of April. I got about normal sleep. In the morning I was awakened, and they lure me to accept that I am transported for outer island for “safe”, and recover from mind-manipulation. I was not receptive for this idea.  I am afraid that island would soon became a prison for me, and I do not get out there alive. Actually I am afraid that they kidnap me  for somewhere unknown island for experimentation purpose.

9th. of April. Perhaps the worst torture of this year. I got a couple of hours sleep, and after they awakened me. They used a kind of grip of forehead.  I remember, they tortured me with similar technique, while I was in Canada. I got end for this torture by massaging my neck. Their explanation for torture was that  they “cut of my canine”.  Later on I had about all the pains, I had on previous months, one after another. I had an impression that they had a visiting group, and they demonstrated their equipments, and how they work, by torturing me.  Among other things they caused a kind of line of pain, on my forehead, place  where my shielding ended.

On evening, they started a strong itching on left side of my head, After I put my whole shielding  - (couple  of flexible freezing bags)  - over the itching place, the itching ended.  If I opened my shielding, or stopped continuously moving my head, the itching started again.

11th. of April. Sometimes at night the perpetrators awakened me. This time they started positive talk, and told me that my torture will end soon. Apparently the idea was to get me interested their message,  and awake. I massaged my neck to stop their manipulation. Their revenge was horrible pain on right temple of my head. Igtried to shield my head with hand, but their pain was still quite strong. I believe that group that tortured me changed after couple of hours. The pain ended, and I got sleep, although I remember that they caused itching somewhere where they found a hole in my shielding. I was able to stay bed long , because I did not have to go to work this day. In the morning the pain on my right eye started again, and continued whole morning.   In the evening, they started a pain on buttock that continued for night. They told that in my end, there is not many people present watching me.

12th. of April. There was some itching , that stopped after shielding, and massaging my neck, and moving my chin by chewing bubble-gum.

14th. of April. Night was similar than night before. I was awakened at night, my sleep was disturbed, but I was able to catch sleep again. Because I did not have to go work early, I believe that in both night, I slept five hours or more. Also days were very similar, consisting itching and verbal manipulation. Now they have started aggressive pressing to cause  forced speech. Of course, they do  not do it when I am with other people. My technique to stop their forced speech is simple. Whenever I found it , I stop their speech, simply by closing my mouth.

Purpose of this is to increase my awareness, whenever they try to put me speech aloud, something they want to tell  me.  After I close my mouth, there is often still vibration on throat, but no voice come out. It is very similar “speak himself” occurrence  that some older people do, except that for me  outcome is  their messages and not my thinking.

15th. of April.  It is very difficult to say, how much I slept, but I believe it was about three hours. In addition  of verbal manipulation, they used strong sharp pains mostly on forehead, but also back of my head. I tried to reset their manipulation by massaging my neck. Next evening was occasional pain on buttock, on whole evening, and some itching of head, mostly on left side of my head.

16th. of April. I got about three hours of sleep. I went to sleep after midnight, and I was awakened about four a.m. In the morning there was a pain on right side of my head, that later fade away.

18th. of April.  They awakened me after three a.m. I got sleep about three hours.  Later they used pain on head, among verbal manipulation, to prevent me catch sleep again.

19th. of April. I went to sleep about ten p.m. , and I got awakened about two a.m. Later – I believe – I did not get sleep. I slept around three or four hours. In the afternoon there was a pain on buttock.

20th. of April. Last night I was awakened three times. How ever I was able to catch sleep after each awakening. I believe that I slept about four hours. Daytime I had occasional balance problems. I had some difficulties to stay on my feet. They caused pain feeling on left hand in the morning, and when I walked to work, they caused a pain on right side of my body, that made walking difficult. This in addition of pain on buttock, and verbal manipulation, that they do more or less daily.

21st. of April.  I got about four hours of sleep this night. About half past two a.m. they caused a heavy pain on heart. I told them, that I count this pain as attempted murder. They stopped the pain after minute or so. In the morning they caused a pain on back, to prevent me sleeping any more.

22nd. of April.  Pain on buttock  and very painful sting on left arm, and fingers, made my sleeping difficult.

23rd.  of April. I got about two hours of sleep. After awakening me about two o’clock a.m.  they caused a sharp pain on forehead. This accompanied with other pains, mostly on my head, to keep me awake. They also had a story, for end of the world that is coming soon, and that my digital information is stored before that.  I believe that this is normal story, that purpose is to get me out of sleep and awake.

25th. of April. I got sleep about two hours. I for sleep about midnight, and about two a.m. they started to talk, and caused that I did  not feel sleepy. They also used a pain on back of the head, among other things to keep me awake. Interesting was, that this time, they did not use back pain as usually, to prevent me lying on my back.

In the morning, they started a pain on right side  of my head.  Later on it became pain around my right eye, and it continued late afternoon.

26th. of April. Last night, I slept only two hours. When I went to sleep, that I will get some taste, how I will loose my fight. After they started a very heavy pain on my right eye. I tried to shield my eye by covering it with my hand. After a couple of hours, they caused several sharp pains on head.  I had no way to stop pains, so I massaged my neck. After that they stopped the pains, but kept me awake rest of the night.

Day was pretty normal, some blocking of memory, some cough they caused. They can block my verbal output, by causing that I cannot recall some words. Instead written output is much more difficult to block, because I can use Google, dictionary and other technical aids to find words I am looking.  In addition of blocking memory, they did some forced speech also, when I was alone.

27th. of April. I was awakened around midnight.  However, I was able to catch some sleep again, and I got about six hours of sleep. In the morning they told me that they have a nice place for me in cemetery. I answered that we will se if you get me buried in the cemetery, before I got you in the jail, or is it other way around.

28th of April. I was awakened several times on night, and after four a.m. I did not get sleep. I felt that I slept five hours or less. In the morning there was a pain on right temple of head. The pain eased in the morning.

29th. of April. I got about five hours of sleep. After seven a.m. they started a rather strong pain on right eye. I continued nine o’clock a.m. Sometimes between four and five on afternoon they manipulated heartbeat, and after seven p.m. the started again pain on right eye.

30th. of April. I got sleep about two hours. Rest of the night I was kind of half-sleep, where I was verbally manipulated, but I was so tired, that I could not resist it. On morning after five a.m. they started again pain on my right eye. Now their story is that they are developing system that could make to monitor screen the same picture, I have on my eye.

 Pain on  continued strong whole morning, but ended before noon. On afternoon after four p.m. started occasional burning pains on center of my head.

1ST. of May. I was awakened at five a.m. I got sleep about six hours. After the perpetrators started a pain on right eye, that I tried to shield by covering the eye with my hand. Later on they kept me awake with different pains and verbal manipulation. These pains and manipulation continued whole day. In the evening , started also a pain on buttock.

2nd. of May. I got about six hours of sleep. In the morning they started a rather heavy pain on right eye, that continued whole morning.

3rd. of May. After they awakened me, and one of the perpetrators told, everything he own, sport-car and cottage on island, which everything he leaves for me , because on jail he does not need them. I believe the purpose of story was just to get mw awake,  and not fall back for sleep.  I did not get sleep after their awakening, they used pain in back, and verbal  manipulation to keep me awake. I do not remember that I slept, but it is possible, because the picture what happened on night is not clear. In the morning they started itching on head, and later pain on right eye.

4th. of May. Last night I was awakened three or four times.  However I believe that I got six hours of sleep, because I did not go to work.  In the morning started a pain below the right eye. The pain continued  whole day and evening very strong, that strong pain I had not had for some months. I tried to ease pain by massaging my neck. They started a pain on buttock also. They also threatened about “roman candles” , which is a name of torture, I cannot remember, what exactly it means.

5th. of May. I got about six hours of sleep. Inn the morning, the perpetrators caused some itching on my head, that continued a whole day. On the evening  they got me into “fast sleep” a couple of times, but I did not get much trembling of hands after, as often happen, when the  “fast sleep” ends

7-8th. of May. These day were very similar. I was awakened several times, during the night, and the perpetrators tried to start conversation. However I was able to catch sleep again. I believe I slept on both nights about three or four hours.

9th. of May. I was awakened once on quarter past one a.m. However I was able to catch sleep again.  About half past ten I got a very unpleasant shooting pain on left side, front of my head.

10th. of May. I was awakened about six or seven times last night, first time quarter to one a.m. I believe  that I slept about four hours.

11th. of May. Again last night I was awakened six or seven times. I believe that I slept about four hours, althought it is difficult to say. In the morning they kept very aggressive talking. They kind of “pulled” on my left side of head, and I felt that my face was different on left side , than right side. I believe also that my facial expression went different on left side. They blocked my memory, and tried to “feed” me with words whole day. Sometimes it was very difficult to differ which expression came from them, and which came from my brains.  “Pulling” my head went weaker on later day.

12th. of May. I was awakened around three a.m.  After I did not really get sleep. They caused all kinds of pains to keep me awake. I remember especially a strong pain on back. The perpetrators told that my life is easy compared for some others on their “barn” , who are in mental hospital. They have no ways to shield or otherwise defend themselves.  I slept perhaps four hours this night. Pain on right temple started after seven, and continued whole day and evening.

13th. of May. I got about six hours of sleep.  Strong pain on my right eye continued whole night,  and next day until afternoon. It was mothers day, and I felt very uncomfortable, when visiting my mother. They caused itching, and I was unable to shield myself any way. Later when I went home, I was able to ease the itching with flexible freezer bag. The bag was cold, but eased itching, because of unstable liquid in it. This is my theory anyway. The FFCHS experiences show that there are something odd, for the electromagnetic waves we are bombarded. They could cause a distorted picture in some night-vision equipments. I believe We should forget the conventional thinking for  what could be  possible, and what could  not be possible, and check carefully out  whole  electromagnetic spectrum which frequencies and wavelengts exist   the manipulating signal.

14th. of May. I was awakened just one time this night.  I got sleep after awakening. I believe that I slept about four hours. In the morning I awakened with dry throat. They caused some itching in the morning, and some pain on front head on afternoon.

16th. of May.  I got sleep about three hours. They awakened me before tree o’clock a.m. and they did not let me  sleep after. In the morning they caused a series of twitch on chest left side. I believe they did it for my heart. It did take time for several minutes, and I told them, that I count this attempted murder. Another series of twitch was about hour later. Later they caused pain on right temple, and told me that they are developing equipment, that can transfer picture from victims eye, into monitor.  According them, now they can get picture for victims brain, and receiver is not machine, but perpetrators brain. Ten p.m.  they made again series of stitch on my heart.

17th of May. I was awakened once on this night.  I got sleep after, and I believe that I slept five hours. In the morning they caused a pain on right temple. It accompanied with very aggressive verbal manipulation. The pain on right temple ended sometime before noon, and after started itching on forehead. About half past three a.m. they got me fast sleep, and after I got conscious , I had some problem with shaking hands and coordination.

18th. of May. I was awakened after three a.m. I got sleep about four hours. In the morning, I had a very heavy pain on right temple of my head.

19th. of May. Again they awakened me after three a.m.  I believe, that I did not get sleep after that. They used pain on back and verbal manipulation, to keep me awake. They also someway caused that I did not feel sleepy. After seven a.m. they started a pain on right eye, that continued several hours.

21st. of May. I believe that I did not sleep at all , this night. If I slept, it was under two hours. As a new effect for their manipulation, they caused a warm feeling and vibration on my throat. Otherwise the night was normal harassment – back pain, sticks under fingers torture etc.  They told with their jargon, that they will not stop, before I cannot do my thinking and memorizing myself. Then they will do my thinking and memorizing.

I do not know how far their zombie business is. Perhaps I am the first person, they try to make fully outside controlled, without own mind. Other possibility that I am just one showpiece they show , how to make person ability to think, and make him outside controlled zombie.

In the afternoon there were very dangerous feeling shooting pain on my head, and continuous pain on right eye and buttock.

22nd. and 23rd of May  were similar. I got continuous sleep about four hours. I realized that I could do something, like read newspaper, without much interference, but if I try to be even five minutes, without doing something, they start itching and verbal manipulation. That way they do not actually leave me any possibility for thinking, and if I think something, they start comment and interfere it immediately. This is actually continued for years. On 23rd. of May morning, they started a very aggressive talk, and I found that my thinking and even movements were kind of blurred after their talk. It  was kind of similar feeling, that after fast sleep, if I did not have shielded my head any way. So I decided that I do not answer their questions, or comment any way for their speech. I remember that I have tried to do this also before, but they have broken my shielding some way. I do not remember how, but now I am waiting it.

24rd. of May. I try to continue my silence, toward my perpetrators. I have found that forced speech has nearly stopped, but Itching, fast sleeps, and even nausea is continuing.

26th. of May. I got about five hours of sleep, like day before. After five they kept me awake, with pains, and verbal manipulation, but also causing that I did not feel sleepy. On daytime they did continuous verbal manipulation, and occasional itching.  They have basically two kinds of talk, which they change after hour or so. Their positive talk, they tell how this is last day, and torture will end , and I will get a lot of money. Their negative talk, they threat for death, tell what kind of “surgeries” they have made on my brain, and tell that they will torture me until my death. This talk I call salt, and positive talk I call sugar. They give me  “salt” and “sugar”  about one hour intervals all the day and night I am awake, and not doing something active. I feel that on daytime, “sugar-talk” is more dominant, and nighttime, they feed me with  “salt-talk”  more.

27th. of May. I was awakened once, but I believe that I got over five hours of sleep. about nine p.m. they got me fast sleep, and when I awakened it,  I had a kind of dizzy feeling.

28th. of May. I was awakened after about hours sleep, for need to piss. They have did same for me a day before, and when I went to toilet, I  found it was a false alarm. This time I did not go out from bed.  The piss emergency went off but they did not let me fall asleep again, before sometime between four and five a.m. I got about two hours of sleep.  In the morning my left side of head felt different than right side, and I believe there was also difference on facial expression on left and right side. The feeling on face return normal around ten a.m.

In lunchtime was talk about modifying my behavior. I told them that their behavior should be modified. I am law abiding citizen, whereas they do respect law and human rights. usually society close their kind of people jail, although this is not always very efficient way to modify criminal behavior. I added that perhaps their electronic brainwashing technique is possibly to modify their thinking so that they do not break law, and respect human rights.

I noticed story about  US-Army massacre of 16 villagerrs  in Afghanistan. Staff  Sgt. Robert Bales was arrested as man who committed the mass-murder.  How ever the Associated Press story published in Australian, as well child-witnesses story by NBC suggest that Robert Bales was not alone, but there were several soldiers committing the murders. Case is very  similar than My Lai Massacre on Vietnam war. Very similar is also the  way United States Army try  cover up the real  nature of events -  rather than uncover the hidden truth of crimes. The  problem does not exist   only inside of  United States army, but it exist on  American bureaucracy as whole . The legal handling of illegal human experimenting is just one example of  much larger problem.

12th. of March 2012. I told on diary on 4th. of December 2011  that that according perpetrators the principle of their manipulation equipment are very near radar, or sonar. Some of the words  on their vocabulary suggest same . They use words like sharp-shooter, cannon-man etc. that means that their equipment has to point to  the victim. On this Philip Coppen story, number of researchers also joint Russian woodpecker signal – which is type of radar signal – into mindcontrol.  I believe that some of the people on document,  have access of  classified information, that makes them able  to make  conclusion that radar signal has something to do with mind control. This is another documents, that connects HAARP signal into mindcontrol. If I had enough knowledge and resources, I would like to someway experiment, if the claims of this document are true or not.

20th. of January 2012. Heavy pain on buttock has continued a couple of days. I got a proper sleep, except last night when they started to talk me from  two o’clock a.m. It did  take  for a while, before I realized that it was two a.m. , and not morning. That because I did not feel tired. I slept about four hours for this night. 

21st. of January 2012. Last night I was awakened a couple of times. On both time, I felt a lack of oxygen. It was feeling, like I had stayed long without breathing. I had to breath for a while, before I felt normal. They told that they had “removed a part of my brain” so that for me is easier to live. Later I found that I have some difficulty to find some words, and “secretary” halped me to find words I had missed. I believe that this was made  to prove for me that they have removed “part of my brain”.

A pain on buttock started on afternoon and continued night. Similarly about seven p.m. started a very strong pain on right eye that also continued night, similarly as a pain onright side upper jawbone

22nd. of January 2012. The pain on right eye continued a whole night and next morning. I was awakened a couple of times, but I felt I got about normal amount of sleep

25th. of January 2012. Again I got a couple of  night , with about normal sleep, athought I was awakened on night. On daytime, most normal form of torture was a pain on buttock, that made sitting very uncomfortable. Last night I got only three or four hours of sleep. I was awakened around one o’clock  a.m. on first time. In the morning there were a pain on  the right eye.

26th. of January 2012. I went to sleep after ten p.m. They awakened me after one o’clock a.m. They used pain on fronthead, some verbal manipulation, and nausea for  a while. After a  long fight, which included , massaging my neck I got some more sleep. I slept perhaps three hours.

In the morning started pain on right eye that later it ended, but then started pain on buttock,  that yesterday continued a whole day.

27th. of January. I went to sleep before ten p.m. I was awakened first time  before midnight. They kept me awake, so I massaged my neck after one a.m. I believe that massager  vibration on head, reset and disturb their monitoring and manipulation. They did not like massage, and as a revenge, they started immediately a very strong pain on my right eye, and around right eye. The pain was much stronger than usually. I tried to shield my eye, with my hand, but it was not very effective. I am not sure , but it is possible, that I got sleep hour or two after midnight. When I had to go to work in the morning, the pain on right eye diminished, perhaps they had finished their “fundus filming” as they call it.

29-30th. of January. Very similar days, verbal manipulation, itching on head, and more or less continuous pain on buttock.

31st.  of January2012. I did not sleep at all. They did not use that much pain , to keep me awake, but rather caused someway, that I did not feel myself sleepy. Before I went to sleep, they hinted me that “sauna is waiting for me”. They use term “sauna” now as kind of codename for their night-torture.

1st. February 2012. I went to sleep around nine p.m.  I was awakened sometime at night, but still I felt that I got four-  or five hours of sleep. In the morning started pain on buttock. After nine in addition started a shrinking feeling, and itching on head.

Afternoon around two p.m.  I fell asleep. When I was awakened, my head felt dizzy, and my hands were shaking. If I had wear shield , I would perhaps fell asleep, but on awakening, there would have shaking hands and dizzy feeling.

2nd. of  February 2012. I was awakened about three or four times. After half past three , I did not get sleep. I believe I slept about three hours. 

4th. of February. It is difficult to say how much I got sleep on night.  In the morning , while still in bed, I started to practice morse code, as I know it disturbs their manipulation.  They started itching and pinching my head after that. After wakeup, there were strong verbal manipulation. I found that if I stayed still for a while,my head and hands started trembling. After I shielded my head, the trembling ended, even if I stayed still,

After noon started a pain on buttock, later on evening started also a pain on right eye.

5th. of February. The pain on right eye, continued whole night Actually a whole right side of face felt different than left one- , in the morning. Also their verbal manipulation in the morning, was very intense,they caused some  occasional pains on fingers, and back. Their explanation for pains on back was that they were “filming” my back. I wonder if their “filming” cause beside pain, also damage for organ they are “filming”.

6th. of February 2012. My sleep was disturbed. I awakened after four a.m. I believe, I got about four hours of sleep.  I believe that the perpetrators group has changed, because this one, uses farm vocabulary. They told that a “new young calf” was just lead  in.

 They also  told that Swedish and Canadian parliaments are “shod” , but Finland parliament is not “shod” yet. The Idea of interventing parliaments work is interesting.  Usually  the  perpetrators morning openings are not true  , but monitoring and manipulating parliamentary work is rather easy  with their equipments. The technique is ready, but it is different thing, are they using it. It is possible to change outcome of some events, with some tricks, but I believe that full dictating of parliamentary process is still very difficult.

On lunchtime there were some sharp shooting pains on centre of my head. Pain on buttock continued afternoon and  in the evening, there were again sharp pains on centre back of my head.  

7th. of February 2012. I was awakened on half past one a.m. Later I got sleep again. I believe I slept about four hours. In the morning started a pain on buttock.

9th of February 2012. I slept about five hours. Daytime they caused normal pain on buttock, and  normal itching and pain on head. 

10th  of February 2012. I did not sleep at all. They used all their repertory of tricks ,to keep me awake; pain on the back, pain on head, nausea, feeling not sleepy and continuous verbal manipulation. On their talk, they were very confident, that they will never get prosecuted for their crimes. “Pepole like us, will not go to jail” they told.  It was very odd to find, that these people believed that they are above law, and believe they will never get caught their crimes.

Daytime started nearly  continuous pain on buttock . There were also occasional sharp pains on back of my head. In the evening they started some  heavy itching of my head.

11th. of February 2012. I got sleep about three hours. I went to sleep about ten p.m. and they awakened me about one a.m. After that, it  is possible that I got one hour of sleep, but I am not sure. They used a sharp pain on back of my head, and manipulated especially left side of my  head. That  side of head felt whole morning different than the right one. I have a theory that they attack on night , because the victim cannot move very much, while sleeping.

12th. of February 2012.  I believe I got about normal sleep. In the morning started a headache on front of my head – like a weak after sauna torture. The pain continued, but moved on evening on right eye.

13th. of February 2012. Pain on right eye continued a whole night. Also my sleep was disturbed.

14th. of February 2012. I was awakened after one o’clock a.m. They kept me awake until five a.m.  I believe I got sleep about three or four hours, because I did not have to go to work.  Daytime was normal itching and pains here and there.

15th. of February 2012. My sleep was disturbed at night, but I believe I got sleep over three hours at least. In the morning I was very tired. Daytime there were normal pain  on buttock,  itching on head, and verbal manipulation.

16th. of February 2012.  I was kept awake until two o’clock a.m., after I got about three  hours of sleep. I had a dry mouth in the morning. In the morning was some shooting pains on head. In the afternoon started pain on buttock that continued until night.

17th. of February 2012. Pain on buttock and verbal manipulation a whole day.

18th. of February 2012. I believe my brains were manipulated at night. This was accompanied with verbal manipulation.  I had ideas and opinions, that did not feel sensible on  next day. I was able to get five hours of sleep, because I did not have to go to work at morning. They started itching on head and verbal manipulation. I resisted itching by shielding my head.

19th. of February 2012. I got about four hours of sleep. In the morning opening they told that while I was on Canada, they had inserted some kind of device on my spinal cord, and the pain on buttock is caused by this device. Of course this was accompanied a pain on buttock, that started on morning. Also I got pain on right eye. On evening pain on buttock eased, but the pain on right eye, became more severe, much more painful than ever.  I also felt very hot, even if temperature on the room was lower than usually.

21st. of February 2012. I got sleep about two hours. After one o’clock a.m. they awakened me, and I believe, I did not get sleep after that. They caused restless legs, among other things to get me awake. After they got me awake, they caused nausea, and manipulated my heart, among other things.

22nd. of February 2012. I went to sleep about ten p.m.  Because of their verbal manipulation, I did not get sleep before eleven o’clock. I was awakened around one o’clock a.m. I got some sleep, and was awakened second time two o’clock a.m.  After that I did not get any sleep. On their verbal  manipulation, they promised to torture me until my death.  They mentioned, that my brains already is like “Lindström beef”  . Actually they did not cause that much pain, but caused that I did not feel sleepy. I also got dry mouth on this night.

23rd. of February 2012. I got sleep at night about two hours. However, because I had  flu, I stayed home a whole day. After six a.m. I got sleep a couple of more hours. On night they started a  very heavy pain on right eye, that eased in the morning, after I put freezer-bags and some other shielding over eye. After that , the pain was still feeling, but did not feel that bad. Otherwise had normal  feeling, that person who has got flu-infection  has.

24th. . of February 2012.  The flu went worse. Always when I stayed up, I felt nausea. Use of c-pap-machine, while sleeping was difficult. The perpetrators were not very helpful. They made a wound on left side front of my head, and I felt pain always when coughing.

25th. of February 2012. The wound they made on left side yesterday ,was still feeling. They have kept it open, by irritating it, once a while. My flu-infection was easing. They were threatening me with “sauna” and I was a bit afraid to go sleeping.

26th. of February 2012.  The night went rather peacefully, but after that they started to tease the “open” wound  again. I added shielding over it piece by piece. After I had the maximum shielding, there were still some itching on the area, but no more a  kind of tingling pain, like before I had  shielding. 

27th. of February 2012. After I went to sleep, they told that their “coastal artillery” will have a shooting exercise, where I am the target. They were able to cause  a heating effect on my left hand. I am not sure if the effect came from real microwave-type heating, where cells are bombarded by electromagnetic waves, or is this a trick that is caused by rising  blood pressure, or some other way. Later I got some sleep. I even had a dream, where I was working on a  building, that actually do not remember. In the morning, I understood from their speech, that what they had tried, was that was move other person’s thinking into my brain, artificially. According them, they had not succeeded, and they told me angry “keep your head”.

28th. of February 2012.  I went to sleep about eleven o’clock p.m. and I was awakened after one o’clock  a.m.  I was awake a couple of hours after that, and I  got sleep again after three a.m.  I believe that I slept about four hours together. In the morning they started verbal manipulation, and on evening, they caused a fast sleep.

29th. of February 2012. I went to sleep about eleven p.m. I was awakened after three a.m. and the perpetrators started verbal manipulation. I massaged my neck, to reset their setup, started loud music, to resist their manipulation, and went to sleep again. I was able to fall asleep. I slept about five hours.

First of March 2012. I was awakened after two o’clock a.m.  After that, I did not get sleep. I slept about three hours, or bit more.

2nd. of  March 2012.  I was awakened after one a.m. After that, I did not get sleep. At this time, they told  that they were “taking out the tooth, they have got  already loose”. They told me, that my torture will end, when my mouth became permanently dry. I do not know, what they gain, when my mouth is dry, perhaps it is a side-effect of something else they do.

4th.  of March 2012. I went to sleep rather late, about one a.m. I was awakened after five, or six a.m, After that I stayed a long time on bed, but I did not get any sleep. I did not feel very tired in the morning.  Their verbal manipulation was very aggressive for a whole night and morning.

5th . of March 2012. I went to sleep before ten p.m. They awakened me after one o’clock a.m.  Rest of the night they made a  wound  on left side of my head. I massaged my neck to stop it, and for my surprise, they really stop making  the wound after the massage. However they continued their  verbal manipulation, and I did not get any sleep on this night anymore. I slept about three hours.

In the afternoon started  again pain on buttock, to make my life uncomfortable.

 6th. of March 2012. I went to sleep about eleven p.m. , and I was awakened before one a.m. I got sleep but I was awakened several times. After three I did not sleep at all. In the afternoon they started a pain on right eye. I went to optician who measured  my eye-pressure. On the left eye it was 17, but on right eye it was 21.  On afternoon started a pain on buttock.

7th. of March 2012. I was awakened after one a.m. There were a spot on right side of my head, that felt like ants crawling on it. I realized ,that t hey had found a hole on my shielding  and started shooting it. After awakening I did not get sleep. I do not remember, that slept. I believe that I slept between three and four hours.

8th of March 2012. I went to sleep before ten p.m.  I was awakened before one a.m.  After they kept me awake over five a.m. After I had perhaps  a kind of half dream. In the dream I was a townhouse , and some reason  I wanted to escape by backdoor. In the dream, I asked , is there possible to go out this way. The Perpetrator answered, “Why not, this is your house”. After I awakened. So I believe that the perpetrator  did not understood the dream I had, but he understood my verbal output while I was dreaming.

9th. of March 2012. I went to sleep before ten p.m  and I was awakened after three a.m. I got sleep about five hours. In the morning my throat was dry.

10th of March 2012. I went to bed before eleven p.m. and I was awakened around five a.m. So I slept six hours. I had dry mouth on awakening. After I was  conscious , they started a pain on right eye. Some itching on head, and occasional pain on right eye, continued a whole day, among the verbal manipulation.

11th. of March 2012. I got about six hours of sleep. In the morning started a pain on right eye. Later they changed the eye, and started pain on left eye.

12th. of March 2012. They awakened me around one a.m. They caused occasional pain on head, and a pain on right eye. They did also some body manipulation, that had  purpose to get me ashamed How ever they did not get much impact me. I believe I got sleep after six a.m. I slept perhaps five hours.

There are couple of incidents, I would like actually add into my alternative history  section. On the other hand , I do  not like to fill the section from stories that do  not have any historical significance , although they are interesting.

One of the pieces  is about election fraud in last Canadian federal election, so called robocalls scandal, where  people where directed for wrong election place , where they were unable to vote. Most of who were directed into fraudulent polling station were people who were   contacted early in the campaign by the Conservative Party and indicated from canditate,  that they would not be supporting their local Tory candidate.

The other piece I would like add in the alternative history section, is explanation of reasons that caused  Ernest Hemingway´s suicide . I knew before  from Lenny Lapon’s book “Mass murderers in  white coats” , that Ernest Hemingway’s memory was destroyed by electric shocks in psychiatric institution , and that actually caused his suicide later.

The reason that Hemingway went into Maya clinic was liver and kidney problems. In clinic they found that he had delusions that FBI followed him. They started sessions  electric shocks that destroyed his memory and ability to work as creative writer.      . Now when new documents are released under the Freedom of Information act, it is known that he was indeed followed by FBI . Hemingway planned a book about FBI. and his experiences  with it..

 I believe that is good idea,  to check if  the dosage of 15  electric shock sessions he got was in line , what his psychiatrist, Dr. Rome had given  for other patients, with similar symptoms.

There are still 15 pages of papers  in FBI secret files that are not relieved under Freedom of Information Act. I believe that there are no other reason to keep such  over 50 years old old information secret, but that it has nationally embarrassing material, that could affect United Staes image as a  democratic country.

Canadian robocalls election fraud does not fit my Alternative history US-rigged election page because it did  happen in Canada. Later on, when I have more material, I would perhaps made a new headline Rigged elections in North America, or something.

 Similarly FBI-contribution of reasons that caused  Ernest Hemingway electric shock treatment , does not fit my Cointelpro page, because it was a part of earlier FBI political terror, Joseph McCartny Witchhunts.


17th.  January 2012. The previous piece I wrote ended on November 27. Since has happened is that they have introduced a pain in buttock on  nearly  every day . It makes me sitting very uncomfortable. I have discovered a new kind of shield material freezer-bags. I believe the effect is same as there were water inside, but on these bags the liquid is very handy package for use for shielding.

28th. of  November. I got sleep perhaps two or three hours. After four a.m. I did not get sleep. In the morning about ten o’clock a.m. they delivered a very dangerous feeling pain on left side front of my head.

29th. of November. They caused some spasm on legs. This  torture they call   “ moon swimming”. After the spasm ended , I got sleep perhaps hour or two. They awakened me , couple of times and after three o’clock ,I did not get sleep. Perhaps I slept three hours as a whole.

30th of November. I went to sleep half past nine p.m. They awakened me half past eleven. After I am  not sure, that I got sleep at all. They tortured me  with a sharp pointing pain, back of the head, either left side or right side, depending which side I tried to sleep. I believe I slept about two hours. 

1st. of December. I went to sleep half past nine p.m. The perpetrators awakened me  after half past ten p.m. This time they were very nasty. They told me that they have several “heads” - as they call victims they torture and experiment with – and my end would come, because I am not usable anymore.

I believe that idea behind this nasty speak was to get me angry response, and start conversation. For all these years they have tortured and manipulated me, I have learned that more useful than think what they are saying - is rather think, why they are telling this to me – what they count to gain by telling this particular think to me.

I massaged my neck, and after that, their tone became usual “everything will end soon” type talk. Sometime before one a.m. they manipulated my heartbeat. I remember, I was awake after one ‘o’clock a.m. , and I was awakened about five a.m. , so I believe I slept between three and four hours.

2nd.  of December. I slept about hour or two. Again they used pains on  side of my head, among other things to keep me awake.

3rd. of December.  I went to sleep half past nine. I was awakened first time half past ten. Second time I was awakened around four a.m. After I did not get sleep.  Daytime I had a rather severe pain around my right eye. Pain eased on afternoon, but after that started usual itching and tingling sensations around my head.

4th.  of December. I got sleep about four or five hours. In the morning there was a very heavy manipulation session. They told that the operating principle their manipulating machine is very near operating principle of sonar. I have heard this same thing before, years ago. So if it is true, and they call their manipulation for “ blood filming” , my imagination would make concept where on my blood is inserted  some (radioactive?) radiocontrast agent   substance, and “picture” is made from head, similarly as sonar makes picture for environment. The scan must be done  for some hundred times of second, or  so, that difference in blood circulation and pressure is visible. This youtube-film support the sonar theory. The type of transmission that Alan Yu explains his document,also  support the sonar type of transmission theory. It is also true that their manipulation is sensitive for position and movements. They sometimes call their manipulation also “lung filming”.Perhaps this expression has come from reason that blood marking substance, has come into blood by inhalation  trought lungs, when  breathing.  One of radiocontrast agents is barium fluoride, that is also found on chemtrail contrails like this youtube film shows .  Rather than make any serious conclusions, I would test victim’s blood, for any foreign substances, including radiocontrast agents.

 Sonar theory   does not fully explain their manipulation technique. Also I have to count possibility that they are purposely lead me into wrong theory by their stories.


5th. of December. I was awakened after two a.m., and they kept me awake until six a.m. After that I got couple of hours sleep. As a whole, I slept about five hours. In the morning they spoke their planning about supporting my mother. I am afraid this means doing evil things to me. Daytime I had normal itching and pain on buttock.

7-11 of December.   These day were very similar. I got sleep about four or five hours. Daytime there were more or less itching and twinkling sensations, and pain on buttock.   As a new kind of pain , they also introduced a pain on left knee. On their speech they told that they are building “human operating system”. I believe this time was something between two projects.

12th. of December. I was awakened after two a.m. , and second time after four a.m. I believe I slept three hours.

13th. of December. I went to sleep after ten p.m. They awakened me after two a.m. After I did not get sleep. I slept about three hours.

14th. of December. I went to sleep around nine p.m. They kept me awake about hour at least before I got in sleep. They awakened me about three a.m., but I was so tired, I got some sleep after that. I believe  that I slept five hours or more.

In their  opening of the day  they told that Putin has made public Soviet Union invention on mind-reading machine, they invented 1970. Later I checked  it from Moscow News, and I found that their story was not true. Incidents on US-Moscow embassy around 1970 , means that this story of invention is true, and Putin would easily tell it, because  Soviet Union does not exist anymore. However electrical mind-reading and mind-manipulation technique, gives controlling elite weapon, to control masses, and publishing the weapon, makes them more difficult to use it after that. I believe that is the reason, why all the few  countries, that have this weapon, try to keep it secret. 

15th. of December. I went to sleep before ten p.m.  They awakened me after midnight. After I had a short period a kind of half-sleep on which I had a dream. As a whole, I slept between two and three hours. In the morning they started aggressive verbal manipulation. In the afternoon about half past four p.m. they started a pain both sides of head, and a rather strong nausea.

16th. of December. I went to sleep half past nine. They awakened me after one o’clock a.m. I  stayed awake around sixty hours with only six hours of sleep.

17th. of December. I got normal seven hours sleep. In the morning they started a sharp strong pain on left side, about centre of my head. It continued whole morning more or less continuously. Later started a pain on buttock that continued until night.

18th.of December. I awakened a cold feeling on head, and a strong headache. I massaged my neck, and found several sore points on it. So I realized that they have disturbed my head blood circulation, and caused temperature of head to go down. On other words, this was normal after sauna torture , except it was heavier than usually. I had also some nausea. After massaging my neck, my  feeling went better, but still I had some nausea and headache whole morning.

19th. of December.  I got sleep between two and three hours. After three a.m. I did not sleep. In the morning, after seven o’clock,  they started pain on the right temple of my head. This I felt especially , when eating or speaking.

20th. of December.  I went to sleep before ten p.m. and got sleep perhaps eleven o’clock. They started torture after one o’clock.  They caused a strong pain on specific place on head. If I moved my head, the pain followed on  the same place on head, with some delay. I told them, that they are cruel torturers, who suppose to closed in prison. After that there were some minutes pause, before torture and manipulation continued. I slept perhaps two or three hours.

21st. of December. I got couple of hours sleep, before one a.m. After that they kept me awake until three or four a.m., and again I got hour or two sleep. I slept between three and four hours a whole night. On daytime, I got more or less continuous pain on right temple of my head.

22nd. of  December. I went to sleep around ten p.m. They awakened me after three a.m. I got sleep perhaps four hours.  They threatened me that they will kill me by heart attack. Afternoon after four p.m. there were some dangerous feeling sharp pains on left temple on my head.

23rd. of December. I was awakened around two a.m. However  I got sleep again, and I slept so long time, I was late on work. I got sleep perhaps seven or eight hours. In the evening around six p.m. they started a pain on right eye, and it continued a whole evening -  more   occasionally, after I shielded myself around the right eye. Verbal manipulation continued intense, whole time. Also pain on buttock started after six p.m. and continued whole night.

24th. of December. I got sleep around five hours or less. They awakened me around four a.m.  , and after, I am not sure, if I slept at all. They used all kinds of pains, to prevent me to fall asleep again. I remember specially pain on buttocks and a sharp pain on back of my head. There were also a long period, when I felt that I did not get enough air on my lungs. I believe that they can control amount of carbon dioxide on my blood or something comparable, to cause that feeling. On the afternoon and evening, they caused a strong pain on my right eye. I was visiting my mother on Christmas, so I did not have same possibility to shield my eye than home. Pain ended around eight p.m. After that were only normal itching, and verbal manipulation.

25th. of December. The night was very similar, than night before. I was awakened around two a.m. After that my feelings were manipulated, and they caused a sharp pain on head for a while. However they let me sleep normal sleep, perhaps, because I did not have to wake early for work, but I had an opportunity to sleep long. On the evening started pain on buttock, and it continued until night 

26th. of December. I went to sleep after midnight. I was first time awakened after three a.m. , and second time after six a.m. that after I did not get sleep. They also caused, that some reason, I did not feel sleepy, although I got sleep only five hours or less.

27th. of December. I got about normal sleep. On afternoon and evening, I got several fast sleeps, while I watched the television. I found that after fast sleep, I got several sore points on neck. I massaged the sore points out. I figured out, the template, how they worked. First  they cause fast sleep.  After I awake from that, they start intensive talking, on this time, also sore points of neck also come.

 When I massaged out the sore points, the intensive talking also ended.

They caused  pains on buttock on rest of the evening. It  made my sitting very painful.

4th. of January 2012. I got about normal sleep. Pain on buttock started before I went to sleep.

5th. of January 2012.  I slept perhaps hour or two. They caused pain on back, which kept me awake, among the other things. They caused also a odd pain on stomach,  and they told that instead with my brain they will experiment with my body. They also gave indirect death threat, by telling that soon ‘I will have “silence of grave

6th. of January. 2012. I went to sleep very late, about two o’clock a.m.  , because I did not feel tired before. After I had gone to sleep, they caused a sharp pain on heart, like a small heart attack. The attack continued, normal itching on head verbal manipulation etc. I was that scared, that I did not get sleep before six a.m.  I got sleep around four hours, and after that I did not feel myself very sleepy at all, so I believe they had manipulated  me  do not feel sleepy. I got a small pain on heart, on day, that came after their heart experiment. Daytime I felt again a pain on buttock, that made my sitting painful.

7th. of January 2012. I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning was a kind of new odd feeling on head. About noon they caused a fast sleep, which was followed a kind of dizzy feeling.

 8th. of January 2012. I got about three hours of sleep. After I was awakened, they started a repetitive voice attack,  on which I felt they had some new method, that made it more effective than  before. However, I was able to defend myself  with loud music,  partly at least. Daytime there were some itching, and also pain on buttock, that started on evening.

9th. of January 2012. I did not sleep at all. They used pains on head and body to keep me awake. They also caused that I did not feel very tired. On their verbal manipulation, they spoke that “building the temple, has gone too far”. This is a indirect expression, that real meaning is unclear to me. On the evening, they put me several times for fast sleep.

 10th. of January 2012.  They awakened me at one a.m. After I did not get sleep.  In the morning they told me that when their experimenting with me ends “death comes from another door”. I got about three hours of sleep this night.

11th. of January 2012. Last night they awakened three times during the night. However, after each time,  I was able to catch sleep again. I believe, I slept about five hours. On afternoon, quarter past one p.m. ,  they started a repetitive voice attack, this time by calling my name. They succeeded get my left ear partly sensitive, before I got started  loud music for shielding.

12th. of January 2012.  I did not get sleep at all, whole night. They told me that “they will clean my board”.  After six a.m. in the morning, I got about hour of sleep, or kind of  half-sleep, that caused I was late on my work.  Daytime they started pain on buttock,  that continued more or less permanent, until night. They told some indirect threats like “lady dressed in black will come to meet you” 

13th. of January 2012.  I went to sleep around ten p.m. I got sleep around eleven p.m.  They awakened me about one o’clock a.m. After I did not get sleep.  They also tried to control position, which I was lying on bed. They did not like that I slept on my back, so they caused a backache  if I tried to sleep on my back.  I discovered, that they did not like my position because of position of my head. I moved to sleep on my side, but so that the position of my head, was same as lying on my back.

After that move, they tried verbally get me to change the position of my head. I did not move my head.  They did not let me sleep. I woke up on four a.m. I believe I slept only two hours.  On next evening, I had had  only two hours of sleep on last sixty hours.

14-15th. of January 2012.  I got verbal manipulation, and itching on head, and pain on buttock on daytime, but I got about normal sleep at night. This perhaps because of weekend, and I had opportunity to sleep at daytime, if necessary.

16th of  January 2012. I went to sleep after eleven p.m. They awakened me after two  a.m. and after that I did not get sleep. I slept perhaps two hours. Beside verbal manipulation, they used pain on back of the head, to keep me awake. In the morning opening, they told that they will torture me until my death. Daytime the were pain on buttock, and they caused a fast sleep around four p.m.  while I was on work.

17th. of January 2012. Very unclear night, I am not sure, if I slept at all. If I slept it was hour or so. About eleven p.m. After I went to bed, they caused a kind of small heart attack. About four a.m. I started to make diary from my notes, because I felt this is a part of the reason, they do not let me sleep, and torture so cruel way. I planning to put it out half-finish, this night, and make hyperlinks, and correct grammar, later after I have got proper sleep.

I have had trouble with my e-mail. It comes instantly full of junk-mail, so I have not received all the letters, people have sent. I feel I have corrected this problem, at least temporary. My mail is working again.

27th. of November 2011. My previous piece of diary ended on fourth of October. On last month I was afraid that Eleanor  White is killed. Now I  know it is not true. This is her new website.

This month I have got more death threats. Threats have also changed In quality, now they speak “lead poisoning” , and “nickel poisoning” when before the perpetrators suggested more exotic ways to end my life.

I have got some feedback that asks, why I do not write more, how they manipulate me on daytime. The reason is that daytime manipulation does not bother me same way as night manipulation, when they do not let me sleep.

I know  reading my records of night torture is boring, but I believe that someday mind-reading, and mind-manipulation equipment are known for  public, and I live in  hope that then these crimes against humanity, that scientist  have committed during the development on  this  coming mind manipulation technique, will be investigated.  I wish also that  people who have committed these crimes will be prosecuted. For that purpose I have tried to make my record accurate for what has  happened to me.

I hope that after mind-manipulation became public; there will come  enough public pressure for investigation of  these crimes, and prosecution for people, which  have committed these crimes - even if victims are dead, or live in  condition where they cannot claim their rights during the time of investigation.

 I get daytime nearly continuous verbal manipulation, when I am not doing something active on my brains, like reading. Verbal manipulation usually explains, that torture will end soon, after half year or so, and after I will get compensation, from what I had suffered on last thirty years, when they have manipulated me. They like to talk compensation I get . What is the base of my compensation, is it based on hours, I have been subject on their manipulation, and how much for hour etc.

  When I  ask, do I get these criminals prosecuted, that have tortured me and ruined my life on last  thirty years,  their answer is not so clear, and they do not like talk this subject.

Actually I believe, that they just try to keep my hope for   freedom, that will come in future,  alive. If I had a mental breakdown, or became severely depressed, I am less useful for them. I believe that even if they get caught, it is not sure that they will be prosecuted. United States and Canada, has very dark history  on legal handling of criminal human experiments , when illegal human experiments have - for reason or other - became public , not police or public prosecutor have acted. Not a single U.S. government researcher had been prosecuted for illegal  human experimentation. This  means that  scientists  are not afraid to continue their illegal  experiments.

Even in case of improbable event, that these crimes are exposed in public, there is  perhaps similar outsourcing trick than some  other torture cases, where the actual crimes are done from foreign organization, and base organization has just given funding, to get results.

Besides of continuous talk , perpetrators manipulate my daytime  feelings and memory , I am not able to recall some words in these occasion. Actually what happened for Rick Perry on this article , was a typical trick they do for me . I do not say that Rick Perry is a victim of mind manipulation, memory  blackout could happen sometimes  in natural reasons like, high tension.  They also  often they try to replace my verbal output , from their verbal output, and  sometimes they  succeed on this.

5th. of October. I went to sleep early, about eight p.m.  They kept me awake about hour or two. After I got sleep, first time, they, awakened me f after midnight. I also remember, that they caused that my head felt cold on sometimes on night. I got however sleep and slept until four a.m.  I believe I slept five or six hours. Next evening started pain on right temple of my head.

6th. of October. I went to sleep half past nine. They awakened me before one o’clock a.m.  After I did not get sleep. About three a.m. they started “sharp stones under head  torture”. After I wake up from bed, the pain on the right eye started. It continued with some breaks a whole morning. Actually they call it for macular filming. I do not know if they ge visual  information my view, or it is just recording how my eye is working.

9th.  of October. I got sleep about three or four hours. They caused a feeling that my  head was cold among other things, to keep me awake. After I woke up, there were a pain on right eye, so their “macular filming” continue. I was so tired, that they were able to put me on fast sleep couple of times during the day. There was nearly continuous itching somewhere on head .

  10th of October. After midnight they caused a sudden strong sharp pain  on center of my head. This is what they call moose rifle. I was able to get pain weaker by pressing water back on place of the pain. They told that this is revenge, that I have broken some instruments by massaging my head, with my hand held massager. They also told that I cannot do such calculation I did my previous piece of diary. I guess they mean that probability count which   was just rough estimate, that is based right way to calculate, how much illegal human experiments USA actually do in other countries .

The pain was weaker, when I lied in my back, but they caused a strong backache for me, in that position, so I could not sleep on that way.  I do not know how long I was asleep, but I was bed on ten hours, because I did  not have to go to work.

10-13th. of October. These days and night were very similar. I got sleep between three and five hours. Usually I got two or three hours sleep. After they awakened around one or two a.m.  Another sleep period was after six a.m. Between that they caused pains here and there, and coughing, that is very unpleasant if one is wearing c-pap machine, like I am . There were also sharp pain somewhere on head and occasional feeling that air was full of smoke. I massaged my neck about three or four times on night to reset their manipulation. I stayed long on bed, but got only little sleep. Daytime they caused two of more fast sleeps.

14th. of October. Last night one of the perpetrators told his future plans. He said he lives in Sweden, but is planning to move back to Finland, in reason for  children education. He also said that , when I am not useful for them anymore, they just stop to manipulate  me,  and continue with other victims.

 I slept about eight hours, and awakened with sharp pointed pain, that they call nickname “moose rifle”. My theory is, that they tried to wipe out yesterdays conversation. I am not sure if,  the conversation was their experiment, or just pure mistake. Actually I was not able to recall it yet, but about two hours later.

15th. of October.  I went to sleep about midnight. They awakened me after hour’s sleep, and kept me awake until six a.m.  After I was able to sleep about half past eleven a.m.  On night they told that I should be happy that I can sleep. Many of the mind-control victims are tied to bed and  cannot defend themselves on any way. Again they used a same sharp pain than yesterday night. I massaged my neck, and it stopped the pain.  I believe, it was not massage, but their decision to stop pain, after massage. Otherwise the night was similar itching on head, and back pains, than earlier nights. On afternoon started a pain on right eye, and continued for night. Again they told that they are filming ocular fundus.

16th. of October. Heavy pain on right eye, that started on evening, continued until four a.m. I got sleep about five a.m. and they awakened me about ten a.m. So I got sleep about five hours. In the morning there were day opening. the perpetrator told that they will torture, and experiment with me, all my lifetime. As an excuse they told that he told that he has children, and he has  to make living for his  family. I told him that he makes living his children  from my suffering, and he ruins my life to get his family happy living.

17th. of October. I got about one hour sleep. They caused sharp pain on center of my head. I had to sleep on my back, to keep pain tolerable. After one o’clock a.m. I did not sleep at all.

18th. of October. I went to sleep before nine p.m. They let me sleep one hour, and awakened me after ten p.m. I got sleep again about three or four a.m. So I  got about three hour of sleep, before I had to go to work about five a.m.

19th. of October. I went to  bed after nine p.m. They awakened me half past ten. I got next time sleep after six a.m. I slept about three hours, and   went late to work.

20th. of October. I went to bed after nine p.m. They awakened me first time about half past ten, and after several times about hour between previous awakenings. After one a.m. I did not get sleep. This time  they called it “stress test”. They threaded that “wolfs” will come next.

21st of October. I went to sleep after eight p.m. They kept me awake with pains and verbal tricks and by manipulating my feelings. After one a.m. I put music on my earphones loudest possible. After that I got sleep, and slept more or less until six a.m.  Usually one could not sleep with heavy noise, but if person is very tired, the noise does not stop his sleeping.  I believe that loud music actually interfered their manipulation, that they used to try to keep me awake.  In the morning there was a odd feeling on back of my head, but no actual pain. On next day, there were occasional verbal manipulation, and usual itching, and twinkling sensations, mostly on left side of head.

22nd. of October. “ The stress tests” continued. They kept me awake until about four or five a.m.  I explained them, that sooner or later electronic mind manipulation will be recognized as fact.  Then my story will come public. After that there will come an investigation, and they will be prosecuting their crimes whether I am alive or not. Their attitude was, that because they are already responsible for death for some people, one death more does not make much difference. They trusted that they will never be prosecuted from their crimes. United States and Canada has in past failed to prosecute people that have violated human rights in form of illegal human experimentation.

 I was able to sleep long, because it was Saturday.  I believe I slept about four hours.

23rd. of October.  I do not know how much I slept last night. I believe it was between three and five hours. They used pain on ear to get me take out earphones, without success. Next evening they put me on fast sleep . This usually means, I do not get sleep on night.

24th. of October. They let me sleep about hour. After midnight they kept me awake until about four a.m. After I got sleep about two hours, before I had to go to work. I slept about three hours as a whole. In the morning they caused a pain on butt when sitting. Actually they have done it often last days.

25th. of October. This was a very unclear night. I was awakened several times, but I was able to get sleep again. Most for  me bothered their  sharp stones under head torture . I was able to weaken it, with water backs, but it forced me to sleep on position, that was very uncomfortable. I estimate I slept perhaps two or three hours.

26th. of October. Similar night than yesterday. Only difference that pains were wider variety I slept perhaps three or four hours.

27th. of October. I went to sleep after nine p.m.  They awakened me at half past eleven p.m.  They kept me awake the whole night, except a short period between three and four a.m.   I got sleep about two hours. I was so tired I got a couple of fast sleeps in the morning. Daytime there were normal itching and a kind of aggressive talk from them.

28th. of October.  I went to sleep after nine p.m. They awakened me several times, but I was able to get sleep again. I believe I got proper six hours sleep. I got even some dreams. I hoped  the “stress tests” were over.

29th of October.  Again they awakened me several times, but because it was a holiday, and I did not have to go work, I was able to sleep long, and I believe I  got sleep five hours or more, although I am not sure for that.

30th. of October. I believe, I slept about five hours, difficult to say. There was a pain on right eye, when I went to sleep, and it continued on wake-up. On daytime there were occasional itching on head, and verbal manipulation.

31st. of October. Last night I sleep around ten p.m. I was awakened after midnight. They kept me awake over three o’clock a.m.  After I got couple of hours sleep. They used sharp pointed pain to keep me awake. In the morning there were occasional pain on left side of my head.

1st. of November. Very similar day than yesterday. I slept about hour, after I was awake  about three o’clock  a.m. and after that, I got couple of hours sleep. As a whole I slept between three and four hours.

2nd. of November. I went to sleep about ten p.m.  They awakened me about three a.m. and after I did not get sleep. I believe I slept about three or four hours. On daytime, there were occasional rather strong pain on side of the right eye, among the verbal manipulation.

3rd. of November. I got about normal sleep. There were pain on right temple on daytime.

4th.  of November. They awakened me before midnight. After they did not let me sleep. I slept hour or two, this night. In the morning they threatened me for hearth trouble, and that  my life will end for that.

6th. of November. They got me very tired about nine p.m. I went to sleep. About one a.m. they awakened me, as I had thought. Because it was Saturday, I went to sauna, and after that I got very tired again. I went to bed, and woke up with terrible headache on forehead. They made a normal after sauna torture. and this was reason they let me sleep. The headache continued for afternoon.

7th. of November. I slept for two hours. I was bed about ten hours, but most of the I was a kind of euphoria state, where I repeated over and over again imaginary piece of my life. Actually I remember that in thirty year ago in Alberta, Canada they often kept me in similar state, where I thought over and over again similar piece of life that caused pleasure. It was a kind of narcosis without drugs. Sometime on night, I also felt a

taste of blood on my mouth.  In the morning they told that they have taken “one tooth of my mouth”, that is their jargon,  exact meaning I do not know.

9th. of November. They let me sleep for  two hours. Again they told that they are taking another “tooth” out, from me. If the pain marks the place of “tooth” the “tooth”  was this time left side back of my head.  To analyzing their language, perhaps brain has functions or organs  they call nickname “teeth”, and perhaps they could disable them parts of them. They have told that they can also replace “tooth”  with their artificial “gold-tooth”. However it is useful to think, why they want to let me know  this.  Apparently what they want cause for me, is fear and sadness.   On their speech – verbal manipulation – they have very rich vocabulary for indirect expressions, by using it,  they can cause fear and hope, give presents and punish. They can “give heart cut” , “take out tonsils” , “shave beard”, and many other expressions that could have something to do with real life, or have nothing to do with real life – who knows. So to stay reality, is better count what they do for me, than believe, what they tell ,  they are doing  for me. If I discount their talk, last night, the real problem is that   they did not me sleep for more than two hours. This is not good for my mind and body.

10th. of November.  Last night, on start, I got about one hours sleep. After they kept me awake until six a.m.  Then I got sleep about ten a.m.  So I got about five hours sleep. Daytime there were usual itching and twinkling sensations, among the verbal manipulation.

11th. of November. Very similar day, than day before. They kept me awake until six o’clock a.m.  After I slept half past eleven. . Daytime they caused a pain on left elbow, among usual itching and twinkling sensations on head.

13th. of November. I got about normal sleep. Not their normal after sauna torture, that they do after sauna. In the morning opening,  they explained that all the torture will end. However on daytime, there were normal itching and twinkling sensations, so perhaps it was not true. There were also normal “we take a new tooth out from your mouth” threats among the verbal manipulation.

14th. of November. They did not let me sleep at all.

15th. of November.  They disturbed my sleeping, by awakening me several times, and trying to start conversation. However I got about five hours of sleep. Daytime there was an  odd shrinking feeling on the back of my head.

16th. of November. I was awakened several times. After three a.m. I did not get sleep. I slept perhaps three hours, and I was very tired  a whole day.

17th of November. I slept over  three a.m. Perhaps I slept  five hours. In the morning they started a pain on right eye. They call it sometimes for filming of  ocular fundus. The pain continued more or less, a whole day. While I was walking home around six p.m. the pain went very serious and covered for whole forehead. After I got home, I massaged my neck, and short after that the pain stopped. After half past eight they put me into fast sleep, that continued about quarter past nine. I believe that one purpose of their fast sleep is to let me sleep a while, when it is easier for them to keep me night awake.

18th. of November. They awakened me after midnight. After I did not get sleep. They showed me all kinds of pains, they could cause. They can cause a pain even sole of my foot , if they want to. If they keep me a whole time half asleep, I cannot do very much. That way I am very vulnerable.

19th of November. They awakened me after one o’clock a.m.  After they kept me awake, with pains and talking. They tried to get me sleep on right side with pains, but I found that causing pain on side did take a rather long time for them, and after I turned other side, the pain vanished, so I turn back to left side. They did not like to do it very many times, but let me sleep on left side. I slept perhaps two hours before one a.m. I was on bed until ten, but I was not sure if I slept at all. Anyway, when I woke up, half past ten, I did not feel tired. Daytime was  very normal itching twinkling sensations and verbal manipulation.

21st. of November. I went to sleep about eleven o’clock.  I had to wake up at five a.m. to go to work . I was awakened during the night several times. I believe that I had about three hours of sleep.

22nd. of November. I went to sleep around ten p.m.  They  started to cause a pain on my butt. Actually they have done it often, for last week, and it makes me difficult to sit down. I have thought that purpose is just cause pain, but while I am sleeping, pain on butt has no purpose, so it must be a side-effect of something they do for me. The night was unclear, I believe I slept about two hours, there was many long times, I was a kind of half sleep. After three a.m. I did not get sleep, and I went up four a.m.

23rd. of November. They awakened me several times. They used pain on head and side, and as new form of pain, pain on sole of foot to keep me awake, while their verbal manipulation was continuing. Daytime they put me some fast sleep, and evening, they caused pain on butt.

24th. of November. Again I was awakened several times.  I got some sleep after I went to bed, and some sleep before I had to go to work.  I believe I had sleep about three hours. Daytime, while I was attending to meeting, after two p.m. they caused me a fast sleep. It caused some embarrassment and certainly made no good for my career.

26th. of November.  I was awakened first time after midnight. I did not get normal sleep after that. They did not like my sleeping on back, or right side, so they cause me backache while sleeping on back, and a kind of earache when I sleep on right side. However, some time on the morning, I decided to sleep on back, even it causes some pain. I am not sure, if I was asleep. However I had a thought about my old schoolmate, that remember, was invalid, later on I remembered that he is not invalid.  It was not actually full asleep, but I believe, they tried to feed me memory item  that is not true. In the evening around six p.m. they caused a pain in my butt, and I had some difficulties sit for a while. However, after seven p.m. the pain went away.

-I have found there are some net-writing about me, this is a typical example. It has many inaccuracies. I believe, the writer has mixed me from another person. I have never resided days under bridge, and my photo was never  in newspaper on Canada.

There are others stories about me, that have  no factual errors. Many of them, do still have a kind of logical errors. The most usual is view me as isolated case.

 If person tells Hiroshima nuclear bomb, or six million mass murder of Jews, and only for this person particular story is viewed and no other evidence that is out of case , the observer would believe that with these evidence, person who is observed , has a  paranoid delusion that millions of Jews has murdered.  Similar conclusion could come  person   who views only my story, and excludes the  fact that there are at least ten organizations of victims of electronic manipulation, and membership for them is several hundreds of  people  The observer should  ask , are these organizations and people who have similar symptoms, just a  collective paranoid delusion, or is something real behind it ?

Eleanor White has come to same situation. This is her way to say  the same matter:

One of our more difficult challenges is overcoming the natural tendency of nay sayers who feel they can "explain" our troubles by looking at each different harassment type and offering alternate theories.  A day ago I had another "it-is-just-poltergeists" explanation come to me, triggered by my description of the  frequent remote physical manipulation effects. I'd like to offer here a common sense analogy  which we can use when dealing with this very flawed approach.  We can answer:  "It's just like a computer image, made up of thousands of pixels.  "If an observer sets up a microscope in front of his screen, and looks at every single pixel,  one at a time, he will not have the slightest  idea what the image is about.   "If he finds, say, that 19,221 pixels are flesh-coloured, he could declare that the image is of a belly dancer, when in fact, it is a portrait of George Washington.

I have found no appropriate investigation from authorities, or educational institutions electronic mind control victims cases. Perhaps reasons are  similar, that  there were no investigation about rumored Jews mass murder  in 1940 Nazi-Germany. The only rational  investigation I have seen,  is made by one of the victims,  before mentioned Eleanor White.

John J. McMurtrey has done remarkable job for collecting all those bits and pieces, that are available in public, to prove that mind control machine exist. This is his research paper, that really proves that mind reading of verbal thoughts is reality.

I personally believe that machine that is used for reading my mind, and my mind manipulation is different that one that J. McMurtney describes. In my guess the machine that is used my verbal mind reading is just a kind of interface from another person brain to other person brain. The difference is same that is difference in acoustical world  between word recognition machine, and a simple  cell-phone. There are lots of public research papers about word recognition for mechanic way from brainwaves. I still have not any papers from attempt to collect information brain use for verbal output of words, and send this information into another person brain. I believe this is some way possible, and this is  where the secret research is done.

John McMurtney kind of mind reading machine is coming in future , and it is usable  for mind-control of masses.  In future these machines could be hiding on airway-stations and similar places, and they would scan  if anybody has “dangerous” thoughts , a bit similar way that agencies are mechanically listening cell-phone conversations in some countries, and alarm if example word “explosive” is heard in  conversation.

I have followed with great interest Occupy wall street group movement. They get through the media resistance fact, that one percent of people in United States owns 44%  value of property, and average people has lost some purchasing power in last twenty years, while on same time  one percent of rich people have accumulated it.

Group has a  a demand that maximum allowed contribution one person  for election campaign, is a hundred dollars. This is good demand, but it does not stop all the indirect advertising that is done in form of positive publicity in mass-media.

With present winner take all, election system the only way  that Occupy wall Street movement would perhaps get member in Congress that would represent them , is to move all living on same geographical area. Instead on proportional election system, which Finland has,  they could have a fairly good change to get representative on congress whichever area they live.

United States election system is made two hundred hundred years ago. It would  be best, in society without telephone, fast transportation , and mass-media. Now it is as outdated as is T-model Ford. Example every state in United States, has right to elect two members in senate. This means that person that lives in half million people Wyoming gets more than twenty times power from his vote, than person who lives 35 million people California -  while voting members to  Senate.

Two party  governing system  has same problems - corruption, human rights violations, and discrimination of minorities - than one party  system, although less severe. Actually problems are very similar, than problems of monopoly and oligopoly in corporate world.

Fourth  of  October  2011 4.50 a.m. . My last note on previous writing ended  on 16th. of August . On 17th.  of August they awakened me about ten times on night. However, because I went to sleep very early, before eight a.m., I got about four or five hours of sleep. On the afternoon there were a kind of shrinking feeling on my head, like I had slept head on sharp stones.

18th of August. I went early to sleep. They awakened me around three a.m. I slept five hours. On afternoon about half past three p.m. they did a  a repetitive voice attack. Later on  about quarter to four p.m. there was a sudden pain on center of the head.

20th of August. They awakened me after five o’clock a.m. At first I believed that it was a normal morning opening, but later I found that my left ear felt different than the right one. It was sensitive for voices. Effect was similar than after repetitive voice attack. Actually I felt a bit like wound on left side of my head. I slept five or six hours this morning.

21st. of August. Last night was very similar that on night on tenth. of August. They started a pain on center of the head. It was on large area, feeling like head had been  sleeping on sharp stones.  They gave different explanations what they were doing. They told that I have my mathematical ability, but my ability to express myself with words, will come  weaker. They also told that I will lose a part of my memory. I slept perhaps five hours. On  daytime I had a different feeling on head. It felt especially when cough . I believe that my blood circulation on my head was reduced.

23rd. of August. I went to  sleep after ten p.m. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m.  I got sleep three or four hours.

24th. of August. Again I went to sleep after ten p.m .They awakened me after tow o’clock a.m. I got about four hours of sleep. They caused similar feeling on head, than 21st. of August, like I had slept head on sharp stones. Feeling was on large area center-, and back of my head.

25th. of August. They awakened me around two o’clock a.m., and started similar “sharp stones under head” torture than before. I massaged my neck to reset their manipulation, and put a small tire, filled with water around the manipulation area. With this , and combined with water containers, I was able to stop part of the sharp feelings. However they would not let me sleep, so I slept about three hours, also this night. The perpetrators identified themselves again as “Cancer station graveyard shift”.  In the morning there were occasional shooting pains above the right eye. On afternoon the pain on the right eye became permanent.

26th. of August. I went to sleep about nine o'äclock  p.m. They awakened me around one o’clock, and started “sharp stones under head” torture. Again I massaged my neck and arranged similar shield than last night. It did not work as well as before. However I got two short periods of sleep. I slept perhaps four hours this night.

27th of  August. I slept in two parts  last night eight to eleven p.m. and about four to eight a.m.  Between that there were a repetitive voice attack about quarter to three a.m.  They got my left ear partly sensitive. However in the morning the ear felt about normal.

28th. of August. Last night in sauna, they did some unpleasant thing to my body, I would rather not tell. I went to sleep about four a.m. and got awake eight a.m.  on their morning opening. their story  was, that they are stopping the torture. Later on I found it was not true. I got sleep about four hours.

29th. of August. I got sleep about four hours. They started to talk after three o’clock  a.m. This time they introduce themselves as representative from Finland ministry of Foreign Affairs. They said they were evaluating my possibility to survive after the experiments end. About ten a.m. started a pain on right eye, that after while, went  all over right side of head.

30th. of August. I went to sleep after nine p.m. They awakened me after midnight. I massacred my neck with my hand-massager, to reset their manipulation. Actually they have told that the interface, of their manipulation equipment is fastened  on their throat. They kind of hear victims  (verbal) thinking on their throat, and this same way secretary manipulate victim verbal output. I believe that is the reason that massaging my neck has some effect. Of course, we have to take account possibility that their story is not true.

 I am not sure, but I believe, I slept hour or two after massacre. If so, I slept about three hours that night.

31st of August. I went to sleep before eight p.m. They awakened me several times, and caused all kinds of pains, expecially pain on back, that made my sleeping very painful. I felt I slept about three or four hours. While on their manipulation, there was a incident I want to make a record. The secretary  tried to vocalize my thinking, and  mask so that I would accept his verbal output as mine. However he used wrong words, that I myself I would never use. I found that, and I told this to perpetrators.  They went very angry, and told I should have not make my secretary ashamed, he is just university student who is  starting to learn this dumping. I told the perpetrators, that they have tortured me over thirty years, when they will come angry for my position of life.

In the morning they started a heavy pain above the right eye.

1st. of September. Last evening they told me, that they will bring me to “Himalayas”.  On night they caused that I felt that breathing was difficult, like air was a full of smoke. Their explanation was, that they were “burning” my lungs. After their torture, I was still able to walk, but breathing on lungs really felt different. I massaged my neck to reset their manipulation. After that their story went a bit less aggressive. They identified as gate-crashers, and told that their idea was to cause me to loose weight, and this “burning” of lungs cause, that I have to use more energy for moving myself. I was able to sleep about one hour after their “treatment” . In the morning there was a rather heavy pain above the right eye. It felt like somebody has hit the eye. There was something wrong with my breathing a whole day.

2nd. of September. I went to sleep early, after eight p.m. They awakened me first after ten p.m. and after that about five or six times. After three a.m. I did not get sleep anymore. I massaged my neck many times during the night, to reset their manipulation. It helped always for a while.  I estimate, I slept two or three hours.

3rd. of September. I went ot sleep after ten o’clock. They awakened me around two a.m.  I believe, I did not get sleep after that. I do not remember, that I  slept at all. They used all kinds of pains, where there were no good water shielding touching tmy head. They also made a kind of  tingling sensation, of  center of my skull , on large area. I was able to resist that by sleeping on back. Sleeping on back, made them to cause backache, so I did not sleep at all. Because I did not have to go to work, I slept very long, until noon. Partly I slept long because I was afraid to come out from my shield, and because I was tired, although I did not get sleep.

When I finally game out from my shield, I used music on my earphones as a kind of shield. I got very heavy verbal manipulation, and different itching, tingling, sensations, and pain.

4th. of September. I got perhaps four hours of sleep. After they started heavy verbal manipulation, companied with tingling and itching sensation on center and back of my head. When I massaged my neck, I got the itching reset for a moment , but it started again after a few minutes. Their manipulation was weaker, when I slept on my back, but then they caused a backache. I was on bed long, because I did not leave my shield.

5th of September. Very similar day that fourth of September. I slept  about four hours, and stayed under my shield long, because I was afraid for their manipulation.

10th. of September. I went to sleep after midnight. They awakened me after five a.m. After they used different burning and itching sensations, among backache and verbal manipulation to keep me awake. Like previous night I slept about four or five hours.

11th. of September. It is impossible to say, how much I slept. I was awakened some times on morning, but I did not notice what time it happened.  After I did not get sleep. They tried to keep me on left side, and caused pains, if I turned right side. In the morning they started general itching around my head. Later on it became pain on the right eye, and area around the right eye. This continued until night, and became even more severe than in the morning.

12th. of September. This night they had some kind of  torture an manipulation and a show  that was a part of their 9/11 “celebration” program. Without knowing what they actually did, they caused heavy pain on my right eye.  I have started to believe that perhaps  I have a implant on right eye.).

They told that planes fly on high altitudes, so if their speech holds true, they are experimenting mind-control, and electronic torture from airplanes, and actually presented of their capabilities, but because they do not have real terrorist they torture me.  I asked them, do they feel they are big heroes, when they torture innocent civilian, that cannot defend himself. After that, they went very angry, and told me that I am a game animal - free to hunt. Later they started repetitive voices, and all kinds of pains.

I got sleep about hour before they started to torture me after midnight.

13th. of September. I went to sleep after nine p.m. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m. I got sleep about four hours. After two a.m. I did not get sleep. They used pains and verbal manipulation to make my sleeping difficult. I massaged my neck couple of times, to reset their manipulation.

14th. of  September. I went to sleep half past nine p.m. I was awakened five times, at least. I interpreted wrong time, from my alarm-clock. Later the perpetrators told that they have manipulated my eye, information and caused that I believe the time was much more, than it actually was.  I believe that I slept about five hours, but I am not sure for that. On daytime they caused several occasional short term pains, around my head.

15th. of September. I went to sleep half past ten p.m.  They awakened me first time before midnight and after  several times. There were different itching and tingling sensations, among the verbal manipulation. They threaded to “bring tombstone” to my grave. I slept two or three hours.

16th. of September. I went to sleep after nine p.m.  They awakened me first time before midnight, and after midnight they awakened several times. They gave several indirect death threats during the night. I massaged  my neck  for a couple of times to reset their manipulation, and I was able to sleep hour or two after three a.m.  I even got some dreams that I partly remember.

Daytime there were occasional pains on several points of my head, mostly on right temple of head.

19th. of September. This night they awakened me first time about midnight, next time around two a.m. and next time after four a.m.  I slept about five hours. This night their threat was that “they will cut my hawthorn fence” ,  whatever it means, I do not try to translate these unclear indirect threats, because I feel their main purpose is to get me think what they mean.  Evening they caused fast sleep and some itching and tingling here and there.

20th. of September. I went to sleep half past nine.  They got me awake before one o’clock a.m. After I did not get sleep. I massaged my head couple of times, and they did not like it. There  was a new kind of pain on  exactly center  between right side and left side of skull.

21st. of September. I went ot sleep early, before eight p.m. I was awakened several times during the night, but because I did not have to go to work, I had possibility to sleep longer, and I got about normal amount of sleep. In the morning between seven and eight a.m. there were a kind of shooting pains on left temple. Usually there are pains on right temple and right eye. Also pains were different than usual. They were occasional, short term, and rather strong.

23rd. of September. I went to sleep about ten p.m. They awakened me after midnight, and kept awake a hole night. After three o’clock a.m. they caused feeling that air that I breathed was no good. Later they started torturing a large area center of the head. I put a piece of sheet metal to cover the place they tortured, so the feeling was not normal tingling effect, but just pain. I slept about two hours on that night. On afternoon, there were occasional burning feeling on center of my head once a while.

24th. of September. I went to sleep before ten p.m. They awakened me half past eleven, and next time after midnight. This time my mouth was also dry. This is not normal, so they did something to cause dry mouth. I was awake after three a.m. when they again caused feeling that air was difficult to breath. This all among the heavy verbal manipulation. I got some sleep before four o’clock a.m. , but they awakened me again after seven a.m.  and caused backache, and all kinds of pain to keep me awake. It is difficult to say, how much I slept , but I believe, I slept less that five hours.

25th. of September. I got sleep about three hours. Last days they have threaded to arrange me to a hospital, where they come to “meet” me.  So they did last night. It is very dangerous, if they can get me closed Into hospital. There can be one or more their “agents” and they can even try to murder me some medical way, or cause many kinds of other harm for me. Even that my last hospital visit, there did not happen anything harmful I know, I try to avoid hospitals, so long it is possible. If I sleep my home, nobody can come into house, without breaking something. In hospital I am vulnerable for many kinds of attacks.

26th. of September. I went ot sleep half past  nine  p.m. They awakened me after one a.m. and after I did not get sleep. They told me that they have orders, to let me sleep three hours per day, but otherwise they can keep me awake. They used all the normal tricks to keep me awake, pain on back, verbal manipulation etc.

27th. of September. I went to sleep half past nine p.m. They awakened me first before midnight, and second time after one o’clock a.m. After that wakeup , I did not get sleep. They caused feeling, that the air I breathed was bad, kind of dry and smoky. They also caused all kinds of pains, and heavy verbal manipulation. I believe I got this night sleep  only this three hours, that is their new standard. I just wonder that what three hours daily sleep cause my brains, body and lifespan. Already I know, it ruins quality of life.

On lunchtime and evening they caused a couple of fast sleep. I just lost my consciousness from some minutes.

28th. of September. I went to sleep before eight p.m.  On start, they caused me to stay awake. They were very aggressive, they threaded to “broke my nose” whatever it means. However something changed before midnight.  I went to sleep, and slept until five a.m.  about five or six hours.

29th. of September. On night they awakened me for ten times at least. I know I was asleep for a while, but not very many minutes. Perhaps I slept two or three hours, very difficult to say.

30th. of September. I went to sleep about eight p.m. They awakened me first around ten p.m. , and the n before midnight, that after I did not get sleep. I told my opinion on their position on society, that my tiredness had some effect. I told them that they are like  blood sucking parasites, which get their power from healthy and useful part of society. They did not like my analysis, and make wound on forehead, on left side. The wound felt open until afternoon. I slept about two or three hours.

1st. of  October.. I went to sleep half past nine. They awakened me several times before midnight. I did not sleep between one and four a.m. I massaged my neck several times on this time. After four I got some sleep, because I  did not have to go to work.  I believe, I slept five hours or more.  On afternoon there was a continuing small headache on forehead. On evening it became pain on right eye , and continued on late night.

3rd. of October. I went ot sleep after nine p.m. I used earphones to get sleep. They caused left ear pain., I put earphones of the head, and after a while , I  put them back. The pain diminished. I use c-pap machine while sleeping. The air felt very cold. I massaged my neck, and after the air felt normal. These are typical little tricks they have. I believe they cause pain, by controlling blood distribution, I am not sure although. They can also control body temperature, or at least feeling of cold and hot I  slept about three hours, mostly after one a.m.

4th of  October. I believe I did not sleep at all. They caused all kinds of pains, mostly on ears, but also on some points of head around midnight, Now later the pains went off, but I  just cannot get sleep. I believe, that they try to delay publishing this part of diary, so I put it out half ready, and check  errors on grammar, and make links later when I have got some sleep. Otherwise they would keep me a whole week without sleep.

United States has a long history of illegal and unethical human experiments in foreign countries. Recently found Guatemalan syphilis experiments were just one example. There are also LSD- experiments in France, that caused some loss of lives, and several mind control experiments in Canada.

We do not  know the exact amount of   illegal and unethical human experiments that United States has  in foreign countries. One way to calculate a rough estimate, is to multiply experiments that are for some reason became public, for probability that leaks  for secret human experiment occurs . I estimate by that way,  that there are at least 300 similar unethical human experiments that United States government agencies have carried on foreign countries, where about one percent of them is partly  public now.

There is no reason to believe that unethical human experiments on foreign soil have ended. Only difference that I believe had happened, is a kind of outsourcing part of  illegal and unethical state activities.


16th. of August.2011. 4.30 a.m.  My previous writing ended on second of July. The first note after that is on sixth of July.

6th of  July. They awakened me  on night by causing falsified audio-effect of somebody knocking the door. After that they tried to start talking, and tried also to make wound on left side of my head. I was able to defend myself by putting a water bag about thirty centimeter thick on place, they tried to make a wound. I believe I slept four or five hours.

In the morning they started a headache on forehead, similar than after sauna torture. The headache continued whole day, except a pause on afternoon. There were also some sore points on neck in the morning, that I tried to massage out.  About six o’clock  p.m. there were a conversation , I  made a wrote down, because it helps understand their attitude, and thinking. Question was their crimes against humanity. They insisted that they are “normal” people, and so it wrong to put them jail. I argued that people that commit crimes, should get punishment, and punishment should not get for person’s normality or abnormality, but every person has right to be so “abnormal” he wants to be. This thinking is very easy to find everywhere their thinking. They feel that their mission is to to  all people who are not “normal”  - meaning people who think or live different way than they live – and turn them into “normal” people.

This basic attitude is often visible of their thinking. They do  not feel that people that live or think differently than them, are not fully human, but think them “expendable” some kind of livestock, they would do everything without punishment.

9th. of July. They awakened me sometimes on night, and started to make a  wound on left side of forehead. I tried first to massage my neck to reset their work. Later I put my left side of  forehead downside, and put a water back over it. They started to tease my right side of forehead, to get me turn over. I did not turn, because, I knew they had a plan to make wound on left side of forehead. However I could not sleep rest of the night. I guess I slept perhaps four hours this night.

11th. of July.  Start of the week torture.  They awakened me after three a.m.  Later I did not get sleep. I slept about three hours.

12th. of July. I went ot sleep early, because I had not slept well last night. I was awakened after midnight. They used cough and verbal manipulation to keep me awake. Sometimes on night, they also tried repetitive voices , but I got it down, with water backs on my ear. I got sleep again, and I was awakened next time after five o’clock a.m. I believe I got sleep less than five hours. On daytime, they put me some times fast sleep. Otherwise it was itching on head , and verbal manipulation, like every day.

13th. of July. I slept about hour or two.  They caused a feeling of loss of air. Actually the perpetrators told that it is not lack of oxygen, but effect is done, by controlling the level of blood sugar. I am s´not sure that they spoke true. They also threaded  that they will invalidate me so, that I cannot walk normally. I believe this is normal intimidation, that they try to cause fear for me. In addition they did everything, to keep me awake, pain on back etc.

14th of July. Because I was tired, I went ot bed before eight o’clock p.m. They awakened me first after ten p.m. They caused a pain on knee, and threatened to make me unable to walk. They also caused a pain on back etc. to keep me awake. I was awake until five a.m. After I got couple of hours sleep, and wake up late to work. On morning I found a pain on my left knee, that felt especially, when climbing on stairs. I wonder, how they caused it.  Did they cause real damage on my knee, or did they cause only feeling of pain, without real cause.

 I have slept about four hours on last 60 hours. In the morning they caused a pain on right temple of my head  that continued until evening.

15th. of July. I got about normal sleep on last night. On daytime, there were occasional tingling sensation on head. Half past one p.m. started repetitive voices  on left ear. They were able to get my left ear, mildly sensitive for certain frequencies. Also there were  still occasional pain on left knee. Quarter past five p.m. they were able to make a small wound on left side, center of the head.

17th. o July. I was awakened on night, but I got about normal amount of sleep.  On daytime I got rather heavy verbal manipulation, and some pain on head.  Evening there were tingling sensations on head, and some odd shrinking feelings on head also, like head was dried or so. This shrinking feeling was on center of my head.

18th. of July. Start of the week torture. I slept perhaps hour. They used all kinds of pains, and verbal manipulation, to keep me awake. I tried to reset their manipulation by massaging my neck.  I found that  Canadian mind-control victim  Eleanor White´s website  is not open anymore. The perpetrators joked about prize of pork, that they said has gone up.

19th. of July. I got about normal sleep. In the morning started a rather heavy pain on above the right eye. I found that Above Stop secred had published that –Eleanor White has disappeared. I found also that her  another website is unaccessible..On the conversation below the news  , I felt ,  it could be manipulation from  secret service,  or some other similar organization. I have opinion that ordinary readers of “Above top Secret” do not have opinions, that majority of comments concerning Eleanor White’s website were.  Anyway I was able to save couple of her last documents from her old website.  They are my website bits and pieces area.

Especially her document about electronic countermeasures I feel, is important. Everybody does not have to make same experiments that she has done, because the results are documented. Perhaps Eleanor found something important and was then eliminated. I have done same observation that faradays cage does not stop signal, but water, or liquid  near the head does make the signal weaker. So it is not ordinary frequency modulated , or amplitude modulated radio signal, but something new.

20th of July.  Last night, there were heavy pain, on right eye, after eight p.m. I went to sleep early. I was awakened after three a.m. so I got sleep about five hours, which is not catastrophic, although it is not enough. In the morning there were a kind of pinching feeling on center of the skull, once a while. Lunchtime there were a repetitive voice attack on left ear.  They succeeded partly to make it sensitive for noise.  On evening about quarter to nine started a pain on side of my right eye.

21st.of July. They awakened me after two a.m. and uncomforted my left ear, they had made sensitive for noise earlier. I got about four hours of sleep. After six a.m. they started a heavy pain on  right temple of my head.  The pain was feeling always I moved my mouth eating, speaking etc.

26th. of July. They awakened me after midnight, and kept awake with pains and talking. However I got sleep about one hour in the morning. I believe I slept two hours.

27th of July. I went to sleep early, after nine p.m. They awakened me first after ten p.m. and after several times.  After two p.m. I did not get sleep at all. I believe I slept about three hours.

28th of July. They awakened me couple of times on night, but because I was very tired, I was able to fell asleep again.  I believe I got about normal sleep.

29th. of July. They awakened me around three a.m. with a kind of burning point on center of my head. I f I moved my head, the pain disappeared, but it found me again, after a minute or  two. I remember, they have used this kind of torture, couple of times before also. I did not get sleep after. I slept perhaps three hours that night.

30th of July. I went to sleep after midnight. They awakened me before four a.m.  and started repetitive voices  on left ear. I got  a bit sensitive, but I put my left ear on ground side, and in the morning there were no special feeling on ear.  They also threaded me, that they will kill me, because I am not useful for them anymore. Another threat was that "before you have had only boys sauna, now you will ha men’s sauna” . Later in the morning, they kind of changed side, and warned about unknown people that knock the door. I believe that the purpose for all that , was just to get me afraid. I am bit worried still, because Eleanor White from Canada, has disappeared, and her website is diminished.

31st. of July. I  got about five hours, or less sleep last night. They used all kinds of pains, among verbal manipulation, to disturb my sleep. After started more permanent pain on temples of my head. On the evening, it became a pain on the right eye. They told me that army use every person on fully. They will use my body for experimentation until my death. I hope this, was only intimidation.

2nd. of  August. They awakened me several times, and disturbed my proper sleep. However I got sleep about four or five hours. After one o’clock a.m. There started shooting pain on right temple of head. Before two a.m. , they got me into fast sleep . that lasted some minutes.

3rd. of August. I slept about one hour. They let me understand, that it was a revenge for that I put Eleanor White’s paper on website. In the morning they told that Eleanor White is dead. I hope it is not true. On night they used pains  and all kinds of tricks, among the talk, to keep me awake. A new kind of trick was, that they made my breathing difficult. I got feeling that air was no good. However with oximeter, I found that I had enough oxygen on my blood. In the morning about twenty past ten a.m. There were a sudden heavy pain on right side front of the head, that went fast  away.

5th. of August. I went ot sleep, about half past ten p.m.  They awakened after three a.m.  After they used all kinds of pains, and manipulation, to keep me awake. I slept between three and four hours.

8th of August. I used hand massager on my neck to stop their itching on my head.  Their revenge was a sudden sharp pain on left side, I believe in heart.

9th. of August.  They awakened me after two o’clock a.m.  and kept awake until six a.m.  I resisted their manipulation, by massaging my neck couple of times, with hand massager  - the procedure, I have found gives some relieve. After six , they let me to sleep,  but awakened around nine a.m.  I believe I got four or five hours of sleep.  On the morning, they started a pain on the right eye that continued until evening.

10th. of August.  They told that they have “sauna” for me. When I went to bed, they started a pain on center of the head. It was on large area, feeling like head was sleeping on sharp stones.  They gave different explanations what they were doing. They told that I have my mathematical ability, but my ability to express myself with words, will be weaker.  They also told that in morning, my vision would have trouble. I would see all the things with two. They disturbed my sleep many ways, but because I did not have to go to work, I had enough sleep.

11th. of August.  They awakened me about five times on night. They told same story as before, that my mathematical ability, will not change, but I will lose some ability to express myself with words. I calculated that this is what they want me to be afraid. What will happen in reality is different thing.

12th of  August. They awakened me after two o’clock, and kept awake until six a.m.  I massaged my neck couple of times, for trying to get some relieve, for their manipulation. I got sleep about three hours. I awakened with heavy pain on forehead, that later became a pain on right eye, that continued on afternoon.

13th of August. I awakened with half past three a.m.  for burning feeling on left side of forehead, just above the right eye, my shield, I use when I am sleeping  – was open, and they were making wound  there.  I covered it, and after they started a normal attack, a different pains, tingling sensations on head, and verbal manipulation.  I got perhaps two hours of sleep, after six a.m. , but after nine a.m. they started again backache and verbal manipulation.  Of course they irritated the wound they have made, above the left  eye,  all the morning. In the evening after eight p.m. started pain on right eye that continued until night, They also threaded that I will have a “smoke sauna”.

14th. of august.  I got some ugly  manipulation of my body on sauna, but otherwise I got normal sleep, usual itching and verbal manipulation in morning.

15th. of August. Start of the week torture. Night went unclear. I awakened after three a.m.  and I got sleep about three hours. After nine a.m. on work , they started a very unpleasant pain above the right eye.  that disappeared afternoon about one o’clock p.m. Before two o’clock a.m. they started repetitive voices, that ended soon.

16th of  August. They let me sleep about one hour, and started after pains and manipulation. Actually they caused that I did not feel sleepy. I decided to write this chapter end , and put it into net, and check it later after I have got proper sleep, and correct the  mistakes, and put hyperlinks, to get it to more readable condition.

On my previous writing 17th. of April, I described  how people in United States are not equal before the law.

The Human Rights Watch has asked Obama administration to start  criminal investigation   for George Bush, and his senior administrative officials about ordering torture.

 So far There are no news for start of  any criminal  investigation for that case. Also American mainstream  media  has ignored this Human Rights Watch report,  British quality newspapers like Guardian, and some other less commercial  news media have however  published the news.. It Is like invisible hand had stopped  not only criminal  investigation, but  also publicity , that there is a need for such investigation.

 It is interesting to know, how this “invisible hand” is operated, but even more interesting is to know what other dirty matters  this “invisible hand” has stopped,.Cases from we do not know anything at all.  It is very  important for public to became aware of the existence of such “invisible hand”, that stops police for investigating and cause  prosecutor for not prosecute crimes , and stops also media for writing one word about this.

Most of the American people  support the  principle that everybody is equal before the law, but  when comes need to implement this principal in real world  - and the  person who had commit crime is former president of United States -  all that legal machinery just halt.

 This is not the only case, when police does not investigate and prosecutor fails to prosecute, and media is silent for matter . Other similar crimes one can find by studying history, how illegal human experiments are prosecuted in United States.


Third of July .2011 11.30 p.m. The  main difference for earlier months, is that they primarily try to deactivate me. They awaken me several times of night, but often let me sleep after. I  have found that massaging the neck works as a kind of reset of their manipulation. I believe their in implant is somewhere between nose and ears and teeth., and vibration causes temporary interference for it.

19th. of April. They awakened me at least three times this  night. After four  o’clock a.m. I did not get sleep. I believe I slept about three hours.

20th. of April They  got me awake me after four o’clock  a.m. I slept about four hours. Later they had rather heavy verbal manipulation, especially on morning. Whole day were occasional itching and sharp shooting pains, example pain in my  right eye on half past eight.

22nd. of April. I went to sleep late, about midnight.  They awakened me after four a.m. and started a pain on the right eye, verbal manipulation, and also caused pain on my  side right, and on my neck. This caused, that I got no sleep after. Pain on the right eye continued for a  whole day.

24rd. of April. They allowed me to sleep about five hours. Daytime there were some pains, mostly on forehead, and heavy verbal manipulation. After six p.m. they put me on fast sleep, and after I woke up, they started strong continuous pain on forehead. About quarter to nine p.m. they started to manipulate my heartbeat. Pain on the forehead continued whole evening.

25th. of April. They let me sleep about five hours. In the morning there were a pain on forehead and  a sore neck, that I massaged out with my hand-massager. The pain on the forehead, moved later on to my right eye, and diminished on afternoon. These sore points came several times on this day, and several times I massaged them out.

26th. of  April. They awakened me several times on  night, and tried to start verbal  manipulation. However I believe, that I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning they started again pain on the right side of my head. It made my working on the office, not very effective.

27th.  of April. Start of the week  type torture. I did not sleep at all. About two o’clock a.m. hey made an experiment that for me felt like a light-bulb had lighten up in front of my right eye. My theory is that it is someway connected to that they try to translate thinking that is not verbal. I have found that they at least some times they do not understand my nonverbal thinking. They have went over it by access the mechanism that cause the victim to verbalize his thinking. I have found that they made errors when they try to guess what I am doing. Other possibility is that they just want to cause artificial visual effects.

Quarter after three p.m. they disturbed my work in the office, by causing pain on the right temple of my head. Half past five I found a different pain, that felt on head especially when coughing.

28th.  of April. I got about five hours of sleep. They awakened me at four o’clock  a.m. On daytime, I got  a kind of shrinking feeling on the head , and pains here and there. They put me  also  fast sleep several times on day and evening. On the afternoon they started a pain on forehead, that became  very serious after seven p.m. , very much like after sauna torture. After eight p.m. I founded several sore points on my neck , especially on left side. I massaged them out, even thought it was very painful. After that,  the headache diminished.

29th. of April. I awakened me after three o’clock a.m. I got about four hours of sleep. The neck had some sore points, but it was better than day before.

30th. of April. I got about normal amount of sleep, but in the morning, I awakened headache on fore head. I also found that fore head felt abnormally cold. They told me that they are “filming” my forehead. Apparently this  was cause, that they disturbed blood circulation on my forehead. After wakeup I massaged my neck where was several sore points. Perhaps “filming” ended for that, because the headache diminished.

1st- of May. I slept about four- five hours. In the morning there were headache on forehead, and it  felt cold. I found that on my neck there were several sore points especially on left side. I massaged them out with my massager, with very long time , and got most of them out.     

2nd. of May. They awakened me after three o’clock a.m. I got sleep about four hours this night. In the morning there were occasional pains and itching on the head here and there. This continued with heavy verbal manipulation whole morning.

3rd. of May. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m. I slept about three hours this night. After awakening there were heavy verbal manipulation , and some itching on the head.

4th. of May. I went to sleep early, about eight o’clock p.m. They awakened me before ten p.m. After I did not get sleep.

8th. of  May. I got about five hours of sleep for some days. Yesterday they caused a sudden tiredness, I was nearly unconscious, so I went to sleep without usual protection on my head. I believed that they let me sleep hour or two, before they turn the tiredness off, and start manipulation. This is their usual way to work.

Apparently the perpetrators used opportunity, that I am sleeping without protection, and they let me sleep about eight hours. In the morning opening of the day  talk they told  that Canada will arrange a new election because of some members of parliament will find that they are mind controlled, their thinking is read and manipulated.

Of course if some members of Canadian parliament are manipulated electronically or their thinking  is listened , perhaps my perpetrators do not have information about it - and even if they have information, they certainly do not tell me about it. Still   their basic claim, that some members of Canadian parliament are electronically manipulated, could be true.  Another interesting question is, how to find out truth on this matter. The secret of electronic mind manipulation lays somewhere in secret files, where most of the members of Canadian parliament  perhaps do   not have access.

9-11 of May. I got proper sleep. Some verbal manipulation, sore neck and fast sleep on daytime.

12th. of May. I got three hours of sleep. They awakened me once a while, and after two o’clock a.m. I did not get any sleep. Sore points on neck have diminished. Apparently they have ended  this experiment, for a while at least.

13th. of May. Very similar night, than night before.  They awakened me several times, and after two o’clock a.m. I did not get sleep at all. They used headache,  and pain on back among other things to keep awake. I slept about two or three hours. They also caused, that I do not feel very tired. I believe although that three hours sleep is not good for my health. There were no sore points on neck. For this collection of sore points, they have given  very horrifying name “devil’s   necklace”. So I live in hope this is really ended. At the morning ,  they started a pain on side of the  right eye.It was more or less constant whole day.

14th. of May. It is very hard to say how much I slept, I believe about three hours. They have caused, that I do not feel tired, but my feeling is not normal also. They used all the tricks to keep me awake, pains talking etc. This is a third day on row, that I got only two or three hours of sleep.

16th. of May.  They starter manipulation of me about two o’clock a.m. I did not get sleep after that. They were very merciless, and told that they will “drive” me so long time I could be used  for something. I got sleep about two hours this night.

In the morning there were sore points on neck, I tried to massage out. The massaging helps for some moments. I believe that there is implant somewhere on my head, and vibration of  hand-held massager cuts the manipulation for a moment. After wakeup started also a pain above the right eye. It ended about ten o’clock a.m. and later  started occasional pains and itching, mostly on forehead. There were also a kind of pinching feeling on the head, a quarter after ten. Later they got me unconscious , “fast sleep” for some minutes. When I woke , there were some trembling of hands, and my heart was beating very fast.

17th. of May. They awakened me several times at night. In the morning I did not feel very sleepy.  It is impossible to say how much I slept. They told me that they have developed a new “sleeplike state”, where person does not have to get real sleep at all. I guess that they test with me, what side effects their new “sleeplike state” has  on mind and body. Perhaps they try to artificially do same thing that sleep does on person’s mind. I n the morning started a pain on the right eye.

18th. of May. I slept about normal amount, although I was awakened several times. In the morning there was a pain on the right eye, that later diminished ,and started occasional pains, mostly on left side, and back of the head.  On the afternoon, after four o’clock p.m. there were shrinking and pinching feelings on left side and center of the head.

19th of May. They awakened me several times. After three o’clock a.m. they did not let me sleep. They started a pain on the right eye, that I tried to cover with my hands, with poor results. I slept about three or four hours. In the morning, pain on the right eye eased, but it became later again very strong. Pain felt whole morning, until noon. After noon started a different,  occasional pinching on the head.

20th. of May. I went to sleep early last night.  I was awakened on hour or two hours intervals whole night. After three o’clock a.m. I did not get sleep. I estimate, I slept four hours. After nine o’clock a.m., started a rather strong pain on the right eye, and continued a whole morning.

21st. of May. They got me very sleepy after eight o’clock p.m. I went to early sleep. After midnight I was awakened, and did not feel sleepy at all. I made some sandwiches and tea, and did some work. After I went to sleep again. I was awakened after two or three hours. I believe that this way I got about five hours of sleep that night.

22nd. of May. I felt very tired, so I went to sleep after nine p.m. They awakened me around midnight. Because I did not feel tired at all, and I did not have to go to work, I was awake at six o’clock a.m. I went to sauna, and felt to sleepy again. On this time they spoke about “smoke-sauna”.

Sometimes on sleep they awakened me, and caused some way high irritation on lungs. This caused heavy cough on long time. However I got sleep again, and slept about eleven a.m. On evening there was heavy attack on right  eye, that felt whole right side of the head. I was able to partly ease the pain, by massaging my neck with handheld massager.

25th. of May. They awakened me at two o’clock a.m. After I got a short sleep, and had a  dream.  I keep possible, that they hypnotized me. They told that they would “lose” , but they will not go down alone. They also told,using metaphor, that “They have closed the toiled, and nobody gets out without a good plumber”.

26th. of May. They awakened me again, after two o’clock a.m. Perhaps this is the time of start “cancer-station graveyard shift”  as they call themselves. They used backache, pinching on head etc. to keep me awake. They told that they make me “poorer” every day. They also told that massaging the neck makes my cochlear dark, and they are waiting for that, before they stop experimenting. This message was somehow unclear for me. This night I also got some nausea. They  told that reason to keep me awake on night is, that they are studying my body functions. In the morning after ten a.m. there were occasional shooting pains on head, that continued whole day. I believe that pain caused several mistakes, I made on my work. Of course the lack of sleep, would partly  be cause of these mistakes

27th. of May. I went to sleep early, about eight o’clock p.m. They awakened me around ten p.m. After I did not get sleep before about four a.m. I did everything I know, to disturb their manipulation. Morse code, and massaging my neck. Perhaps the tiredness and  vibration of head, by massaging caused interference, their manipulation, that caused that I got a sleep about one hour more, before I had to go to work. Now I have slept two or three hours on night on row of several nights.

29th. of May. They awakened me around nine a.m. and started talking. I found that they manipulated my speech by using secretary, and I told them that. After that they started a burning pain on back of the head. It was a very sharp precise area, where they caused the pain. I defended myself with water backs, which I  used to cover the painful area. Later on the morning they caused shooting pains, mostly back of the head.

30th. of May. They awakened me several times on night, and tried to keep me awake with their usual tricks. However, because I did not have to go to work, but I was able to sleep longer, I got five hours sleep or more. I did a lot of Morse-code, to make their manipulation boring. They used a new kind of pain they had developed, to keep me awake. It was pain on  side of the fingers. this pain  they used more or less whole day and  evening.  . The pain disappeared by moving painful fingers on cloth, but comes back after some seconds.

1st. of June. They awakened me before two o’clock a.m.  This was, because I was travelling, and without any kind of shield. I had oximeter with me, and my heartbeat was abnormally low, about fifty beats at minute. This was a kind of odd, because my oxygen intake was also low, under 90. Usually if oxygen intake goes low, heart starts to beat faster.

2nd. of June. I got sleep about six hours last night. In the morning started a pain on the right eye, that continued rather strong, whole rest of  the  day.

4th. of June. They awakened me several times on night.  On afternoon after three  o’clock p.m. , started a very heavy headache on forehead.  I found by massaging that they were disturbing blood flow of arteries on both side of neck. The effect was very similar than after sauna torture, the only difference is that they did it before I went  to sauna.

5th. of June. In the morning when I was awakened, I felt some nausea, and my forehead felt cold. When I woke up and started to massage my veins, I found that they had partly blocked my veins both side of neck, and my blood had difficuolties to flow on my forehead. After a very long session of painful massage of neck, with strong handheld massager, they suddenly gave up, and sore points of neck diminished. Their explanation ,for what had happened was “doctors lost their nerves”.  After the pain on neck was diminished, also headache diminished. So it was a kind of “after sauna torture” also.

On the evening the pain was moved to right eye, It continued with more or less intense itching on my head. The positive sign is that they have not threaded to kill me, like they did on Friday night.

6th. of June. They awakened me after midnight, and tried to start talking.  Second awakening was after three o’clock a.m.  After I did not get sleep. They caused a pain on left side of my forehead. They also told me that “ Lady in dressed black will come to meet you”. I interpreted it as a masked thread of death.

On the evening half past seven p.m. pain on the forehead, became a pain on side of the right eye. It was hurting , especially when eating etc. On same time there is a pain also on the center of the head.

7th. of June. They awakened me after three o’clock a.m. After I did not get sleep. They used sharp pain on center of the head, and also some nausea, among talking – to keep me awake. I got sleep about four hours.

8th. of June. I got about normal amount of  sleep,  but in the morning started a very strong pain  on the right eye, that continued to noon.

11th. of June. They made me very sleepy on the evening.. I went to bed after ten p.m.  I was awakened after three o’clock a.m. They started itching on the head, and verbal manipulation.  I am not sure,  if I got sleep at all,.after that. I  believe; I slept between four and five hours.

13th. of June. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m. They did not let me sleep, rest of the night. They used verbal manipulation, and some pains on head – among other things -  to keep me awake.

14th. of June. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m. I believe that this is the usual  time when “cancer station graveyard shift” as they have identified themselves -  starts their work.  

They used a kind of shrinking feeling on middle of the head, and occasionally pain on fingers, to keep awake. I believe, I slept about three hours this night.

15th. of June. They awakened me several times. After two o’clock a.m. , I did not get sleep at all. They did not use exactly pains, but rather odd feeling on left side of forehead, to keep me awake. By massaging my neck, I got it diminished, but it came back soon. I slept perhaps three hours this night too. On the morning I fell “fast sleep” after seven a.m. When I awakened, my body was trembling. After seven o’clock news on evening, I got another fast sleep, but this time I was not trembling, when I awakened.

16th. of June. I was awakened about ten times. I cannot say, how much I slept, but it was not normal sleep. In the night they told that the first “pizza gang ” got some profit for me, but second did not get very much. I want to put this record, because before that they have sometimes told me that there is a kind of co-operative , behind my torture, that “owns” me collectively. This ”pizza gang” , they spoke yesterday,  fits for earlier told co-op story.

19th of June. They started a pain on the right eye, about yesterday noon. The pain continued whole night , except about half hour break on morning.  On this pause, the  perpetrators promised to bring flowers on my grave. After the pain continued whole morning, until about noon.

20th.  of  June. I slept barely five hours.

21st. of June. I went to sleep early. I was awakened many times, after hour sleep or so. About two o’clock as usual,  came “Cancer station graveyard shift” as they call themselves. After that I could not get sleep. Besides of usual verbal manipulation, they used all kind of pains, on side, on head and even tickling, to keep me awake. They also caused that I did not feel very sleepy.  I did not feel sleepy. Still I am sure, this amount of sleep , I got, is not good for my health.

About quarter to eleven a.m. they started pain on the side of the right temple.

22nd. of June. Again they awakened me several times on night. After three o’clock a.m I did not get sleep. I believe got sleep about three hours. About half past five a.m. started a pain on the right temple.

23rd. of June. I got pretty normal sleep yesterday. I was awakened just once, last night, after one o’clock a.m. When I woke up, I got a pain on the right temple again. However I found that this pain is different than pains before. Later on I found myself, that I was abnormally aggressive. So perhaps the pain was just, side effect for something that caused aggressive behavior for me. Their comment for my thinking, what they had done was metaphor “We still got you to crying”.

24th. of June. Actually I slept pretty good  last night, five hours at least.  In  the afternoon,  they started  pains and itching on various parts of my head. After eight o’clock p.m. started a pain on forehead, left side.  I put a shield on my head. They started pain on both eyes. Also pain on forehead continued.

25th of June. When I went to sleep, there were really strong pain on my right eye. I got some sleep, after I shielded the eye with my hand. I was awakened about five  o’clock a.m.  I had a feeling, that I could not get enough air. The air felt kind of bitter. I remember, this has happened for me,  a  couple of times  earlier also.

I put oxi-meter on my wrist, and air started to feel normal to breath. However, after that experience, I could not get sleep. Sleeping did not come easier that perpetrators caused all kinds of pains, and kept talking on whole time. On day, there were no itching, but rather a mild headache. They called for that, they did for me night “blood filming” . The meaning of this expression has not opened for me. What it actually means , is unclear. Are they filming for  blood, or filming with blood ?  Some other time they call it for lungs filming. This term does not either  give me any idea, what is actually happening.

I am not sure, if I was awake, or sleeping, on some kind of hypnotic state, but I got an  image of a small spider or compatible animal, crawling on edge of glass. The picture was clear, and full of details, Actually I could not recognize that sharp picture, on  my photos, or my eyes.

27th. of June. Night was very unclear.  I believe, I slept about three  hours, but in small  pieces. After three o’clock a.m. I could not get  sleep.  In the morning there were usual itching here and there.

2nd. of July. Pain on forehead, hairline started before I went to bed. I got some sleep, but after three hours, I awakened, and there was that pain on hairline again. I put about ten centimeter thick waterbuck over my head. It worked, but they continued with other pains and verbal manipulation. I did not get sleep after, so my sleep on that night was around three hours.. In the morning were pains ant itching here and there, that later became pain on the right eye, that continued late night.

Now United States and  Canadian Armies  have  admitted that they are developing machine that can read people’s  thoughts. The ultimate goal ,perhaps developing a  machine that can change people’s thoughts, and way ,  how they are experimenting with humans, are still secret.

This what happened on journalists, is just one example, what could be possible. Actually this was not avery good example, because victims and listeners found that they were manipulated. This same is perhaps happened for some politicians, for milder form. Actually for me, they do not experiment with this kind of trivial jamming  of brain, but rather they  selectively block memory, and try to change verbal output of thoughts.

Glen Greenwald has found same that I wrote in previous  piece of my diary. Laws in United States have not so much meaning, because they are implemented selectively, depending person’s position in the  country. Canada has the  same syndrome. One symptom of syndrome is the case of Duplessis orphan’s I made a collection of links on my alternative history area.

There are several youtube-videos about  mind control. This one, I feel, is very well done

17.4.2011 10.50 p.m.  My previous writing ended on 26th. of February.  Perhaps the most significant difference compared the time for month before,  is more intensive daytime manipulation.  Heavy verbal manipulation, that ends  feeling physical felling ,  that there is wound on the head, had started again.  Lack of the sleep remains my main problem. I found that even the early Lida  electronic mind-manipulation machines, were able to get person asleep, and also keep person awake.

28th. of February.  I went to sleep after eleven p.m. and they awakened me after one a.m. After I did not get sleep. Besides usual things they do to keep me awake, they also caused cramps, to my left leg . I slept something between one and two hours. This is possible, because previous night I got about five hours of sleep.

First   of March. I went to  bed early about nine p.m. , and I slept until three a.m. about five hours.

2nd. of March. They awakened me first time, around midnight. Second awakening was two o’clock a.m. Third awakening was between three and four a.m.  After I was awakened again half past four, I went up from bed. I believe I slept around four hours. Next day there were several fast sleeps on work where I fell asleep for some seconds or minutes.

4th.  of  March. They awakened me around four or five times. I got sleep perhaps  four  hours.

5th. of March. They caused sudden tiredness at  nine p.m. I went to sleep and awakened around three a.m. I got sleep around 4-5 hours.

8th. of March. They awakened me several times, but I believe I finally got sufficient amount of sleep. Daytime they abnormally much itching on the head, and heavy verbal manipulation.

10th. of March. They started with a kind of body trembling. Later sometimes on night they caused feeling, that the air was difficult to breathe. It felt very dry. I still got some sleep, although they awakened me several times. Again on daytime there were abnormally much itching on the head, and heavy verbal manipulation.

12th. of March. They awakened me around four a.m. After some fight, I got sleep again. I got sleep five hours or more this night. On daytime they got me fast sleep, and after second awakening there were some trembling of body, so I believe they did me something while I was on fast sleep. Pain on the right eye started on evening and continued next night.

13th of March. Despite of the pain on right eye, I got some sleep. In the morning, when I woke up, the pain was diminished. On morning there were more serious itching on the head than normally.

14th. of March. On night they awakened me twice. After second awakening, I massaged my head, and after I got some sleep. In the morning there were heavy verbal manipulation, and they  caused wound on forehead left side about half past seven a.m. In the morning there were pains also on side of the right eye.

15th. of March. They awakened me around two a.m., and next time around four a.m. It is difficult to say, how much I got sleep. I believe it was between three and five hours. In the morning, while I was on the buss traveling to work, they started repetitive voices. I got out without damage, by starting loud music on my earphones.


16th. of March. In the morning started pain around the right eye, and continued whole morning. The pain was more sore, when eating or speaking etc.

17th.  of March. They awakened me around three a.m. I did not get sleep after. I slept between three and four hours. In the morning about eleven a.m. started pain above the right eye,  that continued lunchtime. The pain was feeling especially when eating or speaking.

18th. of March. They awakened me three or four times. However, because I went to sleep early, and I was really tired, I got about four or five hours of sleep. Daytime there were several sudden shocking pains mostly on left side of the head, and - like day before-  in the morning there were pain above the right eye. Only difference was , that it started hour earlier than day before.

20th. of March. Very heavy itching on various parts of the head, started in the morning, and went worse during the afternoon. I had to have protective clothing around my head, and I try to keep my chin on move , to make their torture less effective

21st. fo March. They used sharp pointed heavy pain, on the center of the head, to keep me awake. I was able to make it weaker, but it was heavy enough to keep me awake. They also used other tricks to keep me awake. In the morning, when I asked reason on the pain, they answered with metaphor “we have to get the switchblade out of your hands”, as an explanation for what they did.

22nd. of March. They awakened me five times during the night, but because I went to sleep early, I was able to sleep about five  hours.

23rd.of March. They awakened me  several times after two a.m., and used sharp pain on the center of the head, and itching, among verbal manipulation, to keep me awake.

24th.  of  March. They awakened me after tree a.m. and started repetitive voices on the left ear. I usually defend myself for repetitive voices, by listening loud music, with  earphones, but this time I did not get my mp3 player to work. Before I got out of bed, they got my left ear sensitive for certain frequencies of noise. Because I went to bed early, I got about five hours of sleep. In the morning started permanent itching on wide area on left side center of the head. Later on the itching  started feeling much like wound,  and ended on late afternoon.

25th of March. They awakened me around half past one a.m. and after I did not get sleep. They tried to comfort me, that there are much worse cases on army human experimentation archives. They have terrorized me over thirty years, but I believe they speak true for this case. It is very difficult one to understand what kind cases of horrors these secret archives are hiding. People that are treated worse than test animals , before they are killed.

26th. of March.  Last night they awakened me before five a.m. After I did not get sleep, I was not very sleepy also. Perhaps they used Lida machine type effect to keep me awake . On the other hand I slept about five hours.

27th. of March. On night They told similar safe house story that they  have told before, except that this time, the safe house was not Russia, but somewhere else. I am curious,  what  would have happened, if I had reacted positive. Stories to get me “safe place” while the arrest of criminals starts, I believe nothing at all.

28th. of March. They awakened me several times for night, but I got sleep perhaps five hours. On evening after seven o’clock p.m. They  started strong itching on left side of the head. I  tried what I can, little move of  head whole the time, listening music, doing morse code - still they got wound on the left side of my head.

I tried to put steel wool over the place of wound, it caused weaker  itching, and tinning voice on both ears. The frequency was lower, but  volume was higher on left ear, compared to right one. This continued some hours.

29th. of March. I slept normally, but the wound on left side of head did hurt still. There were not sore points on my neck for some times, but now they appeared again. I massaged them out. Shooting pains, mostly on right side of head, started after nine a.m. and increased on afternoon, and continued in  evening.

30th. of March. On work, coffee time afternoon, they blocked my memory, so that I did not remember certain words, and I had difficulties to tell my story.

31st. of March. They awakened me after two a.m. After they used itching, and pains on the center of the head. I slept about two hours.

1st. of April. I went to sleep after nine p.m.  They awakened me couple of times between night. After three o’clock a.m. I did not get any sleep. I slept between four and five hours.

2nd. of April. I got about normal sleep. In the morning between six and seven a.m. They made a wound on my head on left side back of the head.

4th. of April. Start of the week torture. I slept perhaps hour. They caused my neck feeling cold, despite that I tried to keep it worm with warm clothes. In the morning my neck was sore on left side, I massaged it several times during the night. They also manipulated my heart in the morning, and caused very fast heartbeat and some pains on heart.

In the evening, after six p.m. during the verbal manipulation, they told that they will stop the torture when they have “finished” their job. I asked them what this “finishing” means.  They answered that they will not kill me but they will put me in condition that I cannot cause harm for anybody. After seven p.m. they made another wound on this time left side front of the head.

5th. of April.  I went to sleep after nine o’clock p.m. They awakened me after three a.m.  Sometimes on night, there was a period, I awakened because I had turn off my c-pap machine, and I awakened a mask on my head, without air-flow. After three a.m.  they started heavy verbal manipulation, and caused some itching on the head, so I decided to get up from bed. In the afternoon, there were itching on the center of the head.

6th. of April. On night they awakened me at least three times, perhaps more. After every awakening they tried to start conversation. I believe I got sleep four or five hours. In the morning around eleven a.m. There were some itching on left side of my head. There were also some occasional shooting pains on forehead right side. On the evening the occasional pains around my head continued.  In addition there was a permanent pain on right side front of the head.

7th. of April. Pain on the right side front of the head moved into right eye. They awakened me after midnight, and I did not get sleep after. They used cold neck,  that they have used this week, to keep me awake. I slept about two hours before midnight.

10th. of April. Ninth and tenth of April were very similar. In the morning was some itching, and later started pain on  side of right eye, that later moved on  right eye. Pain ended a while, but started again on evening. Itching and verbal manipulation continued whole day.

12th. of April. I awakened pain on the side of my right eye. After I did not get sleep.  Besides pain, they used itching on various part of head, and verbal manipulation to keep me awake.  The pain on  my eye, continued after noon.

13th. of April. They made a wound on left side front of the head in the morning, It was still feeling quite strong, in the evening, and continued to night.

14th. of April. For a long time, I felt that I got normal sleep. I slept around eight hours or more. In the morning started verbal manipulation, and itching on the head quite strong.

15th. of April. When I went to sleep, there were some manipulation to keep me awake; they used feeling of cold, among other things to keep me awake. However I got sleep, and slept again about normal seven hours, for second time in row. In the morning, they told that they will go away, and let me alone. How ever during the day, normal itching on head, and verbal manipulation continued, so it was just normal “opening of day”. However their tone of speech has changed on lately. They more often “have not time to work with me” and “they are tired, to work with me”. I feel  this is  a positive sign.

17th. of April. They awakened me after eight and told, that electronic mind control experiments are ended. Mind-reading equipment became public, and all the victims, which they called  “sentenced to death” are to be freed. Also those victims that are  in mental hospitals that suddenly start to get well.

Unfortunately this was not true, but “opening of the day”  dramatic story they tell usually in the morning, when victim is half asleep, so that his judgment is not sharp. The morning continued small wound they made in back left side of the head, and repeating voices, that I had some trouble to eliminate.

 The story was not true, but reality what is our situation, is true. We are in “terminating human experiments”, similarly as those radiation experimentation victims that were murdered by radiation experiments. Those of us ,which  are closed in mental institutions, are in much worse situation than others.

 On Nazi-concentration camps,  some of the victims, tried to document the reality of concentration camps by paintings. Similarly one of the victims, Eleanor White document reality of mind-control victims by comic-trip. This comic-trip shows one victim experimented even while dying for  cancer, which also was probably side-effect of electronic mind-control.

Afternoon, about ten past six p.m. they  started very heavy pain  on the left side of head.

On 3.1.2011 diary entry I wrote legal aspects of torture during George Bush presidency, and how I came to conclusion people in United States have no equal rights before the law. The case has since evolved.

George Bush had to cancel his trip to Switzerland, because human rights activist threatened him for arrest warrant for all countries that have signed convention against torture.

On the other hand, it is  clear that Obama administration is not willing to prosecute George Bush, and others responsible of torture. Instead it is working -  as this Mother Jones article show – to protect Bush officials  for criminal investigation in overseas for their in establishing policies the that governed the   torture of detained terrorist suspects. The actual wikileaks document, that Mother Jones magazine uses as a source is here.

As well  Canada, as United States, the problems of  legal system lies in whole chain of command from police forces  which  should investigate crimes - to prosecuting attorney -and finally court of justice.

Similarly  as RCMP in Canada, the police-organization that usually is responsible for political terror in USA, is FBI. Cointelpro documents show how  police gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment, among the other tricks of political terror in United States

George Bush case show that  federal prosecutors do  prosecute criminals selectively, depending their position in society. Some are prosecuted their crimes while who have committed similar crimes are   not prosecuted.

Finally on court of justice: the term of crime is dependent position of  participants. The radiation experiments, I mentioned above works as an example. They were actually a  mass-murders, where victims were murdered by radiation, to find out, how much radiation human can stand , before he dies. These crimes were  labeled as “medical treatments ” on court of justice.

 Two-party political system has a bad track record for preserving human rights and freedom of speech, of racial, political, and religious minorities. There are numerous examples, where people are oppressed  and discriminated because of   their origin or because of their beliefs.



26.2.2011.  7.30 p.m. I ended  my previous writing on third of January 2011. The main difference for December happenings is, that pain on the  right side of chest has ended. Actually it stopped after I put my last writing into Internet. I believe these two things have causality and I am happy, that  somebody reads my diary after all.

I have  found that the  perpetrators have different talk on daytime, and on  nighttime. Daytime perpetrators, talk that my torture will end soon, but nighttime perpetrators are prepared to torture me until my death.

My main concerns now are sore points on neck, which often stay away on workweek, but come back on weekend. The other concern is sleep, which  the perpetrators try to cut for minimum, and often   succeed.

  After I put my last diary to internet, on third of January, I went to sleep. My forehead felt extremely cold. The  room temperature was normal, and I had a cloth over my forehead, to keep it warm. The perpetrators told me that “You  have tried to take too big piece, and You have to pay for it”.  I believe that they did disturb my blood flow on forehead. The effect is quite similar than “After sauna torture”,  and also headache on forehead that followed,  was very similar. In the morning I found sore points on neck,  especially on left side of neck. I massaged them out , with my handheld massager. They did not like it and cave a kind of electric shock on heart. Later the headache on forehead continued, but moved more towards  ache on right eye. The ache went weaker after noon, and later diminished.

4th. of January. I got some sleep, although there were pains on the side of body,  I slept, and they were all  of the time trying to start verbal manipulation. They also caused short sharp pains on the heart. I believe I slept about three hours. Actually they awakened me at five a.m. That is a proper time to awake. They told me that they will not torture me any more, but try to just keep company, and talk on friendly meaning. For a moment I believed that I will get same friendly supportive talking, that diplomats got, when they were manipulated around 1970. . However, as I was afraid, half past seven, they started itching on left side front of the head, so I realized, that their torture will continue same brutal manner than before.

This is a very typical way , how they awake me. They call it morning opening. They talk something, usually positive, and something that is not true, when my senses are half sleep, that I do cannot really judge, if their talk is true or not.

The pain and itching left side of my forehead continued into evening.

5th. of January. I believe that I did not get sleep at all, last night. If I slept, I slept hour or two. They did  all the normal things, to keep me awake, verbal talk, itching on head, pains on side, etc. Before I went to sleep, there were some sore points on neck, but in the morning was none. Also the persisted pain on the right side of chest, seem to have vanished.

7th. of January. Last night, I believe that I did not sleep at all. If I slept it was under two hours. They used pains and talking to keep me awake, and succeeded. I had some difficulties of breathing. Breathing was very hard for some reason. On daytime there were occasional shooting pains on left side of the head.

8th. of January. I slept about three hours. They awakened me about three a.m. and I did not get sleep after that. I found that they interfere my thinking on certain subjects. On example:  If my thinking start to come near  subject, what I should do, to stop torture, and get freedom, they fast start cut my  thinking by explaining their own opinion for subject. That way they are able to stop my thinking on the subject.

10th. of January. They awakened me after three o’clock  a.m. After I did not get sleep. I slept about three or four hours.  About quarter to ten a.m.  there were a very dangerous feeling shooting pain on the right temple of the head.

11th. of January. I do not know, if I slept at all. After three o’clock a.m. I am sure I did not sleep at all. Before midnight there were some sudden shocks to heart, but they did not cause any difficult situation.

12th. of January. I went to sleep early, so I got some sleep, with help of  morse-code practice and loud music. The perpetrators  awakened me after three a.m. and started to talk “we do not go away from your head”. I promised them loud music, morse-code practice and head massage, which are activities that I know they do not like. They threaded to give me “cold treatment” , meaning that they disturb forehead blood-flow . It causes a cold feeling on forehead, and later a terrible headache.

I told them also, that if they get my head to a bad condition, I am not usable for them.  I also reminded them, that they are criminals, and I am a victim of their crimes, and not other way around. Their answer was that they will show me that I “cannot play with them” .

   After  four p.m. they started to cause  a very uneasy feeling on the back. About hour later came headache on front head that continued long in the evening.

13th. of January.  I slept about three hours. They did their usual disturbance of sleep, especially very aggressive verbal manipulation.

14th.  of January. Very similar night. I slept about three hours. They awakened me sometimes between midnight and three a.m. There were few sore points on neck, that I have massaged out on night, and morning -  however less than before.  I have found that they can diminish the sore point on some seconds, if they want,  so it must have something to do with manipulation. At quarter to eleven p.m. they threaded to put me “smoky sauna”. This kind of threats ,that are delivered for me , in form of  metaphors, are full of their talk on  every day.

15th. of January. I got about normal sleep.

16th. of January. I got about normal sleep also. About six p.m. there were some repetitive voices. For a  whole day was very strong verbal manipulation. Also I got sore points on neck and continuous itching on various points on my head. On  9.21 p.m. there were a sudden shock on the center of the head.

17th. of January.  Last night they awakened me after two o’clock a.m. However I got some sleep after that..  There were some very heavy verbal manipulation, that became whispering after I started my work.  After seven p.m. there were a pain on the center of the head, along with heavy verbal manipulation. I resisted the pain with a bag of steel wool on head.

18th.of  January. “Start of the week torture” . I believe I did not sleep at all this night, although I am not sure. They did not speak much, but kept me awake with other methods. On the neck there were no sore points, and on evening when  I went to bed, and some weak sore points on morning when I woke up.. I have found that often I am able to overcome their caused sudden tiredness, by massaging neck sore points. I listened a whole day loud music, and avoided to talk with perpetrators. The perpetrators told me that on time , when the mind-control machine is on public knowledge, I am a decomposed body, and they never will get punishment for their crimes.

I did not say anything, because I knew that what they wanted, was to start conversation on one way or other.

19th of January. Last night they awakened me around ten times, but I felt that I slept about four hours. I was that tired , that I was able to caught sleep every time after they awakened me. In the morning they started a pain around the right eye.

20th.  of January.  I got sleep about two hours.  They awakened me several times. After three o’clock a.m. I did not get sleep anymore. They used pains on head, and verbal manipulation, to keep me awake.

22nd. of January. They awakened me around five o’clock  a.m. , and started a very aggressive verbal manipulation. However I was able to get sleep after. I got out of bed half past ten a.m.

In the morning, there were sore points on neck, that had stayed away for about a week.  I massaged them away, with my hand held massager. The pains around the right eye started on afternoon,  and weakened  after ten p.m.

24th.  of January. They awakened me several times at night. After four o’clock  a.m. I did not get any sleep.  I believe that I slept between three and four hours, this night. In the morning there were sore points at neck, and pain started around the right eye. The pain on the eye eased at noon.

25th. of January. I slept hour or less. They kept me awake with verbal manipulation. They also caused someway feeling that back of my head was  like full of little sharp  needles.

26th. of January. Night started with occasional pains above the right eye,  starting nine p.m. I  went to sleep half past nine p.m.  They awakened me after ten p.m. and I was fresh, not sleepy at all,  and I  felt like it was morning. After looking the watch, I put the loud music on and started morse-code practice. I fell asleep again, and they awakened me next time  around two o’clock a.m. After that  I did not get sleep. Besides verbal manipulation they used pains on head , or exactly the scalp felt like some  thousand ants  were walking around it. I calculate, I slept something between three and four hours. On night before I went to sleep, there were some sore points on neck, but in the morning there were diminished. These sore points are someway connected to manipulation, but I am not sure how. Actually points are not sore, but for pressing or massaging the certain area  of neck, causes a sharp pain on somewhere on the head.

27th. of January. Before I went to sleep, there were all kinds of itching around my head. I went to sleep after nine p.m. and slept about four a.m.  Relatively good sleep, and there were no sore points on neck in the morning.

28th. of January. I slept between two and three hours.  The head felt like it is full of some needles on night. After three a.m.  I massaged my scalp, and got some sleep after.

29th. of January. I got sleep about four hours. They awakened me before five a.m., and I did not get sleep after. They used pains on side to keep me awake. Because I did not have to go to work, I stayed on bed until half past nine a.m.  After I got up from bed , there were a lot of itching on the head, that I massaged, when it went to severe. However there were actually no sore points on neck in the morning.

30th. of January. On last evening, they made a lot of sore points on neck, that I had to massage out. On  night some time they told that they will try to make a “surgery” that will try to correct the damage on my ear. After I felt cold on the left  side of my head. I did some massage on neck, but the cold continued. The perpetrators told that I have some trouble to multiply things in the future, but otherwise, I do not feel much difference. Later the cold place focused more clearly, on left side, about center of the skull. Perhaps this is the way, they do what they call “surgeries” . I have a theory that they cut  blood circulation on some precise part of the brain. The cutting of the blood circulation, cause the feeling of the cold on the head. In the morning, there were sore points on neck on both sides, that I massaged out. On afternoon around five p.m. there were pain on side of both eyes, and very dangerous feeling shooting pains on side of the right eye.

1st. of February. I went ot bed early, after nine p.m. There were a lots of sore points on both side of the neck, that I massaged out before I went to bed. There were disturbances on my sleep, example pains on fingers. The place on left side center of the head, felt cold. Similarly the face felt cold, like I had slept on outside. I got some sleep. It is difficult to say how much, but I estimate between three and four hours. In the morning there were only some weak sore points on neck, that I massaged out.

2nd. of February. I slept about normally, perhaps five hours.

3rd. of February. I did not get sleep at all. At start, they used pains to keep me awake. Later they simply did something, that caused that I did not get sleep at all. There were no sore points on neck for a couple of days.

4th. of February. They awakened me about  three o’clock  a.m. After they used pains on side, and other means to keep me awake. I got about three hours of sleep.

6th.  of February. I slept about normal amount of sleep. I awakened just once.  In the morning I found that there were a lots of sore points on my neck. I massaged them out with my electric hand massager. This happened more than ten times during the day. I found that massaging the sore points on neck, cause a very warm, nearly hot feeling on the body, and especially on the head. However  the purpose of the sore points on neck, is unclear to me.

10th. of February. I did not know how much I slept , but I was not tired in the morning. They did about everything to keep me awake on night, pains itching on the head, feeling like thousand ants walking  and crawling on my scalp, verbal manipulation etc. Because I had a vacation, I was able to sleep that long that I did not feel tired. There were also some heart palpitation on that night.

12th of February. They awakened me at four a.m. They kept me awake about four hours, with all their tricks. I got sleep again about eight a.m. and slept until eleven a.m. On daytime there were continuous itching on the head, and much increased sore points on neck, that I had to massage out.

14th. of February. I slept about hour or two. They awakened me around two a.m. and started to talk about my sleep. Besides verbal manipulation, they used pains on head, to keep me awake.

15th. of February. I went to sleep after nine a.m. I did not get sleep, before I massaged my head after two o’clock a.m.  After I got sleep about half past five. I have found that massaging the head and neck, someway reset their manipulation  setup, and takes time  before they get their setup working again. I slept about two ro three hours this night.

16th. of February. I am not sure how much I slept last night. I believe about one or two hours. They manipulated my heartbeat during the night. In the morning, after wakeup, there was a pain on the back of the head. There were some sore points on neck before I went to sleep, and in the morning. I massaged them  away.

17th. of February. I went to sleep about half past nine. They awakened me after midnight. I felt that my neck and head was cold. After hour or so, when I did not get sleep, I massaged my neck. The cold feeling went to away and I got sleep until half past five, when I had to wake up and go to work. I slept between four and five hours. I believe that my massage of neck someway disturbed their manipulation that caused feeling of cold on the head, and neck. There is a kind of interesting causality with sore points on neck and salivation. If there are sore points on neck, and I massage my neck, there is  immediately increased salivation on mouth. If there a no sore points on neck, massaging the neck, does not cause increased salivation on mouth.

18th. of February. They awakened me after two o’clock a.m. After I did not get any sleep. I estimate that I slept between two and three hours.

19th. of February. They awakened me after five o’clock  a.m. and ordered me to turn other side.  I resisted, so they caused a pain on side, that made my sleeping on that position very uncomfortable. After half hour or so I went other side. They started verbal talking, and caused someway , that I did not feel sleepy. I got out of bed. I believe I got sleep between four and five hours.

20th. of  February. They awakened me around five a.m. I did try hard, but I could not get sleep after. I slept perhaps four hours.  There were sore points on both side of the neck, that stayed nearly whole day, despite that I massaged them out several times during the day.

21st. of February. They awakened me three times during the   night. However I was able to get  sleep after. After four o’clock a.m. I was not able to get sleep anymore.. In the morning they started a pain on my right eye, that eased after noon. Also in the morning there were sore points especially on right side of the neck.

23th. of February. I went to sleep early, and they awakened me around ten times. However I got about four hours of sleep. Around eight a.m. on the while I was travelling to my work, they started repetitive voices. I managed them to go   off , without causing the sensitivity problem , that I have sometimes experienced. After half past eight p.m.  they caused “fast sleep”.  I awakened on my chair about quarter to ten p.m. and felt extremely tired. I went  to sleep at ten p.m.

24th of February. They awakened me around three or four times. However I believe, I got about four hours sleep, or more. On lunchtime, they caused pain on the right eye, that sometimes spread on, to the whole forehead.

25th.  of February. I slept about normal night. About quarter to ten a.m.   the pain on side of the right eye started. It diminished on noon. Evening there were shooting pains on head,   once a while.

26th. of February. I went to sleep around ten p.m. They awakened me after three o’clock a.m. After I did not get sleep. To get sleep,  I massaged my neck. This caused a much better feeling. The perpetrators in turn caused a sharp pointed pain on center of the head, like ice pick on the head. I  put a water back on the head, over the  sore point so that it was tightly between my head, and a larger water container. So I got about 30 centimeter water between my head and the air. There were no caps, only thin container walls.

This stopped the pain. They lost their temper, and we had a conversation on which, I got some insight views on their side of thinking.

 One would think that my perpetrators main concern is, that they would get caught  for their crimes. I learned for them, that this is not their main concern. Their main concern is that they “lost my head” ,meaning that I became one way or another useless for them. Because they are kind of specialized torturing and manipulating for me, they perhaps do not get another “head” for their use , and will  lose their jobs and  became unemployed.

I am now reading  mind-control victim Tek Nath Rizal book Torture Killing me softly, Bhutan through the Eyes of Mind-Control victim. The book is available on pdf format free of charge here.

  One would believe that Kingdom of Bhutan, is not that  technologically   advanced, to develop electronic mind control technology. This would be true, but Bhutan is remote and isolated country , which makes it  very ideal place, for  more advanced countries to test, and develop electronic mind-control technology.  The possibly deal would involve agreement where Bhutan Intelligence serves the human guinea pigs, and gets the information that electronic mind control technology could get out from victims mind. On this model the equipments and technical knowledge stays on other country. Also other kinds of dark deals that involves perhaps  also  money, are possibly.

I agree with Tek Nath RizaL  that electronic mind-control technology has existed for decades. According my perpetrators, the base of mind control  technology was first developed on Soviet-Union on end of 1960, and United States got the technology, while investigating mental problems on United States Moscow Embassy around 1970.  The reason that electronic mind-control  technology is not public is that it is ideal weapon for the controlling elite of country,  to monitor and  manipulate  all  political movement of people.  Even if governing leaders have disputes for accessing natural and human resources between countries, they have common need to control and manipulate people’s organizations on their area that they would not undermine their  leadership .

FFCHS has launched a National Billboard campaign to fight against electronic harassment. The choice of media reflects the present situation in United States. Mainstream media stays silent of electronic harassment. Congressmen are  usually  unable or unwilling to help mind control victims. If the victim goes complain to police he is often  forced into mental hospital, where his possibilities of survive are much lower than in freedom. It is better to us,  to do something to defend ourselves, than do nothing.Actually our situation has may similarities from situation that  Jews had in Nazi-Germany.

3.1.2011  11.30   p.m.  I did my last writing on 14th. of November. The next note since is on 16th of November. On this night they let me sleep about hour before awakened me at half past midnight. They started pain, and a kind of shrinking feeling on the neck, that made me impossible to sleep. There were also a kind of shooting pains, here and there on head. This was accompanied with verbal manipulation. After two o’clock , I did massage on my head. I also put loud musicon , and started morse-code practice, to get their manipulation for a bit more difficult. I got sleep around four o’clock a.m. Unfortunately, I had to  awake to work at five a.m. , so I got sleep  only about two hours on this night.

17th.  of November.  I slept about normally on  night, eleven p.m. to five o’clock a.m.  After eight a.m. the perpetrators started suddenly repetitive voice attack on my left ear. I put music loud on my earphones, and survived this time, without my getting allergic for certain frequencies of voice, that sometimes happen. In the evening after seven o’clock p.m. there were occasional pains on forehead.

19th.  of November. Pain on my chest right side, that has continued three days, eased temporarily. Last night, they awakened me at least four times. However I fell asleep again. After four o’clock  a.m.  they succeeded to get me awake permanently. I had feeling  that I slept about three hours.

21st. of November. They awakened me several times last night. However I had  sleep after, so I believe I got sleep enough. There were some sore points on my neck , and I have massaged them with hand-held massager. The pain on the right side of  chest worries me too. It came in the morning again, and even more severe than before. It  eases daytime, so it must be  something they do for me while I am sleeping. They have done it nearly every night on last week.

On evening, the sore points on neck continued, but I got them temporary away, with eight round of massage. Actually sore points  still exist, but weaker. I pain on right eye, has continued also a whole day very strong.

22nd. of November. They kept me awake nearly whole last night.  I slept hour or two between two and four a.m.  The pain on right side of chest continue worse than before. They also showed by turning pain on and off, that they cause it. The pain on the right eye, stopped on night. The sore points on neck left side were gone, instead there were sore points on right side of neck, that I massaged out with my hand-held massager.

23rd. of November. They awakened me for a couple of times, last night, and tried to start talking. However I was able to fall asleep again.  I estimate, I slept four hours or more last night. Pain on chest, right side, felt strong in the morning, but eased on  daytime. On evening  they caused strong occasional shooting pains on various sides around my head. On neck there were some  sore points on left side again, that I massaged out.

24th. of November. Night was similar, than night before. They disturbed my sleep, but I got about  four or five hours sleep.. In the morning about half past eight, they started repetitive  voices. I shielded them with loud music. On evening about quarter to six p.m. they  made a kind of strong shooting pain  on the side of my right eye. Before that they threaded to “burn my head”.

25th. of November. They awakened me about six or seven times last night, and also kept me awake most of the time. I estimate, I slept 2-3 hours. In the morning, for first time for a while, there were no sore points on my neck. Before I went to bed there were sore points on neck, left side. I massaged them with my hand held massager. Similar strong pain on side of right eye, than day before started, this time a bit later, quarter past six p.m. Day before the pain went off on hour, but this time it lasted nearly four hours.

26th. of November. They awakened me something between six to  eight times, last night.  I got sleep two or three hours. I felt bruise on my right eye when I awakened. However there were not physical mark of bruise. I covered the eye  with steel-wool on plastic back to shield it.

29th. of November.   Couple of last nights were pretty normal. I have slept about five hours. Daytime is normal pain on right eye, and sore points on neck that I massage with hand-held massager. The pain on right side of chest has became stronger on morning. I believe, they have ceased their other activities, do not interfere their “chest experiment”  - what ever they are doing for me, that causes the pain.

30th. of November.  I slept normal night , but in the morning, my forehead felt cold. This is a sign, that they have blocked blood-flow on my forehead. After wakeup, there were a kind of mild “after sauna torture”, headache on the forehead. The headache eased at noon.

2nd. of December. They kept me awake until four  o’clock a.m.  However I got some sleep, because I did not have to go  to work in the morning. On evening, around half past eight p.m. , they started a repetitive voice attack, on left  ear. I shielded it  with loud music, and some steel-wool over the ear.  They got my left  ear a bit sensitive for certain frequency of noise.

 After midnight they started manipulating left side front of my head. I felt the itching, so I had to massage it before I went to sleep.

3rd. of December. Very similar than second of  December. They awakened me several times at night. I got some sleep in the morning. They did some heartbeat-manipulation, when I went to  sleep.

4th. of December. They manipulated me nearly whole night. However, because I did not have to go to work, I was able to sleep until noon, and I got enough sleep. The pain on chest on right, has eased temporarily.  I still have no  idea, what they are doing there.

6th. of December. Last night they awakened me several times. I got sleep between four and five a.m. Fortunately, it was the Finnish day of Independence. I was able to sleep at eleven a.m. and got about normal hours of sleep. On Afternoon they started pain on left side, front of the head, and some itching back of the head also left  side. After ten p.m. There were a sudden attack of heavy pains around the head. I put a shield, that I had made from steel-wool,  over the head, and succeeded to stop the attack.

7th. of December. They used repetitive voices, last night, and succeeded to get my left ear sensitive for certain frequencies of noise. On lunchtime they started  repetitive voice attack on left ear again.  I had to listen very loud music a couple of hours, before it went out. I hope I did not get very serious hearing damage for that.

10th. of  December. About one  o’clock p.m. They caused pain on head. This somehow caused also, that I had great difficulties n to make proper knots on my work, to tie books together.

11th.  of December. They  “opened” a kind of “wound” on   left side front of my head, and tortured me through. it  whole morning. After eleven p.m. they caused  shrinking feeling on back of the head. Sleeping was quite normal last days. They even woke me up around five a.m. , when I have to go to work, but let me sleep eight a.m.  today, because I had a holiday.

12th. of December. On last night, I got a  very heavy itching, on right side of front of the head. I covered it with  a bag of steel-wool, about two centimeters heavy, before it went down. After I got about normal sleep. In the morning , they started a pain on  the right eye, and continued until I went to sleep.

13th. of December. I did not get sleep at all, on last night. They used pain on side I was sleeping, and all the other things, to keep me awake. They also told that my massage ( with hand held massager) has broken some of their equipments on my head. True or false, anyway I hear continuous white noise. There are also very dangerous feeling pains near  right-, and sometimes near left eye.

14th. of December. They disturbed my sleeping many ways, that worst was a burning pain on center of the neck. However I got some sleep, because I went to sleep early, and I was tired. I believe, they awakened me around ten times, on that night. My sleep was on short pieces. I estimate, that I slept around three hours.

15th. of December. They attacked me with repetitive voices, while I was working, and was not that able to defend myself. The first attack was around one o’clock p.m. , and next quarter to three p.m.  After seven p.m. started pain on side of right eye, and continued until night, although it went weaker a whole time.

16th. of December. They kept me awake last night very long. I believe, I slept  about three hours. About quarter to  six p.m. they started a pain on side of my right eye, and it continued most of the evening. They have caused some sore points on my neck, usually on  left side, but sometimes also right side. I have massaged them, with my hand-held massager  every evening, before I go to bed, and in the morning after wakeup, until they go away.

17th. of December. They awakened me before four a.m. After I did not get sleep. I slept about three hours . On afternoon they started pain on left temple of my head. The pain  moved later on the right eye and continued until night.

19th. of December. On the night, there were pain on the right temple, that started about half past three a.m.  About ten o’clock a.m. they did a repetitive voice attack on left ear, and partly succeeded to get me  sensitive for certain frequencies.

20th. of December.  Start of the week torture. I slept about hour, before they awakened me. They used pains to keep me awake. I used loud music to defend myself. They were not very pleased my idea of organization, similar than Simon Wiesenthal Center, on difference that the center is fighting against illegal human experimenters when Wiesenthal center was fighting against Nazis. I hope my dream some day is realized. I realize it is far today.  Not Jewish on the concentration camp, or Nazis that killed them  i would have  believed, that some day there organization , that tracks down and gathers information on former Nazis and SS members who were involved in the Holocaust, so that they can be punished for  crimes against humanity.

 After Seven a.m. they started  very unpleasant pain on side of right eye, and it continued noon

21st.   of  December. They awakened me several times last night, but I got  asleep after. I guess I slept hour or two, but it is very difficult to say. I did not feel very tired in the morning, perhaps they have caused this too.

22nd. of December. Very similar night than 21st. Of December.  I slept about two hours. They used pains to keep me awake, and to control my position.  On the afternoon about four o’clock  p.m.  there were pain on the right side of head.

25th. of December. Last night – the Christmas eve – went  quite well. They awakened me before five, but because I did not have to go to work, I put loud music and started to practice morse-code to get sleep again. Apparently they had planned something for me, that requires, that I go out for bed. On bed  I still have some kind of shielding. They used pains to get my sleep uncomfortable. Later they got nasty, and told me to go up because “ Our moose rifle is ready”, and “Christmas Sauna is waiting”. They also told that they have to “Smoothen some corners” on my personality and they like me a “bit less clever than I am”.

 . On their talks  they have given expression that they live on some kind of vessel, that they call “theatre-ship”. This impression comes time to time. If this is true, it is interesting to know if the ship is  ordinary navy-ship, or vessel that is camouflaged for cargo-ship or fishing-boat.

On eleven a.m.  they started pain on chest left side. On last days they have caused more or less severe pain on right side of chest, that feels especially shovelling snow or doing something else heavy work.  Now I am more worried because my heart is on left side.

26th. of December. They awakened me after a  couple of hours of sleep. They used pains on side, and cold forehead to keep me awake. In the morning, I found that my neck, that I had before succeeded to keep without sore points, was full of sore points. I believe, that this is someway connected for  that my forehead felt cold in night. They cut someway blood-flow from my forehead, I believe. My right ear had similar pressure problem, that sometimes in aeroplane, when the air-pressure changes.

27th.  of December. Last night I got sleep about normal way, but they awakened me around four o’clock a.m.  Because I did not have to go to work, and I felt , they awakened me too early, I started loud music, and started to do morse-code practice. They used pains and verbal manipulation to keep me awake. However I got some sleep, and slept until nine o’clock a.m. The special on the awakening, was that air that  I breathed, felt a kind of bitter. The effect went away, when I got away from my c-pap breathing-machine, that I have to use on night. My mouth was full of bad-tasting mucus. The effect was very similar, I had in Edmonton about thirty years ago, on difference that this time I did not have to use breathing machine at nights. They spoke about carbon-diokside experiments, I do not know if there is some truth behind it, or it is just their usual intimidating.

There were nearly couple of weeks without  sore points on neck, in the morning,  but last days there were several sore points on neck, especially on left side. I massaged them of  with my hand-held massager.

29th.  of December. They awakened me several times on night, and kept me  awake for  most of the time. They used  verbal manipulation, and different pains. I want to mention especially a very strong on back  after six a.m.   There were also a pain on centre of neck that felt like burning ( my notes say five minutes before six p.m.  , but I feel this could  mean six a.m.) The pain lasted about five minutes. It was similar that 14th of December, I had. I believe, there is no other purpose for this pain, than cause pain and fear on victims. They use it for torture, or just because it is fun for them. Hopefully some day they get some more years on jail for this their habit for keeping fun for victims suffering. It would their values of life on right order.

I had also pain on right ear, similar than sometimes on aeroplane, when the pressure changes.   On about half past eight, there was a pain that felt like wound, on left side centre of the head. It continued over hour.

30th.  of December. About one o’clock a.m. The burning pain on centre of the neck started again.  I did try to defend myself with a back of steel-wool on neck. The whole night they kept me awake most of the time.  They also warned me to not let my house daytime . Partly for this reason, I went to Downtown for a whole day. In the evening they did not want me to do, a kind of Excel-calculation, I used to do end of the week. They caused tiredness on my hand, that I use to move the computer-mouse. I had to change the mouse temporarily on other hand. They also cause very much itching on my scalp. I massaged these itching point to get itching out.

First of January 2011. They caused very dangerous feeling pains around my head starting last evening and night. There were also lots of sore points on neck, that I had to massage about every  hour, with my hand-held massager.

2nd.  Of January 2011. I got about normal sleep.  In the morning. I found that I do less errors, with translating old songs for morse-code, when the music is loud, than when the music is silent. This is because their manipulator  “secretary” manipulates my memory, so that  I loose the words. This sounds stupid ,  for people who do not know this manipulation technique, but usually they succeed. When music is loud (I believe) there is that much disturbance noise , that their manipulation is more difficult. I found also that female voices usually start repetitive voice manipulation when I turn the music loud.  However, they stop after half un hour, if their repeating-voice manipulation does not succeed, and only male voice try to start conversation for something, or at least try to get me listen, what he is talking.

I was perhaps too pessimistic for the  world on my last writing. I wrote about   President Bush permit to use torture for interrogation on my last  writing .  Amnesty International has given statement that former president George Bush must be prosecuted for authorizing torture

Also The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims ,and numerous other organization have asked President Obama to hold Bush accountable for torture.

President Bush has defended his decision by telling that he has got legal advice, that waterboarding is not torture.   Also lawyers that gave the advice  did not get any punishment.The United States Department of  justice  made decision that the lawyers that gave this legal advice are not guilty of anything either, but according to state department   , they  have only “flawed legal reasoning”. So they have invented way to commit crimes, without that anybody is quilty of anything.  This waterboarding torture case has also other legal “trick” that is often used. The lawyers did not use word torture for waterboarding but used instead word  “enhanced  interrogation”.  Similarly human experiment that has purpose to study how much radiation human can stand before he dies, was called medical treatment, when the right term is perhaps murder. Lawyers mean that torture is not torture anymore when it is called “enhanced interrogation”, and murder is not murder anymore, when we call it “treatment”, even if people who get this "treatment" lost their lives.

These kind of cheap tricks  would not work on  any country, that has proper, and orderly working legal system . Still these tricks are possible in United States. People in United States are not equal in before the  law.   Waterboarding that caused  former  president Bush, and other involved ,  no prosecution, caused Texas Sheriff James Parker four years in prison.

14.11.2010  10.55. p.m. My first note since my last writing is  made on first of October. On that day, I did  not get any sleep. The perpetrators used  repetitive voices, among other things, to keep me awake. Next evening, there was some itching on the head.

5th. of October. I forgot my alarm clock to wake me awake on one a.m. The perpetrators used this false alarm, and started verbal manipulation.  They also wanted, for some reason,  to turn me to sleep on other side, and used pains to get me turn on the  left side. I did  put  music very loud, on my earphones, and they stopped the pains on left side immediately after that,  but started shooting pains on my head. I massaged my neck to get some relieve it. After I got some sleep, but I believe that the whole sleeping time on this night was less than three hours.

6th. of October. They kept me awake nearly whole last night.  Again they used pains on right  side, to get me to  turn on other side.  Around two o’clock a.m. they threatened,  that  they will “iron” my head  a bit, but on the end I will get a “happy man’s shirt”. After they started continuous pain, around five centimeter  above  from my right eye. The pain continued two p.m. on afternoon, and even after that the head was a bit sore.

7th of October. On night they awakened me around one o’clock a.m. and started verbal manipulation, and some pains on head. With loud music and morse-code practice, I got some sleep, after a long fight. I believe that the total sleep time on this  night was between three and four hours.

8th. of October. Again they awakened me around one o’clock a.m. After that, I was not sure , if I got any  sleep at all. Their story to catch my interest was,  that I have a “gas bubble” in my head, which means that my head is permanently damaged, and they will “use me at end” , whatever it means.

9th. October. I went sleep early, and again they awakened me at one a.m. I guess their torture team work starts at  this time.  After they started verbal  manipulation. I got up, did some work, and  around four o’clock a.m ,I went again to bed.  I was able to sleep until ten a.m. , so I got about normal sleep. This is possible only  Saturday,  when I do not have to get work early on morning.

10th. of October. After I went to sauna, I found that arteries on the neck are sore. I tried to manipulate them, but I found  in the morning they were still sore, and I had a small headache. On the afternoon the arteries were not sore anymore, but coughing causes pain on the head.

11th. of October.”After sauna torture” continued. While massaging the neck, it was easy to find, that arteries on left side of the neck are sore. Actually both sides of neck were sore, but by massaging I got the right side arteries open around ten p.m. last night. The headache  continued whole morning, and in the afternoon, it went even more severe.

12th. of October. On night they awakened me several times, however I was able to sleep long, because I had a week holidays.  On daytime, they were blocking arteries on left side of neck. It is easily recognizable, when massaging neck with hand massager.

13th. of October. Again they are blocking the arteries on left side of neck. I believe, they were also experimenting with my kidneys, because I  had problems with urinating.

14th. of October. I went to sleep around  midnight, and they awakened me around four a.m.     Later I went another time to sleep , because I felt tired. I slept about noon. After I woke up there were severe headache on front of the head, right side, and it continued whole  afternoon.

15th. of October. About two a.m.  they told me that they really had stopped my kidneys for a while, but now it is working again.   I urinated a lot, and frequently, some time  after that. On “talk” with them, I got also a new term “necklace” that means  their system to block veins and arteries, and cause me some  headache. They promised to stop to use “necklace” in future. Problem is that they seldom speak true, so I do not make any fast decision that is  based on their promises. They kept me awake about six a.m. , after I got about three hours sleep, so my full sleeping hours for this night were between four and five hours.

17th. October . They awakened me around four a.m.  Their teaser on this time was, that mind control-torture on my case is becoming public, and they gave advice, how to behave when police attacks to  perpetrators. It did take a while to get enough awake to understand  the real reason of their  “advice . They caused a big headache on front head, left side, and later started repetitive voices , they have not used for a long time. I put the music loud on earphones, and started morse code practice, and got some sleep. In the afternoon , they started pain on left side of head, that continued on next morning.

18th. of October. Because of itching on the left side of head, I slept four hours or less. They awakened me around four a.m.  Pain on left side became occasional on morning and changed pain on neck on evening.

19th. of October. They first awakened me after midnight, and then after two o’clock a.m.  After that I did not get sleep. I believe I slept this night around two hours.

20th of October. I went ot sleep after nine p.m.  They awakened me half past twelve after  midnight. I used loud music and morse-code practice , but they were able to keep me awake rest of the night. I slept under two hours  this night.  They threatened me  that “red car will come your workplace parking lot” . I do not know , what this actually means.

21st. of October. I went to sleep after seven p.m. I used loud music and morse code practice, to resist their manipulation. I got some sleep after a long fight.  They used  repetitive voices, pains everywhere etc. In the morning my perpetrators told I slept four hours. It could be true, I did  not feel very sleepy on that morning.

22nd. of October. They  awakened me after midnight this night. After I did not get sleep. They used all the tricks to keep me awake.  I estimate that I slept about two hours , and it was before midnight.

23rd. of October. I went to sleep about nine p.m. and got out of bed nine a.m. next day. On this twelve hours, I got about five hours sleep. Again they used everything to keep me awake. Voices, pain etc. On a while they threaded “ People come , which  will break you”.   Other times they went to  frustration , and told that they are tired “to make stuffed people, that could be used for nothing” . I had  sleep on  several short periods,  between their torture and manipulation.

25th. of October. I did not get sleep at all. Actually, I perhaps slept a bit, but I do  not remember, that I was asleep. Sometimes on night they presented a kind of new way to make “voices”. They presented two  voices, the sound of opening champagne bottle, and a voice of dog sparking. The voices were very real, and feeling was that they came inside my body. They were just different than narrow frequency  “voiceless voice” that  they usually use , which has very limited  dynamic  range. Apparently the perpetrators cannot yet speak with these voices  that are made with this new, better technique.

They have not experimented with me before, for developing these  improved voice machines. I hope the victims they have used for developing these systems, are still alive.

Hopefully society will someday get civilized enough , that these  criminals  will get prosecuted  trial – similar as Nuremberg trials – for crimes against humanity.

Unfortunately, the  world is going just opposite direction. I have just read from newspaper that former United States president George Bush had personally approved torture of enemy prisoners. By approving torture president Bush has knowingly violated  United Nations Convention against torture, which United States has also ratified 1988.  This makes one to wonder , are also rest of United States ratified International agreements  not worth of paper , they are  written on, if the President of United States, can make a that kind of decision ?

26th. of October. They awaked me around one a.m. However I got some sleep after. I felt I got sleep between four and five hours. In the afternoon about half past three p.m. They started repetitive voices, and succeeded to get my right ear sensitive for certain frequency of voices.

27th. of  October. They awakened me around two a.m.  I got some sleep after, but result was that I went late to my work.

28th. of October. They awakened me after one a.m. I used loud music and morse-code practice, to get sleep, and slept  until  four o’clock  a.m. So I slept about three or four hours that night. They did not use pains, but tried to very actively “hook” my interest, with different pieces of conversation.

30th. of October. I went to Mariehamn  with ferry, and back Turku. There were no verbal manipulation on trip, only a couple of shooting pains on left side of my head before coming to Mariehamn. On home manipulation started normal way, however I was able to sleep normal five hours.

First of November, the perpetrators  started  pain on the right side of the head. I had  dry mouth on wakeup. The pain actually ended  on evening after a heavy massage of my  neck. 

2nd. of November. They awakened me several times. I am not sure how much I slept, but I believe about three hours.

3rd. of November. They awakened me around two a.m. After I did not get sleep. They used pains to try to get me turn on other side. I believe I slept around three hours.

4th. of November.  I went to sleep half past nine  p.m. They got me awake around two a.m.  After I did not get sleep.  On wakeup, I found that they had a kind of freeze on  my head. They used pains and repetitive voices to keep me awake.  I used loud music and morse code practice, to resist the manipulation.

5th. fo November. On night, I did not get sleep at all. Among all the other things, they used pains to control my position, and let me to sleep. Actually I am not sure, if I was asleep, but I do  not remember, if I slept or stayed awakeö. On the afternoon started  pain  on the forehead on right side.

6th. of November. Before I went ot sauna I found by massaging my neck, that they had blocked my veins and arteries.  So they were prepared for “after sauna torture” before I  went to sauna. I massaged them open with hand-massage machine.

7th. of November. They awakened me on morning by threatening, that soon I cannot walk, and I have to live in  wheelchair.  On their plans, they told, they will do something, that weakens durability of my bones. They also told that I will need supplemental oxygen device to breathing.  The  future will show, if they were empty threats or not. It is possibly that they just, tried to tell me my ultimate nightmares, they have got my brains.  Pain on the right eye, continued severe whole morning.

On the evening, I found that they blocked arteries on my neck again, so I had to massage them open.

8th. of November. I was not sure, how much I slept. I was awakened on night, but I also got some sleep after that. In the morning, I found that there were again some sore points on my neck, and I tried to remove them, by hands massager. On the afternoon about one o’clock p.m. started a very heavy pain on the side of my right eye. The pain ended after four p.m.

9th. of November. On night at first, I did not sleep at all. but after a some  hours, I put music on the earphones very loud, and started morse code practice, and got some sleep. If I am very tired, I can sleep on loud music. and noise some way break their manipulating system, that causes , that  I am not feeling myself tired. They have told me, that on later systems this “fault” is fixed, and loud noise will not enable the victim  to get sleep, and he is fully in mercy of the perpetrators.  That is one reason, I believe that I have implants.  If the changes, are possible on transmitter side, they would ha simply changed the transmitter for a new model, that  does  not make possible to break their sleep deprivation torture with loud music.

10th. of November. I went ot sleep around nine o’clock p.m.  They awakened me at half past ten. I felt just fresh, like I had slept full night.  Only my watch showed that I had slept only a little more than one hour. I put loud music on my earphones, and started morse-code practice, and I went asleep again. Sometime on night, I remember that half-asleep , I put music down.  There were many times on night , that I was half-asleep. I awakened before five a.m. much  less crispy, than I was on half past ten last night. It is very difficult to say, how much I slept, but I believe around three hours.

11th. of November.  I went asleep around eleven p.m. They awakened me around three o’clock. and  later four a.m.  I believe, I got sleep about three hours.

12th of November. I got to bed after ten p.m. They kept me awake with so that I was still awake at three a.m. They caused heart palpitation. They did about everything to keep me awake on night. However because I did not have to go to work, I was on bed half past ten a.m , and I felt I got some hours sleep, however it is difficult to say how many hours.


I have read from newspapers, how Canadian army Colonel  Russell Williams committed  series of sexual assaults, rapes and  murders of young women. There were many surprised people in Canada, who would not understand that top Army officer committed these abominable acts.

 I am not surprised. Colonel Russel has committed in his private life very similar torture and perversions  that Army as an organization has committed. Electronic mind control and torture that I was subject especially, when I was young, do not that much differ, the pervert crimes that Colonel Russel committed. Only difference is, that I believe that the death toll  of  victims of Army organizational perversions, is much larger , than victims of  Colonel William Russel’s  private perverse acts.



29.9.2010 9.45. p.m. When I read my old diary notes, the matter, that is changed most in last months, it is their sleep deprivation  torture. Now they prefer let me first sleep awhile  , and then awake, me after hour of sleep, or so. This happens often several times on night.

My first note since my last writing was 22nd.  of August.  I got normal 5-6 hours sleep. In the morning ,I asked them, if my sleep deprivation torture has ended. They answered that they are now cutting my vocabulary. They explained that they do not remove words from my memory, but rather cut some connections between words.

23rd. of August. Start of the week torture. They got me awake  night around one o'clock  a.m.  After that,  I did not get sleep. This perhaps because I had rather normal sleep on  night before. I slept between hour and two hours on  that night. As usually I used loud music and Morse code practice , to shield myself from their verbal manipulation.

24th. of August. They awakened me two times, first around one  o'clock a.m. and second time ,  around three a.m.  I got some sleep between. I estimate that I slept between three and four hours. The next night, 25th of August  was very similar. They awakened me after two a.m. and after four a.m.  and I estimate that my total sleeping time was between three and four hours.

26th. of August They got me awake after two o’clock a.m. I used loud music and Morse code practice to resist them.  The perpetrators use other name for my Morse code practice. They call it for    “knitting  the sock” . They often say “Your sock knitting  we have to stop”.

What actually happen is that I have some songs on  my memory.  I translate these old songs  letter by letter into   Morse code. The “secretary” that try to act  between my memory,  and  my pronunciation  -  has to actually remember those old songs I have memorized myself  on  childhood.  He has to also know the  Morse code. The loud music that I am listening on background , does not make his task easier. The whole thing is very boring for both of us, but it makes enough work to my brain that I can keep my memory out of  verbal  manipulation, they try to feed me. Their usual response for Morse code practice is, that they try block my memory, so I cannot remember the words of those old songs, that I have learned on my childhood. This is often accompanied by feeding  some “wrong” words into my memory.

I got some sleep after my  first awakening. Second time they awakened me after three o'clock a.m. They also did try  to use pains, to control my sleeping positions. This time they failed, but I did not get sleep after three o'clock  a.m.  The difference for earlier weeks is, that I do not feel myself very tired on morning and daytime.

27th. of August. Last night they awakened me at one o’clock a.m.  I got sleep about two hours. Still  they made me feel, like I had sleep  normal night. After quarter past three a.m. they started to manipulate my heartbeat. In the afternoon I got some pains on the right temple of the head.

28th. of August. I went to sleep after eight a.m. They awakened me  about midnight. I got some sleep after . I believe that total amount I was on sleep was about four hours. Next night 29th. of August I got normal sleep.

30th. of August. Start of the week torture. They awakened me after three a.m. and I did not get sleep after. There is a small pain on chest left side. They told me that they had stopped my heart twice , while I was sleeping.  (whatever it means).

31st. of August. I went to sleep earlier than usually, about ten p.m.  They awakened me before two a.m. After I did not get real sleep.  I used Morse code  and loud music to resist their manipulation. I estimate, I slept about three hours. Rather than old “hard head” techniques they use now some new technique, that causes that I do not feel sleepy, but feeling is like I had got normal sleep on morning.  However on daytime the feeling is different than after normal sleep, but I do not feel myself actually sleepy.

1st. of September. I went ot bed after eleven. They  awakened me first time on midnight, and tried to start talking. Next time they awakened me about two o’clock a.m. , and after three a.m. After three I did not get sleep. They used pains on knee, to keep me awake. They also threaded me that my death occurs soon  . I used  loud music and Morse code to shield myself.

2nd. of September. They awakened me after midnight. They used back pain, and pain on knee, to make sure I do not get sleep. I used music and Morse code to resist their manipulation. They caused also someway that I do not feel very sleepy, although I slept only one hour before midnight.

3rd. of September. I went to sleep after nine p.m. They awakened me before midnight, and I did not get sleep after. I used music and Morse code practice to resist their manipulation. They used pains to not let me to sleep, and to control my sleeping position.  I got sleep less than two hours, but I did not feel very sleepy next morning. They have someway achieved to control my tiredness also. However I do not believe, that it is very healthy for sleep one hour for night.

4th. of September. I went to sleep after eight, and  I slept until two o’clock a.m., around six hours. I believed that their sleep deprivation torture session has ended. The odd thing is that I did not feel myself very tired, although I was awake around one  hundred hours , with only ten hours sleep. Perhaps they are developing a radio controlled soldier that can fight  weeks without  sleeping  and still feel no tired. I still do believe that keeping person that  many days, with only a couple of hours sleep, is not very good for his health.

6th. of September. They awakened me about one o'clock a.m.  However I was able to get sleep again.  I believe that  I slept normal six hours. This because I had holidays, and I did not have to get up to work this morning.

7th. of September. They caused me feel sleepy, so I went to bed earlier. This time they awakened me around four o’clock a.m.  Because they made me feel no tired, I got up of bed,  and did some work. They made me feel very tired after a while. I went to bed again  at five a.m.  Then they started a very heavy repetitive voice torture. The words they repeated was “K-Iron” ( K-rauta in Finnish language) , it must have some hidden meaning . It is a name of a Finnish hardware chain. It must have some hidden meaning, I do not know. Knowing their way to use language, making a kind of language crosswords – the letter K- has some meaning, and iron could just mean  their torture equipments. Actually I felt that I got hour or two sleep after five a.m. In the morning they caused some mild headache.

8th. of September. I did not get sleep at all. They used repetitive voices, I used Morse code practice and loud music to defend.myself. Unfortunately I had to get out to  work in the morning , so I could not simply sleep, so long time that I get enough  sleep. They said  “lark has sung” so they would not save my life any more. They have also told singing lark earlier days. Actually this is another example of their way to  make a kind of language crosswords. I try to avoid to think very deeply, what is “k-iron” other than a hardware chain, or what means that “lark has sung” , because I know , they want me to try to open these sentences , so that they would find how my brain works.

9th. fo September. They awakened me around midnight. I got some sleep after. Actually they awakened me several times and used all kind of pain on back and ear to keep me awake , and control my sleeping position. I got out of bed after six a.m. It is difficult to say, how long I slept, but I did not feel very sleepy in the morning.

10th. to 13th. September were very similar.  They awakened me two or three times on night , but I was able to get proper about six hours sleep. This was because they knew I did not have to wake up, and go to work on morning,  but I was able simply  to stay on bet until I got enough sleep.  They mostly caused pain on my left knee.  I have arthritis on my left knee, and they have some way not only caused pain, but really caused inflammation, that makes my walking difficult.  I do not know how they did it. I have theory that they simply a kind of record natural pain on brains and playback it to cause pain. They can also control blood flow on different parts of body.

14th. of September. When I went to bed they started pain on my left knee, as usually on last week, and also some itching on head. I put the music volume very high and started morse code practice. After that they stopped pain on knee´, and itching on head, and tried to start repetitive voices, but could not cause much effect. After I went to sleep, I believe that they caused the sleep to get a new start. They awakened me first time after midnight, but I got sleep, and after they awakened me after three a.m. and I did not get sleep after that, because I had to go to work. In the morning they caused some pain on left knee.

15th. of  September. I did not sleep at all. My work started, and they knew I have to wake up in the morning, so they started sleep deprivation torture. They kept me kind of half sleep until two. O’clock a.m. , which after I started loud music to disturb their manipulation. Now I feel sleepy , that is different for the previous sleep deprivation torture session.

16th. of September.  I went to sleep on rather loud music, because I had not sleep last night, and  I know they  kind of build this sleep deprivation on several days, and  I have to cut it , to get them to stop it. I got some sleep, but about two a.m. they awakened me and were very angry, and also caused pains on ears, when they tried to get me take out earphones from my ears. I did not stop loud music and got couple of hours more sleep.  Actually I  believe , I slept around four hours. In the morning they started headache on side of the right eye. The headache continued whole day, and in the evening it spread on a whole front head, and became more severe.

18th. of September. They got me sleepy around eight p.m. so I went to sleep immediately  around nine p.m.  Before midnight they awakened me , and started verbal manipulation. Because they caused me to feel very brisk, I  got up and started some work. The sleepiness came after hour or so. I went to sleep again. They awakened me again after couple of  hours sleep. I started loud music and Morse code. They tried get earbuds of my ears, by causing shooting pains on the ear. After they kept me awake by causing backache. I do not know if I slept or how long I slept this night, but I did not sleep very well.

19th. September. In the morning I found by massaging my neck, that they had blocked left arteries on neck on night, while I was sleeping. It caused a mild “after sauna torture” type headache, a while in the morning. I felt also occasionally mild headache on daytime.

20th. of September. They awakened me after three, and started verbal manipulation. This time they explained that army makes all of the victims mentally retarded before they stop torture. Same time they caused a sharp pain on left side of front head, that made very painful and difficult to make Morse code exercise , that I used to disturb their verbal manipulation. This is a usual formula, they use to get victim awake on night. They have a threat, example to make the victim mentally retarded, or cause heart attack etc. Then they also cause some  effects on victim, example heart attack, or like this time disturbing my mental process . The purpose is   to demonstrate their ability to do , what they have threaded.

I believe , I got sleep about  three hours, this night.

21st. of September.  I went early bed, after nine p.m. They awakened me half past eleven.  After I got some short periods of sleep, but because they caused pains on front head, I got out of bed early, after three a.m. They caused  pain on right eye, whole morning. On the afternoon there were some shooting pains on neck left side.

22nd. of September I slept about normal six hours. In the morning my throat was dry, what is unusual.  In the morning I found that a whole my body was very sore, like I had run long time or something comparable. This continued a whole day, and it went more severe on afternoon. On evening they started a heavy headache on whole front of my head, and some nausea. I went unconscious while sitting on my recliner after seven p.m. and awakened after nine p.m. The headache, and nausea ended when I got shielding around my head.

23rd. of September. I slept about six hours. In the morning there were a pain on the right eye. On evening same pain started about nine p.m.

24 th. of September. Pain on the right eye started before nine p.m. and continued a whole night. On six a.m. I went out of bed. Pain diminished. Because I was sleepy, I went to bed again. I woke up after nine a.m.  There were some soreness on lungs. About ten o’clock a.m. there were some backache, or actually a odd feeling on my back. Later I became a kind of euphoric narcotic mode, I was not able to do anything. About two o’clock p.m. I managed to move myself on bedroom under shield, that means, that I put my head between water bags. My  head between water bags, I was able to make some picture, what has happened . I did not have my shielding on the morning, and they were able to “shoot” me.

 Half past eight  p.m.  they started heavy pain on right eye again “ We are sorry, we have to tear your right eye open again” , they said. I resisted by trying to keep my muscles around the right eye continuously moving. After a couple of hours, the pain diminished, at least temporary.

27th. of September.  A kind of start of the week torture. They awakened me several times on night. Besides the  verbal  manipulation, they also use pains, to control my sleeping position. This time they wanted me to sleep on my back, when  they usually preferred that I sleep on left side, and cause backache if I try to sleep on my back.  I slept about three hours. After four a.m. I did not sleep at all.

29th. of September. I went to sleep after ten p.m. . They awakened me four or five times during the night, first time before midnight. To get the  victim  awake, they use a kind of verbal teasers, that are designed to catch victims attention. I believe, they keep book for  best teasers, and use them  for several   victims. The teasers I remember this particular night were.” Your life ends, when a black man come through window into your house”. The more positive teaser was “Canada is planning to put   your image on    five dollar bill  or other small note, after the mind control experiments are revealed to  public”. If the victim  try to continue his sleep, the perpetrators try to tell another interesting story, or even causing some pains, to keep the victim awake. “You cannot get out of this restaurant without eating your porridge” as the perpetrators  told me this  night.

In the morning I got some headache that eased on evening.

I have found two important news, on the area of mind -reading  and mind-control research. One of the news I found   from Telegraph, United Kingdom: Scientists have developed a machine, that can convert thoughts into (acoustic) speech. What they have actually done is that they have made a kind of mechanical copy  of part of human organ that converts person thinking into  acoustic speech.  Everyone has this organ in his head.  The news is important, because it proves that converting thoughts electrically  into speech is possible .

However I believe that the  machine,  which my perpetrators use to torture me, is a different kind , a kind of brain to brain communication interface, that is capable to transfer verbal thoughts from person to another. The way it works, could be something like feeding one  person thoughts into another person organ that converts thoughts into speech.The implants that are used to transmit  and receive the broadcast, could be smaller, and more sophisticated version of these type of devices, for example

Another piece of news, is device  on helmet that  can manipulate brains so that soldier does not feel stress and can fight several days without sleep. This works with ultrasonic, but I believe, the experiments that leads for development of this kind of device, could have done with implants, and kind of victims of mind control, like I am. Actually experiments  between 31 august and fourth of September, were very near of  this type of experiments.

 20th.. .August 2010  11.30 p.m. My previous writing ended on fourth of July. After that next note on my notebook is of fifth of July: Attack from  repetitive voices after nine p.m.  It ended after ten p.m. After midnight there were shooting pains on left side for  front of head.

 7th. of July. I got   a pain on the side of right eye. It started on wakeup, and continued whole morning. Next night the same pain started half past one a.m.  and continued  for noon.

10th. of July. They awakened me about three a.m. and started verbal manipulation, and rather heavy pain on side of the right eye. I shielded with loud music and practicing morse-code. They used back pain, and some other pains to keep me awake. I did not sleep after three a.m.  I woke up after nine a.m. The pain on the right eye continued whole morning rather strong.

11th. fo July. Pain around the right eye at wakeup. It disappeared after half an hour. Rather heavy verbal manipulation  continued most of the day. Half past six p.m. started pain around the left eye,  continued a while

13th. of July . They got me extremely sleepy, and I went to sleep half past nine p.m. At night they awakened me around one o’clock a.m.  and started repetitive voices.  I shielded with loud music and morse-code practice, but I did not get sleep that night, so I got about three hours of  sleep on that night. In the next evening they caused a new kind of pains on somewhere on upper side of manubrium sterni. This happened mostly between seven and eight p.m.  but occasional pains continued until I went to sleep.

15th. of July. They got me awake around three o'clock,  a.m. and started verbal manipulation. So I got sleep about  four hours. I started to interfere their manipulation with loud music and morse-code practice. This caused  them to start repetitive voices, and pains on side of my  left ear. I did not get any more sleep on  that night. I felt that the perpetrators behavior was a lightly different  than earlier, so they perhaps were a new group of perpetrators. In the morning they started very aggressive verbal manipulation. I found from  myself that after “talking”  with them, that my throat went sore. This was interesting. The “talking” is not with voice, but I am actually thinking verbally.  It is of course possible that they intentionally caused sore throat, but this made me thinking, what is the actual difference between verbal thinking, and speaking? What muscles are involved in verbal thinking , and are there any differences between mind control victims and other people. They destroyed my reading without verbally voicing words on my  mind, about thirty years ago, when they started. It happened with a kind of machine, that showed written sentences on my mind, of fraction of time for each sentence. I  believe that idea, behind this was that they did not know what I was thinking on my old faster style of reading. So they wanted that I pronounce the words on my mind, so that they would read them..

The perpetrators went very angry mood, when I said that men in the last wars did not fight , to defend  this kind of fascist countries they are making for us, but they fight because they believed for democracy and equality of all people.

16th.  of July. They got me awake   around one o’clock a.m. After I shielded myself  with loud music, and interfered their verbal manipulation by practicing morse-code. I did not get sleep that night. They used also some back pains to keep me awake.

17th. of july. Around four o'clock p.m.  I got pain on side of left eye once a while . This continued  some minutes. This same happened on  next day evening..

19th. of July. Start of the week torture. They got me awake around  three a.m. , so I slept about three  hours. I did not use music to shield myself from manipulation. That was perhaps my mistake. In the morning pain on left eye started half past nine and it continued  until evening.  Lunchtime they started repetitive voices, and continued it on my work. On lunch, I was able to shield with loud music, but it was not possible on workplace. After work, they got me so tired, that I went to sleep half past seven p.m. They awakened me at half past eleven p.m.  After I did not get any sleep whole night. So the difference for earlier months is , that before, they let me to sleep for two hours, on night of their sleep deprivation torture session. Now they let me sleep about three hours for night.

On Twentieth of July afternoon, they started very aggressive repetitive voice  manipulation with  occasional pain of side of left eye. This made my working very difficult.

21st. of July. They got me awake before three o’clock a.m. I did my usual defense – Loud music and morse-code practice, to interfere their manipulation. This time they made my morse-code practice difficult, by blocking my memory, so that I did not remember words of songs I was translating into morse-code on my mind. Sometimes between four and five a.m.  they got some technical  problems on their equipments the voice started wheezing on my ears. However I did not get any more sleep, before they get their machines working again.

22nd. of July.  y caused me sleepiness on 21st.  of July evening, so I went to sleep half past nine p.m.  They awakened me after midnight. I resisted their manipulation my usual way loud music and practicing morse-code. On their manipulation they spoke that the background organization, that has made lots of money for me – has put some money for my use in my  end. If this is true , and not just story to keep me awake, the interesting thing (if they spoke truth) is that perpetrators are on project. The project has perhaps budgeted some money for me, but because they are planning to torture me until death , they are probably planning to use that money for other purposes.

24th of July. . They awakened me after two a.m. last night. I shielded with music and morse-code practice.  I got some sleep  after they awakened me. I believe my sleeping time was perhaps three or four hours. In the afternoon before three o’clock p.m. pain on the left side , back of the head. This accompanied with very intense verbal manipulation. The pain on left side of the head continued next day. The pain was felt especially when moving  my jaws, example when eating. In the afternoon pain on the side of  the right eye started and continued very strong until late night.

26th of July. Start of the week torture.  I went to sleep after midnight, and they awakened me at three a.m.  On the talk the perpetrators made clear for me, that they will never get caught, and I will stay their prisoner for end of my life, and my life is fully on their hands. Pain on the right eye  continued from 24th. of July, and I feel by manual manipulation of the arteries, that some arteries are sore. The perpetrators call their technique of blocking arteries binding , and they admit that manual massage could temporally open their binding.

27th. of July. The pain on the right eye stopped sometime morning. Then started pain on left side back of the head. It was severe on the evening, and was felt especially when eating.

I went to sleep early. I slept about one hour, after they awakened me. This happened several times. After three a.m. did not get sleep at all. They used all kinds of pains to keep me awake.  I shielded my usual way , with loud music and morse-code.

28th. of July I do not know how much I slept.  It is possible , that I did not get into  real sleep at all. I was a whole night in   a kind of half sleep. As a new trick,  they someway closed my nostrils, so that I did not get breath well. I believe that they did it by raising blood pressure on the  nose area. They did this same  trick more often, for some years ago. They also caused  pain on left knee that is a new trick.  Their basic set of night torture, is pain on back and verbal manipulation . In the morning  they started pain on nside of right eye. It continued  a whole day, and diminished after half past eight p.m.

29th. of July.    They got me awake  about two a.m., and started intensive verbal   manipulation. I used music and morse-code practice,  to shield.  I did not get sleep after two a.m. , so I slept about three hours on this night. Pain on the right eye continued more or less severe  whole night, and they also used pain on left knee  to keep me awake

30th. fo July. I slept well, about seven hours. In the morning the  perpetrators told me that Canadian Army has made a special sleep group to find ways  to cope with my sleep ( I guess this means music on my sleep, that disturbs their manipulation).  If this was true, it means that Canadian Army is still among the perpetrators, or the perpetrator. If the main purpose is to manipulate me , while I am in sleep. It means that - because of time difference between Finland and Canada -  the perpetrators would work day time, to manipulate my sleep. However there is pretty aggressive manipulation, on daytime also.

Rather  strong pain started in the right eye  after ten p.m.  It continued until next morning  31st. of July . However I got some sleep. They awakened me at two a.m. and started verbal manipulation. I used loud music, and morse-code practice, to interfere their manipulation, and I got some sleep after some hours. On their verbal manipulation, they gave a very ugly picture about my future. They will torture me until my death.  They used the phrase “as long as  horse runs, and carts remain intact” .  They use very much phrases, that are unknown for me. I suppose the phrases come from  rural area living.

1st.  of August. The pain on side of the right eye started half past one afternoon and continued until evening.

2nd. of August. After I went to bed, I got some sharp strong shooting pains about middle of the head. They explained it as  “taking samples” . Later they used it name “electric  whip”. They awakened me sometime at night, but I got some sleep. I did not sleep very well, but I slept so long, I believe, I got about five hours of sleep. On the night before midnight , they caused strong a kind of neck spasm.

4th. of August. They awakened me sometime about three a.m., but I got some sleep after. They also used pains to get me sleep on right side, instead of left side , I have used to sleep, and partly succeeded.

5th. of August.  They awakened me twice, about three a.m. and four a.m. , and tried to start verbal manipulation.  I estimate, that I slept about three hours that night.

7th. of August. They used a new kind of pain on the left knee, to keep me awake. They awakened me several times.  I slept several short periods, but did not get normal sleep.

9th. of August. Start of the week torture. They awakened me after three a.m.  After they used verbal manipulation, and all kinds of pains, especially pain on the left knee – to  prevent me to get sleep. I got some sleep, perhaps three hours. Next nights tenth and eleven of August of  were very similar. Perhaps this is the new technique Canadian Army designed as  perpetrators told me 30th. of July. They awakened me  several times of night, perhaps not let me get real sleep at all. It works as sleep deprivation, but is much more difficult  to resist.

 11th. of August, there was a pain on side of the right eye that started in morning  and continued late night.

12th of August. They awakened me after midnight. I got about hour sleep.  That is perhaps also a part of their new sleep deprivation torture technique. A kind of row days when  the victim, gets hour or two sleep for night. Because I did not get sleep, I  wake up after three, and started to write.

16th. of August.  They awakened me at three o’clock at night . After they used pains on left knee, and talking to prevent me to get any sleep. My left knee was very sore this morning, and walking was difficult. Strong pain on left temple started in the morning, and continued couple of hours.

17th. August. They awakend me at night around one o’clock a.m.  Next time they awakened me after three a.m. It is difficult to know how much sleep I got, but I believe it was about three hours. Walking was again difficult. In the afternoon, they caused pains on left knee. I believe they did it by blocking arteries. Massage helped a moment.

18th. of August. I went to sleep around eleven p.m. They tried repetitive voices at start. I was able to block it with loud music, but it did some time.  They tried several times to  start verbal manipulation, and caused some pains to get me change position while  I was asleep. About  three a.m. I stopped sleeping , and started to write this. I believe I got something between two and three hours of sleep.  The difference for their sleep deprivation sessions, for earlier months is , that  now it is more difficult to measure how much I actually sleep. The sessions are perhaps couple opf days longer than before, and I get perhaps hour more of daily sleep.  I estimate that my average sleep time is now about three hours, and  lastt spring it was about two hours, during the sleep deprivation session.

I did this writing ready to put internet, and made decision, that next time when the perpetrators awake me in   middle of the night, I will wake up, and put this writing immediately  out to internet. Couple of next night I was able to sleep without harassment.  To be honest, it is possible also, that my stress limit went full for this time, and my writing had nothing to do with their temporary stop of sleep deprivation.

I have signed   the petition on FFCH Internet side to United States Congress “A Petition Against the Military and Intelligence Agencies Use of Organized Stalking and Electronic Torture , and I urge everybody do to the same. In time of my signing, there were about 500 signatures already, most of them other victims, I believe.

In western democracies, we have, very few ways to influence Congress between the elections.

We could try to contact our representative, to express our  ideas and  opinions how the country should run. If a group of people have common opinion of some particular subject, they could organize  into a form of society, like FFCH ,  to boost their common concerns. Petition is a natural way to express common concern of a group of people. It is a way to say our representative, that we think this way, for this matter, and we  want you to forward these matters as our representative. If  people’s representative does nothing to further people concern, he may perhaps loose his support on next election.

have expressed my opinion,, how democracy is working on minorities, on present  “Winner takes the all  election system” , that is use in United States , Canada  and some other countries on 8.1.2010 diary. If  we all five hundred people that have signed the petition, had lived in one electoral district, we would have some political voting power on election. Now if some members of congress will investigate our matters, it is a purely question of his will  to support ideas, which United States was once founded. The election system makes base, that in part dictates which  type of persons will get elected, and how efficient and fair the government is as a whole.

 However, I do not believe that changing United States election system into some proportional systems , would  diminish all the problems right away. All the corrupted ways to deal, attitudes and routines,  that congressmen and civil cervants have adopt in past of hundreds years,  will not change in one moment. United Kingdom still suffers for  some practices that come from 17th century when the King has ultimate powert over all people lives.

Changing election rules into proportional election system, would make possible, the  slowly chance, for a better direction.  Oppression of minorities and now common corruption and  human rights violations,  that electronic torture and stalking is just one example  would became more difficult.

The Election  system  means  for the  nation very much same as soil means for  plants. It  - dictates which kind of plants will grow well in it, and which kind of plants wither away.

Newsweek listed  countries where people have best life .For ten best countries to live, only  one has “winner takes all” election system. The rest nine had  some kinds of  proportional election systems. This particular one  country is Canada. Canada is rich for natural resources, that makes possible a high standard of living for majority. But because Canada oppress minorities, I would not keep Canada any  model of  agood democracy. Countries with not that much riches on their soil like Finland, and Switzerland still beat Canada for the quality of life.

I still hope that everybody signs the Congress “A Petition Against the Military and Intelligence Agencies Use of Organized Stalking and Electronic Torture

. 29 years ago,  in 1981 winter,  I made a pamphlet  where I explained my situation. I send this pamphlet for all  the members  of  the Canadian House of Commons. I  asked them to find out what classified information Canadian Police and army had about my case. I nearly succeed. One member of  Canadian 350 members parliament, conservative Bill Domm, asked Solicitor General Robert Kaplan, to investigate my case. 

 I do not know, what exactly happened, after that. but I believe that he was pressured to take his question back. Now when   petition has 500 or more  signatures. We have   much more possibilities to succeed.

4.7.2010  7.50  p.m. My last writing was  at   17th,   May, when I was a bit worried about  my death.  I did not get killed - not at yet anyway. This does not exclude possibility that my perpetrators will kill me. after year or  two , when things are cooled down, and I am not aware, or afraid for any such possibility. Actually the first week -  after I put my last writing  to  internet, was rather peaceful.

On 19th. of May There was a start of the week torture. They awakened me at one  o’clock a.m. after I broke my c-pap machine mask. I did not sleep at  this night, partly because I had some work to do, and partly because did not have my c-pap machine. I repaired the mask with glue, and it  did take some time to dry. 

I slept nights well until  23rd. of May  when  I awakened at four a.m. for a headache, and dizzy feeling.

24rd. of May, they awakened me at one o’clock a.m. I put music loud for shield, and started to do Morse code exercise , to make their manipulation more difficult . Again they threaded to kill me, as a new alternative to cause my death they spoke about hemorrhage. I put my oximeter on my wrist. It does not save my life, but it would show when my heart stops, and  the heartbeat before that.. They also caused pains on heels and left elbow , and neck. I got about two hours sleep this  night. The pain on chest felt whole next day , while cycling or doing some other physical exercise. Next night I did not sleep at all, they used all kinds of pains on back and left elbow to keep me awake.

25th. of May , I went sleep about eight p.m. They used repetitive voices, I shielded with loud music, and did Morse code. I was that tired , that I slept about four hours. They succeeded to awake me at two o’clock a.m.  They told me that my music, causes them headache, and threatened that they will put me to eat “blodpalt”.  Their headache  means – if they speak truth -   that they have some kind of connection to my brain, that works with sound.

31st. of May. They awakened me at two o’clock a.m.  I used loud music, to shield their manipulation. I felt smell of smoke, I am not sure was it real, or imaginary. Anyway, in the morning, I changed filter my c-pap machine. In the afternoon, I had a headache, on the forehead, that started after four p.m.

On start of June, there were several nights, they kept me a kind of half asleep, while talking all the time 1-3 of June, where these kind of nights. I am not sure how much I slept, I believe about three hours for night.

6th. of June  They caused  a strong headache and nausea between ten p.m. and one ‘clock a.m.  On wakeup about nine a.m. there were a mild headache on front of my  head. This means, they have disturbed my brain blood flow on nighttime.  After wakeup there were headache, backache, nausea, and diarrhea, that would actually also come from some natural reasons. I went asleep while sitting on chair outside of house. I slept several hours outside. Later on I went asleep while watching television. I awakened on headache, and was still tired, so I went to sleep, and slept until three a.m.

8th. of June. I was afraid the start of week torture, so I went to bed earlier than usually. They let me sleep until about two o’clock a.m. After they awakened me, I put music loud on my earphones, and started Morse code exercise. I was not tired enough to get sleep, but this way I made their manipulation more difficult. I slept about three hours that night.

9th. of June. I went to bed about ten p.m. They awakened me around one a.m. So I slept about one hour this night. I used water-container around my head. Water helps a kind of sharp compression  feeling on head, that their manipulation causes after a while.  There should be no cap between water container and head,  that the method  is effective. Of course one has to take care someway, that water does not change his  head temperature -  by insulation, or by warming the water. They warned me that I should change the water for new  on the containers, because it is old , and would cause cancer. I answered that the water does not cause cancer but their “shooting” through the water.  I added that  if they know that shooting through water could cause cancer for me , and they still continue shooting, and I got cancer, their should get prosecuted for murder, because they knowingly put me in danger to get cancer.

This my speech did not get any major impact for   them, they continued “shooting” like before . Next day  afternoon, they started pain on right side of head, just side of the right eye. The pain continued for night, although mild. The night I went a kind of half asleep, while they were talking, so I was not sure how many hours I slept. In the morning, the pain on side of right eye, started again, this time more painful.

10th. of June.  I did not sleep at all. I do not remember that I slept a moment anyway. Before ten  p.m. , they started pain on side of right eye. They started torture on one o’clock a.m. , I believe their shift of work starts about  this time. I shielded myself with loud music. They used back pains among other tricks , to keep me awake. The perpetrator, that  once threaded to kill me ,spoke. - I recognized him from  his way to speak. Now he said , that he believes that there comes some kind of investigation our case. “  However we cannot let any, of your kind of artist, to interfere this investigation” he added. In the morning , there was a new kind of sharp pain on side of right eye. This pain continued, with some breaks on the afternoon.

11th. of June  There was pain on side of right eye , whole night. They also made my right ear sore, that I would not use earphones. I used them anyway. They awakened me at four a.m. I shielded with loud music. They caused back pain, that made me impossible to sleep. That way continued  until nine a.m.  After wakeup , I found dizziness , when I stand up , or take something from ground etc. There was also pain on side of right eye. This continued with some pauses at least two hours.

12th. of June. I slept about normal way, although I went to bed about five a.m. Before I went to bed they “shoot” me , so  I felt  kind of fuzzy.

14th of June. Start of week torture.  They awakened me at two a.m. and did not let me sleep after. Next morning there  was a strong  pain on side of the right eye. Later on I felt very tired, and my muscles were sore, like after long physical exercise. I had also some fewer.

15th. of June. Very heavy pain on side of the right eye It continued whole night. Perhaps the most painful torture of this year.

17th. of June. The heavy pain on side of right eye started yesterday half past seven p.m. and continued  whole night. I had some sleep, but awakened about one o’clock a.m.  Their explanation of pain on the eye was ,that they are correcting macular degeneration on the right eye. I fear that they are perhaps trying to interfere my reading , so that I got my brain something else that is on paper, or something else that helps their manipulation. Anyway it is extremely painful, like knife on the right eye whole night.

18th. June. Last night I went asleep, then I awakened very similar pain than night before. Their explanation , what they are doing was different this time. “we are building something, on your right eye” . I am a bit skeptical their ability to build something. They would disable, or break something on my head, but I have not found, that they have built something new, useful. They said that they would use “anesthesia” this time. After I went unconscious, and awakened, after normal sleeping.  On the evening I felt extremely tired, and went to sleep early. I awakened before midnight for headache. Manual manipulation of the head, made me  sure, they were cutting blood flow on the head, and this caused headache.  There was a sore point on both side of neck, and manipulating that point , stopped the headache for a moment.

20th. of June.  In the morning. Rather heavy headache, like “after sauna torture”.  Manipulating sore points on neck, lets the blood flow into  whole head, that makes fuzzy feeling on while. Besides headache on front head, I have some difficulties walking straight, and little hand shaking.  The headache disappeared after couple of hours, but not  pain on my  head, especially left on front of head. This feeling continued , whole day, especially on coughing. On manual manipulation of head, I found that there is a sore point about five centimeter right on my left ear, that causes the pain on coughing. Manipulating it stops the pain on coughing. There is a similar point on right, but this is about three centimeter down of my right ear.  These someway disturb my head blood circulation. So eating something, or just keeping my mouth on continuous move, helps the pain.

21st. of June. Typical start of the week torture. I went sleep about midnight, they awakened me after one o’clock a.m.  So I slept about one hour this night. They used also pains on  back to keep me awake. I used loud music, and did some Morse code on my mind to shield myself their manipulation.   While I was on my work , they started “after sauna torture” type of headache on forehead , that continued whole day.

22st. of June. I slept badly , but I believe over three hours. There were some very aggressive verbal manipulation , that disturbed my work performance.  On lunchtime they tried to do “fast sleep” , so I began to nod on library. On evening after six p.m. they started repetitive voices on left ear. I shielded with loud music, and sheet metal. They got the ear only part of sensitive certain frequency of sounds.

23rd. of June On night ,they kept me a kind of half asleep, while talking me whole time. I am not sure how much I really slept, or did I have real sleep at all.

27th. of June. I found , that several nights they have someway succeeded, to cause me turn to right side on left side, so that they can more easily manipulate my other side of head, while I am asleep. The side of head that is upside, also feels different on morning, that side that is down while I have slept.

29th. of June. Sudden attack of repetitive voices on left ear at seven a.m. I shielded with waterbucks on left ear, and loud music. I listened music , and did Morse code on my mind, until nine  a.m. The ear felt different, but I did not become sensitive, for certain frequency of sounds, what happen when they succeed on their attack.

30th. of June. They started torture when I went to bed. Actually they threaded, that I will not sleep for three nights. I puit loud music on, and did Morse code exercises, to made their manipulation as difficult as possible. This continued about three four hours, after I went asleep. If I had to go to work, they  would   have succeeded, because I would not have many hours to sleep. However for my luck, my vacation started. In the morning they threaded: You do not know our all tricks. We have not used “lasso” for you yet. I do not know what “lasso” means, perhaps some kind of strangling.

First of July, pain on the right temple of the head , continued whole day. On the evening the pain moved on right eye. It continued, when I went to sleep, but was vanished on next morning.

3rd. of July. On night they threaded:  we do not have  “moose rifle”  now, but we will get it tomorrow. In the evening started pain above the right eye

I wrote about  Afghanistan opium-trade on 31 August 2009. I explained that there were actually no opium production, while Taliban was on power in _AfghanistanUnited States had ethical and moral choice. They can destroy the poppy-field on Afghanistan, which cuts the heroin production, and  freeze growth of  heroin-addiction on world. On other hand , it destroys the only source of income from those farmers, who make  their living from cultivating poppy. It also affects severely Afghan Economics. Smuggled Opium is Afghanistan major export article, and makes about one third of country gross national product.

 Other possibility for Us-Army is let the fields grow ,and this way please poppy farmers, and other people, that make their living more or less on opium smuggling business.

  US-army has made its decision , they do not eradictate  the opium producers poppy fields. Interesting point is that British forces have made just opposite decision

If US-army decision not to interfere opium smuggling business, has made poppy farmers happy on their villages, CIA  radio controlled Predator strikes on tribal villages on Pakistan have made these people on their villages very unhappy. On 2009 radio-controlled Predators had killed over 700 innocent civilians, and only five Taliban leaders, that they were targeted to kill. So for killing one Taliban leader causes death about 140 innocent civilians.. This calculation  does not include  wounded -people who have lost their limbs  etc.

Behind these  cruel atrocities, one can easily find United States decision makers  attitude,  that people in Pakistan tribal villages, are someway cheaper people,  and it is possible to massacre  over  hundred of them , if same time they could kill Taliban leader they want to kill . They would not make Predator strike example Kansas City in Unitd States, even if they know some Taliban leader perhaps is there on certain time.

These Predator drone strikes is  example of very popular attitude in North America. For short time gain people are willing to take long term risks, that usually sooner or later will materialize. Two other examples, fron near history I would mention are  subprime loans,  and relaxed safety rules, and relaxed attitude towards safety  that caused Deepwater Horizon oil spill,   Both of these incidents have caused much larger losses, than the actual gain of taking risks was.

U.S. policy-makers, could perhaps be ignored, all the ethical aspects of killing more than a hundred innocent people in order to obtain a single guilty person murdered.  Still all these people killed and wounded  on Pakistan tribal villages have parents and children, sisters and brothers and aunts and cousins , who most of them  will hate United States and  people from United States. This hate will continue decades.

 Even if United States does not have to  worry about enemies on North Pakistan tribal villages now,  is very probable, that on the next few decades, the support from these people could be crucial, to United States policy on this geographical area.  So the small possible gain , that killing some leaders on Taliban movement could mean, could cause much larger loss in United States policy in future. Very similar attempt to make short  term gain , without consideration of  much larger long term loss, as have realized  as sub prime scandal, and  now recent oil rig accident.

On my diary  note on 17 February 2009, I wrote that United Kingdom fails on litmus test of democracy.  I used example Porton Down criminal  human experiments, which Crown procecutor  Kate Leonard  refuse to charge any scientist for some criminal and partly lethal  experiments.

 I have another example , that makes clearer the problem British have on  their country. On 13 January, 1972, British army killed 13 unarmed civil rights protesters. The Incident got name Bloody Sunday. Now after 35 years Saville Inquiry  report stated, "The firing by soldiers of 1 PARA on Bloody Sunday caused the deaths of 13 people and injury to a similar number, none of whom was posing a threat of causing death or serious injury". Report   also said, "The immediate responsibility for the deaths and injuries on Bloody Sunday lies with those members of Support Company whose unjustifiable firing was the cause of those deaths and injuries."

One can hardly call democracy to a country  where the course of justice takes 35 years, in clear case that has several witnesses. Most of guilty to murder, as well their victims have past away, before the truth story of massacre was verified by the United Kingdom legal system. Like I wrote previously sham democracy, laws are not implemented in the same way the army and police members, as ordinary people. The problem is interpretation and implementation of law. Although United Kingdom legal system does not meet quality of democratic country Saville Inquiry is a positive sign that perhaps country is heading towards real democracy. Canada and United  States have very similar problems for quality of their legal system, perhaps on historical reasons..

17.05.2010  10.55 p.m. I had made my last writing on 22th. of   April. After I had put my last    diary note on Internet, they tortured me whole night on 23rd. of April. I did not get sleep at all , . They used repetitive voices, and also caused all kinds or pains to keep me awake. I believe same will  happen when I put this on the net.also.

 Next night, on 24 rd. of April, they awakened me at four a.m. and did not let me sleep. After that. I got some pain on the left ear before half past eight a.m. Then the pain changed on the right ear. Later the pain moved on front of the head, left side. Their verbal manipulation was very aggressive.( Actually on my notes stands that the pain was on ear, but usually this kinds of pains are on  eyes, so it is possibly, that they have manipulated my memory, while I was writing on notes, - and changed word eye to ear, on my mind, and got it on writing, without that I have noticed anything odd. These are tricks they try to do once a while, and sometimes succeed.

25th. of April. Mild after sauna torture. On manual manipulation of head, I found that veins on my  neck were sore. So they have blocked my blood circulation on head, and that way caused headache on forehead.  Pain on the forehead, feels especially when coughing.

26th. of April. Start of the week torture. They awakened me one o’clock a.m. and later quarter to two a.m.  I put music on my earphones loud, to shielding my ears. After that they caused a dangerous feeling pain on the chest, left side. I believe it was caused  from heart problem.  The pain stayed also next  day when breathing deep.  On last of the night they caused all kinds of pains, and itching, along with verbal manipulation, to keep me awake. They also succeeded to keep me awake rest of the night. Next day, there was pain on the right eye, that became severe on the afternoon. The pain continued until about nine p.m.  At times there were pain on both eye. After nine there were some pains on chest on the left side, and they were manipulating my heartbeat.

27th. of April. I went to sleep about half past ten p.m. They awakened me after one o’clock a.m. This is their new technique. They let me sleep  hour or two, so I am not so tired, and start torture after. Because I am not that tired, I cannot use loud music that efficiently  do get into sleep. This same happened next night 28th. of April, I went to sleep at half past nine, and they awakened me after one o’clock a.m. So I slept about two or three hours. Also on 29th. of April, I went to sleep at eleven p.m. and they awakened me after one a.m. I believe that there is a change of shift of perpetrators,about one a.m. , and the coming group  forced me to awake, and started verbal manipulation and did not let me to sleep rest of the night.

 Also other victims suffer for sleep deprivation, so it must have some purpose.

30th. of April. They got me unconscious, after I returned home from work. I awakened about midnight, and put c-pap machine on my face, and  - because I did not get sleep from their manipulation -  I started loud music from earphones, to shield myself from their verbal manipulation. On midnight to seven a.m. I got two short period of sleep, about half hour, or so. After both period of sleep, my throat was dry. There was a period of verbal manipulation. After they called my torture with name chemotherapy, ( this is a very essential part of their daily verbal manipulation, to call things with names)  I told them my opinion, that they are a kind of cancer-cells of society, which should isolate, and remove, before the whole society gets sick. They got very angry. Even more angry they got after they realized, that I am not going out of bed, before I get some sleep. They have planned some activity, that requires that I am out of bed. I got perhaps, the most severe backache on this year. Usually they cause me backache, just to make sure I do not get sleep again. This time the purpose of backache  , was to torture me, and to force me out of bed. After ten  o’clock a.m. , they threaded to kill me, if I do not co-operate. This was something,  they have not done for a long time. I managed  to stay in bed, until eleven a.m. After I went out of bed, that  backache suddenly diminished.  This was second time, they tried to get me follow their orders, by threading and torturing me. I did a kind of compromise, and stayed bed so long time it was possible for pain.  Their explanation of purpose of sleep deprivation was that it is necessary for “peeling” my brains -  what ever it means.

1st. of May. I had improved the shield of my bedroom, by painting some of the walls with magnetic paint. With it , and loud music on earphones, I was able to sleep about four hours. After this, they awakened me, and started again very painful backache, that has just purpose to torture me.  They told me that my life could be easier, if I co-operate with them. I answered that I believe that doing things my way , I would stay in better health.

2nd. of May,  heavy pain on the right temple of head started about one o’clock a.m. After half of hour, the pain became occasional, but after three o’clock a.m. pain became more continuous and severe.

3rd. of May. They let me sleep normally until about two a.m.  The perpetrator , explained, this is his  last time. I felt how he somehow manipulated my vein between chest and neck. I was afraid he kill me.  Later on  started normal torture.  They used repeating words on left ear. I usually put a kind of sheet metal shield on ear, and I found it was gone. so they got my left ear sensitive for certain frequency of noise. Later on they started a heavy pain on right eye.

 Because I did not have to go to work, I got some sleep after six a.m. I am happy they did not use backache torture to keep me awake, this time.

4rd. of May.  Pain on the right temple of head started after eleven a.m. and continued about noon.

5th. of May. They awakened me after two a.m. After I was not sure, if I slept at all. The next day was similar, I was a kind of half-sleep.

Between sixth and tenth of May , was a kind of easier time. I was not that tired, and I was able to sleep, without shielding myself with loud music.

11th. of May. Start of the week torture. I believe I did not sleep at all. I felt a bit of malicious pleasure on their behavior.

12th. of May. Again night without any sleep. I have stayed without sleep for 48 hours. This time they did not do it with pain, but rather they someway caused, that I did not flet sleepy.

13th. of May. Last night I went to sleep about  half past ten p.m. I put loud music on, from headphones, because I have learned  that it someway disturb their manipulation.  It did take about four hours, before I got to sleep. After I slept about three hours. They awakened me after six a.m. and started heavy backache, to get me out of bed. Because I did not have to go to work, I managed to stay in bed until nine o’clock a.m. I even got about half of hour sleep. After wakeup, pain on the right eye started , and continued whole evening. It even got more severe after nine a.m.

15th. of May. I got very aggressive repetitive voices on left ear afternoon,  about half past three p.m.

16th. of May. They caused pain on the right eye between seven and ten p.m. I resisted successfully pain with different techniques, by keeping the area that hurts moving, by massage, and  moving my face muscles. Their try ended after ten p.m.

17th. of May. They let me sleep about hour or two, after awakened me. I shielded myself from manipulation,  with loud music on earphones, after some verbal manipulation. This caused that the  perpetrator, gave me electric shock on my left heel. He threaded to kill me, if I continue shielding with loud music. He explained that for him, murdering me is easy, example  by causing ischemia, or some other ways.  He also said, that they do not have any use of “ghost riders” , that I became, if I continue to use loud music on earphones, to get sleep. I wonder how many people they have killed by causing  “ ischemia, or some other way”.  Perhaps all the people, that have wounded, or other way became useless for them.. I did Google-serch with words ischemia and mind control, and I found a link between ischemia related deaths, and electronic  mind control, as early as 2002,

This is reason I decided to put this month diary on net so hastily. Perhaps I should do my testament next.The perpetrators  are not very afraid of Internet publicity, but I believe that this writing  could help me  to save my life. I am counting also, that I am useless for them , If I am death.  So I am continuing resistance, because way of co-operation with them would  have no end.

22.04.2010  11.43 p.m.  I had made my previous note on diary at 15th. of  March . Next night on 16th.    of  March I got start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. My scalp felt cold , so they must have interfered to my blood circulation on my head. Next night I was able to sleep on loud music until one o’clock   a.m. After that,  they were able to start repetitive voices. They warned me , that if  I am going to way sleeping on loud music,  that will kill me sooner or later.  They also spoke about making me aging faster.  Perhaps this means sleep deprivation.

18th of March , I slept about three hours, they awakened me after three  o’clock  a.m. , and did not let me sleep after

22th. of March. Start of the week torture: I am not sure, but I believe that  I slept hour, or two. After ten o’clock  a.m. they started to torture me with repetitive voices, and this continued  until noon. Next night, I got also two or three hours sleep. They started with repetitive voices  after three o’clock  a.m. and succeeded to get my left ear to  sensitive for certain frequency of  noise.   6.18 p.m. they caused a sudden heavy pain on chest, left side. 

There was one night normal sleep but on 25th. of March,  I slept about  two three hours. They used repetitive voices , and I had to put music loud. However they succeeded to awake me at four a.m.  On next afternoon,  they started to torture me at work with repetitive voices, after  quarter to four p.m.

29th. of March. In the morning there were some pain on the back of the head. Lunchtime the pain was moved on front of the head. After three p.m. they got me very sleepy on work, almost unconscious. After four p.m. there were some repetitive voices.

30th. of March. Start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. They reminded me from odd taste, I felt yesterday, and called  that  taste of bitter almond.  They also told that they would poison me , if I do not co-operate.  Of course they would perhaps poison me, but that they would get a bitter taste to my mouth, does not exactly prove it.  I believe it was just effect to get me afraid.

31st. of March. They woke me up two o’clock  a.m. night, and did not let me sleep after. So I slept about  two hours. Next night was  first of April. They woke me up, at one a.m. So I slept about hour. This is their new technique, let me sleep hour or two, so that I am not so sleepy, that I would sleep on loud music. On daytime there were shooting pains on center of the head once a while - lunchtime, and five p.m. for example. They also warned, that “stranglers” would come on next day.

2nd. of April.  On night , there was some pain on the right side of head, that continued  until I went asleep. In the morning, they caused strong continued pain on the back, and  threatened, that they would make me  permanently immobile. I made my routinely manual massage on neck, and found that the neck was very sore. So that “strangling” just meant, that they partly stop the blood flow to my head, on the veins on neck. On wakeup there was a mild pain on the front head. Their term “strangling” would have some specialties, I do not know, but on my view, the torture was very similar than “after sauna torture”, only difference perhaps, heavy backache.

5th. of April. Pain on the right eye started at seven p.m. It continued until I went asleep.  Next morning the pain felt on right side of head . In continued whole morning, but eased on lunchtime, and started again after seven p.m.  With manual manipulation, I found that veins on neck were sore. Apparently they were blocking the blood flow into my head. This was perhaps the worst pain on this year. The pain eased after ten p.m

7th April. Pain on the right side of head started at noon, later on it became pain on the right eye. About similar  pain on the right side was on next day. The pain usually continued  hour or two and eased on evening, when there were other kinds itchy pains around the head.

10th April In the morning was some pain on the right side of the head. Afternoon before four p.m. they  started repeating voices. They  repeated my name.

12th. April. I got  repetitive voices at night. I was sleepy enough to get some  sleep when I put music on  high volume. However I did not get normal sleep, but  I slept about four hours. Next night was similar, except that they let me sleep about three or four hours, and when I was not extremely tired they woke me up , and did not let me sleep anymore . They can someway cause, that I do not feel sleepy when they awake me. Actually  idea of high volume music is, that it gets me sleepy, by interfering their manipulation.

16th. April. I did not sleep at all, this night. Anyway I do not remember that I slept at all . Besides of verbal torture, they caused  also backache to keep  me awake. Actually they kept me a kind of half-sleep, where they manipulated me verbally. If I had got fully awake , I had used loud music to get sleep, but a kind of half sleep, I was not capable to do that, before about three o’clock  a.m.  On verbal communication there was one interesting point I remember. I told the perpetrator that on end they will get to  jail for  their crimes.  His answer was “Military personnel are not put to  jail”. For this, and several other similar weak signals, that I have collected during the years, I had started to believe that the people who torture me are members of Army. It is possible, that they make these small signals just to mislead me, but I do not believe, that they would do similar misleading sentences, year after year,  on random frequency.

The next question is , which army do they belong? The simplest answer is Finnish Army, but there are other possibilities too.  Perhaps the next probable possibility is Swedish army. There are three points that makes Swedish army more probable than some  other European armies. The first point is that  Sweden has a  large Finnish speaking population, that makes easy to recruit people for  mind control  operations. Second  point is, that  Sweden is near  Finland. The transmitters, could locate in Sweden out of reach for  Finnish authorities. The receivers would locate in Finland, and communication could work example on telephone lines, or   via Internet. The third point is that, there are other early mind control victims in Sweden, example Robert Naeslund. In both cases , if these people are member of Finnish , or Swedish army (or both) the start of my mind control experiences was in Canada, where is very improbable, that Finnish or Swedish army operates. So the start  of crime, there were  Canadian authorities, perhaps jointly with CIA , or with  other  parent organization, which  provided equipment and knowledge. Later on there must have been some kind of agreement with Finnish (or Swedish) army intelligence, where example parent organization  gives them equipments, training, and me as implanted    victim to train people to use these equipments. In turn Army would monitor, and perhaps manipulate, some interesting and important Finnish politicians, and other decision makers, and provide to  parent organization,  all the information they require.

I hope, I am still  alive, when the investigation starts, just  to find how near the truth is  my theory that Finnish or Swedish army intelligence, is involved  on  my torture.

The  perpetrators  attitude to  civilian  population, is typical to army. They believe that Army is above the laws which  civilian has to obey, and whatever crimes they commit,  they would have no trouble, so long time they just  follow orders of their superiors. Unfortunately they are partly right. Example United Kingdom’s army officials never got any punishment of Kenyan mass-murders . Two exemptions, I remember is My Lai massacre, and torture in Abu Ghraib jail, where both, the  public was provided large photographic evidences. The punishment if both cases were very mild for considering seriousness of crimes.

17th.  April.  On evening, they put me unconscious couple of times. They let me to  sleep about hour , and awakened me, and started verbal manipulation. I put loud music on, to get sleep. They caused all kinds of pains, and example itching on toe, and forehead, between eyes etc. However, I was that sleepy that I slept some hours, I believe four hours

  21th.  April  They awakened me about half past three a.m.  I was able to get some sleep  after that. The same happened  next night. “This time their story to get me awake,  was , that  I am danger here, and Russians are going to rescue me into safe place in Russia.  This made me alarmed. Perhaps this was story,  just to get me awake, but on other hand, this is not kind of  stories they typically tell me. Am I in  a danger to get kidnapped , and forcibly moved in some secret prison on unknown country ?

I have some hopes for  Jonathan Henderson inplant screening technique.  With Thermal Imaging Camera, it is   perhaps possible to pinpoint  some implants, especially if they are near the skin. I would also  extend  the search for  implants all of  the head area, where brain exist - and not just forehead. This perhaps means, person has to cut his hair, before screening.

15 March 2010  11.10  p.m. My first note is on 15th February. Start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. They used new technique , which  side effect  my neck feels cold. I used loud music to shield myself from repetitive voices. Next day, on  lunchtime quarter to one, they started to torture with repetitive voices, and called my name , I guess hundred time, at least.

17th  of February. They made me unconscious “fast sleep” about hour after ten p.m.  After that, they did not let me sleep whole night. I had one hour sleep on a chair, for a  whole night.

21st. of February. Start of the week torture again.  I slept perhaps one hour, I am not sure. This is a  new twist on their technique, to suppress my sleep. They let me to  sleep about hour, after wake up, and do not let me sleep any more on this night. I used loud music, but because I was not sleepy enough , they kept me awake. Again I got a cold spot, that comes often, when they try to keep me awake. This time the cold spot, was on the right side  of the head.

22nd. of February. I was tired enough , that I was able to sleep with loud music. Before I fell asleep I heard quarrel. A person who had  name Monica,  was a doctor  and they blamed her for  something. Of course, there is a possibility that this was a planned “theatre” , and they wanted  me to hear that .I never know, if somebody forget his microphone open, or  “leaks”   purposely. Next night , they caused problem with eyesight on 3.30 a.m.  I saw like a kind of shaking hair on the view. It went off after half of hour.

Next couple of night I was able  to sleep, with loud music. 25th. of February about half past ten p.m. , they succeeded to make my left ear sensitive for certain frequency of noise.

26th. of February. They awakened me about three a.m. and started to torture. I put music loud, but I was not able to sleep anymore. I slept two or three hours this night.

27th.  of February. They got me awake , about four a.m.  I lowered the music volume, and they started the verbal manipulation. I started to resist their manipulation, with  translating old songs into morse code. Their response was repeating voices. So I had to put music volume loud again. The loud music,  with shielding over ear, makes repeating voices less effective.  Translating something into morse code, one is able to disturb their verbal manipulation. So loud music with morse code translation, is perhaps the best combination, to get sleep. Of course it is possible only when one is really tired.

When I planned some changes for the shielding on my head, they warned to make any changes. Otherwise as they said “they would start heart experiments”. When I asked why they would not just stop their experimenting, their answer was “cow is  still in good condition, why stop”.

First of March, I got some sleep, but they woke me up after three, and started talking.

Second of March, was again start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. They used all kinds of pains to keep me awake. As a new form of pain, there was also some pain on leg area. They also used heart palpitations.

Third of March. Pain on the right eye started in the morning, after I remembered , that there were no pain on the right eye as often as before. Pain continued until seven p.m.

Fifth of March. They disturbed my sleep for all possible ways, backache etc. However I got some sleep, although not enough. Next day I felt some dizziness. In the evening there were some occasional pain on the right side of  the head. It  vanished, and came back again. Seven and eight of March, on the evening started pain on the right side of head, that continued  until night. This same happened on ninth of March, but this night they awakened me about four a.m. , and used all the means including back pain to keep me awake. I used loud music to resist manipulation.

11th. of March night , They awakened me with a kind of shrinking feeling, and pain on head. After I relieved the head, with manual manipulation of head, started pain on the right eye. I put, stainless steel sheet metal on right side of  eye. It relieved a bit. I put also on loud music. I was able to sleep a bit with loud music. I even had a dream. However they woke me up before seven, and started verbal manipulation.

15th. of  March. On lunchtime around one pm.  they started torture with repetitive voices.  Similar torture continued on work after three p.m. There must be some function to repeat one word, or couple of words for hundreds times. Perhaps they try to locate the exact place of  this word, on brain, by victim’s response. However they rather seldom erase the word they repeat.

Whole month, the  perpetrators have tried  to block out  word Gladio ,  from  my memory, and replace it with word Gaia. Gladio is the name of CIA sponsored  right wing network, of European terrorist organizations. For example it arranged bombing of Bologna railway station in Italy in 1980 , killing 85 people. This was typical false flag operation where aim of the  CIA, was to get Italian  people to  believe,  that Red Brigades organization was arranged that mass-murder.

The reason why I am interested in Gladio, is that, I have a theory that CIA has, supplied some of these right wing terrorist groups,  with electronic mind reading- and controlling equipments, and trained  terrorist  to use them

There are no much  actual evidence,   that this has happened  , only mention of mind control , from retired U.S. agent Edward L. Schooling bitter open letter. Edward L. Schooling was stationed in Europe with top secret clearance.  However  the fact , that there are victims, nearly all of the language groups, and all the other small details I have, fit the  theory that Gladio (or other similar CIA sponsored group) is responsible for European electronic mind-control harassment.

In my scenario, mind control equipments are supplied for portion of   Army or  Police, in these  countries where police, or army has habit for secretly infiltrate, and manipulate the political decision-making, Greece before military-coup ,  was   an  example of this kind of country.  For other type countries, the mind-control equipments are  given for small  right-wing groups, that  would have members from  police and  army too. The victims of electronic mind control, in European countries   are not the actual targets, but simply people, that perpetrators use for training purposes to  gain  necessary skills, to manipulate and listen for  local politicians and other decision makers.

 I believe that the manipulation of politicians, is different than rather rough and cruel manipulation and torture  of us ( actually my perpetrators call us corpses, in their internal communication ). Most of the politicians are perhaps only listened. Very few of the politicians could recognize that they are manipulated.

Even in passive use , only for listening somebody, mind reading devices are really powerful tool for manipulating  the society. Now there are computer programs, that could find words, from brainwave recordings. However I believe - for several reasons -  that device my perpetrators use to read my mind, is not digital. They are invented an analog device, that make  possible to listen for another person thinking.  Actually trying to understand other person  thinking by analyzing his  brainwaves by computer program , is like trying to understand what person is speaking, by analyzing his speech acoustic  fingerprint, by computer program.

 All the  people use words for  thinking. Person can perhaps think without words, but before he can express his thinking any way to other people , he has to translate it to language. This process is, what makes the  perpetrators able to listen, for another person thinking. People that speak themselves actually vocalize their thinking. Also majority of  people that do  not speak themselves,  vocalize their thinking on their  minds. Virtually all of the people use words their everyday thinking, and these words they use, are  possible to listen.

Beside of  passive listening, perpetrators have plenty of tricks that could ruin some unwanted politician career, if so wanted. Blocking the  words from  memory for example. A bit more difficult , but still possible,  are  tricks that could  manipulate people decision-making. The perpetrators could make  ´person  to feel tired, when he reads some particular document, that perpetrators do not want him to read etc.  Even sudden excessive coughing in strategic moment, could change course of  important meeting. All this could be done , without that perpetrators have spoken any words to the victims.

In my theory, people from  different language groups, are  trained to use these listening and harassing equipments, and I am one of the “involuntary stuntmen” - targets that are used for  training of Finnish language perpetrators. After training,  these perpetrators, are let  to listen and manipulate politicians, and other  decision makers. This has continued for years, and I believe that use of mind reading equipments has some role occurrences the foreign and domestic  policy of European countries, and the phenomenon is continuing

Of course, it is possible that the project name not Gladio, and it is possible that organization behind it, is some other than CIA, (example NSA) , but this  Gladio project fits for all the small the details I have gathered, so I will continue to use it as working theory, before something contradictory arrive.

There are over thousand people who  are used as a training targets, so the actual project , or group of projects, must have multimillion dollar annual budged.

Part of  our  problem is in communication - how to express this information for  somebody, who should know this, and who could arrange investigation. How to do it   so that he understands, and also believe  our message, and not simply translate our message, on his mind,  as  a symptom of mental disorder.

Most of the mainstream media, has kept total silence for  existence-  or even possibility of electronic mind control. Exception some   articles about mind-control information,  that I believe is mostly carefully compiled  disinformation, that is tailored to discredit mind-control victims.

One example of such articles,  appear in New York Times 2008. In this article the journalist rely on authority of several high professional  of  mental health, such as  Dr. Ralph Hoffman, a psychiatry professor at Yale, Vaughan Bell, a British psychologist, Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, and Dr. Ken Duckworth, the medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

All these authorities express their opinion that people who feel that they are harassed or controlled by electronic  equipments are psychotic and mentally sick.

The problem is, that although these gentlemen  are mental health professionals.  their experience  from world outside of  their daily living sphere, comes  probably   from  New York Times newspaper  and other comparable media. I give a hypothetical example, what I mean.

 Lets think that United States -  for reason or other - had wanted to keep secret Apollo  moon program .  So Apollo  11 landing on the moon  is kept secret from public. Lets think also that somebody of the crew members,  example Neil Armstrong after couple of years, became patient of  Dr. Ralph Hoffman ,that I have mentioned  above, and tells his secret moon landing. I am sure Dr. Hoffman would classify him as mentally sick person, who has delusions that he has had secret trip  to moon with spacecraft.

Actually these mental health professionals, have opinion that everybody who has experiences, which existence is not commonly known, has some mental problems. Their common knowledge of world, these mental health professionals get from major news media.

Another example is  from real world. The Gulf war syndrome, was first explained as mainly psychological post traumatic stress disorder, apparently by Army mental health experts. It did take seventeen years, and lots of scientific research before Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans made decision, that the syndrome is a distinct physical condition.

If Dr. Ralph Hoffman, and other mental health specialists , had made their diagnosis after through medical testing of group of   mind-control victims, where example electroencephalogram patterns of victims, are compared to control group of normal people and group of mentally sick people , and epidemiological study where sicknesses of and lifespan  are compared normal group and group of  mentally sick people that do not complain that they are harassed electronically, etc. I would have  given more value on  their opinion.

I do not have  very high opinion for New York Times editorial honestly.  I take example from CIA project Gladio,  that I wrote earlier. This is perhaps the most revealing article, I found project Gladio, from  New York Times. When one compares it to Truthmove organisation writings, or Edward L Scooling open letter  , he finds that  New York Times article is like a hamburger without the beef. New York Times does not mention  the  bombing of  Bologna railway station, in Italy, that killed 85 people, or shooting on supermarket Belgium, Brabant county, that killed 28 people.

I give another example:  Last January, the news broke out, that some of the prisoners were killed by torture in Guantanamo concentration camp. Perhaps the  best story of this news, is on  Harpers magazine.  I did not find this news on New York Times at all. On case of Gladio terrorism, the new York Times reporting was like a hamburger without the beef. On case of Guantanamo “suicides” The  New York Times readers had no hamburger,  nothing at all.

To say something positive from New York Times, its technical level on Internet is excellent. I like the hyperlinks on stories, and I like, that I am able to make search, for several years back on their news archive , etc.

With Google search one can find that New York Times , was not only newspaper, that did not report the news of Guantanamo cover-up, but there was large portion of other mainstream media also.  The situation was similar, like on start of the Watergate Scandal, when Washington Post was the only newspaper, that reported this case.

The difference between  Guantanamo killings cover-up and Watergate,  is that  there is no Senate Committee , that would start investigations on Guantanamo cover-up , like was in case of Watergate scandal.

Without the Senate committee , also Watergate scandal would have dried on size of Guantanamo cover-up. Perhaps the main difference is, that in case of Watergate, the victim of crime  was powerful Democratic party, and with case of Guantanamo cover-up, the victims were just some  political prisoners from foreign country, that were killed.

Censorship is like a black monster on the dark room, and we are not able to see it. We can find a part of it, only if some light comes to the room.

14.2.2010 9.58  p.m.   10th. of January . On night I got three hours sleep, before they  woke me up.  After that I did not get sleep.  This is their new technique. If I sleep  hour or two, it is easier to keep me awake, rest of the night. This night they caused also dry mouth,. This is new, it has not happened  for some months.

12th. of  January  night was typical start of the week torture. I din not get sleep at all. The perpetrators  promised  “underwater life” for me. It is not meaningful to try to encode , their coded message. For me it reminds oxygen supply, lungs, nitrogen bubbles, carbon dioxide level, on blood.  It is scaring.  I have a storing oximeter that could store, how much oxygen I have my  blood while I am sleeping, but it does not measure  carbon dioxide level, or possible nitrogen bubbles  on blood, etc.

13th. of January was second night, without sleep, on a row. They have some new kind of technique to keep me awake, they do not use pains , like before, but have some kind of new electronic way to keep me awake. I was awake over 50 hours  before I got sleep  on 14th. of January night. In the morning there was again the dry mouth, and pain on the right side of the head. Also next night 15th. of January I had dry mouth on wakeup.

17th. of January.  There were no dry mouth on the morning.  Actually dry mouth ended on 15th. of January. Instead there were pains on the right eye on several occasions on this day.

18th. of January there were start of the week torture. I did not have  sleep at all. This time they used repetitive voices , and pains also. Sometimes at night they caused also heart palpitations. I was afraid about  heart attack. On their verbal torture, they promised me “peacefull death”.

19th of January. They kept me awake whole night with their new technique. I made decision, not to get out of bed before I got some sleep. I got sleep about three hours, by listening extremely loud music with earphones . I believe it someway interferes, their  new technique to keep me awake. . I have learned that some other victims have found this way to resist mind control also. Other possibility is that they purposely let me sleep for a while. This night they also raised my  heart beat  about 100 beats  at minute,  I collected  that to my oximeter, as a evidence, in case I get a heart attack.  Because I slept   on the morning, I was not able to go to work  before  afternoon.

20th. of January. I was able to sleep about normal way after long fight. I used earphones, with loud music, starting on time I went to bed. Next day ,the perpetrators, were very aggressive ,with verbal torture, and  interfered my work on several occasions  with  verbal manipulation.

21th. of January. I was able to sleep,  by listening very loud music with earphones I found that for their new technique to keep me awake, has  connection to the  cold feeling on my neck.  Apparently they partly  disable the blood circulation somewhere on the neck area. In the morning  quarter past nine, they caused pain on the chest on left side, that disappeared  after thirty minutes.

22th of  January   I was able to sleep with less music. On the morning there was a pain on the right side temple   of my head.

23th. of January. Pain on the right eye started on night, and diminished on wakeup. Next day 24th. of January Pain on the right eye started on wakeup, and diminished  after noon.

26th of January. Start of  the week torture. They let me sleep couple of hours, and then awakened me. Next night they spoke about  “wedding crashers” coming this night. They also spoke feeling of  smoky air , when they come. I slept normally, but in the morning the lungs were somewhat sore, the feeling continued whole morning. In the afternoon after four  p.m. they disturbed my work with repetitive voices . The words which they  repeated this time were “more valuable”

28th. of January  after three p.m.  They disturbed my work by calling my name over hundred times.

29th of January . On night they awakened  me up, after I had slept couple of hours. In the morning they were using repetitive voices. The words of this time were “shut up”.

30th. of January after ten p.m. They replaced the word meta on my mind with word mega. I found the difference, but because they had erased the word meta on my brain, it did take some time , before I recollect it.  Basically the procedure was similar as I told 19th. August 2009 , when they replaced one number on my bank code with other. I know when they  not succeed, but when they succeed, I do not find at all. I am sure, they have caused,  that I have spoken or written something inaccurate or funny.

1st.   of February was start of the week torture. I did not have sleep at all. They did not use speech or pains to keep me awake, everything was done some electrical way. The temperature of room was 18th. Celsius, but spite of this I felt hot. On some occasions they also controlled my heart beat, and made it faster.  They also told that they will experiment  with me until “end” . If I do not get help from anywhere, that means , that they are using me, like somebody would use rat or other test-animal, on different experiments , whole my lifetime

Second of February  after  four p.m.  I felt uneasy feeling on genitals, and some headache on front head.

Third of February . I slept  normally, but in the morning I found that they have got my left ear to sensitive  for some frequencies again. The repetitive voices which they used, felt like pain.  I was able also produce  sound on certain frequency , that  I felt as pain.

Fourth of February , I got couple of hours sleep. They got me awake ,  about three a.m. , and kept me awake rest of the night. I found that my neck felt very cold, perhaps it someway is connected their technique to keep me awake.

7th. of February. Pain on the right eye started occasionally at night, but continued more severe in the morning. Later on it felt as pain on whole right front head, and also on upper teeth on the  right side.

9th of February Pain on the right temple of the head. It started on evening, and ended when I went to sleep. Next day after one p.m. , they used repetitive voices on left ear, it was a bit sensitive for certain frequencies.  Next day they started  pain on right side quarter to eleven on night again.

12th. of February The perpetrators made a pain on the neck at night. The neck is now  also little swollen . They cause pain on this swollen area occasionally about five-ten times an hour. This has continued three days, and is continuing

I have learned that  mind control  victim Eric Griffin, who is also member of  FFCHS , was fooled to make a kind of robbery attempt at Wells Fargo office. This story reminds me what happened for me on Toronto airport, when I was leaving Canada (actually it could be also Montreal airport, I cannot remember sure, because it happened  about thirty years ago). 

I had not  slept  at couple of day, and perpetrators (voices) explained me  that there is a radio-receiver on the airport, and it is used as a link to control me, and my task is to take it with me.  They also told me where to walk , to find the radio set.  Indeed  on the airport waiting room on the table   where they told, was unattended  small radio-receiver. However,  I was suspicious, and did not follow their orders, but I leaved the radio on the table. I do not know, what has happened , if I had taken the radio with me, but I believe, I had more or less trouble  with case, if I had followed  their orders.  

Another similar try deceive me, was when they told me that they have arranged unlimited credit for my Visa-account, as I have told on My Story

  I did not go their traps, but I understand, if somebody would do so, after couple of days without sleep, and nervous system, and memory manipulated.  So , when counted the odd  nuances  of “robbery” , that Eric Griffin commit, I believe that he also is  a victim of mind control experiments.   This is Eric Griffin appeal for Senator  Reid . Also  a sample letter, if somebody wants to support Eric Griffin.  On end , link for another newspaper article, where are some readers comments.

Fellow  victims have told me, that mind control related  web site mindcontrolforums, has disappeared. This is alarming, because names, of nearly thousand victims were  stored there.  Fortunately Internet archive wayback machine can restore some of the names. This collection of victims names,  is   a kind of life insurance for  these people. If large number of victims  will disappear or die on short time period, this would raise public interest, and perpetrators are aware of  it  Despite the fact that names are not anymore on public, I hope that mind control victims do not have same destiny than forty scientist that lost their lives on suspicious circumstances,  after anthrax attack to United States Congress

8.1.2010  4.55 p.m. First note since last writing is on    25th. of November,  There were occasional pains on left and right temple of head on daytime. Continuous heavy pain on the right side of head started  about half past eight p.m.  Pain continued through the night. I slept about four hours.  Next day on 26th. of November, similar pain started about  twenty to six p.m. and continued to  eight p.m. It started the next morning on wakeup.  It continued a while, and started again after five p.m. and - similarly as yesterday - it continued   for a while.

29th. of November, they started pain on the right  eye at one a.m.  I got about three hours sleep, before  they awakened me and started their morning talk. I shielded by doing Morse code on my mind, meaning that I translated some songs that I have memorized into the Morse-code. This is very boring for anybody to follow, including myself. They caused some burning pains on the head. However I was able to sleep couple of hours after. Pain on the right eye continued and ended after nine a.m.

30th. November they did  “start of the week torture” , I did not sleep at all. They started repetitive voices, and used some other techniques, that I felt as a cold head.

First of December was similar, except they also used fast heartbeat. However, they stopped it after I put oximeter on my hand. It collects heartbeat and oxygen levels of body. I used loud music to shield, and got some sleep.

 I found that person can sleep also in loud noise, if he is extremely tired, especially if the noise is harmonic, like music.  I got about three hours of sleep.

Second of December was very similar, except that they caused some  tingling sensations on my head. I slept between four and five hours.

Third of December night, they used pains like somebody is stabbing on sharp item on my head. Also I felt a kind of drying feeling middle of the head. I put loud music, and slept about three hours.

Fourth of December, their torture was so hard, I did not sleep at all.

After that, I started to get some sleep. On 7th. of December , they awakened me middle of the night. After they tried to keep me awake, with talk.  I shielded with loud music, and slept normal five hours. Next day they succeed to get my left ear sensitive with certain frequency. I could also produce this frequency myself. It kinds of gets ear to resonate with it.

13th. of December They tried repeating voices after seven p.m. After I put loud music they caused tingling sensation on the left ear.

15th. of December was “start of the week torture” again. I did not sleep at all. Their new method to keep me awake cause also cold feeling on neck as a side effect.

16th. of December was similar, except that I got some sleep with loud music, because I was extremely tired. I am not sure, how long I slept, I guess about two or three hours. In the morning, pain on the right temple started about half past seven a.m.  and eased after nine, just to became more severe after eleven on lunchtime , and it continued until I went to sleep.

17th. of December was short period of similar pains between seven and eight p.m. also a kind of tingling sensation on forehead.

18th. of December. They kept me awake whole night with verbal  torture, and pains here and there.

19th. of December. Heavy pain on right eye started five to eleven a.m.  It eased in the afternoon, but started again on midnight and continued whole night for long to  next morning.

21th. of December  “ Start of the week torture”  at night. They used pains on ear and head to keep me awake. I was awake until three a.m. , but I slept about hour or so, between three and five a.m.  On the morning they  started pain on the right temple of the head about seven a.m. It ended nine a.m.  for a while, but continued on lunchtime and ended about five p.m.

23th. of December . They awakened me about two a.m. at night , and kept me awake with verbal torture , until I had to go to work. I slept about two or three hours that night.  Half past one on the afternoon, started  a pain on the right temple of the head , and ended five p.m.

On Christmas time, was quite peaceful, except some verbal manipulation. I believe the perpetrators were on holidays too.

25th.  of December night, after three a.m.  they tried to close my nostrils. I felt it ,like if I had a flu. I believe they tried to get me sleep without c-pap machine. I breathed with machine and nose, although it was heavy.  They gave up after three hours, and my “flu” disappeared.In the morning my nostrils were open normally.

26th. of December. There were several occasion, they got me unconscious “fast sleep

27th. of December.There was  a kind of mild after sauna torture on the morning. In the morning I found that my forehead felt cold,  a. lot of easier than usually.

28th of December. They used repetitive voices at night. I defended my ears, with loud music. They used different pains on ears, head, and back to not let me sleep. They also caused fast heartbeat and some nausea. However I slept some hours, because I did not have to go to work

30th. of December. I went to sleep after one a.m. They got me awake about five a.m.  and started repetitive voices , this time on right ear, instead of usual left one. I did some experiment myself. I shielded voice, with loud music on left ear. I discovered that it does not help.  After I put loud music on right ear too, they caused backache, and ear-ache that made me impossible to sleep. However the ear manipulation ended about hour, after I put loud music on the ear. I believe the music disturbs their feedback, from my head.  The repetitive voice is different nature, that the conversation voice.. The conversation voice is a male voice, and usually it is not one ear. The repetitive voice is a female voice, especially at night is often just on  the left  ear, and it repeats word or two, hundreds of time. Voice is often accompanied with some  tingling sensations on the ear.

1st. of January they used repetitive voices at night, I resisted with loud music. In the morning they caused pain on the back, and head to get me up. I resisted on the bed until nine a.m.

3rd. of     of January they got my left ear sensitive on repetitive voice.  I had to listen to music, for most of the day. Next night they used all kind of pains, also a new kind of burning pain on the knee, and also repetitive voices.  However I slept about two hours , I believe. About five a.m. they caused false need to urinate. This was  one their favorite practical jokes, on  earlier years. After that  they started repetitive voices, and all kind of pains, that continued until I woke up.

5th. of January was similar, except that I was able to sleep enough, because I did not had to go to work , I slept until noon.  Afternoon they tried to get me “fast sleep”, but because I was not sleepy, they did not succeed. Actually the way they do it feels like a mild electric shock, on the neck. If the victim is sleepy, he goes unconscious, If not, he feels it like a electric shock.  They do this often several times a day, and it has some purpose, but I do not know what they benefit for this.  Perhaps whole idea, to get victim sleepy on  night, is just that this “fast sleep” is possible to them.

I have got some background information that make Genocide of Canadian aboriginals easier to understand.   I told the genocide on diary 30. June 2008, and I also made collection of  hyperlinks, on alternative history section.

Everybody knows Nazi Genocide of Jews, but it is less known that much more, 10-30 million people were killed by British Genocide of Hindus in India on 1877 .  British caused at least double - and  with some estimated five times more deaths , than  Nazi-Germany  did for Jews  .  The genocide was very similar than Stalin  did on   Ukraine 1932. In India   the rice and wheat was shipped to Great Britain, causing the starvation people on same area.  The Anti-Charitable Contributions Act of 1877 prohibited "at the pain of imprisonment “ private relief donations, that potentially interfered with the market fixing of grain prices.  It is very odd idea to think, that  non interfered  market price of grain, has greater value than life of tens of millions of people. If one reads Mike Davis book “Late Victorian Holocausts, he would found ideas of social Darwinism and population control.behind the genocide. One motive  was of course, pure economical thinking . Actually, what happen in India 1877, was very similar  thing that happened in Ireland a quarter century before, only difference was that amount of people that lost their lives was multiplied. These two genocides make the genocide of Canadian Indians, more understandable. The difference is that in Canada , when they killed native children , it was done  by  infectious diseases,  tuberculosis, and smallpox.

Perhaps Canadian Natives were considered  “useless eaters” that do not any way improve the life of mankind, but just consume the  Canadian natural resources.  This time, when genocide happened ,was also time of the  rise of eugenic movement.  There would have been fears that natives, when mixing with white race, would deteriorate the quality of white race.

Hitler in Nazi Germany, caused genocide, had victims something between six to  ten million deaths

Stalin and other communist regimes caused genocides on Ukraine  and elsewhere.  The death toll is  perhaps about 10-20 million.  If we include death toll of  Great Leap Forward  campaign  in China, the amount is much higher.   However   I did not find any population control aims, behind this communist organizational catastrophe.

Great Britain   genocides -  were caused by  Social Darwinism, “Laissez-faire”  , and  some other ideas  popular on this time. It meant  death for something  between  twenty to  forty million people.

it is interesting that the  genocide of the Jews, has achieved widespread publicity, but much larger mass-murders   of Hindus, that have more victims, are often left out from textbooks of history. There are several reasons for this. The Germany lost the war, and history is written by the winners.

 If Irish National movement or - Hindus thirty year later-   had conquered London I am sure they have hanged the people responsible , for  crimes against humanity.  That did not happen. End of the Second World War British troops however conquered Berlin and hanged leaders of Nazi Germany for crimes against humanity.

Also   British leaders,  and Stalin killed people “naturally”  for famine. I am sure Nazis had done same way, if Jews were on one geographical area, and not scattered around Germany and Europe. This was not case, so Nazis created  industrial slaughterhouses for Jews, where they transferred all the Jews they found from Germany and other areas on their control.  Nazis tried to kill the  whole Jew population, because t they classified them  for   nonhuman beings, that had demoralizing influence on their sphere, and were dangerous for German strength. British and Stalin in USSR  did not try to kill all the race, but rather to reduce amount and strength of people by artificial famine.

One reason of publicity was that there were lots of Jews on  British Isles and outside of Europe, including some  rich, educated and  powerful  people.  Irish, Hindus and Ukraine people did not have much influence outside their area on time of their genocide.

There were some positive effects of making public  the genocide of Jews on Germany. It became politically unpopular to classify races more human, and less human. On 1967 the  last 15 states on United States gave up on efforts to preserve purity of  the white race and allowed interracial marriages. The racism , perhaps had not lost it's popularity, without the mass-murders of Jews.  

Changes happened in Canada too. Canadian  aboriginal children were killed  in residential schools,  by making environment favorable for  smallbox or Tuberculosis infection  before the  second world war. This diminished after war. The last residential school for aboriginal people closed 1996. I believe that  various provinces more or less forced  sterilization programs of aboriginals are also stopped.

The  British  attitude towards other colored of people, on  their colonies  changed slowly. According  Caroline Elkins fifty thousand people were killed  by British Security forces in Kenya 1950s.  This time conservative government headed by  Harold Macmillan denied  systematic  abuses.  Fifty years has gone. Some victims of torture are still alive, but not had get any compensation. Also their torturers have not prosecuted for their crimes.  The whole chain British legal  of systems that suppose to make sure that this kind of mass-murder does not happen, failed. It is very difficult to come other conclusion,  but that conservative government at least did know- , or was behind these atrocities.

These examples show that English type of parliamentary system where one member is elected in  one geographical  area, does not work properly.  In theory 51 % of voters of country, could get all the seats.   As seen on history, it leads two party systems, where minorities had often no voice in parliament.  So it has happened, that they were killed,  tortured, and their rights were abused.  

Some would think that there is nothing bad in the system, and problem is just members of parliament, who had no moral backbone.  I think that the  British type of  election system works as a filter.  It  filters out majority of the individuals, who have moral backbone, even before they come  candidate on their electoral district.

Canada has similar problems on their parliamentary system that United Kingdom has.  Some  examples from Canada's past: In 1941, time of Second World War, people from Japan origin, were closed into concentration camps, as a threat for national security. They were robbed from their property too. Their only crime was their Japan origin. After war, they got free from concentration camps, but did not get compensation their suffering before 1988, when Prime Minister Mulroney gave formal apology, and announced details from compensation for those who still were alive.

It is very difficult to think, that Canadian parliament was unknown for injustice that these Japan-origin people had faced on concentration camps.  Only possibility is that member of Canadian parliaments knowingly waited that most of the victims past away, just for economical reasons. This did take time  over forty years until 1988. The whole case is a living example that parliamentary system in Canada is not working properly -and this causes that whole legal machinery od Canada, does not work properly especially for minorities,  and non white races ( German people were not closed to concentration camps). If the members of parliament were not elected, from particular geographical district Japan origin people would have come together and  got one member of parliament, who at least have spoken for them..

The sexual abuse of aboriginals on residential schools , and police that did not make necessary investigation  for matter is another example.

 Criminal human experiments is  third  etc.

There are historical reasons for this form of election system. On time when transportation was slow ,and there were no mass-media -  this was the best possible electoral system. The system gives   one member of parliament  on each electoral district.t .  People who had not seen other election  methods , does not find any odd for this method.

As well as election system had pre-selected the geographical  district for  candidates that voters could vote -the election system would make sure that religion of members of parliament equals  the proportion of religion of voters.  On this hypothetical system there is noelectoral districts, but religious groups. Example Anglicans had their candidates that numbers  equal of  the proportion of Anglican members among Canadian citizens, and Anglican   voters  choose their Anglican members of Parliament from them.

 Another possible system is think that the  gender  of M.P.s  is  pre-selected, like now district is pre-selected, to make sure that both sexes have equal presentation. This system has about  half of the seats for female M.P.s , and another half of the seats for male M.P.s  . Female voters, in this system have only possibility to vote female candidates, and male voters has to vote male candidates.

On these hypothetical systems government dictates equal distribution of M.P.s gender, and religion, just like English system government dictates equal distribution of geographical  district of M.P.s. One understands that the most democratic election system is one , where  government does not make any  pre-selections  before election,  to narrow the choice of people .   This leave voters make their choice from all the candidates on this election, and select candidate from  geographical  district, or religion or gender, if they feel  it is important for them.

I am not fully satisfied with Finland’s election system. However in Scandinavia, where several candidates are elected in each area, there are usually more than two parties in parliament. Scandinavian countries  do  not have this kind of crimes agaist humanity, and human rights violations,  that  are common in Canada and United Kingdom .

I found that British genocides are not very known on the history textbooks. So I made a collection of hyperlinks into  my Alternative History section.

24.11.2009 5.30 a.m   On 15th,  October , I had a nightmare . I believe it  was orchestrated. Before that , while I was awake, there was tingling sensation on the  left side.  Next night they started  repetitive voices  after three a.m.  I used loud music to shield myself. After that I did not get any sleep. I slept about three hours.

On 18th.of October there were  tingling sensation  whole afternoon, and some balance problems, that caused me some  difficulties to walk. I was  happy it was Sunday, and I did not have to go to work. Next night  19th. of October, there was start of the week torture, and I did not sleep at all.  They did not used repetitive voices much, but rather pains and verbal manipulation, and some other techniques I do not know. They also told me that my sleep apnea was actually caused reason that they wanted to control my voice, and control of my larynx. This caused that tissues on my throat blocks the airway on lungs , while I am sleeping.  Of course this could be truth or not. I cannot give very much value for what they speak. It seems to me ,that usually they just try to get heavy feelings on me. I guess heavy feelings , have some advantage on what they want to do with me. 

On afternoon of 19th. October  started mild headache on front head,  it continued until night. On night I did not sleep at all. They used type of torture  I  called “hard head” . They  used same tape torture on Alberta ,  but  not used it for many years, with some exceptions. I put oximeter on my hand at night, and found that my pulse was high above average 112 beats at minute.  On morning I had 36 hours without sleep. They started shootings pains at right temple of head, eleven a.m.

 Next night on 20th. October  after long fight with repeating  voices, I got some sleep. I guess I had stayed about 50 hours without sleep before that. However they woke me up at four a.m. with repetitive voices. I shielded with loud music. They usually keep in the morning a kind of positive speech , were they promise that everything is coming good again. This morning they were silent. 

On  21st. of October I got some better sleep, although they started  severe pain on right temple at 9.05 p.m..

On 23th. of October there were tingling sensation on head  lunchtime after noon.

25th of October  were  pain in front , right side of head , it started  after midnight  , and continued  whole night . I slept some hours. The  pain ended on next afternoon.

 On 27th.  of.  October  There were occasional tingling sensations  around the head. On social gatherings  like coffee break,  9  a.m and two p.m , and there were pain on the center of the head. Similar pain was on 4.30 p.m.

28th of  October  there were similar pain ,as yesterday coffee break, on meeting before noon. On afternoon,  pain on right temple started  quarter past one.  Evening  they got me unconscious. When I woke up on chair after ten ,they   started pain on right temple of the head. Pain it ended  at  6.15 a.m. next morning. On evening quarter to ten,  pain on the right temple of the head started again, this time  heavier than usually. Later on, it moved on the right eye, and ended about 5.15 a.m.  I was very tired, and I was able to sleep about three hours.

The next day was very similar. They got me unconscious about   half. past eight p.m. I awakened  after ten p.m. And they started heavy pain  around the right eye that stopped about four a.m.   On the morning  they started a mild pain on left side of the head.  

First of november  They started heavy torture on  right eye 2.30 a.m.  It went of  at six a.m.  after several manual manipulations of the head. I got some sleep after . This was day I was ordered for  sleep-apnea test on hospital . Before the test I was ordered to sleep without c-pap breathing machine three nights.  For curiosity I collected my blood oxygen readings, on these nights. I found that they were just different than readings when wearing the c-pap machine. The difference sleeping with c-pap machine , and without was really big. The oxygen levels dropped  continuously under 80%.

  I went to hospital about three p.m., and I was pretty tired.   On the hospital  when  was  the sleep time , I got  several  sensors  around my body. There was a sensor in nose, that measured my breathing. Other was around lungs, to measure  how deep was my breathing. And then there was a very hot sensor , the staff told me that it measured  my  body carbon dioxide  level..

 The perpetrators  let me sleep about hour, then started to keep me awake, with heavy repeating voices .However I had my earphones, and with loud music , I was able to get sleep. Actually I know , that if they want - they could had  keep me awake whole night , but  for some reason , they did not want to go that extreme torture.  I awakened after couple of hours sleep my  earphones on floor.  In the morning I got result-  they had found that I have severe sleep apnea , and I should  continued using c-pap machine.

After the hospital , there were  peaceful for a while . They  used much verbal manipulation, and often put  me sleep on daytime, but let me sleep at night. On their code language, they lowered  my salary. This means that they have a kind of torture index, and after heavy torture, or wounds , the victim could get some easier times, before the next torture session begin.

They often got me, a kind of half-conscious state, where was very difficult to start moving. One example is 13. November  between 7.30 and 8.30 p.m.  I  simply did not have power to move myself, while  I was a kind of half awake. 

On 16th. of November  night, the new torture session  started  as start of the week torture. They used burning pains on head backache etc. to keep me awake.    I shielded for repetitive voices,  with loud music after two a.m.  They did get my left ear sensitive, and I did not get any sleep that night. They do not call this torture “start of the week torture” , it  is name I have given for it. Their name for  this torture is “roman candles”.

Next night  17th. of November, they did try to keep me awake also, but  I used very loud music  , and because I was very tired I got some sleep, about three hours.

  On   18th. of November I got normal sleep, but on night of 19th. of November , they kept me awake whole night also. I would have perhaps got some sleep,  if I had used extremely loud music, as on 17th. of November.  However , I found too late, that that, they are planning to keep me awake whole night. Also I was not  that extremely tired, so perhaps I could not sleep on that  loud noise. Next day on work ,  my  neighbor  found me on sitting on the computer asleep. It was embarrassing, and does certainly not  help my career.

On Friday night,  I was able sleep  some hours. I had first time some steel wool  as extra shield. It is a tip , I had learned it from  FFCHS shielding page . It does not stop voice, but it lowers  the quality of their feedback . So it is like driving on the dark. They do not know what their transmitting signal actually does. The loud music has same idea. They have a lot of transmission power, but their receiving signal is rather weak, I believe.

  In the morning the repetitive voices told , that I have “ commercial pilot cap”. Somebody who  does not know  their language,  would have started to guess, what means “commercial pilot cap” . I know that that is exactly the action they want the victim to do.  As well they would have said  that my house is on fire, or that the postmaster has blue trousers. For some reason, the interaction is what they are looking for most of the time. They  tell me sentence, and they want that I think , something about it. If they cannot get response, they would  try call my name. Most people respond some way , when they hear their name. So that is what they do for  me - along other things - for most of the time I am awake. The reason why they try to shorten my sleeping time, is unclear.That is another main goal, they try to do.

On 21st of November night after nine p.m.  they started pain on the right eye again, for a long time.

23th  of November night  they started with pain on right side after ten p.m. Later on night they started  “start of the week torture”.  I did not sleep at all this night.  They used  first repeating voices, and after I put loud music. They used “hard head technique” to keep me awake. I felt how the center of my skull felt cold, because they stopped  the flow of blood there someway, as they all do for this technique.

I have studied tips  which other people have invented to resist mind manipulation on FFCHS shielding tip pages.I found that everything that I have invented,  the other victims have invented too, on some form. The steel balls I used on summer were neodymium magnets, and anonymous  victim had also experienced with neodymium magnets.  I had used hand held massager for head mechanical manipulation, like Cassandra.  It helps  if there is tingling sensations on head. Also after victim  is  very exited  from their verbal manipulation, it cools down their attack.

Actually I believe that there are other groups of victims, and their perpetrators  in jails, mental hospitals, and other closed institutions. These people do not have any possibilities to protect their brains, and it is very easy , to inspect  the actual   effects the machine causes.

We who are free, are perhaps free just because  they want to  find , what kind  of  shielding, and other  ways  we could develop,  to resist electronic manipulation. So they could make  some working countermeasures for all forms of  people resistance. The study is done for different cultures and languages   also to train perpetrators in different language groups for future clandestine operations in foreign countries.

So while the victims of electronic mind manipulation are desperately trying  to protect their brains from  attacks from this secret machinery,  with steel wool and other home made inventions  -  the United States congress - that has the powers to investigate  victims claims,  and stop the electronic human experiments projects  –  is  just watching the situation in hands on their pockets, and doing nothing to stop  these crimes.

The mind reading machine could have some positive uses, for  example in solving serious crimes. It could have some use of finding if individual  is really quilty for example murder,  before he is executed.  The problem is that  organization which has these machines-  and  controls  the use of them -  is not using these machines for solving crimes, but just opposite. They are using mind reading-  and manipulation machinery   for committing crimes, and other evil purposes. There are some news from machines that could interpret brain language, but the public research is  at least two decades behind, from what military and intelligence organisations are doing.

I studied the history of statue of Liberty monument  in New York harbor . The Constitution of United States and French Revolution, were about same time, and influenced each other. The United States Constitution was formed  1787. French National Assembly made declaration of Rights of Man 1789. And two years later United States made very similar Bill of Rights. This time there were a lot of opinions from Royalists and others, that republic - as a form of state -  would not exist long.

So hundred years after  declaration of United States Independence, some  French people wanted to honor freedom and democracy .  They collected money, and it was used to make Statue of Liberty. This monument was a symbol  of freedom and democracy  and it was placed on  United States , because  the people, who collected the money for statue, felt the United States was country that best represented these values..

Now I feel ,the Statue of Liberty , should be removed from United States , and put some other country . United States does  not  represent the values   of builders of statue, freedom, equality  and liberty. United States    is rather heading towards Orwellian Society


13.10.2009   11.50 p.m.   The September was a very normal. There were standard torture, pain on the right temple of head and  repetitive voices  when sleep.  The manipulative voices continued major portion of time, when I was awake. They are very good at mindreading  for  all thought, that victim has name for things.  But if victim recalls some memory, he has no words, they are eager to make incorrect interpretations. So the mindreading works very much with person vocabulary.

My first note is on second of September. Occasional pains on the right temple of  my head . It started morning at  nine a.m.  Next night there were repetitive voices, that I shielded  with music. Third of  September  there were occasional shooting pains on front and right side of head once a while whole day.

On fourth of September repetitive voices started  on left ear 4.57 p.m.

Next note is on tenth of September . The perpetrators had kept me awake whole night. Beside the  usual repetitive voices , they used pains on left heel , and of course normal verbal manipulation. It is possible , that I slept hour or so, but I am not sure for that. Next  evening after half past ten, they used backache, to force me on  right side sleeping position.

On 11th. of September I did not have time to put on  my c-pap machine, I went asleep. I was unconscious about hour, after I closed  my computer, washed my teeth, and went to sleep  normal way. They used repetitive voices , and backache to keep me awake. However I slept some hours.

Next night on 12th. Of September, They awakened me four times, at night , however, because I did not have to go to work, I slept over four hours.  In the morning before ten a.m. There was some headache.  10.20 p.m. There were sharp pains on the right temple of head. They were different  pains than earlier - not continuous but pains that went on and off fast. Next day the usual pain on the right temple started on noon, and continued  until night.

On 14th. of September  pain on the right temple of head started after   ten. p.m. m and continued about hour. 15th of September pain started on nine a.m. and ended before noon. 

On 18th of September the same pain on the right temple of the head started 1.30 a.m. It diminished a while but started again nine a.m.  I found that the pain changes my facial expression. Next night there were repetitive voices, that felt very bad from  head, even they were not louder than usual, so there were something extra with these voices.  I shielded it with music. I had some nausea  after voices. On morning  after six the pain on the right temple of the head started, and this time it slowly changed pain on the right eye, and continued several hours. Next morning was similar, except that pain continued over noon, and it felt also on chin and teeth on the right side, while it was worst. Next day, 21st of September  pain started  ten a.m.

22-23  of September I  had time to hospital for regular calibration the air-pressure of  c-pap machine. The perpetrators on this time were not afraid, but continued torture with repetitive voices. They also close my nose, that caused that hospital  staff- which monitor my oxygen intake raised the cpap-machine-pressure. Later on the breathing became normal. There were no blood tests  on this time. The pressure on the c-pap machine was kept same as before, but  the doctors ordered me other  kind of tests on November,  where there are the probes  were put everywhere around the body, while I am sleeping. I am suspicious. If the hospital is some kind of contact with perpetrators, or the perpetrators  have a way to obtain information, for these tests, it is leading me dangerous situation. Now the perpetrators  do not have accurate  the information , what actually happen to me when  they do something to me. Only information they get is what they get with their telemetric feedback system. In best it is incomplete, and cannot really compare with information that they could get with sensors attached on body with wires. So the hospital visit that started positive way, is going to dangerous direction. I take the risk, whatever happens,  and hope the best. The most probable situation is that the perpetrators stay silent, and doctors are just interested, what affect my sleep, and what is my oxygen intake while sleeping without c-pap machine.  However all the others possibilities also exists.

24 of September , there were repeating voices, and I protected myself with music. Later on they tried to manipulate my sleeping position with pain. I guess, I slept three hours. 28th.  and 29th.of September night s were very similar, repetitive voices and pain, that I shield with music. 28th. of September  they also used repetitive voices on lunchtime.

30 of September, they  got my so sleepy , I  got me asleep after ten p.m. I awakened before midnight and , went to  bed .  This time there were no actual voice, but uneasy feeling, that actualized itching on left ear, after I changed my position. I put music on left ear, and got some sleep. Next day on work, they started torture  on work after 3.30 p.m.  They kept a pause, while I had a customer, and started repetitive voices torture , after the customer went out.

Second of October  night They used repetitive voice torture and I used music for shield. They woke me up about four a.m.  I slept under four hours. On lunchtime there were shrinking and itching  feeling on left side of head. On work they put me asleep for a while, about three p.m. I hope nobody found it. On evening, I was so sleepy I went bed , without putting c-pap machine on. I suppose to use it every night. I woke up after midnight, and I felt no sleepy at all. I stayed awake, and went again sleep after five a.m.  There were normal repetitive voices , and I shielded with music. I have started to feel , this is the way to sleep , they want. They would monitor the music, and this way easily find when I am asleep. On wakeup  they started  headache on forehead, that changed heavy pain on the right temple of the head. This continued until next midnight and while it was worst,  it also felt as toothache on upper chinbone.

 Fifth of October There were some nausea during the day, and around  11.30 p.m. the lungs went  sore.

Sixth of October  I got a kind of switching pain on right side of head, that got heavier, when I get excited. Night there were usual repetitive voices, and later pain on back, th when they tried to get me sleep on other side. I guess I slept 4-5 hours.

Eight of October 7.29 p.m. There were pain on the chest right side. It went milder  after few hours.

Ninth of October they used torture method , they had name “electric whip”. I t does not  feel  whip like, but is rather burning point. When the victim moves, the point disappear for a moment, but come back, some moments later. The burning point is perhaps  no dangerous, but  when using it , when person is sleeping, it can really drive victim on desperation . I did  not sleep after six a.m.  Pain on the chest   continued to tenth of October.  The next night was very similar but pain was milder. I got sleep after hour or two fight. I used massage on the burning point as a defense.

I did check my Internet site, and I found that my  page  “Organizations fighting to stop electromagnetic mindcontrol experiments was out of date, most of the organizations were old ,and  hyperlinks did  not open. So I did some search, to find the strongest organizations, fighting agaist electronic mind control.

I  corrected hastily  the couple first names. For the first organization I placed  FFCHS ( Freedom of cover harassment and surveillance).  FFCHS is perhaps the largest of the organizations that are fighting against electronic mind-manipulation. Because of victims are scattered everywhere around United states and  the World they use Conference call  for their meetings. They have also newsletter, and even safe house, that is  electrically insulated and works as a shield from electronic  torture (although I do not know how effective it is).

We have gone a lot ahead, from situation we were five years ago, and I am confident, that sooner or later the truth will come out for public. Hopefully most of victims are still alive, when this day comes.

31.8.2009 11.30 p.m.  The major changes, since my last writing is, that daily torture on the left ear has nearly stopped. The night torture continues about each other day, but I feel that there is person behind now and not just machine. Other major change  is, that the torture on the right eye, has changed very heavy pain on the front of right temple of head, and they keep me continuously tired with daily sleep between one and   four hours. That has gone worse than before. The pain on right side of head, occurs usually nighttime, but not always. The veins on right side neck, feels also sore when touching, and sometimes it cause breathing on c-pap machine feel cold, apparently because of weak blood circulation on head. The pain feels especially eating or coughing, when the victim has to move his chin.

First note  on my notebook, since my previous  writing on 14 July, is on 16th. July - I slept between one and three hours. I felt there was a cap on my memory, what happened on that night, but I remember I was awake four a.m. 

The next note is 18th July.  Pain on the right temple of head, started on afternoon and continued until midnight. The pain was pretty heavy at time.

  On 20th July started “start of the week torture” at  9.25 p.m. with high frequency voices, and earache. I did not sleep at all. They told me something, I planned to write on this diary, but they erased it from my memory, while I was on shower. It is frustrating feeling, when remembers, there is something, that is important to make note, but not remember what it is. Next evening there   were pains on the right temple.

 The night of  24 July, I slept about four hours

. 26th. Of July pain on the right side of head started after midnight. Veins on the right side were sore. Breathing on the c-pap machine felt cold in the morning. The pain ended next night about ten p.m.  This night they used repeating voices, I shielded my ears with loud music. I knew I was awake on after three or four a.m.  On the morning they about five a.m.  they told horror story machine they possess , capable to kill person, by stopping  his heart, and of course they threatened to stop my heart. I believe this is very possible.

28th. of July there were occasional sudden shooting pains especially left side and back of the skull.

30th. of July they used repeating voices and I used music to shield my ears from it.  They used also backache, and earache to keep me awake, but still I managed to sleep about four hours.

31st. of July the similar shooting pains like 28th. of July continued. They were not like electric shocks, but felt somehow similar like electric shocks.

On second of August, they “shoot” me unconscious. When I woke up again, I had a fuzzy feeling. If I did put my head town - for example tying on my shoestrings -  I lost my balance.  I measured my blood pressure, and found that it was oddly down 116/77. I believe, this could someway relate. that I cannot put my head down, without loosing consciousness. Next night they used repeating voices, and I shielded my ears with music. I slept about four hours. On next day repeating voices started quarter to four p.m. and continued while.

On four of August they started pain on left temple at eleven a.m. it continued over three p.m. Next day was very similar, pain on right temple started four p.m. and ended after six p.m.

On eight August were occasional short electric shock-like pains, mostly on the left side of skull. Veins on the neck were sore. On night repetitive voices started, and I used music to shield myself. I slept around four hours.

On tenth of August there were pretty normal “start of the week torture”. It has purpose to put me on tired condition after weekend sleep. They woke me up after hour of sleep. This is their new technique; it is easier to keep me awake, when they have let me sleep short time. They used repeating voices, pain on back, and on shoulder etc. I used loud music to shield myself from their manipulation. I slept about two hours. On the morning, there were some occasional pains on the right temple. The pain moved right eye, and continued whole day, over six p.m. at least. There were also pains on upper chin,

Next note is on 12th. of August, Occasional pains on the  right temple of head, starting about six p.m.

 13th. of August they woke me up at three a.m.  by causing sound that was similar of sound of my alarm clock. I got some sleep after, but in the morning right temple was sore. The pain on right temple ended about eight p.m. However it started again three hours later, and continued while.

Next morning, there was a very heavy pain on the right temple. It started about nine a.m. and continued while.

Next night on  15th. of August, they started repeating voices. I used music to shield my ears from manipulation. They started also a heavy pain, this time left temple of the head, on the same place that they usually have pain on the right side. I got some sleep, because I was very tired. However I woke up at three a.m.  I guess I slept three hours. On morning, the pain was moved on right side of head, and diminished. However I found that they were able to freeze my right side of head. They did it sometimes, if they did not understand, or did not   like what I was doing. The freeze caused also change of my facial expression.

Next night, they started a heavy torture on the right temple of head, about three a.m. at night. This companied with verbal manipulation, where they threatened to cause me crib death type of death. They let me have some sleep, but somehow managed me to turn on right side on my sleep, so they got my right temple on upside. The result was on their expression “they shoot my head wide open”. The actual torture ended before noon, but the head was sore a long time, especially eating coughing, other way moving my chin.

17th. Of August was pretty normal “start of the week torture” that purpose is to get me tired, start of workweek, because I cannot sleep long  like holidays, -so for them it is easier to keep me tired condition, as they want. They let me sleep about hour, then woke me up, and started torture with repeating voices. Unfortunately, I had run out of batteries, of my mp3-player, so I could not shield with music. So I did not sleep any more for this night.  To make my condition more painful, they caused also heavy pain on the right temple of head.

Next night I slept normal, but on 18th. August evening before ten p.m.  they started rather heavy torture. The torture started first on whole head, and later on right side.

19th. Of August , they awakened me between three and four a.m.  by false alarm. This time it was a voice , somebody banking on the door. After  started heavy pain on the right side of head.  11.45 a.m. They tried to make another practical joke. They changed one number on my credit card code, on my mind. Actually they succeeded this , but on the bank-automat , I had a kind of optical memory which number I should press, and  I followed it , and not my number memory. I was right , and got money. The technique, they changed the number looks stupid  on told , but on practice , it works pretty well. They block my memory someway, and “secrretay” whisper the words , the victim is looking for memory  - this time credit card code. Only one number is changed, so that I do not reject the information.   Because only information that come from brain is outside, there is no other possibility than accept the information,  even if it feels a kind of odd. They cannot put  to the victims mouth long sentences, but swapping word or two often succeeds. 

There were some more peaceful days, but on 30th. August morning 8.45 a.m.  they started repeating voices on morning. I believe that they tried to get me up earlier. I put some loud music, and stayed on bed couple of hours more.  After noon they started heavy pain on the right side of head , near right eye. That pain continued on next morning.

I have read my old writings,  and I have found some matters have vanished,  and some moved a bit ahead. North American Union,  I wrote on 11.1.2007 was newer accomplished. Also United States has not had  military takeover, not yet anyway, so multimillion build concentration camps are now empty.

On 3.7. 2007 I suggested quality control for democracy, and  also told , what is wrong on American Auto-industry.  On the Quality of United States democracy there are some signs of improvement,  since change of president, but the auto industry problems have realized  ia form of  closed factories and high unemployment of auto  workers.

Finally 11.9. 2006 I told  mass-murder of 3000 Afghans on Dash-e-leili.  I had also a link for youtube video, that told the cruel way the murders happened. Now Physicians for human rights.organisation has opened some mass graves.  They have called investigation of Dash-e-Leili mass-murders. Unfortunately General Abdul Rashid Dostum, who is responsible of atrocities, is on a powerful supporter  president Hamid Carsai.

There are more and more similarities between Vietnam war and war in Afghanistan. One of them is United States support of corrupted leaders, and closing eyes of their human rights violations .  Another similarity is drugs. Vietnam war caused epidemic problem of heroin usage among soldiers, that spread whole United States.

Taliban’s were able to stop opium  poppy growing,  when they controlled the country, but now opium is Afghanistan major export article , and makes about one third of country income. Western media connects Taliban resistance movement for smuggling of heroin to finance their organization.

It is difficult to filter truth out of war-propaganda.  If United States and  it’s allies forces control Afghanistan area, why they  not  to eradicate  opium poppy-fields. Another possibility is that hat  hundreds of millions dollars that comes from drug-addicts  all over the world are used to bribe local law-enforcement, Afghan  army, top Government officials, and perhaps even some key people on foreign peacekeeping forces.  If  US-army or United Nations peacekeepers destroy the  opium farmers  poppy-fields  -  poppy fields, that suppose to make   farmers  next winter  income – they do not get very popular on Afghan villages.

 Besides the poor peasants -  also local police , Afghan army, and other Afghanistan  civil servants, would loose substantial amount of money, and whole  the Afghanistan economy would suffer, for lack   riches , that major exporting article, opium brings into Afghanistan economy.

The religion based control of villages, that made Taliban’s able stop opium poppy-growing on Afghanistan,  is very difficult  to  recent ,  rather corrupted Afghanistan  leaders.

These are moral questions:

                      - Do we open investigation on General Abdul Rashid Dostum arranged mass-murders, even if he is our ally on Afghanistan – and even if we do not have very many allies . Do we eradicate  opium poppy-fields in Afghanistan, even if we know everybody on Afghanistan, who  gets more or less living on opium trade will hate us.  

There  were-  and  are and   similar ethical  questions also United States domestic policy. The subprime mortgage crisis is one example.  Everything went fine, as long as housing prices went higher . Important is that there were no one institution that failed to act properly, but  whole control  chain of financial institutions - that suppose to take care that nothing like this happen - failed . Underwriters, rating agencies etc. – None of them did their work properly. It was  very similar phenomenon, that makes Afghanistan Opium trade big and profitable business. Only difference is that  on Afghanistan there are peasant, and police on place of underwriters and rating agencies. Also both cases, those who suffer most, are not  those greedy people, that have made profit their corrupted acts.

If we want give name of the matter that causes all these problems.  We could call it bad ethics  , or low quality of administration, even if they are not the same thing.  There is low  work ethics l that causes low quality of work.   If Administration, lowers quality of work  and  command chain has  somebody who insist  to work properly,  administration  will expel  him  for one reason or other. That is the way , how quality control chain , that has every link failing , is build.

Very harmful is the low standard of  law enforcement administration. Old things get new definition.  Murder by nuclear radiation, becames legal medical treatment, torture gets new name enchanted interrogation , terrorist suspect  are called name “enemy combatants” and then argued that they are not under protection of Geneva Conventions, and put into US. Military base area, and  then ruled that the area is outside US. Legal jurisdiction , and whatever is done there is not crime.  The  low quality of  legal institutions, will show clearly interpretation and implementation of law. One does not have to be a legal professional to find that there is much wrong on the basic attitude how law is interpreted in United States.     The interpretation of law is so “creative” that more important  than what is on the law, is  who has the legal powers to interpret it.

Illegal human experimentation, and murders of suspected or real United States enemies around the world,  are also results of  low ethics .Everybody should have right to defend himself in court, before he is executed.

There are now some promising early signs that higher ethics, and better quality of law administration would come effect in some future. Attorney General Eric Holder has made decision to start investigate CIA interrogation techniques. However it is too early to say what happen to him and which forces will rule in the future.

If evil forces will keep their power in United States,  country  is going to have similar problems than  it’s  southern neighbor  Mexico has. Even replacing 700 customs agents , will not stop cocaine trade.  It is very painful to improve quality of organization, if many members of organization get some benefits from present situation.  Lost quality of work and  diminished work moral is painful to gain back.


14.7.2009 1.00 a.m.  On fifteenth of June, there was heavy torture, with high frequency female voices on the left  ear. I put the bullet (small steelball) on ear to get the noise down. They caused earache on left ear,  to get me to take the bullet out. I chose pain.  I slept about three hours. On noon while I was  on the library female voices were on left and also right ear one ear at time.

Next day on sixteenth of June, the same voices disturb my working starting 10.30 a.m. The night on eighteen of June was very similar than fifteenth. Heavy torture, with high frequency female voices on the left  ear. I put the bullet (small steelball) on ear to get the noise down. Again they caused earache on left ear,  to get me to take the bullet out. Again I chose pain. And similarly as day before,  I slept about three hours.

Next night on 19. Of June , the torture started before six a.m.  so I was able to sleep four or five hours. The difference was that I felt that they have got  somehow improved signal .It pierced better through steel ball.  The torture continued with some breaks on afternoon, and evening, and went worse near midnight. . I used bullet on left ear, and tried mechanical manipulation of  head..

Twentieth of June  , when I woke up., there was  wound like sore point above of my left eye. It felt irritated  whole time.  The high frequency voices started  seven p.m.  and continued torture midnight. I had  bullet on my left ear,  and I tried to ease the exposure by manual manipulation of my head.

Next day on  21. Of June, was  “after sauna torture” meaning of headache, and cold feeling on the forehead.  When I manipulated my neck, I found that the veins on my neck were sore. So they had stopped the blood flow on forehead someway.  I got my feeling a bit better after manipulation. On the afternoon they got me unconscious , “fast sleep”  . After wakeup the headache continued hour  or two, before  diminishing, and after the perpetrators started heavy verbal manipulation.  Evening before nine p.m. the high frequency voices started again on the left ear. I found that any metal sheet over the ear, can weaken the signal. The more important than heaviness of metal is that it very near  the ear. I found also that the actual torture  is probably done by computer program ,or compatible robot- manipulator. It can receive feed back from brains, and if it gets, word it send, the next signal  is stronger. One could sometimes also cheat the machine, by making on mind different feedback from source. Example if the victim could make  change on his mind  mind word” latter “  into word later, after some feeds  the next feed from signal  is “later” etc.

The next night  22 of  June, they openly tried to get me take out the bulled of my ear. I had also  metal sheet over the ear. They gave  electric shocks on  my ear . On daytime  ther was  some  high frequency torture from  eleven am.  to one p.m.  After some pause  it started again on four p.m. and  continued  some hours.

On 23. June, they tortured whole night on  left ear. They tried to get the steel ball out of the ear,by electric shocks, they gave my ear on some seconds intervals. I slept about two hours. They also told me that I will die for liver problems. This would relate pains on the right side of chest, they caused me day before. I just cannot give any credit for these speeches.

On night 25. Of June ,  was very similar than before -  except I  did not get shocks on left ear. This would cause for reason, that I but the bullet on my ear, after  high frequency voices started. On evening they threaded  to wipe out my memory, so completely I will not be able to speak anything.

27. of June I did not have steel ball on my left ear. This because I had invented  that sheet metal over  the ear, and high volume music from earphones,  between the ear and sheet metal, is somehow more efficient way to  resist high frequency voice.  This made them , do make some fundamental  changes on their behavior.  They insisted that  the music, makes  them impossible to make “flue gas” measurement from blood, and I would not sleep before  I stop the  music. This attitude was fundamentally different than before. They have done  all kinds of tricks, to get me behave, way they want. If they want me to change the side I sleep, they would cause pains on the sleeping side. They would cause ear ache, to get me to get me to  take the bullet out of ear etc.  This time they simply threatened to torture me , so long that I behave the way they want.  I kept the music all the night, and I did not  sleep at all. Anyway, I do not remember, that I slept. They also started the pain on the front of the right temple that was very much similar, that pain on the right eye before.

Next day was similar, except that pain on the right eye started after ten p.m. and continued  whole night. I used sheet metal  over the left ear, and  loud music  from earphones. I slept more than yesterday – about four hours.

The next day  was very similar, I  slept about five hours. They suggested , that I keep sleep diary.

The last day of June was different. I did not sleep at all. They used some kind of device, that did not signal words but rather sounds, that were much like water bubbling, or noise that come from large group of people. There were - of course - also normal high frequency voices, that repeated some words , thousands of times, and pain on the front of  the right temple of the head, that ended in the morning. They were prepared to keep me awake whole night, because I had slept night before.

On  first July, I slept normally. Pain on the front of right temple started  about two p.m.  and continued while. It was just a bit  different than pain on the right eye.

Next night started a pain on the right eye that   eased after ten a.m.  Next night was similar  pain, but also high frequency voices on left ear, that I somehow   eliminated with loud music. They also wake me up with cough, that is difficult, if  one is breathing with c-pap machine. I got also some backache, that they use to control my sleeping position.

On fifth of July morning  the torture on the high frequency voices started  eight a.m.  They were disappointed , because I had holiday, an d did not want to wake up, when they awaked me. Apparently they  had prepared something, for me on this time.  They did   very heavy torture, on left ear. Besides high frequency voices, they used  also some kind of machine, that did not produce voice, but  rather irritated feeling on the left ear, like some small insect had crawled there. I resisted with laud music and manual manipulation of head, and stayed on bed  over ten a.m.  The pain on the right eye that started on the morning, continued whole afternoon  and was heavier than usually.

Next day pain on the right eye started at noon, and continued on afternoon.

Near every night since, I invented loud music , with sheet metal  over left ear resistance, has went very much with same template. They start high frequency voices, I put the music from mp3-player high on left ear, that eliminate much of the effect of their signal. I go to sleep ,and mp3-player stops  when it has gone end. If I  am awake, I put mp3-player on beginning  again. On the morning I wake up, for some reason, usually backache, when my perpetrators  feel , that I have slept enough. If I have slept less than five hours, I stay in bed , and put loud music again , until seven hours, or so has gone.

 On night of nine of  July, they tried a kind of amusing trick, that worked  a while I was not fully conscious, but rather half-asleep. They wake me up , sometime on night. The music was playing, but  they started the high frequency voice torture, that the music for some reason did not shielded this time.

It took a while , before I realized, that the music was not coming from my mp3- player, but for their signal.  After I realized it, I put my mp3-player on, and the effect of their voices, did not go through anymore.  Actually It was not same music, and quality was much poorer,  so fully awake, I had felt the difference on seconds, but  half asleep it did take more time - ten minutes or so.

Night of ten of July, they kept me awake three a.m. I started to write this diary. After five a.m. I went back to sleep, and was able to sleep some hours.

I went that interested on my nightly oxygen intake,  so  I bought storing oximeter, that I  have tested on  some nights. My heart-beating on sleep is very slow under 50 beats  on minute. There are some moments  on night that oxygen saturation is under 85. Usually they last under  five minutes.  Interesting is that the heartbeat, stay same, under 50 time also on these low- oxygen saturation  periods, and heart does not try to compensate the lower oxygen saturation with  increased frequency of heart beating.

So  among other things,  they have wounded  my respiratory system  . If I correctly interpret what is happening now, the organs  next on line that are on danger ,  are  left ear, and right eye. After that  I have  still will have  working right ear, and left eye. The bad thing is, that they do not stop that.  Anyway they do  not stop, if any power  that can stop their experimenting , does not stop their experimenting.

There  are  several hundred others victims of mind-control experiments , who are similarly ruined from their body and mind, slowly and economically. And similarly as I, they do not have possibility to defend  their physical  and mental immunity. When I look past of American history, similar things have happened many times  before.  The ruling elite, has victimized minority one reason or another, and majority of people  has  let it happen, partly because they have not get objective picture what is happening,  but more because they are not used  to  do  something, and are rather object of  others  action , than people that would do coordinated action. And some minorities or individuals , the government could became  a bloodthirsty monster, that  wants and takes their lives literally.

The Canadian Indians that get their children taken away from them to put residential school, where  half of them  did not  get out alive, had no possibility for defend their children.  As one of them told  RCMP surrounded  the indian villages, and simply robbed the children away from their parents.  If half of the Indian children were  not killed  before their fertility age , the majority of Canadian population at least some provinces  would now be Indians, and this would mean that this could  have cause changes the political decisions  of House of Commons.  Now with aggressive immigration policy, and causing death of  a part of Indian  people on child , made Canadian white population majority possible. Actually it was somehow  similar , what Serbs tried to do their  Muslim minority, or  majority Hutus did their minority of Tutsi  population -  only difference that  the white Canadian succeeded , and those responsible did not go to human rights tribunal, as   Serbs and Tutsis responsible  did. Clear majority of Canadian people , and people in the Canadian  house of Commons, are now white.

Very much could not do also those people,  who happened to come wrong hospital on wrong time , and became victims of nuclear research. They trusted their doctors, and did not understand that doctors did study  on  their lives, how much radiation person  could take before he dies.  .  Those who want a better picture of what happened  , I would recommend Carol Rutz book “Nation Betrayed ” . It costs twenty dollars  from ordered Fidelity Publishing,  but nearly ten times more, if one wants to buy it from  Amazon com.  I do not know if  there is just a mistake on their prizing,  but my suspicious mind finds there could be some kind of conspiracy behind it. Perhaps  somebody has got paid to make “prizing  mistake”.   Similarly I am suspicious  if there are unfriendly pop-ups, or  other  problems,  on some politically active sites.Are these pop-ups made their owners, or just “dirty tricks”, from somebody, or some organisation, that does not like their site ?

14.6.2009  11.55  p.m.  Since my last writing on 25. May, the next note about torture was on 27 of May at 11.30 a.m.  High frequency voices started the torture.  The sentence they repeated several hundred times was   “K iron has K”. In Finland it has more sense than somewhere else, because there is hardware store chain that has name K-Iron (K-rauta).  However there was not any sensible message. I do not believe that perpetrators repeat the sentence that many times, but rather there is a some kind of mechanical repeating machine, they record the words, and after, play it again and again. This cause the ear they torture, to become very sensitive on same frequencies.  After torture example traffic- noise feels very annoying.

28 May there was pain on left side back of the skull at eleven a.m.  Half hour later, the high frequency female voices started again.  They continued verbal torture with heavy headache that started about eight p.m. This headache continued whole night, with occasional difficulties to breath through nostrils( Some days later, I learned that they can close my nostrils, so that breathing with c-pap machine became very difficult.  I guess they do it simply by rising blood pressure on nose, but this is only my guess)  They started also electric shock type pain on the right temple of the head. It later continued on front head  at 7.14 a.m  and right side center of the head  on 1.21 p.m.  This all happened on 29.  of May.  For next day there is only one note: "Continuous pain and sore head on left side of front- and center of the skull."

The torture continued even more aggressive on June. I believe there has come some new people that have different attitude for torture. First of June 2009 They started to disturb my sleep, and woke me up between 3-4 a.m.  They used also uncomfortable bed torture, to get me sleep on position they want, and aggressive verbal manipulation, that kept me awake.  On afternoon, started the high frequency voices on left ear. I had to put the steelball on my ear channel about 4.30 p.m. while I was working.  After two hours 6.43 p.m. I took it off, and high pitch voices started again. So I had kept it on ear whole evening and night. There was a kind of sharp pain on the right side center of the head, about five centimeters from right eye. It started about nine p.m., and continued over midnight.   There were also high voices on left ear, starting of the night.  They also closed my nostrils, so I had difficulties to breath through my  c-pap ,nose mask. It was like breathing through the nose, when one has flu.  After I got some sleep, they tried to manipulate, which side I am sleeping, by pain.  The pain on near right eye started nine p.m. and continued in the morning. I slept less than five hours.

Next night pain on right temple of head started 11.36 p.m.  The night was very heavy torture; I was not sure how much I slept. They used high pitch voices on left ear. Closed my nose to make my breathing difficult with c-pap machine. Actually there were pain on right side whole front head, and it felt very cold. I guess they circumvented the blood circulation there. This accompanied with uncomfortable bed torture, and very aggressive verbal torture.  In the morning there was still pain on the right eye. On afternoon 4.30 p.m. There was occasional pain on left eye. And shrinking feeling on the center of the skull. Later the freeze and shrinking feeling went left side of the head.

The next night on fourth of July, was perhaps heaviest torture on couple of months. I slept about three hours. There were high pitch voices tortures on left ear. The name they use for this type of torture is “cleaning recording heads”. Ihad to put the steelball on ear channel. They tied to get me take the ball out of ear by causing pain on the ear. I chose pain, instead of voices. I know that if they get to yell my ear by this high tone, I get sensitive for all certain frequency noise. Even the traffic noise, get me sick.  I did not get breathing difficulties this night, so I realized that they have closed my nostrils earlier, to get me take the breathing .machine out of my head (I did not take it off).  The daytime there were pain and freezing feeling on left side  of  head , during seminar on work between one and three p.m.

Next night, on fifth June, They used everything to keep me awake, high frequency voices, closed nostrils, and of course verbal torture. As a new form of pain they used pain in the toys. They did not use that much ear-ache as night before, when I put the steelball on my ear. I slept perhaps two hours. On day pain on the right temple started in the morning.

Next days were easier.  Sixth of June, was one note on pain on the right temple of head about noon.  Seventh day was high pitch voices on right ear 9.30 a.m.  They stopped after heavy massage of head. Ninth of June there were old type of pain in the right eye 8.29 a.m.  On the night there were high pitch voices, but they stopped after I put steel ball on my ear. Actually the ball does not stop the voices, but somehow I do not have my ear sore, same way that without any protection. Tenth of June were pain left of the center of the head 2.12 P.m.  11. June there was pain on the right temple of the head. I asked if this is a substitute of eye pain that I had before. The perpetrators answered, that they can give me eye-pain too, if I want it. After that pain on the eye started.

13. June morning, they started torture session about five a.m.   They used high frequency voices, like before, but this time with higher volume.  The torture ended a synthetic sound. After I went sleep. In the wakeup the left ear was sore and sensitive for all noises, because I did not have steelball on my ear-channel, while they tortured me with noises and sound. I had to put the steelball on the ear-channel for all day. I kept it also there for next night. I heard the voices on left ear, and other voices also right ear, but this time there were not that feeling that make the ear sore and sensitive. They were just voices. So this morning when I took the bullet out of ear-channel, my left ear felt better, and there were not also that high frequency noises.   I am happy I was able to resist their “project thunderbolt” as they called it. How ever I know that when ever they want, they would make my living very painful with nausea, headache, “hard head”, and other torture methods they have.

I have kept following what happen after Bush Administration torture and human rights violation revelations  that, I wrote on my last note on 24. of May.

 Senator McCain, along with  Sen. Lindsey Graham and  Sen. Joe Lieberman  have sent a letter to the president  strongly urging him not to press charges on previous administration officials who provided legal analysis in regard to detainee (torture) interrogation. Senator McCain warned president Obama to not prosecute John Lee, and other s from Justice Dept. office of legal council. "If you criminalize legal advice, which is basically what they're going to do, then it has a terribly chilling effect on any kind of advice and counsel that the president might receive”.

If Justice Dept. legal council gives advice that waterboarding-, putting person on uncomfortable box with insects-, or keeping person a week without sleep - is not torture - the chilling effects of this kind of advices are very welcome.

The same Justice Dept. itself prosecuted a Texas sheriff who had used waterboarding.  The sheriff was sentenced to 10 years in prison.  

The people on United States Justice system, have unique practice to switch    words, depending who is involved on case which they are dealing. Torture became  “enhanced interrogation” and human experiments that cause the victims deaths became “medical treatment” instead of murder.

Because Justice Dept.  has advised that waterboarding and some other torture techniques  are not torture, the  actual “interrogators” who did  the dirty work will not  prosecuted.

  So there is a new tool that can be used for administration to commit any kind of crimes without penalty.  The department of justice just gives advice, that president administration asks them to give, and after people, who commit the actual crimes are safe for prosecution. If the staff of legal council of Justice Dept. cannot also prosecuted (as Senator McCain suggests).  It means that everybody   involved planning and executing torture or other legal- and human rights violations, is safe, for consequences of their   crimes.

 This new instrument to commit crimes “legally” would have as devastating consequences on legal means, as subprime instruments have had on financial means .Both are inventions of   United States legal profession.

There are several mind control victims that have tried to get justice from United States Courts.  I have not found any, who has succeeded.  This case is on Norman Rabin . The files of human experiments crimes are secret, and judges are not willing or capable to reveal them. This is another way for   state administration to   commit crimes without penalty.

24.5.2009 11.55 p. m. I have got out from hospital. Because my note before hospital on 17.5.2009, was done on haste; I cover the torture since 16. April, just to make public more complete record what has happened to me.

 The next note since 16th. April is on 20.April. They got me unconscious on work between 6. p.m. and 6.30 p.m.  On 22. of April , a whole day, I was extremely tired, and my body was sore from everything ,like after extreme physical exercise. Next morning on 24. of April, the feeling became normal, just dry mouth on the morning. However after wakeup, I got asleep again, and I got dream, or their fabricated dream, which I call movies.  I lived somewhere odd town, on a rented apartment. There were cranes and some kind of factory that has a large moving block outside. Next night on 25. of  April,pain on the right temple of the head started after midnight. The center of the pain was about five centimeter above the right eye.  Before that they had got me unconscious about ten p.m. On daytime there were more itching on the head, as usual.

On 26 of April they did uncomfortable bed torture on the morning. They have again started to manipulate, which side I am sleeping (which side of my face is up). They do it, by making sleeping on "wrong side" painful. On 27. of April, on the morning , they started a heavy torture on the right temple of my head. On 28. April the torture on the right eye, started on 3.16 a.m. and continued long on the morning. Also they caused a dry mouth. Same day  while I was on the library,  after noon, they tried several times to get me unconscious, and succeeded on some minutes. There is a kind of electric shock when they do not succeed. If they succeed, I do not feel shock, but Ibecame unconscious. 29, and 30 April, there is just note for  torture on the right temple that started on the morning.

On May the first note I have,  is ofnsixth day. They manipulated me with earache to get my earphones out of my ear. I did take them off, but I put them back again, after there were no pain. Next note is on tenth May, pain on the right temple at 3.59 p.m. It continued until eleven p.m. On fifteenth May the pain on the right eye started after midnight about one a.m. I got sleep, but they woke me up about three four a.m. I got sleep about three hours. Next day there were headache on the front head, very similar, like their after sauna torture. It started on wakeup, and continued about noon.

Seventeenth of May I went to hospital. As a whole, the hospital was a positive experience. The first night they put me to sleep a kind of monitoring device that automatically tried to find the right pressure of the air flow in to my lungs. On same I tried fit if the design of the mask is suitable for me. The torturers were not bothering me much on hospital time. They kept some verbal manipulation, and the "secretary" was pronouncing my thinking, but the volume was more like whisper, rather than bone feeling voice, they use usually. Next day the hospital I got some blood tests, breathing test, and chest x-ray.  I did not find anything odd on the procedures. On the afternoon starting 3.15 p.m. The perpetrators caused some occasional shooting pains on the front side of the head. Next night on the hospital the staff gave me my c-pap breathing machine. I should use every night rest of my life. The night went for their fixing the suitable air pressure on the machine, so that the blood oxygen saturation  level does not fall too down, while I am sleeping. 

After I went to home -pap machine with me. The first nights the torturers were quite silent, but on 22 of May night with about 1.30 a.m. they woke me awake and tried to disturb my sleep, so that I had to put a steel ball on my ear, after I got sleep normally. Next night I got a dream, that my neighbor’s cat that became so violent, so that I had to strangle it. After I woke up my perpetrators insisted that the object that I strangled on dream, was not cat, but a human, and this human was on my room. This is of course impossible, because the doors were locked.

The perpetrators have started again use uncomfortable bed torture, to manipulate, which site I am sleeping.

There are some differences on life, I have noticed, before I started the use of c-pap machine, and after it. The machine is a kind of nuisance, so I sleep less hours, with it than normally. However I kind of get more energy, at least I feel so now. The perpetrators get me sleepy on daytime, but I have not found they do not put me unconscious same way. There is not this familiar electric shock that put me asleep. Not yet anyway. Also torture on the right eye has stopped, at least for time being. On daytime they are perhaps more aggressive than ever. Example on this morning between 9-10 a.m. They tortured with high pitch female voices. It looks like it works only one ear at time, this time they used it for right ear. The sentence they repeated hundreds of times was something like "knock knock triangle" on translated, which does not have very much sense.

As I told on my diary on 17th. February 2009, the perpetrators, had actually found the sleeping problems, and told me I will die for this problem. Because  their talk is usually a mixing of possible truth and lies, where the concentration of truth is very minimal, so I cannot give any credit for their stories. Apparently they have found, or  they have even  caused the brain damage that makes this problem.

I have followed with great interest Bush administration use of torture as an interrogation tool. The copy of original documents is on ACLU pages. It nice that some organization let people to read original documents, and not just journalist reference of them.

 It looks like army has abandoned the electric shocks on teeth tang and genitals, which were popular on thirty years ago. Now the people that teaches army-torture specialist (theyt are not called torture specialists, but interrogation specialists),  to use common tools, which one would use purpose other than torture too.

  Besides of much publicity got water boarding torture, among Dept of Justice accepted interrogation (torture) techniques is putting the person in small box (confinement box) on uncomfortable position with some insects. I do not know if it is specified, what species of insects are acceptable as a prisoner’s confinement box companion. Perhaps interrogators could use insects available on season. On warm climate, they  would put prisoner on box with scorpions, but on Northern climate, the angry bees could be the best choice. On wintertime and North, this particular itorture method is not usable, if not imported insects are used.

The sleep deprivation as a torture tool has still kept is popularity. According the army instructions the interrogators (torturers) could keep the victim without sleep maximum 180 hours at row. This means one whole week. After that the victim must have let sleep eight hours, and after the torture is possible start another 180 hours. I was kept without sleep with perpetrators on Canada about hundred hours, before I was able to get Finland with plane. The sleep deprivation was done with technique; they called name "hard head”. It is an experience, I do not wish even my worst enemy, and I am sure it made some brain-damage for me.

The decision of use of torture, came for foreign minister Condoleezza Rice, and Department of Justice made necessary changes for definition what word torture means , so that some torture techniques became  "enhanced techniques of interrogation" and  "legal" and acceptable tools. I would understand if  Myanmar  or comparable country, uses this kind of cheap tricks, but it is difficult to believe that this happened for 300 million people civilization, that has got men in the moon. If this kind of things comes out from dept of justice orders, one would just imagine, what would happen on courts of justice, jails and police stations.

President Barack Obama does not support legal proceedings against Condoleezza Rice and others responsible of use of torture, because the legal action against them is not "United States interest".

Decision leaves us on situation where some of the people are prosecuted for their crimes, but others not – example Condoleezza Rice, and department of Justice decision makers responsible for torture orders. This means that people are not equal - or as George Orwell put it on his book The animal farm "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".

However President Obama supports revealing public what has happened because”United States should look itself on mirror". After army officials resistance he also did not let the torture videos come out for public. I have different opinion that President Obama, but I understand him in the way that this particular time there is some danger of military coup, and he needs the Army support, to stay in power.

 We could roughly divide countries according army position in government. In this classification there are three types of countries. First like Scandinavian countries, army is a servant of rest of the government, and gives the country necessary shield of security.

On the second type, where example United States, and  Thailand belongs –armed forces or military industrial complex  lives in symbiosis with rest of government both have some political power.

In the third class is Countries like Myanmar,  army rules and rest of the people is just a kind of support class, necessary to supply the army for it needs.

Because United States  has military budged size of same as the rest of the world,  an some other weak signs , there is a great danger for United Staes for  becoming Myanmar type of dictatorship, where civilian population has put on the role of support class that must produce supplies for army, for  it needs.  The physicians would use analogy of normal  white cells of body, transferring into dangerous cancer cells.

 Barack Obama has a dangerous bomb in his hands. This particular bomb could easily explode, when try to dismantle.

17.5.2009 11.35 a.m.  According doctors, the pulse oximeter  showed ,that I have  some drops of oxygen consentration on my blood , during  the sleep , so they ordered me to hospital, where they study matter better, and try to find me suitable c-pap (continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine .  The hospital they ordered me, is old tuberculosis hospital, Paimion parantola. The tests should take two or three days.

I am a bit worried. I am helpless on the hospital, with no protection. I do not have much controll , what the doctors actully do for me. However I go there, just because they have ordered me , to go there.

I feel a bit like a Jew , in Nazi Germany that has got order to  go ”work camp”. They did not know where  actually they  were going, but just obeyed orders.   I just hope the hospital is ordinary hospital, and my treatment is ordinary medical treatment.

16.4.2009 11.20 p.m. After last note on my diary, the main difference for earlier torture experiments, are short unconsciousness moments, "fast sleeps". They have clearly increased from earlier months. They do something for me, while I am unconscious. Often the whole body is shaking when I wake up on this sleep. Other differences are short electric shocks on somewhere exact are on head. I call them stabbings. Increased pains on the right eye started about on twentieth February. They start usually about two or three a.m. and last until seven or nine a.m. 

 On 22. February 10.53 p.m. I have a note that they tried several times to get me unconscious. It feels like a small electric shock when they do not succeed. I f they succeed the victim goes to sleep.

Next day on 23. February, there was a pain exactly center of the head, between left and right side of the skull. Later on 6.47 p.m. the pain moved on left side on the center of the head. During night they awakened me about two a.m. and kept me awake rest of the night. Next day on 24 February, I was very sleepy, and made a lot of mistakes on my job.

I have a note on first of March. “High pitch voice to the right ear on ten a.m. to one p.m. they try to get me unconscious "fast sleep”, this continues also on two p.m.”

Second of March 4.24 p.m. I got a kind of different type short electric shocks, that later became familiar. I started call shocks stabbing. Half an hour later 5 p.m.  there was a pain on the right side of front head, which later moved on left side of the front head.

On fourth of March 4.24 p.m. They started pain on the right eye, and actually front, right side of skull on whole. The difference was that the pain was magnitude stronger than before (and lasted much longer than pain on the right eye, that I faced after this pain). This pain stopped after ten p.m.

On fifth march at four p.m. there were occasional pains on right side back of the head. 5.57 p.m. whistling sound started. Volume depends heavily where my head is turned. The highest volume is when my left ear is towards the Aura River.

After that ,  seven, eight and night of March there were mostly dry mouth on wakeup, and pain on the right eye that usually ended soon after wakeup.

On tenth march they ended my sleep before four a.m. by "stabbing" electric shocks on left side front of the head. The next night was even worst; I just slept three hours or so. They did take advantage of my tired condition. Stabbing "electric shocks on the right temple. The perpetrators have other name of the shocks I call stabbing - they spoke it as sticking with hairpin. 10.30 p.m. there were very long lasting "sticks under nails torture" it continued about half an hour.

On 12. Of March I got even five hours sleep, but the torture on the right eye, was rather heavy, on wakeup.

The next morning on 13 of March was similar. On evening 6.12 p.m. There was basically   stick under nails torture, but the difference was that it was magnified about ten times stronger than usually. So it felt like high electric rods were put on my left forefinger. This continued 7.22 p.m.

 After that, on next morning at wakeup, there were magnified pains on the right eye. They suggested that I put icepack on the eye, because it would otherwise show outside. I did not put icepack. The pain went off after nine a.m.

Fifteen of March there were pain on the right eye, which started before five a.m. and ended about eleven a.m. On the wakeup there was a dry mouth. On the evening 6.05 p.m. there was stabbing type pain left side of the front head.

16 March 10.14 a.m. there was pain on left side back of the head.

17 March Torture on right temple around the eye started 5.30 a.m. and ended about seven a.m.

18 of March dry mouth on wakeup sticks under nails torture about hour later.

21 March Sticks under nails torture started midnight and continued about ten minutes.

24 March. They put me fast sleep after ten p.m. I woke up on front of television set about three a.m. Feeling was like I had ants on my head. and I was not able to sleep at all. I got some sleep however, after I got my protection clothes over me, and put a steel ball on my left ear. I have talked with other victims of this steel ball on ear protection method. They have not found any help for it. For me it is really big help, a kind of last trick to get sleep. The ball is actually from GEOMAG children magnetic construction kit. The same kit has magnetic rods, which are great help to get ball out of ear-channel in the morning.

25 of March There was another stabbing type pain left side front head at. 6.11 p.m.

26 of March Pain on the right eye started before eleven a.m. and continued long for the after noon.

28 march several fast sleeps example 6.45 p.m. On awake, the neck feels different, which means they have "shoot" on the neck while I was unconscious.

First April there was pain on the right eye on wakeup

Next day, second of April, the pain on the right eye started about seven p.m. and continued after eleven p.m.

The pain on the right eye continued a whole week. On next week Monday I had a regular checkup on my employer doctor. I had complained about short unconscious moments and he had a theory that I have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. I had a breathing test, and pulse oximeter test on two nights. Pulse oximeter is a smart small device that measures indirectly blood oxygen saturation level, from finger by the color of the lighted finger.  On first night of test, the perpetrators did not let me sleep, more than two hours or so.  Second night I slept more, but the device, went off from my finger sometime on night.

I try to avoid unnecessary tests, because the less medical information my perpetrators get on my physical condition, the less they can measure what changes they have get done for me, with their torture.

On April the “Sticks under nails torture” was going more and more frequent and severe. Example seventh of April two notes 4.41 p.m. 5.55 p.m. and next morning 5.45 a.m. This continued eight and night of April with usual pain on the right eye usually morning, or night after two a.m. On tenth of April, I invented a trick that gets most of the pain out of “sticks under nails torture”. It is so simple; I wonder why I have not found it before. If I rub the sore finger something – that moves off the most of the pain. It is very important that one does this rubbing nail side on the material side.

Most of the pain transforms a kind of feeling of heat.  My theory for this cure of pain is that mechanical vibration of fingernail causes errors on receiving of their electromagnetic torture signal. This means that there is some kind of micro miniature “bug” on the nail. After my invention, they did try “sticks under nails torture” very frequently on many different forms. Now they have not done it, for some days. Instead they do all the other forms of torture, more aggressively. 

On night between eleventh and twelve of April, I went sauna, and they put me “fast sleep” there for a while. After sauna while on resting on the chair, they put me another fast sleep for some hours. On five a.m. I awaked, and I was so sleepy, that only with very hard effort I was able to go my bed, and put my protection on before I went to sleep.

I slept longer than usually, about seven hours. After wakeup my head felt odd on couple of hours. It was not actually headache, but more like feeling being too long time on direct sunlight.

On 13. of April night  was usual  pain on the right temple and right eye. Actually the center of the pain was about five centimeters up on the right eye. The pain vanished before noon.

I have got my hands on the “See snake” micro camera. It is actually made for investigation of water pipes, but because it is so small that it fits into my ear channel, I did study my both ears with it. I did not find any implants. Instead I found that my left ear differs from the right one. This is a picture of my left ear- channel. And this is picture of my right ear-channel



17 February 2009 11.55 p.m.  This look like a kind of waiting period now. They are planning something, and not do anything very special with me. I can only wait , and hope that things go better, and  not more evi,l so I can save my life and freedom. I have slept more than earlier. There were only a handfull  of severe disturbance of night sleep on that period.

My first note since eleventh of January is on 15. of  January at 2.24 p.m. Occasional shooting pains once a while. On next day was similar note 11.35 p.m. sudden shooting pain on the center of the head. Eighteen of January was long small pain on the right temple, that continued with some breaks whole afternoon. Actually it went heavier and focused around the right eye, and continued a whole next day. Next night was a start of the week torture; I was not able to sleep at all.

After one day break, On 21. January evening 7.30 p.m. the pain on the right eye , started again., it ended on next morning on wakeup. This continued nearly every night  with occasional dry mouth when wakeup, a whole January. I am pretty sure, that this eye pain is not their purpose, but rather, a side effect something they do.  I have a theory that it is because I sleep on  left side, they do something on right side of the brain , that is towards the earth.

 On night 27 of January, they disturbed my sleep by getting my getting me feeling high temperature, althought it was 18 celsius, quite cool., next day pain on the right eye started on morning.

 On  29 of january about 4.30 p.m. they got me trance, while I was working. I felt as sitting on the car, and I was danger to get shot, so I tried to put my head so down as possible, that nobody would find me.  I wakeup reality and I found, I was on as low as possible on my chair behind my desk. I was happy I did not get caught.

On 31 of January was nothing else but pain on the right eye on wakeup, that ended about hour.

First February started a kind of electric shock on center of the head about 2.51 a.m. It was not very painful, or long lasting, but it was very dangerous feeling. Couple of hours later started after sauna torture, with heavy headache on front head. It continued , with some pauses on the afternoon.

Next day , second february, again headache on forehead started afternoon 3.40 p.m.

There is a week pause on notes. Nothing special happened, just usual wakeup speeches on morning and occasional pains and itching, and some minutes unconscious states on buss, or at table, and about half of the time there are some verbal manipulation. Their wakeup speeches have before been hopeful, but no there is some new kind rather threatening manipulation also. In one morning about two weeks ago they example told me, that I will die for lax of oxygen, in one of those "short sleeps". The brains simply do not remember to give lungs order to breathe. According them this happen nearly everyone, who has manipulated long.

On eight February morning, they caused a pain on right ear, to get my earphone, off from ear. I did take them off for a while, but put back when pain vanished. The ear was not sore anymore. but they caused a heavy headache on front head, like after sauna torture.

On twelve February 4.03 p.m. is a note: Pains left side of  back of the head.

 Next note is on 15 February 9.28 p.m. Pain on the right eye, for a long time again.

I have added a new entry, on my human experiments pages. . Porton Down has British Army Chemical research and experiment Center, where Army has conducted years of illegal and partly lethal human experiments with British Soldiers.

On diary entry on 30 June, I told a kind litmus test, that a show, if country is the real democracy or just totalitarian country with appearancce of democracy. On real democracy police and army is equal for other people in legal system. Fake democracy, although police and army personnel have egual rights on theory , the laws are not implemented equal way in legal machinery. So  as Porton Down example, army personnel are not prosecuted for human experiments. On army experiments the  victims range for other soldiers to civilian population.  I used on my examples on bacteriological tests. Similarly police is not prosecuted murders and other crimes, they commit on their duty. This has gone into language, which has got some Orwellian expression where crimes that police commit are represented by   media as "wrongdoings" where as ordinary citizens crimes are called with crime real name - murder arsen or whatever they are.

The United Kingdom failed that democracy litmus test. Senior Crown Prosecutor Kate Leonard has refused to charge any of Porton Down scientists on criminal experiments, that have caused several servicemen life.. If one thinks that Porton Down case is not typical, where people are not equal before the law., he would example study Jean Menezes case , where  London Metro police was not executed unarmed Jean_Charles_de_Menezes) . Actually one would simply find all the cases, where police or army has committed crimes, and after careful study, find if they are equal of civilian people  under the law. Behind the Police and army are hiding the political decision makers responsible of   inequality Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior affairs etc.  Very seldom any of them were put  on any political responsibility, the  crimes -the  organizations they are  leading - are doing.

While  I was searching information about Porton Down experiments, I bumped a mystery case of  forty death  biological war experts. The whole case somehow reminds me Agatha Christie novel And Then There Were None . On alternative history pages I wrote what I think  is behind these odd mystery deaths.

I am very tired , If I do not put this out, they are torturing me whole night to keep me tired, so that  their is easier to manipulate me to make mistakes. So I put this on the web, and check it later, after I have slept.

11. January 2009  11.55  p.m.  After my last writing on ninth December, the next note on my notebook was on eleventh December, 5.35 p.m. pain on left side back of the head.

 After this the next note is on thirteenth December 3.59 a.m., but it actually talks what happen night before on twelfth December night: They disturbed my sleep that night, I had to put the steel ball on my left ear channel. I got pain on my right eye too. Also as an odd effect, I got something like heavy electric guitar music on my right ear. I am not sure how many hours I slept on this night, anyway on the next evening I was so tired I slept on my chair, and broke my coffee mug, that slept on my hands. On this night I woke three a.m.  with pain on the right eye.

Next week   on 15 December Monday night they put up their usual start of the week torture, that purpose is get me tired condition on whole workweek, when I am not able to sleep my tiredness off. They used high pitch voice, and I had to put steel ball on my left ear. I slept hour or two. Next night was usual fight for sleeping. The interrupted twice my sleep, and forced wakeup four a.m. I put steel ball on my ear, but they have managed it sore. On the Afternoon 5.15 p.m. I got a sudden heavy shooting pain on the right temple of my head.

The next note is on twentieth of December. On nineteenth December was mild nausea and sleepiness whole day On twentieth December morning there was a mild pain on the right temple of the head, which turned heavier around the noon, when it ended.

21 of December was usual start of the week torture, with sore ear, and backache and mild nausea. This continued next night I did not sleep at all. The next night was pain on the right eye whole night, but I was so sleepy, I got some sleep. The pain ended after wakeup seven a.m.

The Christmas was a kind of peaceful, maybe they were also on holidays, but on 26th of December they kept me awake until four a.m. They caused dry mouth on sleeping on 25 and 26 night - for some time three four hours - but not the whole night. That continued nearly every night example on 28 December, when there were also small headache on front head.

29 December night there was a fight about sleeping, and dry mouth on morning some hours.

The Year 2009 Started pain around the right eye on evening on first of January. It lasted two hours, and ended about 10.20 p.m. On night they suggested that I do not close my doors, in case of emergency, if ambulance has to go in. The Next day 9.30 p.m they caused a kind of heart attack 9.30 p.m. The actual attack was not very painful, but my chest was sore, when coughing, or taking something from floor etc. The pain went slowly away and after two days I did not feel any special. I did take my blood pressure, it was normal 81/126, but my pulse did not go under 80 even on rest. The later talks, they used their experiment term”stopping the heart”, and said; they have done it to me several times before, when I was young.

On third day of January, in the morning I was so sleepy, I went to sleep without my usual emf-protection. I slept about five hours, on wakeup there was heavy headache on front head on afternoon, similar like after sauna torture, except it was before I had went to sauna. The headache ended seven p.m.

Fifth January was usual start of the week torture, except it continued last night. Next night I have note at 2.11 a.m. and I have not sleep at all, they have even thread to force me out of house, similarly, they did Edmonton about 30 years ago. In the morning, when I had not taken the steel ball out of the head , and I manipulated head way they did not like, and behave some other ways uncomfortable for them. -  their tension came a kind of hot.  I heard  - true or not -  that they are in residence which owners have diplomatic statue, so no danger of police interference, although they themselves do not have diplomatic statue. The perpetrators speak fluent Finnish, so I believe they are Finnish origin. They spoke a lot more, example that I have a dehydration problem ,on my body. I did not wake up to drink water, after their explanation, because I do not want them to be able to make me do something, by providing (false) information   about how things are.

On eight January they put me unconscious, while watching television around ten p.m. I got awake on chair after midnight, and they keep me awake until about five a.m. I got two hours sleep, and went late to my work.

The rest of the week, they kept me sleepy, while I should stay awake and other way around. They also cut my thinking very often, when I planned something against  them. How it actually happen, is that , when I am thinking something they feel dangerous, they would example say ”you are flying too high” , and if I stop, or argue with them am I ”flying” too high or low , my memory is emptied from what I was planning or thinking. So they have a way to empty short term memory, if they get my attention somewhere else, for a second or two.

If nothing surprising does not happen, the time of President Bush leadership of United States is ending. On these years while he was the President of United States the average household income has decreased amount of  1273 United States dollars by this source. This is not all. On the start of his first presidency the exchange value of European common currency Euro was 70 cent against United States dollar. On the end of President Bush presidency it is other way around –The worth of one United States dollar is 70 cents against Euro, . That also shows the weakness of U.S. Economy.

On the time of Bush Presidency the definition of many words have changed “enemy soldier”, and torture for example. Now the Attorney General cannot say is the water boarding torture, actually a torture or not. This is a failure of United States legal system, similarly as inaccuracies of election voting system, which perhaps made George Bush, nomination possible on first place.

In Finland we have saying “If the head is dummy, the whole body will suffer”. Similarly I would say, if the head of the nation is a dummy, the whole nation will suffer. I wish better heads for the heads of the nations on future.


9.12.2008 2.38.a.m. After 26 of October the week started with “start of the week torture”. I estimated that on Monday, I slept three hours. On Tuesday they woke me up on three a.m. I slept under four hours also this day, and about same amount on Wednesday, when they woke me up around three- four a.m. On the rest of that week I slept a bit better, but there was pain on the right eye. Example on Thursday pain started after seven a.m., and continued several hours.

On November, the first heavier torture occurred Thursday on sixth November around one a.m. They started again torture with high pitch female voices. This time the voice was barely heard, but I felt the high volume of the voice. I put the steel ball on the ear-channel, but they continued. So I pushed the ball on deeper on the ear channel. After that, they purposely lowered the volume. I usually take the ball out on the morning, with magnetic rod. The perpetrators say that they do not like the ball, because it widens the ear channel. I have a theory that they do not like the steel ball, because, when I take it out of ear, it works like a vacuum pump, and could move the possible implant on  channel, between eyes and the nose. As a detail,  usually they wipe out, from memory, the word that the high pitch voice repeated hundreds of time, so I could not remember it on the morning. They are pretty good , for erasing singular words from memory , or suspending recalling it, but for a larger portions of matter, it does not work that well. If they want to erase a larger portion  than one word, they use different technique. They make twenty or so different stories of case, and the idea is that the victim does not find the real story, from twenty fictional stories. On my experience, this technique does not work as well, as erasing single words.

Some kind of disturbing sleep they  do nearly every night. On eleventh of November, I have a note, that they caused me a dry mouth. On Thursday 13 November I was able to sleep about two hour, under hour pieces. Along other techniques,they used high pitch voice,” sticks under nails torture”, backache, and as a new form of torture, itching on the toys. 

Saturday 15th. of November there was pain on the right temple of the head, starting 9.30 p.m. usually this is a kind of pain, they cause in the morning. The pain moved on the right eye and continued until next day noon. There was a dry mouth on wakeup also.

The next week I had a very little sleep. On seventeenth night, they had start of the week torture and they used a high pitch voice again. I slept about two hours. The next day was similar, except there were also heavy shooting pains, on the right eye. However I was so tired, I slept about four hours. Again they erased the words they repeated with high pitch voice during the night. Same happened Wednesday, they started "hope talk" about three a.m. where they explained, how everything will became better, after this night, torture will end, and I get a lots of money as compensation. Fortunately I made a note of word, they repeated hundreds of time before that  . It was “satavuotias” (hundred year old)

I got about three hours sleep. Nothing that they promised their “hopetalk”  did not; of course happen.  The torture changed pain on the right eye type, that started on night before I went to sleep. This rather heavy torture continued, every day with some breaks. Monday on 24 of November they started with start of the week torture also. Even on day, when I was working they caused on heavy pains on the right temple while I was on meeting on my job. My facial expression must have changed. They also caused me to disturb others speech, with caught they caused.  This is a trick they did very often for my embarrassments, some years ago.

 Torture on the right eye stopped for a longer time after Sunday 30th of  November for a while.  Instead there were severe shooting pains on left side front of the head 8.40 p.m. This caused pains on several hours after it, when coughing, so they must have caused at least temporary damage. On Monday first of December, there was a headache on the front head, like “after sauna torture,” but perhaps milder. Wednesday and Thursday was a dry mouth on wakeup.

Now they have started again the pain on the right eye. As contrast of earlier, the pain starts now afternoon, or evening, and stays in more time as before. Yesterday night they keep pain on the right eye whole night, combined with some of the time backache etc. I slept under two hours - so it was more severe than usually “start of the week torture”.

About mass-murders, and other crimes of Indians in Residential schools I wrote on 30 June - I was skeptical about truth Commission ability to find out  truth what has happened , because with  the 60 million dollars funding comes also the  control from Canadian Government. Now the chief of Commission Indian origin Judge Harry LaForme has resigned, over dispute   between him and other members of Commission, so there is reason to believe the work of the commission, will not be as good as it could be.

I have got as a feedback, opinion that native deaths of tuberculosis and smallpox on residential schools were natural deaths, and not intentionally caused on purpose to decrease Canadian native population. I have put Alternative history section a document which shows that as early as 1760 British authorities started killing native with smallpox infected clothes. Also on 20th century was well known how these diseases spread, but still healthy children were put to sleep same room with smallpox and tuberculosis patients on native children residencial schools. The vaccine against smallpox was developed around 1800, why every student on these schools was not vaccined against smallpox disease? Finally as comparison ,the Death rate of very brutal Japan prison camps was about 29%, but the death rate on Canadian residential schools were nearly twice higher  than that - and these were schools of children and not concentration camps.

There were disputes between members of Canadian Parliament also. Not about  mass murders or pedophilia on native on residential schools, or not ongoing brutal Canadian mind-control experiments - but for economical situation, and money. In fact the Prime Minister Harper has closed down the whole House of Commons, because of disputes. This has happened with the aid of Governor-General, who apparently gets his powers from Queen of England. Apparently his legislative powers come from ancient times when Queen of England really ruled Canada.

I am interested, how long the Governor-General can legally keep the doors of the House of Commons closed, with his legal powers. Month? three months ?, or forever, if necessary ?

26.10. 2008  11.37 p.m. On ninth of September night, there was a start of the week torture. They woke me up at  one a.m. and kept me awake until about three, or four a.m. So my sleep was very short, when I went to work. Only good thing was that there was no pain on the right eye as usually.  Very much same happened in next night, only difference that I was so sleepy that they woke me up two a.m. and after seven a.m. started pain on the right temple, that went after noon, before ended. The next night they put me unconscious on evening, so I slept without protection of my head. I woke up about four thirty, and head was like I had not slept at all. Friday on twelve September was pain on the center of the head.

On Saturday night, they made me unconscious, so I slept four hours without protection. After I slept six hours with protection, and my head felt about normal, except that they cause similar headache on the forehead, as in "after sauna torture" but perhaps not so heavy as usual.

Thursday, 18th. September, there was torture on the right temple of the head on the morning. On the mirror I found that the facial expression on left and right sides have become different. Is it purpose of their torture of the right temple, or just side effect, I do not know. Torture on the right eye, was also on Saturday, after wakeup, and it continued near noon.

Monday on 21 of September was stick under nails torture 11.26 p.m. As I have found before, sticks under nails torture occurs always on the left forefinger, so I have something special there.On the  same week Wednesday they put me unconscious 5.30 p.m. After I woke up I fled fuzzy feeling that some way originated on neck.

27 of September about ten p.m. again sticks under nails torture. On Night or early morning, they closed my nostrils, apparently because it caused errors on their measurement. I put steel ball on the ear-channel, and I got the nostrils open again. I do not know if ball caused it, or did they open it with purpose. Next day, after noon there was torture on the right temple of head that later on became torture on the right eye. On night they kind of broke my left ear with high pitch female voices. The voices repeated meaningless words again and again. On this time words were "Helsingin Sanomat" (the name of Finnish newspaper) and later "sanomalehtikone". I feel that with words feedback on brain, they can measure somehow, how the signal perpetrate on the brains, I have no other meaning, why they use words, and not only sound. I tried to protect my ears, on steel ball, but they got my left ear allergic sensitive for high pitch voice, they use. They speak this type of torture as ”making poor knights" (a Finnish dish).

On Tuesday night about three a.m. they woke me up, and started to torture with this high pitch female voice. Same time pain on the right eye, and closed nostrils. I put a steel ball on my left ear-channel, and got sleep, some hours more. The pain on the right eye, ended sometimes after shower.

Thursday night on ninth of October. I got a heavy  fewer. I was extremely tired, no appetite and room felt cold; even there was 23 Celsius temperature. I thought first it was ordinary flu, but because the fewer went out on day, and there was no caught, it must be something else. Before that day, they threatened me about coming kidney experiments, but this was not like kidney experiment. I did not have any oddness of urination etc. Instead my lungs were sore for couple of days after, so it was rather a lung experiment, or it has a normal cause, of something I cannot pinpoint.

. After that there was mostly fast sleeps when I go unconscious suddenly, and wakeup ofter some hours. and of course, pain on the right eye. Example, sunday 19th. October pain started about noon and continued whole day  and night until next morning.


Accidentally I met a Dutch victim of mind control (picture below) in my hometown Turku. He is traveling by bicycle around Europe, and distributing a flyer, that tells his sad story as a victim of mind control, and some other facts of mind control. Seeing him reminded me how I started to come public in Edmonton, Alberta.

After I realized that I newspapers were not interested my story, I started to make flyers , very similar that he did., except that I did not have that much sources on my hand this time, so I had much more trouble to get myself reliable. I suggested in my flyer that the reader , continue the paper ahead, so I could get base of interested people wide enough that it would force police political decision makers for investigations.

 This was a miscalculation.I hoped that one flyer would get ten or more people. Actually I guess one flyer  went two or three people. If the flyer went to person, who did not believe - or simply did not like what I told - he put simply the flyer in the trash.  There were also another reason , why I did not get my message through. It was language errors. English is not my native language , and for some odd logic Canadian  people  thought , that because I make errors in my writing , also my message is not reliable. Some people called the police, that simply said that whole thing is not worth investigating, and suggested to destroy the flyer.

When I realized the credibility gap, on my communication, I hired a professional journalist to make a flyer. It was a kind of good move. He helped a lot of me with all his practical know how. , He knew how to make layout, and arrange an affordable printing house, and that helped me a lot. That way we made booklet "my life depends on you". I made distribution with this booklet around Ottawa City, and Edmonton with post-office service, about 5000 pieces, and all the members of parliament. For safety, I went to Finland at the time of the actual distribution of letter.. Later on from Finland, I manually send the booklet all the addresses I found from The Canadian Who is Who book. As a result, M.P: Bill Domm made question of Solicitor General Robert Kaplan, but I did not get investigation I hoped.

If I had succeeded this Dutchman below maybe would have lived normal live, same as thousand or more other victims. But because I did not succeed he like I, and the thousand other victims of electrical mind control, has to run away torture and continuous experiments. My sorrow does not help, that Eleanor White, and tens of other activist victims, have not yet succeeded either. We did, and will do our best, what our tortured and manipulated minds can do.

The ball is on everybody, who understands the importance of question. How to make inquiry that reveals classified files of Army and secret services that covers up these crimes. According the Dutchman I met and , Autralian source,  the electronic mind-control  equipment have spread from Army and intelligence organizations  into organized crime-organizations, that do not torture and commit other crimes, with these equipment for research, or political purpose like Army and Intelligence organisations do  -  but torture and manipulate people simply to make money, with new techniques, that these equipments make possible.

James Henry Graf has made a good collection of complaints letters that he and other victims have made to different civil servants etc., responsible for law and order



8.9.2008  1.00 a.m. On August I have my first note on August four. There was dry mouth on awakening, about three a.m. After they tortured with restless legs torture and verbal manipulation , so I did not get sleep, that night. Next day on afternoon 4.35 p.m. There was torture on the center of the head that moved after six o clock, to torture on the left side of the forehead. The three hours - four hours a night sleep continued every day, until sixth August. There was also dry mouth nearly every night. On sixth day 1.40 p.m. started torture on the right temple of the head. This continued on next days. Torture usually started on wakeup, or night, and for  worst,  like ninth day of august, it continued a long on the afternoon. On Sunday, they started a kind of mild -After sauna torture, with pain on the forehead and general nausea.., that continued on the until the evening.. Next day w torture was on the left temple of the head. On thirteenth of August the torture changed back on the right eye. The sixteenth day evening there was kind of thread, to shoot with”real bullets", and "smoke sauna”. On morning of of August, was perhaps worst torture on this year. It started with "smoke sauna" I got difficulties to get air on my lungs. Fortunately I had a electric fan on my bedside. After putting it near my head, I was able to breath. The torture continued with general heavy headache on forehead, so it was typical heavy after Sauna torture, with a heavy headache, but the feeling of suffocation was new. I was not able to get up from bed, until near noon, I went out and they put me  fast sleep, on chair some hours. After this, there were some days with lighter torture. Perhaps there is some kind of point system, they cause certain amount  of damage on certain time. The point system could exist, on their organization, or just on  perpetrators on mind. However on night of 24 August,  just before midnight , there was a kind of pain on the left eye, like somebody has hit it, and later, they tried to torture with  high female tones. I was able to stop it with mechanical manipulation of head, and with a small steel ball on ear-channel, that somehow is working with just with high tones. On 27 of August, The pain on the right eye started before five a.m. and continued noon. Same day afternoon, starting at 2.42 p.m.  they caused headache on the forehead, making my work and thinking impossible.

On the last day of August , there were ordinary after Sauna torture in the morning, meaning heavy headache on front of the head. Because the perpetrators spoke on  Saturday “smoke sauna” , I guess they do it simply by cutting the blood flow on fronthead, so that my brain, does not get enough oxygen. This is just my guess, I am not sure. Also, I do not know why they do it. They cannot research, what damage a lack of oxygen causes on brains, for very many times. This time pain continued until two p.m. Similar mystery is  the pain on the right eye or right temple of the head, that they do nearly every morning, on wakeup, like example the first day of September. If there are mornings with no pain, then comes morning that pain continues abnormally long. This  was example the  Thursday fourth of September, when pain continued past of  ten a.m. On general last month, they have mostly try, to stop all my activity, not so much  by force, but keeping me extremely tired and passive. On their verbal manipulation, their message in many variations  was, that everything is going to go well, you do not have to do anything.



30. July 2008 1.10 a.m. The July started with pain on the right eye, on night and all morning. It continued on pain both sides of the head on afternoon. There were also sticks under nails torture example 1.53 p.m. I am now convinced that the pain on this form of torture is always in left forefinger, so there could be something special, on there. The forefinger is transparent under a good light source. I did not found any easily found foreign object there.

 My work started again on July fourth. They started to manipulate my sleep on same time, because  on  I could not just sleep, until I feel no more sleepy, like I do on vacation. On eight July, they woke me up about four a.m. Next evening about 10 p.m. they put me on fast sleep. After I got awake, my whole body was shaking, and the feeling was like after a car accident. Also torture on the right eye started,.Pain  that started on morning on tenth July,  also continued on noon. The pain on the eye, was not every day, but if there is a long pause, they do it very long time

On July, they send me, a kind of telepathic picture. It was scaring, not any words, and no real picture, just idea, wheeling. Later on they send me wheeling I was on the boat that was moving along the sea. Although there was feeling of sway, it was somehow less awesome, than the first one.

On 15th. of July they woke me up at 1.30 a.m. I got after sleep, one hour or two. Heavy torture on the right eye started. This continued with some pauses, until eighteen of July evening.  On 19th. July night about ten p.m. they started a shooting pain on left temple of the head. On night there was torture on the right eye, but after wake-up on 20th. July, a kind of drilling-pain continued on one spot, being very heavy about three p.m.

21 July they kept me awake until about one a.m., and woke me up about four a.m. So I would have got three hours sleep, if I had not gone to sleep, so that I was late for work. Night after ten, they put me "fast sleep" on chair. On sleep they did verbal manipulation, I cannot remember, after awake.

On Thursday 24 nights I got odd incident. It happened after one a.m. The person who was doing the verbal manipulation, mainly try to not let me sleep, answered phone. Like is custom in Finland he said his name. It was a Finnish name, Olli Laine. I do not know anybody of this name. Of course is possibly, that it was a phony incident, made up just to amuse perpetrators - but the other possibility, is that Olli Laine, - whoever Olli Laine is -forgot the situation and answered the phone. This kind of things happen very seldom, the last very similar, happened about ten years ago.

28 of July evening after 9 p.m. They put me unconscious until midnight. I was part of the time half conscious, but unable to-do anything.

I want to come back for my last notes on 30 June concerning Canadian Genocide. The Prime Minister Harper has publicly apologized the abuse of children what has happened in residential schools. I have got information that his apology was a kind of substitute of compensation, and there is no prosecution of guilty, or any further legal actions. This would means that Sarah Modeste, who sterilized without her consent by Doctor Goodbrand, will not get any compensation, but instead she gets Prime Minister Harper's general apology. Similarly doctor Goodbrand does not get punishment, and can continue his practice as a medical doctor. This same happen with other crimes. Instead of justice, the natives got Prime Minister Harper's formal apology.  Pretty cheap for Canada, I would say, if this information is true.

 I know Canada has done similar cheap solutions of state organized crimes also before. After crime   there are about thirty or fifty years silence of crimes and after would some cases come the formal apology, and some money, for those who still happen to be alive. Example was Japanese origin people inprisonment on concentration camps during the  second world war , where most of the victims get nothing for loss of property, and many years stay in Canadian concentration camps, that Canadians prefer to call relocation centers. The victims got Prime Minister Mulroney formal apology for 1988, when most of them, were safely buried on grave. The Japan Origin Canadian Citizens were robbed for their property, and put concentration camps, and they never got justice - they got only Prime Minister Mulroney's apology. There is a similar template is Crimes against native people, although I feel that the apology came before it was planned, if any apology was planned at all. If Canada use similar template with it criminal electronic mind control research, perhaps victims of mind control research will get Prime minister formal apology about   year 2050 or so,   when everybody knows there are electronic mind control devices, and Canadian  Government participation in these brutal human experiments, is commonly known.

30. June 2008 11.55 p.m. On last days of May, they kept me very tired. Most of the days, I slept under five hours. Only think worth of mentioning of these days, happened on 26th. May before 5.53 p.m. They caused me a kind of trance with odd buzzing sound. The same - not enough sleep -continued about first half of June, but this time I started to feel pain on the right temple of the head, and less frequently pain also on the left temple of the head. There were pretty often also "fast sleep", - a kind of trance - expecially on my favorite chair where I used watch television. I found the "fast sleep" is dangerous; I trembled a minute or so after wake up this trance. They can someway stop brain activity, but for stopping the head must stay in same position, this is why trance. Effect is very similar than after their "movie”, if victim is able to move his head, the effect has gone, and there is just tremble on the body. The short sleep ended couple days before I started my vacation. On the vacation there were pretty often these "fast  sleeps”. There were itching here and there on the head.  By mechanical manipulation I found that the actual sore points are now on front of temple of the head. The right one is sorer, than the left one. I guess there is a vein that they are somehow able to manipulate. The verbal manipulation has gone maybe more tense, they are now delivering false "news" how my case is going ahead. They like to bargain "compensation”, how much money I will get for torture, after the experiments are revealed.. I speak rather their punishment, how many years they will get jail, when all their crimes are revealed, and for this,they do not like to speak that at all. The verbal manipulation is important weapon. For victim, it is very difficult to keep objective view for reality, when "voices" are speaking something else 18 hours for day. They can also measure the feedback (what the victim thinks their   opinions and false "news" they manipulate ), and adjust their speech according it.

On 24 of June, they kept me awake. The next night I slept well, but on the morning there was headache, and the other side of head felt different than the other. This time I was also able to pinpoint the actual sore points on right- and less sore on left temple of the head. After this there are frequent itching on the head, sore points stay, and there is pretty heavy verbal manipulation, and some "fast sleeps" on outside on yard. There is no that much trembling after awakening outside. I have theory that it is because, the place is not always same, and they cannot do their "shooting" - as they call it - that accurately. With radio waves, the exact place of victim should not be that important, but for some reason in this case, it is. After mechanical massaging of the head, the white noise raises for some minutes, but also other times, there are very often some tinning sounds on my ears.

Sometime middle of May I found a little newspaper article, that Canadian Government has created a special  truth commission type commission to investigate wrongdoing on  "native residential schools".  The results of my short internet investigation were shocking, and the truth was not presented in mainstream media, so I made a collection of, what I felt key stories on my Alternative history collection. On history, the residential schools were tools, to keep native population small, despite that native people used have more children, than white people. The smallpox and tuberculosis children were not isolated from healthy children, and  schools were  kind of centers , where deadly diseases were spread to Indian people. Native people were not fully isolated from white people, so apparently these diseases found ways on the white population also. About half of native children did not return from  their isolated residential schools alive.Later, after second world war ,when Adolph Hitler program of termination of the Jews came known, the program of extermination of natives changed rather assimilation type of social engineering program, where natives were raised up to learn think as "Canadian" . The forced sterilizations were still left on old extermination program, and native children were used on involuntary human experiments. The torture was widely use on residential schools to brainwash students to obey and think "right way”, at least one school had own "electric chair"(3) to torture students with electric shocks.

The students were also used to give sexual pleasure to schools staff. It was more rule than exception that some of female students were raped by male staff , and surprisingly in catholic schools Nuns molested young male students.

The staff of the schools killed students for numerous reasons. Usually their bodies were buried somewhere in the school area. Now some of these mass-graves are found.

The government commission that cabinet created to study these crimes has 5 years time to complete their investigation, and their budged is 60 million dollars. I am a bit skeptical for these kinds of one commission investigations, that are so expensive that the matter cannot simply  for economical reasons study other time.. I would have prefer example three 20 million dollars investigation, where the investigators are chosen way that  most  of  the individual members careers, are not any way depended for Canadian government. They would be scientist from India, Japan, or China for example.

Why it did take so long, to find out what is happening? Why did not Canadian Parliament acted before? I feel that the members of parliament have a kind of, hard of hearing problem. They have selective hearing , the voices of native people and immigrants like I and other minorities,  are hardly heard. Parliament did not found these crimes before -Kevin  Annett, and others work - it was made them impossible to avoid the discovery  these crimes. Our group of victims of electrical mind control experiments is difficult to get same power, that  much larger native peple population has, and members of parliament know it. Crimes against us, are in worst case kept secret, until all of the victims of crimes  -and criminals  also - are death.

Why not police investigated crimes against native children, but actually did go to the side of pedophiles, and killers and did much work to cover up their crimes ? Horrors of native children schools continued nearly century, before it was uncovered. There is another case that explains the role of the police in the Canadian society. Similar child sexual abuse happened in Mount Cashel Orphanage.  Also there was police cover-up of crimes, and without Constable Art Pike personal bravery, the sexual abuse of children, would perhaps exist there  on today.

Similarly as other less democratic states Canada has "political police" . It is usually RCMP, but also provincial police takes sometimes political role as in Mound Cashel Orphanage case. There are some crimes that police investigates, and then there are crimes that police do  not investigate and take very active role , to stop anybody investigation of these crimes, like RCMP attempt to stop Kevin Annett research  work prove. Sometimes police also commit crimes himself, example to stop political organizations the leading party do not like. Without RCMP continuous cover up for decades the Native genocide would not have been possible. RCMP is perhaps giving up, for native residential schools horror case, but they are tightly covering up example electronic mind control case, and apparently also  many other similar  cases of cover up, involving  other serious crimes.

There is a kind of litmus test concerning police, that shows if  country is a democracy, and has  working legal system . When it is found that police has committed crime or tried to cover up  crimes - there are two ways to deal with these policemen . In democratic country, that has working legal system, the policemen are dismissed their  job and the crime-investigations are started. In the investigation the each individual are asked why he committed crime, did somebody order him to cover up the crime, who else in police co-operated with him etc . Later all the guilty of crimes, are sentenced according their crimes like other criminals in country.

On totalitarian country with non working legal system where citizen are not equal, everything is different. If somehow gone public,  that police has committed crimes, or covered up crimes, the victim of the crime is in some cases offered some compensation, but the   criminals in the police, will continue their work. Soviet union KGB-police or SS-men in Nazi Germany were seldom  sentenced their crimes, before the collapse of their government.

I did not find any news how policemen that covered up  pedophile  crimes in Mount Cashel Orphanage center was sentenced. Similarly I did not find news how FBI-policemen that sabotaged Martin Luther King work was sentenced. I have found yet ,no news that policemen that covered up rapes and other staff crimes in native residential schools are sentenced. There are many other similar cases, I have not mentioned.

Similarly as Army officers are not sentenced for human experiments they did for civilian people, members of police are not sentenced for  their cover- up of crimes, of the political system. This is just one reason why I put word ”democracy" in case of Canada between quotation marks.

Noam Chomsky has  suggested  the Nobel Prize for Kevin Annett, for his lifetime-work to get these crimes against native people  publicly recognized.  I support the idea. Not only because  Kevin Annett deserves  the prize, but also,Nobel prize   helps to get international recognition of human rights violations,  that  did take place  in Canadian Residential schools .

Like United States, Canada has succeeded to make image - a kind of false front -  of peaceful democratic country, where races live with equal rights. Without this imago-building these crimes against native people could had not kept secret and continued so many years. If Canadian, and international community knows what has happened, behind this advertising professional created, democratic image, it helps to build truly democratic Canada where people really live peacefully together, with equal rights.

I know  that there were forced sterilizations of native, also  on United States . I know there were also similar residential schools to teach native, they were just called boarding schools, but what happened there, is unclear. Were there also spreading tuberculosis, and  pedophilia,   and murders ? Somebody should study this.





19. May 2008 11.55 p.m. On April, I have a note on my book for  an exceptional long pain in the right eye. It lasted 10.10 a.m. usually it stops after morning shower or so. On the same day afternoon 5.29 p.m. there were occasional loss of consciousness, backache, and restless legs torture. Similar long torture on right eye was on 19th. April, only difference that it started three a.m.

On 23rd. April they started again restrict my sleep. There was uncomfortable bed torture and I got sleep for  under four hours. On the next night I have a note of dry mouth on my notebook. The dry mouth has happen more often than I have written down, because they have changed their style - they cause dry mouth for some hours while I am sleeping. I do not notice this, if I do not awake for some reason, and even if I awake I am usually  too tired to make note, and in the morning I have forgot a whole thing.

Between 24 April and eleventh of May, there did not happen very much. I have occasional notes pain on the right eye on four hours, pain on center of the head, fast sleep torture, and stick under nails torture.

Eleventh May morning they started a new type of shooting pain on the right side of the head. It felt  like after sunburn. Thirteenth May there was start of the week torture. I slept under four hours. They used uncomfortable bed torture and very heavy pain on the right eye. The whole last week they kept my sleep under five hours. There were notes on 14, 15- and of May , for torture on right eye at night and dry mouth. Also yesterday, they tied to keep my daily sleep on three hours first by uncomfortable bed torture, and later other ways. I stayed on the bed and resisted their torture with mechanical manipulation of my head. After several hours fight I got hour or two sleep 10-11 a.m. Last night I slept about four hours, they started verbal manipulation about four a.m. On the Afternoon about six p.m. they started a heavy headache on the forehead. It made thinking very difficult. However I must get the today's note out of this diary, otherwise they start delaying this publishing by torture. I will do, like I have done couple of times before - I make raw copy out first - and later when manipulation has eased - I correct the worst language errors.

It is not very fruitful to think what had happen, if something has gone other way in the past. However I cannot help thinking, what would have  happened, if events after my Open letter to all members of Canadian Parliament on 1981,had gone other way?

 On 1981, after my letter to  all of the members of  House of Commons, Conservative M.P Bill Domm asked investigation on my case for Solicitor General Robert Kaplan ,Conservative too. Robert Kaplan first promised to Investigate, but later they both backed out the case. Now over twenty years later,we have a register of over 600 victims that are taken to torture experiments, most of them  after 1981. If M.P. Bill Dom had not backed out of question and Robert Kaplan had done his duty as Solicitor General, those six hundred people would - with all probability  - had saved from suffering .

.  On this group there are some, which have deceased, for one reason or other -  and all those who are still alive, have suffered a lot. So the failure of members of Canadian Parliament to investigate my claims on 1981,  has caused at least couple of death, and hundreds of tortured and wounded victims for this day.

 I agree with Albert Einstein: aphorism:" the world is a dangerous place; not because of those who do evil, but because of the good men that do nothing". Albert Einstein did do something. He walked out for Hydrogen bomb development team when he felt that the weapon will serve better the  evil than God, On Contrary the members of Canadian parliament did  close eyes of the human rights crimes that  civil servants under their administration were committing.

Unfortunately existence of reality is not dependent, if we can see it , or not. The evil things do not go away, if we do not think them. The dangerous weapon is in the  hands of ruthless people who have no dimension for ethical or moral values on their mind. The amount of victims, that were perhaps under hundred on 1981 , have grown to over  thousand, while those responsible have tried to swept  the woes of victims under the  rug.

So what if the petitions of John Finch and numerous others people  to several political bodies and other decision-makers, do not cause any positive results? More people will suffer more - directly or indirectly - for  damages that electronic mind manipulation will cause much sorrow  for all of the  society. In past the number of victims has grown about tenfold from 1980 to this day. So if it continues same pace , the number of victims is over ten thousand in 2030. This is only a very conservative estimate, if the weapons are produced for mass use , hundreds of millions would suffer the power of these weapons. Even the members of parliament would come mind controlled zombies, and their  intellectual life is controlled outside of them.


14. April 2008 11.05. p.m. It is a  longer time for my last note, than usually is. The perpetrators have partly succeeded to my deactivation. I have lots of things to do, but no energy to do. Writing diary is just one of the things that I have delayed from week to week.

                      On 12 of March, they woke me up about four a.m. They somehow close my nose, so I had to breathe through the mouth. Later on they started usual pain on the right temple of the head, which soon became pain on the right eye. It lasted about three hours. Similar pains on right eye - starting usually morning, continued a whole week, and some next week.

                      On 21. of March there was massive long pain on the right eye. It lasted over 12 hours. The pain was different type than before -  and also later -  pain on the right eye. It was a kind of sharper than usual. Incidentally it was Good Friday. The day ended with sticks under nails torture 10.36 p.m.  

                      The rest of Eastern was peaceful – some uncomfortable bed torture, and some mild nausea on daytime. There were also occasional pains on the right eye.

                      Night on 25 March they woke me up about two thirty a.m. I was that tired that I went to sleep soon after their wakeup, but after second wakeup about four a.m. I was not able to get sleep. The pain on the right eye started, there were backache, and the verbal torture was very heavy. Expecially backache, or actually feeling of mild electricity on the back, keeps awake no matter how tired the person is. This was start of the week torture, and according to them, they monitor my tiredness, from blood condition someway.  Apparently their monitor did not show maximum limit, so they woke me up next night about three a.m. I am not sure if I got sleep at all; when the alarm clock woke me up to work.

                      On the weekend 29. of March, I had arranged a trip to Oulu, 800 kilometres North by plane. I was a bit worried about travel. However it went well, except an extremely strong pain on left side front of the head, before the plane hit the runway of Oulu. The pain continued about five minutes. Otherwise the verbal manipulation was very down with the entire trip, except some occasional whispering.

                   The trouble started next Monday 31.of March. I lost my appetite, and I was extremely tired. I could not go to work, and I did not even read at the daily newspaper, I just slept a whole day. On Tuesday I went to work, but I was extremely tired, and I did not eat at all. I started to eat Wednesday, and also my feeling became more or less normal. On afterwards I have thought, that is possible, that it was a normal food poisoning, but my perpetrators, can also arrange “symptoms” that are like food poisoning, so I have not sure opinion, what it was all about.

                      Next Sunday on sixth April, they started a full scale after Sauna torture, with massive headache in the morning. However it cut down abruptly, when my neighbour visit to me about noon. The week was pretty normal, with usual pain on the right eye in the morning, and ordinary itching and pains with verbal torture. Perhaps only thing worth of mentioning was a torture on right eye on eleventh April. It was pretty long, started about eight a.m. and lasted over half to eleven a.m.

 Yesterday was dry mouth sometimes at night, and pain on the right eye that lasted hour or two, and some sleep manipulation, and a lot of verbal torture. Last night I did not sleep at all, or if I slept it was under hour. This is start of the week torture again. They are planning to keep me sleepy a whole week.

          Canadian soldiers that were used as human guinea pigs  for studying the nuclear radiation effect of atomic explosions - have filed class action against the Canadian government. The soldiers were transferred to nuclear testing side with ordinary field clothes and gas-masks, while the scientist wore radiation protective “space suits” to prevent any radiation damage to occur them. The national secrecy rules kept the case out of court, and out of media, until this day, when most of the victims have deceased.

Jay   Paxton  - press secretary to Minister of Defence Peter MacKay -  wrote in an e-mail. "Our goal is to find an acceptable resolution that honours those who have given so much for this country.”

What Jay Paxton did not say, but what I would liked him to say,  is something like that: “we will have a full criminal investigation, to find out, and prosecute those, who made the decision to put our servecemen grave danger, just for scientific interest . Those who put Canadian soldiers situation , that caused many of them death,  or severe wounds. All the personnel found guilty for these crimes against humanity, will be prosecuted.

They would have used sheep’s, as test animal. They would have used pigs. If they extremely felt they must  get better information,  how many human would get sick from nuclear radiation, they would have used data gathered from Nagasaki and Hiroshima victims.

 Before to use innocent servicemen for knowingly deadly experiment, they would have used voluntary long sentence prisoners, who would have freed their sentence after test. The decision to use servicemen shows, Canadian Army do not take ethical considerations, on their decisionmaking. Only practical aspects counts. The servicemen were easy to order wherever their superiors want them.  

If those responsible for radiation experiments, had put jail after tests,we probably have not experienced bacterial tests for human, LSD-, and mindcontrol experiments. On the other hand , if we do not get jail now, for those criminals that are doing  electrical mind-control experiments, there is no end for deadly and  illegal human experiments. The failure of society to prosecute army personnel for human experiments  means that there is a lack of implementation of law in case of Army human experiments. One  group of people (army experimenters) can freely commit this kind of crimes, and other group of people (ordinary citizens) are  outside of the  protection of the law, and helpless to defend themselves against these criminals..

There are lots of  unethical and illegal routines that makes these crimes possible. Example on the case of these radiation test victims, the law of National secrets, was used simply delay the lawsuits thirty years, and so prevent wounded victims to get justice. Similarly Army does not notice victim’s of being subject of their human experiment test , but to get possible compensation ,  the victim has to himself, one way or other find that he was mistreated for experimental purpose, and his wounds are results of this mistreatment.. The  officers responsible for these kind of practices , should prosecute for defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The ultimate responsibility of Army crimes, is of course on the Minister of Defence, and all the members of parliament. Army is just a tool of nations defence policy, that works how the cabinet wants. This is how it should be, althought it is more and less a theory in some nations.


10. March 2008 11.55 pm.  

-On eighteen of February wakeup they made a kind of practical joke,  I would rather not to tell.  On the afternoon 1.44 p.m. itching on the head.

-Nineteen of February 4.20 p.m. They caused uneasy feeling on body, that made my working impossible.

21. of February started dry mouth manipulation on night and fast sleep torture on day. This continued a whole week.

25 of February start of the week torture. I did not get any sleep at all. Dry mouth also at night. Next day I had a very odd bad taste on saliva moment of the wakeup. On morning, there was  a headache on front of the head, and evening was usual fast sleep ,this time longer than usual - between nine and ten a.m.

First of March, there  was torture on the right eye. They started again , from a long time. It continued on two a.m. until wakeup to work..Next day 11.38 p.m. was heavy sudden nausea.

Sixth of March 1.45 a.m. They woke me up, with sticks under nails torture. My notes do not tell, if I had e sleep this night or not.

Seventh of March about three a.m. they woke me up, and told me, that they will put me "smoke Sauna" and later that they will eat smoked moose-meat. This is their typical verbal torture. Coded speech,that apparently has meaning that they will cut my air  intake. When in act, verbal torture, they will monitor how I understand their cues, and if I do not understand their speech purpose – for this particular speech the meaning for these two cues, they would put out third cue, until I understand their coded  message. This does not mean that they will necessarily shorten my breathing in future, but their real purpose probably was just get me scared, to get me awake - meaning to cut my sleeping time. They would have used restless legs torture, or sore back torture etc. but their chose for this time, was simply to scare me awake, so that they would continue talking, that only purpose is to get me moved emotionally. Another interesting thing for their speech is, that they very seldom tell anything straight meaning. I f they want to tell me that they are planning to torture me next night, they would example tell me "Next night you will dance all night, and I will give you some nice kisses for end of the night".

 In last month I have started to respond their "code speech"  kind of half translating manner - example  I responded  this "smoke Sauna" talk  "  smoke sauna does not mean smoke sauna in your talk but it means just something else" . For some reason, they do not like this kind of  response, or at least, they act, like they do not like this kind of response.

Eight of March 3.12 a.m. I awakened because I got blood in my mouth. It was not dark-red old blood, but bright red blood that has just come from somewhere, while I was on asleep.  About 7.10 p.m. they put me "fast sleep" . I woke up 7.20. I got some kind of dream on sleep also. This time I saw children running across the yard. Usually these "dreams" are senseless and often illogical pieces of life. Illogical for this means, that in dream, I make conclusions, that in awake are not logical.

I have found a web site of incognito staying victim, of mind control, in Canada. His perpetrators are identified for him as a part of MI5, British Intelligence Organization. He has also diary type notes from earlier years. It is remarkable that he is able to keep that well made web-site, while continuously harassment.

 I understand people, who chose not to tell publicly, that  they are victims of electrical mindcontrol. I believe nine of ten people chouse to keep silent. Neighbors and friends may not value person same way as before after his talk of mindcontrol.. Rather they would “diagnose” him as having some kind of mental disorder. However that more numerous we are public,  that more difficult it is ,to label us  mentally sick,  and not investigate our claims. Some of the victims are around the globe, but there are a very large portion of victim's whose problems have started in Canada. s I feel we could call this syndrome as  "Canadian syndrome". I really wonder why academic scientific world has not made any real investigation about it. How it starts? What symptoms? What will happen tot he victims?.

 Many  people are eager to find some oddness of  mindcontrol  victim’s  behavior, and interpret it negative way. But not many has not found oddness how the rest of the society treats us – media silence, police that avoid the investigations etc. Many institutions are not acting rationally for our case, but would rather go to  great lengths to not touch the case.

17. February 2008 11.55 pm. End of January were very much of ordinary  torture on right eye at night starting  about three a.m. and ending usually hour after wake-up or so. On the daytime there were itching here, and there, and verbal manipulation, and occasional "fast sleep" going fast unconscious state. If  I tried to do something they did not like, they made restless legs torture, and backache - that is new their torture repertoire. On weekend 27 of January was a bit different, they made "after sauna torture" type of headache starting about three p.m. On Tuesday night on 29th. They started start of the week type torture. The night before that, was not normal either, I got headache, similar than after sauna torture.

 30th. January I have note restless legs torture and backache 3.35 p.m. 31. January 8.18 a.m. I have note ”torture on the right temple of the head".

Start of the February there are no notes, but I got usual itching here and there, and verbal manipulation. I also remember that I learned to use massage of the head, which gives   a partial relief for their torture. The procedure I do is simple - mechanical manipulation the area of head where I got the pain or itching. The problem with procedure is that it takes a very large portion of my conscious time, and is not 100% effective. They can put me "fast sleep" if I do not get early clue what is happening.

The first note on February is seventh day 5.18 p.m.  when they tried to stop my thinking and work and used backache for this purpose. I guess they were successful for that. Next night they awakened me about three am. at night, and used backache among other things to keep me awake rest of the night. On tenth February 11.20 p.m. they used temperature control to make me feel hot and sweat, although there was normal room temperature. (Actually they ended it this, ready after I made the note on my notebook). They can do it other ways too - to put me feel cold even there is a normal temperature. Next day they put me "fast sleep" while I was on lecture. Sometimes they have put me sleep also on public places, library for example. It is very difficult to try to explain a  guard or other people, that I am not actually sleepy, but I am a victim of electronic  mind-control and my torturers have made me unconscious with some electronic device  to insult me.They can do it for couple of minutes, if I keep my head still, and I am not aware.  This is just one of a type of a series of  "practical jokes"  they like to do.

The last three days there are normal pain on the right eye between about three a.m. and 8 a.m. I usually can sleep over  it. Daytime was ordinary itching here and there and verbal torture and some try to "fast sleep torture" that were sometimes successful.

I found from old news that there were people found guilty of rigging 2004 election, I wrote ab out  rigging  of  presidential elections on third July 2007. Unfortunately George Bush was elected, and bad things happened as a result of election outcome. The State of California has now banned the electronic Diebold voting machines, but they are used in some other states, and can ruin the outcome of people votes. The new presidential election has not started yet, but there are problems of election frauds already.

20. January. 2008  10.20 p.m. On 26-29 of December, last year, there were about three hours of manipulating, before they let me sleep. Fortunately, I did not have go to work, so I could sleep long. There were no pains on the eye, or dry mouth in the morning as usual.

 On first of January 2008, they tortured until five a.m. It was mainly itching around the head, back pains and verbal manipulation. Heavy torture continued a whole day, this time pain was on both temples of the head.

Second day of January was typical start of the week torture. I slept about hour. Pain on the right eye started about three a.m. There was back pain, and dry mouth on the wakeup. They transmitted my breathing on high volume on my ears. I speculate they have wireless miniature microphone somewhere on the nose cavity.

Third day of January was also the third night of torture on a row. I believed they did it to study how a tired person is functioning. They have let me sleep on last three nights about two three hours.

Next days of January I was able to sleep better, but not enough. There were nearly every morning dry mouth, and pain on the right eye. Example tenth of January, torture on the right eye started two a.m. and ended about seven a.m.

Fourteenth of January, they put me several times on a row on fast sleep, when I was awake, I wondered around the room, feeling fuzzy.  On the work on afternoon there was restless legs torture.  Fifteenth of January was similar. There were pains on the right eye on morning, and on work,  

they made restless legs torture on the afternoon. That makes my work actually very difficult to do. I have tried to massage on my head on the place where the pain is. It relieves the pain, but takes nearly all on my energy.

 The magic of sticks under nails torture seems fading. The pain is actually on hand of my left forefinger.  So they perhaps cannot torture all the fingers, but just left forefinger. This indicates that there is something that makes them able to cause the pain there. I put strong light under the finger, so that I was able to see light through the finger, but I did not find any foreign object, so it must be very miniature, or transparent. I will keep book on other similar sharp local pains, do they exist all the time on same location of body. Today I have used a lot of my day to massage my head, to relieve pain. In the morning was strong pain on the right eye, and few hours later a mild headache. The itching look like is most on left side, and front of the head.

  I found that chimpanzees that are used as test-animals, get a better treatment than we do. If they survive alive for old age for all the tests, that researches do with them; they have a freedom of tests  in their retirement days. We don’t have as good destiny; we are tortured and researched until we die for one reason or other. The difference perhaps is that chimpanzees have a bigger and better  lobby in US. congress than we have. I wish that we - I and the least 600 other victims of electronic mind control -  would  some days have a similar  strong active organisation defending our rights than chimpanzees have in Humane Society of United States.

26. December 2007 11.35 p.m. On eleventh December, they got me fast sleep - meaning unconscious -  for three hours. After I woke up to go sleep, followed a night long torture, back pain etc. Next five days were mostly pains on right eye, or right temple, with occasional sticks under nails torture etc.

On 17. December this continued with increasing amount of dry mouth, after even minutes sleep. 19. day , the torture at night went more severe, with restless legs torture, and more severe pain on the right eye. I did not sleep at 19th. Day-night much. Dry mouths after sleep has became daily.

On 22. of December night they started with pain on the forehead a quarter after midnight. The forehead went very sensitive for draught, I felt that they have lowered the forehead temperature someway, and it caused headache. This is very similar, what they do for after sauna torture. I do not catch their logic, but perhaps the reason is,  that on sauna forehead has predisposed for heat. Maybe they want camouflage damages; they have done, for causing from sauna heat. 23 December was torture on the right eye and - as usually last days - dry mouth on wakeup.

24 December on Christmas Eve, they kept some talking, but no actual torture. 25 December, was usual dry mouth, pain on the right eye on wakeup, and after itching here and there, around the head.

I have studied mind control case of Brian Wronge. Brian Wronge has implants on his ears which were found with mri-scan as "parametallic foreign bodies". Later examination with otoscope, found miniature devices implanted on the membrane of his eardrums. Wronge made lawsuit against the State of New York. A Federal Eastern district Court Judge, Justice Reena Raggi instructed Wronge to remove at least one of the implants. Four prominent physicians supported the examination and surgery, but still Brian Wronge was not able to find surgeon that would do the job. Most of them cited FBI retaliation as the reason. What happened? Apparently FBI was monitoring Wronge attempt to find a surgeon, and scared the surgeons not to make any operation for Brian Wronge. Knowing FBI, the way they work, they probably told the surgeon that they would put him trouble, and let surgeon's imagination to work. Some thought ”trouble" means they would get medical malpractice suit, some that their home will burn by arson etc. The Wronge case was brought to attention for Physicians for Social Responsibility Boston Chapter, which after tense atmospheric board meeting refused to assistance to Wronge. Apparently FBI has it ways, to scare the associations too. If Brian Wronge had huge amounts of money, he would probably have get surgeon somewhere outside of the United States, but he was ex. prison convict, with not very much money. Even after arrange the surgery, he would have simply disappeared as many people do . Actually he had not very much changes to win his case.

 I cannot help, but this someway reminds me Nazi Germany, where handicapped and retired people were put to gas-chamber to save state money, with help  the local physicians community.

Most of the people have never heard Brian Wronge. The Google shows only 38 hits with words "Brian Wronge" and implant. The subject of mind-reading implant is however very interesting subject, and would interest for people to follow all the case for court decisions and examination and surgery. Those who are surprised of media silence, I suggest studying Watergate scandal when it started. Most of the newspapers, did not reprint Washington Post story, but somehow remained skeptical and silent. The things changed, because the opponent was whole powerful  Democratic Party, and not ex convict Brian Wronge as was in this case.

. The  censorship is like a black monster on the dark room, and we are not able to see it. We can find only a part of it only if some light comes to the room.

9. December 2007 10.55  p.m. Between 28 November and first December there was mostly torture on the right eye, on wakeup.It ended usually hour or so, from wakeup. On the evening were occasional pains, "fast sleeping" and restless legs torture.

 Second December there started "after sauna  torture". I planned to write my diary  text :"There was time when after sauna was no after sauna torture". They folloved my thinking and turned the headache machine off. I changed my text "They stopped after sauna torture after, I planned to write about it " . This caused that they turned the headache machine  on again. Later on they showed that there is actually two type of after sauna torture, the other one is just around the eyes, like torture on right eye but similar on both eyes, and the other one is more general torture also more up on the forehead. Actually the headache fade away  soon after that.

Fourth December they got me "fast sleep" about 8.30. p.m.  I woke up on midnight. After they tortured me whole night. At 1.07 there was pain on the back of the head. Later there were various pains around the head, combined with verbal torture. As a new kind of torture, they have started increasingly use also  back pain, which is not actually pain, but odd feeling on the back,  which make me sleeping very difficult. I did not sleep this night at all.

Fifth December was very similar "start of the week torture”, that purpose is to get me sleepy condition. I slept about three hours. They had disturbed my sleep three days in a row.

On sixth and seventh of December, there were just occasional torture and verbal manipulation, but eight December they tortured various ways at night, about until three a.m. Next day the perpetrators used heavy burning like pain on the left side of the head on 11.51 a.m.

Today the torture on the right eye, that was nonexistent nearly week started again  after noon and now extremely painfull,. It continued very  heavy and widened on the right temple of the head, and caused a general nausea until it diminished after four p.m. During the torture they hinted to put me "hospital condition", soon.  The brutality of the torture made me little scare. Actually similar was what happened, Edmonton Alberta, about thirty years ago. It was not pain, but general nausea, and disability to sleep, that forced me into hospital, where were "spy-school" set up was ready. On the ward I was put. I am not sure if I was the only "real" patient, but all of the patients, were not real. Also from ward television room television set showed special "programs" white clothing doctors climbing on the buildings wall, and not so well made vampire type movies. However Peter Hays was the doctor of the ward, so he must have  co-operated with the perpetrators.

I did a Google search with words ""Martti Koski" mind control" on pages that have appeared  this year. I got two hits. So I made similar search with much less known search machine Alta Vista, and I got seventy hits. Words mind control electronic gave with Google year ago about 53 million hits. Now same search gives only One million and four hundred thousand hits. So we should not trust for one search machine , but use several, and compare the results. This gives us some hints, which search engines are manipulated, and which way.

25.11.2007 11.55. p.m. The torture started heavy on November, with start of the week torture. The torture started with a sharp pain on forehead when I went to sleep. They woke me up at two a.m.  And later on four a.m. I slept two or three hours. Next morning there was a very dangerous feeling pain on the back of the head 8.18 a.m.

Very much same started on the next day. Pain on forehead 11.30 p.m., heavy pain on the right temple of the head 14th. November 2.44 p.m and torture left side back of the head. 10.38 p.m. I felt pain on the left, back of the head, when I tied my shoelaces. I interpret it, that they caused a wound for my head, and it hurts, when the blood pressures on the head rise when my head is down. Next day was normal occasional pains on the head and verbal torture.

On 16 November 2.55 p.m I had note that. They got me unconscious, and I felt fuzzy when I awakened. Actually this happens nearly every day, usually I do not write about it. Sleep is about 5-10 minutes, and the head feels fuzzy when I move it for sometime.

 On 17th. November was a day of headache. It started as a headache on forehead on the wakeup, and continued until night, althought it moved around of the head.

23rd November daytime, they freeze my memory; I was not able to remember names of the people. On the going sleep there was torture on the back of the head. A day later midnight there was a pain on the back of the head. 1.11. a.m. They threatened to put me into "electric sauna", and   my imagination makes their perverse codename or idiomatic expression real meaning about heating the head or part of it.

As a positive happening, my sleep was not disturbed on last three days. Feeling for not tired is just different as the tired one. Now they try to get me unconscious, with small- a kind of electric shock. But I will make some tea and finish this writing.

Also other than intelligence organizations are making microscopic radio devices. I hope that decision makers understand, that the time does not stop, or start to go reverse direction. Problems of electronic mind manipulation do not go away, but grow larger even our institutions predict they do not see any ethical problems for electronic mind manipulation devices that exist and are secretly used for various purposes.

11.11.2007 11.55 p.m. As  general, the perpetrators have gone more aggressive, expecially at night. They want to shorten my sleeping time. On the weekend 28 October, they started at noon on pain on the right temple of the head. It continued for evening, and after it became very heavy torture on the right eye at 8.30 p.m. On  night was start of the week torture, I slept maybe two hours. The perpetrators have got permit or order to torture me heavier.They verbalized it, for their typical idiomatic code language "you have got a pay rise”. That does not mean I got more money from somewhere, but that they will torture me more than before. The next days were more silent because I was very tired and often slept on the chair after I went home. However often they woke me up at two am, and started for example uncomfortable bed torture, to get my head position they want.

The next week started again "start of the week torture”. On fifth November morning, I was not sure if I had slept at all. Pains were this time on the right temple and the other leg. Next day 10.42 p.m. I felt like they were blocking my blood-vessels on the neck. On Wednesday, I went to North for my aunt’s funeral. Apparently they did not follow me. Their voice was sometimes possible to hear, but rather weak. After I come back on tenth November they tortured me until four a.m. Happily I did not have to go work, so I was able to sleep enough later. They also showed me a "movie” while asleep. It was rather a  poor quality one. I am not made up my mind, what the "movies" actually are. They are like ordinary dreams, on the way that I forget most of them after I awake, but on other hand, they are made different way, and sometimes I am not even present, so I believe they are more than dreams that the perpetrators somehow interfere. They are artificial-dreams that are made for some purpose.

This link is for a part of Raven1 alias Eleanor White website; she has grouped her collection of thousands of mind control related articles into alphabetical order. This another  page of her website shows list of hundreds of other mind control related websides. Considering huge amount of information there is about electronic mind control on internet, one would surprise of almost nonexistent information that major media has this phenomenon. There are considerable caps on the map that commercial- and government sponsored media draws for reality and world. Active mind can uncover some of these caps, but most of the people are not aware that there are such caps between real world and the real world as the major media present  it. So it is not surprise that many people sense of reality for some issues is distorted. In fact most of the people of Second World War Nazi-Germany did not know- or believe that million of Jews were killed on government concentration camps.

27.10.2007. 11.54 p.m. There was no torture on my trip to Stockholm. However their behaviour, before the trip was typical to preparing heavy torture. I believe that the writing on this diary changed their mind. They did not want any potential observer to watch their manipulation, so they cancelled the planned torture-experiments.
Since Estonia accident all the ferry companies, are required to keep book for  names of all their travellers. If I  had access for these databases, I would like to compare the records of passengers on trip I had summer 2006 with Silja Line, and last trip with Viking line. I would also make special attention also cancelled trips on this later Viking line trip. That way there is a good possibility to find some members for the perpetrator organisation.  The police, from both countries, would have access these records, I cannot inspect.
With a good luck these records would reveal Finnish military or intelligence organisations possible participation and role, of my torture. The possibilities of Finnish military organisation are basically joint research and outside observer.

The joint research means that Finnish military does the dirty work, supplies the victims of experimentation. The other side – which could be another, or group of NATO countries - gives their knowledge of experimentation. Finnish army can this way acquire knowledge ,and perhaps equipments for modern  electronic mind control, interrogation and torture techniques. It is known for history, that some right-wing Finnish military officers have done co-operation with US- army, while it was highly dangerous and illegal , because of agreements of Soviet Union that existed on this time.

 Outside observer means that Finnish  are observing, and cathering information, who torture, how, and why. The purpose is to use in formation that is gathered,one way or other, trading with other intelligence organisations.

There is also  third - and the  least propable possibility. That is that Finnish  do not know, or believe that I am tortured, or they are not interested for it.      
After the trip it was very normal manipulation, and torture however they let me sleep a bit better than the week before. On night between Monday and Tuesday they did try to plant me false-memories. It worked a while, while I was half asleep, but later I found the falsification. The problem is that when they succeed, the victim perhaps never find the falsification.

On last week,they have put me pretty often short-term unconscious state on , while I have worked. The new thing is, that when I awake, the colours seem some second or so different. Like with bad digital camera, the most dominant colours of place, have tinted the rest of the colours too. The effect stands just a moment. After couple of seconds, the eye sees everything normal way.

19.10.2007   3.15 a.m. They have now tortured me whole night, and is improbable that I can get sleep this night, because after couple of hours, I have to go to work. The problem is that I have to travel next night and in past they have often put me through heavy torture, while I am somewhere else than home, and cannot protect myself as well. This kind of heavy torture happened in third May last year, with similar trip. They have also threatened on evening "to put you dance”, what in their code language means just something else than dancing. However I am doing the trip, even thought in worst case, they would keep me over sixty hours without sleep. I believe I still stay alive over the trip.

15.10.2007 7.51 p.m. The most of the nights, there were some high pitch female voices that tortured on the left ear, 11. October they tortured one a.m. to four a.m. , and  after I went to asleep, I got a dream, I feel was manipulated.. Next morning I got nausea, and torture was left side of head. That is the other typical phenomena for last days. Actually I feel if I start to research something, or other things, they don’t like - then starts the pains, itching, and freezing feeling on the left side. They used this my deactivating name Tying hands., Yesterday I had to suffer "start of the week torture" where they try to put me tired condition for a workweek. I did not sleep at all yesterday.

 About three a.m. I had one of a kind of typical conversation with one of the perpetrators, I wrote it on paper quarter after three last night; because I threatened put it out on this diary. Here how it went:

Perpetrator: "Your diary is not threat for us. We have monitored it, there are just few users.

Me:”Someday people know what you did for us. After you will put in prison.

Perpetrator:”This is very improbable possibility. Even if it happen, so what? We got maximum two three years for prison then we will go out again. Most probably we don’t have to go prison at all.

Me:”The world is not just. For thirty years of torture, you mean you get only two three years of prison sentence. It is not enough.

Perpetrator: "What do you think, is the right length of the sentence?

Me:" For fifteen years at least.

Perpetrator:" There are professor's here, you cannot imagine, they have to go into jail."

Me:" You mean , we live in a class society, where person's sentence, depends his status on society, what he earns, and what is his occupation, and not what crimes he has committed, and how much harm he has done to other people.

Perpetrator:”What you can do? You are full mummy on the end. You cannot get many words from your mouth. You cannot live on your own any more. Somebody has to take care for you.

Me:”I can put this conversation on my public torture diary"

Perpetrator:" Go ahead. People laugh at you."

Me: "I will do it".

So I woke up middle of the night, (3.13 am exactly) and put paper the most important pieces of this conversation, in case my memory is wiped out in the morning. Every word is not perhaps same, but this is how the conversation went. If the perpetrators recorded it, the exact words are possible to restore perhaps future.

The problem is that they are probably right. I cannot remember any case of US- history where army- or related CIA etc. personnel have put into prison, for involuntary human experiments. Nobody went jail for LSD- experiments. Nobody went prison for spreading carcinogens or bacteria or virus into air. If any civilian organization, that has experimented same, people would have to stay rest of their lives on jail, and pay massive amount for victims of their experiment.

I am now reading text, I feel that  has some important insights into electromagnetic mind control I have experienced. Unfortunately it is German language. I don not understand German language, so I have to read with Google mechanical translation.

There is the original German language document.


10. October  11.30 p.m.   This below is a copy of what I have written on my daily torture notebook, since the last writing on my diary. The torture notebook does not tell whole torture, but because I keep it always with me, it is more complete and accurate than this diary. I have added some explanations, for the text. I use on the notebook  two coordinate location system to tell where pain actually occurs, left center or right-  and front center or back. I feel for the outside person, it is not very interesting to read, but this is what actually happened to me day to day.  Somebody would feel that verbal manipulation is more important than pains, but for me the pains are kind of signs of how they are manipulating my behavior. Verbal manipulation is just for thei measure  how my brain is working, and their try to direct my brain activity somewhere.

  - 10.9.  4.37 p.m. Torture on the right side center of the head.

  - 11.9.  9.38 a.m. Very dangerous feeling torture, near left ear.

  -13.9.  4.33 p.m.  In the morning they woke me up four a.m. I got perhaps three hours sleep. Now torture on very down left side of the head, and neck on left side.

         - 4.40 p.m. Very heavy torture on left side, center of the head. I complained that they have cut my all dreams, or interfered for them on yea

        - 5.51 p.m. Torture continues. Heavy pulsing type pain, that feels like breaking something on the left side of the head.


   -14.9.  7.10 a.m. Torturedoes place  on the right temple of the head. It started about six a.m. and ended about hour later

            3.31 p.m. Torture is  on the front of the head, right side.

  -15.9.   4.21 a.m. They started torture on left side front of the head. I feel like they have stopped the blood flow on this area.

 -16.9   5.51 p.m. On wakeup in the morning, they tortured right eye. That lasted about hour. Now they started torture on left temple of the head (usually they do this on right side.)

 - 17.9.  12.35 noon. Torture is based on the center of the head.

         -10.00 p.m. They "shoot" me on the left ear with voice about ten minutes ago. hae similar.


-19.9.  12.06 noon. I have odd tiredness and muscle pains. Last night I felt cold, even thought temperature was normal. They have done this same thing for  me, on earlier also.

        -5.35 p.m. Restless legs torture, started about hour ago


 - 20.9.   3.20 p.m. Torture on left side on the center of the head.

           - 5.15 p.m. Restless legs torture

          -5.52 p.m. They are freezing my head on left side, front of the head.


 - 21.9.  2.24 p.m. Torture on the left side center of the head.

        - 3.45 they try to disturb me, so that I cannot do my work, because they do not understand what I am doing.

 - 22.9.  . 10.28 a.m. Torture on the right temple of the head.

 -23.9.  - Torture on the left side, center of the head. On the wakeup on morning, I had a dry mouth.

 - 24.9.  6.40 a.m. Heavy torture since 4.35 a.m.  They made a new "hole" on the left side front of the head. My theory for what happen is that there are several small implants on the head, and they activate them by giving very heavy electricity for this implant,  making new "hole".  The feeling is first like itching, after electricity on sharp point of head, and after the whole area is very sensitive for their torture. After similar "opening", my left ear is much more sensitive on their high voices, than the right one. By the way they call their torture for”filming" or "shooting". On my notebook I make always note on which place of the head pain occurs with two coordinate left or right and other coordinate front and back.

 - 25.9.   2.54 p.m. Torture on center, back of the head.

 - 26.9   8.49 a.m.  Torture based on the left side, center of the head.

 - 27.9.  4.15 p.m. Sudden heavy torture on the left side, center of the head.

 - 29.9.   Torture on the right temple of the head.

 - 30.9.   2.34 p.m. Torture based on the left side, front of the head.

 - 1.10   12.37 noon. Torture based on the left side, back of the head.

 - 2.10.  9.33 a.m. Last night they tortured with voice on the right ear (This must be actually the left ear, because it is the sensitive one.). They did try to get me sleep on the other side, so that the sensitive ear is on the floor side. About eight a.m. They tortured the right temple of the head.

                        - 2.35 p.m. Torture on the right temple of the head.

                        - 3.32 p.m. Heavy torture on the right temple of the head.

                        - 6.42 p.m Heavy shooting pains on the right temple of the head.

 -3.10.  7.54 a.m. Yesterday torture -  expecially shooting pains -  caused wounds that are still hurting. I found that I lost also some memory, meaning I cannot recall all the words, I use. (Actually I gained at least part of the lost memory on next day)

 - 4.10.  7.40 a.m. Last night they disturbed my sleep with sticks under nails torture, and uncomfortable bed torture. I also have dry mouth, for a while. Now they torture on the right temple of the head.

                  -2.49 p.m. Torture based on the center of the head starting 1.22 ended on twenty minutes, and started again a. moment ago.

 - 5.10.   6.11 a.m.  They do torture on the right eye.

 - 6.10.  10.41 a.m. Their torture on the right eye started about 3.40 a.m.  and it is still continuing. Also I had a dry mouth part of the night, like they used to do nearly every night on last weeks.

 - 7.10.  12.54 noon. After sauna torture and some nausea, that was very heavy, but ended shortly, opposite of the old times after sauna tortures.

 - 8.10   5.11 a.m. Start of the week torture. I did not sleep at all. Torture based on the left side front of the head.

                    -4.41 p.m. Restless legs torture.


 - 9.10   11.22 a.m. They do torture on the right eye. They kept me very sleepy last night I went unconscious on my chair twice on evening.

                   - 5.21 p.m. heavy itching around the head.

10.10  9.32 p.m. Heavy itching on the left side front of the head.

 So restless legs torture and sudden sleepiness are their way to stop what I am doing. Pains on the head, is something they are doing on teaching or research purpose. Then there are a massive amount of practical jokes, they like to have fun with me. Many of them, I found only after they have stopped repeating jokes. One of  simplest they used to do, is feeling to need to urinate, always after twenty minutes, that I believed long, was just my poor bladder, after is suddenly without reason , came normal two hour frequency. There are also some practical jokes they use to manipulate me, example uncomfortable bed torture; they try to get me turn right side to left when I am sleeping.

I have read with great sympathy Norwegian technical diver’s fight with governments and big oil industry. This is a link for their web side. Very many of the divers that have done maintenance work on oil rigs on North Sea  are now death , because of circumstances that were  between criminal negligence and premeditated murder. The people responsible are still walking free.

9. September 2007 11.55 p.m. On days of the end of August, I have notes on occasional torture on the left side of the head . August 30 5.41 a.m. They cut pieces out of my memory, because they did not understood my abstract thinking (about types of  inflation). If the victim understood more than his perpetrator, the perpetrator cuts these memory pieces off , so that he understood everything what his victim is thinking and there is no secrets. This happens me more often than I have made notes for it. After cutting my memory they caused heavy pain on left side of the head, and later on the right eye. 31. August 7.37 p.m. they caused pain on left side of body, just under heart. First September morning was pain on the right eye again. The next days until now there were less pain ,and more verbal torture, although the pain when it suddenly occurred was more severe than usually. Long lasting severe torture started yesterday, when there was a pain on the right temple of the head, and later on the right eye, that lasted nearly 24 hours, it ended on Saturday evening. Last night was other ways normal, except they kept my sleep shorter than I needed. The reason came out on today. They got me unconscious while I was reading middle of the day, I even had a dream, I am not sure, was it artificial or a natural dream. They have got me dry mouth I believe nearly every day, but they do it at night, and sometimes I awake for it, sometimes not.

One of the largest sites of mind control information is mind control forum . I found there a list of names and email addresses 607 victims. The list is not complete, even I know some victims, who are not on the list, but it is the most complete list of victims I have seen. I have put it’s link on my mind control stories page, with sincere wish, that wider publicity helps members of that list, that they do not get into same sad destiny as a list of members of Cincinnati Radiation Experiments which nobody survived alive for deadly experiments. I wish that listed members of our list will all survive alive. We are already wounded, some more, some less, so I hope also that we are not tortured and wounded any more. I believe that some day some light will come on these experiments, same way as it come for deadly radiation experiments,  this madness cannot continue forever.


27. August 2007 11.10 p.m. On eight of August they awakened me 3.40 am. After there  was torture on the right eye. The next day was similar: Awakening 3.38 a.m. torture on the right eye ended about 6.50 a.m. after shower. Afternoon on the same day there were  shooting pains on the back of the head. These continued until eleventh August  and  headache on front head, and pain on the right eye started again. The next days were more silent, with only verbal torture, pains of the front head once a while. Chewing something helps the pain. They got also me very sleepy fast, so I believe they did some sleeping manipulation. Heavier torture started again on 18th august, 9.27 a.m. torture on front head, both sides. On the afternoon it changed heavy itching on front head, both sides. There were also occasional shooting pains, on the right temple of the head , example 8.46 p.m.

19th. August  afternoon, there was again pain on the right eye. Next night  20th. August 0.32 a.m. they started torture on left side on front of the head. On  morning 6.30 a.m. there was uncomfortable bed torture. So their idea was limit my sleep, to keep me on tired condition. However, I got some sleep and woke up with dry mouth. They have started to cut my mouth out of saliva, or it is a side effect for something they do. Before noon there was pain on left side front of the head. Afternoon 3.13 p.m. there was a very dangerous feeling torture on left back of the head. There were very similar pain couple of days later on 22. August 1.57 p.m. Days after ,were mostly pains on the front head, and morning pain on the right eye. There was a dry mouth when awakened, on three days on a row.

As an addition on my diary note of fifth  august the perpetrators have told me that RCMP is guarding certain graveyards. This is not necessary true, but rather example of false "news" they used to tell me. I have found out that permit exhumation of person is not very easy to get , but if on examination of  the skull of victim after death, there are foreign pieces on head, I believe exhumation for rest of the  deceased victims is possible to get. Of course this is not possible after  cremation of body.

I found that news of  North American Union, - I wrote  - is coming out on some major media.This is a pretty good youtube piece about it. I feel still, that the youtube piece, commentator’s high abstract level comment on "big brother" , does not make clear for the  majority of the people, what concrete changes for  their life is coming after Union.I am still happy that there are some try, to gather organized opposition for this undemocratic ruling elite plan.

5. August 2007 11.10 p.m.  Between 25. July and first August,. They caused pains mostly on left side of head, and all kinds "restless legs" and other practical jokes. On the August the torture changed right side, and right eye, and even more humiliating things started to happen. I had fever and heavy pains on the joints of finger and legs, among the other things. Today they have kept me very sleepy. I have slept about two hour’s pieces, and always after I awake, they start torture on the right eye again.

The perpetrators speak about”kidney machine” that I need, to get my blood clean.  Also ,according the perpetrators, it is easier to find   a needle in a haystack than a implants  from the  victims skull. It has not any metal, but if it is a small, hair thin ceramic fiber, they say. This could be true, or it is just false information.  If this is true, the implants works much like crystal receiver, people used hundred years ago. Because the pains are different place of head on different times there must exist more than several fibers.

Whatever type the implant is, I have idea how to find it. This is not suitable for studying the victim, who is still alive, but after the victim has lost his live, even small implants are possible to pinpoint by placing the victim’s skull into chemical that melts the organic material like bone, but does not dissolve metal, plastic or ceramic materials.  I believe there are several acids, which can do that.

 After the skull has dissolved on the acid, possible implants (and tooth fillings) are found by carefully filtering the dissolving chemical.  I am personally ready, to donate my skull for this purpose, after I my death.There are already death victims, but , there is understandable difficulties, to get coroner to investigate their skull, expecially for this accuracy.  However the test is valuable.Eeven if nothing is found, it means , we should continue search with other possibilities, with this victim, and the results are that way valuable.

 By the way, it is possible to find needle from a haystack with this same dissolving techniquee.


24.7.2007 6.55 p.m. They have done nearly all kind of experiment on these weeks, except "movies". Itching and pains on the head are daily. Now the pain is more often on the left side. Pain on the right eye, has gone from daily to more towards weekly torture. Torture often starts at night, and would continue on next afternoon (example 15. of July). Ninth of July I had very old times type "start of the week torture". They kept me awake, with all kinds of less pleasant practical jokes. On the end, I slept about two three hours. On 17th. July they caused problems with my body coordination, I had difficulties, to walk, drive bicycle etc. Problems continued, but weaker, on the next day.

  For the pain on the head, there are basically two different types of torture. The first type is weaker rather itching, very much like mosquito has bitten on the head. On stronger pain, there is a feeling of electricity going into the head, Itching happen each other hour, the electricity feeling is about  once a day ,or some times a week. The other type of torture is a kind of shooting pain. It usually takes just few seconds or so. It feels much more dangerous, there is feeling that they really destroy something on the brain. Unfortunately this one has become more frequent now. Example today there was a shooting pain left side back of the head at 5.53 p.m. Later on there was another, this time left front of the head at 6.35 p.m.

I have learned more on Cincinnati medical center radiation killings, I wrote  on  previous note on 3.7.2007, when I explained why United States does not actually belong  to the group of democratic countries. I am now reading Martha Stephens excellent book THE TREATMENT that tells the story about Cincinnati radiation killings, with great accuracy and has also a list of sources, where reader can get more information. . There was class lawsuit against the doctors, who killed their patients with radiation. After five year of trial the families of victims got between fifty and eighty six thousand dollars for compensation. My trust for United States legal system has not gone better with this kind of settlement. No criminal should get away his crime, without sentenced, just by paying the  death victims  families  for some ten thousand dollars as a  compensation for the pain they have suffered as a result of the  deaths.


3.7.2007  11.54 p.m. Torture on the right eye was stopped  at temporally couple of weeks, but now it has started again, however weaker.. The dry mouth happen time to time, but now they rather make mouth dry for some hours before wake up. So on the wake up I have only bad taste on the mouth. I feel they try to  cut my sleeping time to minimum, but now when I have holidays, it is not so easy compared when I am working. Itching and pains on head are daily, and now they occur more on left side of head, when before the right side of head was more often their target of the torture. The worst torture on these two weeks occurred on 27 June 2007, starting couple of minutes after five a.m. They started “knife on the head” torture on left side of the head. After I just felt how electricity flowed from the wound  on the head, I had no possibility to defend myself any way. After about 20 minutes, I understood to change on other side , so the left side of the head was towards earth. This helped some. Torture continued about hour, and after it, was heavy verbal torture, until noon, at least. It is extremely important to move if they attack on this way. It just on the morning takes time before one understands what to do.  There was itching on the head some hours ago, and when I started to write this, they made my feeling uncomfortable with restless legs torture, that has now ended.

                       QUALITY CONTROL FOR  DEMOCRACY:

 Actually all of the large organizations have a problem to maintain high quality for  their product and services. To tackle with these problems, organizations have developed quality systems. I personally have learned some ISO quality systems that many European companies use to make sure that their work quality stay affordable level. If the quality system is taken honestly, and seriously it is a good tool , which   can ensure that everything works how it is planned. So I have got Idea that governments should have quality system also , that measures how efficient and democratic is their quality of  their management., some kind of ISO standard XXXXX.1 for democracy. Every civil servant should have a quality handbook that describes the proper way to do his or her particular job . International auditing group, should ensure that quality exist also on real world , and not only government documents.  People could make complaints, for this international auditing group, which could investigate matters based of peoples complaint..

This kind of quality system would reveal countries like, USA which have basely democratic governmental system, but because of poor quality of civil servants working  standard, it could not qualified as the real democracy. Here some examples , that show the nuts and bolts of democracy quality problem on United States: I have used old known old cases, because I have documents on them, but  the weak signals indicate that the quality of democracy has not  gone better, but rather worst  in recent years.

Example 1: Local law enforcement agencies, investigate crimes selectively. Some crimes are investigated , others  are  not.

 Scientists killed several patients in University of  Cincinnati medical Centre , because they wanted to know how high radioactive doses human can take , before he dies . United States law does not permit murder of innocent people for scientific purpose. The series of crimes did take place between 1961 -1971, they are documented and have clear evidence. Victims are killed and the criminals names are easy to find out.  However local law-enforcement authorities did not start proper investigations. I do not know exactly know , how the legal machinery of United States works, but I believe it Is Cincinnati local prosecutors task, to order criminal investigations. Above him the responsibility to investigate and prosecute these crimes is Ohio Attorney General. However they have not done their duties of these cases  ( I do not found any clue for Internet of criminal investigation of these cases). So before accepted of groups of ISO XXXXX.1 standard of democratic states  United States should correct the present civil servants practice  -where crimes that army, FBI, or other similar agencies are involved - are left outside of law administration, and victims of these crimes are leaved without their legal rights. . Patients of Cincinnati medical centre  had to pay their life for this illegal practice. Actually if some of the patients have gone to police, and explained that doctors kill him by radioactivity, police would have diagnosed him as having mental problems.  I have also feeling , that persons killed, were not terminally ill, but simply labeled as terminally ill.


Example 2: Fraudulent elections.

 Voting is the basic system ,which we choose our representative. Democracy should not have that amount of fraudulent counting ballots and other irregularities on election, that United States  had presidential elections 2000 and 2004. This is on where a well made ISO XXXXX.1 standard  for democracy , if followed, could stop “dirty tricks “ on election process. Rigging elections means that totalitarian country gets clothes of democracy. Because law enforcement is selective all the election crimes are not investigated, so the whole truth is unknown. Fraudulently  elected leaders of  nominate  corrupted administrators , who favor civil servants without moral backbone , which will  work for them.

Example 3. First Amendment – freedom of expression.

 Most of the constitutions of  the  democratic countries   have a freedom of speech and association on some form. In United States, person can speak without punishment, whatever he wants. However, if one’s   ideas start to influence people around , and he can cater organization around his ideas, the freedom of speech do not exist anymore. Martin Luther King  example, of person who could influence people. Because he exercised his freedom of speech and association he got FBI secret agents to follow him, and made all kinds of crimes, to stop  influence of his  ideas. . Senate select  committee of intelligence activities, shows that if person is considered as a danger of present establishment, and  exercise his  freedom of speech and his right to associate,  illegal actions are taken to eliminate him. People who try to eliminate this person would came local, or federal police force, or could work co-operatively with them. The agents who caused Martin Luther King  numerous harm were not fired, they were not sentenced, and their names were not given public. To make clear how difficult situation Martin Luther King had,  I would add that. if Martin Luther King had approached for law enforcement officials, and accused that secret agencies are fighting to cut down his career - the law enforcement agency probably would have diagnosed him having as having  some kind of paranoia.

Quantanamo Bay prisoners show how unimportant legislation is,when all the civil servant belong same loyal   clique. It is possible made new abstract  class “enemy fighters” that is outside of any human rights, and nearly anyone could be include as a member of this class, because there is no proper court ,or judge to defend detainee’s rights.  Because of law’s are not always obeyed by law administration, it has  come extremely important that Attorney General and other are “trusted men” who do what is asked to do. For this background, of fight for Attorney Generals person, become easily understood.

  Today’s technologies have developed a lot since Martin Luther King days. Today methods are electronic disturbance, and stalking .

 These three examples I have  pick from different areas shows why United States would  not qualify as democratic country. The problem is not in actual laws, but it is rather law enforcement, and law administration, the chain from police and local attorneys to attorney general to supreme court.  Law are not very important if somebody has get own agents for all the chain that implement law. Army and some members Federal Agencies crimes are not investigated and  criminal working them are not  sentenced, and their victims do not get justice  for present legal system either.

 Actually similar quality problem, that America's  democracy, exist in American made cars. They have lost market for better build Japan cars.  To be honest American car quality is not maybe as well inspected as Japan car, but still it is very usable working vehicle, t that many individual will buy also future. If Americans had made their cars as poorly, they have made their democracy, they would not get many cars sold.

The marketing and imago making is both American cars and Democracy excellent quality.  However if the product is poor, the brand will lose its value. The American automakers have find it, and United States leaders will find it  also.

16.6.2007 11.38 p.m.  The torture continues very much on the old format. In the morning is usually pain on the right eye. As the new form of unpleasant feelings they have introduced to me occasional dry mouth on the wakeup it happened three times on row may 24-26, and later less severe and occasional .dry mouth effects. Their explanation for dry mouth effect is that saliva makes some measurement less accurate. On 8.6 they caused a chest pain on left side, when I drove home with bicycle.  Often around 3 p.m and before going to sleep after nine p.m., they cause trance, Fast sleep. - like I have called it  - or trance,  could reveal more dangerous , that I have felt. I found that they tried to speak me, while I was on trance. Yesterday, Friday around midnight was the usual fight, when they try to stop of my kind of bookkeeping tasks, I do usually end of week. The feeling was like working after drinking a bottle or two of vodka. The next day I found I had made some very simple mistakes. They tried to force me unconscious, but I fight to stay awake, until my task is finished. Nothing intelligent task I cannot complete, while they disturb my living this way. Next morning the left side of face felt different than the right one, so they caused also some damage, which I could feel on the next day. So this is very hard tool, on their torture tools arsenal, that starts from practical jokes, and ends possible brain damage or killing.

21.5. 2007 11.48 p.m. I have found that about every day there is torture on the right eye, which take place usually at wakeup and can last worst in the afternoon, but usually stops after hour or two.  On daytime there is occasional torture, usually on left side of the head. In the evening they try to make me unconscious (fast sleep) this happen especially on Friday night, when I have a kind of accounting task, that is difficult to understand for them. On Sundays they have often "after sauna torture”, meaning general headache and nausea. 13.5 was last time for that. To be honest, the after sauna torture had come milder and occasional, after I started to make public diary for their torture. I can often pinpoint exactly, where is the point on the head, where the pain comes. Also every location of the head has it own kind, special feeling of the pain. So is possible that often the pain is just side-effect of their manipulation. However I can not know what purpose, and what effect has every kind of different pain they cause. So I can not say what purpose was the pain , they caused on left side, very  back of the  head (this afternoon 3.04 p.m. ) . Also I can not saydid they achieve ,their goal, with their manipulation.

The Internet radio mystery I wrote on 2 May ( is resolved. There was not magic. Nokia N800 pda has a small loud-speaker, and that is where the music came. The battery of device was running out, and it was reason why the music stopped after couple of minutes. However the fact that I did not find difference of  quality of headphones, and miniature loud-speaker, means that I was manipulated. Apparently the music was made to feel good on my brain, with some trick.

I watched Al Gore documentary An inconvenient truth. I felt sympathy for man. We (he and I) both have a kind of important message that requires reaction for rulers of state and general public. I also believe that general public will understand and trust better for both of us, in future, when the real troubles begin. Just sad that  then possibly is a bit late. Part of the bad things has happened already.

Gore makes the convincing of people, a much better than I. I am not professional for this art. Also if I try to do something, that would cause something, my perpetrators are really afraid, they  cut off my activity, with all possible tricks they have their mind manipulation arsenal.

 Actually when I watched Gore document for melting ice in Greenland, it was clear that Greenland is losing it icecap. However when I got the same data on other sources, it was not so clear anymore, but rather complicated. I however understand Al Gore. Preventing and softening the becoming climate change, will ask sacrifice from people. If people have even a small doubt of becoming climate change, they do not act at all. Even if majority of the people understands and accept ,the need of change, it is very difficult to get the entire nations act together in same direction. I wish the luck for both of us. We need that luck.

2.5.2007 11.44 p.m. On 24. April they tortured through the night. Fortunately I did not have to go work. Also 26 April, they started heavy itching on forehead at four a.m. I got sleep on six a.m. When I woke up, I had a small headache on the forehead that went away about hour or two. Next days there were occasional itching and pain around the head. I got well sleep at nights, but I started to have a very dry mouth, like the sandpaper, in the morning, when I woke up. I complained it, for perpetrators, and this morning my mouth was normal moisture again so they did stop doing something that caused the dry mouth, or made other way the mouth feeling normal, when I awake. Yesterday between 11 pm. and midnight happen another kind of mysterious occurrence. I was listening Interned radio (Classical Minnesota public radio) with my pda (Nokia N800) through wlan and headphones. With enjoyable music, I accidentally found that I had disconnected the cord from my pda. It did take nearly two minutes after this, before the music stopped from my ear. I first thought that was their joke, to send same music with voice to skull system, I listened from headphones. Later on I thought there is something else also behind. The music felt very enjoyable, so perhaps, they send music, and teased my brains pleasure centers on the same time. They have many routines, where they kind of try to subsidy my thinking-process, the interpreter that vocalizes my thought for example. I would imagine in future, mind controlled people are watching the president speech for nation. Same time as they hear  the president voice, it is send to brains with voice to skull system, and pleasure centers of victims are teased, so that they enjoy his speech. Their has to just build a monitoring system, that stops voice to skull broadcasting, if the person turns the television set off.

I found a document from a possible way, how they build electrical signals that cause all kind of”normal" feeling pains, and other feelings.

23.4.2007 11.16 p.m. There has been very ordinary pains, itching, and shrinking feeling on the head every day. The pain was mostly on left side, but about 15 of April it moved right side, and was very heavy, on 15th it continued almost a whole day. On 17th April 4.47 p.m., there was a very dangerous feeling sharp pain on the right side of the head. Now there is itching and pains, here and there , "fast sleep" , back pains, "restless legs" and sticks under nails torture very random and  occasionally .

I am reading a very well made mind control site, made  about eight years ago. I wonder what happen to him now. On the story about hospital brain scan, I wonder if this is a standard procedure, he got. Similarly as for me, they were interested to test his blood. Do they call police, every time somebody, feels he is implanted by CIA or similar agency? Those who know, the hospitals way to deal with patients, perhaps could answer.

I got also phone call from a victim from  England. After United States and Canada, United Kingdom, is third in the amount of mind control victims.  It could be because of language, or because they are co-operating with illegal military research with United States.

11.4.2007 4.19 a.m.. Start of the week torture. They want to make me tired rest of the week, by not letting sleep more than about three hours per day. This night, three o’clock they did knife on the head torture on  left side, about center of the head. After feeling of the "wound" like pain, it was impossible to sleep.

7.4.2007 11.36 p.m.  On fourth April, I got shooting pains on the left side of the head. Afternoon, ten p.m started usual pain around the right eye. On fifth April I got perhaps worst torture of the week. The torture on the right eye that started on fourth April continued whole night. On the evening on fifth April, they started a kind of shrinking feeling pain on the forehead. Beside pain it caused nausea and muddled feeling.  I tried to ease pain with hot-water bottle, filled with cold water on the forehead. The pain continued and got heavier after midnight. So when I was going to write the pain, about my diary, in case something really bad happen to me, they stopped the pain, and explained it is not necessary to make notes. Next night was usual torture on the right eye that continued ten a.m. The same torture around the right eye was today first on the night and morning until noon. , and the couple of hours on the afternoon also.

They keep me very weak, so that I have not much strength to do more than daily necessities. I try to keep myself working condition with Eleanor White’s coping methods. I am a bit worried about her. I have not got her group-letter for a month. I hope she is still free and alive. If they have put her somewhere closed institution, she should get a political prisoner's status, from international community. This is her website.

3.4.2007 3.15 a.m. Start of the week torture. This is the second day; they have let me sleep just  under three hours. They let me sleep couple of hours, and after use heavy pain around the right eye, stick under nails torture and verbal manipulation to keep me awake.

1.4.2007 5.41 p.m. There were some more peaceful days, but 30th. March the torture started again heavier. Night on one thirty  they started a pain around the right eye. Last night or the morning the same happened again, but this time the pain was much more severe, wound like. About noon there was also after sauna torture, with nausea, although it was a bit milder than it is worst.

The perpetrators gave more realistic explanation for term "swing" and the saying they use "swinging into death" meaning. The victim's life is fluctuating - swinging - between experiment time , and recovering time. If the experiment causes more damage than usual, there is also a bit more recovering time. This continues until the victims dies, for one reason or other. Before the victims dies the perpetrators promised explain him , what experiments was done with  his body, what achievements they got with these experiments, and what possible wounds the victim got as a result of these experiment Idea is to give the victim "meaning of his life" so that he will die happier (this explanation has happened before on other situation).

My last hope is that even if I die, before the world uncovers these crimes - the world should not let these butchers get away with these crimes. I wish that those butchers will get appropriate punishment of their crimes even if it happen after all the victims are killed, After all, Adolf Eichman was convicted and hanged 25 years after his crimes, why not our torturers ? They have committed very similar crimes as Josef Mengele did .

In 1952 Army sprayed carcinogenic chemicals over town of Winnipeg. If police and courts and members of parliament had done their duty , and  those responsible of experiments, were tried in court, and got punishments their crimes, and if Army had to pay compensation of all the victims that got exposed of cancer causing chemicals,  there were perhaps not  later  massive amounts of  experiments, people had to suffer. Experiments that have not stopped at all.

If we do not stop fascism, fascism goes ahead, and becames much more difficult task to stop  it..

25.3.2007 11.55 p.m. On Thirteen of March,there was very ordinary start of the week torture, I slept about three hours. On the same evening example at 9.52 p.m. I got very heavy occasional shooting pains on the left side of the head. On the next night started to happen. There was first very cold, and then very hot and continuous pain around the right eye, it actually stopped about 16 hours later next night. In the morning I was physically very tired, like I had run couple of hours. Next few days I found I had lost some memory, because I had lost some words. When they wipe out memory, they cannot make it exactly. I did not loose all they wanted, but unfortunately, I lost something they did not actually try wipe out. I found that something is lost, that I have lost some ordinary words. I try to remember it better later, but now I put on what I have left on memory, they did try to wipe out. Of course there is also possibility, that I did not think anything important, and this was only their exercise to wipe out specific part of the memory.

Open Ends:

- Chemtrails the chemical the chemical they spray all over is barium. Barium is chemical some people joins the mindcontrol (Alternative explanation is that barium is used just to carry down micro-organism, they want to spray). Barium sulfate is also used to visualize blood vessels with scanning electron microscopy.

- Most of the tricks they do are somehow connected to blood control. So they have to have a kind of feedback system how they are controlling blood circulation from brain.

- Ionized barium would explain that some victims have measured ionizing radiation from their breath. (11.3. 2007 diary)

- When I got first time  hospital after torture Edmonton, New Years eve about 1976, The hospital did take several session countles amount of bloodsamples.

This is all I have left on my head. I feel, it would benefit to analyze amount concentration of barium, and also other metals strontium nickel copper etc. of victims blood, and compare it to non victims blood, just to find if there is same difference of concentration of some metals, in all of the victims. It is easy and relatively cheap procedure, that could be done, just to close out of possibility, that we have something extraordinary in our blood.

I will complete more for these open ends, if I will recollect more, from pieces of my memory


11.3.2007 10.53 p.m. Every night, on the last four nights, the perpetrators have caused heavy pain on, or around the right eye. Typically pain starts about two am. or it could have started earlier, but I wake for it this time. They keep me very sleepy, so I do not stay awake the whole night, although the pain is heavy. This means that the pain is just a side-effect of something they do for me while I am sleeping.

Some victims have measured, small amount of ionizing radiation, which comes from their breathing.  As opposite I have found that wearing some brands of earphones (Sony MDR-A44L, or Sony MDR -W24V) gives some relief from manipulation. This point into electromagnetic radiation .

7.3.2007 11.30 p.m. The perpetrators have done some torture on every day. I like to mention on second. March 3.33 p.m.  I got "icing" the front head on the left side. Next day afternoon started a long pain on the right side of front head. It ended one a.m.  on fourth of March night.  On the next day six p.m. I got again freezing the left side of the head, and after torture on the right side of the front head.

 Fifth of March about 3.30 a.m. I woke up for a terrible headache, similar than "after sauna torture”, so they did something for me, while I was asleep. The headache ended soon after I woke up. Today the heavy pain on the right side of the head started about eight p.m., and ended about ten minute ago. There were no, trying to keep me awake, rather they have tried to keep me extremely sleepy.

I have heard that we will have some more publicity next April. Unfortunately, just publicity does not solve our problem, if we do not get legal recognition of crime. Example from history: Contrary that majority of   people believe, Washington Post Investigations and publicity on Watergate scandal, would have not had effect for President Nixon, if Senate had  not established a Committee to investigate the Watergate scandal. Rather Washington post staff would have got some kind of revenge from Republican Party and President Nixon.

On this forum, there is first my story, but after there is  a very good description of gang stalking. Other good source of gang stalking is David Lawson’s book.

27.2.2007 11.13 p.m. Torture sessions started 25 February on 11.33 Pain on  the right eye, three minutes after that some nausea, and around ten pm. torture on the left side of the head. A. day before yesterday - next night of previous, they did a very normal start of the week torture. I did sleep hour or two, anyway less than four hours. They used uncomfortable bed, and verbal manipulation, among other things to, keep me awake. Last night was very similar . They woke me up after one a.m. , and did not really let me sleep after. Before disturbing my sleep they have caused some shooting pains on my head, I believe, the purpose is someway to help them keep me awake. Today the shooting pains were on the left side of the head, about 11.10 p.m.

20.2. 2007 10.00 p.m. After going sleep, the high pitch female sounding voices tried to cause me a kind of voice allergy, similar they succeeded to cause on 4.1. 2007. I resisted by turning other side, so that my left ear is on side of the earth. So between one and one thirty a.m.  they caused a short VERY LOUD VOICE, which I believe broke something on my left ear or brains. After this came tinnitus on the other ear too, and it is still continuing. Yesterday on night they caused a burn like pains on left side center of the head. This morning there were pains around the right eye, whole morning. So they have started a nearly continuous, more brutal style of torture.

I did read another time The Washington Post story of electronic mind control. The writer of story is Sharon Weinberger, who is also the editor-in-chief of Defense Technology International. Beside her fixed view, that the  only possibility is to mind control is to beam words into victim head, and ridicule of that ( without thinking of possibility of miniature implant,  I found the other soft point on her story.It  is that ,she did not understand, that she met people ,  that are victims of  brain manipulation, and  their perpetrators do their best, to get them look like a bunch of  mentally sick people.

Sharon Weinberger has also her own website, where  are some more on stories she has written. The version of mind-control story is actually, better there. It is  a better place for research. So  I believe she did  the best  she can, and it is valuable, we get some publicity appreciated mainstream media, like Washington Post.

18.2.2007 8.53 p.m.  There were verbal manipulation ,with occasional pains on head on every day last week. On 14. of February  1.29 p.m. they rehearsed cutting my memory. I did not remember my bank-account and some names. Today is probably the worst torture day of the week. The started pain  - on, and around - the right eye before two p.m.  and the pain is still continuing.

Washington Post has made a story about victims of electronic mind control. It is quite honest to describe how the victims have gathered together. In her speculation, of possibility of electronic mind-control, the writer has completely left out of possibility of miniature implant in skull that would easily explain the impossibilities of electronic mind-control she points out. The writer finds that question is not mentally sick group of people, but fails to ask why there are no epidemic and other scientific studies of phenomena. After the end of story,  there  is a place for questions and comments about the article.The diverse comments on story reflects well how public is recently feeling of the situation. I hope Washington post keeps these comments archived , as they have historical value, and widen human understanding how groups feel , think and behave.

11.2.2007 9.30pm. The worst day of torture on this week was Saturday, tenth February. There were continuous and partly very heavy pains on the right eye and on the right side of skull from after one to six pm. Chewing gum or actually chewing something helped  me ease the pain, and disturbed their torture. Every day the perpetratorsn have done something. Example  on night of eight February, they woke me up at 3.30 am. and started heavy verbal torture. Today,  Just about hour ago, they also tried to kind of freeze part of my head on right side, to make writing more difficult and perhaps succeeded partially.

Here a link to involuntary human experiments on prisons. According Rosie Rowbotham , there is at least one prison on each state, where there are involuntary illegal human experiments. The reason why they are possible, is that administration of legality is on the level of  many developing countries,  the police that does not investigate selected crimes , prosecutor  does not prosecute selected criminals, and so on -  the whole hierarchy of public servants, news-media, and members of parliament on the top of corruption. We used to call this type of countries  banana republics  although some of them have also, other exporting goods as bananas.

5.2.2007 10.40pm. There perpetrators caused pain on the right eye every day several hours. sometimes as 29. January it widened to right temple of the head. Fourth February they had after sauna torture before noon. This time they did some negotiations with me , and turned the headache machine off for a while. I learned that they could turn the headache on or of f just on a  few seconds.

On last night, five minutes after midnight they caused  an image of a small circular object like dot on my view. The object was  bright yellow  with round black edge around. It moved  up and down when I moved my head up and down, so it behave like a dot on the eyeglasses and not like a real object. on far away of eyes. After twinkling of an eye the image disappeared. If they want to make false pictures with this technique, they have a long way to travel. It is easy to difference between real object and image, simply by moving the head. If the object follow same place of view after turning the head, it is not real.If they did not purposedly built this image on my eye, they propably caused it simply by randomly irritading my brain.

My right ear is hearing louder tinnitus, and   it's hearing of people  speech is more unclear.

28.1.2007 10.11pm. They caused occasional pains, mostly around and on the right eye.  There were two very bad days, on night between 24 and 25 of January; they disturbed my sleep with verbal manipulation. On the next day Friday they caused pain on the right eye about a whole day. On general, the torture is again going to more painful direction.

I have got into my hands Don R. Justesen old but excellent article, Microwaves and Behavior that I put link also on my homepage. Especially “microphone in the water" experiment gave me ideas what was all based: The authors suspended a microphone in a container of water that was radiated by pulsed microwaves at low-averaged densities of energy. The microphone delivered signals to an amplifier, the audio output of which was not unlike that "heard" by directly radiated human subjects. Since water changes density as its temperature is altered, the minuscule thermalizations produced in it upon absorption of the pulsed microwaves were sufficient to initiate small but detectable changes of hydraulic pressure.

21.1.2007 9.59pm. They did  mainly verbal torture, only occasional pains on head ,  and lots of sleepy days. Now I have slept  about adequate at night, and still I am sleepy on day, taking about  30 minutes, or longer naps at sitting position. I have found similar opinions about American future, I wrote earlier  on eleventh January. Here some: Joseph  Watson, from Prison Planet , Jan Allen on Peoples Voices, and JoyfulWalkers who has a Christian view on North American Union

11.1.2007 11.55pm. There was couple of easier days. However today afternoon 4.40pm they started Knife on the head torture, about center of my head. It also caused mild nausea. Torture ended on kind of freezing on the area that was tortured about six pm. Before that while I studied the concentration camps in United States, I found that there are similar camps in Canada too. This let me search more information, why both countries are making new large prison facilities? This is what I found:  I try to translate it into English language:

North American Union

(this was actually rewritten on 31 January 2007, after I lost accidentally contest of this day diary, while online contact with Internet)

The idea of North American Union is that Canada, United States and Mexico would have common market, free flow of labor and goods and common security forces.   The goal is finally one currency and one legislative body what practically means one nation. The father of the idea is Robert Pastor.Robert Pastor is the chairman of the CFR- Task Force on North America .CFR means Council of Foreign Relations. It is United States power elite that Washington Post ombudsman Richard Harwood has described as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States”. CFR ,with Mexico’s similar institution, Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales and Canadian large corporation elite group Canadian Council of Chief Executives are forcing Usa, Canada and Mexico  into North American Union. They have gathered together, several times, less or more secretly and formed The Independent Task Force on North America to integrate Mexico Canada and United States by year 2010. About twenty governments working groups is created spanning from a wide variety of issues ranging from e-commerce, to aviation policy and borders and immigration. The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.  The last big closed-doors meeting of participants was on12-14 September 2006, Banf, Alberta.

President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, signed Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. This all has done silent, without authorization of Parliament or Congress. Jerome Corsi article in Human events points clearly oddness of situation

Later three leaders met in Cancun Summit where they mandated continued commitment towards the North American Union.

 How these massive piles agreements is possible to put successfully through three states legislative bodies in 2010  - the planned year of integration - while the contents of parliaments  changes due the every  new elections. The similar task in Europe did take around twenty years. I found one possible solution, and my other findings support probability of this solution.

 There are no elected bodies, but only military keeping the order. Behind the military is “Task Force on North America” or other similar power elite committee, giving the instructions to the military-junta.  With this kind of govern    the North American Union would became possibility before the target time year 2010.

On the takeover, the security forces need then massive amount of concentration camp facilities, where they put political opposition.  I believe the Homeland Security of United States, has  made lists of people, and organizations that would cause trouble. They would be collected and transported into camps, before they can organize themselves, and cause any disorder.  Later on they would be freed individually depending on their behavior. The unlisted people that cause trouble, is easy to catch later. Large cities have already formed groups to local harassing anyone who is on the way of the new order. These groups have rehearsed themselves for stalking ordinary and less ordinary people. . With electronic harassing equipment these groups they can eliminate practically anyone, without actually killing the person.

 The new high technology totalitarian state is very different than Nazi Germany or Soviet Union, although it has same basic functions. There is Homeland _Security to gather information of people. There are concentration camps ready to store opposition. There are stalking groups and electronic harassment methods to force opposition individual away for his living area, and force him to co-operate if he wants to live normal life. The fact that electronic harassment often start as ordinary stalking, and the fact that police does not interfere harassment anyway, means that there are central government silent support for these crimes..

 Non lethal weapons which are just made to control crowds make possible new kind of “soft” control of groups and individuals without killing them. There would appear to public totally new kind of weapons, we would not even imagine.

 The Nazi Germany, had population control. The Arkansas forced vaccination rehearsal – where over 55 years old and disabled was separated for other folks - is a weak signal, that the new North American Dictatorship would have population control also. Another weak sign of population control is aerial spraying of unknown substances by jet plane. However instead of Hitler simply gassing of old people, new technologically advanced dictatorship would give example these unproductive people vaccine that shortens their lifespan average 10 years or so. It is very difficult for public to know and prove  this , and this kind of operation  would have  effect of cutting of states pension costs, billions of dollars or Ameros, what is the planned name of  the New North American States currency .

Another view  approach this question is ask what kind of crimes against humanity would happen in a country -after it transforms a  totalitarian order   -  when there happen this kinds  of crimes against humanity , while it still had at least semi-parliamentary order.

 Why I tell this to my public diary. I have a wish, that enough people get my notes to study these possibilities further. Perhaps they can prevent things happening. I know this is not likely happen, but there is only a small potential. The other more likely possibility is,  that North American Union became reality, and before or after also military takeover will take place. Actually the most dangerous years are this and next year, before Bush leave his presidency, and he can”legally” use his emergency powers. So after the takeover, people who did read this diary know that I was able to predict this to happen. Perhaps it gives more attention for electronic mind control and torture victims suffering.

8.1.2006 5.17am.  On diary note below, on fourth January the night ended, so that I was not able to sleep at all. Next couples of days were just occasionally pain on the side of the right eye. Yesterday the heavy torture started again. Before noon they started torture on the right eye and around it. 3.49 The pain changed to left side. About eight pm. they started "freezing" front head on both side. The first happened when I went to bed. They started the high pitch voice again, this time louder volume. The ear like went sensitive on this particular frequency, and on end It felt like a strong physical pain. This time I found that it was on left ear, and it is very directional. If I moved my head, they had to adjust it. So I turned to other side, so that my left ear was towards the bed. This helped this time. They have made my right ear half deaf about three years ago, that is perhaps, why they did not try same sound torture on the right ear. Instead they caused pains on the right ear, and also uncomfortable bed torture, which they tried to change my sleeping position so that the left ear was not on towards earth. Of course I did not sleep at all. I want to mention also that problem of dizziness that started 24. December has not ended. It would be permanent, that I have some trouble to stay full conscious on fast movement of head

John Finch sends me mail, for his struggle to top his torture. I feel I serve him best, if I put them internet, so that in future, his suffering is not without proper attention. Similar torture of genitals he is suffering now, I had to suffer too when I was younger. When reading it one has to difference, that for  victim, it is very easy to mix, what perpetrators are speaking ,they are doing, and how they are actually causing the effect.

4.1.2007 3.09am. Actually last night I got some sleep, after using earphones to stop their sound. Now on midnight they started a bit same kind of torture, using high pitch rather female voice, that repeated the same word, and caused some kind of resonance, that made me feel very uncomfortable. Actually I found that it is not human pronouncing words, but they use recordings, to repeat the  same word. The resonance went away if I moved my head, but they were able to turn it on again under a minute. However, turning earphones very loud, I was able cut their, resonance, but I would not sleep. They caused also earache on the other ear, to get my earphones out. So this is continued until three am. For the morning, I hope I can sleep some time, but if they keep torturing, I have to stay awake all the night, and next day.

Now is 3.32 am. After I put the text internet, they started to cause pain on the right eye.

3.1. 2007 3.12am. This night, I could not sleep at all. They are now causing chest pains – flamed hearts type - and about twenty minutes ago there was high pitch voice and sound, that however ended for a couple of clicking sounds, after the head felt just different Actually the heavy torture started yesterday 3.41pm. on torture on the right eye, that on times went also on right temple of the head, and is continuing now also. Verbal torture is the entire time active, and the volume is just so heavy I cannot stop it with Morse coding. So I feel I cannot sleep this night.

28.12.2006 11.16pm. It was quite peaceful start of the week, except today. They caused pains on left side of the head, example on 26.12.2006 . 3.17pm. The torture was on left side middle of the head. There was similar torture on left side of the head, every day for a while. Today the torture started just different and aggressive manner. In the morning about  6 am. or earlier they caused tickle on the back of head,  that along with verbal torture made me impossible to sleep. After nine am. I got however couple of hours sleep.

On the afternoon 2.39pm. they started causing pain left side,front of the head.  On 6.14 pm. There was torture on the left side, back of the head also. 9.10pm. the torture became more painful. They started to cause shooting pains left, back of the head, with kind of synchrony with their verbal torture. Now there are occasional shooting pains.

The totalitarian government in USA is getting ahead with National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2007 which president has signed into law. On October 17. 2006.

More about forced vaccianation I wrote on 31.10.2006. I have learned that US- army had forced vaccination drill in Harrison, Arkansas on June 14 2006.  Troops arrived with Helicopter and Humvees, and used infrared scanners to hunt down those who did not co-operate. Later on people were divided into three groups: Under age 40, 40-55 years old, and over 55 years old or disabled. I guess in the real situation, every group gets the vaccine   that is designed for this specified age, and ability group.

24.12.2006 11.02pm. End of the Christmas Eve.  They have not done much torture today, mostly just verbal torture, and some mild headache on the forehead at noon. I even slept quite well. The last week was just different. As general, dizziness, and sensation of turning round has continued, especially, after fast move of head or body.

They caused pains on the right temple of the head on  night 17th. December. They also caused some fever There is a note that torture is getting heavier on 1.30am. but I have not any  note, when it ended.

There was similar torture on 3.44am on 19th December, but worst of all, there was also a sudden, very heavy electric shock between 4.30 and 4.45 am. If I remember right, this knocked me  on back of the head. The pains on the right temple of the head continued  very similar until 23. December when they started occasional shooting pains on the right temple on 23 December at 1.09 am. There was a sudden burst of strong  shooting pains. Once a while, they had also other forms of torture like restless legs, sticks under nails torture etc. The whole week I got sleep less than four hours of day average.

On the End  today’s diary a link for human experiment web-site, I found last week. It has a very good history of criminal human experimenting. On the end of history where the author has chapter "OVERT HARASSMENT", he speaks about stalking and electronic harassment. When one compares this text to text on raven1 site, he gets a better picture of situation. Electronic harassment comes often after ordinary stalking harassment, and there are usually same powers behind the both forms of harassments


16.12.2006 10.56 pm. On ninth December, they showed a  "movie", from a long time. It was about stones and death, message that I should not move stones. They are doing something on the nape of my neck, while I am sleeping. It causes dizziness and sensation of turning round while I am waking up. It takes often over a minute, before I am able to read numbers of the alarm clock. It is not natural cause, because they showed me, that they can do it anytime they want. Besides of sensation of turning round , it causes  feeling of fever and some nausea for a short time. The nape of the neck also feels different all the day. The first time they did this was ninth December 8.15 am. After then one or more times of day, example night on 15 December 0.20 after midnight and about 3.40 am. They have kept my sleeping time also less than four hours for day, although last night I slept more. On tenth. December there were a pains on left side of chest. The female voices gave this torture awesome name”flamed hearts". I thought first it originated from some dish, but l after search with Google, I learned , that it was a title of the book. I hear also continuing tinning on the right ear.

I kind of experimented, with possibility of US-military takeover information that I wrote on this diary on seventh December, by telling about it, and showing some evidences of the planned concentration camps for my friends. I got actually nobody convinced of the danger of  the situation. Most of people believed, that military coup is "too far out" and there are some" natural" explanations of building these concentration camps.   I believe that there exists some information, that is impossible to communicate by ordinary people, and this is an example of it. Similarly information about existence of electronic mind-control weapons, is very difficult to communicate, not regarding what ever evidence the victims have. The truth of Jews mass-murder in Hitler Germany did not came public before end of the war, because  no authority told  it, and ordinary people stories were not believable, cause that they were  "too far out", what people would believe, is possible. Last year After Tsunami on Thailand, many Finnish people phoned to Finnish embassy, but did not get appropriate reaction, because it was "too far out" of  what has happened before. People cannot react logically extraordinary situation, and is difficult to get them believe the information, before it comes for "official" sources.

 I wish that when truth of electrical mind control weapons comes public my, and other victims,  problems to communicate, will come subject  of scientific research and  studied  in  textbooks of communication science and semiotics. Authorities can tell Nuclear weapons in Iraq that do not exist, and people believe their falsified evidences, but if there is no authority, and mainstream media, majority of people does not believe the information about  electronic mind control weapons ,not regarding evidences and amount of victims writers  have gathered. I somehow feel these readers do not practice individual thinking, but let the difficult  thinking for those professionals, who get paid for it. Ready made thought, from a good brand media, is safe and easy to adopt.

However I happy that there are groups, who do difficult and dangerous task to get the message for people. I found that this list of links is better, than I have found before, even it does not include my site.

7.12.2006 8.07pm. Yesterday was Finland's Independence Day. For me, the last night was just pain, I did not sleep at all. My perpetrators celebrated the Finnish Independence day by torturing me. The night before the Independence Day night, I was able to sleep hour or two. The pain was day before yesterday, on left front of the skull. There were also occasional back pains or actually “electric feeling” on back, and stick under nails torture.

The Independence Day started pain on the right eye, about quarter after noon. It ended on afternoon, but on midnight they started knife on the head torture. The feeling of ”knife" was on this time, also on the left side, front of the head, about the same place, they have tortured day before. Later on there were pains on the back of the head, near neck, and ear pains. I did not sleep at all.

Torture continued today morning; I got also some nausea today, before noon.

While I tried to find more information about mysterious polluting truck convoys that travel across America, I found another mysterious thing. America is speedy building a large of  detainment camps facilities, around the country I checked the story from several sources, and I found it is true. Most camps are ready to use, there are guards, only not yet prisoners. Now there are about 600 camps ready. Average size of camp is about 20000 prisoners. That makes together about 12 million people, which are planned to live on these camps. It is about two and half times of  Finland's population. Interesting detail is that   "mental health facility" -  that is built on outside Fairbanks, Alaska - can hold two million people. Is United States expecting 2 million more "mentally sick" person in near future? 

The official explanations for these camps are that these are for the next unexpected flow of Immigrants, from somewhere, or that they are for the case of natural disasters in USA. Actually some of these camps are used to house victims of  Hurricane Katrina. On  information I have got, people housed these camps found that they have to live like prisons, sexes separated and  several cases their relatives have not been able give them any food or gifts. So, they are used to piloting, how the control could be forced on camps. The camps are guarded by Federal Emergency management Agency FEMA.

 Although mainstream media has kept silence the presence and the dimensions of  detainment camps construction, many writers of alternative media have written about them. Most of their conclusions are same as mine. The  detainment or prison camps are construct and planned to house American Citizens. Nobody does this kind of expensive construction without purpose.The most probably situation where need arise, to put 12 million  people in to prison camps,  is after ( slow or fast) military takeover. Usually the lists of names that are first put in  detention, are made  a long before the takeover.

I am not the only person who thinks military takeover is possible in USA. Also   retired General Tommy Franks, see military takeover in USA, as one possibility near future.

Most of the military coup's I remember are successful. I remember best the ones  of Greek , and Chile. Both of them them, civilians were totally unaware, that such things could happen in their democratic country, and "their" soldiers could do such things for them. Actually the resistance is very difficult ,in situation when the soldiers are out on the  streets. The successful blocks of military takeover, usually happen, before the actual coup  is scheduled to take place. But to block future coming military takeover, people have to know, and trust that such coup could come in near future.

 I feel this was not case in Chile or Greek, and it is not case now in the United States. Even if people are aware of situation, the possibilities, to prevent coming takeover are not great, but there are very much more possibilities than later, after the takeover.

 As often before, the future is now in hands of the wise men, who look on the situation, and do something else  than  nothing.


3.12.2006 9.50pm. It was mostly verbal torture on start, and short periods of pains here and there until 27-28 of November, when they cut my sleep for about 4 hours for day. 30 of November they started torture on and around the right eye. The torture on the right eye started 6.10am and expanded on back of the head on the right side, before it ended about noon. The first and second December, were basically similar, except that there was also the restless legs torture. Last night there were partly heavy torture on the right eye, it ended  about two hours before noon. I got mild nausea on the morning, but not actual after Sauna torture.


I got some glues on itching of the hands, I described last note (22.11.2006). I found that  the itching was connected to my traveling work to home. There was raining, and lot of moisture on the air. It looks like, the moisture on skin, wet hands, could make them possible to cause itching. So only difference of the heat effect  I described on 8.10.2006, is that they do not cause feel of warming, but itching, and they do not do it other leg this time, but for both hands. Because both tricks are done, when the skin is wet, I believe that they need the moisture on the  victims skin, to get their trick working. I am not that familiar of physics and biology, that I would solve the puzzle, but perhaps these loose ends, helps somebody to get the right answer.


I have got rumors. There is one of the texts: One Patriot broadcaster with such contacts claims there are "smoky trucks" - mobile crematoria - which operate in convoy with prison cell trucks to take these disappear-ees  to remote areas in Canada to dispense with them. Resistance was alleged to have interfered with one of these smoky truck convoys heading to Canada in July.

I  try to find out  about this smoky trucks story, what is more probably true, and what is just  a theory of why. I think the  convoys of smoky trucks that heads towards Canada, exist. I think is possible that for the fact that trucks cause a lot of smoke and mysterious convoys (why convoys?), somebody has got the idea, that these are actually mobile crematoriums.

The reason I am not sure the whole story is true, is that I cannot find any reason why the ash of burned corpses has to transport to Canada, why not disperse it to nearest lake or river ? So I have another theory "my own". The truck convoys are actually carrying ballistic missiles with nuclear heads. This explains why the trucks move on convoys, and why they are going to Canada. In case of nuclear attack, truck convoys which are moving all the time, and are very difficult to destroy. There is just one question, why smoke? It is possible to get more power out of diesel engine, by trimming the fuel pump, on side effect, the engine comes polluting, and gives up heavy black smoke. Here in Finland, Police would stop such truck, and fine the owner of vehicle. So this is my theory, the truth would be something just  different.

 22.11.2006 5.26am. On The last week, heaviest torture was on  between 18-20 of November. Saturday night there was after Sauna torture. The headache diminished soon after I woke up on the Sunday afternoon. On 20 of November they started torture on the right eye after nine am.  Torture   lasted until noon. Same evening they started a new form of torture, heavy itching on both hands. It started quarter after seven pm on Monday, and lasted about ten minutes. The same happened yesterday, the only difference was that the itching started ten minutes to seven pm. and stopped about seven pm. I did some photos on my hands, in case the torture continues, and they will change on look. Also my sleep last night was shorter than usual, althought actual start of the week torture it was not.

14.11.2006 9.47pm. On the last week I suffered mostly verbal torture, with only occasional pains. Yesterday it changed. They caused nausea and  got me "fast sleep", last night. In morning 7am. I got torture on the right temple of the head. 9.37 am.  Torture on left temple of the head. Two o’clock pm. over  4.14 pm. torture on the left side back of the head. 6.11 pm. backache. Around eight pm. torture on the center of the head. 

I have found that Pandemic vaccine Tamiflu, drug that was developed by Gilead Sciences would cause delirium, hallucinations etc., and is linked at least three deaths for that far. There is the complaint form


6.11.2006 10.51pm. Torture on the right eye, has started again. First November Torture started on the right eye at  0.30 am and finished 5.30 am. Second November torture started sometimes at night, and finished after 6.30 am. Third November I have no notes on my diary. Fourth November there was torture on left side of the head, on the afternoon 2.14pm. Fifth November torture on the right eye started 3.43am., and continued very heavy until three pm. There were pains also right side of the neck and some headaches on the right side of the head. Today there were backache on morning, and pain on the right eye started about ten pm. and it is continuing.

 For Bush administration involvement on medical industry, I found that Rumsfeld had shares of company (Gilead Sciences Inc) that developed the pandemic vaccine. Although the vaccine is produced by other companies, Gilead Sciences (and Donald Rumsfeld) gets some money for all the vaccines sold.


31.10.2006 4.14am. The third day they have started to cause pain on the right eye on night. Yesterday they started two am. This night 1.30 am. I have not got enough sleep for three days, and it causes some problems. The effect is same as start of the week torture, but it is done a bit different way. On Sunday the pain ended around noon, but yesterday and now it ended after I woke up. Yesterday 5 am, and now 4am. I have got also some problems the shield I use at night, that is not helped the general situation.

 I have learned that there is a forced smallpox vaccination program in America. The idea could be simply sell vaccination, but it also could be something else. I would be beware of the situation People should have power to decide what vaccination they take. I will try to get more information what is happening, and Americans should do same. For this moment I have learned that also aspartame sweetener could cause health problems. Hopefully the bible story of mark of the beast will cause some resistance.


26.10.2006 10.43pm. Today they started heavy torture again. Torture started with pain around the right eye at ten am. At eleven the pain was all the right temple of the head. 1.42 pm. The torture continued and started to cause changes on facial expression on the right side. 3.52pm. The torture goes worse , the ache has spilled all over the right side of the head, and I feel on the neck on right side, how they are blocking the blood circulation. 4.04 pm started torture also back of the left side of the head. 4.39pm. the pain started to ease, and later ended. The perpetrators gave the explanation for their torture with their typical code-language: "You have started to eat, we had to stop it".


22.10.2006 10.43pm. The typical torture on the last week was a shooting pain left side back of the head. The last torture I made a note was today 4.58 pm. Pain was left side and back of the head. There is a one typical   web talk about gang stalking, that is  name  the electronic harassment victims have started use of that phenomenon. Please, read also the New Scientist story related subject.


16.10.2006 1.00am. The bad days on the last week were Saturday and Sunday. After I got sleep on Friday, torture on the right eye started at night someday. It ended Saturday about 7.40 am. This was right eye pain from a long time. Apparently their "eye mirror" is not yet working properly. On the afternoon pains started 4.51pm. off the left  side, back of the head.  About seven thirty pm. the pains was on right side front of the head.  Nine thirty, pain ended, except when I was coughing. They got me unconscious,”fast sleep" before I got full protection around my head, so they did a "after sauna torture”, I had sauna this night. The headaches continued over noon and after a little pause started pains again on the right temple of the head. It actually ended about six pm. They did also verbal threatening before noon. They said I will not be as good on mathematics next week as before, also they said they did change something on my personality definitely etc -  true or not.

10.10.2006 3.07am. Start of the week torture. They let me sleep hour or two and begin then the start of the week torture to get me into tired condition, which they like to manipulate me. They used mostly restless legs and uncomfortable bed torture, and the verbal torture to keep me awake. I guess there is no point to try to sleep rest of the night. Yesterday I got some more sleep, but not the normal sleep.

8.10.2006 10.44pm The days are pretty similar. Yesterday Torture started when I woke up. In the morning there was pain on left side center on the head. It continued over four hours. In the afternoon there was itching on the right side on the head, like somebody sticking small nails on the head. 5.40pm started torture on the center of the head. What is different is that torture on the right eye has stopped. On their words, they have got”the eye-mirror" finished. Also "cutting up my head to pieces" is almost finished - whatever it means. I have learned that Google search with words mind control electronic gives just 36 million hits, when a few months ago, I got 53 million hits. I hope they have made the cut from duplicates. I am reading Michael Sweeney’s Professional Paranoid website. He has made a pretty good list for symptoms on the victims of  mind control:

o Headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, wooziness, dissorientation, distorted spatial perception, blackouts, seeing stars, tunnel vision, temporary blindness, audio tunnel or echo (akin to taking laughing gas in a dentist's chair.)

o Sensations (whole body or localized, including roof of mouth, fingers, limbs, sexual organs) such as tingling, numbness, burning, vibration or throbbing which is asynchronous (not at the same rate) to heart beats, or general aches and pains, metallic taste in roof of mouth, itching teeth, and so forth. Uncontrolled stimulus-free sexual stimulation and orgasm are not uncommon. Vibrations or pulses at the base of the neck, temples, or sinus areas.
(almost slow enough to count beats per second, typically 8-15 counts.)

o Racing heart (palpitations,) erratic heart beat, chest pains, difficulty breathing, unexplained hyperventilation, tight chest, tight stomach, cramps, irregularity.

o Sore muscles/cramps, unresponsive muscles, jerking muscles, convulsions, shakes, jitters.

o Memory lapses, faulty recall, inability to concentrate, dramatic mood swings, momentary dyslexia, short term and long term memory problems, false memories of events that don't seem possible, but which seem extremely real.

o Ringing, clicks, buzzes, or other in-head sounds, possibly voices (see below,) ear aches, ear emissions.

o Sleep disorders, strange dreams, night sweats, hot/cold sensations, bed sores.

o Unexplained mood swings, generally for the worse, or ìyo-yoî in nature, such changes being noted by others, typic-ally, the victim generally not aware.

o Bleeding of gums, nose, ear, blood in urine, fecesÖ generally long term effects indicating use of lethal attack levels and suggesting immediate medical attention is warranted (don't discuss belief of MC attacks with Doctor.)

o Long-term exposure may result in loss of weight, dry skin or discoloring, unexplained burns/blisters, loss of hair, loss of appetite, eating disorders, continual irregularity, cancer, leukemia, and likely, and disease symptoms associated with full or partial organ failures (again suggesting lethal attacks.)


As Sweeney points out , every of the symptoms, would have   alternative explanation. We have to watch the collection of the symptoms.For the list, I would like to add several tricks that a connected to heat. The other leg is very worm, and other is not. This expecially if your legs are wet. Also the class on your hand , would feel suddenly very hot etc. I feel that these are just sensations of body - the glass is not hot in reality.



5.10.2006 1.23am.  A kind of routine torture and manipulation. The worst day of torture, on last week was Sunday, the first October. Torture started 1.27am. with headache above the right eye. Torture on right eye on different versions continued over 10 hours after noon. 2.50 pm. Started Itching on left side of the head, and 3.24 it changed on right side of the head. 6.37pm. They did electrical "changing subject" trick. I was thinking UNIX training, when they started to speak another subject. When I tried to continue thinking the UNIX training subject, I found that everything I was planning was wiped out of my memory. Actually they do this trick many times for day, especially when I thing subject they are not familiar with. I just want to tell this one  for the case of the record. They want to be able to understand, everything I am thinking, and if not they simply cut my thinking, and wipe out the memory

26.9.2006 10.27pm. There were occasional tortures every day. The pain was sometimes left, sometimes right side, or middle of the head. Yesterday they started to torture middle of the day, and make my working very difficult. Yesterday 10.50am for example there were pains on back of the head right side. Today the torture went heavier. In the morning, at 6.11am. they started with pains on the right eye. Around noon they started verbal teasing, and 4.30 pm. while I was working, there were Knife on the head torture on center of the front head. It has continued with kind of pinching and freezing feeling on the forehead, which is still continuing. Before eight pm. there were also some troubles with movements’ coordination, I dropped things .and tried to open door with wrong key etc. After nine pm. I was however able to eat without problem. Now they are making me very sleepy, to stop my writing short, however I will put this on internet tonight, whatever they do for me.

17.9.2006 11.06pm.  Day on 11.9 continued. 10.32am. Torture on the neck on right side.

3.32 pm. Torture on the neck, on both sides

4.24pm. Torture on the back of the head, on right side.

6.48 pm.  Itching on the center of the head. Headache on the forehead.

The rest of the week was similar, except it was more peaceful, because I was very tired. Today in the morning, they caused a headache, as they threatened to do on yesterday. They turned it down to a mild headache, after I complained about it. In the afternoon torture started left on back of the head, but soon  turned to front head on both sides 8.21pm. This is continuing. The feeling is not headache, but rather feeling like somebody is pinching on several places on the forehead, on the same time.

 I got a new, a very good mind-control article. This is the rest of the article. I will put it somewhere, when I have time. I got also rumors, that there are resistance movements, on inside the US- army, and several disappearances in USA. Difficult to say, how much these rumors hold truth.

11.9.2006 0.22am. They have done Knife on the head torture. They were also torturing the neck, it causes a general headache, and neck ache, and freezing feeling on the head. The last note, about neck torturing, was 6.48pm. but I remember that it continued until they put me "fast sleep" after 8.30pm. I found documentary Dash-I-Leili mass murder from Internet, and watched it. The United States army was involved with the genocide of 3000 Taliban. The watching the film takes about 50 minutes.

10.9.2006 10.53pm.  Very heavy knife on the head torture, on center of the skull. It causes also nausea. It started a moment ago. It looks like 3000 people genocide  on Dash-I-Leili , was just one example a series of similar genocides.

9.9.2006 6.16pm. On 4.9. evening there were general headaches on the front head. Other wise the torture is mostly on the right side of the head. On  the seventh September, in the morning I had also a mild nausea. There were pretty often occasional Sticks under nails torture or restless legs torture. Yesterday 4.05pm. they did both about same time.This is relatively rare. Today they started torture on right temple on the head and this continued for a long afternoon. The pain was not massive, but enough to incapacitate all my activities. As a new form of torture, on this week, they have started to cause a pain to the back of the right ear. It is like somebody is pressing a very hard on finger on the side of the ear, so that no blood will flow. They did this  last night about 1.04am and again afternoon on 4.10pm. for example.

I am investigating with internet, about 3000 Afghans genocide, by US. backed Northern Allies near Dash-I-Leili on Afghanistan, year 2001. People were put on closed containers, which were carried to desert, where they were people left until the heat and the lack of oxygen killed them. The news of this was not  censored everywhere, and it was on some of the  newspapers. But what happened these mass-murderers? I do not find any news. Did the US, forces had knowledge of the genocide? Why is not Afghan "Milosevic" on International Criminal Tribunal, like Bosnia’s Milosevic on similar genocide? I do not find any news, for arresting guilty.

To being myself tortured, and my human rights violated, has made me sensitive also for other human rights violations. Others sufferings understand much deeper when one has suffered himself. The injustice that others have gone through, understands much, if one has itself gone through injustice.


2.9.2006  11.29pm. Thursday night they showed me a movie. It was a comical cartoon. I spoke with my perpetrators, about the ovie and they said it was not a cartoon. Then I tried to remember the movie, I did not remember any color of it, not any faces. I do remember something what happened. The movie was about person, who loved old computers, and it was a funny movie. So what is the difference from ordinary dream, and movie? The dream is always about myself, the latest movies are from person I do not know. There are also other differences. My opinion is that they have a technique to cause and control persons dreams, but how much they can control, I do not know.  Anyway I did not have a headache, like their early movies. I have a theory that the horror story on 27.8. 2006 , was unsuccessfull try to show a movie.  On any case the problems with coordination , nausea, and the fever were real.

Today started with torture on the right side of the head. On daytime it was more general itching, but now pain is continued on the right eye, or around the right eye 7.36pm. to now without any break. On 7.04pm There was sticks under nails torture.

 27.8.2006 9.03am. Yesterday started very normal way. They tortured the right side on front in the morning. At eleven there were itching on the center of the head, that move left side at one afternoon. Before five there were pains on the center of the head, and it moved also left side 5.41pm on my notes. Then they get me very sleepy a "fast sleep". I did not protect myself the way,  I usually do, so I got headache on the forehead 4.33 am. I put the dishwasher on, but then they got me "fast sleep" again while sitting on the chair. When I woke up 6.43am. I got very heavy nausea, and fever. I barely was able to walk the bed. Now when I woke up, the fever is gone.  I have a bit trouble to keep my balance when  walking, and I have a kind of headache, or actually odd feeling on the neck, so this was the area , they did something. On their words they did try to take out my "hate". Actually what they did, was that they made my walking and moving more difficult, hopefully just temporary.

22.8.2006 9.41pm. I slept perhaps hour last night. When I awake I felt like a line of needles had put center my skull, front to back. The head was also a kind of freeze. By chewing chewing-gum I got the freeze partly out, but the feeling of needles stayed long. Actually most of last night, I chew the gum and did Morse-code to resist their manipulation speech, that was accompanied with torture. On the day there was verbal torture most of the day, with some pains on the head like pain on center of the head 10.57 am. and a very heavy twinge pain at front of left temple of the head on 5.02pm.

22.8.2006 1.44am. Maybe the worse start of the week torture for a long time. For everything I can feel, they try to keep me awake the whole night. They do it basically by freezing the area center of the head.  I feel besides the pain, also a kind of shrinking feeling. They support their physical torture  with a very heavy verbal torture, and also stick under nails torture. I feel I am not very spirited tomorrow at work.

20.8.2006 11.25pm. On the last week, the most typical torture was slashing pain on back of the head, left, or right at random times. The pain was similar as pain with sunstroke. On last week, there were all kinds of torture, even sticks on the nails, and restless legs torture example 17.8. 3.37 pm. Today however it was mostly pain in the right side of the head, that started weak about noon, came stronger and more painful, before it ended around seven pm. for a ringing noise on the ear, that made the pain kind of dull, and finally ended it. Later on the night at 10 pm. they made me for a "fast sleep”. I have found that there are two   ways they make the victim fast unconscious. Now this was the one, when coming back for consciousness happen normal way. On the other kinds of "fast sleep" the victim finds that he is breathing fast, like he had been under water for several minutes. On the media I read the interesting comment from recent terror thread on London Heathrow airport. Craig Murray suggests that the alleged terror plot was actually just a part of next election campaigns on USA and United Kingdom. These are part of  Craig Murray's  points:” None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time.
  In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide bombings, whatever rash stuff they may have bragged in internet chat rooms.
  What is more, many of those arrested had been under surveillance for over a year - like thousands of other British Muslims. And not just Muslims. Like me. Nothing from that surveillance had indicated the need for early arrests.
 Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most extraordinary information this way. Trouble is it always tends to give the interrogators all they might want, and more, in a desperate effort to stop or avert torture. What it doesn't give is the truth.”

   Whatever is the truth, I believe the coming elections have a great part of timing the arrests. The bad thing is that airlines and ordinary people has to pay the costs of these kind of pre-election scare campaign .


15.8.2006 11.10pm. Last week the most typical torture was pain on the right eye. It happened every day, usually in the morning. The worst torture was at ninth August ,on night between Tuesday and Wednesday, I slept then only two hours. Now the most typical torture is occasional heavy shooting pain on back of the head, usually on right, or on left, very seldom on the middle. Also itching on the center of the head is very typical. I have just realized, that they had woke up me about two am. , nearly every night for faked  natural reasons. I realized that  yesterday,when I suddenly was able to sleep the whole night.

 I am afraid, the kind of more peaceful moment now ,is only temporary. They are planning  something new for me.


6.8.2006 6.43pm. A. kind of heavy manipulation continues. Pain on the right eye started about 6 am. and continued after noon. Five minutes before one pm. started itching on the center of the head. There were heavy verbal manipulation and they started to increase pressure. I asked to "low voltage", and my surprise it worked, and they drop down their "hook", they have got somewhere on the manipulation. Otherwise the whole think would have stop to a headache. This was a second time when asking to "lower voltage" worked; perhaps there is some kind of controller somewhere. The verbal manipulation still continued heavy, and 4.21pm. started shooting ,or oscillating pain on back of the head, right side. Just a moment ago  perhaaps 6.55 pm. there were similar pains on the left side back of the head.


5.8.2006 5.47pm. The start of the week was more silent. The torture became more frequent end of the week. The pain or itching is also more often somewhere else than near of the right eye, it was on the spring. Itching on the center of the head, on morning is maybe the most frequent form of the torture. This is what happened yesterday fourth of August, which was the worst day of the week, probably today excluded:

    The torture started before six am. with pain on the left, back of the head. My vocabulary was freeze; I had difficulty work with words. They explained that they will cut my ability to speak, if  they have to some  reason free me. It really worked temporary, they call this torture hair grease, and it made difficult to express myself with words. I got the head working with Morse-code, and they let me sleep some hours. I woke up about eleven, and the pain on the right eye started on the same time. At. 8.40pm. the pain was on the center of the right side of the head. 10.53pm. They started irritate the center of the head that they usually do in the morning. 11.02 There were shrinking and freezing feeling on the right front of the head, where usually is pain in the morning.

Today the torture started on the right eye on 10.20am. Itching on the center of the head started 1.26pm.

I made a bloq search with words mind control electronic, about thirty thousand blogs.


29.7.2006 11.47pm. There were a couple of more silent days. Yesterday 28.7 was otherway normal day, exept that in the morning 10.22am. they caused extremely heavy sudden headache, which caused also nausea and pain in the stomach. It was over after half of hour or so, but it was very frightening. Today they did knife on the head torture on the right temple of the head, for awakening until about eight pm. Nearly twelve hours of torture.

I have found a study, which gives a good insight of US. Foreign policy, expecially for foreigner.The lobbying tactic of AIPAC, gives reasons, why US support Israel in most situations. If Jews pay most of the politicians campaign contributions, they are able to ask politician decisions they want also. There are no free lunches, in politics for a long term . The reason why I put the link here, is that my perpetrators, are kind of sensitive for it, I am not sure if they are manipulating me to put this link, or manipulating me not to put this link, so I feel that knowledge is never bad, and so I put the link.

24.7.2006  5.43am. They are causing heavy itching a bit left, near center of the skull. The pain is not heavy, but it cause, a really odd feeling on the head.

22.7.2006 1.29am. Yesterday, I woke up normal way. I am sure that the sore body on  thursday 20.7 morning was not natural, but caused by them. Yesterday’s day of torture:

    5.33am. Pain on the right eye

    8.37am. itching front head on left.

    12.35 afternoons. They are Irritating front head on left.

    6.24pm. Headache on the front of the head, very similar like "After Sauna Torture".

    7.54pm. Headache continues also restless legs torture.

 Now, 22.7 1.38am. Headache has moved around the right eye. They made me "fast sleep", around 9pm. but I was able to protect my head.

20.7.2006  9.58pm. Pain on the right eye started about three am. In the morning it had moved on the front, of the right temple of the head. I am not sure, if I slept at all, after three am. I was very tired, and   whole of the body felt sore. I feel they did artificially this pain on the whole body. Torture mostly ended about 8.50 am. Now Itching of the head,   showed some torture starting signs, when I travailed from work to home. I hope it does not mean a new night of torture.

18.7.2006 10.26pm. Pain on the right eye continued in the morning or so. In the afternoon. 1.35pm. they paralyzed the left side front of the head. About 2.00pm They made very a fast and freeze of front head when I was speaking. I was able to finish the sentence, but I could not continue, because I temporary lost my memory. 3.33pm. they paralyzed the center of the head, and again on 4.55pm. About 7.30pm-. they caused pain on the left side of my chest which I feel came from heart. Next freeze was 8.36pm on the left side. Their verbal speech today, was full of indirect threats.

18.7.2006 1.45am. They are causing pain on the right eye.

17.7.2006 8.10pm. The torture back of the head continued until afternoon, with verbal torture. 3.50pm. they started to cause freezing and shrinking feeling on the front head with occasional twinge on front of left temple of the head. 5.12pm. they started headache on the front head, which is now easing, but still occasional twinges on left side.

17.7.2006 6.11am. Torture continued through the night, and the pain is still there. I was not able to sleep at moment this night.

17.7.2006 2.27am. It looks like for revenge from yesterday's writing they have started start of the week torture again. They have done two hours knife on the head torture. The spot they torture is rather back of the head and on the left side of the head. Could be that they did not like publisize ,that they accepted my torture diary, as a source of their feedback. Also they were afraid that their ip-address could found on the server log, and this way is possibly somebody finds who they are. I just hope all the horrible torture that was my on life was about  three year ago does not come back. Of course is possible that the torture was planned and my writings are just pretext to start it.

16.7.2006 7.26am. The torture I described 14. July ended soon after I put the text Internet. So perhaps there is some regulatory organ somewhere who reads my diary. It does not, however try to stop torture, but rather keep it some limits on it. It has helped me anyway, there are more seldom "start of week torture" and "after sauna torture" than before I started to keep diary. Other possibility ,than a  regulatory body, is that my perpetrators are simply a bit ashamed to read public source what crimes they are committing. Anyway they did last night, what possibly was left done on Friday. The same pain and same feeling of wound started about four am. They spoke about scatter plot from part of the brain.They said also, that I lost some memory for every plot, so it is destructive plotting.

On the last week ,the night between Wednesday and Thursday was a time of their experiment, which I feel that should be told. All started pain on the front right side of the head. At midnight I was short of breathing, and I was extremely sensitive for smells, so I would have thought there is some gas in the room. On the next day, I had a small headache. I was very tired, and my legs and hands were sore, like after long run or other heavy athletic exercise. One would have impression of gas experiment, but my guess is that, they actually intervened my breathing somehow. It was very similar of some "gas" experiment; they did while I was in Canada 1980.


14.7.2006 9.30pm. A sudden heavy torture started a five minutes ago. The pain is on the right side, front of the head, and  the feeling is like somebody had made an open  wound on the head with an axe or  an other sharp object..

10.7. 2006 4.53pm. Torture on the right eye started 5.37pm. yesterday and continued about 4.40am. Other words it stopped15 minutes ago. Torture was some time very heavy ,and changed my facial expression on the right side of face, and caused also toothache kind of pain on the right side. I am not sure, if I slept at all, last night.

8.7.2006 9.50pm. The pain on this week has moved left side of the head. There were also much "sticks under nails" torture and “restless legs” torture on the start of the week. Yesterday on seventh July was the worst day of torture on this week. The torture started 9.43am. on the left side of the head, moved 10.30 on the right side back of the head, a kind of pulsing pain. On the afternoon 3.38pm. they started chest pains, on the left side. I guess they made it by causing real heart-trouble, or just imitating it with pain that feels like heart trouble. Their verbal torture warned about poisoning. The day ended sticks under nails torture that started 10.45pm. Today the pain on chest started again 12.30 noon, and they started again itching the scalp.  Later on, the pain that feels like open wound, opened on the left front of the head, when in the past  month it usually has opened on the right front of the head. The pain on the chest ended on afternoon. I am not sure if it was a real physical experiment, or designed just to make me nervous, or both. Their indirect code- verbal message was "we ate some elk-meat today". I guess it was designed with psychological team, just like most of their ”code speech” , that usually has not much to do what really happen but is designed to make up the victims  mind what happen, or how things are. However the chest pain was a kind of message or warning, that they would kill me whenever they want, or feel it is economical, without any punishment or real investigation from outside society.

I inserted the Google search with words mind control electronic, in the front of mind-control pages. If the person who reads this, has the l ability to make logical decisions, he finds that the topic that most of the media has kept quiet, wont have over fifty million Google hits, without that a large amount of people has experienced the topic personally. Example the Google search much publicized topic like UFO has just 18 million hits. Search with words UFO abductions has just over one and a half million hits. Unfortunately most of  the people do not practice logical thinking, but a kind of "analog thinking"  If news is printed on Washington Post , it is true, especially if CNN has  the same news. They judge the  reliability of news  from the news media that carry it. I guess the same people judge quality of product, from its brand. Without internet and search machines one could have more  difficulties to prove that media distribute the  news on their own interest and their owners interest, and their advertisers interest, rather than interest of people.  If I had time, I would like to investigate this. I have even  designed "news media rejection indicator" that simply counts all pages of investigated topic that can be found on Internet search divided by  the mainstream media pages that can be found on the Internet with same search. 

 Month ago my pages on  Google search were about 150th. Now I cannot find my pages at all from the results of the search. Actually it is not just a bad thing, a writer with more fluent English , would perhaps better convince the people about seriousness the situation. How ever  I would like to get the point that there are over 50 million hits with Google search, known to as many people as possible. I feel, it can really convince  those who make their own judgments, that the mind control is reality, and we are not mass-hysterics or mentally sick people.


2.7.2005 5.00pm. There was a bit of more silent time. However they did not let me sleep enough and verbal torture "electric voice" was really disturbing my vacation. Today, however they started a torture again, this time the pain moved the left side of the head. Today’s notes:

2.40am. They caused a sharp pain center of the head.

3.11am. Pain moved on the right side of the head.

4.01am. Torture on the center, on the back of the head.

11.22am.  Torture on left ,center of the head

11.56am. Torture left, back of the head.

1.15pm. There is feeling, like open wound front left of the head.

4.57. pm. The electric voice torture continues loud, wound has moved back left of the head.


28.6.2006 1.00 am. The most usual type of torture on this week is burning like or a sharp pain near the center of the head , a bit left side and back of the head. These are occasional heavy pains, which continue only a short time. Example 25.6 first pain was 2.10am. Next 3.43am. Then 10.16pm.  About this and occasional pains of other type happen every day. On 26.June 4.57pm. I would like to mention heavy nausea, and a short of breathing they caused.

I found that the Google search machine has 53 million hits on search with the words mind control electronic. My page was there around 150th of them. 53 million is more than four times as much as one get search with words election Bush fraud. Mainstream media has ignored both topics, the mind control even more than election frauds (that some pages call coup d’e´tat). With both of the  searches one can catch a glimpse of the black monster of censorship, which presence people usually do not find at all.

On the first hit with Google search with words mind control electronic there is a quotation from Albert Einstein. "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” I was not sure that the quotation was genuine, and made little search and found the same thing with different wording  ”The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil , but because of those who look on and do nothing.”. Later I found both of the quotations are genuine. It was kind of nice to find, that problems of society were same sixty years ago than now. Albert Einstein was a man who acted   on based on his conviction. On July 1955 he and eight other scientists signed manifesto warning about nuclear war.

2004 Election fraud in US- was basically very similar that fraud in Ukraine presidential election same year. The difference is that Ukrainians did not trust media, went to streets and after six days protests were able to force the parliament to declare the poll results invalid and recommend a re-run, which later gave different results. Why Ukrainians acted, while Americans stayed their living rooms? My guess for the reasons  is, that in United States people have just little experience totalitarian rule, they have a high standard of living, and they do not have same distrust of the mass-media like Ukrainians. Americans are also saturated with information noises that lower the meaning of all messages. That explains also why so few of them vote at all.

I understand why insiders, people who know what is really happening do not do anything. They do not want risk their job. Worst case they would find themselves  similar situation than I am, monitored and manipulated,  or disappear, put one of those secret jails, or torture centers that United States appear to have around the world.

 The bad thing is that the time-window, when there is possible to do something, would close down sooner than we think now. The America is becoming a weird combination of Aldous Huxley’s book ”The Brave new world” and George Orwell’s book “1984” type of  societies. Perhaps in the future everybody - except maybe the small ruling elite – would have”the mark of the Beast”. Then it is very difficult for individual to ask the change. The Beast is well alive, and gaining ground in America.

 23.6.2006 6.21pm. Now it is Finnish holiday, Midsummer eve. The torture on this week, before this day, was not mostly pain on the right side of the head, but different pains mostly on left side and center of the head, also burning and irritating pains. There was also much "sticks under nails torture" especially yesterday. Today the pain on the right temple of the head started 11.37 am. first right side of the forehead, a bit like headache, and later it became ordinary pain on the right temple. I started to wear protective clothing around the head 4.30pm, although it is not very comfortable especially warm summertime. They have history for heavy torture especially holidays; I wish this does not happen this holiday.

19.6.2006 11.15 pm. On 17. June was a heavy torture day. Evening they got me unconscious "fast sleep" I did not have energy to turn lights off, or take my clothes off. Worst thing was that I did not wear protection; I usually wear, when I go to sleep. Later on they woke me up, and showed (with their words) what means "pulling". It was very unpleasant feeling on the left side, I remembered , that this happened for me too when I was young, and their torture was much more severe

 Today they did some irritating "itching" on the center of the head, and there is of course verbal torture. They have stopped "elk-hunting" style of indirect threatening, after I started to call them Nazis, I guess hunting style, a kind of  coded speech - where group is hunting human's  instead of animals - has long history in America some circles.


15.6.2006 10.50pm. With my notebook, there was a kind of heavy torture on 10th June. It started on pain of the right side of the head, after midnight. It continued with some pauses nearly noon. There were "restless legs" torture on 8.21 pm. , and nine pm. "sticks under nails torture". Next days there were some time pain around the right eye and "fast sleep" where victim became so fast sleepy, he does not have energy to turn light off, before he fels unconscious.

Today there was a bit heavier torture than usually. It started ordinary way with pain around the right eye on the morning. 7.10 pm - after intense verbal manipulation - there were cramps on the left side of the head. Eleanor White has advised victims not to use words pulling one's head, when they describe the manipulation. People would feel person who use this expression as a mentally sick. The torture 7.10 pm. was like someone had "pulled my head". It was cramp on the head and caused different facial expression on the left side of the face, than the right side of the face. Later night there were ”restless legs" torture. Actually - if they had succeeded what they wanted, it would had cause sharp pain on the left side of the head, and the  headache after. There are also short, some seconds unconsciousness daily. I am not sure if this is a side effect of the brain damage, they have caused, or do they cause it with purpose. The torturers use name of these short moments of unconsciousness’  "eye-run”, meaning that eyes are closed for a moment.

6.6.2006 11.12pm. Monday there was not long lasting torture, except verbal torture, and shorter torture that emerged as a pain on the left side of the head. This morning their torture started very early, I guess four am. It started as usual pain on and around the right eye. The torture continued heavy and after seven it caused nausea. 9.49am. there started freezing feeling on the right side front of the head. It did made me very difficult to perform satisfactory on my job. The torture continued heavy over noon, when it stopped. On the afternoon and evening there were some short-lasting burning feelings on the forehead,. and usual verbal torture.

4.6.2006 10.11am. The torture had on this week the same timetable until the last Thursday. Torture around the right eye started around two am. and ended before, or after shower, in the morning. Daytime they had normal verbal manipulation, with ordinary threads and hopes, were threads were coded but hopes were presented with straight language. There were also occasional pains on head and "sticks under nails" torture and ear ache. Thursday the torture around the right eye started about 10. pm and ended at night, so there were not torture when I woke up on Friday. Saturday and this morning the torture around the right eye lasted longer, now it is still continuing after ten am. Last night they also manipulated my sleep, meaning that they made me very sleepy quickly, so that I just went to bed without having the strength to turn of lights, for example.

30.5.2006 11.13pm. Last Sunday they continued torture around right eye, but also manipulated heavy left side of head, and there were itching on the center of the head. Monday they started to torture around the right eye on night 2am. The pain ended after morning shower, and torture became normal verbal torture. yesterday night was similar than  Monday, and there were usual verbal manipulation daytime, except this night there were shooting pain on left side of the head  about quarter to eleven pm.

I found that I was not only person to discover USA presidential election fraud. There were over twelve million hits with Google search with words Bush election fraud. I think it was worth to put my alternative history pages, because the mainstream news media has heavily censored this news.

27.5.2006 10.28 am. The torture continued until six or seven am. After I got some sleep. Now when I woke up I have a kind of pressure especially on right side of head, but also smaller pressure on the left side. Feeling is like somebody is pressing tightly in hand the area about three centimeters back of the right eye

27.5.2006 1.20 am. They did let me sleep hour or two and now woke me up, about ten minutes ago and started to torture me. There are pains both side of the head, and they have impaired my memory so that I cannot remember all the words of the song, I have morsecoded in similar situations, to protect me. The pains of the sides of the head are growing stronger. I am not sore if they let me sleep at all on this night.

26.5.2006 9.00 pm. Their torture is going heavier starting this afternoon. These are pretty is exact times, and what they did:

4.18 pm torture on the left side of the head.

5.21 pm. Torture on the right eye

6.40 pm. Sudden burst of very heavy torture and cramps on the right side of the head

8.40 pm. Shrinking feeling on the front head. Feeling like somebody had put some fast drying glue on the head.

 21.5.2006 8.00pm. There was "after Sauna torture" that started about one pm. It changed a bit different headache on forehead on around two pm. About hour or two later it became usual itching on the both side of head, because I was out of the house, and did not wear any protection. I was happy to find that United States has organization fighting against voting fraud on electronic voting. Computer experts showed several ways to fix the voting results on electronic tough screen voting machines that are used in USA. Governor Jeb Bush is against printed receipts, that according some experts would make voting manipulation much more difficult.

21.5.2006 2.00 am. Perhaps the reason for torture on Thursday night was that they showed me a "movie”, while I was on sleep on Friday. This was about  the life of a couple that lived in City and had no children . I do not know them in real life. It was different for earlier movies in way I was watching it like theatre, except I kind of  felt feelings of actors. In the morning manipulation of head and extremely heavy verbal torture continued to afternoon. Their explanation of Thursday’s torture with their hinting code language was "We had to cut your claws short, they were too long".

19.5.2006 10.05 pm. There were tortures, every day on this week. This perhaps, because I had a vacation week. The torture was mostly itching and pains, more on the left side of head, than the usual right side. The torture was worst on last night, when I was not sure if I slept at all. They did not disable my sleep with their usual "uncomfortable bed" torture or other pains on different parts of body. Instead they used "hard head" technique. It feels very much like the victim is standing on his head. I believe they do it by raising the blood pressure on head, or by stopping circulation of blood on the head. With this technique they kept me nearly week awake without sleeping, about 30 years ago when I was in Canada. The torture did not stop at night, there were shooting pains on left temple of the head at 8.25 am. and on 9.55 am. there was pain on left side back of the head near neck just as example. Actually I believe the purpose of disable to sleep and torture, was to get me tired condition, they needed for today torture experiments.

13.5.2006 6.50 pm. Torture continued 4-6 May similar, heavy pains around the right eye, occasionally also pains on left side near the neck. Pains started usually night around three am.On the seventh of May the pain stopped, instead there were sore point on left side back of the head. On eight May there were freezing anesthetized feeling of the area on the left side, front of the head. Ninth of May the area was on the centre and left of the front head and after nine pm. They started torture left temple of the head. Between 10-12 May there were no much pains, just verbal torture and possibly some manipulation. Today after noon the torture around the right eye started again, and has continued whole afternoon.

3.5.2006 11.00 pm. I feel that torturers persons have changed. There are new students of torture now.The new group started end of April, and they are far more aggressive and brutal. 29. April,  10.25. am, they caused  a kind of mild "after sauna torture", that changed ttightening feeling on the head  hour after.

2. May 5.41 am. Heavy torture on the right temple of the head. Threads making me so numb I cannot work anymore. The next day 3. May, I had to travel with ferry to Stockholm. I would not use protection around my head, that I usually use when I sleep. I was not very afraid, because I had made similar trips to Tallinn with not very much torture.

 This time they did take advantage that I was not able to protect my head. It was the worst torture of couple of years. They caused a very heavy pain on the right side of the head. I was not able to sleep at whole night, and the pain continued on the next morning. There were also verbal torture, where they hint that the reason of their torture, was, that I  had written to my diary  on a fraud of  the U.S. presidential election. I do not believe it, it was their real reason that that they wanted express a "moral reason" for their torture. They actually did try ,that I would cope with them, without that they actually verbalize their will, how I act.

27.4.2006 10.34 pm. More or less regular daily torture on and around the right eye stopped about 18  day of April. Instead there were occasional burning sensations left side, and just centre of the head, "uncomfortable bed torture" and "restless legs torture", that they used to limit my sleep. 18.4 they did "start of the week" torture, my sleep was limited for couple of hours. This limit of sleep and verbal torture happened very often. Usually they start to speak while I am half asleep, and not capable of doing Morse-code or other type of resistance.

 This morning the torture on the right side of the head, started again. It started as pain on the right side of head occasionally in the morning, continuous on the afternoon, and now the pains are on and around the right eye.

I got message from Eleanor White, I like to join it to the diary. It explains part, our problem with media.

This past week, Alex Jones got on to the topic of 'mind control' somehow - he doesn't usually go there. While he didn't deny 'mind control' exists, he stated something to the effect that overwhelmingly, most people claiming to have been 'mind controlled' are delusional. They are mentally ill and they hear/read stories about 'mind control' and only 'believe' they have been mind controlled.
He didn't distinguish between MKULTRA-type MC and current day electronic harassment.
He does get calls from targets, and I'm guessing he is basing his opinion on how he personally feels about what they say, rather than speaking  from research. If Alex has been affected by callers claiming mind control this way, then this may also be why other talk show hosts look very askance at
such claims.
This isn't something that can be easily overcome, because talk hosts tend to rush. Most make up their mind in a split second and much of the time,
the caller doesn't get to defend themselves, as by the time the host expresses their opinion, the  caller has already been cut off.
But here is an important factor which those of us who have called in to talk shows know very well: Whenever a genuine target is on, chances are very good that an obviously (to us) BOGUS caller will call in, usually doing one or both of these  things:
- Sound really crazy and the host often gives them way too much time, reducing time for he genuine target to get the story told
- Pull the conversation on to a different topic, only distantly related, reducing time for the genuine target to get the story told
The hosts and general public may not see this as clearly as we do, and that's the problem.
What needs to be conveyed is there are *not* just two classes of callers:
- genuine targets
- mentally ill targets

... but instead three classes of callers:

- genuine targets
- mentally ill targets
- intentional cover up artists

As to the misconception that most of the callers are mentally ill, we should keep in the back of our minds as we call in to these shows that these fake
targets are real, they frequently call in to derail the story. And they are quite good at it.


So we have gone a step ahead. Before media did try to kill our stories with silence, now they are putting us on the same class with people who communicate with UFO:s etc. Most people sincerely believe that what they see on the television and the newspapers is "reality" and that media tells us all the news worth to know. So our chances to tell the truth our case  are thin, and even if people know the truth that does not help us much. It is only technology and perhaps religion and purpose of imprisonment that separates us Guantanamo prisoners. Guantanamo prisoners also do not get very much help from people.

 I learned a few days ago that the vote for United States presidential election was the most probably fixed. This is a piece of video for computer programmer Curtis Clinton's hearing. If you try find what information Google has with words Curtis Lincoln and election, you find that  no major media has  mention of hearing, but most of the links are blogs. That is the  light that makes a part of  the  black censorship monster again visible.


9.4.2006 5.00 pm. They did a full scale "After Sauna Torture" last night. I still have a headache on the forehead and nausea and for a while I had impression it goes worse. Also their verbal torture is very aggressive. Yesterday they treated to kill me. They were using indirect expression "put into sand-pit". Last week the torture was mostly pain on and around the right eye , ususally some time in the morning. They have developed some situation connected pains, example pain on the left temple of the head. Actuallly “After Sauna torture” is a kind of situation connected pain.

1.4. 2006 11.53 pm.  The daily torture on right side of head and right eye has started again. Actually there is often now the long painful torture times of old weekly torture, and still it is daily. I preferred the old system a month ago.  Example 29.3 torture started They put me unconscious "fast sleep" about 4 pm, while I was working. I got caught sleeping at work and this does not make any good for my career. 9.56 pm. torture on the right temple started again. The Night between 30 and 31 of March was worst. The pain on the right eye continued over night. I have a theory that they are really doing something on my right eye, the muscles around the eye were sore in the morning. Today they had a heavy burning pain a bit of left of the centre of the head, 10.36 pm. It lasted 50 seconds or so.  I really hope all this their activity is just temporary, and will not last long.

28.3.2006 11.22 pm. Torture on right temple of the head has gone heavy today.  It started three am. Then again it started 1.10 pm and lasted hour or so. Now it started again 10.30 pm. and pain has gone from sharp to dull, like after somebody had hit my head with hammer.

27.3. 2006 5.27 am. Last night they put me on the "movie" for a long time. The thing started before I went to bed, with sharp shooting pain side of the left eye. The pain continued a while like a pain on a wound. On the sleep the "movie" started like a kind of group tour I was participating, after normal holiday fun the feeling changed frightening, and we were lining on the underground room "mouse room" for a kind of black magic ritual. This time I was able to awake. I memorized the time of awakening it was five after three am. So I escaped the thing around three am. I believe the "movies" are not for purpose of movie, but the actual meaning is change how the brain works. 24-26 of March were the "torture days”, long lasting but weak pain  around the right eye. This weekend they also caught me sleeping without any protection around my head, I usually wear while I sleep, I got only a light "hard head" that happen usually after this.

18.3.2006 10.30 pm. They have changed for a daily torture on right side of head, longer torture session on right side of head once a week or so. The last this kind of session was 11-13 March. I hope this weekend is not the time of the next session. Between these session there are verbal torture, sometimes they put me sleepy a middle of the day, and sometimes - like couple of hours ago - there were sticks under nails torture. What I feel they are doing is that they are making some nonverbal transfer of ideas to me. I got on the week some a kind of macroeconomic ideas concerning monetary policy and inflation a kind of large chunk. I have learned from news that the God has advised as well Tony Blair  as George Bush, I just wish that the source of   "God "  is not same , that advices me, how printing more money will affect the economic activity. I wish the source is not same, but I am not sure how it is.

2.3. 2006 11.51 pm. They are causing shooting pains of the right temple just now. That what they have done for mostly of the last two weeks, causing pains on and around the right eye and the right temple. They are keeping their torture rate about same, if there are days without torture like 22-23 of February, it is compensated with torture near whole day like 27-28 of February. They are also causing occasional shooting pains on the left side, near the left ear, uncomfortable bed torture and some chest pains. On the 21 of February they did try not to let me sleep at all, but I was able to sleep some hours, by Morse coding old songs, that made their "secretary" - who "voice" my thinking -  work  a kind of dull, so they did let me sleep for a while. On the whole I have impression that they are still cutting down my sleeping hours to keep me tired all day. The verbal torture has continued same, I am planning a database for their "strong words" when they a kind of increase the electricity, near the pain.

18.2.2006 1.13 pm. Now the perpetrators torture on, and around the right eye has gone worst. Usually it has started on the morning, and ended after I wake up from the bed. Now today they started to torture middle of the day, and pain is now continuing. Otherwise much has not happened this week, some sticks under nails torture. I have also lost some words, meaning I know what the word meaning, but I cannot recall the word. Maybe that they are doing now, cutting down my vocabulary.

13.2.2006 7.35 pm. They are now causing the long lasting headache on the forehead. Feeling is very much similar than "after sauna torture". I also feel pain in the neck. On my neck there is a point on both side side, that is sore. My theory is that thhese are the places, they are cutting of the blood flow to my brain, and this way they are causing a lack of oxygen on brain, which in turn cause the headache on the forehead. The sore place on the neck is very easy to find, when I turn my head. About 2 pm. they also caused pains on the chest. The last backache was 11th February, so I hope, these backbone experiments are over. Otherwise the last week was a kind of potpourri of old experiments. They manipulate my urination 0n fifth February. On seventh February there were torture and freezing feeling on the left side of the head.

The behavior of the Western media always surprises me. There were two, a kind partial censorship or blackout of stories, I was able to find. The one was about bullying in Russian Army. As a result of torture one of the soldiers lost his both legs and genitals. There was a demonstration on outside of Ministry of Russian defense, where Mothers of people serving in military claimed of resignation of the Russian Defense minister. As a human interest story, this should have gone to first page of every newspaper. However most of the newspaper simply kept silent of the case and the Mothers demonstration concerning the case. Finland only one newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" made story about the bullying, but did not mention the demonstration.

The other case of partial censorship was a case where F16 plane killed a group of Iraq people, without knowing who they are, and apparently only reason that the pilot was able to recognize the group.My attention caught the pilots a kind of code language,  speaking of killing of humans, as a ”taking people out”.As far as I know this did not come out of any major Finnish television channels, and I believe same is for most of the American channels. One exception  I know, is channel four in Britain These are two cases where the absolute blackout has failed, so I can make links for the news. Usually the blackout is not failure, and these cases most of us know nothing. Censorship is a black monster on the dark room, and we are not able to see it. We can find a part of it only if some light comes to the room.

 31.1.2006 10.42 pm. On 18th January night, they threaten with "backbone operations" that could possible, cause some disability. After this my back has been sore on random times of a day. I am still perfectly capable for walk. The only difference, I have to walk more straight position. The torture is continued random on left side of the head, - often with shooting pains -, or right side of the head, around the right eye then with   continuing pain usually at night. Also verbal torture is continued. I guess they need some hour's talk with a victim, to keep their system working. Some perpetrators have substituted the talk with a kind of sing along, what is actually very dangerous, because person cannot easily distinguish his own "voice" from the perpetrators "voice". That why they call their torture centre sometimes with name "Opera". I guess this would sound stupid from outsiders, but for a victim, question is important reservation of own judgment.

16.1.2006 3.32 am. Now they are torturing left side of the head. This has happened since On the same time they use very aggressive verbal torture to get me in the state of excitement, and  then comes the pain, perpetrators suggested word cramp to describe the pain, and it actually describes the feeling well. On the last morning five am. they tortured on right eye, their usual manner. The torture on the right side of the head has happened daily on the few last days, but long torture on the left side of the head , Other kind of interesting thing happened 8.1. 2006 5.20 pm. I heard some Morse code. Three u letter and a long code. If it was American Morse code the interpretation is "uuul”. It could be that perpetrators were just kind of joking, or other possibility is that somebody has found the transmission system, they use. Except tinnitus, usually there is no outside radio noise. The last similar incident happened year 1998, when I heard a piece of telephone conversation of people I do not know.

8.1.2006 3.42 am. The torture has continued from last writing. Now it has turned into pulsating pain on the right temple. It is more painful than several months. I am really scared.

7.1.2006 10.26 pm. The sleep torture has weakened, for point I could get sleep with Morse coding old songs.  On Fifth January they caused a general headache, on the forehead in the morning. Last nigh was occasional torture on left side of the head. Morning about 9 am. I tried to wake up but I felt dizziness, so I woke up couple of hours later. After first occasionally now continuing there is torture and manipulation of the right side of the head. Just now there is a numb place on the head about ten centimeters of the right eye, just like after anesthesia. I hoped the bill, where United States authorities are, ordered to stop torture of prisoners, would stop also my torture, but it is not true. Perhaps I am not counted as prisoner, just like people who were captured  in Afghanistan and carried on  Guantanamo-concentration camp, were not counted as enemy soldiers. Perhaps my torturers are not from United States, but some other country that United States is co-operating with. I got mail from Eleanor White, that the other victims had found several thousand  of gang stalking links with Google. All of them are not telling about electronic harassing, but I believe there are many in this group which are experiencing electronic harassing, but are not simply speaking it, because people around them would easily interpret their stories as a sign of their mental illness. However there are many that have spoken out, and more people we get, that more difficult it  is  authorities to explain, that we are just a bunch of mentally sick people that had gathered together. The use fire tracks for harassing people, is just one prove, that both groups are linked together.

2.1.2006 9.29 am. There were some day’s only verbal torture and occasional "sticks under nails" torture. Last night however it changed. I was not able to sleep at all. Besides old "uncomfortable bed" torture, they used some techniques, like itching between toes, they have never done. I watched yesterday President Bush signing bill that forbids American personnel to use torture anywhere. For my reality it has not changed.

24.12.2005 11.02 pm. As general, their torture has gone worse, and their speech is more agressive - on their words "they are showing their teeth".. They are irritating mostly two spot on the right side. One is side of the right eye and other about five centimeter of it (11 o’clock direction) this torture starts usually 4, 30 am. So my sleep is cut. Their explanation for torture is that they need it to my "makeup". Other explanation is their need to change my "classes". Both are their typical code language, made for more questioning. 21 December morning 10.23 am, they also caused heart pains. The torture around the right eye happens daily, more random but also daily is "stick under nails torture. The bladder rupture torture ended about 18 of December. I have found a. list of sites about gang stalking. The reason that police does not respond victims complaints, and that the firemen are co-operating, make me sure that the government is involved in some level for this, Nazi activity.

16.12.2005 6.17 am. My Christmas holidays have started. It looks like they have planned extended torture for my holidays, because I don't have to go  work. This night I did not sleep at all they used "sticks under nails torture”, and "uncomfortable bed torture" among the other things to keep me awake. For the Wednesdays "bladder rupture" more, they hinted that it was not caused ordinary way but they have special "gun" to make this for anybody. For certain reason I do not believe them (The thing lasted only four hours). Still how about if they have a "gun" that works with ultrasound or microwave and can cause bladder rupture or heart attack for anybody. Person who is shot does not understand what happened, and even if he does, the local police do not believe him. The castor oil that Mussolini’s Nazis used for humiliating people has changed for sophisticated "non lethal weapons”, but the principal of the work is much same. It looks like there is people that do the ordinary gang stalking in America, and the special forces that support them with "non lethal weapons", and  the ordinary gang stalkers does not necessary know these "non lethal weapons" people. I hope people understand organize themselves, early enough this time before these new Nazis take over all the institutions of society.

14.12. 2005 10.30 pm. They caused nearly continuous feeling of need to urinate, similar like I had a bladder infection. It started about 4 pm. and ended 8 pm. very humiliating

12.12.2005. 9.01 pm. They did "start of the week torture". I did not sleep at all, last night. They caused backache, or actually broken feeling on back, that made me  impossible to sleep.

11.12.2005 11.50 pm. A kind of  time between on this week, most of just verbal torture, and fast occurring sleepy moments. I found a. book that explains things that are similar, that I experinced in Canada(David Lawson: Terrorist Stalking in America), on exeption , that they were companied with electronic verbal voice. The firetrucks and other intimidations were similar. The only possibility I can think, is that  Canadian Governement is backing for gang stalking, and has developed their techniques, they now use.The side I found excerpts of the book was

4.12.2005 1.00 pm. They did "after sauna torture"; it is mostly over now, just a small headache. Yesterday they caused pain around the right eye, for a very long time, about 4 am. until 2 pm. Start of last week, Monday and Tuesday, they limited my sleep, very much like "start of the week torture". On verbal torture, nothing special, on Tuesday they said they had made me a surgery; they have cut out my (invisible) tonsils. I did not find anything special on myself, so I hope it is nothing serious.

21.11.2005 10.07 pm. On the end of last week, they mostly limited my sleep. Saturday they woke me up with "uncomfortable bed torture” that put me, to swing side to other. After I realized it was artificial, they stopped it and started verbal torture. Last night they woke me up 3.30 am. with "sticks under nail torture". 9.37 am. They caused pain on the right side of the head. The pain became sharp pointed and moved above the right eye 10.10 am. This time it also changed my face feeling, and facial expression. Earlier they had told me they grow me a horn, like other Martians, and this horn is for "telepathic communication" with them. They said I have a nice little horn growing already. I did not find , any horn on the  right side, of  my head on mirror, so the horn must be invisible, like haircut they have given me is also invisible, and only feel on victims mind, on some kind of pain or handicap of thinking. These are examples of new idiomatic expression they teach for their victims. Most of them are just threat, but often there is something real behind the expression. The pain was end for this day about one pm.

17.11.2005 11.51 pm. They have tortured the right side of the head the whole day. What they actually do, is strangling the blood flow of the right side of the head, as well around the right eye and right side back of the head. I hope they do not continue it very long time. This is the longest continuous torture for this year, I felt. Actually torture ended around 6 pm.

16.11. 2005  9.06 pm. I guess, this is a temporary pause between something that is end and something that not has started yet. This week only torture was on Sunday ,a. kind of mini "after sauna torture". No pain around the right eye, or anything else serious. Also their talk has gone more polite. They call me with names less frequently as before. The talk is most false news and a kind of trying to cause heavy feelings they can "hook”. They have threatened me with things, I should really worry if Finnish police is co-operating with them. I hope it is not.

6.11.2005 11.57 pm. This morning they did "after sauna torture" again. Continuous headache on forehead from 6 am. to noon. As a general the daily pain around the right eye, has changed shooting pain on the right temple, pains on the centre of the head, getting me unconscious, "sticks under nails torture" and "uncomfortable bed" torture.etc. Their language has gone better, usually they are telling false "news", how everything is becoming public etc.I have un  idea, that place where the torture is done, is some kind of military school similarly as "School of Americas", and I am used as a victim when they show how to use these torture equipments.

2.10.2005 6.55 am. They are doing a pretty painful torture on the centre of the head, right now. Feeling is much like they are pulling the hair. It also causes a mild nausea. On Monday 31. October 10.52 am. They did "hard head" torture. I guess they did it by raising the blood pressure on the head. I guess most of their tricks are done, by manipulating the blood pressure, specific parts of the body. Their threatening language has developed. They have invented new expressions like ”washing the hair" etc.

24.10.2005 5.46 am. The torture started 4.30 am. They caused pain left side front end near centre of the head. The feeling is like I have axe-wound on my head. I mean is not like ice pick wound but rather long. I have got impression that it was revenge, because I made this diary more visible for readers. It is also possible that they have planned to do this for a long time, and they just want to give me "reason”, why they did this, so that I feel that everything depends on my behavior, and not their needs to experiment using me as a victim of their experimenting.

16.10.2005 10.30 pm. Until tenth October, it was mostly ordinal pain around the right eye, in the morning or after wakeup On tenth October they used threatening language "you still need another surgery".  On this day tenth October 6.15 pm. There were shrinking feeling on the head; they were manipulating the blood flow of my head. Next day 11. October  4.27 am. They started to cause nausea. On next days the torture was not so punctual every day, but varied, often there was "sticks under nails torture". Today in wakeup, they caused a mild headache on the front head, a kind of mild "after sauna torture". I went over it by chewing the bubblegum, to keep the blood flowing. 9.45 pm. torture around the right eye. They are started to use more threatening language with their typical "code language". They are using sentences like: "it was a very long shave this time"," In the evening you are going to path"," Your nails are too long we have to cut them", "You have too long teeth we have to take them out", "You cannot play your organs anymore, we have taken them away from you.", "You need another haircut". Some of the things possible do not have any other meaning, than to get me scared, but example "haircut" is something I really feel on my head, feeling like after haircut.

1.10.2005 11.56 pm. After "start of week torture", there were no pain, around the right eye. On the night between Thursday and Friday they caused a false infection of bladder - constant need to urinate, and burning sensation when try to urinate.  I thought first, it was a real thing, but they stopped this torture after couple of hours, and urinating went to normal. I have suffered sometimes also real cystitis, and I know it takes at least a day before it goes normal.

This morning they started a kind of mild "after sauna torture" although I did not have sauna last night. The morning started with ageneral headache on forehead. It  became a general pain on eyes on lunchtime, and normal pain around the right eye on evening . The pain around the right eye  is still continuing. Exception on this false cystitis torture their line was less pain and longer time, and now, also amount of pain is increasing.

27.9.2005 4.53 am. They did first "start of the week torture" since 26.7. 2005. They caused ear-ache on the right ear until; I found it was not natural about 2.30 am. Then they stopped the ear-ache, but I did not get sleep. I feel I did not sleep at all last night, although I am not sure. The purpose of "start of the week torture” is to get person tired, after weekends sleep, so he is easier to manipulate. Usually they do it by "uncomfortable bed torture" , but they have lots of other tricks too, to keep the victim awake for the whole night.

25.9.2005 1.23 am. Last week the torture has gone heavier than earlier. Pain in the mornings is longer, and there are different sudden pains, and causing  sudden sleep, and "restless legs" torture is daily. Last night they caused hallucinations that they have not done for year. It was similar than earlier hallucinations experiments, except there was not cause of fear, sound effect, or anything else cause. There was pain on spinal cord and head, and the thing went away after I moved my body, but they were able to freeze me on place for a long time. So my theory is that on their experiments the fear is caused some way, and it connects whatever sound or visual effect that is present on time of manipulation.In the morning was usual pain around the right eye, but no more headaches. Anyway, I am afraid, that they destroyed something from my head on purpose or accidentally.

18.9. 2005 11.49 pm. They have caused pain on area around the right eye, nearly every day, usually in the morning. Later evening is often "uncomfortable legs" or "sticks under nails" torture. Yesterday they did "rust nail" torture on the right side of the head, and this morning there was a mild "after sauna torture". However as a whole, I feel that they kind of avoid causing excessive pain, which they have not done before. I guess they have started a kind of”ethical standards program" how they commit their crimes. I have compared their manipulation of George Orwell's "Newspeak". The difference is that Orwell -in his book 1984 - removed unwanted words for language. Their technique is to remove them for the memory of the individual. The result is partly same. The Secretary technique - speaking trough other persons mind, Orwell could not imagine for his time. For me was surprise  the general public passive role, not only a mind control torture, but also things like the  Finders case, that is against all the values of western society.

29.8.2005 4.56 am. Between August 15 and August 23 there were torture that caused pain around the right eye, usually couple of hours per day. On August 23 they irritated left side front of head. August 24, 25, 26 there was not torture, that caused long lasting physical pain, just verbal manipulation. August 27. They irritated centre or a bit left of centre of the head. On August 28 when I woke up they started to torture area around the right eye, but this time it lasted much longer time than usually. The torture stopped after six pm. The pain is not impossible to stand, but while it last it decrease the quality of life very effectively. How ever I am happy they did not start their torture session "after sauna torture”, although I was sauna night before their torture started.

15.8.2005 10.34 pm. They caused headache on the frontal bone and kind of freezing and tightening feeling on the  same area and  a mild nausea. I got over the freezing feeling by chewing bubblegum, which kept the blood going on the forehead. After they caused itching on the centre of the skull. Their torture stopped around eight pm.

14.8.2005 11.24 pm. Last morning they did this old "after sauna torture" , that they have not repeated for months. In the morning I got nausea and heavy headache in the forehead, which continued afternoon.

13.8.2005 4.53 pm. There was a few days pause on the torture, but it started again on 11th day, and it is going heavier, and last longer every day. Today torture on side of the right eye, started in the morning, when I woke up, and it is still continuing. Similar feeling like after somebody has hit the right eye. So they are somehow stopping the free blood flow around the right eye.

1.8. 2005 1.00 am. From last week to now torture has followed similar pattern every day. It has started night 2-3 am after I have gone to sleep. , and stopped in the morning after I wakeup. The pain is always around the right eye. On the daytime, there is occasional pains, usually somewhere else than the right side of the head, and verbal torture and manipulation

28.7.2005 9.11 pm. They continue torture on the right side of the head, around the right eye. They start when I am sleeping, but if I wake up middle of the night (Wednesday 2.30 am.) I feel the torture. Wednesday it was right on right eye. Last night I was so tired I did not woke up, but on the morning, the right side of head was sore.

26.7.2005 4.37 am. This was their "end of holiday’s torture”. It was like their "start of week torture” but I guess because my blood values, (where they monitor how sleepy I am) were "too good" they did not let me sleep at all. There was ordinary pain on the right side of the head, that feels like wounded now, and there was pain on right ear that they used to control on which side I am sleeping.  The pain on right ear stopped about three am. Of course they tried to verbal manipulation, but I made their "secretary" to do Morse code of old songs that I remember. Their response was old; they try to cut my memory, so that I would not remember the words of the songs. I guess they got me easier manipulative sleepy mode, they wanted me. I am not actually tired, but I know if they want, they will get me unconscious for a time of few minutes

24.7.2005 9.47 pm. Last night they had a dream-movie experiments, that I had some times before. I was sleeping and somehow understand what happened. They used a sound of fan and somehow amplified it and caused it to make scaring. There were some story, but I cannot remember it, similarly as dreams. However I can remember, if I opened my eyes, the dream stopped, and continued after I closed my eyes. They talked for that "movie" in the morning, and explained that they caused it by teasing some part of brain. They said that the "helicopter movie" 23 June 2003 was made similar way, and they cannot control the outcome of "movie”, but it is something that happens in person's brain. On my argument that there was not headache on this time their comment was "We can cause the headache for you if you want it".
 Usually they do not give any details what they do without reason, Means that for some reason they wanted me to write about this dream-movie, and that they made it by teasing some part of the brain. If I compare this for "helicopter move" there is also another difference. On the time of helicopter movie my head was freeze and could not move it. With this movie now, I was able to open my eyes and move my body. Actually I stopped the movie by waking up for a few minutes.

22.7.2005 8.22 pm. There was a pause, for their torture, but apparently they have now made decision that I am fit to use as human guinea pig again. Ordinary torture on the right side started about noon for occasional sharp pains that became on continuing pain around 6 pm. 720 pm. part of right side of the head felt freeze. Now there is continuous pain that hurts much when coughing.

10.7.2005.2.50 pm. I was right; it was the worst torture for year or so. Pain was on the right side.  In the morning I had some difficulties for thinking, but now it is only a kind of naked feeling perhaps the one that my torturers call name "haircut”. They let me understand, that they have rented me for some outside organisation for their experimenting. Just now they are manipulating left side of head on front near the same place they usually torture right side of head.

10.7.2005 2.30 am. From most of the last week they tortured area around the right eye. The torture started about 2-3 am. and continued until I went to shower in the morning. On the days they had some manipulation and verbal torture. Last night however their torture grew more intense. The pain around the right eye started around 2 am and ended after 1pm on the next day. Now they started causing pain  one am. on back of the head and the left side of skull, so I am afraid they are planning something special for this night.

5.7.2005 10.50 pm. The torture started today after noon with intense verbal manipulation. It continued with pain above the right eye, that started before one pm. Couple of days ago, I got experience their power. I was sending an article for national newspaper their electric discussion board about pentagon torture. I had link about "School of Americas" torture teaching, where they used local homeless people as guinea pigs for teach and study torture. When I was sending the story with link, the transmission stopped. I have a WLAN with radio controlled switch to turn it on. Later the switch went off. For my opinion somebody jammed the transmission, and later did send the code that closed the switch. It is not technically very difficult, but for my understanding, it means the transmitter has to be pretty near. Of course there is possibility that everything was just two random coincidences, but I calculate, there is more possibility that somebody really caused the errors. I got the story sended for the next day although

29.6. 2005 5.50  pm.  Yesterday they tortured area around the left eye. Now on the afternoon they started to torture area around the right eye again. The difference about pain on the left eye yesterday and the right eye now, was that the pain on left eye was oscillating, and pain around the right eye is more continuing, although now it is more like pain on the wound now, but they caused the wound on the afternoon between 2 pm. and 5 pm.

25.6.2005 11.16 pm. Last night about 1. am. they caused me very fast and strong heartbeat for a long time. I was afraid they try to cause me a heart-attack, so I wrote my pda. what has happened. The heartbeat went away. In the morning they made me "uncomfortable bed" torture, so they still want to limit my sleeping time, and keep me tired. Later on afternoon I felt they are manipulating head on left side and back of the head.

19.6.2005 1.37 pm. Last night about 4 am. they did some sighting experiments. On the centre of the vision sight was not sharp and around the light was a big white circular smoke that has sharp edges. Sides of the vision, sight was normal. In the morning the sight was normal. My right did hurt in the morning, but this was because of their”around right eye" torture, that has continued every night or morning. Now feeling is normal except five minutes ago I had a shooting pain on the right side of the skull, but it diminished when I started to write this diary.   Actually they are causing the earache on the right ear, right now. They try to communicate with pain, I assume.

18.6.2005 11.03 am. Last night they got me "fast sleep" I became conscious about three am. Torture around the right eye. Pain started in the morning, when I awakened, and it is continuing.

16.6.2005 7.19 am. Like nearly every morning torture has started on night with pain on right side around right eye, and heavy verbal torture. I have notes of torture on my notebook for 10,11,12,15 days of this month. Torture usually goes occasional for day, and sometimes there are shooting pains, or pains left side of skull. Sometimes they try to get me bed fast with extremely tired feeling and "restless legs" torture.

8.6.2005 5.55 am. The torture started again on pain near the right eye on night, and it is continuing. There were some temporary pains on the left side of the head on earlier days. I have met personally again another victim of mind-control. He is Italian born, and his problems started while he was in Canada also. They have tried to cheat him financially, bit like me when they promised that my Visa Account is”unlimited” and they will pay all my use of this account.

2.6.2005 6.08 am. Their torture session of days started yesterday. In the morning after torture started on impaired feeling and pain on the area around the right eye. The torture continued until afternoon and the right side of face felt partly paralyzed. On the afternoon after 3 pm. feeling became more just pain. This continued until I went home for work, and the pain ended on whistling sound on the right ear. Later they made me very sleepy, I was able to protect my head before became unconscious, although the brushing of teeth I did not have time. Now In the morning the torture look like starting again on pain  near the right eye.

22.5.2005 3.20 pm. Their torture started in the morning, when I woke up, similarly as yesterday. The difference is that yesterday torture stopped about quarter after one pm. Now it is still continuing, although the sharp pain on side of the right eye is changed less pinpointing pain on the whole right forehead. Yesterday they once again caused me "restless legs torture", got me horizontal position and unconscious. After had an experiment, where I was waking up turning the lights on, I wondered why the light does not turn on. Later on I woke up and found that was only a kind of artificial dream, I had not done anything.

21.5. 2005. Now is a quarter to one pm. Their torture on right side of head has continued nearly every night and morning. In the morning, when I wake up there is a pain in the right side of the head. Later feeling is impaired, like after being too long without a hat in the strong sunshine. This is often feeling also if I wake up for some reason in the night. Now heir torture was very strong at 10.30 am. Then discontinued, and started again a few moments ago.

8.5.2005 10.41 pm. They started torture about 9 pm. Now I have impaired feeling at right side of head, around of the right eye. Very much like” rust nail”torture, that feels like rust nail is on the head.

17.5.2005 10.37 pm. Word is like the finger that points the moon, it is not the moon. My torturers word, that they will stop my torturing, does not mean they would stop my torturing, but only that they want to give me impression that they will stop the torture. Now torture started on the right side of the head, like usually, it started in the morning around 8 am. And continued with small pauses until afternoon Just a few moments ago, 10.30 pm. they had "sticks under nails" torture

12.5.2005 10.41 am. Lasat night they promised, this is the last time, they torture me. The torture was normal "uncomfortable bed" and some nausea. The promise to stop torture, was probably just one way to get me excited in their morning  "get instruments pointing right talk", Couple of days ago (10.5) I found in the morning , I had lost pieces of my memories , only some shrapnel’s of whole stories left. Example one story, the only thing I remember is that "the ship was time chartered". The worst thing is that I do not know, what is wiped out from my memory.

1.5.2005 10.00 pm. Last Night was with very intensive verbal torture, however I got enough sleep. The pain on right side of the started about 7 pm and it is continuing. They are also threading, with their typical code language "You are getting pay raise”, which does not mean that I will get some money or anything else positive.

30.4.2005 3.15 pm. Torture has continued, very much like before. It was heaviest on 24.4 .Tinnitus on the right ear, which has continued, abruptly stopped 2.07 pm. for a few seconds, and started again. So it might come for as side product of their manipulation. On the week I had artificial dreams (movies). On the first one there was a helicopter, and after I was on the car, and outside masked men sprayed something inside. On the second I was world after nuclear attack, where society was broken, and I hide for toxic clouds with people that were actually enemy side. The difference for earlier "movies" was that there were no headaches after it, as usual. However my torturers knew my dreams and dreams were very far my normal life, and did not include any people I know, so I believe they were made someway.  On yesterday I found Dee Finney's excellent mind controls site Mind Control Database. There was listed another Finnish victim Petri Ticklen's site. It was made 1998. Petri Ticklen had also second site, but it was not working - so something has happened to him. Petri's website made me thinking, why we do not get our message through to people. There are countries where everybody knows that police get some people to torture and possibly kill them. People on these countries accept this, and many even feel their must have done something criminal because police get them away. Our case is much more difficult, we are not organized group of people like other mistreated minorities, we are large geographical area, and before Internet we did not usually know each other. And worst of all, majority of people have not experienced things that we are. We are manipulated nearly all the time, still majority of people is looking inconsistencies in our behaviour, more than ordinary people. They understand that person that has taken drugs or drank too much liquor, does not behave normally, but they do not understand that person, who mind is manipulated would do this same. For our case abnormal behaviour is interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Has the society behaved rationally dealing with us? I am feeling no. There are no epidemiological studies, what characteristic we have, how long we live, and what sickness we will die. There are no medical checkups with MRI (magnetic resonance imagining) scans, that would have reveal (or not) how our brain functions differ for ordinary people. Petri Ticklen's way to try to resolve his problem was very rational, if we understand that he worked under constant pressure and manipulation. This is about what ordinary person - I included - would and could do. For those who see and seek unsound mind, behind Petri Ticklen's site I would like to ask: What you would do if you are in this kind of situation,  to solve your problem?.

23.4.2005 11.44 am. The night was pretty normal. They started usual verbal torture, while I was half sleep. After wake up around 10 am. They started o torture right side of head, wheeling like ice pick on head, near centre of head the right side. I wheel the day will not be very productive, good if I am able to carry garbage out of kitchen.

22.4.2005 5.22 am. Their torture started about on pain on the right side of the head (when I wrote this "secretary" blocked memory and tried to whisper word left on place of word right ) .Pain is still continuing and it is different than before, bullet hole type pain. I did Morse coding old songs at night  to get sleep. What worries me in the morning I was not able to recall the words of the song I was Morse coding at night. They were able to wipe out it from my memory, at least temporary.

21.4.2005 1.50 am. On start of the week they limited my sleep less than 4 hours per day. It did not happen by not letting me sleep, but by awakening me early. I was not sleepy when I wake awake, but on evening I was very tired. This continued about four days, until Wednesday, when I had pretty normal sleep. However on Wednesday started their torture on right side of head again. Their headache machine started in the morning and end about 3 pm. I guess the only reason that their usual head torture was stopped for a few days, was their sleep experiment that they did not want interfere  with other torture. On last Sunday they caused a whole head pain,  similar than after sauna torture, they used have every Sunday morning about a year ago.

14.4. 2005 0.32 am. After I went work to home, they got me sleep, while watching television. I wake up pain on right side above right eye. I was not able to move much, but they got me horizontal position. There the torture continued, I was partly unconscious. After they tried to get me excited, with verbal torture, They spoke about making a hole in the head, but also they tried to make for me picture that they had broken their regulations, about manipulation. This is their usual style of speak after heavy torture, like everything was miserable mistake, and somebody will punish them. If person gets excited, he will feel different kind like cutting pain, and .the speak will change tone to sarcastic. Now my right side of head feels hurting, like somebody had hit with hammer above the right eye.

7.4. 2005 10.22 pm. After a few days inactivity, they are activating again. From the morning about 8 am until afternoon, the right side of head felt partly paralyzed, or feeling like after somebody had hit it and it was swollen. Now they are doing "restless legs torture", what means they want me to go to sleeping.

26.3.2005 9.32 pm. Now they have tortured especially side of the right eye. It hurts badly when coughing. The torture started when I undress my head shield to come out of house and get the newspaper from the mailbox. Torture is continued irregularly each other of hour or so. Yesterday they caused earache, because they wanted to me not to wear earphones. After the pain went out, I put the earphones on again. This time they said something "being tired to play with you", but did not start to ear pain torture again. They have developed a kind of manipulating system, which works with pain and sleepiness. Example if I go shopping after lunch I am not tired, but if I start to read something I became very tired, after ten minutes or so. Apparently they disturb my body functioning, so that blood sugar level comes high if I go to read after lunch because my "secretary" does not like reading - what means him a kind of repeating, what I read. Similarly they have pain, if they want me to sleep other side, or not stay someplace etc. They told me on 1960 end most of the United Nations ambassadors of small countries on New York were manipulated electrically. After implanting them they started to speak them as "voice of god" or "new form of life from Sirius" etc. according what ambassadors believe. Anyway they made agreement with many of them that they do not torture them if they vote like they wanted. They made "sticks of the nail" type pain on left fingers for no-vote, and same thing for right hands for yes-vote. That because most of the ambassadors preferred not to talk at all with them. I understand ambassadors. It is not case of simply verbal manipulation, but their machine does also something else on brain, it has a kind of electrical effect, which works if a person listen them. They have some other stories too. Is this story about ambassadors true I am not sure, but I believe it would be true. If it is true I hope some of the ambassadors come out their closets and speak public, what did happen to them, just for the sake of history.


22.3.2005 3.55 am. Their usual start of the week torture is moved to Tuesday. The purpose of the torture is to get me sleepy. Uncomfortable bed torture and they did something my head I do not feel sleepy. Otherwise the last week is gone with mostly some manipulation, which I have felt around my head. They did also cause some memory blocks to manipulate my vocabulary on case I had to speak English.

10.3. 2005 6.05 am. My right side of head above the right eye hurts again. They threatened to "burn my files”, whatever it means.

7.3.2005 11.25 pm. 5.3 night, my right side of head was sore when I woke up, so they had manipulated it while I was asleep. 6.3. and after they have tortured mostly other parts of head, than right side. I heard that Aljazeera news Agency reported that Iraq health ministry official had convinced that Us-army used nerve Gas weapons and Napalm and cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel.  With Google search I found that the news went on most alternative media, but not on mainstream western media. So there has to be a kind of system that stops unwanted news. I feel that it works on news agencies. That why mind control news do not come out mainstream media. This news of illegal nerve gas use, was important, it has human interest value etc. How Army blocks the news, I do not know. The torture pictures went public, but this was before election. Most people do not realize the blackout of news, and so they are not aware that everything worth of print is not printed in their newspapers. I will find, in future, if this nerve-gas news breaks from alternative press into mainstream media.

4.3.2005 11.23 pm. They started on the morning by torturing left side of head. The torture continued over 9 am.  About 5 pm. they had”sticks under nails torture" on left fingers.  Now after 11 pm. They are irritating the centre of the head, for some purpose.

3.3.2005  11.50 pm. About 4.30 pm. Torture started left side front of the head. 5.45 pm. The tortured side felt partly frozen, different than the right side of the head. 6.24 pm. Torture started again left side, but this time back of the head. I put my protecting clothes around my head about 8.00 pm. Now torture has stopped for a while, except that the left side of head still feels different than right side, and frozen feeling is near centre of the head.

1.3 2005 5.03 am. They started torture after couple of hours sleep about 2.50 am. by waking me up by "uncomfortable bed" torture, which makes sleeping painful whatever side the victim is. After they continued verbal torture and "sticks under nails" torture to keep me awake. I had no other possibility than do Morse code; even I hate it maybe even more than my "interpreter”. So I was rest of the night some kind of half sleep hour or two. This was actually very much like their Monday morning torture except it happened a day after Monday.

21.2. 2005 5.09 am. Their usual Monday morning torture. I still feel their manipulation on my neck. It is not  "hard head" they kept me awake three days at row twenty years ago, but the principal is same. On weekend when I do not have to go to work, they prefer "uncomfortable bed" and "restless legs" type torture, where sleeping is limited, by making it uncomfortable. Often on weekends, they do not actually try to limit my sleep, but limit my activity. Yesterday I went asleep while sitting on chair. I had a dream about two giant rabbits-face creatures, which walk on two legs. I am not if it was ordinary dream or somehow fabricated.

13.2. 2005. 11.28 pm. torture on the left eye this time

13.2. 2005. 11.14 am. Torture around the right eye.

11.2.2005 8.19 am, Torture on the right eye. It started about same time as yesterday, the only difference , this time there was not "uncomfortable bed" torture, that they did do yesterday. I guess the purpose for this "uncomfortable bed" torture is to get me sleepy, by not letting me to sleep. The right side of head is sore, and that wheels especially when coughing.

11.2.2005 1.39 am. Yesterday and a day before yesterday, their torture on right eye started around 3-4 am and continued until I woke up about 7 am. Now if they do same thing, it is a third day in row.

8.2.2005   5.44 am. They torture  my right eye, just now.

7.2. 2005 0.34 am. Torture on right temple of my head. 8.44 am Torture on right side of head started about 6 am and it is still continuing.

6.2. 2005 6.01 am. Torture on right side of the head. 1.19 pm. Rust nail type of torture, feels like they are turning a pick on my right temple,

3.2.2005 4.47 pm. Torture on right side between 2 and 4 pm. This was while I was on meeting; I hope it did not make my speech very unclear.

2.2. 2005 they wanted to demonstrate that they can prevent me to remember specific things. They caused me to not remember my account password. For specially they did take care , do not cause me harm, I remembered my credit-card password , when I used my credit card and then I did not remember my account password, and other way around.

1.2. 2005 This evening they made me unconcious. When I woke up my hands were trembling.

22.1.2005 12.35. Torture on  right  eye. Feeling like somebody had hit on eye.

21.1.2005  5.55 am. torture on same place as yesterday, right side of the head

20.1.2005  9.40 pm. Torture on right side of the head.

9.1.2005 10.35 pm. In the morning torturers caused ordinary pain on right side around head. Just now they cause sharp pointed oscillating pain on right temple of head.

8.1.2005 10.17 am. Possibly heaviest torture for month or two. It started after I went to sleep, and it was worst about 4.30 am. The pain came just on right eye, and it is still hurting.

7.1.2005 4.06 am. Last Year ended on their torture on LEFT side of  the head starting 31.12.2004 2.30 pm. This year they started to torture usual way on right side of head around my right eye. After New Year the time of torture was usually around 9. Pm. Now the usual time has changed, same as torture has gone heavier for every day. Now they started 3.30 am. , I have not slept at all this night, or actually what happened, Wednesday evening around 7 pm. they made my sitting on chair uncomfortable and painful. So I went to bed, for just twenty minutes and that what they were waiting. They made me unconscious and I wake up middle of the night. Around 8 Am. they made me sleepy again , and I slept until 3 pm. This is the sleeping pattern they like and they force me on holidays.

Usually after food, after hour or two, I go sleepy. I thought this was normal. However now this has stopped. This means that they have caused it some reason, or it was a side effect of some experimenting, they have stopped. My guess is that they did stop  my body natural blood-level sugar control, and that has caused sleepiness after meal. Actually very much they do somehow is connected to blood flow of my body, and they have very clever tricks to make their victim to behave a way they want. I remember once, when they did not let me sleep, they responded to me that my blood was "too good”, so they monitor somehow my sleepiness from blood. Same way all their "sticks under nails" and "restless legs" torture is done by controlling blood pressure on specific parts on body.

22.12.2004 4.27 am. Now they are doing”sticks under nails" torture for left forefinger for several hours. According to torturers this is what they are doing for prisoners of war. This is different for earlier "sticks under nails torture" now they are doing it just one finger (left forefinger) and it has continued for hours. Usually earlier "sticks under nails" was more like communicating with pain. Now it is made for rather to make life difficult and sleeping impossible. Yesterday there were not much more than verbal torture. Before that on four days on row they caused pain on right side of head around the right eye, always in the morning when I woke up. However they did not have usual Sunday morning headache on Sundays

13.12.2004 5.15 am. They started their Monday torture, which means they try to keep me tired for a whole week. I did Morse code for some songs about 2-3 hours, which they tried to stop by cutting my memory. I felt I slept about hour or so. No pains on head, but a kind of "lock" on neck, that I got partly open with Morse code (Their "secretary" went tired to Morse after me). This same happened o me about two years a go for every start of the workweek.

10.12.2004 4.40 am. They have now kept me three days with a very little sleep. This night I am not sure if I did sleep at all. They do it somehow with a blood pressure, which feels especially on neck, and with very heavy verbal manipulation

2.12.2004 7.55 pm. I have kept a kind of stainless-steel pot on my head. Without of pot they cause a kind of shrinking feeling center of the head, and dizziness. With pot they cause a heavier continuous pain center of the head. Even the pain is stronger with pot, I prefer it for dizzy feeling I get if I have not protected my head. The pain is masked like the pot cause it, but it is not true. The pot stays on head, so that the metal does not touch head center of head but rather on edges of the pot, so they do not like the pot.

21.11.04 4.45 p.m. They are doing something with my right eye, just now. Feeling is something like small pain on right eye. Thursday over a week ago (11.11.2004) morning about 5-6 am. They did something that has not happened before. They made a message without words. The content of message was that I should get up earlier, because it was raining outside (that was true, it was raining). On twenty years ago I called their machine "telepathic amplifier”. The machine was this time actually just capable to send silent voice and to listen the words that their victim pronounced in his mind. Now the machine is near "telepathic amplifier". My torturers goal is to be capable to correct "wrong" thinking; I just hope I can keep eyesight my both eyes. The hearing on other ear is partly gone.  After invention of nuclear weapons United States killed hundreds maybe thousands of own citizens, just to get the exact information how much radioactivity persons can take before he die. Persons who planned and administered the deathly experiments are not in jail like other killers in country , but are on respected positions in American society. Their victims had a hard time to explain, fellow citizens and police that doctors are killing them by radioactivity (that was true). Very similar crimes that Allied Forces hanged German scientist after Second World War. After the war they now funded their own scientist for very similar crimes. The amount of victims, suggest that there are even larger amount of scientist experimenting how to change personality and content of brain electronically. After this Thursday  (11.11.2004) the pain on right side stopped on several days (the last Sunday was exception, pain on right eye some hours)  , before it started this morning , this time not around my right eye but just  on right  eye.

8.11.2004 0.25 am. Torture on right side of the head. Usually on this week , when I woke up on the morning the right side of head around right eye is sore, but the actual thing that has caused that head is sore They did while I am unconscious. They have kept me very sleepy last week.

4.11.2004 1.30 am. I just cought out some stains of dryed black blood within my saliva. Where the blood come to my lungs and why I do not know.

31.10.2004 5.45 pm. Morning started with general headache. It slowly turned pain on right side of the head that is now continuing. On the morning reading was also different than before. The head was like too "tight" reading had to do with force. The last week they did different experiment with sleepiness. Example my favourite chair became a place I went unconscious.  On other places this did not happen. 

24.10.2004 1.00 pm. Torture started 10.30 am. as a general headache. Very soon it changed to normal above right eye ache.

23.10.2004 1.48 am. Torture around right eye.


21.10.2004 10.28 pm. I had a pain on chest on left side of body that felt especially on physical stress, when I woke up stairs etc. This lasted over a week and other torture for this time was only occasional except verbal torture that continued all the time. They did similar wound in while I was Alberta, Canada about 20 years ago, although that time I had to go to doctor. Now when the wound has healed, they started torture on right side again about hour ago and it is still continuing.


12.10 2004 9.30 pm. Pain on chest starting on afternoon.


11.10 11.45 am. The torturers said the purpose of yesterday’s torture was to shorten my lifespan. This could be just intimidation, or then it has some truth in it.


10.10.2004   4.30 pm. The torture started again. After sauna , just before I went to bed they started torture for a whole forehead and that is still continuing. Beside pain their torture is causing nausea. There is a shrinking feeling on the   whole forehead.


4.10.2004  4.10.2004 1.00 am. The collection of the torture I suffered for the last few days.:

Thursday :Torture on right side of head started 4.13 am. It ended about six am.

 Friday: torture around right eye started about five am and ended about 7 am. On Friday day there were some shooting pains around the head example 11.50 p.m. on left side of head.

Saturday: torture started 4.55 on right side of head, and it continued around 10 am.

 Sunday: there were just verbal torture and some doze off periods that they did cause; if they did something they did it while I was sleeping. I hope the torture period is  end now.

My theory how it goes is that they do something for me (torture period) -  then there is a period they examine what they caused, then again new torture period etc.

29.9.2004 5.30 am. I awoke on torture 4.30 am. Now it was again around right eye. Feeling like somebody has hit me on right eye. This is a third time in row they torture for same time.

28.9.2004 4.08 am. I awake their torture on right side of head. It is still continuing and getting more painful every day.

27.9.2004 6.50 am. I awake on torture around right eye around 5 am. It stopped after I had shower. Now it looks again they are experimenting with my right eye.

26.9. 2004 5.20 p.m.There was a kind of pause of their torture, with only verbal torture and some occasional pains somewhere on head. Now their torture is again getting heavier. Last Friday 8.30 p.m. was torture on right side of head. This same happened Saturday morning. Last night torture on right side of head that started 3.30 am.  I slept a while and when I awake torture was continuing. Just now they are doing something on left side back of head.

15.9.2004 4.15 am. They have kept me awake all night. After hour or so I have to go to work. They wanted to help me to express how it feels, how they keep me awake and not let me to sleep - so they suggested two expressions "Head full of grasshoppers" and  " head full of ants". I believe some other poor person they have tortured has actually made the expressions.  The Itching on the head that the torturers cause is really like ants walking on my scalp.

11.9. 2004 0.20 am. This torture period started Thursday 9.9 11.20 pm. Torture right side of head continued through night and for long next day. They also some how caused a whole body feeling very tired , like after a heavy physical exercise, a whole Friday day. On both Thursday and Friday, they used”restless legs" torture to get me on bed, and after I went unconscious for a few hours. Now when I awaked around midnight a torture on right side of head started, but went very mild. However right side of head feels different for coughing etc.

5.9.2004 6.33 am. Rather heavy torture on right side of head that started about 4.30 am. and it still is continuing. This has happened every day on last three days. Last Friday the torture started 5.00 am. and yesterday Saturday torture started 2.20 am. Every day this is for right side of head, very same way it was some month ago. The pain feels very much same as after somebody has hit one head with hammer.

1.9. 2004 6.44 am. The torturers have a kind of more active period. On Monday 30 August afternoon they started to torture right side of head about while I was working. This time the torture was a bit different than usual -they caused a freezing sensation; I believe that this was done by interfering blood circulation on brain. Torture continued about three hours. Yesterday they had "restless legs" torture while had evening class 6.30 p.m. Today they started usual torture the right side of head around right eye after 5 am. and it is still continuing. 

26.8.2004 7.44 p.m. The torture on the right side of the head started around 5. Pm. and is continuing nearly with couple of small pauses on hour. Last night they somehow caused a dream that was a very near of hallucination. It was not "movie”, the outcome was not programmed, and it started while I was sleeping, and it hade away when I awake. However it was not style of a dream, but rather like a hallucination. Also it did not cause headache, like after programmed "movie".

16.8.2004 3.30 a.m. Last morning I awake on torture on right side of head. The torture was like "old times" when they did not try to make it less painfully. It continued several hours.  This night I went to sleep normal way. Unfortunately I had to go to toilet in middle of the night, and they started their usual Monday morning torture, that idea is to make me tired, because they feel I am easier manipulated that way. They started your friend is our agent version 1  , I listened two or three minutes, before I started Morse code old song as a defend (this means their "secretary"  has to repeat with me di daadi daadidaa etc), so they got me so much awake I did not get sleep at all. Usually their stories are new or old version of some basic stories. I try to collect them one by one and keep some diary what stories they use. This is a start; let’s see how it works out.

14.8.2004 3.00 pm. The torture on right side of head continues, but somehow different style. Every morning I wake up the right side of head feels different than the left one, so they have done something on it something while I was sleeping. The feeling usually disappears after shower and breakfast. Then there is a bit different a kind of hurting feeling  just above right eye, hat comes usually on sometime of day I have it just now and it would take hour or two to disappear. Their verbal torture, commenting nearly all of my thinking and making teasers to get me talk with them continues all the time I am awake. 

9.8. 2004 4.09 a.m. They have done different things with me than before. Mostly verbal torture, and random short shooting pains around my head , pains like one would have after staying too long on sunshine. There has been that usual torture on right side of head once or twice a week, but now they are causing less pain than before.

 I have a theory that perhaps they are experimenting with my right eye, since pains are around the eye. So that far, I have lost part of hearing on my right ear, but the left one is normal. If they manage to damage my right eye, I still have my left eye left. I just hope they do not continue to make  their breaking test on my right kidney etc.

This night 2.34 a.m. mild torture on right side of head. On the same time restless legs torture on left leg. Later on I got a sleep and had nightmare, I am not sure if it was artificial or not. It was very similar that my experiences on Edmonton Alberta on 1976 or so, and I was very happy it was all just a dream now.

21.7 2004 10.20 p.m. Short shooting  pain this time left side front of the head random-time, about one every 5-10 minutes. One cut lasts about second or two.

17.7.2004 6.50 p.m. The torture of right side of head stopped abruptly 11.7. After that there were mostly occasional needle like pains left side and back of the head, and normal verbal torture, but not torture on right side front of head. Today around 1.30 p.m. the torture of right side front of head started again - and it is still continuing. The actual pain is not now very great , but it can very efficiently disturb  all my activities and thinking processes.

11.7. 2004 10.24 am. Torture started on right side of front of head about 9.45, and it is still continuing. Yesterday their response, from my writing was very army style. Torture became a kind of pulsed of random intervals varying from some  seconds to over minute. After couple of hours it became normal continuing pain. Torture continued about two times of what it normally takes. So they are not very afraid to continue torture even if in theory everybody who reads this diary knows when they are causing pain.

10.7. 2004 1.45 p.m. Torture started at 1.11 p.m. yesterday sending my diary (while torture was continuing ) to internet, stop the torture after ten minutes or so. I test , if this does the same. If it works , I have really invented something useful.

9.7. 2004 9.06 p.m. Afternoon torture on right side front of head started 7.15 p.m. , and it is still continuing very heavy. Is this the swing I told  (diary 31,1, 2004) torture some hours twice a day, that comes gradually heavier and heavier ?

9.7.2004 5.35 a.m. The torture on right side of head started 1.50 a.m. , and is still continuing.

8.7. 2004 6.41 a.m. Yesterday torture started while I Had lunchtime 12.45, and it lasted about three or four hours. Today it started when I awake about 6 a.m. and is still continuing.  

6.7.  2004.  9.10 p.m. This morning torture on right side of head started while I was working about 9.30 a. m. and continued couple of hours. In the evening torture continued on same place 9.05 p.m. and is still continuing.

5.7. 2004 11.30 p.m. On the morning 7.30 a.m. when I was on the way to work , they started to torture their usual place right side front of head. The torture continued the whole time  from home to work. Even after three hours 10.30 the right side hurt  while laughing or coughing. The feeling was same like after I had hit my fingers on hammer. Apparently they have equipment to rupture small blood vessels, or to stop the blood so that clotting of blood cause the rupture. "Stick under nails" torture and "restless legs" torture also prove that they can control the blood flow on the part of body they want to cause harm. Other things they can do is to read victim thinking if it is vocalized. They have also machine that destroys (permanently ? ) victim ability to read without vocalizing words. Finally the most dangerous thing, they can interrupt the victim vocalized thinking and sometimes manipulate it. Victim will accept manipulators  (secretary)  silent voice as his own thinking. This joined to manipulation of memory, ( that probably happen simply by interrupting blood flow on brains) and vocabulary makes the machine very dangerous. Victim could be unable to vocalize his own thoughts, so he has to accept the translation of his thoughts that "secretary" serves for him.

4.7. 2004 1.50 p.m. They torture on right side front  of head, just side of right eye. 

4.7. 2004  5. 10  a.m Yesterday night I had "Sticks under nails torture" they also did try not to let me sleep, I got sleet around 6 am. Now they have "restless legs torture"  on left leg. Probably to produce this they have burninglike pain on right side back of the head near neck. This burninglike pain on back of head ,could be also their way to not let me sleep.

2.7. 2004 Looks like torture is starting again. Pain on right side front of the head started about 7.04 p.m. yesterday. It went harder hour later. Now on 4.06 a.m. it is still continuing. There was some days that there were not much more than verbal torture, not even on Sunday morning headache, in spite of  I went sauna on last Saturday. The pain now is above the right eye, and I have feeling like after I had hit my eye on something.

19.6 2004  1.39 p.m. They are causing pointing pain on right side of head. It is very difficult to be happy because they are causing one or other like of pain or verbally torturing nearly all the time I am awake.

18.6.2004  5.55 am. When I woke up my right side of head was hurting.

17.6 .2004  2.22 a.m. They torture on right side of head.

15. June 2004. 11.20 p.m. They are causing pain just above the right eye just now. My right eye feels dead.

14. June 2004. 6.09 a.m. I went awake 3.45 a.m. They were causing this usual pain on right side of the head. The head is sore on right side now.

13. June 2004. 7.19 a.m.  I have usually Saturdays after Sauna a headache on front of my head. This Saturday I was too tired to go to Sauna. Still I had the headache. So I found that this is caused by those people who torture me. They have caused a lot of similar pains that looks like ordinary pains, but are caused artificially. 6. 20 Headache changed ordinary pain on right side of head not as heavy as day before, when I woke up middle of night feeling that my right side of head was cut open.


10. June 2004. 10.50 p.m. Heavy torture on right side of the head since 8.00 p.m.

9. June 2004. 6.00 am. Torture on right side of head.

7. June 2004 0.03 am. Yesterday not so heavy, but continuing pain on right side of head. Today some needle like short pains. Back of head. I corrected 23.5.2004 notes, to make them more easily to understand. I had forgotten some words on my sentences, also much of dates I told old torture look confusing. I was under heavy pressure these days.

27.5-04  2.40 a.m. .Heavy torture on right side front of the head, just now.

25.5.-04 6.53 am. Torture on right side of head started when I woke up 6.10, and continue heavy.

25.5.-04 1.00 a.m. paralyzing torture yesterday 24.5 6.05-7 p.m. on right side. Other side of face felt different than other. Pain and feeling like somebody is pressing or freezing right side of head. I was in night school and miss most of the lecture. 

23.5.2004 0.15 am. They have started their daily torture, that looks like is getting heavier all the time. Just now they are torturing on their usual place right side front of head   where (Rauni Gilde) the implant is.(17.5.2004) They did not let me sleep more than two hours. I thought it was their usual”start of the week torture" to get me sleepy. However on next night I felt they tried to murder me. While I was asleep they cause me to vomit. Usually I would have waked up. However this time they paralyzed me somehow (similarly as their "helicopter experiment" 23. June 2003). So I breath much what my stomach had into my lungs. I cough up sausages and other stuff from lungs rest of the night. If they have succeeded to kill me it would have look like an ordinary death. I would have thought, everything was normal, without their hypnotizing paralyzing story that kept me not to wake up while I was breathing my vomit. After this night torture started again usual right side 19.5.2004 7.44 pm. Torture on right side. (20.5.2004) 11.15 pm. Torture on right side near right eye. (21.5.2004) 6.23 pm. torture on right side of head. These are just examples I have made a note. Does this mean, they tried to kill me, and because they did not succeed they made decision to use me for experimenting again? I do not know. Another possible cause for   their attempted murder is that I am planning a web page that explains for what I feel is their most dangerous manipulation technique "whispering technique". I will explain what they do, and I have also some Ideas how it is done. I have already got a web-source for "silent voice". I still have to get source of experiment I read from some magazine long time ago. On this story person that was victim of lobotomy was watching on his other eye on picture. Because of lobotomy brain halves did not communicated, he was not able to communicate what he was seeing on his other eye. I myself also have speculated possibility that the implant is put on place side of the other eye; similarly as doctors have done lobotomy from side of eye without damaging eye. For average people my explanation what is whispering technique is too "Far out", but there is a minority of people that do not judge  possibility of phenomena how far it is their  everyday world ,or what they would get from television, but  rather try find out if the phenomena is logically sound.  

1 May 2004 7.37 p.m. I have some holidays. So my perpetrators have started heavier than usual torture. Last night about2. A.m. they started to torture right side front of head - where according Dr.  Rauni Gilde article, the implant is -. It was like turning rusty screw to the head. Now the torture started again, this time whole forehead. Before that there were many similar, although not so long lasting torture . 28.4  1.10 am they cause general headache. Next day 29.4 Torture of the right side of head, started 6.57 p.m. Yesterday it started 2.37 p.m.

 I heard from radio president Bush judge US. Army torture of Iraq prisoner distasteful and criminal. The torture came public from pictures, one guard took. I wish the photography for our torture would be possible. Perhaps then President Bush could not close his mind from pain of victims of his administration.

15. April 11.37 p.m. On Eastern I met a fellow victim of mind-manipulation. He is an English teacher who lives in Helsinki. He told me how he has defended himself, and gave me valuable links for information about mind-control. I appreciate especially Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Rauni Gilde article Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics.  It has a good list of sources , I have to read.

 My torturers did not like for victims meet and talk to each other their experiences. They started again to cause pain on front, right side of head; the torture started yesterday on Wednesday about 10 p.m. and lasted through the night 5 a.m. I was still able to sleep some time. For daytime afternoon, on work they made "restless legs" type torture and pain on right side of head started again on 9.56 p.m.

25.3.2004 11.25 p.m. Again they are causing pain just above right eye.

22. March 11.25 p.m. After a nearly month more peaceful time, that means that my torturers have mostly used just verbal torture. they have started to cause pain again. Now they have started to cause pain on old place front right side of head, nearly right eye.

22. February 2004 3.50 p.m. It looks like there is a pattern of my torture. The torture was worsening day to day, after there is a pause of some day’s even weeks and then the torture starts again. Maybe that is the swing. I had a flue in last week. Last Wednesday I had food-poisoning (I believe the cause was kali-virus that was spreading here this time). However the way torturers interfered for the food poisoning was worth mentioning. Half past three pm. at work I had continuing uneasy feeling. I thought that torturers cause it, and I put my earphones on and started to chew chewing- gum as I now it sometimes easy the pain. On the moment I put earphones on my head, I nearly lost my balance, computer monitor and table on vision moved much smaller than usually. I went crawling to toilet, and vomit all the food I had. After that the feeling was normal, except flu I had before. My interpretation of this is that my torturers disrupt my body signals to vomiting and continuing food-poisoning. Just putting on headphones cut the controlling of signals for time that my natural feeling was able to take control and I started to vomit. 

Friday they had much "sticks under nails" and ”restless legs" type torture. Saturday they make my head right side around the eye, very sore, and this they are continuing today. After all they keep me very tired; the idea is to have me passive. I had piece of  a diary of  anonymous  mind-control victim. I hope I had his name. We are in same situation as Nazi-Germany pensioners, when they tried to explain doctors are killing them. To make sure that the truth stay hidden police did not arrange any rational and wide enough investigation. The police now behave exactly same way. Oh course the professional ethics of some medical professional is same level as Nazi Germany massmurders had .

31.1.2004 7.50 pm. Morning they started torture. The pain is pointing on the right side of head. The pain continued whole day, and had grown more painful on the evening. The other scaring word that I have found in torturers speech is swing. The story about swing they have told me is this:  In Far-East is a custom way to execute people. They tie the person on hammock that is high on tree. On the ground under the hammock they put sharp bamboo-sticks, so that when person drops he is killed by sticks. Side of the rope that tie the hammock on the tree foot of the hammock, they put candle that is so long that it is above the rope. They light the candle. When the candle burns shorter, it will eventually burn the rope, so that person will drop down and the bamboo sticks on the ground go through him.  The more person swings on his hammock, that faster the rope will burn, and he will die. Still most people try to escape by swinging their hammock so much they can on hope that they would drop outside of the bamboo sticks. 

How they will make this work electrically, or what the story means, for my case I do not know, but I am afraid. Maybe that is what they want for me.

21.1.2004 11.50 pm. Yesterday torture lasted several hours. They have a name for this type of torture "Electric chair". It is like electric-chair, only differences that electric-chair for execution use more power and kills without pain. This one they had, use less power and cause much pain but does not kill. The other difference is that they put victim to suffer this electrocuting for several hours for time.

20.1.2004 9.30 pm. The torture started about same time as heavy torture for yesterday around 9.20. Pm. They torture same place right side of head. They really do something, not just make pain. This morning, when coughing, the right side of the head felt sore. I was able to sleep some time yesterday, so I am not so tired now.

19.1.2004. 9.17 pm.  Maybe heaviest torture for  a year or, two just now . They cause pain right side of head.Torture is  their way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day.

19.1.2004 5.30 am. Their usual Monday torture, now a little harder than usually. I did not sleep at all. Three a.m.  they started to cause pain right side of head. It was like puncture of dull pig needle. It still hurts. I got the feeling this is machine that has schedule, and they use the same machine to torture many people. After torture they talk their usual way to get me afraid. They said that this will continue so long I am useful, and after they will arrange me a heart attack (this said with manipulation of may heart).

18.1.2004 3.00 a.m. Last Thursday about 3.30 p.m. they got me unconscious while I was working. Unfortunately other people in room found I was asleep. Their diagnose was that I have narcolepsy. Friday 7.30 p.m.  Torturers caused pain usual place above right eye. Later 11.10 p.m. sharp burnlike pain middle of the head. Saturday 6.35 p.m. pain above right eye, again 8.20 p.m. pain on same place.

15.1.2004 1.02 a.m. While I was working they started to cause the pain above the right eye 12.07 pm and later on  starting quarter past three p.m.  They caused also a freezing feeling above the right eye. The pain continued until 6. p.m. I did some search with Google concerning Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Anna Lindh murder. I found that the possibility that killer is a victim of mind control was well represented on the discussion sites, but not on media. Words "Anna Lindh"  "mind control" gave a lot of links. But I found that no one has joined Robert Naeslund case of Swedish mind control as a evidence that suggest the killer is a mind controlled person. Google search  "Anna Lindh"  "Robert Naeslund" found no links. I feel that Robert Naeslund case of electronic mind control should get public with theory Mihailovich did  killAnna Lindh while his mind was manipulated.

13.1.2004 1.08 a.m. The work has started and so their torture. Yesterdays I did not sleep at all. This is their usual start of the week torture. Now I have not very many hours to sleep before I have to start work. They said that they have my blood-picture which they can follow how sleepy I am, and they torture accordingly. They try to keep me sleepy because of that way I am easier to manipulate. I found that Anna Lindh killer hears voices also. So there is high probability that he is also a hypnotized victim of mind-control. Next question, who is behind Mihailovich act. Two major possibilities US- or Swedish intelligence, who did not like Anna Lindh way to make foreign policy, Robert Naeslund case prove Swedish are familiar with mind control technology.  Somebody should make count how many percent of killers of public figure heard voices before year 1970 and after year 1970. This is to way to rough estimate the role of electrical mind-control for political murders.

25.12 11.21 a.m. Yesterday Christmas Eve, they caused pain about two hour intervals on right side around my right eye, and now it hurts.

21.12. 8.50 p.m. Very aggressive manipulation from them yesterday and today. Yesterday 12.21 afternoons they started pain on usual place right side of head. 3.39 p.m. the pain started on neck. 11.05 they started pain on right side again. I was visiting my friend today. Around 5 p.m. middle of my speech they started to freeze my left side of head. My thinking and speech come difficult and left side of face felt different than right side, I was not able to protect myself any way. It looks torture is their way to celebrate the Christmas. They are that brand of Christians.

15. December 2003. 4.56 am.  Their usual Monday morning torture that purpose is to get me tired rest of the week. This time it was rather unusual. When I went to sleep, they gave me two possibilities. I sleep in position they want, or they torture. They knew I do not co-operate with them so they started to torture. Before they had "restless legs" torture that was made by controlling blood flow on legs. Now they had developed similar torture for one leg. Similarly before they had some way to shake whole body. Now they had developed, to shake just legs. This was connected with "movie" that a bear was taking me on the legs. (This would be also natural dream that ended their shake ).

8. December 2003. This time they show me another orchestrated dream "movie". It was a peaceful movie about a party I was participating. After I woke up they tried to talk about a movie. After movie (or talk), left side of head felt odd different than right one.

Last day they made a very intensive verbal torture that ended their try to get my feeling "high" that ends for their typical like pulling-cap-from-head-pain and a headache. This happen on Sunday around 7. p.m. I was partly aware and disturbed their talk and maybe my shield was protecting me, they caused just kind of itching on the head.

24. November 2003 0.12 am. The torture continued same place above right eye on Friday and Saturday nights. The eye can still function normally. It was on the morning just like I had hit my head for something. On 21. November I wrote about "secretary" that feeds me with wrong words.  To clarify, the "secretary" is just another name for "interpreter" that I wrote on 10. June.

21. November. 7:40 p.m .They started to torture heavy from a long time again. Now is sharp pain just above the right eye. Before on this November their torture was mostly intensive verbal manipulation where "secretary" tried to guess most of my thinking and translate it to verbal form. Example, I found it was raining and opened my umbrella. "Secretary" translated my thinking to verbal: ”It is raining, I must open umbrella". There was also much "reading practice" where "secretary" tried to feed  me with wrong words.

3. November 2003. 4.36 am. It looks like they have got a new torturers, or old torturers have started to use new ways to torture. They have always have their start-of-the-week-night-torture which has purpose to get me tired, that I am easier to manipulate or "show easier" as they say it. On the weekend they have less possibility to control sleep, because it is difficult to stop me to sleep once I have got sleep. Weekdays I have to go to work on time. So they want but me on tired condition on Sunday night. Usually they let me sleep for some time still also Sundays. Now it looks like it has changed for worse. They use every possibility to stop my sleep and not let me sleep again. Their ways to do it range for verbal torture to pains on the legs, which they apparently do by controlling blood flow. This worsening of night torture has happened sometimes also before. Difference is that now it has worsened by intensity rather than brute force and brutality. Anyway the end it much same, I am very tired.

29. September 9.28 pm. They have started making pain again. This is a fourth day in a row. Now they are causing pain on  right side of head, just above eye. The time they are causing pain has chanced for day to other. Middle of the day, just in the morning when I have waked up, or middle of the night.  I speculate that possibly reason that they started to cause pain is that I wrote another victim Eleanor ( Raven1) and join the cause of torturers smoothing behaviour for this diary.

16. September. 10.30 pm. causing physical pain has mostly ended, but verbal torture and manipulation of brain continue. I feel it occasional "freezing" feeling of other side of head, or other side of head is different than other or swelling feeling on face etc. I am not sure if this is the start for the better or start for the end. I have a feeling , that they are planning something.

21. August 7.55 pm.  Yesterday they started to torture while I was working right side of head 6.55 pm, and it lasted over hour. Today they started 5.15 and are still torturing. The filings are like they have hit me  with small hammer to head and caused the small blood vessel for rupturing. I also found that the torture causes that I am very sensitive for all voices and movements etc. Some help for torture one can get by chewing chewing-gum, and  morse code and moving the head. chewing is painful for start but helps pain after a while.Some times I think that the torture is just to lower my resistance for verbal manipulation. I remember times while I stopped to respond their manipulation. They caused headache and nausea  that larger, so I had to start co-operate for some meaning with them. Co-operating with them does not mean they stop torture, but not any co-operating means they cause pain that much , that one has to co-operate


20. August 0.29 am. There was a long time while torture was mainly verbal, but now the torture with pain has come back. They started torturing on right side of head  this late afternoon. Maybe torturers were on vacations, and have now came back

23. July. 5.59 am. They have made the hurting spot right side of head  every night since 20. July. They start about 3 am. and finish when I woke up.

20. July  12.30 afternoon. Last night they got me so sleepy I did not time to protect my head before going to sleep. So I got my usual wound like pain on right side, Unusual was that I also felt like my head is shrinking, while I woke up about 3 am.  They have got me unconscious very fast several times.  On Friday I fell asleep for some moments while my dentist was operating on my tooth.

6.July 10.40 pm. Last night they tortured old place right side of head. I do knot know if they made my left side hurting, or did it happen naturally, anyway I had to turn my side, and right side of head went up, where it is easier to manipulate. I read  mindcontrol victims mailing list (, and found from others victims letters  that form of manipulation - voice, that was made to sound like someone  known friends  voice,  - that some victims experienced - was stopped from me (actually, it stopped from first year of torture 25 or so years ago). Instead the other form manipulation - making unfinished sentences and waiting victim to finish the sentence in his words -  happen to me also now, but not very often, because I have used to not answer torturers questions, not even by thinking, - that is the line I try to keep, but not always succeed.

4. July 6.42 am. In the morning they started to torture, hurting spot again right side old place. Some nights before they tortured many night a row    a bit lower just side of the right eye. I have found that the hurting spot is feeling when they use verbal torture. They kind of need this spot to make verbal communication work.  Similarly spot feels pain, while I am coughing for some reason. The helicopter torture did not go inside side of head, but from neck. I cannot remember, how was it from earlier movies.

1. July 5.01 am. Now they have started to torture ju side of  right eye. The hurting spot is just side of the right eye. I have not found any effect of eyesight yet, but moving right eyelid is a bit painful.

23. June 12.19 am. They showed me one of their "movies". This one had a kind of practical use. The movie was about that  a military helicopter is above ready to shoot me, and I have to stay still. Most of it was made from acoustical effects, but I kind of felt there was a helicopter. I know from earlier experiences, that if victim can move his head, the magic fades away. Now they either paralysed me from neck, or I was too much in sleep to understand to move my head. My neck was feeling pains from several hours after, not very pleasant feeling. I think, in real situation they would keep mindcontrol-victim paralysed from some minutes by this "movie" and making the neck paralysed, while they attack into building etc.

10. June 11.03 pm. They have continued to make painful spot about same place above right  eye, yesterday evening while I was going to home from work, and just now. It is someway important for their verbal torture, I can resist the pain by making Morse-code on songs or poems I know (this means they have to repeat my Morse code to keep my thinking go through "interpreter" - this is very hard and boring for them, usually they try to get conversation or if they do not succeed on this they put me unconscious and sleep. This "burning the hole on head" as they call it has happened now one or twice time for day, before it happened about once a week or every other week. Verbal torture is now less than before, while it was heavy and continuing.


9. June 5.58 am. Night between Saturday and Sunday and on last night they made a small painful spot on about 5 cm.  above right eye. This caused strong headache especially on Sunday morning.

14. May 10.20 pm. They started to torture me right side front of head, morning after 10 am. while I was unable to protect myself .. Torture continued on afternoon. Feeling now is, like somebody has hit my head on hammer. My right side went diffrerent than left, and I was unable to smile. Also my reading changed temporary, I had to kind of press the word on my head , to be able to understand reading.Now they are threading me every mention you will get paid (I guess this mean I have to pay someway for every mention)

5. May 11.07 pm. Torturers correction on my diary on four May. They work on four shifts. The voice is someway made sounding same, but especially before I would find different persons from way they spoke, and words they used.  Example "man of extreme" used words anyone, everybody, whole country etc. Now they have corrected their language, and speak very neutral Finnish.

4. May 7.07 pm. Last night they shoot about same place above right eye about four o clock am. In the morning I did not find anything that different my right face than left face. I have a theory that the torturers work on three shifts, and the night shift has this time a project to change or weaken "religious thinking" (Would be something they try change Islamist fundamentalist thinking this time). So they have Idea that some type of thinking comes from some part of brain (or they have  measured it from brain activity), and by making this part of brain non-functional, also unwanted "Anti-American" or "fundamentalist"  thinking stops or weakens. They do try my brain, and if they succeed, they measure the change of thinking and the possible side effects. If they succeed to change  part of my thinking and keep me other way functional - many Taliban or other prisoner in American concentration camps  who has "Anti-American" thinking will just feel some headache some night, and loose a big part of his interest in religion (or some other things or capabilities, what ever his torture group wants). He probably will never know something is destroyed from his brain while he was prisoner.

3. May 10.48 am. They hit again, on same place of right side. Now right side of face feels a little different than left side. I hope it is temporary. According them the plan was to change my religious belief. As far as I know their code language, it means political belief.  While they tortured me I put my hands on the hurting point on my head. I felt heart beating on my head similarly as I would feel it on wrist. So the torture may again have something to do with blood flow, similarly as their other tricks of torture "restless legs" and "sticks under nails". It could be that the pressure of blood on right of the head -   that they caused someway - made some minor damage.

2. May 9.30 am. I was right, that they were planning a massive torture for my holidays. The torture was last night much worse than a day earlier. Now I feel like somebody has hit me by sharp object on right side to my head. Especially when I cough, I feel a pain on head.

1. May 2003 6.59 am.  When I woke up on night to go to toalet, I found they had made a hurting spot right side front of my head. In the night when I started to sleep, they made other spot just above right eye. They caused also horrible general headache when I woke up on night. I did try to protect, by putting a piece of stainless-steel alloy sheet metal above the hurting spot. It usually helps by making the spot less sharp and less hurting; usually they change the place of spot after this. In their language they speak "burning holes on head". I have speculated that they need the "holes" for further manipulation of my brains. Question remains why usually just right side of my head. Anyway they know I have a week and half for vacation, and it looks like they are planning for heavier torture.

20. April 2003 11.40 am. They caused over the head strong headache and nausea, which appeared right after I took my head shield off, to go out.

10.April 2003. 7.17 am. Middle of the night they started to torture one sharp point, just above the right eye. Their explanation for reason of torture: "I have never done this thing before, and I wanted to practice this thing.".

5. April 8.46 pm. Sharp short time pains on head. They threaten to "take my front teeth out". This is their usual  "code speak". The Idea is to get me try find out what is the real meaning of their threat. Questions and answers give their opportunity for brain research and manipulation, which they are actually seeking. It would end for a great headache caused by their manipulation. It takes long time before victim find that pain and fuzzy feeling come after his interest of what is the real meaning of saying "take the front teeth out someone mouth" or  example real meaning of saying "we give you a raise for your pay" etc. of their "code speak".

25. February 2003 5.43 am. Very heavy pain . Hurting spot again right  side of head, but a little higher than yesterday. I wonder why just right side of head. Maybe it has something to do with my tinning right ear, but I do not know has torture caused tinning or tinning has caused them to torture right side. I have a feeling that the hearing on right ear has also impaired.

24. February 2003 6.18 am. Night they made a hurting spot right side  of head. Very low, about level of eye. They also put me to see, a kind of their made dream (they call them movies) after movie I was still tired, that what make synthetic dream different from natural dreaming while asleep. Anyway I do not remember very much of it. Not more than un ordinary dream.

6. February 2003. 9.44 pm. They tried to get me unconscious at work. I felt like shrinking pain forehead, and I nearly went to unconscious sleep. This happen several times about 3 to 5 pm.  They have sometimes done same, but never for this intensity, like heavy flash electric shock on my forehead. After I felt a small headache. They called this "Sevillan barber" that cut some hair on my head. This is their symbolic language they use. I guess the idea was to get my afraid that I lost some brain functionality. This is just example of their way how they connect actual torture for verbal torture.

3 February 2003. 5.45 am. Sharp pain one specific point right side of  my head and verbal torture. This is their normal after weekend torture where they get me very tired condition. I slept just two or three hours.

21 january 2003 5.45 am. Sharp pain right side of my head whole yesterday day. Long time pain in my right ear.     The balance problem I experienced 13. January was temporary, but troubles in my right ear continue.

13. January 2003 7.15 am. When I woke up I found difficulties to stand and walk. They did something my ability to keep my balance while walking. In the neck uneasy feeling.

6. December 2002. Finnish Independence Day. Yesterday got "sticks under nails", and night they kept me awake by verbal torture. I have got no idea, what is the function of "sticks under nails torture", but I have found that they do not like certain tasks, and start torture if I perform them.

People often ask me to explain how this "brain transmitter" is technically possible. I feel that is just  same , as to ask victims of Hiroshima, how the nuclear weapons are build. We are just victims of scientist, not scientist
 However many of the victims of mind control have made the opinion, how the torture weapons are build. So I give my own guess too.
 I have opinion that victims have implant. The easiest place is canal between ears and nose, or teeth , but it could be somewhere else too. The implants do not necessary have any metal parts, so
they are difficult to find in  any x-ray picture. There could be a some sort of power generator, but I believe they are passive transmitters similar of transponders or "smart tags" (rfid) .
 The type of transmission is most likely UWB (Ultra Wide Band). That gives several advantages. First, the transmission could be even
hundredths times weaker that ordinary. Second, it is very difficult to make any shield or shelter of this type of transmission. Third, they are nearly impossible to detect, if one does not know algorithm this particular transmitter operate.


22. May 2002  11 pm: Now they make pain into right front side of my head just above head.It is usually most safe on my sleep. I sleep between about feet of water  in forms of plastic water bags, around my head to save it. Before the part of the head , that was left accidentally or other reason , above the water bags , was in the morning sore. Now they consentrate on the part of head that has been safe, and no other part of the  head feels the  pain.


28. June 2002 6.44 am. After my first writing on 22. may , the torture nearly stopped, but now it has started gradually increase. The night between 23 and 24 June, they wanted to get me tired so they did me  "sticks under nails" and "restless legs". The  "Sticks under nails" feels like sticks are turned under nails, I do not know how they do it.  "Restless legs”, believed for long time was natural feeling, before once they wanted to show how they could put it on and off. It is made by lowering or rising blood pressure on legs, I believe. Anyway sticks under nails and restless legs are a very efficient way to keep even tired person awake.

Now this morning they did "knife on head". It is like one has slept too long time on sun, knifelike pain- feeling. I believe  it was not mean as torture but was a side effect for something they were doing for me.

The same time their talking has increased. That means example that my reading goes with "interpreter”. I usually read kind of with my eyes, meaning I do not pronounce the words on my mind. Now they kind of make it impossible, and the reading came to my knowledge with their "interpreter" pronounce it for me (they cannot do it as well on reading from monitor as they could do on reading from paper). They also try to make all my thinking with "interpreter", and if I think something  they cannot interpreter they  interfere  by saying something that they believe that I has  emotional feeling (name of a friend for example), and same time cut my memory so I do not remember what I was thinking a second ago.

22. October 2002 2.50 am. They did several "Restless legs" type torture. Now it is pretty  clear  they do it by stopping the bloodflow. Something has gone wrong with my right ear, I hear bells kind of sounds when I step my right food or example I put shirt on etc.


7. July 2002 Torture again small area right front side of my head. They started to do it while I was sleeping, and I awake on torture. They spoke that the purpose of torture was to change my mood happier ( that could be true, or not, for past usually they have  not spoken truths). I have got  the  name for my website "". Other victims have send me thjeir torture diaries too, and I am planning to join their diaries this site .

I have speculated that the way their  speaking is constructed is similar that molar mobile in Associated Press article except that it could be anywhere in skull . However police does not feel that this is evidence to start any investigation. Even if I would record the speaking they do not consider speaking on tape recorder as evidence.


8. September 10.43 am. I got the idea , what was behind torture yesterday and 6 September, and May 22. The idea of them is simple to get the area sore , so I wold not sleep my usual way, the now sore area under my head,  and  so the area is exposed for their manipulation.

22.July 2002 11.12 PM. They have about two days caused pain  right side of my skull about two inches from eye. It feels sore also if I cough. It is difficult because in work I cannot protect my head any way. They have done it before, and I believe the purpose is to get me easier manipulated. Sometimes they have spoke that particular spot as srew they would tighten or loose. Interesting that they usually manipulate just one side of skull. Maybe thay want have other side as comparation object for manipulated side.


 7. September 1.02 am. Now for a second night in row they are torturing very heavy for small area right front side of my head . The same area as 22. May.


10.August  2 pm.  Torture just above the right eye, feeling like I had hit the area something hard. I feel this is very same as 22 May. Maybe there are many research groups that use same victim on their torture, and this one is concentrated are above right eye. This group does not do "coding" , that some other groups do very much. Coding means that they try to give old words new meaning, or make new words that they try to give meaning. Example they use words "long hair" to meaning high emotions. "Hair cut" is something that really cuts the emotions, and they do it for me once a while. This group use "false names" about fifty % of their speech, and use much energy to get me to understand real meaning of name without saying it. Of course they research also what I think, is the meaning I get words "haircut" or "Sweden" (Apparently means Canada) in their speech.


7. August 0.16 am. They are torturing just one point back of head. I feel they are doing this just to get me nervous and irritating me. Yesterday they used "Sticks under nails".